Star Crossed

By Chica

Published on Sep 4, 2000


I finally wrote it! Surprise surprise!

DISCLAIMER: I do not know the sexualites of any of the BSB. Hell I don't know if they're DOGS swing that way!

Chapter 8- All In the Family

The five members of the BSB sat together in silence, each one thinking the same thing. Finally, after a few minutes of silence, AJ broke the silence.

"What are we gonna do, guys?" He asked in a shaky voice.

"Well, we're gonna have to tell someone, cause we have to get these two under police protection." Kevin stated, talking to Nick and Brian.

"This is all my fault. If I wouldn't have said anything to you, this would have never happened." Nick sorrowfully said. Brian clutched onto Nick, rubbing his back softly.

"It's not your fault at all. You cant help how you feel anymore than I can." Brian whispered to him, stroking his short blonde hair.

"Guys, if they're watching, we could get killed." Howie said fearfully.

"I'M not living my life in fear. Let them fucking see us!!" AJ yelled, standing up. "COME ON YOU FUCKING PUSSIES!!! I'M RIGHT HERE!!" AJ yelled in his best psycho voice, holding his arms out willingly.

"Shut the fuck up you crack ass piece of shit!" Kevin yelled. He stood up, picking AJ off his feet and slamming him down on the coffee table.

"What the fuck did you call me old man?!" AJ screamed. He pulled himself to his feet and approached the taller man. "Do you want some of me?! Cause if you do, I'll rip...."

"Rip what? A fart?! That's about the worst thing you can do to me short shit!" Kevin bellowed as he pushed AJ a little and shaking him. "Just try and hit me, I dare ya!" Kevin yelled.

AJ threw back his fist and hit Kevin's jaw. Kevin stumbled around a little, putting a hand on the hit. Then he began to laugh loudly.

"That's it?! My 80 year old grandma with one arm can do better than that!" Kevin said, laughing harder. AJ reared back his fist and hit Kevin again, this time a lot harder. Kevin fell to the floor in pain. He laid there stunned for a few seconds before his brain processed what had happened. Finally he looked up at AJ with an angry expression.

"You mother fucker!" Kevin screamed, chasing after AJ.

"Guys! Come on! Stop it!" Nick pleaded with them.

"Oh shut up you little fag." Kevin spit out, not realizing what he had said. Brian instantly came to his lover's aid and proceeded to slap Kevin in the face.

"What the-" Kevin tried to say, but was hit before he could finish.

"I didn't mea-" Another slap.

"God damn it Brian!" Kevin yelled. Brian punched him with enough force to knock him to the ground.

"Don't say the lord's name in vain." Brian stated softly. AJ gleefully bounced over to Kevin's body and leaned over him.

"Kevy got told!" AJ announced giddily. Kevin quickly yanked on AJ's leg, causing him to fall next to him. AJ angrily rolled on top of Kevin and started to hit him relentlessly. After AJ had hit Kevin several more times, he was pulled off by someone. Kevin's relief was soon replaced by fear as more punched were delivered by Howie. Everyone's eyes were wide open as the peaceful, shy one of the group beat Kevin. After some struggle, Kevin managed to push Howie off him roughly, sending him sprawling to the carpet.

"Howie, what the FUCK?!" Kevin yelled.

"I am a fag, thank-you-very-much!" Howie yelled. The other member's mouths hung open in shock.

"What? Are we all anti-fags all of a sudden?!" Howie asked, gesturing towards Nick and Brian.

"Why didn't you tell us?!" AJ asked him angrily.

"Well, I didn't want you guys to hate me!" Howie complained. Four sets of eyes rolled at his complaint.

"Man, that is so fucking retarded!" AJ yelled.

"Hey, stop yelling at him! Or else I'll kick your ass twice before you hit the ground." Kevin yelled menacingly at AJ.

"Man Kev, you've been acting like an asshole ever since you married that woman." AJ fired at him.

"And you've been acting like a stalker with that Colleen girl. Speaking of which, who the fuck is she?! Know what I think? I think she has something to do with this." Kevin stated.

"How the hell could she? For one she doesn't know about Nick and Brian, and two, she can't possibly have that kind of power." AJ reasoned, disgusted by Kevin's accusations.

"AJ, her dad owns a helicopter. That takes money, stupid! And did you ever stop to think that maybe her showing up in the woods was not just a coincidence? She might just be some psychotic fan obsessed over Nick or possibly Brian, and now somehow found out! She is either threatening us or is telling others about them." Kevin said.

"That's crazy! You've been watching too many episodes of the x-files and all that conspiracy shit. She's not like that....."

"How do you know bone? You don't, do you?" Kevin said, staring him in the eyes.

"She couldn't have. It's nuts." AJ stated firmly.

"But it's not out of the question. You know just as well as I do that our fans can get overly aggressive. Remember the fan that broke into Nick's hotel room and attacked him?" Kevin asked. Silence filled the room as everyone remembered the horrifying experience.

"I can't believe you, Kev. I just can't believe it, alright?" AJ stated, turning around and going into his room, slamming the door shut.

"Believe it or not, someone is spreading rumors. It has to be someone close to us. Who else could put cameras and stuff in our rooms?" Kevin asked.

"You never know Kev. They could easily sneak in the hotel, place little cameras in it, and left. Especially if they are a high power, like maybe the government or some sort of terrorist that opposes the gay population." Howie said.

"Why us then? Does it really matter that much if two celebrities are together? Why can't they bother someone else, like go shut down gay bars or public restrooms or something?" Nick asked, joining in on the conversation.

"Because we're in the public eye, and we're the 'perfect' Backstreet boys. I guess they figure if the media found out, either we'd be ruined and exploited or better yet protesting and riots could even occur; gay people and maybe some straight people could get angry at the media and who knows what else?" Howie spat out quickly.

"Yo, D. Isn't that a little extreme?" Nick asked.

"Like I said, it's not out of the question. We are in the public eye, and people only want a fairy tale, not the truth." Kevin said. The others nodded silently, not one of them able to say anything else. Brian had been quietly sitting on the edge of the couch, deep in thought. Nick had went up to him and put his arms around his waist. For the first time since the history of their friendship, Brian shrugged him away. Nick stood up slightly, a hurt and confused look crossing his face.

"Nick.....I'm marrying LeighAnne on Thursday." Brian said coldly, his words penetrating Nick's heart like ice.

"Bri, we can work this out, we'll find out who is doing this....."

"Nick, no. I......I don't love you any more than a friend, and it all meant nothing to me." Brian whispered, staring at the floor. Nick was completely taken aback. When Brian's words sunk in, a tear slid down his cheek. Then anger filled his heart and soul, making him go mad with rage.

"How can you fucking say that?! I gave you my heart, and look what you did. You PRETENDED you wanted it, you played around with it, and now you're fucking stomping on it like it was nothing." Nick stammered, not grasping the situation at first, then finally getting it.

"How can you....even as a this to me?!" Nick screamed. Brian continued to stare at the floor, not daring to move in a wrong way.

"Yet there you sit, not even caring. It was all a lie. You only wanted to get some ass. You never loved me, you loved the idea of me!" Nick screamed, pacing back and forth and trying to look into Brian's eyes. Nothing. His cold manner only fuelled Nick's growing rage.

"It was an affair to remember, huh Brian? Well answer me!!" Nick yelled. With tremendous strength fuelled by his rage, Nick grabbed Brian by the collar, pushed him quickly to the wall, and slammed him into it. Brian stared at Nick wild eyed and with growing fear. By now AJ had come back and was staring in awe at the scene, too shocked to stop it. The other two didn't move for the same reason.

"Are you proud of what you did?! Are you satisfied? Did it fucking feel good when we made, when we FUCKED?! Did you like it when I shoved my fucking dick up your ass?! DID YOU?! I trusted you, I loved you, hell I would DIE for you, and you turned your back on me?! What did you think would happen Bri?! That we could be together? That I could turn away like you did? Well I can't Brian! I can't!" Nick had tears streaming down his face, and he finally released Brian, and Brian fell to the floor. Nick put a hand on the wall and sobbed in agony. Howie tried to help Nick, but Nick pushed him away. Nick then ripped off the 'Frick' necklace he ALWAYS wore, threw it at Brian, and ran to his room. Brian sat against the wall and held his knees, burying his face in his lap.

AJ went back to his room. Kevin looked warily at Howie, who placed his hands on his hips.

"What are we gonna do Kev?" Howie asked slowly.

"I don't know, but if we don't, we can not only say good-bye to the band, we can say good-bye to our lives." Kevin answered sadly.

Next: Chapter 11

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