Stan the Snake and Slick Rick

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Dec 13, 2023


When they had been shopping for rick that morning, Stan had noticed that there was a bit of stubble forming on rick's body. That's why, after lunch, rick found himself strapped down naked to the bondage table. Stan had changed "for a little atmosphere:" he was shirtless, but he wore his leather vest and his chaps. He was smiling as he came up with the shaving creme, and the straight edge razor. "C'mon Daddy man. It's just a little bit!" "Ah, true, ricky boi. But it's taking away from that smooth block of brown marble I love so much." Stan's hand , as he stroked rick's belly, felt electric to rick. And when that hand moved up to the nip - the very same nip Stan had tortured to capture rick - nothing had changed. "DAMN DADDY. NO ONE could do that the way you do... OOOOOOOOOOH. You wanna shave me Sir, shave me. Do what you want. I'm yours." Stan bent down and kissed rick. "My boi. My big studly muscle boi." "OOOOH. I like being called your muscle boi, Daddy Tell me who's my boss man. PLEEEEEEEEEEEASE." Stan put his hand on rick's caged cock and held it "I'm your bossman ricky. Your ONLY bossman. Now stop talking while I get to work." "Yes sir." Stan gently smoothed some shaving gel over rick's torso and began to use the straight edge. "Looks like some stubble in that cage. Gonna have to get in there, too." rick gulped. Even though he didn't use it , his cock was still a source of pride for rick, and he got nervous whenever stand brought his blade there. He looked down, watching stan's even, secure strokes. He whimpered. It felt good, and he wanted his lover in him. "Now, we gotta get that pole, ricky boi. You got stubble there too." Stan reached into his pocket and pulled out a key. he unlocked the cage, and held out rick's cock. "You learned SO GOOD ricky. Look out still you keep it, even when I do something like this..." He rubbed rick's cock head in his fingers, smiling, as rick moaned even more. "Oh, C"MON STANLEY MAN. You gotta give your boi something!" "We'll see studlet. We'll see." Stan held rick's cock out while he shaved down his pubes. "OH MAN ricky! You are just fucking hot, period. When you're smooth. DAMN. " He said nothing, and just grabbed rick's legs, shoving them up in the air. He held rick's ankles with one hand, as he loosened his belt, and dropped his pants. rick saw there was a drop of precum, almost like a pearl, right at the tip of Stan's huge cock. "Don't shoot before you take me Daddy man. Give your boi your cock." "No problem with that stud. No problem at all. " Stan smiled "Forgot tit clamps. " He ran into the bedroom and came back with them. And in seconds, rick was moaning as the clamps when on him and Stan began sliding in. Stan pulled them as he thrust. Each push brought a pull. "FUCK DADDY. FUCK. I CAN'T TAKE IT. FINISH ME OFF BIG MAN. DO ME. DO ME GOOD. DUMP YOUR CUM IN ME." That phrase : "dump your cum in me" was new to Stan, and it set him off. HELL YEAH, he'd dump his cum in his black bitch. One push, and he saw rick's big broad smile as the jizz filled him. "OH HELL that was good ricky. I wanted your ass since the store. rick smiled. He had flirted wildly at the store. He kept his shirt off just a little longer when he was changing, asked Stan about how his ass looked, bringing it right near his face when he was trying on pants, anything he could . Stan had whispered to him "if there weren't cameras in the dressing room, you'd be on your knees sucking me right now." rick smiled. "Who cares about the cameras?" In fact, HE did. Stan would've done it: that he knew. But he held off his Top man until they got home. Of course, Stan had picked everything they had bought for rick. rick didn't disagree with the items, he just thought they were too tight. That's how Stan liked things though. He could live with that. Right now, that big stud was lying on top of him, digging his chin and tongue into rick's neck.

"Tastes like product ricky . You moisturized. MMMMMM" "Oh Daddy man. That feels so good." Stan was scraping gently across rick's neck. rick would have moisturized anyway, but this kept the burn marks away. He moaned. He hadn't cum during the fucking he got, and he was hard. "Please Daddy man. Can I get some relief? PLEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEASE?" "How you gonna get relief, ricky boi? You're tied down." I'm almost certain I could jizz without being touched, Stanley. You got me so hot and bothered. DAMN " "That'd be something to see. ricky boi shooting with no help. Give it a try. " "Help me Daddy man. Get me really really stiff. PLEASE" Stan smiled. He took rick's cock and began slowly stroking it. He said nothing. When he edged rick, the silence let rick's mind wander. rick closed his eyes and thought about his favorite fucks. He thought back about how he had resisted, and how sweet it felt when he surrendered . He thought of each time he yielded to Stan, and how he had become a total sub: a sub with a 9 inch cock. That had to be rare. Was there a TV show or something? rick wasn't even aware that Stan had let go of his cock. He was thrusting his hips up, faster and faster. He opened his eyes as he shot across the bondage table. He saw Stan smiling. "I KNEW you could do it bud. I KNEW it. "OOH MAN. That was a FUCKING GREAT ORGASM DADDY MAN. I'm sore. " He laughed. "I may need a standing desk with you, but I'm happy. I am absolutely happy. " Stan kissed him. "Hey, let me up stud. I gotta fill you in on this kieran case. I'm finding out things I'm not sure sound good.

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They cleaned up and sat down at the work desk. "So, Stan, I found some really odd stuff. I called the bank where kieran worked, and they told me he had resigned suddenly. Very strange. So I asked for a copy of his resignation letter. It's not his handwriting - at least I don't think so. Then I called his landlord. He told me kieran just up and left at the end of his lease. He never saw him: some big guy came in and moved the stuff out , and that was that. Now, the WEIRDEST thing, Stan: remember that phone call? The "HELP ME?" Well, I traced the call back. That phone is three states away from where kieran was working . " "Well area codes don't mean nothing rick. Everyone's got a phone with a weird area code these days." "I know, bud. I know. It's just...." He looked at Stan: "If I could track down the address, could we go and see what's going on? It may be nothing, but.. I'm worried about that boy. This kind of behavior is not like him." "Of course we can. Any info on the guy who's phone he used?" "All I have so far, is the area code. I'm going to call my buddy who's still at NYPD. He shouldn't, but he'll get me the info I need." "Just let me know what you need from me ricky. If the dynamic duo needs to ride out somewhere, we'll go. We'll find him." The phone rang and rick picked it up. "Gold Star Investigators, Rick speaking." He grabbed a pad and started taking down notes. "Ok, I think we can handle that, Sir. What time would be a good time to visit your plant? 4pm? I'll see you then." As he got off the phone, Stan smiled. "you're getting MUCH better at saying SIR ricky. I'm proud of you." rick gave him a "if milk could curdle look." "It's a new job. Company downtown. They think that there's an employee skimming, so they wanted to see if we could help." "Yeah, that sounds like it's up our alley. How'd they hear about us?" "Didn't ask Daddy Man, but the company is named Longstar." "Lone Star?" "No, he spelled it for me Longstar" "Hmmm. Never heard of them." "Me either. I'll google to make sure they're on the up and up and I'll go over this afternoon. You're following up on another case, aren't you?" "Yeah, I couldn't make this one. You can handle it yourself?" "Darn right Daddy man. Just give me a good luck kiss."

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It was a first meeting, so rick thought a dressier look was in order. NOW he was glad that Stan had insisted he get a standard white shirt, not the silk one he liked so much. It WAS tight, but it was business appropriate. Rep tie. Khaki pants. Blue blazer. NOW, he looked good. He googled the company and found that they were legit: assets of over 17 million dollars, import business, all seemed to be in order. He got in his car and drove off to the address he had.

There was a young blond man working at the reception desk. When Rick saw that, he couldn't help himself. His voice dropped. "HELLLLLLLLLLLLO young man. " He gave his name and the name of the man with whom he had the appointment. The blond guy smiled back. "Just one second. You may want to have a seat. Mr. Gross sometimes takes a bit of time to get to the front." He patched a call through. "Jason? Rick is here to see Mr. Gross. Yes, that's right, the investigator." He looked up. "Mr. Gross is occupied, but Jason will come out to meet you." Rick smiled again. "I think it's unfair that you know my name and I don't know yours." The blond looked at him. "I think you're right. I'm Chris. " "Rick?" Another blond man came out and made Rick forget about Chris.

He shook Rick's hand. "I'm Jason, Mr. Gross' personal assistant. Nice to meet you." "Mr. Gross is a lucky man," Rick smiled. Jason smiled too. "Well, tell him that if you don't mind." As they walked back, Rick thought he heard someone behind them, but dismissed it. "Mr. Gross likes a warm office, so you should feel free to take off your jacket. And as you'll see, we're all very informal here. You might consider losing the tie. I've never seen Mr. Gross wear one." "Are you sure Jason?" Jason smiled. "Positively." Rick got up and doffed his jacket, and took off his tie. He saw Jason look at his guns. He smiled. "Maybe Stan was right." "Rick? How do you do? I'm Gordon Gross." A handsome white haired man came out, and Rick thought he looked familiar. "Nice to meet you Sir. You look familiar. If I may, have we met before?" Gross smiled. "Well, we've not met, but you may have seen me in a zoom chat. I approached your partner to see if he'd do movies for me." Rick began to get an uneasy feeling. "Yes, I remember that. We discussed it and he decided not to." Gross smiled. "Well, he may change his mind now." Rick felt a gun pointed at his back. "Now that we have his partner. I think the two of you would make a GREAT movie together, and even if not... you and my boys will look SUPERB in a private show. Now get up. The room through there to start." Chris pushed the gun into Rick's back. "SHIT. " he thought. "The gun is in my jacket." "SIT." Gross pointed to a chair. Once Rick did, he felt Jason handcuffing him into the chair, and then running a gag around his mouth. "By the way, Rick" Gross laughed. "Fake gun. " Chris turned and shot a water gun into the wall. "FUCK. I fell for the oldest trick in the book." "Get Stan on the phone. " Chris called and when Stan answered, he handed the phone to Gross. "Hello Stan. Remember me. " Gross had put the phone on speaker. "Yeah, I do. I said no and that's still my answer." "Well, maybe you'll change your mind when I show you what I've got." He pointed the phone at the bound Rick, and then he started to laugh. "YOU FUCK. YOU FUCKING FUCK. YOU LET RICK GO. " Chris stood behind Rick, with the gun pointed at his head. If it had fooled a former police officer, it would fool Stan "You get your ass and your tool down here in half an hour. Or... " He laughed. "Maybe I'll have some fun with Rick first.." "KEEP YOUR HANDS OFF HIM. I'M ON MY WAY. GIMME THE ADDRESS." Once Gross gave the address, the phone went dead. "Boys, call in Ivan. Now that Rick knows the gun is fake, we may need some more muscle to move him to the 'platform' . A big, bald guy with muscles even bigger than Rick came in. Before long, he was tied down to a large platform, spread out like a star. He was gagged tightly. His whimpers were like a mouse in a trap.

rick lay there, bound, for about 20 minutes. Then he heard Stan's booming voice. "WHERE DO YOU HAVE HIM? LET ME SEE HIM" He heard some murmuring, and then the door slammed open and there was Stan. Rick was never as glad to see someone as he was to see Stan at that minute. He was smiling. "ricky baby, you ok? " rick started shaking his head 'NO' quite vigorously. Stan kept smiling "You look real good like that, ya know?" "mmmph???" rick stopped squirming. He was trying to figure out what was going on, as Stan came over, and ran his thumbs over the point where his nips pointed out of his shirt. "Now aren't you glad that I shaved you today, ricky? You wanna look good on sceen, don't you?" "mmmmph? mmmmmph ?" "Yeah, babe. See, I'm not through with you after that fucking you gave me." He began opening rick's shirt. "Sooooooooooo.... I got in touch with my bud Gordon here, and asked if he'd be interested in a movie, not of ME.. but of US" NOW, rick began to squirm. And to scream. "MMMPH!!!! MMMMPH!!!!! MMMMMPH!!!. " Stan playing with his nips wasn't calming him down much. He was furious. And unable to do a thing. "Now, if you keep behaving like this, I'll have to leave your gag on. It would be a shame for the viewers to miss those hot sounds you make when you're getting fucked. You gonna calm down, babe?" Stan moved his mouth down to rick's nip. He squeezed one while he chewed the other. rick looked at him, a mix of confusion, anger, hate, and unmitigated lust. He had been caged now for a while, those blonds had rekindled his topping fire, and thinking of Stan's cock.... He shook his head yes.." "Ok, ricky babe. I'll take it off. But don't make this difficult, ok?" He pulled away the tape. "Daddy man, do we gotta do this? " Stan smiled. "Nah, we don't, but it's gonna be fun. We just may make you a star. "Black Cop Bottom" or something like that. Could be a series." "FUCK NO. ONE MOVIE . THAT'S IT." "Uh, you're forgetting who makes these decisions ricky boi." He grabbed rick's balls and squeezed. "You're right. Sorry Daddy Man. Sorry Sir Stan. Of course, of course, whatever you want." "And.... you like Chris and Randy?" rick couldn't deny it. His penis jumped and bumped the cage. "IF you give an oscar winning performance maybe, just maybe... I'll unlock you, and ..... they're both REAL flexible." rick could only lick his lips as Stan began undressing. His cock jumped out, and Stan looked at the guys in the control room. He got a thumbs up , and squatted on rick, pull his head up. "SUCK IT COP BITCH. SUCK THE COCK YOU WORSHIP" rick couldn't disagree with any of that, and got to work. Had he been able to hear what was going on in the control room, he would've heard "HOLY SHIT. He just deep throated that snake. GOD." Indeed, that's exactly what rick had done. He took ALL of Stan, ALL at once. And he sucked for his life. Stan was in ecstasy. "GEEZ rICKY. I GOTTA THROW YOU A TWINK MORE OFTEN." Stan moved his cock back and forth slowly, savoring every bit of the excellent blow job he was getting. When he felt like he couldn't go on without shooting, he pulled out. BEG FOR IT RICKY BITCH. BEG FOR MY STUD COCK" "YES SIR. YES SIR STAN. TAKE MY FINE BLACK ASS. TAKE IT. SHOVE YOUR COCK ALL THE WAY UP. MAKE ME FEEL IT SNAKE MAN." Stan laughed. "Snake man. I like that better than Daddy Man." He unbuckled rick's khakis, got off his loafers, and untied the ankle restraints. He looked up at the control room again, and then, dove in , using his "giraffe tongue" to lubricate rick. He knew the effect that would have and it did rick began to moan, loudly. When Stan put his fingers up on his nips, rick began to beg, desperately. "FUCK ME DAMN IT. FUCK MY GODDAMN HOLE." Stan laughed. As soon as you say 'Please Sir." "Please Sir. Please fuck my hole." Stan slid down and his cock, still wet from rick's saliva, began to move into rick. "He's taking it all. HOLY SHIT!" Stan smiled and rick smiled back. He wanted to whisper "love you," but that would've thrown off the filming. He'd save it. Instead, he put all his energy into taking his bottom's well used hole.' "He used to be one of the most feared tops in the bars," Jason whispered to Chris. "NOW look at him." "You hard? Chris whispered back? I am. I hope we get some of it. Even in the cage: it's HUGE. Stan was picking up speed, and rick was moaning, tightening his muscles to try to trap that snake. Stan laughed "Oh no, ricky boi. You may control as a cop, but I'M the one in charge now." He began sliding faster and faster, and rick knew it was close. He also knew he was on camera, and gave one of the loudest, deepest moans he had ever given, as Stan finished, jizzing into him HARD. " Gordon came down from the control room, to where Stan had fallen onto rick and whispered "love you baby. Love you SO MUCH," before he kissed him , long and hard. "OH MY," was Gordon's only comment "THAT was well worth the wait. A little editing, and.... WOW." "You want the blonds ricky?" Stan rubbed rick's shaved head "I wouldn't say no, Sir." rick smiled . "Ok, which one of you ladies is first? " Gordon asked "We threw lots. Chris goes first. " "Ok, Chris. Remember: if you make him cum, Jordan is gonna be very, VERY pissed" "Heh heh. " rick was still tied at the wrists, while Stan released his 9 inch steel rod. "Get some lube in you Chris. Maybe Jordan can do it." "WHAT A GREAT IDEA" Gordon exclaimed. Jordan, get your mouth down there. NOT his cock. His ass. " "Yes Mr. Gross. " Jordan slept with Gross on alternate days, and Chris did on the other days. Gordon came in at a whopping four inches, but he gave good presents. Getting a REAL cock, well..." Chris' ass was much cleaner than Gordon's, and Jordan did the best job he could. "COME ON BOI FINISH UP. I WANT HIS ASS." Chris smiled, a little scared, as he climbed up and lowered his ass on rick's cock . "OH YEAH. NICE. NICE. GET MY TITS BOI. GET ME EXCITED." Chris began riding rick and you could see rick's eyes roll to the back of his head. Stan had his hand on Jordan's shoulder. "You want sloppy seconds, or you want us to come back? You can get him fresh." Jordan looked at Stan. "Can I do you both. I'll try to suck you while he's in me. " "Ha ha. It's a deal. You're a good negotiator." Stan called out. "Finish him off rick. We're gonna come back for Jordan" "Noooooooooooo problem.........." rick began to rock his hips to get further into Chris. No one said anything to Jordan, but he went over, put his arm around Chris, and began frenching. "OH SHIT. OH SHIT THAT'S HOT. THAT'S FUCKING HOT. THAT'S.. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA" Chris felt rick explode inside of him. The last time he had fucked anyone was ... Stan. He couldn't remember how long it had been since he had a blonde. " "Oh Damn that was hot." He looked at Jordan. "Raincheck?" "He's coming over, babe. We're gonna do him together." Gordon grinned "I love it when people make new friends here. Ok, everyone get cleaned up. We gotta get the room cleaned up, and set up for the next shoot. Princess Lay him and Luke Starfucker. " rick laughed at the title. But he finished up, got himself dressed, as did Stan, and they shook hands with Gordon. "You guys are great." rick came over to the twinks. Jordan, I am not gonna wait long for you." "Tomorrow Sir?" he asked Stan "We'll see. I'll speak to Mr. Gross." They headed out. rick had brought their car, so Stan had taken a cab. They got in the car and started heading back home, Stan driving. rick looked at him. "You ARE like a snake. One sneaky mother fucker You even outsmart me. That ain't easy." "Damn right it's not. I began planning this the day after your little trick." "We even now, Snake Man?" Stan laughed. "You think I'm telling you the answer to that? Let's get back. Tomorrow, let's go over what we know about your friend."

Gordon got the editors to work on the film right away. He wanted to offer it as a "premium" to his subscribers. Phil and Rob, were on that subscriber list.

Next: Chapter 21

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