Star Crossed

By Chica

Published on Jul 7, 2000


DISCLAIMER: I do not know the sexuality of any of the Backstreet boys. Sorry that I don't, but that's life!

ALL I WANT TO SAY: Wow. i have nothing else to say. Just read, I guess!!

Chapter 2- Jumpin Jumpin

All five of the Backstreet boys stared restlessly at the TV set in their studio. Rain poured down in endless torrents outiside the obsolete building. Kevin stretched lazily, putting an arm on the back of the couch. Next to him was Howie, who had his head tilted back, a little drool protruding from his mouth as he snored lightly. Next to him was A.J. who was looking at Howie disgustingly and sighing about 500 times a minute. Next to him was Nick, who flipped through the channels listlessly. And finally next to him was Brian with his head on his arm, trying to sleep.

"Hey guys, 'Titanic' is on" Nick announced in relief. A.J pulled his head up and asked, "Did it pass the part when he was painting her nude and the car scene?" Nick shook his head. A.J. resumed to his task of falling asleep.

"Well, at least it's somewhat worth watching, it just has a really sucky ending." Kevin said.

"Actually, I thought the ending was pretty good." Nick shared with him. "It sucked! He died for her! I know it's sweet, but they weren't together." A.J. interrupted their conversation.

"Yes they were." Brian stated.

"NO, he fell in the ocean, remember B?" A.J. reminded him.

"But they were. When she finally died, they were in heaven together, weren't they?" Brian asked him. A.J. leaned back and let out a low whistle. "Gee, Bri, you've sure have changed. What are you on? Crack? Speed? Coke? All of the above?" A.J. asked.

"No, I've just been reading some things and have been thinking alot lately, that's all." Brian insisted, laughing at A.J.'s questioning.

"Now, if I didn't know better, I'd say...." Kevin was stopped short as a low moan came from Howie's lips. Everyone's attention rested on the sleeping man, who was now breatheing harder. The other 4 held in their laughs as they listened for more.

"Oh...Trish.....oh.....god......please.....just.....ugh.....ugh...." Howie uttered under his breath. A.J. held a hand over his mouth and pointed at Howie's crotch. The other's held in their laughter as they realized that Howie had litteraly pitched a tent.

"I'm gonna come, baby. Ahh!" Howie screamed softly as his body started to shiver. Then the front of his pants went down with a HUGE wet spot on them. Nick was laughing so hard to himself that tears were flowing down his face. Brian clutched onto Nick, laughing into his shoulder. Kevin couldn't contain himself and burst out laughing. The other 3 soon followed, waking Howie. Howie looked at them, confused at the change of mood.

"What's going on guys?" Howie asked. His question only made them laugh harder. As Howie looked at them stangely, A.J. collected himself. He managed to choke out, "check your pants D!" Howie looked down and turned a bright shade of red and hopped off the couch. As he went into the bathroom, the other four quieted down a bit.

"Well, that was funny. Now, onto important business. What are we to do tonight?" Kevin asked the others. They shrugged in response. Just then, a knock was heard at the door. Kevin voluntarily stood up and answered it. A man with a hula skirt handed Kev and flyer and left. Kevin closed the door, and ignored the wierd man. He looked at the flyer and read it out loud:

Beach Party

Ages 18 and over.

From 7 to dawn.

Kevin skimmed most of it and glared at the others.

"Well, looks like this is fate knocking at our door. Beach party tonight!!" Kevin announced while everyone hugged and cheered. "But first we have to work out our tour schedules." Kevin added, causing them to groan. Howie entered the room and more laughs started to appear from nowhere. Howie blushed and with false anger yelled, "Mind yalls own business!" He then sat down.

A few hours later, the sun had come out and dried up most of the rain. It was 7 o'clock and everyone was rushing in and out of their hotel rooms borrowing things, fixing hair, checking on people, the usual night out ritual. Nick was walking down the hall when he saw Brian come from Howie's room. Brian was fixing his shirt sleeves and didn't notice him. As he breezed past, Nick could smell his cologne. Nick loved the smell of Brian. It was always so fresh and.....manly. Nick shrugged off the thought and headed to A.J.'s room. Nick stared at him. He wore a yellow Tommy Hilfigur shirt, denium shorts, a yellow bucket hat, and yellow sunglasses. A.J. pulled on a pair of KSwiss shoes and stared up at Nick. A.J. smiled at Nick's plainness. A plain white shirt hung loosely off his tall frame, with only a small Nike check to tell that it was name brand, and plain denium pants. A.J. noticed how Nick was hardly ever dressy, unless for special occassions.

"Ready for a night of hoochie crawling, nigger ballin fun?" A.J. asked. Nick laughed and sat next to him. "Are you even gonna attempt to dance?" A.J asked him.

"I don't know. It's really hard for me to have fun for some reason. Lately, I've felt...frustrated. I can't figure out why, though." Nick confessed. A.J. sighed and pulled Nick into a tight hug. Then he whispered, "Let's hope you figure it out sometime, k Nickers?" Nick smiled and squeezed him a little. After they let go, A.J. stood up and yelled, "We better get there before Sir Cum-a-Lot gets aroused!!" Howie ran in the room and chased A.J. Nick laughed loudly, but his attention was suddenly turned to Brian. He actually looked really decent. He wore a baby blue ,ribbed, long-sleeved shirt and a loose pair of Tommy Hilfigur pants. He had on a baby blue hat turned backwards and had on his white Basketball shoes. Nick smiled at Brian's figure, when that feeling of frustration came over him again. Why was he still feeling that?

As soon as they reached the beach, A.J. and Howie joined in the conga line. The ohter three hung back. "Are y'all gonna dance?" Kevin asked unhappily. "Actually, we want to look at the stores and stuff." Brian told him. Kevin breathed a sigh of relief. "I'm married and am sick of those two booty chasers" Kevin blurted out. Nick and Brian laughed. Nick threw an arm around Kevin and Brian followed Nick's lead and put his arm around Kevin too. "It's O.K. we love our Kevy-wevy." Nick snikered out. "Don't call me that. Only Kristin calls me that." Kevin warned. Brian smiled and said, "O.K., KEVY-WEVY!!" Kevin threw a punch at Brian and Brian ducked, falling on the ground. After they picked Brian up, they went to see the stores.

"Where are the other three?" Howie asked A.J. behind two hot young ladies. "" A.J. said slowly as he stared at a woman't breast. Howie laughed lightly and turned his attention to his girls. A.J. somehow unglued himself from the tempting breasts and scouted around. An announcer suddenly announced, "The lucky winners of the best dancer on the sand award are....Colleen and A.J. McLean!!! They will now dance for all of us!!!" He announced.

A.J. walked to the platform. There he was met by a girl. She stood 5'7'' with long brown hair and blue eyes. She wore a pair of green shorts with white flowers on them, a green tank top and a pair of green platform sandles. She smiled at him and started to sway with the music. The sounds of UB40's "Falling in Love With You' echoed through the party. A.J. stared transfixed at her. He had never seen anyone so beautiful in his life. She came closer to him, wrapping her long arms gently around his neck. A.J. was in heaven as he wrapped his arms around her waist. The music dove into his soul as he stared into her eyes. Her rhythm never ceased throughout the song. The way her body moved to the music so perfectly made A.J. wish he could stay this way forever. All too soon the music stopped and the crowd pulled her away. A.J. tried to get to her, but was pushed back. Then he spotted her getting into a car. Howie tapped his back. When A.J. did not respond, Howie waved his hand in front of his eyes. When that didn't work, he slapped A.J. on the face.

"Hey!" A.J. yelled. "You were in another world man! What the hell happened to you?" Howie asked worridly.

A.J. smelled his shirt which still had her perfume on it. He smiled goofily and replied, "I think I'm in love."

Howie smirked and asked, "With the left or right tit?" A.J. stated, "No, with her. I'm gonna find her, D. I don't care if it takes my whole life to do it, but I will." A.J. walked off, leaving Howie with his thoughts.

"Kev, if we don't find somewhere interesting soon we're leaving you at a retirement home." Brian joked. Kevin slapped the back of his head. "Hey look! A fortue teller!!" Nick yelled excitedly. "Want to see what the future holds?" Nick asked, wiggleing his fingers like a kid would do to make someone scared. Brian and Kev laughed and followed Nick inside. "Welcome. I am madame Korsenta and I will tell you of what your future may hold." Madame Korsent stated mysteriously. Kevin rolled his eyes and sat in the corner. "How about you? You look like you have an interesting destiny." She said, pointing to Nick. Nick sat down across from her. Brian took a seat next to Kevin. Madame Korsenta closed her eyes and waved her hand over her crystal ball. "I see you are a famous man. But also a very lonely man. Troubled by unforseen mysteries in your current life." She told him. Nick raised his eyebrows at her 'finding'. "But there's more. You will soon find out why you are troubled. You will be scared, alone, depressed...."She concentrated on the ball. Nick frowned at her new observations. "Fear not, for all your pain will vanish when you find your.....soul mate..." She said slowly. Nick perked up, happy that he would find love. "But your soul mate will not be in the form of a normal woman. There will be equal feelings from this person, but this love is.....forbidden. And after some time, you will....." Her face turned pale when she saw the last vision. "Die." She staed dramatically. Nick stood speechless at her words

"Listen we have to go. Here's your fee." Brian stated, paying the lady and pulling Nick up. As soon as they stepped outside, Kevin asked Nick, "Do you believe that?"

"Well, I am kinda frustrated right now." Nick started. "Oh come on! Soul mate? Forbidden love? What girl could be forbidden for us? I'd like to think any girl would be better than none. Besides, we all die." Brian assured Nick. "But not early." Nick argued. Kevin sighed and hailed a taxi. "Let's talk about it later." Kevin said. Nick got lost in his thoughts as Brian shuddered at her words.

"Not a normal woman."

Next: Chapter 4

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