Stan the Snake and Slick Rick

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Nov 10, 2023


rick looked up at the knock on his door. It was a colleague, Gene "Hey Rick, did I hear right? You tendered your resignation?" "GENE THE MACHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEN. Yup, that I did. Effective a month from now. " "Can I ask why?" "Well , sure. Have a seat if you like. It won't take long but it's not short." Gene sat down and rick smiled. "The short version is, I've been seeing someone for a while. You COULD say I've been seeing him for nearly ten years, or you could say I've been seeing him for about a year, because we had a hiatus while I was in California. Not the man I would've imagined I'd settle down with, but there it is. And he wants to move out of the city, so.... " "You're gonna be a country boy, rick? That's testing my imagination." "Ha ha. Mine too Designer flannel shirts and all that jazz, right? " "What're you gonna do? Any ideas?" "Well, yeah, as a matter of fact. You may find this funny, but here it is. I'm gonna take the licensing exam to be a private investigator. If I pass , then I'll hang up a shingle. Stan is gonna take it too. You can tell him this, when you meet him, because he's the one who said it: I'm gonna be the brains, and he's gonna be the muscle." "Are we gonna get a chance to meet the guy? What's his name by the way?" Well, I wanna bring him in for everyone to meet. Some of you may have met him. How long have you been here GEEEEEEEEEEENE?" "Oh ,upwards of 15 years. " "You remember the diner? The one that closed a few weeks ago? He was the fry cook there. The guy who made the best potatoes and eggs." "HIM? OK.... I guess they say love is blind, rick. That's not the guy I would've picked for you." "Ha ha. Yeah, I know. Well, life is funny. " "Are they giving you a going away party?" "Dunno stud. If they don't, Stan'll probably insist that we do something. He loves parties and he's become quite the cook." "Well, however it happens, I wish you the best. " Rick stood up. "Great working with you. Maybe it 'll happen again. Who knows?"

He sat down and there was a call that came in from Stan. "Hey Daddy man. What's up? " "Can't a Dom just call to say hello? " "Not really Sir. You gotta give me an order too." "Well, ok, Hello, and go pick up the rental. There may be snow on the ground and I don't want your nice car getting ruined by that stuff." "OH YEAH. The car! Didn't even think about that. Whaddya think? Should I sell it and get something more 'practical' for the country, or keep it? Any thoughts? "Gotta be honest with you rickster. The thought of you behind the wheel of that Mercedes, in some of your sexy clothes, GOD that's HOT. I think the house has a garage. Let's take a look. Maybe we can swing a second car. " "See you tonight lover man. You gonna unlock me? " "Maybe ricky. Maybe. Haven't even decided what to make for dinner yet, stud. I've been busy referring clients to other guys. " "Ha ha. This is gonna be interesting. Is there a 13 inch club in the city?" "Uh yeah. We're the two members. Anyhow, don't stay at work too late. These 13 inches gotta get drained."

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"So , how did you hear about this place Daddy man? " rick was sitting in the passenger seat of the car they had rented. Since it was supposed to be cold, and the chastity cage was metal, Stan had released it for the weekend, and instead of cuffing rick on the ride, he used plain rope. "Oh, there's a story. Apparently two lawyers - you might have known them - were a power couple for a while. Don't remember their last names, but they were always known as Jay and brice - Jay was decidedly the top. brice was a bit weird - part of the marriage contract said he had one night a week to go after women. Jay would unlock his cage for that night, but for the rest of the week, he was caged. Jay didn't trust him - for good reason. Brice had more than a bit of a wandering eye. But as usual," and he laughed. "I'm getting off track. They were into kink big time, and the house has a playroom Jay designed. Eventually, the house passed to a son they adopted, late in life , and he didn't want it, but a monster house like this one just doesn't sell that easily. " He laughed. "The playroom kinda turns people off. It's what got me to look at it. So anyway, the son's partner put it on the market when HE passed, and it's been on the market for a while. He'd love to sell it, so he said we could use it for a weekend to see how we liked it. " "So gay folk owned it, and used it?" "Oh yeah. It was Jay's private getaway before Brice and then they used it as THEIR getaway until they bought the townhouse." Rick was quiet. "I heard about these guys. You're right. VERY WEIRD COUPLE. And they hung out with this chick "Loretta" they said in tandem. "Now, I met HER. Late in life. Her husband had died, and she had more money than God. GEEZ. She had more shoes than you'd need for all the animals in a zoo, and more bourbon than, well, than I think Kentucky had. " He shook his head, and moved his hand to Stan's leg. "At least we know that gay people are welcome here, but..." "But what ricky?" Rick snorted. "STAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAN. Do I have to state the obvious? Are there any people of color out here in the heartland.?" "I don't know. I didn't think about it." "That's because you don't have to Daddy man. I do. Put it all together: man of color, gay, sub, in a county that voted red. Got to understand why I brought extra meds with me. Stan laughed. "Don't worry. Daddy man is here to protect you."

Rick's concerns were well founded. They stopped along the way at a diner - recommended by the seller - to get a bite to eat. The place was nearly empty, but they sat, for about half an hour and not a single waiter came over to bring water, or to take orders for food. "See what I mean?" rick whispered "I'm sure it's not that, ricky . Let me go and see." Stan got his big tall body out of the booth and went to the host's station. "How you doing? I'm just wondering. You folks don't seem busy, and we're hungry. Do you need someone to help you cook? I fry cooked for about ten years." The host looked up and lowered his voice. "Don't you get it? Tell your friend to sit in your car. Get the order take out. You'll be done in ten minutes. No one's gonna serve him. Trust me. " "Fuck that" Stan whispered. He came back to the table. "Let's go. We'll stop at some grocery store. I'll make us dinner tonight. Won't be fancy, but we'll eat. " Rick managed a weak smile. "Sure Daddy Man." They stopped at a grocer about half a mile from the house. Stan did the shopping, and they got VERY fast service - as if the staff wanted them out of the store. In the car, Stan looked at rick "I'm sorry babe . I had no idea. You wanna turn around?" "It's late Stanley. Let's spend one night. We can get out tomorrow." "It's a deal. Gimme a kiss." "When we get in the house."

The house itself was beautiful. "GEEZ. The garage is bigger than the house I grew up in" was Stan's response. "Mine too babe." Rick came up and smiled. "if you untie my hands, I'll hug you. " "If you hug me, I'm gonna bring you into the house and make love to you on some bearskin rug or something. "' Rick whispered into his ear "do me daddy" There was a huge bed, with a down quilt where they lay down to sleep. Stan was a much lighter sleeper than rick and he was also a heat producing machine. They fell asleep with rick curled into Stan's body. Rick refused to go naked though: too cold. About 3 in the morning was when Stan heard the CRASH. Rick slept through it. He went to the living room and found the rock with the note. The spelling was poor, but it said "GET THE FUCK OUT. NO ONE WANTS YOUR KIND HERE." Stan didn't want rick to see the note. He went into the kitchen, lit a burner, and set the note on fire. "Maybe we should leave now, babe." Rick hadn't heard the crash, but the loss of Stan's body heat got him up. "Ricky. I didn't want you to see that." He sighed. "Stancakes. I've had them thrown AT me, I've had them thrown through house windows, car windows, you name it. Gay people, GOOD. People of color BAD. Let's get our stuff together and go. Stan had to agree. They were gone by four. "Let's get back to some kind of civilization and get some coffee ricky. It'll be alright." Rick was sitting there, softly crying.

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As Stan drove, he looked over at rick who had fallen asleep. Stan wished he had put a blanket in the car or something to keep rick warm. He laughed about how, when they packed the car for the aborted weekend, rick's skin products bag was bigger than the bag Stan had for his clothes. They were about an hour from home, and he began to think: what next? They had both assumed they could do this: Rick had quit his job, and Stan had sent his clients to other escorts. Yes, there was no question that the Police Department would take rick back if he asked, and yes, it would be a little unfair, but Stan could get his clients back: did they want that? The plan had been, once they bought the out of city place, to form their own PI agency. Well, what was stopping them from doing it in NY? The license exam was the same, and they had Stan's apartment to work from until they could find decent office space. This could work. This could really, REALLY work. Yes, they would be around each other 24/7, but was that going to be so bad? He'd talk this up with rick after he had gotten over what had happened. GOD, he was glad they were out of there. How stupid had he been? He just hadn't thought that through: and rick just went along with it. Had he broken rick that completely that he wouldn't speak up? He could see the border into Westchester coming up. He patted rick gently. "Ricky? Ricky babe? You wanna stop for breakfast.?" "HUH? HUH? OH, Daddyman, you let me sleep and and miss all that foliage? " Stan laughed. Rick had never looked at a leaf in his life. "I could use some coffee. I think my stomach is too unsettled for anything but. " He squeezed Stan's arm. "Maybe Daddyman can make me one of his famous omelets when we get home? "Before or after I screw you the way I planned to last night?" "NOW you're talkin big man. How about one before and one after?" "You got it muffin. Let's go get a coffee and then keep driving."

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"My lover is the hottest goddamn man in the world," Stan was thinking, as they sat in the Starbuck's in Northern Westchester, drinking coffee (black, sugar for Stan, capuccino, steamed soy for rick). They had left so quickly that rick always meticulous, hadn't shaved, and hadn't done much other than toss on a form fitting t shirt over his jeans. "Those nips are pointing out , begging me to attack them. DAMN. If I cum in Starbuck's am I perv?" Stan was thinking this as the store clerk came over. "Excude me, guys, I don't want to intrude. Can I just ask you a very personal question?" Rick looked up. "SURE. If you understand we don't have to answer it?" "Are... are you two a couple?" the boy, who couldn't have been more than 17, almost began to shake when he asked. Saturday morning, 6 a.m. Who else would be working but a young man of color? "Yeah, cutie, we are. Have been for a while, right STAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAN?" Rick was his old self. He grabbed Stan's hand. "One of these days, this big hulk is gonna marry me and make me an honest woman, but for now, we're just a couple shacking up." He smiled. He was being funny, trying to put the kid at ease. The young boy smiled. "I thought so. I wanted to come over to say, I think you're both beautiful, and..." he turned to rick "I hope someday I have what you do." Rick looked at him. "Hey, get a chair. Don't tell me manager won't allow. No manager at 6 on Saturday. I been there." When the boy sat, rick looked at him. "What's your name, young man?" "Clayton Sir. Clayton Smith." "Well, Clayton Smith. I am Rick, and if you paid attention, you know my big man is named STAAAAAAAAAAAAAN, or just plain Stan. Now, here's what we're gonna do. We're gonna write down phone numbers and keep in touch. And if I find a job that pays better than this shit hole job does." Clayton laughed. "I am going to call you, because, and don't ask me to givey you the details, you just fixed a truly wretched weekend, and that is NOT chump change."

"I truly LOVE this man when he's like this," Stan was thinking. "And I want him so bad." "Now Clayton, Stan and I are gonna have to get going because you know what, we are desperate to shack up like I said. Long story. You'll hear it some day. So, give Uncle Rick a hug, and remember: DO NOT LET SHIT STICK TO YOU." When they left the Starbuck's, Stan through his arm around Rick. "You know how much I love you, stud?" "Enough to put your hand on my ass so I feel supercharged Daddy man?" Stan laughed. "You're just too damn horny. "Stan, my middle initial is H. It stands for horny?" "REALLY?" Rick laughed. "Stan! you're sleepy .You know my middle name is Herman. "

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At that hour, there was no traffic, so the rest of the trip home moved fast. it was a good thing, because after Starbuck's , rick moved his hand to Stan's crotch and kept it there, kneading it like dough. "FUCK. I shoulda tied you up before we left." "You're gonna have all weekend to do that, Daddyman. Right now, lemme have my fun." They got to the apartment. Again, too early for much traffic in the lobby. "Gents, " said Kev, the doorman "I thought." "Yeah, so did we Kev. Change of plans." In the elevator, Stan pinned rick against the wall and began kissing him and squeezing his nips at the same time. "I fucking want you so bad." "Well that makes two of us." "Put off the omelet until after ricky?" "Sure. But I'm still gonna get your eggs." He grabbed Stan's balls, and pulled him to the bedroom. "Now get those ugly pants off of your ass, and fuck me." "GRRRRRRRRRRRRR." was Stan's answer. Rick started to pull off his tshirt. "No you don't. No you don't. Not with Daddyman around." Stan surrounded rick with his big arms, and began peeling the tshirt away, while he nibbled on rick's ear. "You gonna keep my collar, ricky?" "As long as you'll let me. NOW GET THAT FOOTLONG IN MY MANPUSSY. NOW!!!!" Stan was so horny he didn't know if he'd make it. Then he found that, probably that morning, rick had lubed his butt really thick. He smiled. "Daddyman, I think of EVERYTHING" Stan slid the full 13 inches in, faster than he ever had. Rick turned his head to the side, so Stan could scruff him. "OH MAN. OH MAN. You're fixing the whole damn weekend. We can. We can.. OOOOOOO" Uncaged , for the first time in four days, rick shot all over himself. "Oh, that was cold man. THAT was cold ricky. I ain't even close." "Well, your boi will wait, studman." Stan went back to squeezing rick's nips, and rick started to moan. "DANG are you gonna give me two orgasms in one lay? Wholly SHIT." Stan came before rick came the second time, and Stan's was much bigger than the baby one rick had. Right before he fell asleep on top of Rick, Stan whispered "I love you ricky babe." Rick was already asleep, but he smiled.

Next: Chapter 14

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