Stan the Snake and Slick Rick

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Nov 15, 2023


That night, rick slept with his head on Stan's chest, Stan's big arm wrapped around him. He was smiling as he slept. Stan's body gave off an unusual amount of heat, and cuddling into rick was as good as having an extra blanket. Every now and then, in his sleep, Stan's hand would reach up and rub rick's head, or just toy with his ear. Those gestures, done in Stan's sleep, worked on a couple of rick's "hot spots." If you rubbed his head just the right way - which Stan always seemed to do - he melted. If you played with his ears just the right way - which Stan always did, you could get rick to do anything you wanted. His nips? Oh boy. Anyone who got rick's nips had him , but when Stand did it, it was over almost without a struggle. Stan just seemed to be able to handle this former top like his toy. On the one hand, rick loved it. On the other, it frustrated him that he knew NONE of Stan's "touch points," as he called them, and Stan was always able to control their love and sex life. It WAS true that Stan was ticklish. VERY ticklish. But... for example, one time, rick had waited until Stan was not paying attention, and he tickled his foot.

He was lucky he didn't have to go to the dentist. Stan's foot shot out so fast, and so hard, rick got knocked back about three feet. Of course Stan, as always, was immediately repentant "Oh baby, I'm so sorry. I don't know my own strength. Are you ok? Can I get you something?" "Just an ice bag maybe, Daddy man. Now I know not to tickle your feet." "Ha ha. I think you'd have to tie me up to be able to do that successfully." Now THAT was an idea, and with most men, rick would have had no trouble with overpowering them, getting them tied up, and doing what he wanted. Stan, however was different. It was his body type and build. The long arms, the long legs, the amazingly flexible torso. Once , rick had tried to play, by grabbing Stan in a bear hug from behind. Stan went very still for a minute and asked "You sure you wanna try this?" "See if you can get out of it Daddyman. Maybe it's time for you to get YOUR legs in the air." "Tell you what, ricky? If I can't get out of it, have your way with me. If I do, get on your knees and suck me. Right now. And no taking that fancy shirt off. " Rick was wearing a blue silk shirt, one of his favorites. It hugged his muscles, and showed off his body. "I'll take the risk." "Ok... " Stan's body was so long that he just began sliding down through the bear hug . He was like a glass of water, just pouring through rick's arms, and... there he was standing across from rick, smiling. "So... double or nothing? You wanna try again? If I get out of your next hold, I get to tickle YOUR feet for 15 minutes." "Game on. This time... " Stan pulled rick's arms behind him and pinned them behind his back. He tried to rub his chin on Stan's neck, but Stan was so much taller, it wasn't possible. "Ok, now... Stan closed his eyes and used a yoga technique . His arms went completely limp, and then... he was out of the hold. "DAMN YOU STAN. " Stan laughed. "Guess you know now: you're not topping me ricky boy. Now, get on your knees. rick sighed "Yes sir daddy." He opened his mouth and took Stan's huge cock and began sucking. "OH YEAH. That's the way boi. THAT's the way. DO YOUR DADDY. DO HIM RIGHT. The way only a true boi knows how." Being called a boi by anyone else might have set rick off big time, but Stan got away with it, because he WAS Stan's boi, no question about it. He thought about that as he sucked, trying to bring Stan off. When it happened, he knew he was gonna have to suck big time, to prevent his shirt from getting stained. (In fact, the shirt DID get stained, and in typical Stan fashion, he apologized and, when rick came home from work the next day, he found a dozen new silk shirts in different colors.

Stan was especially fond of a dark red one, and a dark mustard one. If rick wanted something , he knew just what to do and wore one of those shirts). "OK ricky boy. Time to collect on the rest of the bet. "Ah come on Daddy man. You KNOW I hate being tickled." "You made the bet. Now don't make me get animal on you." Rick actually loved it when Stan "got animal " on him. Those were the times he just attacked, and overpowered rick, and did something like toss him over his shoulder, or put him in a front bear hug and squeeze him into submission, or just haul him off his feet and put him on his back. rick tried a different approach. "I'd love it if my Daddyman just took me to bed and screwed me." "Yeah, I'm sure you would after you just drained me, smart ass. On the bed. On your belly. We're gonna hogtie you tonight. " And then, for fifteen minutes, you could hear rick's laughter, first deep and strong, and then high and shrill as Stan collected.

So, knowing that he was NOT going to win in an attack against Stan, rick decided to go on "defense" as it were. He wasn't gonna give Stan the chance to take advantage of his weak spots. That plan didn't go well. Of course, rick made it as hard as he could on himself. One morning, after they had gotten up, with rick feeling Stan's hard cock against him for about half an hour, he picked out an outfit that he knew Stan REALLY liked. It was a mostly pink shirt, striped, that had come from Italy. It fit rick better than most of his shirts (and rick was a bit of a priss when it came to how his shirts fit), and a dark blue suit, with his really shiny black shoes. "HOLY SHIT. Are you trying to seduce me ricky?" rick smiled and pointed to Stan's hard on. "I think that cow left the barn a few months ago Daddy man." "DAMN. If you don't think we're gonna have a scene when you come home, you are not smart." rick smiled even bigger. "We'll just see about that Stanley. Now give ricky boi a kiss." He knew Stan would be going for his nips, so he arched his body such that even Stan's long reach couldn't get to them. "Hee hee. I'll see you later, you sexy animal." Then he pushed it just a bit more, by coming home late, and walking in as if nothing was different. Stan happened to be lying on the bed, reading a magazine, when he came in. "HEY. You're about 45 minutes late, ricky." "Happens sometimes. You know how it is." He took off his jacket and hung it, then he loosened his tie. "I told you we were gonna play tonight baby." "And I told you we'd see about it, and you're not tying me up tonight." rick thought that he had the final word on that, and turned around. That's when he got himself into a REAL bear hug from Stan. "Daddy man.. I said no." "And I'm saying, get your ass in the chair and get your hands behind you." "Make me big man." "OKaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay." Stan pulled rick's arms behind him with one hand, and the other hand stretched around and started working rick's nips. "I can beat this... I can beat this..... " Then rick felt his cock growing. His resistance was breaking. he began licking his lips the way he did when he was aroused. Then he felt the nibble on his ear.

Next: Chapter 15

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