Stan the Snake and Slick Rick

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Nov 22, 2023


rick had been with Stan for more than 7 months. Their little business was beginning to take off, and the money was coming in. His goofy Top man loved him so much that it almost hurt sometime. But rick wanted something he wasn't getting. He wanted to top Stan. Big time. And he couldn't figure out how. It was frustrating. Stan spent no time at the gym: just yoga and stretching. rick, on the other hand, was at the gym at least two hours a day. And it showed. His body fat was about 11%, and his biceps ("my big guns" as he called them) were so massive, that he had to get his shirts custom made. Yet, if he wrestled Stan, he lost. Always. And easily. Maybe it was because Stan was so tall, and maybe it was because he was so flexible, but whenever rick thought "this is IT. I'm gonna sneak up on him and take his ass," he wound up on his back, tied down, either having rick nibble his tits for half an hour, or with a pair of clamps on, or some other form of torment that Stan thought was appropriate. It always ended with rick taking Stan either in his mouth, or his ass, or both. To be sure, he loved the feel of Stan in him. He loved how Stan was so easy going in everything else, but when it came to their relationship, there was no question who was boss. rick had even offered to take financial submission to Stan, and let him control his finances too. Stan had clearly never thought about it. He was, though. And rick knew he was. He saw articles around the apartment about financial domination, the risks, etc. He knew that Stan worried about their financial future. Even though the business was doing well, he was skeptical that it was going to work. BUT.... rick knew... he knew when Stan said something like "Hey, I caught a quick video today, it was hot. The guys did something we should think about," it meant they were doing it. If Stan caught rick looking at another man, that usually meant ten minutes extra nipple torture - Stan tortured his nips every day now. "I used to be a DAMN good top" he thought to himself. "I bet I still am. " And he continued to think how, even if it were only one time, he wanted to top Stan. He figured there'd be consequences if he did it, but he wanted to try it. And so, he'd wrestle with Stan. And lose. He'd try to talk Stan into flipping. And get a NO! Then the opportunity presented itself.

One day, rick got a call. A bunch of his colleagues from California - straight guys - were in town for a convention. Could they get together for a beer or something? rick gulped. This would need Stan's permission. He told his bud he'd get back to him. Now, there was never any way of knowing how Stan was gonna react to rick spending time with other men, but rick knew certain things. One thing was clear: Stan was less concerned about men of color than guys who were like him. And he wasn't concerned about guys who were heavy. rick's preferences had always been for thin, blond guys, and masculine types like other cops. So, rick got to work. He photoshopped a picture of himself with six guys who were about as far from what his friends looked like as you could imagine. And that night, he sat down next to Stan, pulled his arm around him and rested Stan's hand on his nip. His shirt was opened three buttons down in case Stan wanted to sneak in (he did). And he had the picture. "STAAAAAAAAAAAN. DADDY STAN. Hey, wanna see a cute pic?" He handed it to Stan who looked at it and laughed. "Hey, these guys. You stand out in any crowd but this group? Geez, who are they?' "They're all guys I worked with out in California. We took a pic before I left." ("OH SHIT. " thought rick. This was a contemporary picture of him). "DAMN" Stan laughed. He pulled rick tighter. "You haven't aged a day baby. See? He kissed rick's forehead. "I keep ya young." "Ha ha. True that. Anyway, Daddy Stan, there's a police conference in town this week, they asked if I could get together with them for lunch, or something. " He gave Stan his best doe eyes. "I'll suck ya for an hour if you say yes." "Oh ho ho ho ho. Now how could I turn down that offer? Actually, ricky boi, you don't have to offer that. Cause you'll suck me for an hour, if I say so, RIGHT?" rick felt the pinch on his nip. "Yes sir." "But sure, yeah, have fun. Just make sure you let me know when you're coming home. That way I can get dinner started. rick's mind began to turn. This COULD work . Six of them. Hmmm. Even Stan couldn't hold off six guys.


rick got to work. The guys were coming in two weeks, so he began thinking, and then, he had his plan. Since Stan hadn't seen the guys, he didn't know what the REAL crew looked like. the plan was this: after their lunch, the guys would come back to the apartment, and they'd put rick in a chair, partly tied, but loose enough for him to get out. Then they'd take out Stan, get him tied to the bed, and leave. rick could get to work. He got hard thinking of it. He looked down at his cock, which Stan had locked that morning. "You're gonna get some exercise big guy. " The day of the lunch, rick asked Stan if he wouldn't mind picking up a new shirt for him. It was in one of Stan's favorite colors on rick: a dark red, almost maroon. Silk. It would be ready at 3. "SURE. You just gotta model it for me tonight, ricky boi. I can't wait to see how my boi looks in it. DAMN. I'm horny thinking about it." "You're always horny," rick smiled. "See what I do to you, daddy man?" He came over and kissed Stan on the top of his head. "Hell yeah. You DO something to me ricky. Not sure how you do it, but .. DAMN. I just want you 24/7." "Well, we'll have some fun tonight, daddy man. What else you got on your plate? "I'm gonna be doing some background work for that case that came in. You know, that woman who thinks her husband's cheating on her?" rick laughed. "Yeah. Remember the one when the woman asked for our help... " He laughed harder. "And it turned out he used to be one of your clients, and now he was getting fucked by your bud." "OH SHIT YEAH. Conflict of interest? " rick pressed his juicy lips to Stan's. "I love you daddy man. I wanna do things to you I ain't ever done before." "Hold that thought, ricky. We'll get on it tonight."


"On my way home daddy man. Look what's gonna be waiting for you." rick sent Stan a text with a photo of his ass, in a tight pair of pants. Stan was too shy to send a photo of his cock, so he just sent a pair of handcuffs. In fact, rick was already at home, and the guys were on board with the plan. These were REALLY good friends: almost like frat brothers. If he and Stan ever opened a West Coast office, these were the guys he wanted.

Rick was sitting in the bondage chair when Stan came through the door. His hands were behind his back and you could see rope around his ankles. There was a big white gag, held in place with a piece of tape on his lips. He gave his best scared look when Stan came in.

"RICK. HOLY SHIT. WHAT HAPPENED?" That's when the biggest guy grabbed him from behind. "SHIT. WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON?" Stan probably could have handled that guy, or the second one, that went for his legs. But when the third, fourth fifth and sixth joined in, struggle as he did, there was nothing he could do . "GET HIM TO THE BED BOYS" One of them yelled. "HEY. FUCK. LET ME GO BASTARDS." Stan was screaming, but six were too many. And there he was, tied face up on their bed, tied at the ankles and wrists with a stretchy rope that wouldn't let him slip out. "YOU BASTARDS. You fucking bastards." Then rick walked in smiling. "Daddy man. Guess what's gonna happen..." "WHAT? WHAT. YOU SHIT. YOU FUCKING SHIT. YOU BETTER LET ME GO RICK.' "Calm down daddy man, calm down... " rick pressed his hand on Stan's cock which was always sensitive, and a whimper came out of the big man. rick kept his hand there. "Hey thanks guys. I owe you for this big time." There was some glad handing, and then they left. Stan looked up at rick, confused. "What's the old saying daddy man? If the mountain wont' come to Mohammed, Mohammed will come to the mountain.." He sneaked his hand under Stan's shirt. Stan WAS ticklish, but no one would ever know. "HEY. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. What are you up to ricky?" "Today, stanley, it's Mr. Rick. Because today, you're gonna find out why I was SO popular with the boys before I got together with you..." "Huh? What? HOLY SHIT. YOU THINK YOU'RE GONNA FUCK ME RICK?" "ha ha. NO. I KNOW I'm gonna fuck you. And you know what else I know, daddy boi? You're gonna ask me to do it, and you're gonna LOVE it." "NO FUCKING WAY." He pulled at the ropes. "YOU'RE GONNA HAVE A 14 INCH DILDO IN YOU FOR A WEEK WHEN I GET LOOSE." "It'll be worth it daddy boi. Mr. Rick wants to exercise.. THIS." He pulled his zip down. "But first, we're gonna have some fun." He pulled off Stan's huge shoes. Then he saw rick go and get the toothbrush he had used on rick so many times. "Hey. HEY. PUT THAT DOWN. PUT THAT DOWN YOU FUCKER. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. OH GEEZ. NOT THAT HARD. OH GEEZ. I'M GONNA DO THAT TO YOU" Rick was slipping the toothbrush between Stan's toes. Stan laughed. "You ain't gonna do nothing with that cock locked up, ricky." "OH YEAH. About that... Where's the key? " Stan said nothing. "Where's the keeeeeeeeeeeey stanleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee?" rick's fingers went up to Stan's sides. He began digging in. "FUUUUCK. FUCCCCK. OH SHIT. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA. STOP. I CAN'T BREATHE. STOP... "The keeeeeeeeeeeey. " "Top drawer. YOUR dresser, fucker." Rick went over and as he did , he dropped his pants. Stan looked at his ass, and felt his cock grow Rick found the key and unlocked it. "Wanna neck a little stanley boy? Only with MY tongue in YOUR mouth?" "FUCK THAT." Rick opened stan's pants. "really stanley? REALLY? These are big, but so are my hands." He took Stan's balls in his hands, and squeezed them "OH FUCK. OH FUCK. Ok, Ok, let's neck. " "You forgetting something boy?" Rick squeezed again. "Sorry Sir. Let's neck, Mr. Rick. " "Much better boi. MUCH BETTER. " Rick dropped his pants completely, and then slipped out of his shirt. He climbed on top of Stan, and his tongue was in Stan's mouth , probing. "GOD. I forgot how much fun this is" Rick thought. "I missed it." He probed Stan's mouth, taking his time, and teasing. "Holy shit. This feels good." Stan was thinking. "Not as much fun as when I'm on top but... fuck..." Rick moved his mouth to Stan's ear. "I KNOW you're gonna make me pay for this daddy man, but I want you SO bad. And I wanted you SO bad, for SO long, and you just kept on saying NO. Now, you don't have a choice. MMMM. " He ran his tongue around Stan's ear. "OH MAN. You never treated your twinks this good." Rick laughed. It was true. Twinks were a slam/bam/get em out of the house." If he had learned anything from being with Stan, he had learned to take his time and to make sure that the bottom was enjoying himself. Stan's big cock was rising like a skyscraper, so he knew... it was working. Rick slid his hand up Stan's sweatshirt. "You ever bottom Stan? " "Never. Anytime anyone saw my cock, all they wanted was to ride it." "Yeah, I get that. And Daddyman, you are FUN to ride." He pinched Stan's nipple and heart him moan. "But every now and then, you gotta step over to the other side. " He laughed. "My buds used to say "once a year so your profile can say versatile." He looked at Stan, and dug his fingers in, tickling him some more. "But I am having so much fun I think it's gonna be more than once a year. ' "NO YOU FUCKER. THIS IS GONNA BE IT. I'M GONNA LOCK IT UP AND SEAL IT." "I don't think so daddy man. I don't think so. " "You are SO gonna pay for this you bitch," Stan groaned. "And it's gonna be SO worth it, daddy man." He began to run his finger up and down the skyscraper in bed. Stan's sounds when from "oooooooooooh" to whimpers, and then just silence, as he pumped his hips in the air. "FINISH ME BOI. FINISH ME." "Wrong thing to say today daddy boi. Mr. Rick didn't like that. Who cums first?" "the Top Man Sir. " "And who's that?" "MR RICK SIR" "And where am I gonna cum?" Stan was reluctant to say something, but when Rick took his big toe in his mouth, he screamed. "MY ASS. FILL MY ASS WITH THAT BIG BLACK COCK." "He's so gonna get it," Stan thought, as he looked up and saw rick's erection. He was dripping precum. Then he covered his cock with saliva, and began pushing into Stan. Stan had never been fucked, so this was , as Rick called it later "cherry picking day." Nine inches is a lot for a beginner, but Rick had learned, from Stan, about being patient, and taking it slow. Stan wasn't any blond twink. This was his MAN. He was having fun, but this was his ROCK. He waited every step of the way, and when he heard little swoons of pleasure, he pushed in further. It took nearly half an hour, but all of Rick was in Stan, and it felt GOOOD! He smiled, and began pumping. "You sure you ain't bottoming on the side daddy man? Cause you just sucked that cock up like a fucking lollipop." As he slid back and forth into Stan , Stan grunted out "You're gonna be sucking a lot and it ain't gonna be a lollipop. FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK" Stan pushed in hard. "Right now, daddy man, you ain't got nothing to say but "yes sir " and "more please," He reached up and got Stan's nips. "Shit I didn't even know these were sensitive." "Neither did I. OH SHIT.... " "Mr Rick, I can't wait anymore. I .. I CAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAN'T. " Stan shot a huge load. It caught Rick in the face and went all over him. That was like the catalyst for Rick and he pushed, once , and his jizz began to flow into Stan. As he finished, he began to cry. "OH MAN. OH MAN. That was like... I hope you're not mad at me Daddy man. I wish you could hug me and let me know, we're good." That's when rick felt Stan's arms around him. "We're more than good baby. I'm sorry I ignored what you wanted." "WHAT? You got loose?" "About ten minutes before you started fucking me ricky babe." "And you didn't, you didn't...." he trailed off, and Stan hugged him more. "You were having such a good time, boi. So was I. " Now rick was sobbing deeply. "HEY. What's this about. Why are you so upset?" "No, daddy man, I'm not upset. I'm overwhelmed. You gave me what I wanted. AGAIN." "Ricky babe. I'm gonna try to give you everything you want. Every day, every night. ALWAYS." He held rick for a minute and then, rick found himself being flipped onto his back. "But you're gonna start paying." "Yes sir. It'll be worth it. I'm the one who'll always get to say that I popped your cherry." "Know what ricky? That's not nearly as good as what I get to say: I get to say I sleep with the hottest man in town." He shoved HIS tongue down rick's mouth. "Now, just so you understand, once we get cleaned up, you're getting the cage for 2 weeks for that. And if you ever want to top me again, let me know. " He ran his hand through rick's hair. "I think I know you well enough, it won't be for a while. " rick settled into Stan's arms. "Maybe never baby. You just keep on satisfying me the way you do, and... MMMM" He had fallen asleep. Stan smiled. It was time to start thinking of some new ways to keep his boi happy. He had some ideas. And one of them involved that new shirt.


Gentle readers: I'm on the horns of a dilemma here: continue this story or wind it down? Don't get much mail about it anymore, so I don't know how you're feeling. Let me know. I got more ideas, so I won't stop writing. The only question is : do I stop writing this one? Majority rules, as always.

Next: Chapter 17

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