Stan the Snake and Slick Rick

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Nov 30, 2023


Stan had chuckled as he left rick on the bed, tied, gagged, and now with the tit clamps attached. He had counted a total of 22 drops of precum, so, he set a timer for 22 minutes. Before he left, he bent down and kissed rick. "Don't worry ricky boy. I'm gonna come back. And then we're gonna have more fun. Rick tried to yell "you motherfucker, you'll pay" but all that came out was "MPMPPPPPPPPPPPMNGHGG{G" Stan went through his library of Wild West videos. He knew which one he wanted "The Night of the Burning Diamond." In glorious black and white, but West was wearing a gray shirt, not unlike one rick had, that made him look really hot, and it involved a lot of electricity. That was "on the menu." Stan chuckled louder as he thought about what was next for his disobedient bottom.

"Fact is," he told himself. "I love that man dearly . But he's gotta accept his role, and I don't think he does. He will." And he sat down, watching the video. "YES. This was the one." The timer went off and he went into the bedroom. "RICKY. How's it going? Ha ha hahahahaha." He took off the clamps. "You learning your lesson yet?" rick gave him his saddest puppy dog eyes possible as he shook his head yes, and whined through his tape gag. "AWWWWW. You poor boi. Know what? I need to know: how much of that is desperation to cum, and how much of it is real. You wanna cum ricky? " His head moved vigorously. " "THERE NOW, you SEE ricky? You weren't half that enthusiastic about learning your lesson. This is all about you wanting to cum?" Now, rick shook his head violently NO." "Tell you what, babe? I'm gonna take off the gag , and give you a chance to speak, cause we got a lot more playing to do. And don't worry pretty boi. You're gonna get to shoot." Slowly, almost malevolently, Stan took the tape off rick's mouth. rick was about to start cursing, and he realized: he was tied up, nearly blue balled, and Stan was clearly NOT gonna be persuaded by any of his trickery. "Thank you Daddy man. Thank you. Can I have a drink of water please? Stan smiled. "SURE you can, sweet lips. I want them nice and moist when I fuck them." He came back with a BIG glass of water, with a straw, to make it easier to drink. He wasn't quite ready to untie rick. After he finished drinking, and Stan moved the cup away, he began gently scratching rick's balls. "So, here's what's gonna happen, studbottom. I'm gonna get you off now. And then, we're gonna play out another episode of West. And I'm gonna FUCK you again at the end of that one. And then... gonna get you ready to show you off tonight, before we continue tomorrow." "MORE of them daddy man? You weren't kidding about the 74 of them? " "Nope. 74 to choose from. And you're gonna watch the one we're gonna do next. But first..." He ran his hand along rick's cock, and whispered "Who's my big, studly sub bitch?" "Me Sir. I'm my daddy man's boi.. OOOOOH. Daddy man, that feels so good." rick began to writhe. He wanted relief SO bad. "Daddy man, no one edges the way you do. NO ONE." Stan gave a grin, as he squeezed rick's cock hard. "OH? Who else has edged you? Gonna tell me?" "Oh years ago, daddy man. A young guy. Name of Kieran. We played around. Not a blond, not a twink . Hot black guy. Turned out we both wanted ass, so we just jerked each other. DAMN he was good at it. Wonder what he's doing now?" "ha ha. Is he as cute as you?" "He's cuter daddy. I'm hotter." "Heh heh. Maybe one day we'll meet him and I'll decide. " "He ain't a dick man, Sir." "Neither were you... .fuck toi." Those words.. fuck toi.. triggered rick. He lapped at his wet lips with his tongue, and shot the biggest load he had shot since he was with Stan. "THAT'S MY BOI. LOOK AT THAT..." Stan leaned down and raspberried rick's navel. "And I gotta feeling you've got more in you." "I think I do Daddy man. But I can't get it out yet." "Well, this is what I want you to do. I want you to go and get cleaned up. Keep your hands off your cock. Then get dressed. I'll lay out what you're wearing . Then ... more fun." "DADDY MAN . You really ARE gonna make me be Jim West again today?" "Every fucking day until we finish all the episodes I like ricky boi. You got what you want, now I'm getting what I want. " Stan got up. "Don't make me throw you into the shower myself." rick ran off. Stan's showers could peel your skin, they were so hot. As he was washing, he thought about the last scene. It WAS actually pretty hot, and his reaction confirmed what he knew: there was a LOT more jizz in him. He found the gray shirt on the bed. DAMN is this coincidence or what? He remembered when he and kieran had bought the same shirt in their respective sizes. He smiled. He hoped that boi found his bliss. He was SO DAMNED CUTE. But everyone wanted to fuck him, rick included, and he wanted to fuck everyone, rick included. If he only knew what rick was now... He pulled on the shirt. He knew it looked good on him, but he checked anyway, and smiled. "Stan the man made the right choice. I AM the only man for him. " He thought. "Never thought though, that I'd be getting my ass reamed regularly." He put on the dark colored pants, and then his black leather shoes over sheer socks. Stan had even picked a bright red pair of underwear. When rick came out to the living room, Stan was waiting. He had the bondage chair, and LOTS of rope out. "Hey, you're going on that chair stud, but first... you've got a blinking message on your cell. Maybe you oughtta check. "Hmmm. I don't get many on the weekend, but... He looked and seemed puzzled. "Stan, seriously, can you come and look at this with me?" Stan stood behind him , hand on his shoulder. They saw the text. "HELP ME. k" "What does that mean?" rick shook his head. "I'm not sure. "k" is how kieran always used to sign his texts, but this isn't his number. I guess he could've gotten a new one. " "But HELP ME?" Odd. "You wanna call him ricky? We can start when you're done." "Yeah, I think I do. K's got a good head on his shoulders, but this..." He dialed the number and Phil saw the call come in. He was about to put kieran into bondage. "It's the guy you called." He clamped a hand over kieran's mouth. "Not a sound out of you, got it?" kieran nodded. He had already gotten ten minutes of the small cat o' nines on his dick, and then the blue tooth vibrator up his butt for twenty minutes, and a full hour fucking from Phil, so he didn't want any trouble." "Hello? " Phil answered. "Hey there. I'm sorry to disturb you Sir. My name is rick. I'm calling because I got a strange message, I think from my friend kieran. Is he there? Can I talk to him?" Phil tightened his hand gag. "Oh, that... ha ha ha. Yeah, I'm sorry. Your number is awfully close to my husband's number, and we were having a spat. I was trying to hang a picture and he wasn't answering when I called him. I looked for him and he was buried in his phone So I texted him. I forgot the question mark after k? " "OH. Thanks. I was nervous for my bud. " "I'm really sorry I interfered with your day, rick. I don't know anyone named kieran. But I'll bet he's glad he has friends like you looking after him. You're calling from quite far away." "Yeah, kieran and I were really tight for a while, and then, time, etc." By now, kieran began to make out the voice through the phone. "RICK! Rick would come and rescue him. But he couldn't get a word out. Phil had him gagged REAL tight. " "I'm really sorry about this rick. I wish I could make it up to you. Have a great day." Phil got off the phone and laughed. "Boi, you are in DEEP SHIT. The only thing that MAY rescue you, is if rick's hot. Is he? " kieran nodded his head yes." "Well, bring up a picture of him on rob's phone. Let me see." "yes sir. " kieran had just about given up hope. He pulled up a picture of rick. "Yeah, he's hot. Too old for us thought. I hope he's getting fucked good." "Sir, rick is a top. That's why we broke up." Phil began to laugh. "You were a top too. " "I still am," kieran thought, but he sighed. "Yes sir. You're right."

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"Gay couple having a fight and sending a message to the wrong number. All done... " Stan began tying rick to the chair. He didn't end with his wrists, the way he usually did. He was creating an intricate almost spider web pattern all over his body, and had roped rick's pelvis, so that his bulge stuck out even more. "Now, let's watch this episode, ricky boi. Or part of it. What you need to know, West is captured, just like you, and he's gonna get electrotherapy, until they wipe out his brain. Then they're gonna train him as a slave." In the episode, West was tied up and hung upside down. "You're not gonna do that are ya daddy man?" "Nah. More fun to see you eye to eye. BUT...." he turned off the tv. "Electricity? ALWAYS a good thing. " He pulled out the hitachi rod, and smiled. "Gonna slide this in, right where your cock is tied, and leave it on low. It's gonna stay there until I see those pants change color from you blowing a load. And... " He opened rick's shirt, and then he pulled out the nipple stimulators, with velcro attached to them. "These'll help you along. And I can watch my shows. Which one next? Hmmmm." One at a time, he turned on each device, at low volume. "DADDY MAN COME ON. You know I just shot. " "I do. And if you have more jizz in you, this'll be easy. If you don't, well.. I got plenty of batteries. " "FUCK. C'mon . You know what tit stimulation does to me?" "Remind me ricky. Remind me how you're my bottom and I do all the topping." "DAMN DADDY that was a mistake. I'm SORRY. " "You're only sorry cause I gotcha back. You'd do it tomorrow if you could." "True," came out of rick's mouth, and he regretted it. "Oh shit. No, I didn't mean that daddy man. I didn't. " Stan turned each one up a notch, and then he grabbed rick's ankles. "If I could redo the show, we'd be investigating whether or not Mr. West had ticklish feet. LIKE MY RICKY" "I am truly fucked," rick thought. He closed his eyes, trying to conjure up thoughts that would lead him to an orgasm, because he knew that, when Stan got like this, he had the patience of Job, and rick was in real trouble. Stan actually threw him his life line. During the show, he unzipped his pants and began playing with himself. rick saw it, and he felt a jolt. "Hey Daddy man. Save some of that for me." "Heh heh. Got plenty for you stud. Just gonna edge myself a little, thinking about how hard I'm gonna fuck you when I take you to bed. "Tell me daddy man. Tell me. " "After I do this...." Stan kicked the intensity up one more notch and rick moaned. "OH GOD YES. NEXT BEST THING TO STANLEY COCK." "When I get you in that bed, first, I'm gonna get all those hair bristles cleaned off of you ricky. If you're gonna be my boi, you're gonna be as SMOOTH as black silk. Then, I'm gonna just fuck your face so hard your cheeks are gonna pop. While I squeeze your nips. And then... when I've got you slick and wet, I'm just gonna slide in like a battleship without any brakes, and make you SCREAM. " "FUCK DADDY YES.... " He couldn't move much from the ropes, but rick did his best to help his orgasm along. He screamed, and the wet spot on his pants got bigger, and bigger. Stan turned off the TV. He got up and he kissed rick flat on the lips. He smiled. "You're such a good sport ricky. And you know what? I do this to you because.. FUCK I am SO GODDAMN INTO YOU. I wanna fuck you 24/7." "How about letting me give my man some loving, big Stan? Untie me. Take me to bed. Lemme show you how I can do everything the machines can do, only better."

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They were buck naked, and rick pulled Stan on top of him. He held him as tight as he could. "Do my neck daddy man. Do my neck. Take your boi's soft skin. OH YEAH. Lemme feel that man scruff. OOOOH. Your boi don't have it because he's your boi. Daddy man has it. Stan moved his mouth over to rick's "FUCK YEAH DADDY MAN. My daddy man's the best kisser in the city. OH YEAH. OOOOH. " rick began to squirm under him. "If you're gonna calm me down daddy man, you're gonna have to subdue me with kisses. " "Not a problem boi." Stan went back in. He didn't limit his kisses to rick's mouth though, and his mouth eventually got to rick's nips. "FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK daddy man. How many times you want me to cum today. Stan pinned rick's wrists to the bed. "As many as it takes for you to admit I own you boi." "DAMN DADDY YOU DO. Take me on a chain tonight. Show me off as your property. Don't let anyone get this boi . Not kieran, not nobody. NO ONE. Take possession of what's yours. " He was driving Stan crazy, and he knew it. He had never seen Stan so hard before. A big cock like that usually flopped a little. Not tonight. "I am gonna take what's mine. " Stan shoved rick's legs back over him, not on his shoulders, but he folded him like an envelope. And then he plunged. "HUHHHHHHHHHHH. OH SHIT YOU FUCKING STUD. " All 13 inches were in rick at once. "DAMN daddy man, you're gonna make sure I can't walk for a week." "You gotta problem with that boi?" "NO SIREEEEEEEEEEEE. NO SIREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE daddy man. Only problem I have is: I want to feel it for a month. " Then Stan thrust, and he thought he would . "OH SHIT. You're gonna flood me. You're gonna flood me. "I LOVE MY BOI RICKY. ............................I LOVE HIM!!!!!" Stan's jizz just took over rick's body. He was smiling. He tried to get out of Stan's pin. "Please Daddy man. Please let me hug my STUD. PLEASE. GIMME YOUR TONGUE YOU FUCKING STUD." He held Stan as tight as he could. "Damn. there's a man with two dick's worth of cock, and he's mine. HE"S FUCKING MINE." "Yes, he is ricky boi. I'm yours." Stan fell on top of rick. They were supposed to go out that night. They never made it.

Next: Chapter 19

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