Stan the Snake and Slick Rick

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Oct 26, 2023


Well, it has been said that a leopard can't change its spots, and it could now be said that a black panther can't really control its behavior - but they CAN be tamed, if you know how to do it. And Stan did. Read on.

You'll recall that rick had agreed to give up blond twinks as subs for his new Topman. And he did... for a while. But then... One day, when he had just crossed the street to get to his office, this hunky young blond man passed him, smiled, and said "WOOF." Never one to pass up a compliment, Rick turned around and followed the blond guy to the corner. There was a red light, and he caught up to him very easily. "I'd woof, but I'm too busy checking out your ass," he whispered to the young man. He turned around and smiled. "Free for lunch?" Rick smiled. "You wanna eat some black sausage" "I'd eat it for breakfast if I could. " "Who says you can't. This way, young man." And Rick took the blond - who's name was Lennie - up to what was an empty floor in his building. "This way," rick smiled his big white teeth, and led Lennie to a bathroom. "No one here but us. " He went to a stall in the bathroom, sat on the fixture and turned to Lennie. "Get on your knees. Get to work. I gotta get to my job. " "Yes sir" was Lennie's answer. He gave Rick such a good blow job, that he didn't mind he was gonna be late for work. Instead, he asked Lennie if he were free for lunch. There was a hotel not far from the office, and, well... he'd be ready by then They agreed to meet in front of the hotel. Rick rented the room from his office, and at lunch, well... Lennie had trouble sitting for a day .

Let's fast forward now, to the evening, when rick got home, and Stan was waiting for him, horny and happy. "How's my sweet chocolate man?" He asked as he kissed Rick, pushing his tongue down his throat. "MMMM. Feels good baby. Feels REALLY good. But I dunno stud, maybe I had a bad day, but I am just not in the mood for anything tonight. Can we take a raincheck?" Stan was disappointed, but hey, there were times when it happened. It had happened to him BEFORE rick, but not since then. "Sure babe. No problem. Hey, I made the chicken you like for dinner. With the coleslaw, corn, the works. You good with that?" Rick backed into Stan and pulled Stan's arms around him. "Mr Man, I would be even better if that tongue of yours got my ear, and those big tough fingers... OH YEAH." Stan had begun playing with Rick's nips, and rick began shimmying up against Stan's crotch. "Not even a bj, rick?" "not tonight stud. I'm just so sorry. " "Ok, do you mind if I just jerk off then? You got me so hot." "I don't mind if you let me watch." "You can watch if you're tied up." "YES SIR" Rick sat down in a chair, let Stan tie his wrists behind him, open his shirt, and play with himself. He felt a little bad, as Stan began whispering "Know what I'm thinking of? I'm thinking of my sweet chocolate man. I'm thinking of his ass. I'm thinking of his mouth. His chest. His beautiful eyes. His sweet, sweet... OH SHIT.." and he exploded. He aimed away from rick who didn't like it when Stan got cum on his clothes. When he was done, Stan gave him a wicked look. "You're gonna clean it up, ricky. Disappoint me about sex, you're in charge of clean up." "Kiss me first, big man" And Stan shoved his tongue down Rick's throat again.

What happened that night, happened three more times over the next two weeks, and Stan began to get concerned. "Rick, is everything good between us?" "Course it is , Stan. Stan my maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan. How could things not be good. Want a hand job tonight?" "If that's what the shop has to offer, ricky, that's what I'll take." They got into bed, and Rick did give Stan an adequate job. Stan was thinking about rick, and Rick? Well, Rick was thinking about Lennie's ass , which he had fucked that afternoon. And he was also thinking about the fine ass on Eric, another guy he had picked up downtown.

This might have gone on , for a while, had it not been for the night when rick had more wine at dinner than he was used to, and overslept the next morning. In his hurry to get to work, he forgot to take his cell phone. He gave Stan a quick kiss, and headed out the door without it. And again, nothing would have happened except, sometime around 2 that afternoon, Eric texted rick to see if he were available later that week. "Maybe we can find a better hotel this time, big dick rick" he texted, followed by an eggplant emoji. Stan had learned emoji by then, and the message surprised him. He knew it was wrong, but he picked up rick's cell. There was a password, but it was easy to figure out: "Slickrick9". Stan saw the texts, back and forth, between Rick and Lennie, and Rick and Eric. He saw the text where he had suggested to the two of them that maybe a menage a trois would be hot. And then there were the photos.

Stunned, Stan sat down and did something he hadn't done in a long time. He had a good cry. And then, he began to plan. Yeah, a menage a trois was a great idea. With just a few changes...

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"Hey , ricky babe, you left your cellphone behind today" Stan called out from the bedroom. " I left it on the dresser in here where you left it." "OH, THANK YOU STUD. I thought I had left it on the train or something.

Lemme come and get it." When he came into the bedroom, he didn't see Stan. He felt him though, as Stan grabbed him from behind. "OOOH. Gonna get kinky tonight big boy?" "Heh heh. You'll see. We're gonna call in dinner a little late tonight, studman." He nibbled on rick's ear. "You in the mood to get naked tonight?" Rick was, in fact, in that kind of mood, since he hadn't had either of his boys. He moaned. "Oh yeah. DO ME DADDY STANMAN." "Get undressed bottom. I got some plans for you." Rick had gotten used to the look in Stan's eye, when he wanted his ass. He had it tonight. MMMM. He was gonna be ready. "Gonna take you nice and slow ricky..." Stan smiled as he tied rick's wrists with the regular restraints. "Hey, why are you always calling me that? I hate that name." "Cause I'm your man, and you're my boy, ricky.." Stan began fingering rick's nips, and rick's tongue came out, licking his lips. "OH FUCK. I thought I was hard, but.... " "Well, why don't you let Stan your MAN surprise you ricky?" Then, Stan dropped his mouth around rick's cock. Just before he did, he made a very ambiguous reference. "You probably haven't had a truly good blow job in a while. Let me give you one." He got to work. And yes, Stan's tongue was proportionately long, like his cock. He had rick moanin gand begging in about three minutes. Then he very slowly deep throated rick for another five or so, until rick yelled. "STAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAN. Your ricky boi is gonna shoot. BIG." Stan took his mouth off of rick's cock, and began jerking him. "OH YEAH. OH YEAH STAN. OH YEAH. My man is taking care of his boy. OH YEAH. OOOOOOH. YEAH.." Rick shot high and for a while. It felt good, and it felt better when Stan lay down next to him and whispered. "You like that rick?" "OH babe, yeah. That was real good." "Better than Lennie? Better than Eric?" Stan got up off the bed "HEY. You looked at my phone. BASTARD. You weren't supposed to see that. " "Well, I did. And you know what? You weren't supposed to fuck around anymore. " "Stan, I'm sorry. I just, I just..." "Well, we're gonna have to take some remedial action as you lawyers say." Stan got a wet cloth, and washed down rick's cock and balls, to get all the cum off. He had no idea what Stan was gonna do. "C'mon baby. I want your big cock. Take my ass. Please Daddy Stan. Please fuck your boy." "Oh, you're gonna get fucked ricky. You're gonna get fucked REAL good, but only when I'm ready." Rick saw Stan turn around, and when he came back, he had a straight edge razor in his hands, and a can of creme. "HEY. WHAT THE FUCK? " "You want me to shove one of your ties in your mouth ricky? If not, just shut up. Cause things are NOT gonna get any better for you." Stan smeared some of the creme all over rick's chest. Then, slowly, EVER so slowly, he started shaving what hair rick had, off his chest. Rick began to whimper, but as Stan went along, he began to enjoy it. "FUCKING HOT" he whispered. "YEAH? Well, we're gonna see if you find the rest fucking hot, you slut." Rick raised his head, and he saw Stan smearing more cream over his pubes. "SHIT STAN NO. NOT THAT. What if you slip?" "Heh heh. Then you better be very still, big man." Stan changed razors, to a smaller one, and while rick whimpered some more, he took all the pube hair. He showed rick one mound of creme and hair after he took it. "You know, rick? You keep on saying you're my boy. Now you're gonna look it." He finished the job, and took the cloth and cleaned up again. "DAMN RICK. I gotta say. If you looked fine before, you look ultra fine now." Rick was thinking "it'll grow back, it'll grow back. He's just angry. " And he felt his cock surging again. "Ok Stan, you win. I'm sorry. I'll be your bitch boi. Now just let me up. " "Not yet bitch boi. You haven't been fucked yet. And I got one surprise for you. I use this in sessions, but I can replace it tomorrow. " He pulled out a bright chastity cage. "FUCK NO. YOU CAN'T LOCK UP SLICK RICK'S TRADEMARK STAN. PLEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEASE. ANYTHING ELSE. A BLOW JOB EVERY DAY? YOU GOT IT. MY ASS EVERY NIGHT? YOU GOT THAT. BUT PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE, DON'T LOCK ME UP." Stan was enjoying himself immensely, and the more rick begged, the hotter he was getting. "Boi, you misbehaved. You lied to Daddy Stan, and you cheated on me. Now if you don't shut up, I'm gonna go get the SMALLER one. And I'm gonna shove a plug in your ass too. AFTER I fuck ya." Rick began to actually cry. "I'm so sorry Stan. I'm so sorry. Please. Please accept my apology. PLEASE. OH SHIT." He heard the metal lock on his cock. "Now you know why I made ya cum first tonight, ricky. So I could fit it in the cage. And... room to grow, but not enough to jizz for ya. " He smiled. "Ha ha. Shaved like a boi, locked up like a virgin. Who's my bottom boi?" Rick lowered his voice. "I am Sir." "DAMN RIGHT. KNOW WHAT HAPPENS TO BOTTOM BOIS?" "They get fucked Sir? Fucked hard?" "GEEZ. You must be the smartest sub boi in the world. Let's get those legs up.. " Stan grabbed rick's ankles, and shoved his legs in the air. "Look at that pretty, pretty chocolate boi ass. MMMM. Gotta get me a taste. " He grinned. "And then I'm gonna make you kiss me, " Stan's tongue disappeared into rick's ass. He began to moan as Stan hit his hot spots. His cock grew, and bumped up against the metal. "OH SHIT THIS IS REAL" he thought, as he felt Stan's cockhead hitting his hole. "I shouldn't be, but I'm gonna be gentle with you ricky. REAL gentle... NOT" "FUUUUUUUUCK. YOU'RE TOO GODDAMNED BIG FUCKER." "And you're too much of a cheater, BITCH" Stan shoved at least 8 of his inches into rick all at once. That's when he eased up, and inched the remaining 5 into rick. "Oh, I LOVE that cock of yours, Stan man. FUCK ME . FUCK ME HARD." While Stan was rocking back and forth, rick forgot about the shaving, the cage, everything. All he knew was the bliss, as Stan hit his hot spots, fucking him good and hard. When Stan finally came to climax, rick had been fucked nearly raw. And he wanted more. He wanted MUCH more. He was hard again, and the cage was stopping him. "Taste your ass, boi." Stan pressed his lips to rick's mouth, and forced his tongue in. Rick tasted the musky, salty flavor of his own ass, while Stan went to work on his already sensitive nipples. Stan finished, and smiled. "You're gonna be my bottom 100% ricky. 100%" "Yes sir. Absolutely." Then Stan smiled again, as he picked up rick's phone. "then you're not gonna mind it if I fuck your two blond friends in front of you." Rick pulled at the restraints, and it did no good. All he good do was listen, as Stan called each one, explained who he was, and invited them both over with the promise of 13, rather than 9. He laughed. "SURE. I'll send you a pic. It's the two of us. So you'll know it's coming from rick's topman."

He smiled even more broadly when it was done. "2 pm Saturday ricky. Maybe I'll let you join us. " "Yes sir."

Next: Chapter 11

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