Stan the Snake and Slick Rick

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Oct 18, 2023


When Rick moved into his apartment, even for the short time he planned to be there, "wheels" began to turn in Stan's head. He really wasn't satisfied with the arrangement that they had before he moved in: the 4 day/3 day split. Stan was jealous of ANYONE who had sex with Rick - and from their conversations, he knew that Rick was fucking twinks again. That pissed him off. Rick was HIS. And why did he top? His ass was so fucking HOT. He liked the way Stan took him - he knew it from his orgasms and his hard ons. Stan wanted that man 100%: he wanted to be in his ass or mouth (or both, every single night). He wanted that hot stud tied up and at his mercy. All the time. How to do it? Of course, he knew what an independent streak Rick had, and it wouldn't be easy. He had to start thinking about how to go about it. What Stan couldn't know, was that Rick was truly enjoying their roles, now that he had moved into the apartment. Stan had agreed that if Rick used the second bedroom, he could bring over people on the days they had agreed to in the past. Yet, after a week and a half of living with Stan, he hadn't brought anyone over even a single time. When Stan was ready for bed - and he would get tired before Rick did, he would turn, give Rick a kiss, and head off. The second time he did it, Rick looked at him. "Hey. You're not gonna drag me off to bed with you?" Stan looked at Rick's smile. "You want me to?" Rick smiled broader. "See if you can make me do it, caveman." It wasn't hard. Rick was willing, and combined with Stan's aggression, Rick was over his shoulder, on his way to bed, in less than 15 minutes. Stan threw him on the bed, pinned him down, and fucked him hard, shoving at least 3 inches in with each thrust. The next day, when Rick shifted at his desk, and felt the soreness, he smiled, and felt his cock grow, just for an instant, and just for a bit. But it did grow.

Rick also remembered the night he came home, and Stan was seeing a client. Now, Stan had warned him, that he had a late day appointment, and he should be finished by 6. The client had been late, and Rick was early. Stan had closed the "play room" door, but Rick could hear the moaning from the client, and that made him jealous. "I should be moaning like that," was one of the kinder things he thought. And while he couldn't make out the words, he could pretty much tell what Stan was saying, and he heard the rough, deep voice and he reached down to find his cock. He imagined Stan doing the same things to him. He began to pump. Stan didn't like it when Rick came without him , but hell, Stan was working over someone good.

And then, there was one more thing going on in Rick's mind: he wasn't getting any younger, and the days of "a twink every night," were gone. Yes, he was still handsome, and yes, he still had a killer body, but it wasn't the body he had when he left NYC for California. Now that he was older, it was harder - MUCH harder - to maintain that physique. And his job was more demanding, so he didn't have the time. Yes, he still had the 9 inch cock, but ... where had all these guys with 9 and 10 inches come from? Instead of being the ONLY guy in the room with a big dick, now he was one of a bunch. Whatever was going on with his body, Stand didn't seem to mind it. Rick smiled when he thought about how Stan always looked the same: he had that goofy face, the big lanky body, the hands that were too big for him... and the cock. Rick thought Stan was still wearing some of the clothes he wore when he had moved to California (he was). Rick, on the other hand, had had to bite the bullet and move from a size 32 with his pants, to a size 34. If Stan noticed, he didn't say anything. If anything, he seemed to love Rick's body even more. "I always dug Clark Kent more than Superman , Rick" he had told him once. Rick nearly melted when he said that. "You want a chunky instead of a chocolate nut bar?" Stan wasn't always the sharpest guy, but he had an answer. "If I had my preference, I'd have you under me instead of a chocolate bar in my mouth ricky." Rick HATED that name, but Stan got away with it. Somehow, when he said it, Rick felt very much like a lovesick teenager.

But back to his hard on. He never got to climax, because Stan finished the scene, and left the room to give his client time to get put together. He saw Rick. "WHAT THE FUCK? I thought you were working." Rick gulped. He let go of his cock and put his hands behind his back. "Well, I got home early Sir Stan. I didn't know you'd still be busy." "ZIP THAT THING UP. We'll talk about it after I settle with my client. And you're gonna have to be punished for that." They had begun incorporating that element into their sex play, and Rick just gulped and said "yes sir." Stan was too much of a professional to let what had happened interfere with his client interaction. "George, it was good to see you. Now, next time, you better be on time. I schedule on the hour, and I won't be as amenable to giving you 20 minutes more time because you couldn't find a cab." "I understand Sir Stan It won't happen again." The guy left 5 one hundred dollar bills on the table near the door, and left. Stan went into the kitchen, where Rick had gone to hide. He had a drink in front of him, and his head was looking down at the table. Stan came up from behind him and began massaging his shoulders. "DAMN those big hands feel good" was the first thing Rick thought. "Hey stud. I'm sorry that happened. George has been a regular client for years. Good tipper, always on time. I don't know what happened today." He bent down and kissed Rick's ear. "I would've rather been doing that to you though. " His hand moved from Rick's shoulder to his nipple. He whispered "I didn't shoot in the scene. You wanna play?" Stan's fingers were AMAZING, and rick was already hard. He wanted to play so badly. SO BADLY. . He took a deep breath, and moved his hand over Stan's "No. Not right away. I wanna talk. " Stan had a look of concern on his face. "Are you that angry, rick?" "I am, but I'm angry at me. Not at you?" Now Stan looked REAL perplexed. "Why are you angry at you? What did you do? Besides jerk off without my ok." Stan smiled. "Which I know you're doing anyway. I decided to punish you only if I caught you, and tonight, I caught you." Rick smiled. "I'll take my punishment, but hear me out Stan. " He paused. "If I stop bringing home twinks, can I move in with you for good?" THAT caught Stan by surprise. He paused. Then he smiled. "This is a trick question from a very smart lawyer. We're probably going to disagree on who's a twink , ricky." Rick smiled. There it was! That jolt of excitement when Stan used the nickname. "You're right, Stan the Man. How's about I not bring home anyone?" "Well, I'm down with that, and I wish I could make the same promise, but... that's how I make my living." Rick smiled. "You know, big Stan, I thought about that. I thought about it a lot. Tell me true. Are any of your clients getting that wanger of yours?" He blushed. "They get to see me jerk, but it doesn't go into anyone but you." "That's what I thought Staaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan. So really, you're just like a personal trainer, or someone like that." Stan stopped and thought for a minute. "YEAH. I'm a fantasy fulfiller. But I thought about it too rick, cause I've been wanting you in here for a while. What do you think about this: If I pack up a bag of toys every day, and travel to a client's place, then..." "Nah, I'm fine if you promise me you won't put it in anyone." Stan laughed. "I'll keep it better than your promise to jerk only when I'm there." Ricks teeth showed in his big smile. "Now Staaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan, you know how your voice turns me on. What it does to me." Now it was Stan's turn to smile. He lowered his voice. "You have any idea how tight I'm gonna tie you, or how hard I'm gonna fuck you, bottom?" "No sir. Let me find out."

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Stan took rick directly to the bedroom. Yes, there were restraints on the bed, but he didn't use them. Instead, he grabbed four of rick's neckties. He knew it would piss off rick and he was looking for that. "MY SILK TIES! rick yelled before Stan balled up a fifth one and shoved it in his mouth. Spread out and tied down, with the tie gag in his mouth, rick was helpless and hard. That's when Stan came back with some of his toys from the playroom: a violet want, the hitachi rod, the pie docker he used for feet tickling, and his favorite nipple clamps. "Now, everything tonight has a purpose rick baby. About time you learned your place." "About time you learned your place." That phrase just hit rick in the right spot. With his legs spread opened, naked, he could do nothing while Stan started moving the violet want over his body. He tried to jump when the shock hit a particularly sensitive zone, but he couldn't move much. He writhed, he twisted, but he got nowhere. Then Stan put the clamps on. "GRIFLFOGDOSSSMEGOROSORDA" or something like that, came out of rick's mouth. "What's the matter ricky? More than you can handle?" Stan picked up the chain and tugged. FKJFLKALSFSSGRFFFJFL" Rick was trying to yell "STOP YOU MOTHER FUCKER," but that's what came out. It got louder and more desperate, as Stan moved his hands in, and twisted the clamps on rick's nipples. Stan whispered "If your body weren't so goddamn perfect, I'd make you get a tattoo that said "Property of Stan." He saw rick's eyes go wide. "But NAH. I like this body just as it is." He let go of the chain, and began stroking rick's belly and torso with his hand, very gently. Rick LOVED when he did that. Stan smiled. "If I take out the gag, do I get a kiss?" Rick shook his head yes." Stan pulled out the tie. Rick gasped "FUCK. I spent 200.00 for that tie." "You shouldn't be wearing em anyway ricky. Show the world some of that beautiful chest. Now, my kiss." Stan dropped his pants, and moved his cock to Rick's mouth. "Lawyer man, I just said kiss. I didn't say where." "Yes sir. " Rick opened his mouth and started taking as much of Stan's cock as he could. His ass was trained to take all of it, but he still gagged at about ten inches. Tonight though, Stan was having no part of it. He grabbed Rick's balls. "ALL OF IT FUCKER. EVERY MILLIMETER OF IT." He jammed his whole cock into rick's mouth, and rick couldn't breathe for a minute. Stan paused, and then he smiled. Rick's muscles relaxed the way his ass muscles did, and he took it. ALL of it. After Stan had face fucked him for a little while, he pulled out. "Now, stud..." He pulled the clamps off, not gently, and rick screamed. "FUUUCCCCCCCCK." "Yeah, that's coming, but first..." He took the pastry docker. "I wish you were more ticklish ricky, but your feet'll do." He began rolling the tool over rick's soles, and rick lost it. He was hard, but he began to pee, as he was laughing and twisting helplessly. "STOP. PLEASE. STOP. I PROMISE I PROMISE. I'LL NEVER JERK OFF WITHOUT YOU SAYING IT'S OK. EVER AGAIN!!!!" Stan stopped. He lay down next to rick and he became gentle, and soft, as he stroked rick's very short hair. "Babe, you can jerk off whenever you want. Just tell me this: who gets that ass of yours?" "You do Sir Stan." "Anyone else?" "No Sir. As long as my ass is the only place it goes. Besides my mouth." "Heh heh. You got that right, lawyersub." He slid down and untied rick's ankles. Then he moved in. His big cockhead entered, and then he began sliding in, all the way. "OH YEAH. I wanted this all day. GIMME WHAT'S MINE STUD." "I will. And I'll take what's mine. " Stan pushed in, hard, and rick moaned. "OH YEAH. OH YEAH. Dig a tunnel to China you big fucking stud. FUCK ME HARD." Stan was pumping, faster and faster. Then the explosion as he filled Rick. "Just like putting Polish cream in a chocolate donut," Stan made a bad joke. It was one of the things about him rick liked the most. "Is it my turn, Sir?" Stan smiled. "Yes and no. We haven't used the rod in awhile." "SHIT I HATE THAT THING!" "I know. And I hate it when you disobey." Stan took the old gag necktie and used it to secure the rod to rick's leg. He set it to its lowest setting, and moved the head to rick's balls. "I'm gonna go and make dinner. I'll hear when you finally cum, ricky. And if you don't by the time dinner's ready... OH WELL" Rick wanted to curse him out in the worse way. But he loved this. He was getting harder, and harder. But the speed of the rod was just too low for him to finish easily

Stan was making salad when he heard rick's yells. He got back, and saw the jizz all over his lover. He smiled, took a bit of it, and put it on his lips. . "My appetizer. How about I untie you, you get cleaned up and we eat?" "If it were your jizz, I'd say No to the cleaning Sir. Promise me you'll jerk on me soon." He did. That night. Rick fell asleep with a small amount of Stan's jizz drying on his belly. His hands were cuffed in front of him, and Stan's arm was around his chest, his leg thrown over rick's. They both slept well.

Next: Chapter 10

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