Star Crossed

By Chica

Published on Jul 22, 2000


DIACLAIMER: I don't know if the any of the BSB are gay. Big shocker there!

Chapter 6

Nick stepped out of the hot shower and walked to his bed where his fresh clothes lay, ready to wear. Nick pulled on each article on the bed, checking for any big wrinkles or off smells. He nervously glanced at the alarm clock on the dresser. Finally, it read 8:30. He walked to his dresser, picked up a comb, and combed his short, wet hair. After a few strokes, he put the comb down and squirted himself once with some cologne. Nick never wore cologne unless he either had to or if it was for something extremely important. And this was.

After one final glance at the mirror, he grabbed his car keys and locked his door quietly, not wanting anyone to hear him and ask a lot of questions.

"Where are you going?" Came Kevin's voice. Good ol Kevin. Always there to question your actions just when you don't want him to.

"I was just gonna go out to a club or something." Nick answered politely, surprising himself with his good acting job. Kevin stared at him quizzically, but soon stepped out of his way so he could pass. Just when Nick had made it to the elevator, another 'lovely' interruption occured.

"Hey! Nick! Yo, you wanna watch 'The Terminator?'" Howie asked, bouncing a little. Nick smiled at Howie's eagerness but shook his head 'no'.

"Booty call?" Howie asked him flatly. Nick immediately panicked and blushed deeply.

"I was just kidding, but now I know you are! Hey, use protection. Don't want no Backstreet babies or you on the news announcing you have crabs." Howie joked. The elevator rang and Nick quickly ran inside. The doors slid closed and Nick sighed deeply and waited till he got to his car to think about what he was going to do. It was all happening so fast, and so soon. In only about 24 hours he had changed so much. 'Must be a world record' Nick thought to himself. He drove past the city and was surprised to see that the street he was going down ended at the beach. The instructions that Brian gave him told him to drive down a private road about right here. Nick spotted the road and turned onto it. After a mile or so, a house began to appear. It must have been 3 stories tall! It sat right on a cliff over looking the ocean waters. Nick parked his car at the rounded driveway. Only two lights could be seen inside: the living room and the bedroom. Bedroom. Dreamy thoughts entered Nick's head at just the sight of the window. Nick gulped, checking his watch. 8:57. He sighed, stepping out of the car and walking up the stone steps to the mansion's front door. He raised his hand and knocked loudly on the door.

"Right on time." A sweet voice said through a box next to the door. Nick pressed a button to talk.

"There's always a first for everything." Nick answered, getting a giggle from Brian.

"How do I know this is Nick and not some imposter sent to rape little ol me?" Brian asked in a girly southern voice. Nick laughed, shaking his head at Brian's sense of humor.

"What's the difference? Either one of us will rape you." Nick answered seriously, a hint of lust in his voice.

"I don't know.....answer the question right and I'll let you in: Do I like red or white New England clam chowder?" Brian asked.

"Trick question: You hate New England Clam chowder." Nick answered knowingly. The door clicked and Nick was able to open it. The living room lights were turned off and Nick could hear music floating down from upstairs. He walked in the huge room, staring up the rounded staircase all the way to the top where a single ray of light emmitted from the room. Nick climbed the long staircase. After he had reached the door, he slowly pushed the door open, his mouth hung open as he stared at the room.

The room was illuminated by what seemed like 1,000 candles. Nick could hear 'Anywhere For You' fill the room with Brian's sweet voice. The ceiling was cut away over the bed and had glass there so you could see the sky. Every star shimmered that night and a full moon hung romantically in the night sky. The smell of incense rose to his nose, invigorating his senses. He looked below him to see a trail of rose petals lead up to the king sized bed about 20 feet from where he stood. The bed was lined with red satin sheets and there in the center of this work of art lay Brian.

Brian wore only a thin white robe and held a single white rose in his hand. Brian stood up and almost seemed to float in Nick's eyes as he stood right in front of him. He handed Nick the rose and pulled Nick closer to him by the waist. Nick placed the rose on a near-by table and drew Brian in for a kiss. Brian sighed, melting in Nick's tender touch. After a long, passionate kiss, Nick withdrew and guided Brian to the bed. They fell together, staring into each other's eyes. Brian shyly reached his hands up and pulled Nick's shirt over his head, gasping at Nick's newly sculpted body. He'd have to thank Kevin for that extra time in the gym later. Brian ran his trembling hand down Nick's chest, causing Nick to moan lightly. Brian touched one of Nick's nipples, and listened to Nick draw in a sharp breath as he carressed the bud in his fingers. Brian switched to the other nipple and repeated his actions. After feeling Nick a bit more, Brian pulled Nick in for another heart-stopping kisses. After a few minutes, Brian broke the kiss, much to Nick's dismay. Nick's saddness soon melted away as Brian kissed and suckled the soft flesh of his neck, making his untouched manhood twitch in expectation.

Brian grabbed for Nick's belt, but was stopped by Nick's hand. Brian furrowed his eyebrows in question at Nick, but soon Nick started to kiss Brian, reaching for the rope that held his robe in place. Nick undid the knot quickly and stopped the kiss. He gently moved one side of the robe away, leaving Brian's smooth skin bare. Nick slowly pulled the other half away, purposefully not looking down at Brian's own manhood. Nick returned the favor, kissing Brian's defined jaw line and sucking at his neck. Brian felt himself grow harder as his exposed flesh rubbed against Nick's clothed one. Brian couldn't take it any longer and started to undo Nick's buckle. Nick didn't stop his assult on Brian as the sound of a zipper unzipping filled the now quiet room. The pants along with his boxers slid down to is ankles, and were hastily kicked off the bed by Brian, landing next to his robe.

New sensations filled them both as their naked bodies bodies lay on top of one another, making them both moan deep in their throats. Then Nick started kissing down Brian's chest, licking Brian's nipples and rolling his tongue around, tasting their saltiness.

"God Nick, ugh that feels so good." Brian said in a low husky voice. Nick raised his head, licking his lips.

"I'm not done yet." Nick purred, returning to Brian's body. Nick continued to kiss Brian's chest, dipping his tongue in Brian's navel. Brian was tickelish so he giggled a little. His giggles, however, were soon halted when he felt the tip of Nick's tongue touch the head of his hot orfice. Brian leaned his head back onto the soft pillows, closing his eyes to get lost in a world of ecstasy. Nick had never touched another man's penis, let alone put his mouth on one, but he had a good idea of what kind of things you could do to one. Nick opened his mouth, taking a bit of Brian in. He slowly went down toward the base, feeling Brian squirm underneath him. He then started to vigorosly bob his head up and down, raking his teeth up and down Brian's shaft. Brian screamed in utter pleasure, almost coming right then. He pushed Nick's head lightly, knowing if he didn't stop he would come to quickly. And he wanted this to last.

Nick raised back up, looking into Brian's eyes, silently asking him a question.

"Are you sure, Frack?" Brian asked. Nick smiled at how Brian had so lovingly said Frack and his concern over Nick. Nick nodded. Brian rolled Nick over and raised his legs to his strong shoulders. Brian looked at him one last time. Nick smiled warmly at him, easing his fear of hurting his friend, well, lover for the better word.

Brian pushed the head of his erection against Nick's tight channel, causing Nick to moan deeply. Brian slowly entered, hearing Nick gasp in pain. Brian stopped letting Nick get used to his intrustion. After he felt Nick's muscles relax, he pushed the rest of himself into Nick. After a few minutes of adjusting, Nick spoke.

"I'm ready, Frick." Nick whispered, leaning upwards to kiss him reassuringly. Brian waited till Nick stopped his kiss before he pulled out and thrust back in gently. Nick groaned, squirming underneath him. Brian soon picked up the pace, pistioning himself deep into Nick. Brian lowered his body across Nick's stimulating Nick even more. Nick's moans soon turned to screams of pleasure as the heat of the room made both of them start to sweat profusely. Nick was in heaven as he was pushed over the edge of simple pleasure and into foreign depths of passion and ecstasy. He stared at Brian's glistening face, framed by the night sky. It truly was heaven. All too soon Brian felt the familar sensations overtake him. Brian went faster than he had ever thought he could actually manage to go, but it was Nick who came first.

"I love you Brian!" Nick screamed before the most powerful orgasm he had ever had surged through his body. He rode the waves of the orgasm, cumming in between their hot bodies. Brian felt Nick's muscles contract on him and soon felt himself climax. He suddered, emptying himself deep inside Nick. After a few seconds, Brian collapsed on Nick, holding him close. Brian felt Nick's hot breath breathe heavily in his ear as his own chest heaved up and down from fatigue. Just before sleep overtook Brian, he managed to whisper, "I love you Nick before drifting off to a for once dreamless sleep.

Next: Chapter 8

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