Stan the Snake and Slick Rick

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Nov 15, 2023


Readers, I accidentally released a part of this story before it was finished. that is why it has the "a" on it This is the conclusion of 14. Sorry for the confusiong.

"I'm done." thought rick. "I'm completely done. Trapped. Tit play. Ears. " He squirmed, but not too much. "MMMYNYAMANAMMAM. " "Whacha say ricky boi? I couldn't make it out. Stan lessened the pressure on rick's nips. That light touch would drive him crazy, especially as he began making animal noises in Rick's ear. "Tie me up Sir. Please. Tie me up Daddy man. I give. I give. You win. PLEASE.. UUUHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" rick tried to sag into Stan's body, and he felt how hard that monster cock was. "You said it ricky boi." Rick felt his wrists being grabbed, and roped tightly. "Let's go stud." Stan's hand was on the back of rick's neck, pushing him out to the living room He pushed rick into the chair, and stood in front of him , catching his breath. "Ok, Daddy man. Whatcha gonna do. I lost . You won again. Ain't ya getting tired of that?" "Not in the least you sexy boi. I got something new today. Something I saw on a porn movie." He pulled up one of the foot stools they had in the living room and put it in front of rick. Then he grabbed his legs, and put them up on the stool. Rick saw him tie his ankles together, and then run a long strip of rope to a heavy leg on their dining table. "Now we're gonna have some fun, ricky boi." He left rick there for a minute as he went to the bedroom, and came back with the electric toothbrushes he used for tickling. And then he went to the kitchen, where dinner was half prepared, and came back with a small rolling device. "Now you know the toothbrush. It always does a number on those pedicured feet of yours. "NOOOOOOOOOOO. Come on Daddy. I just got a pedi two days ago." "And you gave me shit an hour ago. You're gonna get the brush, but first..." Rick rolled the little wheel, with spokes coming out of it. "It's a pastry docker. You use it in pie making... heh heh. Or foot torture..." He smiled and began rolling one slowly over rick's sock covered left foot. Rick tried to control his reaction, but... "MPHHHHHHHHHHH Hahahahahahaha. OH shit Daddyman STOP. You know what that does to me." "NO... Tell me big man. Tell me Mr. "I'll do what I want.." "it makes me helpless. It makes me feel like your boi. " "OH.. Then let's do some more." he ran a finger over rick's left foot, and used the roller on his right. Then he switched. "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Rick began laughing more, His head was twisting and he began to sweat. "need some air, boi? Let's get that shirt opened. THERE we are. The secret to conquering ricky right there. Those two little points. Get them, and you get yourself ricky's ass." "DAMN IT IF YOU DIDN"T KNOW THAT." "But I do. heheheh. I do.. He played with rick's nips for just a minute, and rick began to swoon. Then he pulled off rick's socks, and got to work with the toothbrushes. "STOP DADDY MAN STOP. Please. I'm serious. I'm serious, I'm gonna pee myself and the furniture. STOP. "Ok, ricky boi. I'll stop. And let's get your bladder emptied. " Stan went off and got a container . He opened rick's zipper, pulled out his HARD cock, and covered it with the container. "Let's go sweet stuff. You ain't gonna get pee shy or anything are you. " rick did have to pee. He was embarrassed, but it poured out, nearly filling the quart container. It was all the water he drank as part of his health regime. " Stan stepped behind rick, and buried his hands into rick's shoulders, giving him a deep shoulder massage. "How's that feel boi?" "OH MAN. You know how much I love those massages Sir.. " "Almost as much as I love you, huh studboi?" "Yes sir. Nothing could be that big." "Heh heh. Let's see how you feel after what happens next?" "WHAT? There's more?" "Damn right there is. We aren't gonna be finished until dinner's ready." Stan went off to the bedroom and came back with the hitachi rod. "Your sausage is covered by your shorts, so you'll be ok.. . It's gonna be 40 minutes before dinner, so.... I figure we'll get four sections of ten minutes "on/off/on/off, " and then finish up with another ten. " "FUCK. I hate that thing. It drives me cray cray." "Gonna be worse tonight handsome." Stan pulled out a roll of duct tape, and a BIG strip of it went across rick's mouth. He shoved the rod right between rick's bound legs and turned it on. "I'll be in the kitchen sweetie. Call me if you need me." At first, all you could hear was the hum of the rod. Then it was joined by the sound of rick beginning to moan. He was trying , unsuccessfully, to pull the rod out. Stan had set it to its lowest setting, so there was a constant sensation, going through rick. His dick had gone down after he peed. It was up again. Stan's timer went off. "Oh. Ten minutes already. Let me get the stuffed chicken in the oven, and then... let me go and see how my little chicken is doing. " He came out, turned off the rod, and ran his hand down the insides of rick's thighs. "Now, you see what happens when you tell Daddyman 'no,' boy?" Rick shook his head. "Is that gonna happen anymore?" No answer, no motion. "HEH HEH Ricky baby, whatever you got left tonight is gonna get broken. AH. There's the timer. " This time, Stan took some duct tape and attached it to rick's thigh to hold the rod more securely. He kicked the power up one notch. "And... ten minutes. "MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMPH. " The jolt of power was hard for rick to assimilate at first. He tried to lift himself out of the chair, and possibly dislodge the rod, but Stan had studied this kind of thing carefully, and he wasn't going anwhere without the rod. He twisted to try to get it off. No good. Tired, he just sat back and the rod began to do its work. His begging, loud attempts to scream, became soft moans as she got harder, and more aroused. Then the timer went off again.

"Hey ricky. Just a little bit of staining so far. Pretty good. " Stan was massaging rick's shoulders again, and rick was trying to fall back into his body. His eyes were begging Stan to stop. One of rick's hands found a nipple, and toyed it. "If I told you to lock the chastity , give me the key , and wear it for three weeks, would you do it?" Rick looked at him and shook his head yes. "And if I told you two blow jobs a day, would I get them?" Another shake yes. "Anymore defiance?" Rick's head didn't move. "Ok. Maybe one more. At full strength. " He re-set the hitachi, and went back to the kitchen. "Chicken smells good, doesn't it sweetie? It's one of your faves. "MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMPH. MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMPH. rick was jumping out of his chair. Or trying to. He had sweat so much that his shirt was soaked. His plants were spotted with precum and his toes still curled over the torture they had taken. He did all he could to push the tape off. He had something to say to Stan, but he wasn't going to be able to say it. He was ready to give up completely . Totally. He wouldn't defy Stan ever again. Then the timer went off . Stan pulled the chicken out of the oven, and then came over to rick. "Smell's good. Not like you. What DO you smell like ricky? Fear? Frustration? Helplessness." He leaned down and licked rick's neck. "MMMM. I think I taste total submission. Am I right?" rick took a deep breath. He shook his head. "This is gonna hurt just a bit ricky. Not as much as my cock ramming into you, but..." He pulled off the duct tape, and then he released the hitachi rod.

"I gotta say some things Daddy man. Do I submit? Yes. Yes. Even more than before. You win. You conquered me. And I love it. But you know what I love a lot, Daddy man? I love it when you punish me." Stan stood there, hands on his hips. "Is that right, ricky?" "Yes Daddyman, it is. All day long, every day, I get along with murder. I'm supposed to wear a tie to work. I don't. I get away with it. I'm only supposed to take an hour for lunch. I go to the gym and then lunch. No one says shit. I get the last table in a restaurant when I smile. Everyone wants to fantasize that the hot black guy is gonna do them. They want me on top of them... in them.... You don't. You don't put up with anything. You tell me two buttons opened, and I open one, you nail me. You tell me get on the bed, I say no, I'm on the bed. DAMN IT STANLEY. I FUCKING LOVE IT WHEN YOU TAKE TOTAL COMPLETE CHARGE OF ME." He paused. "No one ever did . And I need it. I need someone like you on my case, in me, all the time. DAMN IT I know I'm gonna lose when I defy you. And I wanna lose. I wanna be your conquest. " Stan stood there, somewhat stunned. "Ricky babe. I'm not quite sure what to say." "How about saying you're gonna take me to the bedroom and fuck the shit out of your disobedient boi?" "Ha. Well that's easy. That's for now. But for the future. He sat down and he held rick's head by the chin. "You want me to tighten the screws? Be more of a disciplinarian?" "FUCK YEAH. Daddyman, if you did what you did tonight, every day, it wouldn't be enough. I LOVE when you do this stuff to me. " "I got it ricky. Yeah. It's a line between hurting you and controlling you. But we're gonna walk it. For now though, the dinner is going into the oven, and you're going on the bed. Then I'm coming in. rick smiled. "Yes sir." Stan brought him into the bedroom, leaving him tied while he stored the dinner. Then he came in. "First, I don't care how much you wanna get fucked. For now... " He pulled rick into him. He whispered. "My big, beautiful secret sub. All mine." "All yours daddy. All yours. "I can keep you tied up if I take you from behind. Haven't done that in a while." "Yes sir. Whatever you want. I belong to you. I'm your prize." GRAND PRIZE. " He pulled down rick's pants. WOW. When I look at that ass, I think. you haven't had a spanking in a while." "OH SHIT" thought rick, but he said "Yes sir," and then felt the paddle coming down, ten on each cheek. Then he pushed the cheeks apart, and Stan felt rick's big "giraffe tongue" getting to work on lubing him. "YES DADDY YES. THANK YOU SIR THANK YOU. I LOVE YOUR TONGUE. OH SHIT." rick wasn't caged, and the stimulation was too much. Just before Stan slid in and began taking his ass. "Now THAT's a bad boi. There's your reason for punishment tomorrrow, bitch." Stan RAMMED his big cock into rick. He would've hurt a beginner. Rick wasn't a novice, and he took it all. He took the powerful cock as it drove back and forth, digging into him, stopping, finding his many G spots, before ramming home and shooting DEEP into rick's gut. Stan rolled his exhausted boi over, and smiled. "I think you need a good shower ricky. Nice and hot. Just like the sex. Then a hot dinner. Then a good sleep with your heat generating missile. Rick embraced him. "My Daddyman. The man who put rick in his place. MMMMMM"


Readers: just a heads up. The plot of this story is gonna change in the next episodes. The PI venture starts and, well, if you've been wondering what Stan would be like as a captured, tortured stud, you're gonna find out. Stay tuned, and thanks for reading.

Next: Chapter 16

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