Stan the Snake and Slick Rick

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Sep 22, 2023


Rick woke up the next morning, with a sense that someone was watching him. He was right. Stan had his head perched on his hand, and he was just looking at Rick and smiling. His hand lay on Rick's chest, not doing anything, just "being there." "Good morning. Hope you slept well." Rick bent down to kiss Rick, who began to smile.

"I forgot how good I sleep in your bed, Mr. Man. You get the softest sheets. And you're a little heat producing engine. I was warm the whole night." "Yeah, it's that metabolism I guess." The smell of coffee from the machine began to permeate the room. "You take it with skim, no sugar, right? That hasn't changed in 3 years, has it stud?" "HEY. What a memory! That's right. Right on the money." Stan got up, not bothering to put on a robe. Rick just kinda gawked as he walked around with that huge cock kinda flapping. "You horny already Rickster?" Rick laughed. "Not yet. I'm just amazed how you navigate that monster. It's kinda like driving a limo isn't it?" Stan made a joke. "Well, I got to put it in a garage last night where it stayed safe. " "It may have stayed safe Stan the Man, but you may have scraped the walls." Rick was laughing as Stan came over with coffee. "So, I don't know how you feel about eating. I still got my fry cook skills, so if you're up for that." Rick sat up. "How about... " He took Stan's hand. "You surprised me like the first time, and I don't have clean clothes here. You KNOW how I am about that, so.... how about we take a trip to my place, I get changed, and I take YOU out to breakfast so we can discuss what's happening next." Stan felt a little unsure about "what's happening next," but he agreed: they had to discuss it. He realized as he was falling asleep last night that he wanted Rick to move in, but if Rick moved in, what was gonna happen to his business? He didn't have the fry cook job anymore. Where was his income going to come from. One thing he didn't want, was to be a "kept man." They showered at Stan's place - he had two full bathrooms so they could move along pretty quickly. Rick gathered up his clothes, put on what he was wearing at the bar, grimacing as he did, and they headed out to Rick's place. It actually wasn't too far away, so they walked. Stan tried to grab Rick's hand, and Rick very politely pulled it away, so Stan put his hand on the back of Rick's neck. For some reason, that didn't bother Rick, he actually enjoyed it and, without being asked, he put his hands behind his back . He was fantasizing that Stan had captured him and was taking him back as his prisoner. He just didn't want to encourage Stan: his ass still hurt from the deepest fuck he had gotten in 3 years - but it was fun to start playing out his submissive side.

At Rick's place, he changed into a white oxford and some blue pants. As he went through his extensive closet, he picked items that he knew fit him tightly: he had a plan in mind, he just wasn't sharing it . Stan found himself getting harder as Rick first stripped, and then got dressed. "My man is so fucking hot," he was thinking "I wanna fuck him right now." When he was done, Rick came over to Stan and flashed his big smile. "Like what you see, Stan the Man?" Stan smiled right back. "I do. I like better what I'm gonna do to you later." "What might that be, Mr. Stan?" Rick cruised. Stan whispered something into Rick's ear, and Rick smiled. "Hell yeah . That sounds fucking hot. "

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Rick took them to a little place that served breakfast and lunch but not dinner - sort of like Stan's old place, only fancier. They sat down, placed their orders, and then Rick started speaking. "So, Staaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan the Maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan. Lemme first tell you how flattered I was that you came hunting me down." "And I captured you too, you hot stud." Rick smiled. "yeah you did. So you captured me. Now what are you wanting to do?" It was Stan's turn to take a deep breath. "Let me be as honest as I can, rick. I LOVE topping you . I LOVE dominating you. I LOVE the idea that this hot guy who's pretty much got a six pack, is MINE. You may not agree, but that's what I think about: hot handsome, smart guy like you, servicing me. " Rick found himself getting a little excited at the idea. "It intrigues me too Stan. But you know... I wanna be able to use this tool I got too. Not just for jerking off. That's not gonna happen with you is it?" Stan shook his head. "Nope. It's not. My man belongs underneath me, period." He laughed. "You know the old line: versatile means getting fucked on your belly and your back? That's the kind of versatile guy I want." "Yeah, I didn't think that would've changed with you Stanster. So, I have an idea. Maybe it works for you. I hope it does. " "Talk to me Rick. Because sitting here, looking at you, with those buttons opened, is making me wanna just grab you and fuck you under the table." "Ha ha. Probably not the first time it would've happened here. Lemme ask you. You wanna go back to fry cooking?" "Shit no . I'm so glad to be outta there it ain't funny. " "I thought that was the case too. So, you wanna keep your escort job." Stan started to see where things were going. He began to feel sad. "Yeah. I do. I like it. It pays well. " He paused. "Does this mean we're done, Rick?" "Well, no. I think I have a compromise. How many days a week do you think you need to work to make your money?" "Well, the more I work, the more money I make, so any change means I lose money." Rick was now in litigator mode. He was gentle though. "How many clients do you see in a day, Stanley?" Stan laughed at the full name. "Oh, usually 3. " "Hmmm. So about 21 a week" "At most." So, if you did 5 a day, you could do the same work in four days." Stan began to think. He HAD done 5 clients in a day at times. It hadn't been as exhausting as he thought it would be. Scenes were easy. Screwing was hard. And he only did that once a day anyway - and he had a waiting list. "I could do that. " "Well, think on this this weekend. " Now, Rick DID grab his hand. "What would you think of us keeping our separate places four days a week, you could work, and I could exercise my tool, and then, three days a week, I'm all yours ." He paused for effect. "Three days of me being your total, complete bottom, servicing all your needs." The thought of Rick underneath him got Stan hard, period. The thought of having him for three days every week wasn't going to fulfill all his fantasies, but.. "Friday, Saturday and Sunday Rick? You going back to your place on Sunday night?" Rick smiled. "Nah. Staying over on Sunday and going from your place to work on Monday. " "I like it as a start, bud. I do. " "Now, Stanster, you gotta understand I'm not gonna be able to take your cock up my butt three days in a row . " Stan smiled. "There's always that pretty mouth of yours." "This is true." "And there's the play room." "YEAH. You gotta introduce me to that playroom today. " "So you'll stay the whole weekend?" "What choice do I have? You captured me last night. I gotta do whatever you say." "FUCK. " Stan thought. "Let's go get you some clothes for the weekend. Pack up. Then we'll head back to my place." Another big smile from Rick. "Yes sir." xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxx

In the elevator, Rick asked if Stan could hold his overnight bag for a minute. As soon as Stan took it , Rick put his wrists behind his back. He made a grimace and said to Stan. "You must feel awfully proud of yourself. Not only did you find me, you caught me. Now what are you gonna do with me?" Stan picked up on it right away, and his hand returned to the back of Rick's neck. "Oh, I think you know that, handsome. I'm gonna pick up where we left off. You didn't submit last time but you will this time." Rick laughed. "You sound more confident than you should be. " "We'll see stud. You didn't think I'd find you, and you didn't think I'd overpower you. You were wrong twice. And I'm gonna prove you wrong a third time. " They walked back to Stan's apartment that way. Occasionally, Stan would grab Rick's bicep, and chuckle. "How much good did all that gym work do for you rick? NADA" "That's only because you know my weaknesses." "BINGO. And that's how I'm gonna break you this time." When they got in the elevator to Stan's place, Rick spoke. "Please. There's a big handkerchief in my pocket. Gag me. Gag me stud. Make me your real prisoner." When Stan reached in, he got the cloth and a brief feel of rick's hard 9 inches. He was into this. Stan tied the gag around his mouth, and laughed. "Heh heh. Big studly police officer. You're gonna be BEGGING for me to fuck you sooner than you think." As soon as they got into the apartment, Stan dropped the bag. He pushed rick toward his playroom. "MOVE BITCH" Rick squirmed, but he moved. Even if he had wanted to escape, Stan was too strong for him. This was the first time he saw the new playroom. Stan had spent a nice piece of change making it complete. Rick saw the chains on the wall. That's where Stan was pushing him. He locked each wrist into one of the chains, and pushed rick's legs apart, before he locked in his ankles. "AH. Just the way I want ya rick. Can't give me any trouble. Totally at my mercy." "MMMMPH MMMPH MMMPH. " rick squirmed, as Stan began opening up his shirt. "Look at that nice, smooth, belly... He ran his finger up rick's middle, and then circled a nip. "What did you say about me knowing your weaknesses?" He squeezed, and rick's grunts got louder. "OH YEAH. I could have you right now if I wanted. But I wanna see you struggle more. I wanna see you HURT." He squeezed both nips, and a small wet spot formed at rick's crotch. Stan felt his own probiscus growing. "Hey look at that slick rick" Stan pointed to the wet spot. "You're getting excited. YA MISSED ME!" "Hell I did fucker. You know what tit play does to me." Stan moved in closer. "Yeah. I do. So does kissing..." 'GET YOUR FACE AWAY FROM ME," but it was too late. Stan took rick's chin, and held it fast. "OPEN UP, STUD." He pushed his knee into rick's crotch, and when he moaned in pain, in went his tongue. Rick took it and sucked for more. The moan of pain became one of pleasure, as Stan's long tongue began snaking down his throat. Rick sucked even harder, as Stan went back to his nips. Suddenly, he broke away, and caught rick's neck before he could scrunch up. He whispered. "Guess who didn't shave this morning?" He began gently scruffing the man. He heard rick mutter "Oh fuck. I'm in trouble." He was. Stan ran his scruff over rick's neck, and then moved up to his ear. He licked, and slurped and whispered. "I bet you wanna cum. You wanna cum stud?" Rick struggled before answering "Yes. yes I do. Please let me cum. Please. Please. Let me shoot." As Stan continued to work his neck and ear, rick realized, and said. "pleae let me cum SIR." "AH. There's the magic word. " He reached down and unzipped rick's pants. His cock shot out, and Stan took it in his hand. "I get to control this now. Maybe you'll cum, maybe you won't. Know who gets to cum, boi?" "Who Sir?" "Bois who submit. You gonna submit.?" Rick didn't answer, as Stan slid his hand back and forth. Rick began to buck his hips, and breathe harder. Then, Stan stopped. "Did I miss your answer? You gonna submit?" He put one finger back on rick's cockhead. "OH SHIT YES. I SUBMIT. I'M YOUR BOTTOM. I SURRENDER. I SUBMIT. SIR STAN IS MY MASTER. " "Hee hee. That's the spirit. " Stan began to stroke rick, first gently, and then as his hips bucked, faster and faster. Rick began to whimper and then yelled "OH SHIT HERE IT COMES" and wave after wave of jizz shot out of him, all over the floor. Stan smiled. "Kiss me babe." "Ain't you gonna cum, Mister?" "Nah. Not right now. Cause later on, I'm gonna give you the protein shake of all time. Now let me get you down from those restraints." "We gonna use them again this weekend, Stan?" Stan laughed. "We may use them later today. Or I can leave you here. " "NO NO. I wanna be with you. I wanna change, and I want us to go for a walk or something. That was so awesome. You do that to all your clients?" Stan kissed him. "I save some of the best stuff for you, sweetcakes." "I think you need a manager Rick. You are such a goddamn good scene maker, I gotta talk to you about what you do for business practices, because..." And he smiled. . "Maybe with some guidance, you can get your client load to three days instead of four."

Next: Chapter 7

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