Stan the Snake and Slick Rick

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Dec 6, 2023


rick got up from doing his push ups. He had forgotten to do them at the gym during his morning work out. He got up and checked himself out in the mirror. He smiled: he was pleased.

He had gotten to the point where it took a while to show gains on his body, but he was seeing them. His arms were bulging, his waist was tapered, his legs were solid. In the privacy of the bathroom, he flexed, and laughed at himself. The hard work was paying off. It had paid off so well, that to rick's mind, it was time to go through his closet, dump shirts that didn't fit anymore, and get some new ones.

EXCEPT: the one man who could handle him, and handle him easily - Stan - was probably going to veto tossing some of the shirts. Stan liked to see rick in extremely tight clothing, especially if rick had to suck in his gut to prevent his shirt was bulging. When he did that, his chest naturally stuck out, and when it did, it made an easier target for his nips: the gateway to controlling him.

It didn't seem to matter how strong, or how lean he got. If Stan got hold of his nips, or even one of them, he was helpless. All his strength just drained, and he was putty in Stan's hands. If Stan got his ear too, or his neck, it just made him weaker, and more helpless. He remembered yesterday afternoon's sex. He should've been more ready: Stan had done this to him before.

Stan liked to fuck rick when rick was sweaty: he said the wetness inside his ass made it easier for him to slide in. rick was, of course, always sweaty after the 6 or 7 mile runs he took. He had gotten used to making sure Stan wasn't hiding, because Stan would grab him, throw him on the floor, rip off his shorts, and fuck him HARD. Sometimes he escaped, sometimes he didn't. Yesterday, he didn't. He came in and was SURE that Stan wasn't around. He showered, and had gotten on a pair of black speedos (Stan had thrown out all of his underwear and had replaced it with speedos and thongs) when he felt Stan's arm around him.

"GOTCHA sweet boy." Stan was strong enough to lift rick off the ground, and he did, tossing him face down on the bed. "Hey, come on Daddy Man! Give your boy some peace. It was a hard run." "Heh heh. And it's a hard cock, boi. And you're gonna get it. Now roll over." rick pulled in his arms, and tightened his legs together. He knew it was inevitable, and he was already getting hard, because... another part of Stan's ability to control him was how much rick coveted that cock in him, and he wanted it now. "OH. Gonna play wrestling games with me, huh ricky? That's ok.. You know I can take you from behind. You want that?" Stan couldn't quite get his fingers underneath rick's chest to get at his nips, but his ears were right out and vulnerable. The sound of Stan licking one of them was loud. "OOOH. SHIT Daddy man. You know you're gonna take me however you want me." "Yeah, I am. But I want you to BEG for it ricky boi." Was it something subconscious, or did rick make a little space for Stan to get his long fingers underneath him and get a nip? Whatever had happened, rick felt Stan's thumb and forefinger beginning to play. "OH MAN. That's not FAIR STAN. C'MON. You know what that does to me." "Is it fair what YOU do to ME?" He whispered, rubbing his hard cock along rick's ass. "DAMN. Isn't that kielbasa ever tired? " Stan was part Polish, and when rick found out, he started referring to rick's dick as "Mr . Kielbasa " or just "that kielbasa." "Gonna roll over, or am I gonna take you from behind? Giving you a choice you handsome stud. My chocolate English muffin." Stan had started calling rick his English muffin because of all his muscle definition. "Ok, ok. You win." rick liked seeing Stan's face when he topped him, and he liked being kissed. He relaxed, and Stan flipped him over. "Hey, I got an idea ricky. Let's see. You're gonna lose, but wotthehell. I'm gonna straddle you and play with your tits. If you can push me off, you get a break. And I'm not gonna do anything unless you ask for it. " "You gonna set a time limit Daddy Man, or am I gonna get worked over for an hour?" Stan laughed. "I'd like to see you last an hour, but that's fair. I'll set it for 15 minutes." Stan and rick had played a lot of sex games, but never this one. Stan began by gently running the bag of his double jointed thumbs over rick's nipples. That was soft enough for rick to put up some resistance, and he did. He fought, and managed to get into a bit of a sitting up position. Then Stan smiled, brought down the hammer, tightened grips on both nipples. and rick fell back on the bed. His own cock was growing harder and harder. (Stan didn't lock him up very often these days. He felt that rick had learned his lesson and knew that if he jerked off without permission, there would be ramifications). "How's that feel, stud muffin? MMM. You always smell so good after a shower. "FUCK Daddy man. If you didn't know about my nips, I'd have my cock in you RIGHT NOW!" "Ha ha . But I do. And you wouldn't. And you know why..." Stan leaned down and kissed the tip of rick's nose. "Cause you are such a vain mother fucker and you just want to know you're the only person getting my foot long. " Stan released the pressure on rick's nips, and rick felt hope, until he tightened the grip again. This time, he started twisting, always a way to make rick weaker, and weaker. "Damned if he's not right," rick thought. The fact that he had disciplined himself enough to take 13 inches, made him proud. He had heard about other guys in town with big dicks, but he hadn't heard about anyone with a cock bigger than his lover's. That made him... something... Right now, though, all he was , was a moaning, helpless wall of muscle, underneath a man with a kielbasa cock, and a strong desire to get fucked. "You win, stud. You win. Just kiss me first. Kiss me till I say enough, ok?" "That's a deal you sexy bastard." Stan got off of rick's chest, but he slipped his hand down into rick's speedos so he could hold his cock. THAT would keep rick well behaved, as they Frenched. "MMMM. Daddy man, know what? You may have taught me to take that wand of yours, but I taught you how to kiss." "True that, stud.. True that..." Stan's long tongue slipped down again. Yup, rick was VERY fussy about kissing, and he had led Stan through the steps of becoming an incredible kisser. He had taught Stan that a big long tongue wasn't enough. He needed technique. And now he had it. Again, a thought went through rick's head. "Other couples should be DAMN jealous of us. For other reasons too, but does anyone have better sex?" Stan knew what was coming, as he felt rick harden. "Fuck me Daddy . Fuck your boi. FUCK HIM HARD." Stan smiled. He got rick's speedos off and smelled them. "Not strong enough to put in your mouth, babe, but DAMN. I LOVE the smell of you." Over their time, rick would occasionally "lose" pair of underwear. He had eventually found them in a secret hiding place Stan had. He was more than flattered. That was the night he went to Stan, and said. "Daddy Man. FUCK ME. FUCK ME NOW." That was weeks ago. Now, Stan was licking rick's legs as he lifted them, slurping at his calves, his knees, his thighs. "These legs of yours stud. FUCK. You could probably crush a man to death in them. IF... they weren't in the air.." And they were. With Stan's thumb pressing against rick's hole. "I'm still sweaty in there Daddy man. Can you do that 'thang' you do? " "Heh heh. For my baby, anything.." That "thang" was something Stan hadn't learned to do, he had just learned he could do it. If he stopped thrusting in the middle of taking rick's ass, and took a deep breath, he could will his cock into getting thicker. That action pushed rick even closer to the pain line, on the pleasure/pain border, and he LOVED it. Usually, Stan did it when he was all the way in. Today though, he started with the first entry. Even though rick could take all 13 easily, he couldn't take them all at once, and sex was still not unlike a snake eating its prey: long, slow, and delicate. And at every 2 inches or so, he'd stop, breathe, and "inflate" his cock. "OH GEEZ. THAT AINT WHAT I MEANT BUT DON'T YOU STOP MR KIELBASA" When rick particularly liked something, he was real clear, and he was liking this. "DAMN DADDY MAN, I'm gonna wear those speedos every day if it makes you do me like this. OOOOOH FUCK." Stan had gotten six inches in. "Babe, all you need to do is ask for it. I don't wanna hurt you, but I like it nearly as much as you do. "STOP TALKING AND FUCK ME YOU GODDAMN POLLACK" rick would yell that when he was especially horny, and what Stan was doing was pushing further and further. Then he stopped. Stan just stopped pushing. "Daddy man , is something wrong? " "OOOOOOOOOOOH YOU FUCKER................." Stan began flexing his "muscle" the way rick had been flexing his. Like rick , no one could see it. But they both felt it. ""How's that boi? How's the Pollack's boi? " Then he slid in 4 inches. "DADDY DAMN IT . THE POLE WITH THE POLE. FUCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCK." Stan was flexing again, and rick looked at him. "Can I? Can I diddle myself? PLEASE DADDY? PRETTY PLEAAAAAAAAAAAAAASE? I'll wear whatever you want me to tonight, no arguments." Stan had already told rick they were going to the bars, and dressing rick for these was always an argument, and Stan always won. When rick said what he did, he smiled. He had a plan, and now he had yet another submission. "Let me see how far my boi can shoot. And how many rounds he's got in him. The most I remember is ten." Stan slid the rest of his pole into rick, and began pulsing again. "FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK... " rick shoved his hips up and began shooting. "I counted nine boi. Gotta improve that. Maybe the cage again." Stan smiled, as he shot. His shots were longer which wasn't surprising, but there weren't as many. He was spent after 7. "ricky boi, that was fucking celestial sex with a little devilish stuff thrown in." He lay on the bed and pulled rick in. "So what did I see with this pile of shirts in the living room?" "STAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAN. They don't fit anymore. Some of them are even too tight for your taste. I can't button them." "Is the black silk one there? Or the dark red one? How about the lavender buttondown ? Or the pink striped one?" "Uh, the pink one is Daddy man." "Put it back in the closet. " rick smiled. "Yes sir. As soon as you let me up." He kissed Stan then asked. "What am I wearing today Sir?" Stan smiled. "Something I have been wanting to take you out in, for a long long time. ricky boi, you're wearing your harness. And your big slave collar. Your chaps. Your arm band. And your leather jacket. It's still warm enough. " rick began to get excited. They were going to Stan's club. He'd be showing him off as the handsome slave boi he was. Stan began to smile, as he rubbed his hand over rick's very short hair. "It's about time your friends knew more about us." "Hold it, Daddy man. We're going to MY bar?" "Hell yeah, I know it's not leather but... you know, these folks haven't seen you for a while, and it's about time they knew you are off the market for sure." He sighed. "Maybe we'll send a photo to that guy and ask him to show it to kieran. I know you're still worried about him." "I am Daddy Stan. I'm not sure I believe that explanation." "Well, tell you what? How's about next week, if we aren't too busy, we start investigating. That's what we do, remember? We'll shop for you tomorrow, and then Monday, we'll open the kieran file." rick smiled and whispered "I LOVE my Daddy Man. I think you can read my mind." Stan chuckled. "It's not as easy as reading your body, but I'm getting better. Now go put that pink shirt back in the closet, and let's see my leather boy all dolled up."

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"Whatcha think, Daddy man? " rick came out of the bedroom in the leather Stan had bought him. Stan sucked in his breath. "OH GEEZ YOU SEXY BITCH. " He got up and pinched rick's nips. "Promise me you're not gonna let anyone steal you tonight." "Daddy man, the only guy I'm coming home with is YOU." Stan smiled. "Let's see one thing. Just one thing. I don't think it'll work but... Lemme try my leather hat on you ricky." "Nah. Doesn't work. Maybe with sunglasses. Make you look like a Top. " "Well, STAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAN, let's see you put it on. WITH THE glasses. " Stan had put on a black t shirt, and a pair of black jeans. With the hat, and the glasses, he looked like the leather man of rick's dreams, nightmares, fantasies. Now he didn't want to go out: he just wanted to have Stan tie him up with more leather, and work him over all night. "Let's not stay long, Daddy man?" "Nay. Maybe an hour. Put on your jacket. Time to go. OH... A sub NEVER puts on his slave necklace when his DOM is around. " Stan took the heavy chain, the one with the lock on the end that said "I belong to Stan," and put it over rick's neck. rick looked at it. He smiled. "I do ya know." "Yeah, I do." rick closed up his jacket so they'd have less trouble getting a cab, and off they went.

The bar was unusually busy that night. "They must've known you were coming ricky. Gimme the jacket. "Yes sir." rick wasn't sure he was ready for this, but... his DOM, his MASTER, his LOVER told him to take it off. He did. The level of sound in the bar went down more than a little. "RICK?" One guy came up to them. "RICK? I'm brandon. You fucked me three times. Are you..." "Taken. Spoken for. Owned. This man right here." He felt Stan's arm go around his middle. "And it just keeps on getting better." "Does that mean you're not..." "Gotta check with my Daddy Man. He handles that for me." Stan smiled. "Leave a card or something. Don't feel bad if you don't hear from us." About twenty minutes into their stop, Stan whispered into rick's ear. "I don't think they quite believe it. Put your hands behind your back. Like you're tied up." "Ok sir. If that's what you want." "What I want is a blow job and your ass. But I'll get that later. Now, I want you looking even more like a sub. Stan smiled when he overheard two guys talking, one saying "That guy must be SOME FUCK if he flipped Rick." At one point, Stan asked. "Hey, these are folks you know. How come none of them have introduced themselves to me?" "They're SCARED Daddy Man. They figure you must be quite the STUD to have me in this position. And you are. Besides that, none of these guys were REALLY my friends. That's why I'm so worried about kieran. He was tight with me. " It was getting noisier, so Stan whispered into rick's ear. "Then how about we head home and have our own little session? I think we've made our point." "Daddy man, I wanted that ten minutes after we got here. HELL YEAH." Stan handed rick his jacket, they went back outside for a cab, and headed back home. "How you like wearing leather, stud boi.?" "It's new Daddy. Smell is not all that great to me." He paused. "Can I wrap it in your tshirt tonight after you finish fucking me? That sweat'll make it smell just like you. "How do you know I'm gonna sweat?" rick smiled. "Cause I got my ways, Daddy man, and I am gonna make you SWEAT tonight."

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"Tie me to the bed Daddy man. Don't take off this leather. Just tie me down. Put on your gloves. NO. Put one in my mouth. Take the other one. Then start smacking my crotch with it." "Hey I like your thinking ricky." Stan began to pull off his shirt, and rick stopped him "NO DADDY. NO. We gotta get that smell outta this leather, and I need your sweat. Now get to work. MMMPH." He couldn't finish. Stan had shoved the glove in his mouth. "So... You tried to flirt with twinks at the bar tonight, huh bitch boi? Well.. we'll see about that." The glove came down on rick's crotch. "NNNG, " came out of rick. And again, when the next one came down. And then again. "NNNG. NNNG. " Stan had never used his glove to smack rick around, and it was getting him hot. rick was a good actor , and he pulled at the bonds. He knew he wasn't going anywhere, he didn't want to. Stan pulled the glove out of his mouth and shoved in his thumb. "LICK IT FAGGOT. LICK IT. GET IT WET. GET IT AS WET AS YOUR MANPUSSY IS GONNA BE." "oh SHIT. I unleashed the beast," rick began to think. "and I'm still sore from this afternoon. He's gonna rip me apart." Stan took off the chaps, and then opened rick's jeans. He saw the hard cock. Then he bent down and took in the rich, musky odor of his lover's cock and balls. He put one, then both balls, in his mouth. rick's head went back and he nearly passed out when Stan toothed them gently. He DID pass out for a second when Stan switched from the glove, to the tiny whip he had in his hand. He didn't strike hard, but he struck carefully, and administered 25 to rick's balls, before he dangled it over rick's cockhead. "Know what boi ? I don't think you can handle another fucking like you did this afternoon tonight, so I'm gonna put it off until tomorrow. "Thank you Daddy man. I didn't think I could, but I would try. " "BUT... I read about this a few days ago, and I'm gonna try it. I think we can get at least one more drop of juice outta you." He took rick's cock head in his fingers, as if he were squeezing a nipple, and began gently, oh so gently twisting. "OH GEEZ STOP READING SO MUCH YOU FUCKER. I MAY DIE!!!! " Stan laughed. "Then you'll never smell my sweat on your leather. " He slowed down, as if he were removing a recalcitrant fuse. rick began bucking - FAST. "DAMN IT DADDY MAN THIS IS GONNA HURT... " A squirt, maybe two, maybe three , came out of rick. Stan smiled. He gathered up what there was, tasted some of it, and rubbed the rest of it on rick's gums, as if he were giving him teething medicine. "Now, you'll taste it all night. " He smiled. "Let's get that leather off of you, and put it in a bag, with this.." He pulled off his t shirt, which was sweaty. "And these." He dropped his pants, and pulled off even sweatier briefs. "I'm gonna put it all in a big pillowcase. Now, for tonight... you can't sleep comfortably like that, but...." He untied rick, and then cuffed his hands in front of him. "Gonna continue with the theme. You're mine tonight, ricky boi. And tomorrow, we'll shop. And open up a file for kieran." "Yes sir. Yes Daddy man lover." It was the last thing rick said, before he fell asleep.

Next: Chapter 20

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