Star Crossed

By Chica

Published on Oct 12, 2000


It's almost there! I think I said 3, but oh well, you're getting more! I lye, I know.

DISCLAIMER: I do not know the sexual orientation of any of the Backstreet boys, especially Nick and Brian.

(Besides, the real wedding date for Brian and LeighAnne was September 2. Ahh, I love fiction.)

Chapter 10-My Best Friend's Wedding

The long awaited day had finally arrived. It was Thursday,July 15, 2000. Over 300 guests had been invited to the wedding of the millenium. On this supposedly festive day, only 4 Backstreet boys were present for the event. As more guests arrived and family and family had been greeted, it was almost time for the exchange of vows that would join Brian and LeighAnne forever.

"I can't believe Brian is doing this." Howie said, stepping into the dimly lit church.

"I can't either. I mean, I know he's just doing this to protect Nick, or at least that's what he SAYS..." AJ trailed off.

"Of coarse he cares about Nick. We all do. Now, no matter what happens in that church today, no one act like anything is up. This is what Brian wants, so let it be." Kevin stated, walking to the alter.

In a back room of the church, LeighAnne stood in front of a large mirror, adorned in an elegant wedding gown, bought by her husband-to-be. Happy thoughts danced through her head as she thought of how perfect everything was and how her life would now be full of love and security. She couldn't help but dream of her future lifestyle: Wife of a Backstreet boy. How perfect. She cared for Brian so much, but knew she couldn't see him as much as she liked. 'Its too bad about his friends, though' LeighAnne thought. 'Especially Nick. They always did share a strong bond. I wonder why he isn't here?' LeighAnne thought, looking out the door.

Brian, on the other hand, was trying everything trick in the book not to break down on his wedding day. He stared glassy eyed at the church he used to sing choir at every sunday. It was the same church, he recalled, when he talked Nick into getting Baptised. Brian suddenly smiled brightly as he remembered the look on Nick's face when he went underwater. He was always such a wimp when it came to getting dunked. AJ shot Brian a questioning look as he saw the look on Brian's face. AJ turned to Kevin who stood next to Brian.

"What's with the shit eating grin on Brian's face? Is he really happy about this?" AJ whispered. Kevin raised an eyebrow.

"I don't know, but he'd better not enjoy this TOO much. God knows Nick is still back in the Bahamas crying his eyes out." Kevin muttered, picturing the scene in his mind. 'Keep the faith Nick' Kevin thought.

"Well, I for one think this is bull..." AJ was silenced by the organ player as she played the traditional wedding music. Everyone in the church stood, looking on as LeighAnne elegantly walked toward Brian, a look of pure happiness on her face. Brian gave her a fake grin, eyeing his future wife. Instead of the usual happiness with marriage, Brian felt like his heart was breaking in two at the sight. After what seemed like eternity to Brian, LeighAnne finally made it to his side. Brian lifted her veil, now eye-to-eye with his future. The words Kevin spoke to him still hadn't registered in Brian's dazed mind. Everything was happening too fast and Brian didn't know when it would all start slowing down.

The preacher motioned for everyone to sit.

"Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to wittness the..." as the preacher said those words, Brian had a tear in his eye. LeighAnne smiled brightly at it, thinking it was for happiness, which was the exact opposite of what it meant. Brian didn't even listen as the preacher spoke, suddenly not caring at all. He could feel everyone staring at him. He could feel Kevin's eyes burning into him, almost as if they were trying to penetrate Brian's mind and tell him what to do. Brian was so confused at the whole situation but knew that it was the only way. He had to marry LeighAnne and keep Nick safe.

Nick.....the thought of the past few days clouded Brian's mind, keeping the rest of the world out. He didn't hear nothing until the preacher asked LeighAnne if she would be his wife, blah, blah. Brian heard her softly and emotionally say yes. Then Brian knew this was it. Everything boiled down to this one moment. Just as he was ready to seal his fate, a glimmer of light caught his eye. Brian followed the shimmer and saw the source of it. There standing by the doors of the church was Nick.

Nick had on a white Armani suit. The light from the windows had shined upon his clothes, sending a sort of signal to Brian. Nick stared at Brian. He didn't look sad, happy, upset, nothing. He stared directly at Brian. Time finally slowed down as he stared at Nick. He looked like an angel. The words Kevin had said finally all made sense: "It's not how long you live, it's how you live your life." All of a sudden, nothing mattered. He then realized how stupid all of this was. He was going to throw his life away, marry LeighAnne, and end up hurting Nick more than dying would? It was so silly, that Brian laughed, loudly. Everyone stared perplexed at the laughing Brian. The preacher had just asked Brian if he would be LeighAnne's till death do them part. Finally, Brian settled down, looking at LeighAnne.

"I can't. I love someone else." Brian seriously stated.

"YES!!! ALRIGHT!!!" AJ screamed, breaking the shocked atmosphere. Immediately everyone stood up, trying to talk to Brian.

"Um, Kev, a mob of angry relatives are fixing to attack me." Brian nervously joked.

"Then I suggest you run, cuz." Kevin stated. They exchanged a quick hug and Brian immediately sprinted down the aisle. Hands grabbed at him, trying to stop him. Brian lept past them all, and saw that Nick no longer stood by the doors. Brian ran past the doors.

"MOVE!!" He heard his angel yell. Nick had a large candlestick and stuck it through the door handles on the opening doors. They looked at each other quietly, not believing the other. Finally, they wrapped their arms around each other and kissed passionately. After a few seconds, they stopped and looked into each other's eyes.

"We'd better get going." Nick said, leading Brian out the side door. Nick's purple prowler was parked right up front.

"A getaway car? How romantic! I feel like Thelma and Louise. Did you plan all this?" Brian asked incredulously.

"Well, I've known you for 8 years. I kinda know how you are. Now get your cute little butt inside before we end up in a high speed chase with 300 people." Nick joked, jumping into the car.

"I love you Nick." Brian said.

"I love you too Brian." Nick replied.

Next: Chapter 13

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