Star Crossed

By Chica

Published on Aug 6, 2000


DISCLAIMER: I do not, or might never know, the sexual orientation of the BSB. So anything said here is fiction and not to be taken literally.

Chapter 7- Rain, Rain, Go Away

Nick's eyes fluttered open as he greeted a new day. He stared above him to see rain pour on the glass roofing. He then realized an arm draped across him and smiled to himself. He rolled over and his eyes met Brian's. Nick cocked his head, wondering how long he'd been up. "Whatcha doing?" Nick asked groggidly. "Staring at you." Brian instantly replied, running a hand over his face. Nick melted at his touch, pulling Brian tighter around him. "How long now?" Nick asked. "I don't really know, actually." Brian said softly. "I think we should get dressed now. We have to meet the others at the studio by 12 o'clock." Nick sadly informed him. "Oh we have a little bit of time left. Besides, I was kind of hoping you'd want to..." Brian trailed off, moving his hand to Nick's side and running it over Nick's bare hip. Nick shuddered, knowing what he wanted. Nick instantly grabbed Brian, engaging in a fierce lip lock. Nick's strong arms pulled Brian on top of him. "Again?" Brian sweetly asked. "Why don't we give you a try, Thomas?" Nick asked, calling Brian by his middle name. "I don't know. You're and I'm so small....." Brian instantly lost himself in Nick's hypnotic gaze and knew he wouldn't be able to say no. "Maybe we should get ready and....oh fuck it." Brian declared, claiming Nick's lips again and rubbing his hands over Nick's bare chest. Nick groaned lightly, beginning to kiss Brian's neck. Brian positioned himself above Nick's erection, slowly lowering himself onto Nick. Brian winced in pain, but soon forgot about it when he felt Nick's arms wrap around him. Brian sank down all the way, moaning at the new set of sensations. Nick waited patiently for Brian to adjust, then he hinted his intentions by bucking his hips. Brian moaned, catching his hint. Brian started to move himself up and down, groaning loudly. Nick's head fell back onto the pillow and he closed his eyes, wanting to get lost in the sensations. "Open your eyes, love." Brian ushered gently. Nick reluctantly opened his eyes and gazed into Brian's eyes, finding it incredibly romantic as well as erotic. Loud crashes of thunder stimulated their excitement and the swift pounding of the rain seemed to match the pounding of their hearts, creating a moment in both their lives they couldn't forget if they tried. What seemed like a blissful eternity was merely only a few minutes as the familiar sensations intoxicated their bodies. They screamed their love, passion, and excitement as they came at the same time. Brian fell into Nick's arms in bliss, holding his love. He was falling hard for Nick. Brian couldn't think of one thing that he didn't love about Nick. Even his inadequacies were perfect: The way he snored, the way he'd drink milk from the carton, even the way he'd burped. Brian smiled, kissing Nick lovingly on the lips. Nick returned the kiss, feeling whole for the first time in his entire life. He still couldn't believe his true love was staring him in the face this whole time. They laid there for a few minutes in each other's arms. "We really should be getting to the studio." Brian reminded Nick sadly. Nick nodded and stood up to get dressed. After a few minutes, they went downstairs hand in hand. Brian moved to one of the windows and looked at the storm. "We'd better wait for this storm to calm down. It's definitely not safe to drive in." Brian remarked. Nick looked outside too. "Oh shit! The windows are down on my Durango! I'll be back in a sec." Nick stated, kissing Brian's cheek before sprinting out the door. Brian smiled as he walked in the kitchen to make some hot cocoa. After he made some, he went into the living room to find no Nick. "Nick?" Brian called out, receiving no answer. Brian quickly panicked, looking out the window. He stared in horror as Nick's body lay on the cement. Brian ran full speed out the door to Nick's side. Nick had a deep cut on his forehead and was unconscious. Brian noticed an uprooted street sign right by him, figuring it must have been the culprit. Brian half-carried, half-dragged Nick inside the house and onto the couch. Brian frantically searched a near by closet for something to stop the bleeding. Then Brian came across a compromising item that might work. Brian pulled it out, caring for Nick more than appearance. Brian sat by Nick's side, unwrapping the maxi pad and applying it to Nick's cut. 'Well, they say they're absorbent.' Brian thought. Brian ripped a strip of cloth from his t-shirt and wrapped it around his head to keep the pad in place. Brian shivered. Then he realized that the house's heater was broken and they were both wet. Brian hastily undressed Nick, afraid he'd get even worse if his body wasn't warmed. Brian took off his own clothes and retrieved a blanket from the closet. Brian slid under the covers next to Nick trying to warm his frigid body. 'Please wake up' Brian pleaded silently.

"Oooohhh. My head." Nick groaned as he awakened. Brian immediately checked Nick's head, trying to find any more damage. "What happened?" Nick asked quietly. "You went outside in the hurricane to roll up the windows of your car when I think a road sign hit your head. Are you OK.?" Brian asked, checking Nick's head again. "Yeah. It hurts.....wait a second." Nick felt his forehead tenderly. "Please tell me I don't have a pad stuck to my head." Nick groaned. "Fine, you don't have a pad stuck to your head." Brian joked. "Funny. Mr. weren't trying to put the moves on me while I was lying here helpless, were you?" Nick asked, shocked. " never know." Brian seductively said, kissing Nick lightly on the lips. "Well, if that's the case, you can do it any......" "THERE Y'ALL ARE!!!" A loud voice yelled. Nick and Brian's heads spun around to see Kevin standing at the doorway. AJ and Howie followed Kevin inside. "We were so worried about you guys! We were fixing to call the police when Howie found this address on Nick's desk....oh my god. Is that a pad on your head?!" AJ asked, starting to laugh. Nick groaned, shooting Brian an evil glance. Brian secretly hoped none of the guy's noticed they were naked under the covers. "Why are y'all laying naked together?" Kevin asked. So much for that. "Ummm....." Nick started. Howie and AJ stared at them with blank expressions, waiting for an answer. "We.....we....we're......together." Brian stated, preparing for the lectures and yelling. "Oh....o.k." Kevin stated, sitting down on an empty chair. Nick and Brian stared at him in disbelief. "Is that it?" Nick asked, shocked. "Oh, and, congrats." Howie added, picking up a book. "Y'all are o.k. with this?" Brian asked cautiously. "Oh hell yeah. I hated LeighAnne." AJ stated bluntly. "You did?" Brian asked. "We all did. We hoped you'd dump her ass. We even hoped y'all two would get together." Kevin stated as if it were nothing. Nick and Brian shook their heads and shrugged. Why argue? "So, which one of you wears the pants in the relationship?" AJ asked jokingly. "Well, obviously it's me because SOME BLONDE guys can't walk outside without getting whacked in the head by street signs, now can they?" Brian said matter-of-factly, getting a hit from Nick. "Lovers quarrel, lovers quarrel!" Howie yelled. Nick threw a pillow at him. "O.K, no more pillows. We have overused that method of fighting. Now it's pistachios." Kevin stated, picking up a handful of pistachios from a bowl on the coffee table and throwing them at Howie. Everyone grabbed a handful and threw them at each other. "Well, I'd love to sit around all day and chat, but we have work to do. The two blondes of the group shall get dressed, our pony-tailed friend will pick up this mess because he started it, and our 'rebel' will drive us to the hospital to get Miss. Carter's head looked at." Kevin stated.

A couple of hours later, they had made it back to their hotel rooms. Howie and AJ sat on the couch fighting over the remote, Nick and Brian sat together holding hands, and Kevin tried to stop AJ and Howie's bickering. Just then the doorbell rang. "I'LL GET IT!!" Nick and Brian yelled, racing to the door. They fell on the floor, punching and hitting. Kevin stepped over them and answered the door. "Message for the Backstreet boys." The bell hop stated, handing Kevin a letter. Kevin thanked him and picked up the feuding lovers. AJ and Howie had walked over to him. All the BSB stood in a circle, waiting for Kevin to read the letter. Kevin opened the envelope and read what was on a single piece of paper:

Our sources have informed us of the relationship of Nick Carter and Brian Littrell. As members of a high religious order and full believers of God's will, we ask you to stop this sinful relationship right this very moment, or we will stop it for you. This is not a prank. We are very serious and if you do not take us seriously you will pay the price. We know everything about all of you and are watching you every step you make. Lead not into temptation but deliver yourselves from sin and the fires of an eternal damnation. -Anonymous

Kevin crumpled the piece of paper in his hands as the others were overcome with silence. "What kind of sickos can call themselves believers in God if they kill others? Isn't one of the 10 commandments 'thou shalt not kill'?" AJ asked sternly. "I think they're serious. What do are we going to do?" Nick asked, holding onto Brian. "We need help. We have to inform our management of all this, and telling both of your families is helpful." Kevin stated slowly. "We have to do something. Let's go to Kentucky tomorrow and tell my parents. I think Nick's parents are there too for my, well, wedding." Brian stated softly. "Are y'all O.K?" Howie asked in a concerned voice. "I will when we catch these bastards." Nick muttered. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ That's it! Stay tuned for the last chapters!

Next: Chapter 9

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