Stanford Park Glory Hole

By Brandon Walden

Published on Apr 15, 2023


It started in lunch period on Thursday. All us guys at the table were bullshitting aboutsports, girls, games, bitching about parents and teachers. Typical stuff, I'd he ard it and said it all a thousand times.

Then Bill Markley started talking about playing basketball the evening before at Stanford Park on the other side of town. There was a better, more modern park on our side of town, so most???of us had never been to Stanford.

"What the fuck you over there for?" Chris Benner asked.

"My cousin Ryan lives right by it. He's always got weed, so I was hanging out wi th him and his buddy."

"Fuckin' pothead," Chris laughed. Bill didn't deny it. He was definitely the st oner in our group.

"Anyway, I'm needing to take a piss, so I run over to the men's room. I'm doing my thing, and I look over and there's this fuckin' hole in the wall of the toilet stall. I'm just pissin' and staring at it, not really looking at it, you know, I'm buzzed and thinking my thoughts," Bill continued.

"You got more than one thought, Bill?" Nick Weller cracked, and everyone laughed . Everyone but me, that is. My pulse was racing. I thought I knew where this story was going.

"Fuck you, Weller. Anyway, all of a sudden this finger comes poking out of the h ole and makes a circle around the inside of it. I jumped and pissed all over my fuckin' shoes!"

Everyone burst out laughing and I joined in, but my heart was pounding. A glory???hole, in my town! I knew exactly what it was for, I'd seen plenty of videos on Twitter and busted my nut???to several of them. I always wished there was one around where I lived but I figured you had to be in a big c ity for that kind of thing. Now I knew exactly where to find one.

The guys all joked about Bill getting 'fingered' in the men's room, shit like th at. Only Chris Benner made the comment I'd been expecting, about fags in the park.

I wasn't mentally present for the rest of the day. Instead, I was planning out h ow I could get to Stanford Park as soon as possible. I was a 15 year old closete d gay virgin, and I'd just been handed the keys to a sexual kingdom.

I wanted to go right from school, but the problem with that was my older brother , Andy. He was two years ahead of me and had his license, so I always rode to an d from school with him.

I tried to think of a lie I could tell about staying after school, but Stanford Park wasn't a short walk. I'd really need to ride my bike to make it work, so it made more sense to go home with Andy like I always did.

I was practically vibrating with nervous anticipation the whole way home. Even A ndy, who usually prefers to ignore me unless he wants to kick my ass for some reason, picked up on it.

"What the fuck is up with you, Abetard?" he asked, looking over at me as he sped down the street. My name is Abe, but I couldn't remember the last time my broth er called me anything but 'Abetard', or 'ABitch' or some other 'clever' nickname, unless my parents were listening.


"Quit squirming around then! You're distracting me from the road," Andy said. Th is from a guy who nearly rear ended another car once because a chick was out for a jog and his eyes were on h er tits! True story.

Normally I head right to the kitchen for a snack and a drink when we get home, a nd then up to my room to jerk off to gay porn on Twitter before I started my hom ework. Andy either drops me off to go to his after school job or, if he's not working, he heads to his room right away and I don't see him again until dinner.

Today he was working, so he just ran in to grab his waiter uniform and took off. I hauledmy backpack up to my room and scribbled a note about going for a bike ride, just in case I didn't get home before my parents, and then ran back down and headed out the back door.

I grabbed my bike from the shed and set off, my heart still racing in anticipati on of my first experience. I made record time getting across town. Stanford Park was pretty much deserted, except???for an old woman walking a small dog.

I locked my bike up in an otherwise empty rack, and headed for the promised land .

The bathroom was no different than any other I'd been in. A bit dark and dank, p lenty of graffiti. To my disappointment, I was the only person there. I'd somehow expected to find the gu y who'd tried to suck Bill off waiting for me.

I stepped over by the urinals and looked at the stall partition, and there it wa s, just like Bill had said: a glory hole. I opened up the stall door and went inside, closing it behind me.

I discovered that there were actually two glory holes in the stall, one on the s ide by the urinals, and one between the two stalls.That seemed like good odds to me, so I dropped my pants and sat down to wait, pu lling out my phone and stroking my cock slowly while logging in to my second Twitter account, the one no one knew about.

Time seemed to crawl by. I had been sitting there for 19 long minutes and was wo ndering if I should give up and come back on the weekend when it was busier, when I finally heard someone co me in.

I held my breath and stopped stroking my dick. Footsteps approached and I saw a???pair of black sneakers step up to the urinal next to my stall.

I leaned over slowly and looked through the hole. I had a perfect view of a soft cock, held loosely between two fingers which aimed it into the urinal. As I watched, a strong stream of piss sh ot out of it.

I couldn't see much else of the guy. What if he was really old, or ugly? I was s uddenly full of doubts. As I sat up,I noticed for the first time that there was???a smaller hole a bit farther up. A peep hole!

I put my eye to it and was rewarded by the sight of a good looking guy who was p robably about ten years older than me, dressed in shorts and a tshirt, ear buds???hanging down. He'd obviously stopped to piss while out for a run.

My eye was fixed on his face and when the piss stopped and I saw him shaking off , I reached over and cautiously ran my finger around the edge of the glory hole, like I'd seen on Twitter, and like the guy had done with Bill the previous evening. I saw his sharp glance in my direction and then a smile break out on his face.

In one swift movement he turned and stuck his cock through the hole and into my???hand.

I dropped to my knees, feeling light headed with lust. For the first time in my???life, I had another man's cock in my hand. I started stroking and it very quickly grew to a good solid six inches or so.

Leaning forward, I took the head between my lips and ran my tongue across it, el iciting a soft groan from the jogger on the other side of the partition.

His cock tasted of sweat and a bit like the piss he'd been shaking off. Not the???best first taste, but the way it felt in my mouth was intoxicating. Silky but hard, hot and throbbing. In that sense,???it was everything I'd ever fantasized about.

I was hardly an expert at sucking cock, but it still only took him about two min utes. He shot in my mouth with nowarning at all, catching me off guard. I sputte red, coughed, and choked on the mouthful of salty jizz before swallowing it down.

The very first cock I'd ever sucked pulled away and I heard the urinal flush and then the jogger walking out of the bathroom.

I got up and sat back on the toilet. My dick was harder than it had ever been. I sat there, still tasting the cum I'd swallowed, and began to edge myself. I didn't want to shoot yet, I still wanted my first blowjob. The jogger hadn't been interested, but I had about an hour before I had to leave, if I wanted to beat my parents home. I was sure someone else would come along if I was just patient.

Another twenty minutes crawled by, and I had to stop myself from cumming four or five times. My hope was ebbing away when suddenly there were footsteps. A man walked in and went to a urinal and immediately started pissing, but not at the one right next to my stall. I was trying to look through the glory hole to catch a glimpse when someone else walked in. The second guy was moving quickly and made his way right into the stall next to mine.

I sat up and turned slightly in that direction, hoping that I wasn't about to hear and smell someone taking a shit. The only sound was the man pissing at the urinal, though, and that soon stopped, followed by a flush and the sound of him departing. The guy in the other stall and I were now alone.

There were no sounds or smells, everything seemed suspiciously quiet. I looked in vain for a peephole on that side, but there wasn't one. It was just the glory hole, and I had no way of knowing who was behind it. My nerves were on edge, but I really wanted that first blow job, so I started to stroke my cock as loudly as I could, noticing that doing so also created a pretty telltale shadow on the floor of my stall. If the guy was looking in this direction, he couldn't miss it.

I gasped out loud when his finger appeared and ran around the rim of the hole. This was it. I stood up and moved forward, slipping my six and a half inches of cock through. I heard him move inside his stall as he sank to his knees and my dick was immediately engulfed in a warm, wet mouth. The suction started and I thought I'd died and gone to Heaven. It was the most incredible feeling I'd ever had in my life.

Looking down, I could see his own cock sticking under the partition, his hand stroking away. My mouth watered at the sight of it, and I wanted to taste it.

It being my first blowjob, I didn't last long at all, though I managed to go longer than the jogger had. It took about four minutes until I felt myself passing the point of no return. I didn't want to surprise him, so I started grunting in a way that I hoped conveyed that he was going to get a mouthful of cum if he didn't pull off. The message seemed to get across, but his reaction was to begin sucking harder and stroking faster.

I shot in his mouth, and he held didn't release my dick until I was well and truly drained. He must have swallowed it all. Once he took his mouth off, I quickly pulled my dick back through the hole and ran my fingers along the edge to signal him that I wanted to taste his cock.

He stood up and and pushed through a thick cock that had to be about seven inches. I hit my knees and took in the second cock I'd ever sucked. This one tasted much better, no sweat or piss flavor, and I loved the soft moans that started coming from the other stall as I took in as much of it as I could.

"Gonna cum," he whispered softly after about five minutes. I mimicked his own response, sucking even harder and keeping him in my mouth. I felt one, two, and then three shots hit the back of my throat. I held it in my mouth, waiting until he slowly pulled away, and then I swallowed it all. His cum tasted a lot better than the joggers' had.

I stood back up and pulled up my underwear and pants, even though I was already getting hard again. I could happily stay here all day, but I knew I needed to get home before my parents did, or there would be a lot of questions I didn't want to answer.

I was wondering what the procedure was for this sort of thing- who leaves first?- when I heard him open his stall door and saw him hurry by in a blur.

I waited a few minutes and then headed out. At the door to the restroom I cautiously looked around and my eyes nearly popped out of my head. Over near the basketball court, I saw Bill Markley and Chris Benner, along with another guy, who I assumed was probably Bill's cousin Ryan. Had any of them been in the bathroom? Had I just sucked off one of my friends? Was my first ever beej from one of the guys I'd known since elementary school?

One thing I knew for sure, I had to get away before they saw me and wondered what I was doing there. Luckily, the bike rack was on the opposite side of the bathrooms, so I turned and fled in that direction. As I rounded the corner to the bike racks, I spotted a car just pulling out of the park's parking lot. I stopped short, a feeling of panic touching me. It looked like Andy's car, and then last thing I wanted to do was explain why I was all the way across town at this park.

I couldn't be sure it was his car, though, and the more I thought about it as I rode my bike toward home, the more I realized how silly I was being. He drove a fairly common make and model car and Andy was at work this afternoon, it couldn't be him. Besides, why would he be in Stanford Park?

The house was empty when I got home. I headed upstairs and took a quick shower, during which I replayed all the afternoon's events in my head and jerked out another load to the memory.

Back in my room, I started in on my homework and found it impossible to keep a smile off my face. That morning, I woke up a hopeless gay virgin, and now I'd sucked my first two dicks, had my first blowjob, and had the prospect of endless amounts of gloryhole fun ahead of me until I could get the hell out of this town and go to college somewhere with a lot of gay guys.

The only thing that really weighed on my mind was the sight of two of my friends at the park. What if.... but why would Bill have told that story at lunch if he was really into cruising for dick? I don't know why Chris was in the park with Bill, but of all my friends, Chris was the least likely to be sucking dick in a men's room. He'd had a girlfriend for over a year now. That left only Bill's cousin Ryan, assuming that he'd been the third guy with them. Since he was someone I'd never met, I felt he was probably the most likely candidate of the three. There'd been no one else in the park, as far as I could see, except for the person leaving in the car. I had no idea if that was a man or woman, but if it was a man, I figured he was likely my guy.

I'd probably never really know the truth, but I made a silent promise to keep a closer eye on both Bill and Chris at school the next day, to see if there were any clues to one of them being my mystery man.

Next: Chapter 2

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