Star Crossed

By Chica

Published on Jul 19, 2000


DISCLAIMER: (Don't you just hate these?) I do not know the sexual orientation of ANY of the Backstreet boys. I've never even met the guys for pete's sake.

REMEMBER: Me and my web bud Colleen are writing a joint story called 'Say My Name'. Check out her web site at My site is it's the bomb diggety, sort of.

Chapter 5-Kiss Me I'm Blonde

"I'll be right back, AJ." Colleen told AJ, going off to her tent. 'Finally' AJ thought, 'we're alone together.' AJ scrambled around a bit, trying to fix his hair and smelling his breath. Then he heard a rustle come from the bushes. AJ froze, contemplating seeing what was there. Another rustle made AJ even more nervous. He cautiously rose to his feet, inching over to the bushes.

"WASSUP?!" Howie yelled. AJ fell on his butt, holding his heart. AJ slowly regained his composure and glared at the laughing man.

"You could have given me a heart attack!" AJ yelled, getting back on his feet.

"Sorry! I was just wondering if you wanted to talk." Howie asked nicely.

"No, I don't want to talk!" AJ irritably told Howie.

"What crawled up your bony ass and died?" Howie asked jokingly.

"Would you fuck off?!" AJ said even more annoyed at the intrusion. AJ spotted Colleen leave her tent.

"Howie, go take a piss or something." AJ ordered.

"What, right here?!" Howie asked heatedly. AJ glared at him.

"I was just checking. You're being so bossy!" Howie said, turning around and walking away. As he passed Colleen, he stopped and announced dejectedly, "I HAVE to go to the bathroom!", emphasizing the have. Colleen smiled as he stomped away. She sat next to AJ and began lotioning her legs. AJ stared at her long, silky legs longingly. 'Well, she knows how to reel me in.' AJ thought to himself hopefully. AJ felt something run up his legs. He jumped, nearly falling over. He looked to see what it was and nearly died of embarrassment as it was only a squirrel. AJ sat down. The squirrel climbed up to his lap and made a squeaking sound. AJ petted the squirrel. The squirrel sat in his lap and enjoyed the attention. Colleen laughed at his new admirer.

"Looks like you've got a new pet. What'll you name him?" Colleen asked, hiding a HUGE smile.

"Little J!" AJ announced.

"Why don't you just call him mini-j like in Austin Powers? Y'all two look alike." Colleen joked, laughing when he gave her a hurt expression.

"I like to be original." AJ stated, putting his new friend down. Little J wrapped himself around AJ's feet.

"So, AJ, I was wondering if you have any family?" Colleen half-asked, half-stated.

"Just me and my mom. Our theme song is 'Just the Two of Us'" AJ joked, causing Colleen to smile.

"She must be a nice woman to let you hump stages." Colleen interjected. AJ looked away, blushing.

"Don't worry, I won't tell anyone you did it. It's just between me, you, and the 10 million fans who were at the concert or played it at home on their VCR's." Colleen joked. AJ smiled.

"So how about you, any family?" AJ asked.

"Both parents and a dog." Colleen stated.

"They must be cool parents to raise such a smart and very beautiful daughter." AJ said, lightly brushing his hand on her hair. It was her turn to blush.

"My mom's cool. My dad thinks I'm the next enemy of the state. All because I stay out late sometimes and run away for a couple of days. I don't skip school, I don't smoke or drink, I just have this problem of staying in his 'prison'. He's not that strict though." Colleen said to him. AJ listened closely, drinking in every syllable that came from her mouth. Out of nowhere, a bright light filled the night and a clear, loud booming voice rushed over them.

"STEP AWAY FROM THE GIRL!!" AJ looked up to see a middle-aged man yelling at the two of them.

"DAD!! I'm having fun!" Colleen yelled back. The man stepped down from a rope ladder and approached his daughter angrily.

"FUN?! FUN?! Is your idea of fun running 2,000 miles away from home for over a week, not telling us where you are, and getting pregnated by some piece of trailer trash?!" The man yelled, pointing at AJ.

"He is not trailer trash, dad. He's a Backstreet boy." Colleen explained to her enraged father.

"Now he's a faggot?! Get in the helicopter, now! And get your other friends." The man walked away. Colleen kissed AJ's cheek and walked away.

AJ gingerly put a hand to his cheek, melting. He watched as the helicopter pulled away. Then suddenly he heard a shriek break through the quiet night. AJ instinctually ran to the tents. Another scream ripped through the air. AJ followed the sound and realized it had come from Brian's tent. AJ unzipped the tent and came in. Brian was thrashing around wildly, beads of sweat pouring from his body. AJ was about to yell for the others when Brian started to scream words.

"DON'T KILL HIM! KILL ME! OH GOD NO!! NO!!! DON'T TAKE HIM AWAY!! HE'S ALL I EVER HAD! I need him...." Brian started to calm down, crying more than screaming, and shaking really bad. AJ looked at him and saw he was still asleep. AJ shook him, trying to get him to wake up. The other three, not knowing if someone was getting killed or dyeing, rushed in the tent. Everyone huddled around Brian, trying to get him to come to. Brian kept whispering and talking like mad.

"'t kill him....kill me....he doesn't deserve it...." Finally, after Kevin had violently shook him, Brian's eyes fluttered open. His vision was blurry so he reached for the closest thing to him, which happened to be Nick. Nick held his crying friend, unsure of how to ask him what was wrong.

"What's wrong?" Howie asked Brian before Nick did.

"They were going to kill him...." "Who's they?" "Who's him?" "kill?...." Everyone asked questions.

"Hold on, let him explain." Nick calmly reasoned.

"What was the dream about, Frick?" Nick asked sweetly.

"I was in an old house...really old, and big...a mansion....anyways, I was up by myself...all of a sudden I heard a gunshot come from heart started racing as I was trying to get to love.....I don't know who, but I just knew I had to help them...I went into the bedroom, and laying on the bed was....was...I can't remember now! I knew who it was when I had it, but I can't remember now....They were lying there, bleeding from their chest. I kept crying and begging God to save them. Then they just gave up and died. All I could feel was....emptiness. I couldn't live without them.....I saw a gun. I picked it up and then I woke up....Oh god I'm so scared....." Brian cried out, hugging Nick tighter, feeling safe all of a sudden. Brian's tears soon subsided as he concentrated on Nick's heartbeat. His shirt was off and Brian felt him slight muscular definition on his exposed skin. He sighed, smelling the smell of Nick's cologne. Such a manly smell, it fit Nick just right.

Kevin, meanwhile, sat back looking at the scene. Moonlight poured through the tent flap and illuminated Nick and Brian's bodies. Brian was holding Nick at the waist, while Nick held his back. Nick rocked back and forth in an attempt to calm his friend. If Kevin didn't know any better, he would have said they were perfect together....Kevin quickly shook the thought out of his mind, chastising himself for thinking that way. But still...

After Brian had calmed down, all five of them slept in the same tent in case Brian had another dream. With Nick holding Brian, Brian slept peacefully.

The next morning, the five guys had left the woods. At about 3 o'clock it was time to go to work in the studio. Kevin walked away from Nick's door wearily. He looked at the other three members sombrely and sighed.

"Nick says he doesn't wanna go today. Brian, can you stay here and talk him into going?" Kevin asked Brian.

"Sure. If I'm not there in an hour, I'm either dead or I got lost." Brian told them, walking them to the elevator. The doors opened and they stepped inside.

"Now, no hanky-panky while we're gone. They don't call you B-rok for nothing." AJ joked. Brian smiled evilly and rubbed his hands together. AJ gave him a playful push just before the doors closed. Brian slowly walked to the door. He stood in front of it, practicing what he was going to say. Was he just going to be blunt and ask what's wrong? 'No, he'd get mad if I did that.' Brian thought to himself. Maybe if he said it in a good way...

"Come in Brian. I know you're out there staring at my door." Nick yelled from inside the room. 'How did he know?' Brian wondered, walking in. Nick laid on his bed with his head buried deep in his pillow. Brian walked to him and sat on the bed.

"So I guess you're wondering what's wrong with me?" Nick asked, amazing Brian again. In an instant Nick's eyes filled with tears and they started to fall from his face. Brian lashed out to hold him, surprised to feel Nick's hand stop him. Nick shook his head sadly.

"You won't want to touch me after I tell you this, so don't even bother." Nick explained miserably.

"But Nick, we're best friends...." "I know, Bri. This is bigger than that." Nick interrupted him, trying to wipe tears away. Brian listened patiently. Nick sighed, searching for the right words.

"Brian, I....I.....I think I'" Nick moaned, falling to the pillow and crying harder. The bed moved, and Nick knew Brian was leaving him. He knew it. He knew Brian would think he was sick. It was sick. He felt ashamed and dirty. He just wanted to die....Nick felt arms wrap around his waist and then a body stretch out on his tall frame. Brian rolled Nick over a little so he could look him in the eyes.

"Nick, there's no way something like that is going to effect us. It's weird, yes, but if it's how you feel, then I understand." Brian stated sweetly, caressing his friend. Nick shuddered a bit at the touch. He felt so soft and he smelled so damn good...'Damn it! I wish I would stop that. It's Brian for God's sakes! But still...' Brian had stood up and had pulled Nick into a sitting position.

"Brian, I don't KNOW if I'm 100% gay. I mean, I don't stare at guy's asses or anything, but I don't get aroused by girls. I'm probably the only 20 year-old virgin alive."Nick whined miserably. Brian chuckled a little.

"Why don't you find out?" Brian questioned.

"How?! Go up to some guy and say, 'hey man, let me kiss you to see if I'm gay, o.k.'?" Nick said sarcastically. Brian smiled. "Besides, I can't because word might get out that I'm gay when I don't even know." Nick further explained.

"Why don't you kiss someone you know? Like one of the guys?" Brian asked before he thought. Nick stared at him like he was nuts.

"Kevin: Married. AJ: Obsessed. Howie: Howie. I don't think so!" Nick pointed out.

"What about me?" Brian asked boldly, not realizing what popped out of his mouth. Nick stared blankly at him, studying him. Brian kicked himself for saying something that dumb.

"You're with LeighAnne, you're straight, and you're my best friend." Nick said flatly.

"It's just a little kiss. Just to see. It won't be hard. See look." Brian stood up, pulling Nick to his feet.

"Just one kiss. No tongue. Not alot of touching." Brian stated.

"Bri, I don't know...." "Please? It's the only way you'll find out." Brian interrupted Nick's hesitation.

"So, we just kiss. O.K. How do we start this?" Nick asked nervously.

"I guess we both lean in and know.....kiss." Brian explained, getting a little uncomfortable at the situation.

"Aw, no passionate dip? No 360 degree camera spin?" Nick joked lightly, breaking some tension.

"Nope. That's for later." Brian said, wiggling his eyebrows Nick laughed as Brian took a step towards him. Nick raised his head and was met warmly by Brian's gaze. Nick took a little step forward, closing the gap between them. Brian stared at Nick's eyes. Nick closed his eyes, leaning forward. Brian followed his lead, closing his eyes and leaning towards his best friend. Brian and Nick licked their lips before gathering each other's lips in their own.

A shockwave of electricity passed between them as Nick slowly moved his lips a little. Brian's hands moved to Nick's hips, holding him tightly. Taking the hint, Nick pushed his body against Brian's, causing Brian to get lost in ecstasy. Then Nick felt Brian's tongue lick his lips, and Nick gladly parted his lips. Brian's sweet tongue slid into Nick's awaiting mouth. Nick felt pure and utter joy fill his heart as he tasted Brian's minty mouth. Brian felt something in him erupt. Long ignored feelings and unexplored depths of his heart suddenly burst in millions of overjoyed pieces. Moved by the moment, Brian walked Nick over to the bed. Never missing a beat, Nick fell on the bed and Brian fell on top of him. Nick sighed happily and began to run his fingers through Brian's short brown hair. Brian's hands moved from around Nick's waist to holding Nick's upper torso in his arms. Nick's lips left Brian's, leaving Brian empty and afraid he had gone to far with his friend. Nick looked into Brian's eyes.

"I love you." Nick fearlessly admitted to Brian. Instead of refusing or disagreeing with Nick, Brian simply stated, "I love you too."

Nick grinned widely at Brian, kissing Brian's neck. Brian groaned, moving his head into Nick's lips. Suddenly, a knock at the door made them jump up in surprise. Brian rushed ot the door, finding out it was the wrong door they knocked on. Brian closed the door, feeling awkward now. Nick's piercing eyes fell upon Brian. Brian sat on the edge of the bed again, this time Nick wrapped his arms around him. Brian leaned back into Nick's arms, never wanting to leave.

"Brian, what about LeighAnne?" Nick asked.

"Forget her. I now realize I love you, Nick. I'll tell her soon, but I need you." Brian carefully told Nick. Nick smiled.

"Brian, I know this may be rushed, but I want to lost my virginity to you." Nick shyly told him.

"But, you sure? It's your virginity, and I know you hold it sacred..." "Brian, I'm sure. You're what I've been missing in my life. I see it now." Nick stated.

"We can't do it here. It's not the time yet. Hold on." Brian got an idea and raced to the table. He had paper and a pen. He scribbled something down and handed the paper to Nick.

"Meet me at this address at 9 o'clock tomorrow I'll make this perfect for you." Brian said, kissing Nick again. Nick reluctantly let go.

"We'd better get to the studio before Kev thinks I killed you." Nick stated. Brian just smiled.

"There y'all are! Get your asses something to eat and get to writing."

Kevin stated. Brian headed toward the food table as Nick lagged behind, waking up a sleeping AJ.

"Were you sleeping?" Nick asked innocently.

"No Nick. There was a bug in my eye and I was trying to suffocate him." AJ retorted sarcastically "Really?" Nick asked, inspecting AJ's eye.

"Do you have a gun?" AJ asked Howe. Howie giggled, picking up a magazine.

"I was just kidding!" Nick yelled over his shoulder, standing next to Brian by the food table. Kevin stared across the room at Nick and Brian. Nick grabbed Brian's hand in his and held on for a minute before letting go. Kevin wondered curiously what was going on.

Next: Chapter 7

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