Stanford Park Glory Hole

By Brandon Walden

Published on May 8, 2023


I stared at my brother Andy's phone, reading the text chain, a sense of shock building within me. After the first text, declaring that the sender 'knew his secret' and including a picture of Andy walking out of the men's room at Stanford Park, my brother had tried to bluff.

"Who is this? Why did you take my picture in the park, creeper?"

"U no what u were doing in there cocksucker"

"Fuck off! I don't know what you're talking about."

"Does Abe no his big bro slurps up strange mens knobs and eats their jizz in public restrooms?"

Andy hadn't responded to that text. Another had followed half an hour later.

"I have other pics with ur mouth stuffed full of pole should I send them directly to Abe or post them online, maybe to your school chat?"

Another long gap followed, until Andy responded.

"What do you want?"

"Meet me in the school parking lot in an hour"

"I'll be there."

That had been sent just before dinner. The last text was the one that came through a moment ago: "If ur not here in 15 I will make sure every1 knows starting with Abe"

I locked Andy's phone and put it back on the counter next to his keys. It was a good thing that my brother still used the year he was born as his passcode. I'd discovered this back when I was 12 when I'd gone through a snooping phase I wasn't proud of now.

I didn't know what to do. I was pretty sure the sender was bluffing about having other pictures. The one of Andy leaving the men's room was from today, Andy was still in the same clothes. There was no way anyone had taken pictures inside the bathroom today, so it followed that the guy was lying about that.

I couldn't tell Andy, this, though. Not only would he know I'd looked in his phone, he'd also want to know how I could be so sure that the person couldn't have taken some incriminating pictures over the top of the stall. I couldn't let him know that I'd been the one in the stall; that we'd sucked each other off the day before and he'd sucked off my buddy Zeke that afternoon while I jerked him under the stall.

How could I let him go off to face who knows what, though, without doing something about it? The asshole obviously knew us, and there was only one person we knew who was in Stanford Park today to take that picture as Andy left, one person who knew for a fact that someone had been sucking cock in the restroom because he'd had his own sucked: Benner. It had to be Chris.

Andy walked back into the kitchen and grabbed his phone and keys. I opened my mouth, and then closed it again, wanting to help but knowing that if I did, I'd not only expose myself, but I'd blow up whatever relationship I had with my brother forever. Yesterday, I might not have cared much about that, but knowing that Andy wasn't that different from me had changed everything.

Andy walked out. I heard his car start and pull away. "Mom, I'm running over to Zeke's house!" I yelled.

"Is the kitchen clean?" my mother called out.


"Okay. Don't be out late, Abe."

"I won't!"

I closed the door and ran for my bike. The school was a lot closer than Stanford Park, and I rode like hell to get there quickly. I saw Andy's car in the parking lot, but even from a distance I could tell it was empty. Where would they be? I ditched my bike and ran back toward the football field, the only outdoor place I could think of. I slowed down as I approached, my heart pounding as I tried to listen for voices.

Pulling my phone out, I called Benner's phone, sure I'd hear it ring somewhere nearby. Instead, I heard Benner answer. "McCall, it's date night. What do you need?" In the background, I heard Naomi's voice "Hi Abe!"

"Sorry, we'll talk later," I said quietly, and then hung up. Chris was with Naomi, so there was no way it was him. It made no sense. Zeke was in the stall with me when Andy walked out and if it wasn't Benner lying in wait to take a picture of the person he thought had been sucking his cock, who else...

Markley? He'd come into the bathroom with Benner. Could the person who started all of this with his story at lunch be the one who'd taken the picture?

I called Bill's phone. It went right to voicemail. Sighing, I called Andy's phone, the only option I had left. The sound of his ringtone reached my ears, coming from somewhere in the bleachers. It cut off quickly as my brother rejected my call, but at least I knew where he was.

I moved quietly, still not sure what the hell I was going to do. I slipped under the bleachers, knowing that there was no way I could climb them without giving away my presence. As I approached the far end, where I'd heard Andy's phone, I heard the unmistakable sounds of someone sucking cock.

Through the gaps in the bleachers, I saw the back of a pair of legs, someone sitting on one of the lower bleachers. There was just enough illumination from a nearby security light that I could make out someone on their knees between those legs.

I was too late. Amid the sounds of slurping, I heard a soft laugh, and then a voice. "Yeah, you like that?"

Other than the continued sound of sucking, there was no response. Then the voice came again. "C'mon, Andy, look at the camera while you blow me."

Oh, fuck! I was sure there'd been no real pictures of Andy sucking cock before, but now there was no doubt. My heart sank, but at the same time I noticed that the voice didn't sound familiar at all.

"C'mon, Andy. Do what I say, or I'll have to send this video to your little bro."

A video, even worse! Andy must have complied because I heard the laugh again. "Now, tell the camera what you are, but don't stop sucking me."

I heard the muffled sound of my brother trying to speaking around the dick in his mouth. "I'm a cocksucker." Loud laughter followed.

Fuck. This was making me mad, but it was also turning me on at the same time. What the hell was wrong with me? My brother was being humiliated but it was like my dick had a mind of its own. I still couldn't quite believe that this was Andy, my brother, who was up there sucking cock.

"Dude, is that necessary?" a familiar voice said. There were two of them? I looked and couldn't see where the second guy was, but the voice sounded like Bill.

"Oh, yeah, it definitely is. I know this guy, he can't get enough. He's a Stanford Park regular, aren't you Andy? I live right across the street, I've seen you coming and going plenty. Answer me!"

"Yes," Andy spoke around the cock in his mouth again.

"Okay, Andy boy, get ready to swallow that load. Here it comes," I heard a telltale groan. The sucking sounds continued for another minute or so, and then stopped.

"Okay, that's enough," the second voice said. I saw a pair of feet appear from the shadows. I had no doubt now that it was Bill and that his cousin, Ryan, had just cum in my brother's mouth.

"We're just getting started. Your turn, man," Ryan's legs stood up and moved aside, giving me a clearer picture of Andy kneeling just above me on platform at the bottom of the bleachers.

"I don't know, Ryan. I'm not gay," Markley said.

"I'm not either! But we've got a cocksucker on demand, dude. Here, blaze up while he sucks you, it'll be sweet."

"You don't have to keep the pictures or the video, all right? I'll suck you both off whenever you want. I promise. I like sucking cock. You don't need to threaten to expose me."

"It's more fun this way, though. If you don't do what we say, when we say, Abe will find that his brother is..." there was a pause, and then I heard the sound of Andy's strained voice again, saying he was a cocksucker around the dick in his mouth, this time played on video.

"Fuck you. What if I just kick your scrawny little asses right now and take your damn phone?"

"I've already backed everything up to the cloud, so it won't do you any good."

"I really fucking hate you," Andy sounded ready to kill.

"Enough talk, Andy. It's Bill's turn," Ryan said. "Let him see what he missed out on the other day."

It was quiet for a few moments, and then I heard the sounds of my brother sucking cock again.

"Oh... wow..." Bill breathed. The smell of pot reached my nostrils, so I knew my friend had taken his cousin's advice and was smoking a joint while Andy sucked him.

"That's amazing," Bill sounded completely blissed out. Having experienced Andy's skills, I knew exactly what he was going through.

My dick was rock hard from happening just a few feet above my head, but at the same time I wanted to stop them from doing this to my brother. I just didn't know how.

Bill didn't last very long. I didn't time things, but it seemed to no more than a few minutes before I heard him grunt out the words "I'm cumming!"

A minute passed, and then Ryan spoke again.

"Good job, cocksucker! Now, when one of us calls you, you answer. If you ever say no to anything we tell you to do, you know what happens," Ryan said.

"I'm taking off, I'll call you tomorrow morning," this must have been directed to Bill. I heard footsteps going down the stairs and off the bleachers. Above my head, all was quiet for a few minutes, but I knew Andy and Bill were still there. Finally, my friend spoke.

"Sorry, Andy." Bill's words sounded genuine. "I didn't mean for any of this to happen."

"What the fuck, Bill?"

"Benner and I were in the park today, and Benner came out of the bathroom and said a fag tried to suck him. That happened to me the other day, too, and I'd told the guys all about it. When Ryan came over to join us, Benner filled him in. I didn't know Ryan was watching the door after that, or that he took your picture when you walked out. He showed me after Benner left, and I just blurted out 'That's Andy!' and it went from there."

"Well, thanks a fuckin' lot, Bill."

"Listen, I'll get his phone and delete everything, okay? I'm sorry."

"It won't do any good if its all in the cloud. I'm screwed, I'll have to be his bitch now."

"I'm sorry! I'll try to get him to delete everything."

"I won't hold my breath. If Abe hears about this-"

"I won't say anything. It- it was really good, Andy. Thanks for that. It was the first time I ever got a blowjob."

I swallowed a laugh. Markley had sworn up and down last year that he'd gotten a blowjob from Linda Adams on a field trip to a state forest for our Earth science class.

"I figured you were just as much of a virgin as Abetard," Andy laughed.

"So... do you really suck dick at the park? I mean, was it you the other day when I was there?"

"Shit, Markley, I don't know! It's anonymous. If it was yesterday or today, it could have been. Before that, I hadn't been for a week or so."

"Have you been.. uh.. doing that long?" Bill asked. I could have kissed him for asking that question.

"What, are you writing a fucking book? Jesus," Andy snapped.

"Sorry, just curious. I mean, you must really like sucking dick, right? And you're really good at it."

Andy's voice softened. "Thanks. Yeah, I do, okay? I like dick. I had a good friend, we started messing around together when we were, like, twelve. Then about two years ago, he moved away and I was going crazy. I found out about the park about a month after he left, so it's my go to now."

Andy and Wyatt?! Wow. That was news to me. I mean, they had always spent a lot of time closed up in Andy's room together, and Wyatt stayed over a lot, but I always assumed they were just gaming. They always made it clear I wasn't welcome to join them, so I'd stopped trying long before Wyatt moved away.

"I better go," Andy said. I saw him stand up.

"Andy... if you want.... I mean, I am straight, but..."

Andy laughed. "Your cousin will probably make me suck you off again anyway."

"No! I won't let him do that again. I'm really sorry about tonight. But if you want to, if it's just you and me... I'm cool with that."

"We'll see, Markley. I gotta go."

"Okay, see you later, Andy."

My brother walked off. I sat there, lost in thought about everything I'd just heard while Markley finished smoking his joint on the bleachers above me.

After a few minutes, I moved silently back the way I came, out from under the bleachers and out to the now empty parking lot, where I'd abandoned my bike.

I rode home, feeling the potent mixture of horniness over what I'd heard and guilt that I hadn't done something to stop it.

I put my bike away and headed inside. After I let my parents know I was back, I trudged up the stairs and went into my room. I stopped short at the sight of Andy, sitting in my desk chair.

"Why are you in my room?"

Andy just stared at me in silence and then nodded toward the door. "Close it."

I followed his direction without thinking and then leaned against the closed door, feeling nervous.

"Someone opened my texts, Abe. The last one was marked read before I even saw it."

"What are you talking about?" my voice sounded strange to my ears.

"You read them while I was talking to Mom, didn't you?"


"You saw where I was going, and you followed me. I saw your bike there when I was leaving, Abe. You didn't even bother to hide it. And you called me while I was... you called. Why?"

I swallowed hard and went to sit on my bed. "I saw the text. I wanted to help you."

"Why did you call, Abe?"

"I... I was trying to find out where you were. Your car was empty."

"Did you find me?"

I looked up, meeting my brother's eyes. "Yes."

Andy closed his eyes and ran his fingers through his hair. "Where were you?"

I stared at him and he opened his eyes. I dropped mine to the floor. "Under the bleachers."

"Fuck! Were you there for all of it?"

I nodded. "I'm sorry! I wanted to do something, but I didn't know what to do."

"I can't deal with this!" Andy jumped up and headed for the door.

"I'm gay too!" I blurted out. Andy stopped in his tracks and looked back at me.


"I'm gay, too."

Andy came back and sat down, staring at me. "You're gay?"


"Are you sure? I mean, you're a virgin-"

"I am not!"

Andy snorted. "What sex have you ever had?"

I blushed and kept my mouth closed. Andy was looking at me skeptically and then his face changed. "Hang on. Bill said he told you guys about the glory hole this week. Did you... have you been..."

I couldn't meet his eye but he could read the answer on my face.

"When were you there, Abe?"

I didn't respond, but my heart was pounding.

"Abe, did you go there today or yesterday? Tell me!" Andy grabbed my shoulder and shook me.

"Yes!" I blurted out.

"Did.... did you do anything?"

"Yesterday I sucked off a jogger. Then today, there was this guy who stuck his ass under the stall and I fucked him," I said quietly. I could edit the truth to leave Andy and Zeke out of it.

"Jesus, Abetard!" Andy looked shocked, but also relived. Neither of those experiences had involved him, obviously.

We were quiet for a bit and then Andy laughed softly. "So, we're both total fags. Mom and Dad will be fuckin' thrilled. Listen, you've got to be careful. Look at what happened to me tonight. It's too risky. You need to stay away from the park."

"Are you going to?" I challenged him.

"I don't know, Abe, but that's another reason for you to stay the fuck away. If we both start going there, sooner or later the dick on the other end of the hole is going to belong to your brother! I don't want to take that risk, do you?"

Fuck yes, I did. Call me sick, but I wanted Andy's mouth, and his cock, again. "Maybe we can just... make a schedule? I don't think I can stop going now that I know about it," I smiled.

Andy laughed. "You're more like me than I ever would have guessed, Abetard. Jesus, what a fuckin' night. I need to process all of this. Good night."

"Night, Andy."

My brother walked out and closed the door behind him. I fell back on the bed, my head spinning. It hadn't even been 36 hours since I found out about the Stanford Park glory hole, and it had already changed my entire life.

Next: Chapter 6

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