Stan the Snake and Slick Rick

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Dec 18, 2022


Gentle readers: I will be MERGING this story line into the story line "Kieran Has Two Daddies," so while you will be reading the LAST chapter in this story, Stan, rick, and everyone else will be moving over and intermingling their lives with the cast of the "Kieran" story next time around. You'll enjoy the mix. I promise. I know you'll tell me if you don't. Stan and rick were in the car they rented, heading toward a rural area of Pennsylvania. Let's come up to speed on what has happened since the porn movie. You remember that rick had gotten that strange message "Help me," from his friend kieran, and the strange response when he and Stan followed up on the text, yes? Well, they did their research: rick was able to isolate the town from which the message came, and also had Phil's name from his old contacts at the police force.

You'll also remember that the Daddies and kieran had watched the stream of the porn video, and kieran had recognized rick. To please their boy, the Daddies had done their own research and, after a not insignificant donation to the organization which made the streaming videos, they happened to get the names of the subscriber: Stan Kozak. They had no record of rick as a subscriber, but they gave Phil and Rob all the information they had about Stan and rick as a couple. They brought this back to kieran who sat there, dumbfounded.

"It doesn't sound like he's being held prisoner, but I never thought rick would become a bottom, let alone a sub" he said, and the Daddies smiled at each other. "A 13 inch cock can change a man's mind pretty fast boi," was their response.

And as they were having their talk, after dinner, Stan and rick were pulling into the parking lot of a hotel that had been recommended to Stan - it was a long ride. They'd get to where Phil and Rob were the next day. The night manager was waiting for them. It was a hotel that was owned by someone who HAD been a part of the NY Dom/sub culture for years, and now , had retired, with his lover, to a rural part of the country. He had experience in hotel management, and had turned this place into THE place for DOMS and subs who were doing any kind of leaf peaking, or traveling through the state. Jamie smiled at them.

"Welcome Mr Kozak, and you must be rick." "Nice to meet you. Please call me Stan. We heard this is a great place. "I hope you'll find that the comments are correct Stan. " He smiled. "My husband Connor and I moved here when we retired from NY. Right down the road, there's jack and Mark. " He smiled. "You know, little by little, we built our Dom/sub community out here. No one bothers us, we don't bother them. So, Stan... you'll find that there's a small supply of gear in the room. Just let me know what you use so we can disinfect for the next customer. " He paused. "If I can, may I ask why you're coming through?" Stan told him the story and he smiled. "Yes, I've met kieran. He had a hard time adjusting, but I think you're going to find him very happy with Phil and Rob." He smiled. "There are times I wish they were MY daddy." rick spoke up. "Well, I hope you're right. But now, I need MY daddy. That ride was long, and this boi is... in need" "YOU'LL GET TAKEN CARE OF WHEN I'M READY BOI." rick lowered his head "yes sir. " Stan smiled and tweaked his nipples. "It's ok boi. I'm just venting. You're right. It's time for bed. Let's go." Jamie stared after them a while. He and Connor had been together... how long? 28 years? 30 years? Connor still looked at him the way Stan looked at rick. The fire was still there, it just burned a little less intensely. Still. He wondered if he could find that golden thong Connor loved on him so much.

In the bedroom, Stan saw that there were restraints at the corners of the bed. He also saw the pair of nipple clamps left on the bed table. "All nice touches. I don't need any of them, as long as I have these." From behind, he put his hands on rick's chest. rick had already opened his shirt to get ready for bed, and his nips were out and vulnerable. It didn't take long: Stan had him licking his lips, which was always the sign he was aroused. Once he got his tongue into rick's ear, it'd be over. "yesssssssssssssssssss Daddyman, yessssssssssssssssssssssssssss. You ain't ever taken me in a hotel room." "First time for everything. " Stan smiled, as he put rick on his back on the bed. He played with his nips, and licked his torso for about ten minutes, before he got him undressed and shoved the cock that had waited for 7 hours into his man. "rick. You are SO FUCKING HOT. ALL THE TIME." Through his moans, rick got out "you see the looks Jamie gave me? He thought I was the top." "He must have been QUITE the twink in his youth (Jamie showed them pictures at breakfast the next day, when they met Connor). "But I like my chocolate cupcake. I'm gonna fill him with cream." He plowed hard. rick didn't want to make noise in case anyone else was in the hotel, so he bit down as the 13 inches went up his chute. "FUCK. Fill me good Daddy. FILL ME. I want a BIG smile on my face when I wake up. " "Am I gonna lose you to this kieran character?" Stan kissed him. rick smiled. "You ain't gonna lose me ever, Daddy man. I'm gonna be like athlete's foot. Hahahahahahaha."

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They had breakfast with Jamie and Connor the next morning. Stan had to put his hand on rick's leg, because when he saw the rugged outdoor man that Connor had become enter the inn, his mouth dropped. "Fucking Paul Bunyan," he whispered. "MY Paul Bunyan" Jamie smiled. You have your own." He pulled out photos, showing them as young men, at a wedding with their friends jack and Mark . "If you can stick around, I'll introduce you. They lived in NY forever too." Stan told them about their work as private investigators, and the past that rick and kieran had shared. Jamie smiled. "I think that if you came trying to bring kieran back, you won't be successful. He seems very happy now. " "No, I don't think that's in the cards," Stan said. "I just want this boi to meet his friend, catch up, maybe re-establish the relationship, the friendship, and who knows? Maybe we'll meet some new friends. "You already have," Jamie smiled. So did Connor. "Yeah, Daddyman, before we head out to their place, can we talk a minute? "Sure. Let me help you clean up" Stan got up and Jamie shot him a look. "Stan, I have been doing this since I was 17. That was - quite a while ago . I got it. Go take care of your boi." In the room, rick was sitting on the bed. He had a look that Stan knew meant serious thought. "rickster, what's up." He sat down next to him, putting his arm around his shoulder. "Daddyman, you remember that horrible experience moving upstate." Stan laughed. "Sure do. THAT is NOT a high point of my life." rick paused. "Daddy Stan, I like this place. I like Jamie and Connor. They're saying a lot of things I like. " Another pause. "When we're done with what we came to do, can we spend a couple days, and maybe... Just maybe..." Stan hugged rick closer. "I was hoping you'd feel that way ricky. I've been liking this place a LOT myself. Lots of country, I like Connor, I like Jamie. Let's meet their friends, and ... you never know." He reached in and kissed rick. "Daddy Stan needs a blow job boi." "yes sir. rick got on his knees and got to work. The same way Jamie was working , while he was NOT doing the dishes.

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Jamie and Connor had invited Mark and jack to come over for breakfast the next morning. "Mark is running a little late," said jack, as he came in and met them. Jamie and Connor looked at each other and began to laugh: Mark was a writer: if you saw a show on Broadway, there was a good chance you saw one of his. But he worked odd hours, so he'd crawl into bed at 2, long after jack had fallen asleep: jack worked with Jamie and Connor: if there was something wrong in one of their properties, he took care of it, and that meant starting at about 7 in the morning. Jamie had told the two of them that jack was the sub in the relationship. When jack walked in, and they saw how big and strong he was, Stan smiled. "I'm gonna like this guy. So is ricky." And indeed, it was love at first sight. It wasn't that clear with Mark, but his charm won them over. The clear love he had for jack (he rubbed his shoulder almost constantly: they found out that jack had dropped something on it the day before. ). "Hey, how can I get something like that?" rick pointed to the "Mark's boy" hat jack was wearing. "Oh, you gotta get your husband to order a bunch of them for you. I've been wearing them since we were dating. LONG time ago." "Worth every second," Mark added, smiling as he kissed Jack. There was clearly something between these long term couples that appealed to both Stan and rick. "So, you guys are thinking of moving down here?" Connor asked. He knew the available properties better than any of them. Stan and rick explained what had happened upstate, and about their desire to be in a HOUSE rather than an apartment. Being in a spot where no one seemed to mind if a couple were in a Dad/boi or Dom/sub relationship was a real plus for them.

"How about staying a few days, or at least one? The Inn isn't booked, and I'll show you around some properties. " "And if you need work done, even if it's by a big ole sub. I'm your man." Mark hit the back of his cap. "NO, you're MY man. You'll work for them. " jack smiled. "That's true Sir." He looked at Stan and rick "I'll get punished for that later." rick said "I feel your pain," to which Stan added "oh no, you'll feel your OWN pain." "OK guys, let's break this up. We all have work to do. Stan, rick, we really don't know those particular guys all that well, but we can find out. Also, if you're going to stay, this weekend is promenade: kind of a tradition around here. You should go. Participate even. The Doms display their bois to everyone. " "Uh, kieran?" "YEAH. That name I remember. Sorry rick, but we don't have a lot of guys of color in the community. When kieran came in, he was noticed. And he still is. More than one Daddy would give more than a little to have him. " "Did he come in willingly?" rick asked and the four looked at each other. "Talk to Phil and Rob. Talk to kieran too. They'll have all the details."

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They showed up on the door of Phil and Rob at about 11. kieran was just finishing up in the shower when he heard the doorbell ring. He heard Phil, and then the voice that he would soon know was Stan's. "I'm really sorry to disturb you Sir. We spoke on the phone once: about that 'Help Me' message. My partner here, rick , he and the guy who he thinks sent it , are friends. We're just trying to find out what happened. "I'm here rick," kieran came down the stairs, fully dressed. He had on a blue checked shirt with the sleeves rolled up, jeans, and he was wearing his running shoes. "KIERAN!!! WHAT THE HELL?" Stan pulled him back. "We weren't invited in, ricky. Calm down. "Sirs, can they come in? Just for a minute?" Phil looked at Rob. "It's ok. Come on in." kieran went over and hugged rick. "GOD I MISSED YOU." Then he laughed. "I saw your film. Looks like we got a lot to talk about." "Yeah, we do kid. Now, why don't you explain to me why you're living with two older white guys?" kieran went over to Phil, and leaned up against his front. He pulled Phil's arms around him. "Yeah, we do have a lot to talk about rick. These are my Daddies. They're customers at the bank I used to work at. One day, they made a proposition to me. They wanted me to live as their boi. I told them no, but they persisted. " He looked up and smiled at Phil. "So I gave it a try. I came to their place one weekend and, to be honest, I never went back. I didn't accept their rules and... I guess you know, rick, that there are consequences of that. I was feeling that when I sent that text. " He moved one of Phil's hands over a pec. "But I'm good with it now Don't ask me to say which one I like better, because I can't answer that. Being the boi to TWO Daddies... how lucky can I be?" Rick shook his head. "But I thought you were a TOP" kieran smiled. "I thought that about you. That's why we never hooked up." Rob smiled. He did NOT expect kieran to be this complacent. "We took a flyer on kieran. We both had more than friendly feelings about him, and it got to the point, where.... " Stan intervened. "It's ok. That's sort of what happened to rick and I." rick laughed. "Uh, no, it's not. But that's ok. Maybe we can all talk about it one day over drinks. kieran, I'm glad you're ok. Guys, tell us about promenade. Jamie and his friends told us about it. We'd be interested in seeing it." Phil smiled. "SURE. And you talked about drinks. I have an idea. Why don't we let kieran and rick have an evening together, and then Stan, you and us old guys'll go out together." He smiled. "We have LOTS to ask you, and between us, we'll tell you all about Promenade." "That sounds good," said Stan "By the way, we're also beginning to think of moving out of the city. We never thought of this place, but it feels like we'd be absolutely comfortable. Phil and Rob looked at each other. "Well, you've clearly got a boi, Stan, which makes you a member of the club. Connor gonna show you around?" "He is" "Yeah, he's really the best one for that kinda thing. Rob and I, well, we're more on the banking/investment end of things, so if you need to get advice on what to do with your movie money or anything else. "Ha ha. I'll tell you about the movie tonight guys, but there's no royalties there. We're private investigators. Long story." "Great. Then we better get the drinking started early. How about we meet up at 5:30? "Sounds good. " He put his hand on rick's ass. "Let's go check up on the area. Looks like we'd find a good welcome." Both Phil and Rob were thinking "with a cock like yours, and a body like his, hell yeah." xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxx

The details of the time the guys spent with each other, you'll find in "kieran has two daddies." While Stan and rick went sight seeing, Rob grabbed kieran. "So you LIKE being with your daddies?" He ran his unshaven chin along kieran's ear. "OOH. Yes Daddy Rob. Even more when you do that." Phil came up and began opening his shirt. "You need a shave. We may need to coordinate your shaves with rick's . Looks like Stan takes good care of that. His bulge looks like it's caged too." "Sir. Getting shaved alongside rick ? That'd be SO HOT." Right now, you're gonna get something else hot. Let's go to the basement Rob. More toys there." Meanwhile, after they had driven around for about an hour, Stan looked at rick. "You REALLY wanna sight see?" "Damn no, Daddy man. The sight I wanna see is your cock right before it goes in me. 5:30's early and we're gonna drink. I suspect no nookie tonight. Afternoon delight?" "Let's go. " They headed back to the Inn. Jamie had gone to his office when they got back, and they met a very nice young man named matt watching the front desk. "Welcome back gents. I'm matt. I'm Ted and Allen's boi, and I work here in the afternoons. Is there anything I can get you?" rick couldn't help himself. "DAMN, matt, if you were blond..." matt smiled. "You know, at one point I was.." He pulled out his phone. He showed them photos of himself from a while ago, when he had dyed blond hair. "I like it better now," Stan said. "Nah, go back to blond." was rick's comment. "Well, right now, my Daddy's are very clear: no hair dye. So this has to stay. " The phone rang. "You gentlemen enjoy your day." When they got in the room, Stan pinned rick from behind. "You just can't get off those blond twinks can ya, ricky?" "What can I say Daddyman? I never got the second blond from that movie. I'm still hungry." Stan began playing with rick's nips through his polo shirt. "Well maybe eating a Polish sausage will help. Just leave it so I can fill ya cupcake." "OOOH. YES SIR. " As he dropped to his knees and took Stan's balls in his mouth, rick thought of the few times he and kieran had tried to make it worked. He laughed internally: now they'd probably kick each other to death." Stan grabbed the back of rick's neck. "GET ON THE BED. ALL FOURS. DON'T MAKE ME TELL YOU AGAIN." "No sir. Right away. " In that position, Stan prepped himself for taking his lover's ass. He began to think how cute kieran looked. He hadn't had sex with anyone but rick since they started, but IF he were gonna stray..." "OUCH. OH DADDYMAN. You are ROUGH today." "You looking for an apology, ricky boi?" "NO SIR. I'm just wishing I knew what got ya going." "I think you do. Not gonna lie. Fucking you and kieran at the same time.... " He shoved hard. "OH YEAH. OH YEAH. We gotta talk to those two. I bet if we filmed it...."

And gentle readers, this is the conclusion for THIS INDEPENDENT STORY. Stan and Rick though, are gonna move over to kieran's town, and the story will pick up there. They hope to see all of you there.

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