Stan the Snake and Slick Rick

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Aug 16, 2023


After he had made the date, Rick began to feel anxious about it. He had seen Stan's cock, and while it was a thing of beauty, it was an ENORMOUS thing of beauty. Rick understood why Stan had the nickname "the snake." He was so nervous about the date, he went to a different diner for his coffee and lunches that week . Part of his anxiety was because he hadn't bottomed in years, and when he did, the guy had a much smaller cock than Stan. Rick had been drunk that night, and while he usually didn't lose his "topman" attitude even when he was drunk, that guy had gotten hold of his nipples, and Rick was helpless. His legs went up in the air, and he took it. Interestingly, when he tried to get in contact with the guy, so that he could flip him, he had disappeared. He never saw the guy again.

Why had he chosen to try bottoming with a man with such a big dick? Well, Rick had an idea that, if he were going to bottom, it should be with someone who had more than he did. That didn't happen very often. And he liked Stan's attitude. He didn't suggest that they switch places midway through the evening, or anything like that. He topped. Period. Rick liked that the guy wasn't intimidated by him. He also liked the way Rick conducted his business. Two hours, so that the guy could get comfortable, before attempting to take the cock. He had found reviews of Stan on different adult sites. They were all positive. The biggest "complaints" were that he was too big, and that he was too busy, so he couldn't extend appointments beyond the scheduled time. Rick didn't see anything wrong with that.

Stan had been thinking about the text as well. Again, to say Stan hadn't noticed Rick would be lying. He had assumed that a guy with that kind of confidence was a top, and that he would never spend time with someone who had a position like a fry cook. He hadn't known about Rick's 9 inches until that day in the bathroom, and he hadn't forgotten it. To top a man who was, clearly a top, was a fantasy Stan harbored. If that man happened to be as handsome and as put together as Rick was, even better.

The afternoon of their "appointment," Stan texted Rick "Hey Rick. Stan here. Just wanna confirm for tonight. If you can't make it no problem. If you can make it, great. Just let me know if there's any type of music you like, or any lube you prefer, etc. I wanna make this as much fun for you as it will be for me. Stan."

Rick read the message, and smiled. He was impressed. Not only was this guy following up, but he was asking what Rick liked. Rick decided to push the envelope a little. "Hey Sir Stan. Bottom boy rick here. I'm looking forward to it. Music? I'm a fan of sweet jazz. Lube? Surprise me stud. I'm looking forward to the challenge. rick." All small l etters for his name, "Sir" for Stan... he was proud. He thought of sending Stan a photo - clothed - of him wearing his favorite shirt and jeans , but decided to put that off.

Rick went to the address that Stan had given him. "Hmm. Escorting pays off " he thought. He expected that Stan probably lived in a neighborhood that was "down at the heel," but this was a ten story building, with a doorman, and a small courtyard in the back. "elegant, but not extravagant," he thought. He liked that.

Rick had dressed in a dark blue print buttondown shirt, and a pair of tailored, custom made jeans. He also wore his brown calf skin leather jacket. He went to the doorman, and introduced himself. The doorman had a list. Rick could see "Appointments Friday night" at the top of it, and he saw his name at 7-9. Interestingly, he saw that someone had put a big "x" through every hour after 9.

"Stan lives on the 8th floor. He's expecting you. Just take any of the elevators. " Rick thanked the man, got on the elevator, his heart in his throat. What was he getting into. He COULD still back out on it, but then the door of the elevator opened. Stan's apartment was just to the side, and he was in the open doorway. "RICK. I'm glad you decided to come. Please.." Stan stepped aside and when Rick walked in, he put his hand on Rick's shoulder.

"Nice jacket. You want me to hang it up for you, rick?" "Uh, yeah, thanks." Stan took the jacket. "Just make yourself as comfortable as you can rick. The first time is always difficult. Have a seat, pour yourself a drink if you like, we'll talk a bit, and then we'll begin." Stan's manner was such that rick couldn't help but smile. HE wasn't this solicitous when he had dates, but then again, he didn't do it professionally.

Stan came back and took a seat adjacent the sofa where rick was sitting. He poured himself a glass of white wine. "You're not drinking anything rick? You should have something. It'll help. "

"Uh, sure. I drink scotch, and I didn't want to presume." "Well, I've got three different kinds. Pick your poison." Stan pointed to the bottles at the bar. As rick walked over, Stan checked out his ass. "NICE" he thought. "I could have fun with that." When Rick came back, Stan took a sip of his drink, and spoke. "Rick, I usually don't spend a lot of time with pleasantries before I get to work with a client, but I felt it would be good if we did. You don't strike me as the type who bottoms, and certainly not the type who bottoms for a restaurant cook. And a cock like mine is not something even 'professional' bottoms take easily. So, help me to understand." Rick flashed his big smile. His body flexed in the tailored shirt, and Stan felt his rod get a little harder. "Well, you're right, I don't bottom much. Not for years. This is a very vain thing to say, but... I know I'm gifted. I just think that the man with the bigger cock should be doing the topping. I haven't met many guys bigger than me. And then, well.. there's the skin color thing. Everyone just assumes that, as a man of color, I'll be the aggressor and the top. I sorta fell into that myself. I feel like I'd be missing something if I didn't try it."

Stan smiled now. He was in a simple t shirt and some loose pants, which nonetheless did show his rod. Rick could tell Stan had on no underwear, and that nearly foot long sausage flapped around . He had a hard time not staring at it. "Thank you. That helps things a lot. So, this is what I'd like to suggest. Now, you booked the appointment, so you get to decide what we do and not do, and if you want to end it, so be it. But I think that you might try some oral sex first. See if it doesn't intimidate you, when it's in your mouth, because eventually, well... you know where it's gonna go. "

"Let's get started stud," rick smiled again. Having spoken his truth, he felt more comfortable with what he was doing. Stan led him to the bedroom, this time putting his hand on the back of his neck. Rick found it extremely comforting. He had the sense that Stan was not going to hurt him, and might not even be as rough as he wanted.

"Ok, so you're a little shorter than me, rick, so how about... " Stan pulled over a chair. "Sit here, and see if this is comfortable for you." He smiled as he dropped his pants, and lifted up his cock. He pointed it at rick's mouth.

"This is all you rick. You take as much of it as you want, as fast as you want. I'm not gonna shove. At least not on the first time." Rick began licking Stan's cockhead. The taste was musty, and it reminded him of the gym. He began to flood with those thoughts: how arousing he found the gym, and he began to slide down on Stan's cock. "There ya go, rick! Slow and steady. Breathe. Make sure you breathe. You good?" Rick smiled at that little bit of blue collar speech. He loved it, and it got him more aroused. He slid his lips down more of Stan's cock. He probably had between 6 and 7 inches in his mouth. "Ok, Rick. Now, this IS really for your own good. I'm gonna pull back, and then we're gonna begin again. You're doin great, but your throat has to get used to this. If you went down on me more, you might very well throw up. It's cool, it's happened before, but I don't want you to spoil your shirt." "How about I take it off?" "Up to you rick" Rick liked this approach. He felt like he was in charge, even though he was bottoming. He took off his shirt. "WHEW STUD" Stan whistled, and grinned. "Someone spends a lot of time in the gym, and it ain't me." Rick loved it when men complimented his build. He whispered. "Thank you. Now shut up and get that cock in my mouth." "Yes SIR, bottom boy.." Stan was experienced enough to recognize triggers, and he found one. He had a feeling there was another one, right there in rick's nips, but for now, he'd wait. He may need that later. The break did rick good, and now, he had just about 9 of Stan's 11 inches in his mouth. He slid down more, and his gag reflex kicked in. He didn't want to let go, but Stan pulled his head back gently. "I think that's enough for a beginner. Don't wanna be like a wrestler who chokes out his opponent. You good with that rick? " Stan's cock was still in rick's mouth, so he shook his head yes. "Ok. Stan pulled his cock out slowly, letting rick play his tongue over it. When it was out, he rubbed his hand over rick's bald head.

"You did REALLY good for a rookie rick. YOU SURE you don't suck cock regularly?" "No SIR.. " Rick was smiling at the compliment, like a school boy. "First one I've sucked in about five years." "Like riding a bike, huh? Ok, now speaking of riding, you wanna take this further?" Rick thought about it for a minute If Stan were as gentle and conscientious as he had been with the blow job... "Yes sir." "Ok, well, then I guess you know, gotta get out of those jeans, if you can. " Stan smiled. "Want me to guess what color thong you have on?" "How did you know I was wearing a thong?" Stan smiled. "First timers always do. They want it to show off their ass." Rick laughed "Ok, smarty pants. What color? " "Red." When rick dropped his jeans and Stan saw the bright red thong, they both had a laugh.

"Ok, so here's what we can do rick. I'm really too big to suggest that you sit on it and lower yourself on me, so that leaves the side, you on your back, or you on all fours. " Rick thought about it for a minute. "You know, I know it's not the easiest way, but I'd like to see your face while it's happening. " "Ok then. Get on the bed, on your back, and let's begin. " Rick was naked, and his cock had sprung to life. His balls, big and full, hung right alongside of it. To his dismay, Stan wasn't hard yet.

"Ok, so now we gotta get you lubed rick. I know a lot of people like it really rough the first time. Not with me. I won't do it. So, I've got some water soluble, but.... and now he grinned, and he saw Stan's dick harden for the first time. "If I had my druthers, I'd druther lubricate you with my own spit. I really like eating my bottom's ass." "Do it then. Do me. Get your tongue in me. Get me ready Sir Stan."

Then he saw Stan's dick really harden. This was getting real.

Stan pushed rick's legs in the air. "I know you work out, but this can be exhausting. If you need to put them down, tell me. I haven't gagged you... yet.." "I haven't gagged you... yet.." thought rick. Why was that getting him so excited? "OOOOH SHIT." slipped out of his mouth. Stan had begun working his tongue into rick's ass. Stan's cock was certainly his biggest asset, but he had been told he had "the tongue of a giraffe," long and pointed, and a little rough. He did, and that's what rick was getting, as rick slipped his tongue in, deeper and deeper, and rick moaned, and wimpered.

"OH DAMN. GETTING FUCKED CAN'T BE BETTER THAN THIS." Stan looked up. "Well, it is, but we can stop right here if you want." "FUCK NO. STUD. TAKE MY ASS." "Ok Rick. I'm gonna begin..." Stan had his thumb at rick's ass, and he pulled it away. "Just like with the bj, you tell me when to stop. I can figure out some signals, but not all of them. Just try to relax. " He slid his cockhead into Rick and rick moaned a little more. The first 3 inches were easy. Then Stan experienced the first bit of resistance, and he saw rick clench his teeth. "Come out, babe?" "No... not yet. Let me just.... Ok. more.." Stan moved very slowly, and got in another two inches before he met the next bit of resistance.

"You're doing just fine rick. I don't think you're ready for all 11 tonight, and we can stop if you want. " "I don't want to stop, Sir. It's just. . It's just..." Stan hesitated for a minute, and then.. he moved rick's legs to his shoulders, and moved his hands to his nips. "OH SHIT. HOW'D YOU KNOW ABOUT THEM? " "Lucky guess rick... " Three more inches slid in. "OH SHIT. That feels, well, it feels amazing." "Ok. Good. I'm not going to try to slip anymore in, rick, but I'm gonna just start sliding back and forth." Rick was getting fucked. For the first time in about seven years, he was getting fucked, and he was enjoying it. It felt so good. He felt safe. He felt like things were under control. And he was getting more and more aroused. Stan saw it. "No shooting in the bottom on the first date, so I'm gonna pull out. Ok if I shoot on you.? "You better stud. You better cover me with that jizz." Stan smiled and closed his eyes. He began whispering. "Rick has one of the finest asses I ever had. Tight. hot. Gorgeous. FUUUUUUCK.. " Eleven inches of cock produces a lot of jizz. Rick smiled, and so did Stan. "You got more out of me than most do, rick. How should we release you. You want me to jerk you, or do you wanna do it yourself?" "Try. I got particular tastes, so usually people can't get me off. " "Well, I'm not the usual.." Stan laughed, and lay down next to rick. He put his body on one of rick's arms, and then he held down the wrist of rick's other arm, with is free hand. His second hand, was on rick's cock. And that cock was growing, and rick was moaning. Somehow, the fact that he was restrained, while not being restrained, was getting him more and more excited.

"OH MAN. OH MANOHMANOHMANOH... FUUUUUUUUCK." Rick began to explode all over the mess that Stan had made. His hips pumped, and he moaned, wimpered, and licked his lips wildly.

"OH SHIT, Stan. That may have been the best orgasm I ever had. " Stan looked down at him and smiled. "I aim to please. " He kept on staring at Rick's face.

"This isn't part of the deal rick, but... would you be opposed to me kissing you?" Rick smiled. "I'd be upset if you didn't boss." Their lips met. Stan pulled back and kissed him again. And then a third time. No tongue, but just soft, sensitive kisses.

They heard an alarm go off. It was 9.

'FUCK' yelled Stan. I thought I turned the mother fucker off. Talk about a mood killer." He got up and turned off the alarm, and he came back to the bed.

"I didn't take any appointments after you rick. You can stay as long as you want. " Rick was tempted. GOD was he tempted. But no.. not tonight." "Another time maybe Stan? I've got a lot to process." "Of course you do. You want to shower before you leave? I may not have the cologne you use, but you're free to use whatever you find in there. "He offered me to shower. He didn't throw me out. What a gentleman." "I'd like that Stan. " "How about I arrange for a cab to come and pick you up. Shall I say half an hour?" "DAMN you think of everything stud." "Treat people the way you wanna be treated. Just don't die in the shower stud."

Rick found plenty of high quality product, and a big soft bath towel. He expected that it would carry the aroma of the diner, but it didn't. It was , in fact almost without scent.

After he had showered, and dressed, he reached into his jeans and pulled out his wallet to get Stan the money for the appointment. Stan told him to put his wallet away.

"No Rick, I can't take that money. " "Why not? You earned it, and I hired you." "All true. But that was the most fun I've had at an appointment in years. I can't take it." "Well, I can't not give it to you." "Tell you what Rick? Tomorrow, take that money and distribute it to homeless people. Or tip some people generously. Or both. Give it away. Just don't give it to me" Rick smiled and put his wallet away. "I'll do that if you'll make me a promise." "I'll try. What's that Rick?" "Can we meet again? " Stan smiled. "As a date, yes. As an appointment, no." "I can live with that, " said Rick. "How about same time, next week?" "It's a date then." The doorman buzzed. "Excuse me Mr. Stan. The car you called is here." He smiled at Rick. "I'll see you at the restaurant?" Rick moved in and kissed him. "Damn right you will." "Safe travels." On the elevator down, rick decided to see if he could find any toys the next morning, to prepare him for another date with Stan.

Next: Chapter 3

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