Stanford Park Glory Hole

By Brandon Walden

Published on Aug 4, 2023


The ride to school on Monday was silent, but that was nothing new. My brother Andy usually avoided talking to me any more than he had to. I was the annoying kid that our parents made him drive to and from school against his will, the one who used to pester him and his best friend Wyatt to let him join in their games and sleepovers.

Now I knew why they'd never wanted me around: they'd been hooking up, until Wyatt moved away. The fact that I now knew this- and so much more- added a new dimension to the silence between us.

Andy and I hadn't talked since he'd slammed his bedroom door in my face on Saturday afternoon. He'd come home from work late on Saturday night and had only emerged from his room on Sunday afternoon to shower and head back to his job as a waiter.

I'd spent the day in my own room, finishing my homework and jerking off periodically as I replayed the events of the last few days in my mind. I also exchanged several texts with Zeke, filling him in on the second glory hole run-in I'd had with Chris Benner.

When Andy pulled into a spot in the school parking lot, I muttered a thank you for the ride and jumped out of the car. As I approached the entrance to the school, I saw most of my buddies standing together, shooting the shit.

My heart began to beat a little faster as I walked up to them. Bill Markley was telling a story, but all I could think about was hearing him get his first blowjob in the bleachers on Friday night, from my brother.

Nick Weller and Chris Benner were his audience. Since we'd last been at school together, I'd had Chris's dick in my mouth at Stanford Park, not that he had any clue that it was me.

He'd sucked me as well, the next day, and I wondered for the billionth time if Benner had seen my face through the peephole on Saturday afternoon. Did he know? If so, his casual nod to me as I walked up gave nothing away.

Oddly enough, both blowjobs had been interrupted, so neither of us had swallowed the others load. No, the only friend's cum I'd tasted was Zeke Barlow's, and as I stood there with the others, my eyes scanned the parking lot, looking for him.

Markley had just delivered his punchline when Andy walked by on his way inside. Over the guys' laughter, Bill called out "Hi Andy!"

My brother glanced over at him. "Hey." Andy's eyes met mine briefly before darting away. He was starting to blush and picked up his pace to get away from us.

I watched him disappear through the doors and then cut a glance at Bill, whose eyes had also followed my brother.

There were so many secrets floating around our group, it was making my head spin. I had to wonder if there were others that I didn't know about.

Then I caught sight of Zeke walking our way, his head nodding along to the music coming through his airpods, and I felt a huge smile breaking out on my face.

The five minute warning bell sounded just as Zeke reached us.

"Just in time, Barlow. You don't want to miss first period and Bella's tits!" Benner cracked.

"You know it," Zeke grinned at Benner and then made eye contact with me, looking amused.

We headed in and dispersed toward our lockers and first classes of the day. I was just sitting down in class when my phone buzzed and a text from Zeke popped up.

"Meet me in the C Hall men's room in 20 minutes?"

My pulse quickened. "I'll be there." I debated sending an eggplant and a winky face emoji, but decided to play it cool.

The next twenty minutes crawled by. Finally I was able to raise my hand and ask Mr. Denning if I could use the bathroom. He nodded and I grabbed the laminated hall pass that hung by the door and headed out.

Zeke was standing by the sink when I walked in. "Hi," I said. Zeke grinned and pulled me into a kiss, slipping his tongue in my mouth.

"Hi," he said back, after he'd kissed me. "I really wanted to do that when I saw you standing there this morning with the guys."

"So did I." Zeke grabbed my hand and pulled me into the closest stall, closing the door behind us. He spun me around, pushing me up against it, and made quick work of undoing my pants and pulling my cock free.

"Zeke..." I started to protest. We couldn't do this in school, someone would catch us. His lips closed around my cock and immediately silenced my protest.

Zeke pulled off my cock long enough to say, "We have to be quick," and then went to work, once again leaving me breathless and weak in the knees from his oral skills. There was no real worry about being anything but quick, given the intense pleasure he was bringing me and the added risk of getting my dick sucked at school.

"I'm close," I moaned a few minutes later, causing him to increase his efforts. I groaned far too loudly in the silent bathroom as I shot in my friend's mouth. I looked down and watched Zeke's throat work as he swallowed all of my jizz, his eyes locked on mine.

When he was done, Zeke sat back and gave me what I could only describe as a cocky grin. "Damn, you look hot when you're about to lose it, McCall."

I laughed. "That must have been one hell of a band camp you learned your skills at, Zeke."

Barlow winked and then stood up. I reached for the zipper of his pants, but he pushed my hands away. "I want your mouth on my dick, but I have Bitterman first period, and you know that asshole will send a search party if I'm gone too long," Zeke sighed.

I groaned. "I don't want to get you bricked up and leave you hanging," I snuck in a quick squeeze of his hard cock through the fabric that was constraining it.

"To be continued, McCall. Like that other stuff we talked about on Saturday." Zeke smiled. My heart skipped a beat at the thought of us fucking each other's asses.

"Do you have to watch the twins this afternoon?"

Zeke groaned. "Yeah. I wish I didn't have to. I'd rather hang out with you."

We kissed again, briefly, while I reached down and groped my friend's bulge, but then he reached behind me and unlatched the stall door, and we walked back over to the sinks. Zeke pulled a mini bottle of mouthwash out of his pocket and began to swirl some of it around in his mouth.

"Always prepared, I see! Want to meet again in third period so I can return the favor? I have Armstrong, she wouldn't notice if half the class disappeared for the entire hour."

"I have a test that period," he sighed.

"Damn. Guess I'll see you at lunch," I said, pulling him back into a brief kiss.

Our mouths had just parted when the door opened. We both jumped back from each other quickly and I knew how sus we must have looked.

The geeky looking freshman who'd walked in shot us a funny look as he headed to the urinals, and Zeke and I made a hasty exit and went back to our classes.

Second and third periods passed in a state of post-blowjob bliss. I had gym in fourth period with Markley and Weller. I wasn't really in the mood to be friendly toward Bill after what he'd let his scumbag cousin do to Andy, so I did no more than grunt in response to his chatter as we changed into our gym clothes. I'd been mad at myself for the last few days, so it was easy enough to shift some of that anger in his direction.

We were divided into teams for a basketball game, and I let my aggravation boil over. I got a little rough while covering Bill and fouled him, and Coach Huck blew his whistle at me and sent me to the bench.

Back in the locker room we hit the showers and then Bill, his hair still wet and his lanky body clad in a towel, cornered me as I was getting dressed. "What the hell, McCall?"

Part of me wanted to let him have it, but I remembered his own apology to Andy on the bleachers after Ryan left, and I certainly didn't need to say something that would make things worse for Andy.

"Sorry, Bill. Just having a bad day."

Weller walked up in his towel and overheard me. "McCall, you need to get laid. A good blowjob will work all those frustrations out."

"Like you'd know!" I shoved him playfully.

"Your Mom free this afternoon, Nick?" Bill asked, grabbing his junk through his towel and shaking it.

Weller shot us a double bird. "Fuck you both very much."

I laughed. Bill and Nick both turned to their lockers and dropped their towels, and I took a quick, appreciative glance at their asses. Nick's was completely smooth, and Bill's had a bit of fuzz on his cheeks and a lot more hair peeking out of the crack. I turned back to my locker and finished getting dressed.

We had lunch the next period. Zeke and I exchanged smiles, and I bumped my foot against his under the table a few times, just to make contact, but it was otherwise the same sort of lunch period we'd had a million times before. The rest of the day went by slowly, but it finally ended. Zeke and I met up at his locker and walked toward the parking lot together.

"You going to the park today?" Zeke asked as he walked outside.

"Maybe. You pretty much sucked the soul out of me this morning, though. I'd rather go there with you, we have more fun together."

Zeke grinned. "I bet that guy we tag teamed is still feeling it," he said quietly.

Andy wasn't at the car yet, so Zeke and I leaned against it. "Aren't you worried about going to the park?" he asked.

I'd told him about the guy on Saturday afternoon who'd caught me and made the comment about faggots, so I assumed that's what he was referring to.

"No, I think as long as I'm in a stall I'm fine."

"I meant, aren't you afraid it might be Andy again?" Zeke said, nodding his head toward the school, where my brother had just walked out the door.

"Oh." I couldn't tell my buddy that I wasn't at all worried, that in fact I wanted it to be Andy in the next stall. He'd think I was a freak. I guess maybe I am a freak.

"I'll pay attention to the shoes, make sure they're not his," I improvised.

Zeke nodded and we watched Andy making his way toward us. "Hey Andy!" Zeke greeted my brother.

"Hey Barlow. Let's go, Abetard." Andy opened his door and got inside, slamming it behind him.

"What a friendly guy your brother is," Zeke laughed. "Text me about your adventures tonight if you do go, okay?" Zeke touched my arm and I felt myself staring at his lips.

"I really wish you were free this afternoon," I said.

"Me, too. I should be free tomorrow after school. Is Andy working?"

"I'll find out."

"Let me know. If he isn't, we can always go to the park. See you tomorrow!" Zeke headed for the bike rack and I got inside the car.

Andy was looking at me oddly as he started his car. "What?" I asked.

Andy just shrugged. The ride home was silent and Andy went right up to his room. I grabbed a drink and went up to drop my backpack in my room and then headed down to get my bike out. When I came out of the shed with it, Andy was standing there.

"Going somewhere?" Andy asked sarcastically.

I felt myself blushing. "Uh, yeah."

"To Zeke's? Is that what the two of you were whispering about?"

"No, he's watching the twins today."

Andy shook his head. "So, you're heading to the park. This going to be an everyday thing with you?"

"Are you going to tell me you and Wyatt weren't doing it daily when you first started?" I snapped back.

"Don't talk about Wyatt. Anyway, that was different. We were friends, not strangers in a scuzzy park bathroom."

"Well, you definitely moved on to strangers and scuzzy bathrooms, so stop trying to ruin my fun."

"I'm trying to keep you safe, dickweed!" Andy snarled.

"Like you care if I'm safe! You want me out of your business, remember? So you can stay out of mine, too."

I climbed on my bike. Andy shook his head and opened his mouth to speak, but then his phone dinged.

He glanced at it and I saw his face change. I knew it had to be Ryan.

"You can't go today, Abe. I have to go there. I've been summoned by my master," Andy said bitterly.

My heart sank. "What does he say?"

I didn't think he'd tell me, but Andy read the text out to me. "Hey cocksucker. Report to your office in Stanford Park immediately."


"Shut up. I have to go. Don't follow me this time. I've been humiliated in front of you enough already."

"We can stop him! If I show up with you, it takes his leverage away. Plus, blackmail is illegal, and so are those pictures and videos of you, since you're 17. Let's turn the tables on him. I'm pretty sure he also sells drugs, so we can threaten to turn him in for all of those things if he doesn't back off!"

Andy stared at me. "I can't risk it, Abe. He could post all that shit online."

"That would be illegal! Andy, please, let me go with you."

"Stay here, Abe. I mean it. If I see you there, I'm going to kick your ass like it's never been kicked before, you got it?"

"Damn it, Andy. I'm trying to protect you, dickweed!" I said, paraphrasing his own words back at him.

"I will take care of myself. You just stay away from Stanford Park today. Consider this your verbal text, per our agreement."

Andy walked away and I heard his car start up. I was torn. I really wanted to follow him to the park and do something to help him, but I couldn't be a silent witness to his humiliation again, and I believed that Andy truly would kick my ass if I showed up. We hadn't had a full-on fight with each other in a few years, but I knew from experience that he could take me.

I put my bike away and headed back upstairs.

About half an hour later, the doorbell rang. I went downstairs and found Chris Benner standing there.

"What's up, Chris?"

"Nothing. Just wanted to hang, if you're free," Chris said.

"Oh. Sure. No Naomi this afternoon?" I stepped back and let him inside.

"She's busy. Family stuff," Chris explained as he followed me up to my room.

I sat down on the edge of my bed and tossed him a controller. He pulled my desk chair next to the bed, and we started playing Halo, bantering back and forth.

The whole time, my mind was far from the game. Half of it was with Andy. Was he on his knees in the park right now, sucking off that douche Ryan? Was something even worse happening?

The other half of my brain was busy still wondering if Chris had seen my face on Saturday. Him coming over to hang at my house wasn't unusual, but the fact that he was on his own was. I couldn't remember Benner ever coming over without Markley or his own particular sidekick, Nick, with him.

After we'd played for a bit, Chris tossed his controller aside. "Hey, McCall, did you see that video that leaked?"

I paused the game and turned to look at him. "What video?"

Benner grinned. "You know Livia Rowley, that chick who makes all those TikTok's?"

I knew who she was, but only because Ross Culver, her boyfriend, was a gorgeous college jock with an amazing body and his own string of TikTok's where he liked to show it off. They also made comedic vids together. "Yeah?"

"Her sex tape leaked. It's fuckin' hot. Here, watch," Benner pulled out his phone and moved next to me on the bed. We both stared at the screen of his phone, which was soon filled with the familiar face of Livia Rowley, her mouth stretched obscenely around a very large cock.

"Fuck!" I gasped. "Is that Ross?"

"Her boyfriend? Yeah. Just wait until he's pounding her, they're both staring right into the camera."

We watched, and about two minutes later the scene cut to a close up of that same large cock sliding into her from behind. Once it was buried deep inside, he handed the camera to her, and she maneuvered it so it was positioned right in front of them. Ross, his gorgeous body glistening, began pounding her and then fell forward onto her back, grabbing her face into a sideways kiss, while he continued to thrust.

"Wow! This is hot," I said. The front of the shorts I'd changed into after school bore witness to just how hot I thought it was, and a glance at Benner's lap showed that he was into it, too. We'd never watched porn together, and his sudden arrival at my house on his own, followed by his decision to show me this video, left me with no doubt in my mind. Benner knew it was me at the glory hole on Saturday afternoon.

Chris was fully aware he'd already had my cock in his mouth, then, and he must be doing this in hopes of getting to finish what had been interrupted at Stanford Park.

The video ended with me seeing Ross Culver's cum face as he shot a massive load on Livia's ass. "Play it again," I told Chris. As I said the words, I leaned back on the bed and made a show of undoing my pants. "That really turned me on."

"Me, too. Do you mind if I..." Benner gestured toward his own bulge. I shook my head as I pulled my dick free. Chris made quick work of getting his own out and then started the video over. We watched and stroked next to each other in silence.

When it ended again, Chris looked over at me. "There's another one that leaked when she was hacked," Chris said.

"Yeah? Let's see it, then."

"Okay. It's a little different."

Chris pulled it up on his phone and I caught my breath. This time it was Ross, sitting back on his bed, stroking his big meat while Livia talked to him from behind the camera. He looked fucking sexy. Then, Livia set the camera down and moved forward, and I gasped loudly when I saw she was wearing a strap-on.

I stroked madly as I watched this stereotypical college bro start to suck his girlfriend's plastic cock. "That's so fucking hot!" I moaned.

"I thought you'd like that," Benner said softly. I glanced over at him and saw that his eyes weren't on the video. They were on my dick. As Ross began to gag in his attempts to deepthroat Livia, I reached over and placed my hand on the back of Chris's head and began to push him toward my dick.

Benner pulled away. "What the fuck, McCall? You think I'm a fag or something?" Chris's words didn't seem to have much heat behind them.

I took the phone from his hand and paused the video. "Let's not play, Benner. You saw me on Saturday through the peephole, and I saw you when you walked out of the bathroom. We both know why you're here."

I hit play with one hand and used the other to push him all the way down this time, with no resistance from him. He looked up at me just as Ross lay back in the video and spread his ass for the strap-on. "I'm not a fag, Abe. I'm just... curious." With that, he took the head of my dick in his mouth.

As Benner began to give me the same subpar head he'd given me through the glory hole on Saturday, I watched Ross take that fat strap-on up his ass and moan like a bitch. It would have been much hotter if Benner hadn't been so bad at giving head. When the video ended with Ross crying out and cumming all over himself, I pushed Chris aside and sat up.

"Benner, you really suck at that! Here, do what I do, okay?" I pushed him back on the bed and spun around, assuming the same position on top of him that Zeke and I had been in on Saturday. I began to suck Chris and he tentatively started to mimic everything I was doing.

He improved quite a bit, and soon I was getting close. Suddenly, Chris deviated from just copying what I was doing and moved his hand to my ass, where he circled his fingertip around my asshole and pressed lightly against it. No one had ever touched me there before, and it sent me over the top so fast that I unloaded in Benner's mouth with no warning.

At nearly the same moment, my bedroom door opened, and I found myself looking up at my brother as Benner's cock started to fill my mouth with cum.

Next: Chapter 8

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