Stan the Snake and Slick Rick

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Oct 31, 2023


So, after Stan caught rick cheating on him, things took a turn that neither one of them could have expected. Rick was the guilty party, and Stan had the upper hand. And he was going to use it. After that first night, when he called up Eric and Lenny, and fucked rick so hard rick had trouble sitting still the next day, Stan began dominating rick, more and more. The cock cage, and the shaving, didn't seem to be enough for him. Nor was the humiliation, up and coming, of the threesome with the twinks.

To rick's surprise, he enjoyed the animal that Stan had become. Yes, he resisted, but he resisted so that they'd both get more excited. And they did. Rick liked to shower when he came home from the office, especially after a workout. The night after he got caught, he was in the shower, just enjoying the water hitting him. He had his eyes clothes and he wasn't paying attention, so he didn't hear Stan step in, or know he was there, until Stan had his hand over rick's mouth.

"MMMMPPH. MMMMPH STNNNNN" "Get on your knees and suck me bitchboi. I'm fucking horny." Rick shook his head no, and struggled to get out of the grip holding him by the head. He felt Stan's other hand circle his balls and squeeze. "MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMPH MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMPH " Rick kinda liked the pressure on his balls, but, but. He felt Stan's mouth on his ear. "Did you hear me bitch? I SAID GET ON YOUR KNEES AND SUCK ME." Rick stopped struggling and shook his head yes. "Leave the water on, ricky. You're hot when you're wet." Stan always had a slightly rank smell at his crotch. It drove rick wild. Now, wet, in the shower, he only smelled soap and clean water. But those hard 13 inches were in front of him. "LICK IT LIKE YOU"RE LICKING AN ALL DAY SUCKER. OH YEAH. THAT'S THE WAY . GET THAT TONGUE AROUND ME. MMMMMM." Rick had slid his tongue up and down over Stan's shaft: first the front, then the back . He took his balls in his mouth and slurped on them , before going as far down on Stan's cock as he could. Tonight, for some reason, his gag reflex kicked in. Stan wasn't having it. "ALL OF IT COCKSUCKER. ALL OF IT. " Rick mumbled "yes sir" through a mouthful of cock, but he just couldn't get there. Stan grabbed the back of his neck, and shoved rick's mouth down to the base of his cock. Rick could barely breathe, but he had it all in his mouth and his own cock had filled the cage . Maybe. Just maybe... Stan would unlock it. He was hard. VERY hard. He had seen another twink that day on the way to work, and nearly cried at his desk. But now, he had something else to concern himself with: Stan seemed to be getting harder. He was. Not longer, but thicker. His cock was filling up with blood from the stimulation. He was close, very close. And then the animal SCREAM out of him as his balls exploded. This time, he didn't pull his cock out: rick wound up swallowing most of the seed from an orgasm out of a 13 inch cock. "DAMN, that was great ricky. That was FUCKING GREAT. I gotta surprise you like that more often." Rick collapsed on Stan's shoulder. "Please Daddy Stan. I'm sorry . I'm real sorry. I broke the agreement. I know that. I won't do it again. PLEASE. PLEASE LET RICKY BOI SHOOT TONIGHT." Stan sneered. When rick begged like that, he knew he could have anything he wanted. "You really wanna cum tonight?" "Yes Daddy. Please. Your boi is so hard. " "Hmmm. Tell you what. You can cum IF I'm the one who edges you. I tie you down, and I take my time. " "Yes sir. Absolutely. I like it when you edge me. No, I fucking LOVE it." "Well, that's not all. We're going out on Friday. To MY old bar. I want my old pals to see why I've been gone. See me with my HOT successful lover. " Rick looked up. "Are they gonna know I'm your sub, Daddy?" "DAMN RIGHT THEY ARE." Rick thought about it . He DESPERATELY wanted to cum. And he knew that, if Stan pushed, it was gonna happen anyway. He didn't like people knowing he was a sub now, but.. "Yes sir. Ok. " "And I pick what you wear." "Yes sir." "GOOD. Let's get out of the shower. Get dried up. Tell me when you're ready." Stan walked off to the living room, waiting for Rick to call him. He didn't tell him the other news he had. He was excited about it. Rick probably wouldn't be, but part of the fun was going to be seeing rick get jealous and nervous. "Ready Stan big Daddy. Come help your boi." Stan found rick on the bed, naked, face up. His arms were spread out . Stan smiled, and began undressing very, VERY slowly, while rick wondered why he wasn't ready by now. He didn't dare complain: that cage would stay on even longer. When Stan was undressed, he slowly climbed on top of rick. "I LOVE what my bristles do to your nips, fuckboi." He bent down and his five o'clock shadow scraped over rick's nipples, and rick could only moan. "OH YEAH baby. OH YEAH. No one turns me on the way you do. MMMMM. Kiss me Daddy. Kiss your boi." Stan's long tongue - rick had started thinking of it as a giraffe tongue - slid down rick's throat. DAMN that was sexy. He felt his cock get even fatter, as Stan began tying down his wrists. "So... here's how we're gonna do this ricky. We're starting at ten minutes. Right now, when we're done, I'm locking you up again for ten days. You hold out for a minute , nine days. And so on. "DADDY! That's not fair. You're completely in control." "Heh heh heh. Yet again, Mr hot shot lawyer, you didn't think it through. But you're right. I AM in control. And I could lock you back up right now if I wanted to." "SHIT. You win again." Stan began to slowly stroke rick's cock. As he did, and rick closed his eyes and thought about his favorite moments with Stan, he realized that something Stan had said, was spot on. He knew that Stan was always gonna demand something, but rick never negotiated. He never put up a real fight. "I'm a sub." He thought. "I'm a fucking, 100% bottom sub, with a 9 inch cock. DAMN. What the hell did this man do to me?" Right now, though, it was more about what that man was doing to him NOW. He gave a GREAT fucking hand job, and probably from years of jerking off his own 13, Stan was superb at the edging. "He wants me to succeed at this," rick thought. Stan could have gone very fast with his motions, and rick would have exploded. But he wasn't. It was four minutes down, and rick was "enjoying the ride" and breathing hard. "Look at my little stud here. My little engine who could" Stan joked. All tied up, your cock in a man's hand, can't do anything, but you're holding up great. "OH SHIT. THANK YOU SIR." Stan had begun to pump faster, and rick's breathing got harder. He was gonna shoot soon. He had to try to hold it. He was trying, squeezing, thinking of anything he could to forget what was happening. Why the fuck then, did that hot blond pop up in his mind? "GEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEZ. " His cock exploded. As it did, Stan kissed his ear. "You're such a good bottom . SOOOOOOOOOOO damn good ricky boi. " He kissed him. "Who's the man who turned you into a bottom?" "You Sir?" "Who made you a sub?" "You did Sir." "You belong to me?" "YES SIR." "Ha ha. That's the spirit. So ok, there's five minutes on the clock, but... you've been so good, I'm gonna knock two minutes off. You gotta wear the cage for just three days. THREE DAYS he thought. DAMN. That means, no fooling around, until that threesome. Maybe... Just maybe..." After Stan untied him and he got cleaned up and locked up, rick got dressed so they could eat, and then enjoy the evening. He found an ocean blue polo that he knew Stan loved. It fit tight. Showed off each muscle on his chest, hugged his biceps. And he put on shorts, instead of long pants, to show off his legs, and his ass. "Dinner ready, STAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAN?" He called out smiling. "Well, well, well. It looks like dessert just came into the kitchen. FUCK. I may just be in the mood for some chocolate after we eat." Stan had poured some red wine out. He wasn't a big fan: he was a beer drinker. Rick, on the other hand, liked this one, and Stan would get a case of it every two weeks. Over dinner, Stan gave him the news. "So, ricky, Eric texted me today. He's not coming on Saturday, so it'll be Lennie, you and me. You'll be in the threesome." Stan smiled. Rick knew again, that Stan didn't ask "do you WANT to be in the threesome? " He was in it. "Yes sir. Does that mean spit roast?" "Maybe. We'll see. Lemme tell you why Eric's not coming. Know what he does on the side? Besides hot black men?" Rick smiled. He loved that Stan thought he was hot. He loved that, for all of HIS cheating, Stan was loyal to him. "No. What's he do." "He's a fluffer. " He began to laugh. "And he showed my cock picture to his producer. Well, to make a long story short, I have an interview with a porn maker next week. Stan had been right. This did NOT please rick. It had been a secret fantasy of rick's to play the big, black muscle top in a video, where he could fuck everyone's brains out, and now Stan - nice guy , not great body Stan - was getting a gig, because he had 13 inches. "That's great Daddy. Congratulations. Can we talk before you sign any contracts? Remember that I may lose to you all the time, but I almost never lose in court." "I was hoping you'd say that babe. How about we retire to the couch for some nukkie before dishes?" On the sofa, they had a routine. Stan sat in the corner, giving rick a chance to stretch out . He'd lie down, his head on Stan's chest, Stan would droop his hand over rick and they'd watch tv, or a movie, or just chat. Sometimes, if Stan was in the mood (which he was, tonight), he'd rub his thumbs gently over rick's nips. "I was gonna seduce HIM and get what I want, and damn it to hell, he's gonna seduce ME." rick settled into the nip play. "Stan Daddy, you ever play chess?" "Never in my life. Why you ask?" "Just seems to me you'd be good." "I doubt it. Never had the patience." "I feel checkmated every fucking day" rick thought, before he turned to Stan. He couldn't quite believe he said what he did. "I didn't get your cock tonight Sir . Not up my butt." "I know that ricky. You want it?" He licked his lips. "Yes sir. that tit play is making my cheeks itch. " "Well, let's go scratch them then." Ten minutes later, Stan had rick's shorts on the floor, his shirt rolled up to his shoulders, and his cock deep in rick's ass. Yeah, rick had blown him a few hours before. But around rick, Stan was always hard. "If he knew how he has my cock wrapped around his little finger" Stan thought, just before he flipped rick over on his belly, and took him from behind too. "DAMN your ass is always so fucking tight you sexy motha fucka" Stan moaned. Rick laughed. He knew his topman was trying to imitate his speech, and it was almost funny."

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxx On Friday, rick came home to find that Stan had laid out one of his tightest pairs of jeans, and a black shirt that rick used to wear when he was trying to seduce Stan. It was tight, and it could get uncomfortable, so he didn't wear it anymore. "Guess I'm wearing it tonight," he mutteredd. "That's right. Cause I think you're sexy as hell in anything you wear, but strangers are gonna see you tonight, and I want ya to look FUCKING HOT, so I look fucking hot. " He grabbed rick. "We both know you're the pretty one." "And the smart one Daddy." Stan laughed. "I think I'm pretty smart. I got me a really hot, studly man. All mine." Stan was so tall and gangly that there was no way he could look sexy. Just no way. Sometimes he referred to himself as a "fucking marionette." Rick never said anything. He wished that he could make Stan feel better about his self image. But hell, if he needed rick to make himself look better, rick was ok with that. "What's the bar we're going to Daddy?" Stan gave him the name. Rick recognized it. "The Elbow Joint" was a blue collar gay bar, in a rougher part of town. Rick had never been there: it wasn't his kind of place. BUT... now that he had a blue collar lover, who made these decisions. "Let's go stud. You look so damn hot I may not let you out of the house otherwise." They too an Uber to the bar, and rick almost laughed at the old sign, the lights that were half burned out, and the shoddy building. "Just get your hands behind you ricky. Remember who's the DOM." "Yes sir." Inside, there was a bit of silence. A man of color had rarely been in that bar, let alone a white collar man of color. A few of the guys recognized Stan. "HEEEEEY. Look who came back. Just like a fucking bad penny." A heavy set, hairy guy, wearing a denim jacket came over. "Johnny B. Missed ya guy. You still cleaning the vents at the diner?" "For another few years I guess. Hey, how about introducing me to your friend?" "Oh, Sorry. This isn't my friend. This is my lover. Johnny b, meet rick. Rick, Johnny B. " Johnny had a big smile. "Nice to meet ya. You're a brave man to take Stan" Rick laughed. "I'm a lucky man. He trained me. Bit by bit." Rick noticed that Stan did NOT use a diminutive in introducing him, either to Johnny, or to anyone else that night. Everyone seemed to be impressed that he could handle Stan. To his surprise, rick began to feel comfortable. The bar was rough at the edges, there were no fashion plates, but no one made him feel uncomfortable, or out of place. It was probably the most comfortable he had felt in a bar in a long time. He felt Stan's strong hand, on his neck, on his back, on his pecs, through the night. He realized that night: he really loved this man, whatever he did to him. "Hey, guys, we're gonna have to go. " Stan patted rick's shoulder. "I haven't been around because, honestly, why am I gonna risk this gorgeous man to guys like you? " Rick felt like he was blushing. "You take care. We'll see ya again soon." "Hey Rick" one guy called out to him. "You may have hooked the last good man in the city. You two make a great couple." As they walked out he whispered to Stan "I agree with him." Stan answered. " "And we're gonna make a great triple tomorrow."

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"We really gonna do this Stanley?" rick was teasing over lunch. He was actually looking forward to it. Yeah, he knew Stan had said spit roast, but he assumed that meant the twink was gonna get it at both ends. After all... "What's wrong ricky? you scared of getting twink dick in you?" Rick nearly spat out his coffee. "Hey, wait a minute. I thought..." Stan laughed. "Yeah I know you did. Smart ass lawyer. You didn't ask. You just asked about spit roasting. "DAMN IT TO HELL HE GOT ME AGAIN." He thought just as the doorbell rang. It was Lennie. He looked scared. "Hey. I'm Lennie," he shook Stan's hand. "Hey rick. Good to see you again." "Likewise. This is my lover." Lennie looked at Stan. "I saw the picture. Do you mind if..." Stan dropped his pants. Lennie gaped. "OH MY GOD. " "You want some of it? All of it blond boi?" Stan had started. "Yes sir. I do. " "Well, to get some of it, you're gonna have to earn it. Know how you're gonna earn it?" "No Sir. " "You're gonna fuck my boi's face." Lennie looked at rick. He thought that he was gonna get spit roasted too "Don't worry little guy. You're gonna get all you want. For beginners though, rick,you get on the bed. And Lennie, get on his chest. Get that cock close to his mouth. "GULP. Yes sir." Stan's voice had dropped about half an octave. Rick had never heard him so authoritative He was beginning to get roused. Lennie dropped his zipper and pointed his cock at rick's mouth. "TAKE IT ." Rick couldn't bring himself to call Lennie Sir. He thought of him as a spoiled girl with a cock. But he swallowed the cock. It wasn't hard. After months of getting rick's 13 in his mouth, Lennie's six was no problem. He felt his ankles getting brought up to Lennies shoulders, and he felt Stan's thumb loosening him up a little. Just a little. He felt a wad of grease go into his butt, and then Rick's cock. "When you're ready to cum, you get out of my lover's mouth boi. The only jizz he swallows is mine." "Yes sir. I understand. " Stan kept pounding rick, but he didn't shoot in him. He was saving it. Lennie, however, was so excited about being a "topman" even for a little while, he pulled out and exploded fairly quickly. "Ok, now we're all gonna change positions boys." It was at this point that he unlocked rick's cock cage. Rick smiled at him and formed the words "Thank you sir. " "Let me see you ride my lover. Get your ass on that cock. " Lennie smiled. "YES SIR. " "And while you're on it. TAKE THIS. " He pushed his cock near Lennie's mouth. "Uh." "What the fuck is the matter, stain? My lover's butt juice isn't good enough for you?" "No Sir, it's just that... it's huge. "You chose to come here. NOW TAKE IT." Lennie gulped, and swallowed as much as he could, while rick moved his cock around in Lennie's ass. It took a little longer, but rick shot into him deep. And Lennie smiled. "I missed that rick." Rick saw the look on Stan's face. It wasn't a happy one. "You know he wasn't supposed to do that, bitch." Stan shot his load over Lennie and Rick. He caught his breath. "Both of you. UP. Chairs, back to back. You're both gonna get tied, gagged, and tit tortured. CLAMPS. It was a long afternoon for the natural bottom and the converted bottom. Lennie agreed to spend the night. They had dinner together, and fell asleep, rick with his cock up against Lennie, and Stan up against rick. Stan whispered into rick's ear. "Don't ever say I don't give you what you want." "MMMMM. Never sir. My cock in a blond ass. My ass around a 13 inch cock. I'm a happy fella.

Next: Chapter 12

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