Star Crossed

By Chica

Published on Oct 30, 2000


Well, say goodbye to this story! ::sniff:: I have to say that I thank everyone who read this story, and double thank those who e-mailed me. With everyone's support, it gave me the confidence I needed to finish this story. Well, business comes before pleasure, so here is the disclaimer everyone has grown to love. =)

DISCLAIMER: I do not know the sexual orientation of the Backstreet boys. Everything in this story cannot be proven true, which therefore means it is fiction. Please don't think it's real and hate the boys.

Epilogue- August 10, 2005 New York, NY

"....only three days later their bodies were found in an abandoned building somewhere in Maryland. This 'suicide' letter was found and kept confidentially." Kevin stated, pulling out an old piece of paper.

"It is fairly long, but mostly states that they planned their own deaths so they could be together forever. Now whatever happened between the time we last seen them and their deaths is uncertain, but it must have been bad enough for them to carry out their plans. Throughout all this, it just makes me, outraged that someone would kill two innocent young men because they were in love. I guess I blame society more than anything. If only everyone would just learn to accept things that are different and embrace change, then everyone would benefit from it.

"As I told my cousin before, it isn't how long you live, but how you live while you're alive. Everyone seeing and hearing this right now, please just listen to your heart. No one but God has the right to judge others actions. Was it fair? What good did it do anyone? All it did was devastate two families, destroy several lives, and darken the paths of millions of our fans. Was it worth it?" Kevin said. Everyone in the conference room was speechless. No one knew what to do or say. Then one reporter slowly clapped his hands. A few other joined in. Then a few stood up, followed by others. Eventually, everyone was clapping and standing. Kevin smiled slightly. Howie and AJ stared at Kevin, disbelieving. 'He's actually smiling.' Kristen thought, smiling herself. She ran to her husband and held him tightly.

"I'm very proud of you." Kristen whispered in Kevin's ear. "I'm proud of you too." Kevin whispered, holding her close.

After several more questions from the press, the three remaining members and Kristen could leave. As they were walking out the door, one reporter caught AJ's eye.

"Colleen?!" AJ whispered, looking at one of the female reporters. He diligently walked to her and tapped her shoulder. When she turned around, it was a woman who looked nothing like Colleen. AJ winced, apologizing to the lady. He continued to walk out. Kevin had seen the incident and put an arm around AJ.

"I can't believe you still miss that girl, Bone. You really did feel something for her, didn't you?" Kevin asked softly.

"Yeah, I did. And I still do." AJ whispered, hugging Kevin tightly. Kevin closed his eyes, praying to God. 'Dear heavenly father. Watch over AJ and help him through all of this. He needs love so much these days. Also, take care of my cousin Brian and Nick. Tell them I'll be there when this life is over. Amen."

After some more tears were shed and the press got everything out of them, the remaining Backstreet boys got to leave. As soon as Howie's Corvette sped away, a lone figure that had stood behind everyone at the press conference moved into a darkened corner of the building. The person dialed a few numbers into a concealed phone, awaiting a very important and much needed answer. The sound of an answering machine picked up.

"[Hello, this is the Ricardi residence. We are not home, so please leave a name and a number after the beep. BEEP]"

"It's me, guys. Pick up." The figure said into the phone.

"Hello?" A cautious voice answered.

"Hey Nick. What have you been up to lately?" The person asked.

"Colleen! I haven't heard from you in ages! We haven't been up to much. Just living the life of 'deceased' teen idols." Nick stated happily.

"Anyone recognize you yet?" Colleen asked worriedly.

"No, not really.....oh, this one guy...He walked up to me with this dazed look on his face, and I thought 'oh shit, does he recognize me?' He walked up to me and asked if I played on Dawson's Creek! I swear girl, I was this close to pissing all over myself." Nick said. Colleen laughed.

"I found the guys today." Colleen whispered.

"Really?! Did you find out where they're staying?" Nick asked in a frenzied voice.

"Yes. At the Brighton hotel. I'm going there next." Colleen answered.

"I miss them so much. Ever since we went into hiding, we've missed everyone." Nick said sadly.

"Do you regret it?" Colleen asked.

"Heck no! I wouldn't have it any other way." Nick stated, staring at Brian's sleeping form. A smile spread across his face. "Not one bit."

"So did y'all....." She trailed off.

"Why are you asking that nasty qustion? And yes, we did. Twice." Nick answered.

"If it was so nasty, why did you answer it?" Colleen questioned.

"Because I can. By the way....he umm....he kinda....proposed..."

"Really?! It's about time! Five years of waiting is a long time!"

"You think it's long?! I'm the one living it!! No, I could've proposed just as much as he could. He just has more balls." Nick stated. Colleen let out a laugh.

"You know, I never asked this question: How did y'all two fake it? I mean, they found your bodies...."

"We don't want to tell, if you don't mind. Let's just say that it took a lot of money to convince people...hey, how did you fake yours?" Nick asked.

"That I CAN tell! You see, all they found were dental impressions. All I had to do was pay a lot of money to have a dentist make a copy of my teeth, place it in, basically, a corpse, and barbque it. I learn a lot from television." Colleen stated proudly.

"WHY did you? I mean, whoever sent that note wasn't after you..."

"I know....but I wanted to get away from my damn dad. Ass. You should be glad I'm alive! If I wasn't, who would you get to be your blood hound?" Colleen asked.

"I don't know, really. Thanks alot, though." Nick stated sincerely.

"No problem. The guy who sent that note was arrested. He had all these plans to kill the two of you in his basement. He pleaded guilty to wanting to kill you, but now he's not being accused of 'killing' y'all." Colleen said.

"Wow. Why isn't he?"

"The guys went on TV stating that y'all killed yourselves." Colleen giggled.

"Oh my god! What a dumbass thing to do!!" Nick said loudly. Brian stirred a little, and Nick quieted down.

"Well, I'm off to meet the guys. Think AJ still likes me?" Colleen asked.

"I don't know...maybe. Well, it's almost dinner time. Bye Colleen."

"Bye Nick." They both hung up. Nick laid down on their bed, gathering Brian in his arms. Brian sighed contentedly. Nick gently kissed his neck.

"I love you Brian." Nick said with pure love in his voice.

"I love you too, Nick." Brian whispered, holding Nick tighter.

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Aww!! They're alive! I'm sorry....I hate sad endings. Fooled ya, huh? Happy? Pissed? Exceptionally pissed?

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