Stan the Snake and Slick Rick

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Nov 24, 2023


Stan had been a good sport about what rick had done to him, but as soon as it was over, he started planning his revenge. rick was gonna have to learn: there was ONE DOM, and ONE TOP and that was HIM. rick was the sub and the bottom. If it took work to get that across, well... he found himself a little "juiced" just thinking about it. And then, looking at what was on TV, gave him the inspiration. "Hey ricky..." (even though he KNEW rick hated that nickname, he used it) - you remember that old TV show, "Wild Wild West." "Yeah, Daddy Man, didn't they remake it with Will Smith?" "They did. I was disappointed. That was my favorite show as a kid." rick smiled, as he came over and cuddled up to Stan. "I bet it was. That studly muscular Bob Conrad, and all that bondage. " He smiled. "But you know what? Jim West always got away." "I KNOW. I always thought I could do it better. " rick moved in front of Stan and rubbed his ass against his crotch. "Nah, Daddy man. You couldn't. Cause you know why? " He pulled Stan's hand up to his nip on his right side. "Cause you're too nice a man. You could never finish the deal. " Stan began to play with rick's nip. "Maybe you're right. I guess that's why I let you get away with what you did." rick laughed. "Let me get away with it? Daddy man, your ass sucked up my cock like a ten dollar whore. You wanted it.." He lowered his voice. "Maybe more than I want you tonight.." "Oh you're gonna get me, no question about that." He rubbed his chin into rick's neck. "You have a client coming tomorrow? " "Yeah, she's supposed to be by at 11 or so. Remember that Mrs. Abernathy? The one who had us trail her husband?" "Ha ha. Oh yeah. My old client." "Well, I just gotta tell her that there's no evidence. Gonna disappoint her, but I'm not gonna let us take her money." "MMMM. I agree. Hey ricky, do me one favor before we head off to bed. I'll even do you a solid if you do?" "What's that Daddy man?" "Well, I got a tape of my favorite episode of that show "The Night of the Howling Light." "Wait.. That the one where he's in the light house, bare chested for most of it?" "Tied and gagged too." "HELL. I remember that one. Glorious black and white. Ha ha. Like us Daddy Man." "Well, if you watch it with me tonight, I'll take off your cage. In fact, I'll take it off the whole weekend." rick gave him a look. "Just for watching a show with you? You think I don't know you better than that?" "DAMN. You have me out. I was gonna ask you to wear those tight black shorts you got last week." "OH. My hot weather exercise shorts? Ok. To be out of the cage for a day, all I have to do is wear the shorts and watch the show." "That's it." "Can you do me first?" "Maybe even after." Well, they went off to bed, and Stan screwed the hell out of rick. He screwed him so good, that rick was begging him to stop . "DAMN DADDY MAN. You grow two more inches or something?" "Nah. Just thinking of how you're gonna look in those shorts." After Stan had shot into rick, and unlocked his cock, he got up to turn on the TV. rick came into the room, smiling. He was wearing the shorts. "HOLY FUCK. And I just shot my load. "You like em Daddy man? " "Turn around. " rick gave a spin and bent. "DAMN . If it were possible for you to make your ass more fuckable.. " "Hee hee. Now I know what to do to get what I want from Daddy man." He curled into Stan to watch the show. It was hard NOT to see when Stan got excited and rick teased him. "Be careful big man. You might put someone's eye out with that thing." rick wasn't helping any by pushing his hand down on it. "Can't help it stud. I LOVE that episode. " ""Come to bed with me Footlong. Maybe I'll get that fire under control." xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxx

Next morning, rick slipped into the shorts while he did his push ups, his sit ups, his squats. "Damn woman's gonna interfere with my gym time." "Well, there's more than one way to get a work out ricky." "How would you know Daddy man? Hee hee. " He came over and snuggled into Stan's chest and whispered. "You let the black snake out. You better watch your ass. " Stan grinned. "I don't think my ass has anything to worry about. " He wrapped his arms around rick and when rick tried to get out, he couldn't. "Hey, Daddy man. I gotta get ready for that meeting." "Ain't we a partnership stud? I'll take care of that meeting, cause you know what? You're gonna be all tied up. You and your black snake." Stan hoisted rick up off the ground in a tight bear hug until he was screaming for mercy. "What you want? You got it? You got whatever you want." "I want you in the chair. NOW." "FUCK, the meeting." Stan reached down and grabbed rick's unlocked cock. "YOU HAD THIS PLANNED YOU FUCKER. THAT'S WHY I'M UNLOCKED." "Oh, you're unlocked for a LOT of reasons bitchboi. But yeah, that's one of them. NOW SIT." "OUCH. Yes sir. Yes Daddy man. Please stop squeezing. " Stan didn't use rope. He used handcuffs. "OPEN YOUR MOUTH. " "Please Daddy man. Don't gag me. I hate.. MMMMPH. " Stan shoved a big penis gag in his mouth and locked it on the back of rick's head. He came around and looked at rick who looked scared. "You look so fucking hot like that. You're gonna look hotter with these.." He pulled out his needle nose nipple clamps and rick's eyes got BIG. "MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMPH. " Then the moans of pain. "Maybe Mrs. Abernathy will be early. I'd hope so if I were you. Because for every two minutes we wait, I'm gonna add one of these." Stan turned to an old box of fishing tackle. He pulled out a lead weight. First one... NOW. "MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMPH." rick really wanted to scream. "Now, let me set that timer. Oh yeah. And for every fifth minute... " Stan leaned his elbow on rick's cock. "I'd say 30 seconds is fine. " After two minutes, he got up and got another weight. "MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMPH." This time he rocked his elbow back and forth on rick's cock. When he was done, he got up. "I better go and get dressed. ONE of us has to be presentable for her." He knew Mrs. Abernathy was a bit of a fussy lady, so he put on his suit and tie . Suffering as he was with the clamps, and the weights, rick looked up and thought. "DAMN my man is fine when he's dressed. His cock began to respond to that handsome man. Then the timer went off. "Ok, stud. One more." "MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMPH " rick was shaking , twisting his head NO. Then the doorman announced Mrs. Abernathy. "Aren't YOU the lucky boi. Heh heh. Let's go move you out of sight." He put rick behind a screen in the living room. rick could see through the crack, but couldn't get out. Rick had taken the clamps and weights off, and he could hear him speaking to Mrs. Abernathy." "Oh, I'm sorry ma'am. rick is all tied up. " "FUCKER!!!! " rick thought to himself. "But he called and told me where your report is. I'm afraid, Mrs. Abernathy, that we couldn't find anything for you." He handed her the report. "Please put your checkbook away ma'am. There's no charge for this. Take a look at it when you get home, and please call us if you have any questions." "Oh, Stan, please tell Rick that I'm sorry I missed him, but thank you. This is very kind of you. "Not a problem Mrs. Abernathy." Stan closed the door and chuckled. He moved the screen away to see a very pissed off, and very helpless rick. "rick's all tied up. Understatement of the year." Stan heard the cufflinks rattle. "I've got some good news and some bad news for you ricky. The good news is that the cufflinks are coming off. The bad news is... you're gonna get tied REAL tight to the bed. And now.. you're gonna find out that having an unlocked cock, is a blessing, and a curse... HEH HEH HEH HEH HEH."

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rick had no strength, so he put up no fight when Stan spread eagled him to the bed. Stan almost never used the ankle restraints. He did today. Once he had rick tied down, he smiled. "Gonna be glad you didn't run ricky, cause those feet are gonna take their share of the pain.." Stan ran a small brush over each of rick's feet. He had taken off the gag, and rick HOWLED at what he was feeling. "FUCK STAN STOP. I GIVE OK. I GIVE. " "Yeah, you can give all you want. Today, I'm taking what I want. And maybe tomorrow too." He pulled down rick's shorts. "HOLY GEEZ . You said I had grown two inches? FUCK. I bet we'd measure you at 11 right now. "DAMN IT daddy man. See what you do to me. It was that suit that started it. And then.. oh shit..." Stan had started running his finger along the backside of rick's cock. "I wonder how long we can edge you without you cumming ricky ? Any ideas? Cause we're gonna find out." He smiled as he went back to rick's feet, and licked them up and down. Then he went up to rick's face. "Take my tongue stud man." "SHIT STAN. After you licked my foot man? OWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW" Stan's big hand was around rick's cock. "TAKE. MY . FUCKING. TONGUE." " rick closed his eyes, and took it. No difference in taste, and it actually felt good. He may have even purred. "Bet your nips are sore ricky. Gonna get sorer." Stan began to chew them. "Remember how that's how I GOT ya in bed the first time, big rick?" "I do Daddy man. I never regretted giving in to you. I still don't. " "GOOD. Cause you're gonna give in to me a LOT. Oh, I forgot to play some more with your cock.. " He formed a fist around rick's cock and began a slow, deliberate teasing of it. Fast, then slow. Fast then slow. " "I'm gonna kill you in your sleep Stan." rick said, not convincingly. "Did you forget a small word? " "I did NOT" he said defiantly. "Well, then we got a problem. Cause I was about to fuck you. But now... I guess we gotta review the few ticklish spots you got on your body. I think I can slip a finger under your knees, ricky. "EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEECH" rick screamed as Stan got his fingers in his weak spot and played with them. "Now. DAMN ricky. You got me so hard. I'm thinking of ALL the other Wild West episodes we're gonna play out. And each time... you're gonna get fucked. " "How many episodes were there? rick said, weakly. "104" Stan began to laugh. "FUCK." "Don't worry ricky. We're only gonna do the ones where he got tied up. That's maybe, oh, 70." He began untying rick's ankles. "You're gonna lift up those big brown legs and give me access aren't you, handsome?" "Yes sir. Yes. Please take me. I want it. I want it big time. " "Oh you're gonna GET IT big time. And understand something ricky. For every drop of precum I see, those clamps are going back for a minute." As soon as he got the words out, two drops of precum shot out of rick's cock. He felt Stan's cock begin to enter him. Then Stan stopped and smiled. His knees were on the bed, and he just stopped. "So maybe I should just kneel like this, hotshot, and let you show me the incredible power of your ass to suck in cock. " He reached up to rick's sore nipples and played them, before his finger very softly touched rick's cock. Another few drops of pre cum spilled out. "OH BOY ricky... your nips are gonna be sorer than anything Robert Conrad ever felt. " Meanwhile, rick was twisting on the cock like a fish trying to get off the hook. "C'mon Daddy man! You know I can take it. " "Yeah, I do." Stan began sliding out." "I just don't know if I wanna give it to you." He chuckled. "Who am I kidding? Yeah I do. TAKE IT UNGRATEFUL BITCH." Stan rammed it all the way in. "If you know how many times I DREAMED I'd do this to Robert Conrad. And now , I'm doing it to someone WAY hotter. " "Yes sir. YES Daddy man. Conrad would've been lucky to get this cock. I'm lucky. I'm SO FUCKING LUCKY." rick's face was contorting as Stan slid back and forth. "You may not think that way by the end of the weekend ricky, cause I am SERIOUS about trying to get through as many episodes as possible. With my edits of course. " He SLAMMED in hard again." FUCK DADDY MAN. You're gonna cripple my hole." "No I'm not. And if I do, oh well. " Stan began thrusting in and out in little tiny thrusts, while he ran his finger around the base of rick's cockhead. "Why are you TEASING me like that Daddy man? I really wanna cum. REALLY. OH SHIT." rick screamed when Stan thrust in hard again. "Got a riddle for ya, ricky. What do you and Mick Jagger have in common?" "I dunno Daddy. You think we're both hot?" "Ha ha. Partial credit. The correct answer is neither one of you can always get what you want. BUT.. right now. I'm gonna get what I want, YOU FUCKING HOTBOTTOM." Stan shot into rick. Rick would tease Stan about how he felt his cum in his eyeballs when Stan fucked him. Today, he thought he did feel it. " "OH MAN, that was great ricky..." Stan was getting up. He grabbed rick's legs and retied his ankles and looked like he was going off to the living room. "HEY WAIT. WHAT ABOUT ME?"' "Oh yeah, you're right. Forgot." Stan came back, took the gag and shoved it back into rick's mouth. "I'll be back again. Gotta recover a bit. Maybe a little blue pill. Let's say, oh, 7 drops of precum.. Hee hee hee. Let me go pick another episode.

Next: Chapter 18

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