By Janice rudnick

Published on Oct 3, 2004




Written By: HunterXMG

This story is written to be a sequel to:


Written by Janice Rudnick

This story has sexual scenes involving a change of gender (among other things) and graphic depictions of adults involved in consensual, and somewhat non-consensual, sexual activity. If this type of story offends you, if you are under age, or laws in your area prohibit reading this type of material, please do not read. The author will not be responsible for those who illegally view this information.

Chapter One: Setup. Chapter Two: Invitation. Chapter Three: Baiting the hook. Chapter Four: Amulet. Chapter Five: What do I want? Chapter Six: Wild fantasies. Chapter Seven: What do I really want. Chapter Eight: Really wild fantasies. Chapter Nine: What is she like? Chapter Ten: Vacation day. Chapter Eleven: Porno. Chapter Twelve: Initiation. Chapter Thirteen: Petite. Chapter Fourteen: Stalling. Chapter Fifteen: Thinking. Chapter Sixteen: Shower and contemplation. Chapter Seventeen: Burning bridges. Chapter Eighteen: Breakfast. Chapter Nineteen: Measurements. Chapter Twenty: Meadow nymph. Chapter Twenty one: Clothing. Chapter Twenty two: Payment due. Chapter Twenty three: Morning. Chapter Twenty four: Taking turns. Chapter Twenty five: Conspiracy. Chapter Twenty six: Orgy. Chapter Twenty seven: Sneaking. Chapter Twenty eight: Showdown. Chapter Twenty nine: Desk. Chapter Thirty: Home again. Chapter Thirty one: Lost in the city. Chapter Thirty two: Cross country. Chapter Thirty three: Teasing dickhead. Chapter Thirty four: Dream guy.

Chapter One: Setup

  • ring *


"Jerid! Its Steve!"

"Yo, bro. How ya been?"

"I did it Steve, I finally did it with the amulet! It worked exactly like dad said it would."

"No Shit! Really? But he warned us... Hey wait, who did you find to wear it?"

"A geek who moved in next door. Now SHE lives with us!"

"He volunteered?"

"Not at first, a simple trick, but she warmed up to it in the end."

"Fess up, dude, what happened? Tell me everything."

I am not sure why Jerid suddenly decided to make friends. It seemed unusual, as he never had tried before. The `friends' I usually make are a little less outgoing and a little more technically oriented.

He simply approached me at the office and started making conversation. After a couple of months I had essentially joined his `crowd'. This was the first time I has hung out with a group of people like this. Having fun seemed to be the only priority. We did just about everything guys could do to bond with, perhaps, a little emphasis on girls. They were making an obvious effort to help me fit in.

The strip clubs were the most fun though. I would never actually have gone into one alone, and my kind of people generally doesn't go there in groups either. It was a great place to have a drink and see the kind of women that I had only seen in magazines.

Not that I am a virgin. I have had several girls I had briefly become close to. It didn't seem to last though. Ladies just seem to want more excitement in a guy. On girl had actually called me `the most boring man in the universe.'

My life seemed to become surprisingly less boring in the last couple of months. Jerid was teaching me to enjoy life. I was grateful, even if having friends like these felt a little awkward sometimes.

Before Jerid decided to becomes friends, I always figured him to be the selfish type, and a bit of an asshole. Now he was being generous with his time and willing to go out his way to accommodate the new member of his gang.

The others in his gang were:

Alex. He was a technician, like me, but in a different department. His job description allowed him a little more freedom than mine did.

Todd. Whenever I saw the guy, the first word to pop into my mind was `Lumberjack'. H was a contractor for electrical wiring, but he had a ugly beard, and always wore heavy clothing. He also had the advantage of being bigger and a lot stronger than me. Not too smart, though.

Ben. He owned a small sporting goods store. I figured it was his way to pretend to be something he wasn't. He was not big, strong, or exceptionally athletic. He was actually a pretty nice guy, who probably couldn't bring himself to do the things Jerid and company did without going in a group. He was always the one who came up with the equipment we needed, whenever we did anything outdoors, so he was handy to have around.

Robert. This guy was a Framing Contractor. Had his own team of muscle, and made a good living. This guy actually scared me a little. He was the only one of the group that used drugs with any degree of regularity. I know he used coke, and possibly heroin. Occasionally he would offer a little to the rest of the guys, I always passed on this. I suppose the drugs helped keep him on his feet during a long days work.

Robert also had a habit of treating any girl he met like a whore. Very rough and abusive, like he owned them. They didn't like him much, unless they were being well paid.

"Twelve inches! Are you shitting me? Just like dad was?"

"No, I am dead serious, and I am a full inch up on dad. I got mine the same way he got his, only I coaxed her to add not only inches, but endurance, and cum-quantity as well. My wife loves it and her as much as I do! I even have my friends over at least once a week for a free-for-all orgy."

"You realize that I've got to have one too. Remember, dad said that stuff belongs to us."

"No problem, you got a guy in mind?"

"Uhh... Give me a sec... Uhh... No. What kind of guy should I look for?"

"Easy, find a nerd, a social incompetent, a lifelong virgin with a pile of Penthouse magazines next to his bed. Ring a bell?"

"Uhh... I think I know a guy like that at work. Ok guy, in his thirties, real quiet and shy. I'd wager he never had a date. Not gay, though."

"Ok, I'll tell you exactly what I did and how I did it. Follow the script exactly and you'll real him in. I mean her in."


"Since you're not already friends, were going to have to work on this guy a while to prep him. I'll help."

"When do we start?"

"No time like the present. What is his name?"

"Eric, Eric Winters."

Chapter Two: Invitation.

Jerid had told us about his nagging wife and said he tolerated her more than he loved her. This had been something of a surprise, I was certain that he was a bachelor like me. He also never took me to his house to see her. I didn't care enough to push.

I did get to meet his brother, Steve and his wife. Jerid took me there in preparation for the `great fishing trip', which seemed to be some kind of family pilgrimage. The trip was penciled in for early spring. The first trip would be taken by Jerid and his friends for one week. They would then vacate the house to make room for Steve and his crowd, who would then stay the following week.

On the way to his brothers, we discussed the trip.

"Just a weekend for us guys, although we do invite one girl for entertainment." He said.

"A hooker?" I asked.

"No, no, no, just a lady-friend with a very open mind."

"Where would you find a girl like that? And what exactly do you do with her?"

"You'll see. Trust me. You have plenty of time to prepare; the trip is not for another week. Speaking of which, you're invited too, of course."


When I met Steve and his wife, I was a bit surprised to see such an obviously well endowed man married to a rather plain woman. Guys with tools like that usually work as Gigolos or porno stars, what was he doing here?

The big surprise was when I met Steve's live in girlfriend. My only thought was: good god is she real?

"Eric, please meet Diane."

...And she lives here with him and his wife? WOW!

"Uhhh... Hi."

She was wearing a one-piece miniskirt, and it was obvious she was not wearing underwear under it. She spoke with what could only be described as a sexual purr. "Hello, Eric, what can I do for you?"

"Diane, why don't you show him around, and please, make him very comfortable." Steve said with a smirk.

"It would be my pleasure."


Chapter Three: Baiting the hook.

Diane showed me through the living room and took be strait to what I can only call a playroom. The floor was softly carpeted, and the walls displayed artwork depicting `enthusiastic debauchery'. The centerpiece of the room, and indeed that only piece of furniture at all, was a rather large, white, and very round bed. It was covered with the softest and fuzziest bedspread I have ever seen.

"Please come in to my parlor, sir," she said with a mischievous smile.

Not being completely dim, I realized that the only reason she would bring me here is to screw my brains out. Having never in my life have I imagined I would actually meet a girl like this, I had absolutely no idea what to do now.

She took the initiative, pushing me into the room and setting me down on the bed. She, in a single smooth motion, dropped the miniskirt on the floor behind her, and then settled down on the bed next to me.

I was gawking at her naked glory. God! Her boobs were huge! I was so thunderstruck that I couldn't do anything except stare stupidly.

Evidently, Diane was not put off by my reaction, for her smile never wavered. She put one hand around my back and the other started unbuttoning my shirt. After a few moments of this she raised up to whisper in my ear.

"Would you like me to undress you?"

That started me moving, and I jumped up and undressed with haste, if not grace. Once I had striped, I stopped and looked down at her, my cock, nothing to boast about, stuck out from me at an angle.

Is she real, and is this really happening?

She answered my question by grabbing me by the hips and pulling my cock to her open mouth. She started sucking with a look of contentment on her face. I stared down in disbelief.

Good lord, that feels good!

After a minute or so she stopped and stood up. She turned us around and I found myself being pushed over onto the bed on my back. She must have realized my inexperience, because she continued to take the initiative.

She moved forward and mounted me like a horse. Her hands guided my modest length into her. She then began to move up and down.

Still in a state of shock, I reached up with my hands to her nipples. At the last second I hesitated. She then gently grabbed my hands and moved them to her breasts, and then encouraged me to stroke them. She began to moan softly.

Oh, Wow!

I wished this could have lasted for hours, but regretfully it only lasted about a single minute. My orgasm came fast, too fast. I seized up for a moment and then my little rocket went off.

How embarrassing.

Seemingly sympathetic to my plight, she simply smiled down at me and fell forward to lie beside me with her boobs pressing up against me heavy. She left her right leg draped over my legs and began rubbing my large belly with her hand.

Why in hell is a girl like this, seducing a man that looks like me? Is she getting paid for this? How much could she possibly get paid to do this? She is stunning! It would take a kings ransom to buy this.

And the worst part is that I blew it. How could she not be disappointed?

I was getting so nervous I started to tremble a little.

"Thank you that was wonderful," I stammered, quickly sitting up. I was too embarrassed to even suggest trying again.

"The pleasure was all mine," she purred behind me.

I could do little more than to grab my clothes and head for the door to get dressed in the hallway. It only occurred to me later that stumbling out without even looking back was immensely rude.

Total disaster all around.

I stumbled into the den and sat down next to Jerid. They were talking about the upcoming fishing trip and the supplies that we would need. I joined in the conversation, not mentioning my interlude with Diane.

After a minute or so, Jerid excused himself from our company. Steve and I continued to talk about fishing and boating.

After less than a minute after that I began to hear the unmistakable sound of a woman moaning in ecstasy. I shot a questioning look to Steve.

"His turn," He explained.

When Jerid was driving me home, I decided to ask a few obvious questions.

"Is that the girl we are taking on the trip with us?" I asked eagerly.

"Nope, my brother won't part with her. We are going to get another one."

"There can't be two like that."

"Not at the moment, but there will be."


"I was hoping to get your help finding us another girl for our trip."

"I don't know anybody even remotely like that. How am I supposed to help you?"

"You don't half to know her, you have to find her. Don't worry, I'll show you exactly how to do it. It works because it is the same thing my brother did to find Diane."

"What works? How?"

"Tell you what, why don't you come to my brothers house with me a couple days before the trip. I'll explain everything to you then. Trust me! It's easy."

I wasn't even sure I was hearing him right. All I know it that I got to fuck a goddess and screwed it up bad. I wanted another chance to make a good impression. I wanted another chance at Diane. Also, what did Jerid mean by `finding' a girl?

I couldn't wait to hear the explanation for this.

Steve pushed the door to the playroom and slowly removed his trousers, freeing up his generous cock.

He stepped over to the bed. Before he started he asked a question.

"How was the new guy?"

"Huh? Oh, him. Nice enough, but not much of a lover. We just started when he went `squirt' and it was over."

"Thought so."

Chapter Four: Amulet.

We were back at Steve's house the second day before our fishing trip. Steve and Jerid pulled me up to a small table and laid it out for me.

"Ok, here it is." He said, placing the amulet on the table.

"Nice, what is it?"

"The ultimate girl finder, it is the secret to my success with Diane."

"Looks creepy. How does it work?"

"Simple, you put it on."

"That's it, huh?"

"I will explain. This is a family heirloom. One of our ancestors was a genuine alchemist. He made this. It allows its wearer to summon up his dream girl. Genuine magic," said Jerid.

I looked at the little token with disbelief.

Steve took over. "About a year ago, I put on this little item just before my annual fishing trip, just like the one you're about to take. Once it was on, I imagined my dream girl. She was the most beautiful and lusty woman in all creation. I worked her in my mind. I imagined her in every detail. Most importantly, I imagined what it would be like to fuck her."

Steve continued.

"Now I will grant you, it wasn't the easiest thing in the world. Toward the end I actually thought I was going crazy. I grit my teeth, and pushed through it. When it was over, it was like breaking out of a fever. I felt better than I ever had before, and the greatest thing about it was..." Dramatic Pause. "When I opened my eyes, there she was. My Diane. My deepest fantasy made real."


"I celebrated for a whole week, and we had the orgy of a lifetime. After that week was up, I brought her home. My wife knew she was coming. She wanted her as bad as I did. We have been happy ever since"

I listened with keen interest and with no small amount of disbelief.

"You expect me to believe that you just conjured up a woman?" I asked.

Steve just grinned evilly at me.

"Do you doubt for a single second that Diane is a creation of magic?"

That stumped me. That kind of beauty and eroticism just doesn't happen. Playboy might have them that beautiful, but no way Penthouse had any that sexy.

"Assuming this isn't a joke. Why are you giving it to me? You want me to summon her, right? Why me?"

Steve took on a professional tone.

"Simple, I have already done it once. It won't work for me again. Jerid cannot use it, because his wife would divorce him."

Jerid cut in. "And if I can't use it, I want a good friend to in my place. You know the gang. Great guys, but they are not exactly the most stable of sorts. Of all my friends, you are the only one who would push through to the end, without panicking or falling apart. Of all of them, you are the only one with a mind strong enough to do that. Besides, I think you deserve a break in life."

Steve finished up. "And look on the bright side. After the week is over, you get to go home with her. You can even have children if you want."


"Really!" they said in unison.

"Along with the little added bonus," chimed in Steve.

"What bonus?"

Steve explained. "You have, of course, have seen the size of my dick? Yes? That didn't just happen. I got it after I summoned Diane. While I imagined Diane, I simply imagined everyone around her with enormous cocks! Not only did my cock get huge, so did all my friends in attendance. They loved it. My wife loves it, and Diane loves it!"

"...and now you know my ulterior motive," started Jerid. "I have been enjoying Diane too, but I just don't measure up to her expectations, and her expectations are great indeed. Heck, I'm not built any bigger than you are, but if you do this, I get to share the wealth of inches."

Steve continued. "This is the part that wasn't easy. My dick didn't actually grow until the proverbial last second, and the last eight hours or so were pure hell. I couldn't get a decent erection and my dick looked tiny. But after she showed up, I grew to twelve inches and have been happy ever since."

"You guys are serious."


The thought of measuring up' to Diane's expectations' was infinitely tempting, along with the main feature.

I get a dream girl. I get to take her home. I never have to spend another night alone in an empty apartment.

...and I get a cock like a Roman God.

"I'm in."

"Great, now there is one little detail we can take care of with a simple deck of cards..."

After a short, and victorious game of poker, I put my `winnings' on. It seemed to be quite small, hanging around my neck, like that. The magic is triggered by a game of chance. It seemed strange. It seemed stupid.


Afterwards, Jerid spent a few minutes describing to me the details of the girl the wanted me to summon. I told him to relax. I'll spend a lot of time thinking about it, and he would not be disappointed.

Chapter Five: What do I want?

After I arrived home that afternoon, I spent a few minutes contemplating.

Ok, I am supposed to think of a dream girl and sex her out to the max. We all get to fuck her brains out for a week and then I get to keep her. Do I believe any of this bullshit?

No, but the chance at getting my dream girl come alive is a chance I can't ignore even if it is bullshit.

Ok, what do I want? Blond? Brunette? Jessica Rabbit?

Boobs the size of apples, watermelons, or Texas?

What else do I want?

The girls are supposed to be racing through my mind. Millions of them. I must pick out the sexiest of them all and hold her in my mind.

I'll worry about it later. The trip is not till the day after tomorrow, and I don't see any girls yet.

That didn't last long.

Chapter Six: Wild fantasies.

By the time I got home, visions of buxom babes danced through my head. Initially, I dismissed it as simple fantasies, after all, dreaming of girls was not unusual for me. By the time I had made it back to my apartment, it had become more than a little excessive.

It began as nameless body parts and unusual measurements. Big boobs and small waists in infinite variety, all in a formless orgy of lust. After a while the girls began to take definite forms. Tall and blond? Short and Buxom? It was a superstore of sex. What do I want? Anything you like can be yours. All shared one quality: Rampaging lust.

What was strange for me was the kind of girls I was dreaming of. Horny did not do them justice. Mega-sluts would be more appropriate. Porno-stars that graced the pages of the rack of pornos at the bookstore. The unusual part was that these girls were not the kind that I normally dreamed about.

As strange as it seemed, I wanted a special girl I could actually love, not a fuck-slut. I was imagining Hustler blow-job superstars, when what I more typically dreamed about were more like Playboy supermodels. Pure beauty, instead of raw sex. But then again, sex wasn't a bad thing either. I let it roll, enjoying the show.

Like virtually all men, I had a fascination with breasts. On the net, I had found artist depictions of boobs of enormous size. No woman actually had boobs like that. No woman could actually live with boobs like that.

Wait. Diane does. I had never thought I would see tits like that, for real!

I leaned back in my recliner, and closed my eyes, letting my mind wander. I imagined Diane riding me, and an erection became prominent in my trousers. Monster breasts bounced in time with her movements. What would it be like to have boobs like that? Did they feel heavy? Diane did not seem to have any difficulty.

I wondered what it must be like for her to be sexy like that. To be overwhelmingly sexy like that. To have as much sex as you could possibly want the moment you wanted it. To be beautiful and desirable, and to carry those traits around with you every moment of your life. To be the object of every desire. I envied that.

In a way, I also pitied that. Could she even go out in public? Did she have any dreams beyond her next cock? Did she even have a brain?

In my mind Diane's features kept changing to that of other women. Tall and short. Buxom and flat. Rail thin and deliciously plump. All riding me up and down.

Suddenly, a strange feeling came over me. It felt like every nerve on my body became hypersensitive in a really good way. Then a pounding in my trousers betrayed the origin of this feeling.

Oh, shit! I'm cumming!

After it was over, I made to the bathroom for cleaning duties.

That was weird. I came without even touching my dick.

I (reluctantly) masturbate, but this time I didn't even touch the throttle. What happened? Spontaneous orgasm? It was strange too. Most orgasms (for men) are completely dominated by the all important cock. This one had seemed to ripple all over my body! Weird!

I liked it, too!

I retired to my room too see if I could do it again. I found only limited success.

Only after several hours (and many orgasms) did it occur to me that all of this might be related to that silly amulet.

Chapter Seven: What do I really want.

Seriously think of your dream girl.

These orgasms are just too intense. The girls racing through my mind cannot be an accident. The amulet is the real deal and I need to choose my dream girl now.

So, what do I want really?

I get to take her home which means we are going to be together for a very long time. It had better be somebody I can get along with.

So, what is my dream girl? Lets see... How many girls have I dreamed of having sex with? Hundreds, fitting every description. Choosing is going to be a nightmare.

Do I want a Diane encore? Having two of them like twins would be nice!

No, no. I want my dream girl, something original.

Jessica Rabbit? Perhaps Lola Bunny would be nice.

I had a good laugh at that one. Taking home a fuzzy long eared sextoy would certainly be interesting. My fantasies occasionally dipped into nonhuman eroticism. Vampire fangs, bunny fur, even groping tentacles could be sexy sometimes. It was a simple matter of fact that different was frequently sexy. Why were men so frequently taken in by the beauty of the orient? Because what you look at every day could get boring! Besides, Lola Bunny was sexy, wasn't she? For a bunny?


But seriously, I need to think clearly. I let my mind drift. Who have I dreamed about the longest? Who is the most perfect beauty in existence? No limits, just find her.

Out of my memory came a woman. The Dream Girl. A girl I have been in love with for as long as I can remember. I girl I have been perfecting in the back of my mind since forever. She came into sharp focus in my imagination. There were big problems with her though. In her own way, she was just as bizarre as an humanoid bunny rabbit.

She was an angelic type beauty, and unfortunately not a very sexual creature. Elegant and noble. She was, for me at least, the unattainable ideal. Porno mags only rarely had anything like that. In truth this girl had her origins from many sources: Childhood comic books, epic movies, books of adventure. She was a true fantasy girl, an adventuring sorceress. She was someone who boldly traveled the world, fighting the good fight with swords and powerful magic.

And there were couple of other little details...

If I summon this girl, there would be no entertainment. She is like nobility. She would be nauseated by the thought of an orgy and would never participate in one.

Besides, if `this' girl shows up, Jerid will have a cow.

Ok, what if I sex her up a little? Can't do much without ruining her. Do I really want to make her overtly sexual though? It just wouldn't fit her. Turning her into a slut would be like taking a shit on the alter of a church.

Nope. Can't do it. Lust would ruin her.


Unless there was a way to fit it into her.

Hypothetically, what if she had been captured, and an evil wizard had sexed her out trying to turn her into his bedtime toy. Naturally she killed the wizard and escaped, but not until after permanent changes had been made to her body. Then she would have a noble spirit and be sexy as hell at the same time!


This girl is pretty unusual. Trying to explain her is going to be difficult at best.

...and Jerid will still have a cow.

This is too good to pass up.

...and Jerid will really have a big cow.

Screw Jerid. She'll have me to look after her.

I then began to work on the details. My dream girl needs to be modified.

She is so petite that giant breasts would anchor her to the ground. Hmmm. Well she's practically flat chested now, so improvement is definitely in order. Apple sized? Big Apple sized? Nice and rounded with the all-important no sagging. Perfect. Nipples? Slightly enlarged standing about, oh, half an inch when erect? That works, but they are really going to show if she wears a T-shirt.

Ok, enhance the curves of the waist slightly, not too much.

Skin is showing a slight tan. There, no tan, leaving only nice pale smooth skin.

Long golden hair. Anyway to improve on that? Hmm... how about silver hair? Flowing like liquid mercury, silky smooth, down to her waist. Wow! She is going to light up the room just coming through the door!

Pout the lips ever so slightly. Large eyes, a nice icy blue, slender nose. Her chin comes almost to a point. Think I will leave that.

Wow, it's her, but it's her sexy. Amazing what a few subtle details can make.

Hmmm... Looks a lot like Japanese anime, now that I think about it. They keep making girls like that in all those videos I keep buying. A slim figure that no `real' girl above the age of 12 possessed. Yep, I have been watching WAY too much anime! The good news is that after she shows up, I can throw all that stuff away!

And now for lust. Not too much, she is too proud to give a blowjob, and it wouldn't work anyway. She is simply too small to take 12 inches or even 8 inches in her mouth without choking. OK then, she teases with her little tongue, but doesn't suck.

Too small... Hmmm...

Dammm... her pussy is going to be small too. Let's see, she could take 6 inches but no more. Any way I can improve that? Not without hollowing her out. Ok, 7 inches tops. Jerid and crew are going to be upset about that one. Correction: more upset.

Lets see... She is a sorceress, which means magic. What is magic? Telepathy? Telekinesis? The mystic and the supernatural? Could that stuff be real? The Amulet exists so magic does to. Do I need to be worried about that? Naww. She is the sort that could be trusted with power. So more power to her.

Ok, magic. No problem. It will help make up for her small size.

I stopped at that, and did a mental review.

Ok, she stands, oh, looks about 4 feet 5 inches tall. Now that's petite! Too much so? Perhaps, but I had a good reason for that to begin with.

I looked upon the perfection of my creation. My eyes rose from her super slim figure to her proud and magnificent boobs.

Good, that didn't ruin her.

My eyes looked into her large slanted blue eyes. Her face was framed by this magnificent silver halo that fell to her waist. Her delicate pointed ears poked out through the silver.

I breathed a sigh.

Tolken never made them so beautiful.

My elfin dream-lady was complete. Not human, but then again, no human woman could be that beautiful.

In my imagination, she stepped toward me with a look of curiosity on her face. I stepped forward to meet her, gently sweeping her up into my arms and holding her in a tender embrace.

"I love you, I have always loved you"

She kissed me.

Over the next few hours I had a fight with my imagination. All those sluts had to go, and they didn't seem to want to. It would have been easy to give myself over to them, the lure of raw sex is a siren's call that is not easily denied. I the end, I stood firm in my choice. Beauty and idealism over sex and frantic inhibition. In a sense, it was like cleaning house. All the garbage had to go. Afterward, it was just me and her.

We will be together forever, and I will take good care of you, I promise.

Soon, the fantasies began with my elvish lass playing center stage. After a few minutes, it seemed that the eroticism would not be denied. If I wanted this particular girl, fine, but the sex show would continue regardless.

As long as it is her. She will be ok, once I get her here.

Chapter Eight: Really wild fantasies.

As the evening fell, I climbed out of the shower and then reclined on my bed, thinking. Had I done the right thing, choosing her to be my `dream girl'? What would it be like for her to be like that? So small and so different?

Her image in my mind stirred my interest. My cock began to firm and raise up like a flagpole. My hand went down to the customary position, and began a gentle stroke.

I had a fascination with smallness mostly because I didn't like being so large. I wanted her to dance, skip and jump like I couldn't. Nimble, agile, and graceful.

I wanted for myself to be a little less clumsy and perhaps a lot less heavy on my feet. Would she like it as much as I would? I am also supposed to get a dream body. Testosterone laden and a monster cock?

Will I be trimmer too? Hope so...

I tried to imagine what it would be like for her. I pictured what it would be like to be her kneeling on the bed. The image snapped to my mind with sudden clarity.

Yes, she would look like that.

OK, She would be nude, the weight of the breasts would be noticeable. The hair might tickle a little as it cascaded around her. Her legs would have only the light weight of her body on them. Nice and light, easy to move. She would be a born gymnast.

As I thought these details, I could practically feel them, for real.

I did feel the for real.

This is easy!

What would it be like for her to have sex with a man? They would be so much larger than her.

I placed my own naked body next to her, and presto! I could actually see it. I climbed up on my own torso, my boobies bobbing slightly with the movement, and looked around. Its was like straddling a large log, or perhaps a pony! Nice, warm, and fleshy pink!

This feels so real.

My cock was beginning to feel really good, and I knew it wouldn't be long. My hand was on autopilot allowing to mind to wander.

I am way too fat. Think muscles. Think about a body builder.

There, nice washboard stomach and a tool he could be proud of.

I suddenly remembered Jerids' request.

Think about her surrounded with men with large cocks. Ok, ok. I will.

It seemed the dream was on it's own autopilot, for the hand's of Mr. Bodybuilder rose up and lightly held me my imaginary waist. His hand were large and warm on me, I reflexively looked to his face.


Had I been able to resist, I certainly would have. It would be best to describe it as being swept along in a river. The pleasure from my cock and the intensity of the dream allowed me no way to shake them.

The dream Jerid lifted me up, and slowly lowered me onto his waiting shaft. The duality of the situation was confusing as hell. I was beginning to feeling the gathering in my nuts, and I was being spread open and impaled. I could actually feel the thick warm meat penetrate me.

... and begin to move me up and down.


When the orgasm hit, I convulsed with the usual spasms. In my dream, I did the same. Male and female came together.

When my head cleared, the vision disappeared with it. My eyes snapped open to see myself covered in my own cum.

What the fuck just happened?

The next day was my last day of work before my vacation with Jerid. The first hint of the unuseual was that the sheets of my bed were soaked with something that was not sweat. I could tell that this was going to be rough day at work.

I need to clean up again. If this keeps up, I am going to need a lot of showers. Hope this doesn't establish a precedent. I had NO idea.

Off to work!

I had become rather unproductive. My eyes kept following the girls at work. I kept wondering what it was like living as women do.

Few wore dresses, and I found this most disappointing. It was one of the thing that helped differentiate men from women. Men wore trousers, ladies wore dresses. Like men boasted cocks and ladies sported tits. Call it old fashioned, but I always believed that girls should wear some kind of dress. They certainly looked better in them!

I imagined what it would be like to wear a dress. I suppose that it was kind of like a curtain you wear at your waist. Not unlike my bathrobe. Not uncomfortable, I suppose. Would it tickle the legs?

What about the tits? Did the ladies know that men stare at them whenever they aren't looking? I'll bet they did know. I'll bet they either ignored it.

...or enjoyed it.

What would it feel like, being looked at like that? To be ogled?

I spent a few minutes imagining what it would be like to be my buxom elvish lass, walking through this office. Indeed people were staring. Some at my tits, some at my ears. I felt a little embarrassed, but I also found it quite thrilling.

I am the center of attention! They are looking at me! The men with lust, the ladies with envy!

When I realized what I was doing, I stopped instantly.

I was doing it again.

I spent most of the rest of the day keeping my dreams heterosexual. I am a man who is with her. I am not her. I also tried to imagine her doing things other than fucking. This was harder than I expected. She was such an incredibly cute thing, and sexy as hell to boot! As lunchtime approached, I had conceded failure and found myself imagining her mostly naked surrounded by well endowed men.


And all too often, I found myself looking through her eyes...

...and into Jerid's face.

It didn't help that Jerid was only several desks away, and he kept looking at me with a look of amusement.

Chapter Nine: What is she like?

Later, during lunch, Jerid took me aside for a little talk. It seems that he was kind of impatient to hear what we were getting.

"So, what is she like?"

"Hot," I replied.

"Details, man, details."

"Well, uhhh. Real exotic."

"Exotic is good."

I tried to think of a description that would not upset him.

"Ok, imagine a Eurasian girl, only real petite." "Asian chick? That's cool! Nice big tits?"

"Appropriate for her size. Nice and round, nipples that stand out."

"Her size? What size?

"She's Asian, or rather Eurasian. That means petite, like they are in the Far East. Her face is real exotic, but has some European features, like in the nose. She kind of reminds me of a girl I saw in Playboy once. Real slim and elfin."

"Playboy huh? That's encouraging."

"Supermodel quality. Only a slight problem with her sexuality, though."

"Problem? How can there be a problem?"

"You told me to imagine her as an orgy monster, but it didn't work out that way. Every time I imagine her having sex, it is always with just one guy, usually you."

"I told you to make her a cum slut, a woman that lives for the orgy. We want a girl that can walk in to a bar and gladly fuck every man in it, all at once. Give her an appetite for submission. Give her an compulsion for exhibitionism. Make her the ultimate fuck machine. And lastly MAKE HER LOVE IT."

"I would, except that she won't change. It's like she has taken a life of her own, in my mind. She is what she is, and I can't modify her anymore."

"I guess that happens. I think we can persuade her to after she gets here."

"There is one last thing to make her even more exotic."

"There's more?"

"Last detail. Her hair isn't oriental black. Its silver."

"Silver? Why silver?"

"I wanted something unique. I've made changes to her completion that make it fit. Trust me."

"Silver, huh. I guess that will be ok."

I thought of the other problem I have been having.

"Uhhh, Jerid. These fantasies I've been having. They have been getting weird."

"Yeah, Steve said that would happen. How weird?"

"You know that I would dream of having sex with her?"


"Well, now I am dreaming of having sex as her. Every time I have a fantasy, first I see her, then I see through her eyes."

I worked up the courage to continue.

"I am fucking as her. I am on my back getting fucked, and... it feels pretty good."

"Uhhh, Eric, Steve mentioned this too."

"He did?"

"He called it empathy. This girl is being created out of your mind. In a way, she will be stepping out of your imagination into the real world, so you need to imagine her in every detail, inside and out. You need to imagine her loving sex, even when you are along for the ride."

"What?" "Steve said that this was the hardest part of summoning her. He told me that this part almost drove him crazy. This is why we chose you. None of the other guys can hold themselves together long enough to get her here. I know that you can."

"Uh huh."

"So this is what you have to do. Firstly, don't worry that this is going to turn you homosexual. It won't, It just a rough ride. When this is finished, I guarantee you won't have any problems being gay."

"Fair enough."

"Secondly, when these fantasies happen, don't bother fighting them. They are not something you need to get upset about. It's actually more important that she enjoy the fuck. As for you, just take is as a learning experience and let yourself enjoy it too. Think about it! For now on, you will know exactly what pleases a woman, because you have experienced some of it for yourself. That's what Steve did, and look at him now. He is the world's greatest stud!"

"When you put it like that, It doesn't seem that bad."

"That's the spirit, so go ahead and don't fight it. Just let it happen. I know it's going to get pretty bad, but when it's over, we're gonna have sex like you can't even imagine!"

"Ok, I'll get through it."

"Great! Oh, last thing. Remember to imagine everyone around her with enormous cocks! Ten inches or more..."

Later, I began thinking of the upcoming trip. I was thinking that Jerid would be quite upset at my selection.

I had sexed her up considerably, my fantasies proved that. When I was her, sex dominated the situation. However, this was no guarantee that she would submit to the `attentions' of the gang.

What if she doesn't actually want to? I can't let them rape her! I love her!

I decided that I could not let Jerid, or any of the others hurt her. She was going to go home with me, and together we could plan a new life for ourselves. The `entertainment' on the trip was entirely up to her. What she wanted stood. I would back up any decision she made.

Again, I considered the fantasies.

Well, It looks like she will love it, so the orgy will be on after all. I hope Jerid enjoys himself, because after that first week, he will never touch her again.

Come to think of it, once I take her home, I don't think I will need to see Jerid anymore. Ever. I'm beginning to think that he might not be the greatest person in the world to hang around with. I don't think I would want to have him near any girl I care about.

Something to consider, anyway.

  • ring *


"Robert? This is Jerid."

"Hey, Jerid, what's up?"

"Last minute change on those videos I wanted you to bring. Instead of just getting orgies, I need you to get videos with Asian chicks. Having orgies, of course."

"Is this, like, going to a preview of her? Did Eric give you a little heads up?" "Yeah, she won't look like Diane, more like a petite supermodel. Our girl is going to be Asian, a real petite Asian. "

"Petite huh? That is going to be good, I always wanted to fuck an Asian chick. They can be so hot!"

"Well this one will be."

"I knew that Eric would come through for us! He likes Asian chicks, huh? This is going to be so good!"

"Just don't say anything. He is still our `friend', remember?"

"Yeah, and she'll still be our friend' after too... By the way, how do you think your wife' will feel about you bringing home an Asian chick?"

"Very funny."

It was afternoon, I had a busy, and distracted, day at work, and it was good to take a rest.

I turned on the boob tube and settled in for the news.

Boob tube. That's a good name for it. For the past decade or so the only theme that they have is sex. Every show has sex infused into it in one form or another. Sitcoms were the worst. Could I even find one that involved something other than sexual innuendo? It's kind of hypocritical of me to complain, though. I watch those shows for the pretty girls too.

Did I mention that sex had been on my mind lately?

In my imagination, she appeared, seemingly demanding my attention. I turned off the TV.

Here we go again. Try to imagine her, as I always loved her. Imagine her as I loved her best.

She is elvish nobility. This time try to imagine her in an appropriate setting.

In my mind, she walked through the woods. The sunlight filtered through the canopy of trees shone down upon the regal gown she wore. Green leaves and yellow sunlight meshed in a soft tapestry of color.

This is where she belongs, in a forest, surrounded by nature.

Her silver hair drifted in the breeze behind her, a good complement to the crisp clean white of her dress. She was at peace here. Her pointed ears poked out, feeling the wind. Her face was a beautiful vision of nobility. The only peculiarity was the size of her bosom, but the gown carried it well.

Things shifted. I was her, walking through the forest, content to be here. Before me stood a man I recognized as Jerid. My dress melted into nothingness, simply forgotten.

I want... I want... I want to...

Jerid stepped forward, picking me up by my waist, lifted me up and pushed me back against a tree. I could feel the roughness of the bark biting into my skin, and my feet dangling many inches above the soil.

Don't fight this. Let her enjoy it.

I caught a glimpse of his enormous cock rising up beneath me. With a smile and without hesitation, he plunged it in.

I am being entered. God this feels weird.

Any thought of resistance then evaporated. I loved this. My knees pulled up high. The forest disappeared in a blur, and with it, the tree behind me. I was instead lying on my back with soft silken sheets caressing me all over. Jerids smile never wavered. I felt myself build towards orgasm.

Surrounded by men with enormous cocks. Where are they?

As if they were summoned, the figures of men, dark and indistinct rose up around us. The only clear feature about them was their enormous tools. Even in the pounding throws of ecstasy, I found their presence unsettling.

When the orgasm came, it was very hard and very long. Afterward, the vision didn't end.

It continued.

The face of the man over me kept changing. Jerid, Steve, Todd, and other nameless faces continued to fuck me.

And the orgasms continued.

Over and over.

I only had a few moments after one, before another would start building.

What the hell?

I was aware of my dick enough to know that it was not taking any breaks either. I had exhausted my supply by the third one. The eighth (or ninth) so exhausted me that I finally recovered from the dream, completely wiped out.

I shook my head, where was I? I was looking up at the ceiling of my apartment. I was inside, not in a forest, or in a silken bed. My dick, having spent itself repeatedly all over my shirt, was quickly deflating.

Jerid said this would be rough, but these are getting just too intense. They are coming frequently and lasting longer than I would ever have believed possible. Eight (or nine) orgasms? In fifteen minutes? Is that possible? With each orgasm lasting most of a minute?

No wonder I am exhausted. I'll bet I don't have a single drop of cum left in my body. Hell, my dick feels like it's going to fall off!

In my dream, I was her. I was a small elvish lass getting my ass royally fucked. I was feeling another mans dick between my legs, and it was nice! These fantasies were becoming so realistic, when the happened, I actually believed that I was an elvish maiden, that I was actually her! This is not normal!

If this keeps up, I am going to forget who I am.

If I give up, I will loose her forever.

I am not giving up.

Chapter Ten: Vacation day.

I woke up the next morning very very late. Only thirty minutes remained before ten, and I was not ready to go yet. I had obviously been dreaming about her, for my sheets would need to be washed. So would I. I jumped in the shower and lathered up. For a moment I felt the urge to dream.

I have no time to waste getting fucked by Jerid again, even if it is only in my imagination.

I quickly rinsed off and headed for the kitchen. I popped in some toast and ran to the bedroom to dress and finish packing. That is when I noticed my first physical discrepancy.

I am going to need a belt. Scratch that, I need a belt badly.

Hey, this is a good thing. I am supposed to get a Mr. Universe body, so I am going to loose weight. Whooo Hooo! I am finally going to get rid of this gut!

And if I am lucky, I'll be a little lighter on my feet.

I felt much better about the trip now. It would be nice that when she showed up, that I wouldn't look like a slob. I would instead look like someone worthy of her.

I somehow missed the fact that I had also shrunk by nearly two inches. I also failed to notice that my shoes didn't exactly fit as well as they had.

After packing, I grabbed the toast on my way out the door. Jerid, Alex and Todd were waiting in front of my apartment in Jerids car. Ben and Robert would be meeting us there.

Although I remained oblivious, many other eyes did notice the way my clothing was hanging off me. They noticed many indications, but didn't say a single word. We were on our way in less than five minutes.

Once we were on the road, I could not fend of the fantasies anymore. My friends, thinking that I was still sleepy, left me to myself. Jerid seemed to be in an unusually good mood as he kept smiling, or was that a smirk?

The fantasies overwhelmed me again. Jerid, Alex, Todd and Ben were standing around a bed. In the middle of the bed, she stretched out with a odd look on her face as she examined the men that surrounded her.

...surrounding me. They wanted to fuck me, and I wanted it too. I was somewhat disturbed by the fact that there were five of them. I was also a bit apprehensive as to the size of their tools. I was horny, but exactly what did they want me to do with those? Besides, I was no prostitute. Why were they treating me like one? ....and why in the world was I acting like one? This seemed wrong.

Jerid stepped forward, his cock waving before him like a baseball bat. That's what it looked like to me, anyway. He grabbed me by the shoulders and pushed me onto my back. I didn't resist. I think I should be resisting, shouldn't I?

It was a long trip to the cabin. My dreams beat down my resistance, virtually the entire trip.

My hair was now shot full of silver, and lengthening quite fast. My complexion had also smoothed out quite a bit. I was looking quite young. My face now had a somewhat softer appearance. Even my eyes were slowly becoming more soulful and expressive. I didn't notice any of it.

Others did.

"Ok, Eric. This will be your room for the rest of the week."

The four poster bed, and ladies dresser were big giveaways. "This is a woman's room Jerid."

"Yep, Its going to be her room, but I thought you might want to share it with her and get to know her real personal like. After all, you are going to spend the rest of your lives together."

"That I can do."

"Eric, are you still having those particular fantasies?"


"Still having a hard time with them?"

"Sorta. I have kinda gotten used to it, but it is still rough. It's like I'm her, and I actually like it. When it's over, I have to remind myself that I'm not gay."

"Good. Don't stress it. Just let her enjoy herself. Nice and easy, ok?"

"Ok, I just hope she enjoys her orgasms as much as I have."

"That's funny! Bathroom is just down the hall, if you want to wash up a bit."

Chapter Eleven: Porno. When the pornos started that afternoon, I was hesitant. I had taken a leak about 10 minutes earlier and was embarrassed to discover my dick was even more unimpressive than usual. I had to tighten my belt up quite a bit just to keep my trousers up.

This is normal. You were told to expect this so don't panic. It is only temporary. The good news is she is expected to show up real soon.

I found the thought of her imminent arrival reliving. My slow torture would finally end, and my dream girl would be mine forever.

I returned to the living room, and loaded in the next tape.

Are these guys ever going to upgrade to DVD?

It started well. I watched and allowed myself to get worked up. The first match up was a guy with a impressive cock on top of this delicate Asian beauty. That just matched up too close with the fantasies I have been having. God, look at her take that.

I started losing control of my mind once my companions pulled out their massive cocks and started to work them. My mind split on the matter.

Here we go again. Did it ever occur to them to wait for her to show up? Did it occur to them that a room full of masturbating men is, say, a little sick? But Gods they are beautiful monsters, tho... absolutely beautiful.

Trying to go along with the gang, I unzipped and pulled my trousers down a little. I hadn't become hard enough to start yet. My member remained hiding under my undies. Funny, It felt hard, or something...

I was trying to keep my eyes on the porno and failing miserably. All the guys present had dicks that were absolutely magnificent! 8 to 12 inches on all on them! I considered playing with myself as well. Fortunately, I simply didn't develop a bulge large enough to work with, despite the porno and the guys showing off... And in spite of how incredibly horny I was. Maybe I wasn't becoming gay after all.

My God! Jerid's dick looked like it should belong on a horse. Long, fleshy and magnificent. After the first minute or so, it did not occur to me to look away. It was completely mesmerizing.

The sight of their generously endowed meat was too much. I kept wanting to go over and stroke them, to kiss them, to lick them, to feel their warmth against me. I wanted to fuck, my whole body just seemed to quiver with lust.

I kept squirming in my seat like I just couldn't get comfortable. My Levi's felt like they were made of heavy canvas and kept rubbing at me coarsely. I kicked off my shoes and my socks fell loose on my feet.

It was a kind of torture. How could I be so horny and not have a raging hard on? It felt like it wanted to get hard, but couldn't get any traction. Just a little lump of `almost hard' lust that couldn't make up its mind what it wanted to do. My left hand slowly rose up to massage one of my nipples, which had become quite hard, and oddly pointed. After a moment, my other hand rose up to the other nipple. Fantasy overwhelmed me.

I was her, gently settling myself over them, allowing that magnificent cock meat to slowly push into me. Their hands were holding me by the waist, working me up and down, my hands on my breasts, massaging them.

And then the whispering began.

I couldn't see their lips move, but the voices carried well enough.

...look ...seeing that?...small...petite...real damm small...

I snapped open my eyes and found that Alex and Todd had already cum, their laps covered with it. Ben tensed up and erupted in large ropey squirts, that just kept coming.

...getting smaller...small you see that?...

The whispering taunt was brutal.

I was her lying backward on a couch, slowly being fucked by a stud that looked to be Jerid. Large hands reached down and gently started to fondle my breasts, my nipples responding to coarse stroking. In and out, back and fourth. The intensity was overwhelming. I rolled my head back, closed my eyes, and surrendered to the pleasure. My mind cleared only after I came. Not a hard pounding of my groin, but rather a slow rolling orgasm that took in my entire body. Every inch of my skin seemed to glow with it. When my head did clear, I realized that I had fingered my nipples unto something that felt like a sexual climax.

...but I still didn't have a hard on. I was however sweating profusely.

The guys were all bearing witness to my frustration. Even worse, they had watched me playing with my chest.

That it, no more humiliation for me.

I awkwardly stood up. My trousers, already loose, fell heavily to the floor. I didn't care; I just stepped out of them. The room continued to sway back and fourth. My T-Shirt fell down around my legs like a robe, and I staggered toward my room. Long hair trailed behind me.

...barely walk...

What had happened? Who was I?

Was I an elvish lady being fucked in a gang bang? Or was I an emasculated man in the advanced stages of sexual delirium, playing with his tits? Funny part was, they had even felt like real tits.

Everything seemed all blurred together. What was real? What is real?

I opened my bedroom door, crawled up high onto my bed. My eyes were tearing up in an emotional upwelling I could not control. Within a few moments, I was crying into my pillow.

In the common room, someone muttered, "Now that was one hell of a show".

Chapter Twelve: Initiation.

About a minute later Jerid opened the door and let himself in.

I was in the process of regaining control of myself. Why had I cried like that? I haven't cried since I was five years old. Can't I control my feelings better than that? Guys never cry like that.

I sat up, cleaning up my tears. Jerid pretended not to notice them.

"I have to thank you. You are doing a marvelous job. Look at this! It's great!" Jerid pulled down his trousers and deftly pulled out his overlarge cock. My god! It was so huge. It took to growing fast on its way to become fully erect again. It stretched out like a fat snake, reaching toward me.

The sight of that thing was completely hypnotic to me. It was one thing to sit across a room and see the guys showing off their new tools, It was quite another to have it swinging in your face. My hand reflexively reached out to touch it, but then stopped in hesitation.

"Go ahead, go ahead and touch it. Its ok."

I put my small hands against that monster cock. It felt so warm and velvety soft. I began to stroke it. After a few seconds of this I leaned forward to kiss it, then I licked it along its length, like it was a big popsicle.

Deep inside me, a quiet voice said what did you just do?

Jerid seemed to grow impatient. "Here, let me help you with that." He reached down to my T-shirt and, in a single motion, pulled it over my head, peeling me like a banana.

I was in a daze. The part of me that could still think was certain that I was having another waking dream. I just sat there paralyzed, staring at Jerid's massive cock, wondering what was real.

Jerid's hands ran up and down my sides then settling on my breasts. My nipples were standing out like little bullets. He massaged them and after a few seconds gave my swollen tips a little tweak. Already horny as hell, the tweak hit me like an electric shock setting my groin on fire. God I want to fuck! No hard on! Must fuck anyway! This frustration is just too much!

Grabbing me by the waist, he pushed me back onto the mattress. The small of my back made a little arch. Had my butt swollen up? My legs flew wide as he positioned himself between them. I almost reached down and helped him guild this monster cock home, but he did not need the help.

It's just another dream...

Then came the feeling of stretching. Stretching me wide. Ohh, that hurts a little. Very wide. He slowly pushed, warm and thick, down into me, nice and deep. After many long inches, it hit bottom. Something inside me thought; seeee? Told ya so.

Not to be discouraged, Jerid began pumping that length into me. My clit being stroked by every thrust was sending waves of pleasure through me.

Whoa, this is good!

Lost in the delirium, my arms thrown back over my head as I surrendered to the feelings washing through. I could feel the pleasure in Jerid. His sensation of pushing into me was unbelievable. The orgasmic waves washed out of him and over me. I was completely lost in the ecstasy. Soon after he began, I felt my first orgasm building. When it hit, my whole body simply shuddered with rolling waves. It seemed to radiate from my clit and my breasts together. My moan was loud as my pussy began to gently squeeze his massive meat. After what seemed like long minutes, I came down from the high.

I was breathing hard, recovering from the first orgasm, when almost immediately felt another slowly building inside me. Jerid had set a slow rhythm, his hands clamped on my breasts and his thumbs massaging my hard nipples. Little grunts of pleasure escaped him. When my second orgasm came, it was, as before, long and slow. I moaned deeply again.

My third orgasm was on the build, when Jerid abruptly quickened the pace. I could feel his cum rising up inside him. His orgasm then hit hard and furious, the ecstasy slamming into me with near physical force. The pleasure wash of my own orgasm, and the force of his orgasm nailing into me was like an explosion. My moaning rose almost to a scream. Jerid seized up and threw back his head and then convulsed as his cock began pumping its load. My little pussy could not contain the incredible gobs of cum gushing fourth. The load of it started blowing back past his cock, covering everything in its path.

Jerid collapsed on top of me, his exhaustion almost at total as my own. I felt him go soft inside of me, the sweat of our bodies beading up on our skin. Jerid's size and weight pressed down on me hard.

Gods! He's like a whale!

After a few moments he gathered his strength and pushed himself off, I could feel his length drag out of me. He then stood there looking down.

Boy he looks huge!

I felt like I was reviving from a drug-induced stupor. My mind slowly started to work again, and began to piece together what had just happened.

Pumping me...felt wonderful... pushing into me...God that felt wonderful... pressing into me... into me... into me... fucking me...fucking into me... fucking me like I was a woman...

Fucking me as a woman.

Slow realization hit me, immediately followed by disbelief.

NO WAY! I am dreaming. Felt more real then ever. Doesn't even feel like I'm dreaming. I'm still here. He's still standing over me. No... I am not dreaming. This is real. Real real.

I looked down past the little amulet to see my jutting breasts; still there. I slowly grabbed them and gave them a little shake...they jiggled in response. My still swollen and hard nipples pressed up hard against the palms of my hands like small caliber bullets.


I slowly sat up, my legs dangling over the edge of the bed. I took a quick look around and realized that the apparent largesse of the world around me was not optical illusion. I'm small. Scratch that, I'm tiny. My eyes then fell to the large gooey mess between my legs.

I then looked up into Jerids face. He was wearing a look of concern.

I spoke softly, still feeling heavily drugged.

"I am she. I have become her." I said stupidly.

His look of concern never changed. When he spoke, he spoke as softly as I did. "Your dream girl was... an... Elf?"

My hands immediately went to my face where I found slim features, and my overly large eyes, distinctly pointed ears, and my hair... Long.

Elvish. All of it.

I slowly slid myself off the high bed and landed with a quiet thump. I noted how far it had been to the floor. My silver hair (silver?) cascaded around me. I teetered for a moment, trying to get my new balance, and then examined myself with amazement. My hands first went to my waist as I tried to get a handle on just how small I was.

I looked up at Jerid. way, way up at Jerid. Whoa... He looks ten feet tall.

Then again, I felt the cum draining out of me.

I stopped and gave Jerid a harsh look. "You did this. You did this. You didn't give me my dream girl, you made me INTO her."

He ignoring my words. With a harsh voice, he said, "What in hell did you do?! You were supposed to summon a sex goddess, not a `pixie princess'."

I felt his anger jump up in him. I could actually feel his anger in him like a red fire within him.. At first I felt a rush of fear and penitence. I almost apologized. Then my own anger sparked off.

My words started slowly and worked up into a scream. "My dream girl was never a whore or a sex starved slut, IN SPITE OF WHAT YOU WANTED!" Something inside me refused to be a victim and let this guy intimidate me.

He stepped back and gave me a long thoughtful look. "This was not supposed to happen. I think we had better stop this. Give me the amulet, and we can stop it now, while its still reversible."

As he spoke, I realized I needed time to think. I needed him out of here and some time to myself. I needed to think. I needed to think, alone.

"I need time to think about this, and until I have, I am keeping the amulet. You might not like what I have become but I think I might. And until I have sorted this out in my head and decide what I really want, I want you to wait outside, as in outside right now."

Why do I want to keep it? I need to think.

"Eric, be don't have much time."

"I am being reasonable, and I need to think, now get OUT!"

I pushed him toward the door. He was now well over two feet taller than me, but he allowed himself to be pushed with a very puzzled look on his face. I closed the door hard behind him.

Chapter Thirteen: Petite.

With the door closed the first thing I did was to grab a sock and wipe the mess off me that Jerid had left behind. I got most of it, but the sock wasn't real absorbent and the cum almost defied cleanup. I ended up smearing most of it around. I grabbed another sock and wiped off most of what was left.

In addition to the desire for self-examination, I had this urge to be clean of Jerids residual mess. After the briefest of moments, I realized that taking a shower would allow me to do both.

I waited a moment, and opened the door behind Jerid. He had gone down the hall to the living room, so I paced slowly towards the bathroom. I stopped halfway there.

What's wrong with my walking? My balance is different, but that is not it. My legs, they are not touching each other.

I reached down and took the measure of a slight gap between the top of my legs. My legs didn't rub against each other when I move.

Keep walking.

I made it in, with the door closing behind me, but I didn't make it into the shower. The mirror in the bathroom sink stopped me cold. I got my first look at HER.

She has arrived at last.

It was like a dream. Everything I ever wanted. Every perfection I have ever imagined in a woman now stood reflected before me, a perfection that could never have existed on a mortal human. Everything I believed to be beautiful enhanced into inhuman flawlessness. Every mar and imperfection of humanity simply did not and could not apply to her.

So slim, just like anime!

The face was chiseled perfection, cool and aloof. Silver hair fell about an inhumanly slim and delicate frame. I disregarded my bosom for a moment and marveled at my waist. Not an exaggerated hourglass figure, but shapely nonetheless. Is there any room for guts in there? I remembered the episode (fucking) on the bed. The small of my back didn't touch the sheets. I was resting on my shoulders and my butt. My hands moved to my fanny. My first reaction was to think that my butt had ballooned way up, but soon realized that is was proportionally smaller than that of a normal girl. This would be the butt of a teenage gymnast. Tight and firm. So don't panic. Your behind is not deformed. The slim waist simply makes it feel that way.

I had the body of a athletic twelve year old. Elvish slim. A little girl that had hit puberty hard and early. The breasts...

The breasts...

The breasts were not supposed to be quite that big. Overt lust was not part of what I had dreamed. This dream girl was not supposed to be a slut; she is too noble for that.

Wait a moment! I had dreamed it! Jerid told me to sex her up, and I did it as much as I could.

So I did it to her. I did it to myself.

I took a relaxing breath. The boobies were prominent enough to be eye-catching, but not so large as to be disfiguring. They only felt huge. They also seemed unaffected by gravity. Nice and tight. No sagging. They didn't even droop.

Don't panic.

I raised my hand up to the mirror and she raised hers up as well. I peered close to her face and saw her expression reflect mine.

My face. My God! The eyes are huge! And that is not an illusion, they are actually larger than they were, and they are ice blue! Just like I dreamed them!

I sometimes wondered what it would be like to be like that, to be beautiful and to be seen by others that way. Perfect. Ageless. Unreachable. A beautiful dream one could only aspire to, but never actually hope to achieve; a woman that was beyond the aspirations of mere mortal men.

I had dreamed of finding a girl like that. Now I had become one.

I felt Jerids' anger like his anger was my own. I felt him in front of me; I felt his anger in front of me. I felt what he felt. I even felt his orgasm. I felt it like I was the one cumming. His orgasm piled on top of one of my own. I felt both.

I wetted a wash towel in the sink and began wiping myself down. My skin felt smooth, and very sensitive. Every nerve was responsive to touch. My breasts (whoa, the breasts) pushed out boldly before me. The nipples had finally settled down, but they still had a very pronounced point to them. I felt the texture and wetness of the towel with a sharpness I never felt before. It was like I was experiencing real touch for the first time. Every sensation was fresh and new. Brushing across the nipples startled me. I resumed, being extra careful.

I felt his thoughts. I felt their thoughts when they were masturbating. They were watching me change right in front of them. I could feel their minds. Can I feel them now?

I stopped washing, and creped down the hall, back into the bedroom. As I walked, I felt my new boobs bobbing slightly. After an examining glance downward, I ignored it.

Standing silently, I tried to open my mind to the thoughts around me. I failed.

Considering, I realized that this was not like turning on a radio; I needed to relax my mind and let it happen.

I sat down in a chair and made a deliberate effort to relax my body. I then thought of nothing at all. I drifted. And then I gently wondered what was around me. My consciousness began to expand around me like ripples on a pond of water. Little by little at first, and then in full, the thoughts of the men in the next room began to come through.

I seemed to feel what they were feeling before I could actually hear their thoughts. They were in a rough circle in the next room clearly talking about me. Jerid still seemed a little angry. The others were also quite upset. They came here to get laid. What happened to him? What happened to her? Did you see how small she got? Did you see her eyes? Did you see her ears? She is a hottie, but what a hottie little what?

I felt surprise. Jerid had seen me change while we were watching the porno. He had major reservations about letting this continue then. He came down the hall intending to take the medallion, but he wanted to fuck me first...


And then I astounded him by demanding to keep it.

...and I don't even know why I did that. Wait, maybe I do. I think I want this. I think I really do.

I listened quietly to their thoughts, until the conversation took a turn. They were preparing to discuss what to do with me. In Jerid, I could feel the initiative rising up from inside him. He was going to suggest taking the amulet forcefully. With the consensus of the group, I could not stop him.

This is a conversation I need to control!

I jumped up, grabbed my dirty T-shirt, slipped it over my head and it fell around me like a large billowy dress.

I'm so flippin' small!

I opened the door and walked down the hall to meet the guys.

Chapter Fourteen: Stalling.

"Hello, Boys!" I said playfully, as I entered the room.

All eyes turned to me. I looked up at them sweetly.

"I'm sorry if I upset everyone walking out like that. But, as you can guess, this was quite of a surprise for me. A most pleasant surprise!" I circled toward the couch with the T-shirt concealing little of my figure, my still hard nipples showing up starkly against the soft cotton. My long silver hair fell about me.

Jerid was definitely unsettled by my entrance. I could feel his confusion. The others were startled by my greeting and somewhat struck by my appearance.

Quiet fell, as none of them could think of anything to say. "Well, I hope that this doesn't ruin everybody's weekend. I know it hasn't ruined mine. I hope to get our entertainment up and going as soon as I settle in. I hope it won't be too painful waiting till tomorrow? I really do need to get used to this." I kept my speech gentle and unobtrusive, like I was talking to a cute guy I was trying desperately to impress.

They were a little too surprised to answer coherently. They all answered at once, stumbling over their words, eager to indicate that they did not mind waiting for one more day.

It was certainly interesting being on the other end of this. If there is one universal constant, it is men behave foolishly around a pretty girl. I speak from experience.

Jerid on the other hand, had not moved, and had not said anything. He just stared at me.

The room was a mess, with splattered cum still soaking into the furniture, but I acted like I was being entertained by royalty in a royal household. I spoke in an almost regal manner. It seemed that I had developed a ladylike aversion to foul language. My preferred manner of speech was calm and polite.

...and is that a faint Irish accent I hear in my voice? Weird...

I talked with the boys for several minutes, gently flirting with them, getting their interest peaked. They wanted to know about me. I told them that, yes this is my dream girl, and how was I supposed to know this was going to be for real? They bought that; after all, it was the truth. The talking continued.

When Todd started unzipping his trousers and pressing in close, I gently pushed him pack with a playful, "awww, come on, guys, behave. At least for now." He backed off.

"Yeah Todd, we can't take you anywhere," jibed Alex.

Ben piped up, "So, what do we call you now? Huh? How about Erika?"

I get a new name too? Guess so.

"Hmmm... How about Erin?" I suggested.

"Erin, You are a hottie!"

"Thank you, kind sir!"

They liked that and continuing asking me questions about my appearance. Why did I choose an elf of all things? I told them I wanted a truly superior beauty and perhaps I had read `Lord of the Rings' too many times. I even confided that I wasn't even sure that I was actually awake. Also true.

I quickly settled their nerves and then politely announced that I was going to turn in. It took a few moments to convince them that I was dead tired and, no, I did not want company to bed. They regretfully accepted this and bid me a good night.

In spite of what I had said, I had no intention of going to sleep anytime soon.

I sat down in the chair and cleared my mind again. I felt the thoughts of the men in the next room. Most of them were cheerfully anticipating what ecstasy the coming days would bring.

Jerid, on the other hand, was silently fuming at being upstaged like that. He was stewing like someone who had plans shot completely to hell, and why not? They were. He had wanted a docile sex kitten he could take home and keep like a pet. Although sexy as hell, the girl he got seemed to have no tendency to obedience or servitude. He couldn't take me home anyway. I looked too unusual for onlookers to accept easily. There was no way he could explain someone who simply did not look human.

He was ready for another talk. He made his way down the hallway toward my room.

I snapped out of my `trance' just in time to hear him knock at the door. I stepped over and let him in. Not surprisingly the first thing that caught my eye was the enormous crank that showed through his trousers.

"So, Erin is it?"


"You have made a decision then?"

No, I haven't, but I don't want you to make the decision for me.

I summoned up my most sensible tone of voice. I wanted to be as persuasive as possible.

"Yes," I answered. "I like what I am. I want to stay this way."

"Eric, how will you live like that? You are a freak. If you go out in public, people are going to shit!"

After a momentary wince at the crude word, I thought fast and came up with an answer.

"Actually I can live like this. I will go to the far north into the mountains, find a community that doesn't mind someone who looks unusual. Not that any of it concerns you. After the pleasures of this week, you will never see me again. I do not know who you are, and more importantly, you do not know me. We have never met."

"That's it? You're just going to walk away from your life?"

"That's pretty much what you had in mind for me, isn't it? Eric Winters would never exist after this week, one way or another. I was going to replace your non-existent `wife'. Or did you had something else planed?"


"Thought so. So let it go at that. I get a new life; you get twelve inches and a week of dynamite sex. And when the week is over, we both leave here happy, ok? You don't have to worry about me. I'll be fine on my own."

The conversation hadn't gone as expected and he did not know how to continue it.

"Uhhh... OK. If that's what you really want," he stammered.

"I think it is. Now if you don't mind, I would like to shower up and get some sleep."

After I showed him to the door, I returned to the chair.

Stalling successful... Now, time to think.

Chapter Fifteen: Thinking.

The first thing to consider was what I had become. The second thing was to figure out why I wanted to stay this way.

I was an elf. What did that mean? I suppose it meant exactly what I thought it meant because I was the one wearing the medallion. Lets see. Elves are small, slender, beautiful, highly magical and...Immortal.

Well. Not beyond death, better to describe them as ageless. Time simply does not wear on them like it does a human. They never grow old, but they can and do die.

Magic. Tolken described magic as being subtle. It was less flash-bang and more behind the scenes. I had interpreted it as a kind of telepathy or telekinesis that wizards and elves used and were reluctant to show off in front of strangers.

I definitely had telepathy and was already rapidly growing in skill in its use. `Reading' somebodies mind was not what I had expected. A human mind seemed to be a confusing mess. Only surface thoughts came through with any clarity. I expect my skill in the matter will improve.

What else did I have? Telekinesis?

I looked at the dresser and saw a brush lying near a corner by itself. I willed it to move and predictably failed.

Telepathy took more than simple concentration. Clear your mind. Let it happen.

I relaxed and allowed my mind to open again. Instead of simply saying `brush: move' I reached out, not for the thoughts of others, but the physical world in front of me. I then slowly felt the brush. I felt the bristles almost like it was against my hand. I gently pushed it away from the dresser.

Success! It floated for a second and then promptly fell to the ground. It could have been better. I just need practice. Then the thought came to me.

Exactly how much can I move? What kinds of things can I move?

Time for another experiment.. I concentrated on my suitcase.

Clear your mind and let it happen.

I felt the weight of the suitcase on the floor. I grabbed hold of it and began to pull. It took a moment, but it fell over and then slid across the floor towards me. I then felt a straining.

I've pushed too hard. It's too soon to try that hard. I'm just beginning. Give it a rest.

I stood up and then hopped up onto the bed. I made a point to avoid the messy spots, and then laid back to relax.

After I had taken a few minutes to rest up, I opened my mind again. This time I concentrated on the room that I was in, and the bed that I was on. I let my mind drift to the now, and then to the past. Slowly, the images began to come.

I saw myself being fucked by Jerid. ...or was it raped?

It probably could be considered rape, even if I did come three times. He fucked me right here on this bed, just a short time ago. I can actually see it.

I let myself drift back further and saw an empty room. The room had been empty for most of the day. Wandering further I saw two men. It was me when I had dropped off my suitcase this morning.

Hey, that's me! So that's what I looked like! Poor guy, he has no idea what he's in for!

Before that I saw emptiness. This house stood empty all winter. I let my mind drift back over the days, weeks, and months. So empty...

I then hit what felt like a wall of pure orgasm. What is this?

Images came tumbling through my mind. There was this super sexy woman having an orgy with many men. Sex, more sex, sex every which way. Good lord I thought I had orgasms. Oral sex, anal sex, titty sex, sex, sex, sex.

Diane? What is she doing here? What was she doing here? Why was she doing that? Hey, she is wearing the amulet.

I realized the truth, and then felt like an idiot. Diane was my predecessor. Jerid's brother, Steve, had brought a man here with the amulet. He did as he was told and whistled up a dream girl. Then, like me, he became her. The difference was that he dreamed up an empty-headed sex engine. A week long orgy was the result.

Then he took her home and now he's going to fuck her forever.

He must have had a choice. Like me, he must have realized what was happening.

I stretched my mind through that week, looking for the beginning. When had it started and why had he let it continue? Back toward the beginning of that week, I saw men sitting around watching porn. They were all masturbating, and one of them looked strangely feminine. The amulet was also a giveaway.

Oh, boy. That looks kinda familiar.

The feminine man fled the room followed by one of the men. Steve.

He proceeded to this bedroom and then trust his large cock in his, no, her face. She then stroked him off, finishing just in time to suck the cock of another man that walked in.

When is this girl going to get it? Wake up honey, and smell the titties! And guess what? They're yours!

Then again who am I to criticize? Exactly how long after my first fuck did it take for me to wise up?

The first man, Steve, then put her on this same bed and began to fuck her outright. Boy, she loved it. Pumping in and out. Thrusting and thrusting. God that looks good. Feels good. Oh, boy!

I watched for a few minutes, as the ultimate voyeur. Yes, it seemed that Steve had arranged to be blessed as well. God, he looks good. Oh, that looks soooo good!

I snapped out of my vision into the arms of my own ecstasy. One of my hands was massaging my tits and the other was stroking my clit. And worst of all, I was starting into an orgasm.


I tried jumping to my feet. All I did was to throw myself out of my bed to find that my legs would not support me. I collapsed forward on my hands and knees moaning as the orgasm hit hard. My hand reflexively flew down and milked me through what was left of it. Then I collapsed forward and lay there sprawled out on the floorboards. It was a hard mixture of pleasure and pain. Between the fall and the cold floor, it made this one of the most unpleasant sexual experiences of my life.

I then heard the thoughts floating in from the next room.

Did ya hear that?

Yah! She's in there masturbating her little head off!

Settling in nice and quick! Goona be a good week!

I climbed off the floor and headed for the bathroom.

That's it! I want my shower!

Chapter Sixteen: Shower and contemplation.

Amazing how a good shower can clear you head after a rough day. It was also good to get some good strong stimulus that did not involve sex. I had removed the T-shirt but left the amulet on.

I made it a good and long shower, making sure to scrub myself thoroughly, exploring as I went. It felt so good to be clean. Made me feel almost human again. No, correction, it made me feel better than human. My hair required special attention and a rather large quantity of shampoo.

Sleek as silk and shiner then pearls! And don't forget to wash behind those pointed ears!

It also gave me more time to think, and I did a lot of that.

Where was I going to go? The answer I had given Jerid made sense. In the north, civilization was looser and an oddball like me could slip in and make a home for myself. I'll work out the details later, the point is that I will survive and eventually be happy.

Why had Diane chosen to stay as a sex kitten? I could deduce little from my impressions from this house. I could see that he had chosen to become a sex slut, but I could not see why, or even who he really was before he got here. Could I ask Jerid? No. He would want to know how I knew about her, and how could I answer that?

I stewed over it until the water of the shower started turning cold. I reluctantly admitted that my watery solstice had ended. Time to deal with reality again.

I climbed out, and began drying myself off with a towel that smelled of mothballs. I worked hard not to enjoy it too much. I began memorizing the details of my new physique. My legs look like this, my hand looks like that, and I have hair that now requires a lot of brushing. I stepped on an old scale and found that I weighed only about 55 pounds or so. At 4' 5" that seemed appropriate.

I began brushing my hair in front of the mirror, admiring my new reflection.

Don't get too smug; you essentially got this way by accident.

The only adornment on my new body was the amulet that made it.

The amulet...

This is the same amulet that Diane wore when she was here. This is what made her what she was. And she was wearing it before she came here, same as me. I stopped brushing and wrapped myself in the towel.

I quietly moved down the hall and toward the bedroom. The house had gone silent and dark. During my long shower, everyone else had called it a night.

My bedspread still had the stains from Jerid's `labor of love', and I decided I did not want to sleep under it. So, I striped off the bedspread and threw it into an unused corner. The blankets and sheets still looked quite serviceable.

I took the amulet in my hands and looked at it. The only symbols I could recognize were the same male and female symbols that virtually everyone could spot. Could I read the history of this little item? Time to find out. I cleared my mind and looked at the amulet. What are you? Where are you from? What do these symbols mean?

I settled myself and looked past the physical, letting the meaning come to me. I drifted and the symbols started to make a limited kind of sense. The symbols along the outside rim seemed to be an alphabet soup of metamorphosis. No surprise there. That bigger one seemed to say something like lust'. Well Duh. These others seem to be related to sex as well. That one means dream' or `fantasy'. Expected that one too. The impression I was getting was a metaphysical wildcard of metamorphosis. You became whatever you lusted for the most with no real limitations, or at least that's what it seemed to be.

Why do I get the feeling this stuff is woven together like a computer program?

The two big symbols in the middle seemed to be melted together. What were they? They seemed to be the heart of it. Don't rush, let it come. I quieted my mind and let it flow.

That one. Yes, it says Divine Justice' or something. Yes, that's it. Justice. And the other, Ummm. More difficult and not nice by the look of it. Ok, I see, it means Vengeance'.

Justice and Vengeance twisted together.

Oh no! Whoever made this was pissed off.

I'll bet it was a woman.

One more symbol caught my eye.

That one means concealment, or obviscate.

That follows. It keeps its subject oblivious to the metamorphosis, even as it is happening, right up to the very end.

I let my thoughts drift to the past of the little amulet. I drifted back past my own experience with the amulet. That part of my life-path was imprinted on the talisman. I followed it back further and saw myself wining it at cards. Beyond that I saw the desk. There is magic there, and not just the amulet. Several other items carried magic with them, but here I could not tell what. Dust and time.

And then a year ago it was taken from a very sexy woman, in this very house.

Full circle.

Ignoring the rampaging orgy, I moved instead to her origins. Wearing the amulet, he had come to this house. He had come to here from Steve's house where he had lived next door.

Dana, His name was Dana. Dan.

He was surprisingly like me. A general nice guy, no real dating, he generally lived a life that was boring as hell.

When he had the opportunity to change it in for something else, he had taken it. Instead of boredom and blandness she had a live of wild sex and endless excitement. She had thought the exchange a good one. Servitude and slavery became acceptable because it was at least interesting.

I could understand that. I might have even made the same choice, but instead I have different choices. I think I might make that different choice for the same reason. My life is boring, at least this will be interesting. Is that a good enough reason to abandon being human?

My mind wandered back further into the origins of the amulet. Time and the desk. Then another man made woman appeared. Jerids' father had made this one. What had become of her? Guess I'll never know. Impressions from the amulet were getting vague.

Before that, another.

Did Jerid know that his grandfather married one of these ladies? That he was descended from one of them? He might.

More time. More desk and dust. Other men made women. Many others. Reading the amulet at this point, was blurry, indistinct, and very faint.

That's it. Can't read it anymore.

The one great consistency between all, was the method of victim selection. All were social outcasts and misfits. They were the kind of people nobody would miss. My kind. They were all given promises of sexual prowess only to have that promise twisted around. Oh, they got sex all right, plenty of it in fact.

I took a breather and started again. I looked deeper, not at the symbols, but at the power inside the amulet itself. I perceived a glow of power, like a tiny rainbow I held in my hands. There were bands of multi-colored light reaching out from it into my chest, tendrils of power reaching into me to remake me to the core. I also noticed that these bands of power seemed stressed, taxed to the limit.

Then I understood. Its creator never thought that someone would want something so dramatic. This little item has pushed itself to the limits of its power to make me into something a little more than just human. This was something that the amulets creator clearly did not anticipate.

I could also see that the power was almost finished. A few more hours and the effects would be irreversible. I was practically at the brink. If I was to make a decision it had to be now.

Right now.

I took a deep swallow.

Why do I want to stay this way? Why would I?

I think I got my answer when I looked in the mirror. I love this girl. I always have. I know I would give my life to save hers. Am I saving her life, knowing that I will become her?

I can feel my mind changing. Not extreme, but in many ways I am not the same person I was when I woke up this morning. It's still me, mostly. I seem to have shed much of my self-doubt and my general laziness.

It's like someone washed all the dust and grime out of my mind. Did I loose anything important? Don't think so, I just feel better, inside and out, then I ever have before. I feel young and new.

I am Eric, but for how long? Is Eric anything I will miss?

When a caterpillar becomes a butterfly, does the caterpillar die? Does it sacrifice itself, or does it live on in the butterfly? Does the caterpillar mourn its destiny or does it celebrate it?

I love her. I have loved her all my life. I think I am sacrificing myself so she can live. Erin gets to live and Eric lives on through her, sharing her fate.

Jerid was right about one thing. I'll never be openly welcome in society again. Not only will I be a woman, I will be elvish, the only one of my kind. I will be condemning myself to a kind of perpetual exile.

I will be a woman. I will be small and helpless. I will be alien to humanity.

Deep breath

Forever an outcast. Eternity alone. One of a kind freak.

Deep breath

Do I really want this? If I do this then there can be no turning back. Never. Ever.

Deep breath.

Do I really want this?

Deep breath.


Chapter Seventeen: Burning bridges.

I was awake well into the night. The bulb of the small lamp beside me was my only company. I sat alone staring at the amulet and the power within it. Waiting.

After what seemed like an eternity in the dark, I saw the power in the amulet suddenly flare slightly. The bands of power pulled out of me and disappeared. The energy of the amulet settled down and went dormant.

It was over

My bridge had been burned.

I turned off the light and settled into bed.

Is this goodbye Eric? Are you still with me?

I fell into deepest sleep.

Chapter Eighteen: Breakfast.

I slept in late. It was nine thirty before I stirred into consciousness. The sun was shining in the small window lighting up the room. I opened my eyes. I sat up and was briefly startled at myself.

"Holy Toledo!"

Over the next few seconds, I did a quick recap.

Breasts. I am a woman. I am elvish.

It wasn't a dream.

I removed the amulet from my neck, and checked it's magic again.

Dormant. Completely inactive. I put the amulet on the headboard and got up.

I stepped over to my suitcase, still unpacked, and opened it. I rummaged around looking for anything that I could use for clothing. The most likely candidate turned out to be my bathrobe. It was an old weathered navy-blue cotton robe, but it was comfortable so I never bothered to replace it. I tried it on and vola! It fit me like robes for royalty. I shook my silver hair so it flowed down the back. Ice blue eyes, Royal blue robe, and silver trim. The effect was stunning. I tightened the `belt' around my waist and then decided it was time to hunt down some breakfast. My entrance into the kitchen had predictable results.

The crew (minus Robert) was milling around sharing a box of Cheerios. I was warmly greeted by everyone, including Jerid, although I could tell his heart wasn't in it. I shuffled over to the table and sat down. The table was now seemed quite overlarge, as my head didn't rise up near as far as it did before, but it was still serviceable.

Everything went well. Everybody (except Jerid) seemed eager to make a good impression on me. I idly wondered if they would have been so courteous if I had been like Diane. Unlikely. I would probably be serving them breakfast, and sucking their cocks under the table, as well.

No need to dwell on that, I have other problems.

For starters, I was stuck in a house full of lusty men whom I was not particularly interested in catering to. The priority was to get out of this house and start my new life. To do this, I needed certain supplies.

"Has anybody thought about how I am going to get some clothes?"

Jerid piped up, "We had some clothes for you in the closet."

"Diane's hand me downs? I honestly don't think they will fit." My voice spoke with a musical quality, and my new accent shining through clear. "I thing somebody needs to go into town and get me something to wear."

"Well you don't actually need clothing for most of this week, do you?" Alex said with an evil smile that looked strangely familiar.

"Well we can't do it all the time can we? Besides, aren't you going to be out all day catching me some dinner? I really do love fish," I said smiling sweetly.

"Uh... Why don't you come with us?" Alex suggested.

"Well I would if I had something to wear... I'll tell you what; the one that gets me some clothes, gets me the first night alll to himself. And if he gets me really nice cloths, I'll make it an all nighter."

That little remark got a lot of attention. I had Alex, Todd, and Ben falling all over each other volunteering. Jerid watched, actually appreciating the way I was handling the guys.

"Oh, who will it be, oh, let me see... Who among you has good taste in clothing, hmmm?" I considered the volunteers. Alex and Todd wouldn't get me anything except sexy lingerie.

Ben, on the other hand, actually seemed to have some taste. Probably wouldn't be that bad a guy if you could get him away from Jerid. I announced my choice much to the dismay of Alex and Todd. Jerid chuckled to himself.

Robert, who came in the kitchen a few minutes later and was quite upset that he had not been considered. He started yelling about it, and complained that I owed them all an orgy every day. I would never have chosen him anyway. The only thing he would bring me is black leather restraining straps, whips, chains, handcuffs, and possibly a blindfold. Who am I kidding? He probably had them ready to use, out in his truck! Nice guy.

"What, exactly, did you have in mind?" Jerid asked.

"I'll make a list. Mostly I need hiking clothes, we are fishing, after all. I'll also need some dresses, gowns, shoes, socks, underwear, a nice jacket, and, oh, I'll need some sunglasses and a knit cap."

Jerid took me aside and together we walked alone into the living room.

"I see... and who is paying for all this?" he asked, looking down at me.

I looked up, and smiled brightly.

"You are. After all, I can't pay for anything stuck here can I? Oh, and by the way, at the end of the week, I am going to need a lift to my car, ok? Then it's goodbye forever. After that, I'll pay for my travel with my debit and credit cards, and by the time they run down, I'll be a long way away."

"I didn't see the amulet on you when you came in. I had assumed you had changed your mind."

"The amulet is finished, I don't need it anymore. Its sitting on my headboard, and I know you want it back."

"Yessss... I do."

"And don't worry, I like what I am, and I have you to thank for it." I looked up and filled my eyes with gratitude.

"Is there anything else you wanted to talk about?" I asked in my sweetest voice.

"Yes there is. You seem to be adapting quite fast. You had them," he motioned to the kitchen, "wrapped around your little finger in remarkably short order. I am... impressed."

"I learn fast. It's the same thing girls have been doing to me all my life. I just thought I'd try it, and behold, it worked!"

"Yes, but tone it down. We don't want to start thinking of you as a one of those manipulative bitches we came here to get away from, Ok? "


As I walked away I could feel his thoughts stewing.

This situation has gotten way out of hand, His thoughts rumbled.

No kidding, I thought. This little family of ours is going to go to hell real fast, and I intend to be far away when the sh*t hits the fan.

Chapter Nineteen: Measurements.

I started making a list of clothing I needed.

I kept the list short, keeping to the basics. I didn't want Jerid to think I was getting greedy. I also tried not to think about the fact that I was basically prostituting myself for a load of laundry.

After I get the clothes, I skip out at first opportunity. The best case, I could split sometime tonight, the next best option is the night after.

That meant I needed to entertain Ben tonight, and possibly the entire crowd tomorrow evening.

Oh, bother...

That would be two nights catering to the appetites of my `friends'.

Thanks to my fantasies, I now enjoyed sex immensely. I truly enjoyed a good romp. However, I do not like lowering myself to the level of whore. These guys are going to want to fuck me in ways that I don't care to imagine. I have standards, and honestly, these guys are simply too egotistical and perverted to measure up. They wanted to turn me into a brainless cum- slut for crying out loud. How much quality could there be to them?

I put down my pen, and considered just going to the door and running like hell. That would be soooo tempting. This house was beginning to feel a touch like a prison. Ok, a whole lot like a prison, and Jerid was beginning to think like a master jailer.

That would be a little too reckless. As long as I can manage things, I won't run like that. I need at least minimal supplies to start, and I'll need to figure out how to steal one of these guys' cars. The big obstacle is Jerid. As long as he is distrustful of me I cannot move easy. I need to be patient.

Ok, back to the list.

Twenty minutes later, Ben was getting a big thrill helping me take some basic measurements.

I stood on a chair standing nude, my hair washing down my back like a river of silver. Ben made a show of taking measurements and writing them down. He was giddy in anticipation. To help things along, I encouraged him to grope me a little. This he did with enthusiasm, stroking and grasping at will.

He surprised me by asking what it was like having eyes like that? Could I see really good? What does this feel like? And so on, and so on. I answered his questions as best I could, and let him continue with the measurements.

It took less than a minute for him to get the basic numbers and nearly ten minutes to fondle me. He paid particular attention to my boobs, marveling over their magnificence and playing with my erect nipples. I just let it all happen, smiling shyly the entire time. I only stopped him after he reached toward the mother lode. I reached down quick to grab his hand, because if I didn't stop him fast, I wouldn't be able to stop him at all. His fondling had gotten me rather worked up. Touching me there would do a lot more than that.

"Just wait until you get back. I'll make your whole vacation!" I teased.

"Oh, and don't forget to shop in the young girls section. Be sure to ask the sales lady for advice. Just tell her your shopping for your 10-year-old daughter. Here's the list! Good luck!"

He couldn't get out the door fast enough. I heard him jump in his little compact car and speed away. I wondered if the poor guy was falling in love with me. Nawww. He has a crush, tops, and he has definitely has a hard case of lust. With a dick that big, I was sure that it was thinking for him.

Most of the other guys were upset that I was paying so much attention to Ben, Robert especially. He kept pushing hard for immediate sex. He even grabbed me a few times, but the others kept pulling him back.

I insisted that patience is a virtue and Ben was getting dibs tonight anyway. Enjoy your fishing trip guys! I prefer trout!

I breathed a sigh of relief after the gang finally grabbed their fishing gear and headed out the door. Jerid was reluctant to leave me alone, but I convinced him that somebody had to stay behind and do the laundry, and clean up the house.

And since I was stuck here anywhere anyway, I was the natural choice.

Jerid then expressed a concern that somebody might see me, but eventually conceded that it was not likely to happen if I stayed indoors. I knew, of course, that being seen was not his real worry. He didn't want me running off until he decided what to do with me.

I wasn't going anywhere. Not yet anyway.

Chapter Twenty: Meadow nymph.

After bidding the boys goodbye, I felt that the first thing I wanted to do was to get some air.

I headed out the back door and walked in to the great outdoors. The backyard was highly neglected with weeds and overgrown grass, but it felt soft enough against my toes. The weather was cool, but not cold, and my bathrobe kept me warm and snugly.

The light of the sun felt more than a little harsh, and I found myself squinting. It's seemed overly bright outside.

No kidding, my eyes are like the eyes of an owl. Get under those trees.

The shade of the trees gave my eyes great relief. I looked back through the woods, and felt the breath of the trees on my face. A sudden muse and my robe fell to the grass behind me. I spread my arms wide and began to `feel' the life of the foliage around me. My hair began blowing in the breeze. I closed my eyes and soaked it in.

It seemed that life itself had a soft energy about it. It was the same energy that made telepathy possible. When I tried to `read' what was around me, I felt everything from the trees to the grass. Even the little animals and bugs had their own aura of energy.

Everything is alive, I thought. Everything here breathes! The occasional birdcall seemed to make this moment perfect.

A few moments later the moment was ruined. I creaked my eyes open, and the first thing I spotted was my breasts proudly jutting forward before me.

The meadow nymph makes her debut.

I giggled to my self, and reached down to get my robe. I turned to the nearest available tree, and sat down, leaning up against it. Then I pulled my hair around so it covered the front of my robe with a silver sheen.

I relaxed in the shade for a very long time. It felt good to be alive.

"What are we fishing for? I didn't come here to fuck worms."

"Try catching a big mouth bass. I'm sure that it wouldn't mind sucking you off."

"Besides we need catch her ladyship some dinner. Anybody want to say no?"

"What's the point? We don't get shit, until tomorrow. Anybody else think she's being bitchy?"

"Hey, cut her some slack! She's only had a pussy for what? Twelve hours? Probably doesn't know how to use it."

"How hard could it be? Just lean back and spread `em!"

"Think it's so easy, why don't you try it? I'll bet you would look great sporting tits!"

"Don't even think it!"

"YOU think about it! You too could have tits of your own to play with, and all the sex you could ever want!"

"Hey! Rob! Sit down, or you're going to turn the boat over!"

"Ok, knock it off, we are here to kill fish, not each other. So settle down. We've got fish to catch and a lot of beer to get though."

"Easy enough for you to say, you've fucked her already."

"Speaking of which, how was the little mink?"

"So tight she almost squeezed my dick off! But there is a problem. She is shallow. I hit bottom after going in only half way. It didn't give. I'd say anything more than seven or so inches is going to be too much for her.

"No fucking way! We are all bigger than that!"

"Not Ben, he's only eight inches."

"Well whoopee-fucking-do for him. What about us?"

"You will just have to do the same thing I did. Go in as far as you can and be happy with it. We don't exactly have a choice."

"This trip is starting to turn into shit."

"Hello, Miss?"

"Yes sir, can I help you?"

"Hi, I am buying some replacement clothes for my daughter. We are on vacation, and we have had some power steering fluid dumped on my daughter's suitcase. I need to get her several changes of camping clothes to last her until we get home."

"We can do that."

"Here are her measurements. Hope that this is enough for you to work with."

"Lets see... yes, this will work. You're daughter has, ah, unusual measurements for someone of her age."

"Yep, It is a great cause of alarm for her mother. Does this make her difficult for you to fit?"

"A little, but I think we can do it. Exactly what do you want to get her? Does she have a color preference?"

"Actually, her mother made a list. Here."

I stopped at the edge of the backyard breathing sharply. I had just completed a series of wind sprints that had left me feeling breathless.

That was fun!

I had learned some more things about myself. For starters, I have muscles. Good and tight. A professional acrobat or gymnast might have this kind of strength and agility, but no one else does. I am also fast.

It took me awhile to figure out how fast. I kept moving my arms faster and faster, paying attention to my hand-eye coordination. I juggled some rocks, starting with three and ending with seven. This concluded when I caught a fly by the wing with my fingertips. Wow! Could I do that with chopsticks?

When running, I just couldn't get to full speed before I ran into the edge of the yard. However the attempts convinced me that I could outrun any man alive in a sprint. I had also learned something critical about female anatomy.

I found out why they needed to wear a bra.

During my first attempts at running, I found my new boobs jarring uncontrollably. I had grabbed them, and started running with my hands full of cleavage. Barely worked, and I was sure that I looked silly. I imagined that the boys would be hooting and hollering at the sight. Too bad they missed it.

I then began to make cartwheels and somersaults. That took a while to master. My first attempts found me landing hard on my derriere with my robe nearly thrown off me. In my mind, I had a quick argument with myself.

Did ya hear that? You scream like a little girl.

Stop complaining. You are a little girl.

Girlly Girl, Girlly girl. Eric screams like a Girlly girl.


I discarded the robe and tried again.

This was actually one of the reasons I had wanted a petite girl. Not that I wanted to become her, but I could appreciate the lightness of foot that comes only with being small. I remember being that way when I was still a child myself. If I had actually gotten to take my dream girl home, my next wish would have been to make my body a little smaller and trimmer. I wanted to run and jump. I wanted to be able to dance without stomping like an elephant. I wanted to be more athletic... And I wanted my dream girl to be all of this, only more so.

Not exactly the way I had planned things, but this could be fun too.

I didn't want to think about the mess in the house. I had to get it cleaned up before the dum-dums got back.

Back to the cartwheels!


How I got the living room cleaned up, I'll never know. I attacked the room like a silver haired tornado. Fortunately there were plenty of cleaning supplies under the sink. The stuff was still serviceable even if it was several years old. The cum stains in the rug were the worst. The rug cleaner didn't seem to work particularly well, and it took some serious time.

I picked up, straitened up, and sprayed some air freshener. Next came the kitchen. Fortunately nobody had cooked anything yet, and it was only a matter of loading the dishwasher and picking up. Lastly, I hauled the dirty clothes, including one particular bedspread, to the pantry, and started the machines up.

Do you think they will be appreciative of all I have done for them?

Why expect the impossible? They will probably want me to cook dinner too.

I wrapped up my day cleaning with yet another trip to the shower. I was really getting to like them. I made this one short.

After I had showered up, I decided that my bathrobe needed to retire for the day. I put on one of my old T-shirts, and realized I could see right through it. Figuring that the guys had seen too much already, I put on another shirt over it...

... and it still showed off a considerable amount of my figure.

Don't be picky. It's good enough for now.

Chapter Twenty one: Clothing.

The boys actually did something that impressed me. They had caught plenty of fish. They impressed me again when they volunteered to cook it. Not that they were going out of their way. Gut it, whack its head off and fry it up.

Worked for me. Canned fruit and cornbread would make up the rest of the meal. Now all we needed was our wayward seamstress.

Jerid and Todd took over the kitchen. Alex and Robert took to annoying me in the living room. They were glad to see me and kept trying to make small talk. I kept them busy by asking them about their trip. I pretended to be ignorant of the mechanics of fishing, even though I had fished many times growing up.

I was getting bored fast, and desperately wanted something to wear besides these billowy T-shirts. It was too much like being naked in front of them. This was a detail that was not lost on them, and they kept inching closer and making moves to grope me.

Finally Alex asked straight up, if he could look me over. Translation: can I feel you up?

"You can't blame us for being curious, can you? You look positively stunning, and we all want to explore."

"And you can't blame me for being shy, can you?" I replied in my most embarrassed voice.

"Ben sure got an eyeful this morning."

"Yes, but he was alone. I'll tell you what. Tomorrow when the entertainment starts, I'll let you explore to your hearts content. The only condition is that you do it one at a time, in privacy."


Ben pulled up in time for dinner. He insisted on waiting until after dinner to give me the new duds. I was determined not to let him tease me like that, so I made like I didn't care.

Through dinner, the guys talked, and I didn't. After dinner I made to the living room, and made to grab the bags. Jerid made to stop me and asked me if I wanted to model the new clothing for them.

"Fine, but I change in the bedroom."

I grabbed the bags, and peeled off for privacy.

Stop grinning like an idiot. This is not Christmas.

Nice selection. A little girls Jacket (tight in the front) , gym shorts (showed off my ass), hiking shorts, a number of Little T Shirts (Very tight in the front), and Some Levi's. Plus bits and pieces.

I strutted my stuff, up and down in front of them between quick dashes down the hall, to change. The hooted and hollered. They cheered and clapped. I actually blushed hard at the attention.

I wanted to know what it was like to be the center of attention. Now I know.

It can be nice.

Nice and embarasing.

As the evening wore on, the guys started collecting in the living room before the TV. I went in to watch TV with them. We cooled our heels with a sitcom for about ten minutes. Then Jerid hit the play button, and a porno in mid romp jumped to the screen.

"Please turn that off while I am in the room please!" I practically yelled.

"What's wrong luscious? Afraid you are going to loose control of yourself?"

A moments pause.



"I think we will leave it on then."


I got up and headed down the hall. I almost reached the bedroom when Steve, a few steps behind me asked, "Are you ready?"

Oh, boy. Time to pay for those clothes.

"Ok, lets go."

Chapter Twenty two: Payment due.

I played the role of a nervous virgin who had only just learned what a penis was. A nervous virgin with a big roll of paper towels at the ready for cleanup.

Playing the virgin was a lot easier than it sounded. After all, I was VERY new to the feminine end of all this. Ben was obviously working hard to see to it that I enjoyed myself as well. Judging by what I had been feeling from the others, Ben would be alone in that effort.

It began with me making a polite offer.

"You checked me out this morning, would you like to check the rest of me out now?"

"Hell YES!"

Grope. Grope. Grope.

At first his efforts were a little heavy handed. I quickly reminded him that I was tiny, and needed a gentle touch. Ben became an attentive student and began to massage my body with gentle enthusiasm.

"Why don't we get this started? Why don't you lie down and let me make love to you?" I meekly inquired.

"Me first. Trust me. Now lie back."

I hesitantly leaned back to lie on the bed, as his massaging began to really get to me. He began to kiss me on the cheek and work his way toward my breasts. Once there he began to massage my already swollen nipples with his tongue.

That did the trick. The flush of warmth announced to me that I was officially ready to fuck. Bens tongue continued to work down past my navel.

Is he going to... Oh Boy! He is!

Ben reached the mother lode and started to nuzzle his way in. He quickly found what he was looking for, and began to gently tease and suck.

Oh! Oh! Dear lord! Help me!

My hands flew reflexively to my breasts with my forefingers on the tips of the nipples. I was swimming in a sea of warmth and orgasmic delight. Coherent thought was ebbing away fast.

When the orgasm came crashing down on me, I actually had a fleeting thought that I might not survive it. My whole body stiffened up and convulsed with the power of it. I would later learn that it had lasted nearly a full minute. The after effects of that orgasmic wave was similar to being clubbed on the head with a baseball bat. The world was spinning. Little pieces of my mind were swirling around in my seemingly empty skull. My breathing came in an exhausted panting, deep and gasping.

"So little darling, How did you like that?"

I almost completely missed that fact that anyone had spoken. I heard the sound, but it might have been another language. It, however, gave me something to focus on. After a moment I realized that words had been spoken to me, and quickly reconstructed the meaning.

"That was unbelievable," I panted.

"I don't doubt it. I don't think I have ever heard a woman make sounds like that before."

Sounds? What sounds? What did I sound like?

My sharp ears then caught the unmistakable sound of roaring laughter in the next room. I spared a moment to feel' the thoughts in that room, and found that the rest of the crew were splitting there sides with laughter. They clearly thought that my sounds' were amusing, as well.

Scrap that, I don't want to know.

A few minutes later, the laughter in the next room had died down, and Ben found himself lying on his back. I was kneeling between his legs allowing myself a look at his anatomy.

It was quite an impressive monster. Soft and pink and rising stiffly over him like a flag pole. Eight inches worth. What I wouldn't have giving for meat like that when I was a man. My new vantage point gave me new insight.

Its too big. And Ben is the smallest one here. I might be able to take this one. The others are almost out of the question. I can satisfy my curiosity with Ben tonight. I'll be gone by morning, so the others won't be a problem.

I spent a moment considering.

This is not as bad as I had imagined it to be. Men are attractive to me now. Pleasing a man doesn't seem repulsive to me anymore. As long as things don't get disgusting, I think I can handle this.

I looked at the magnificent member again.

Turnabout is fair play. Can I handle giving a blow job without puking? I don't think I could give a decent blow job, but maybe I can improvise.


I reached for his thoughts feeling the pleasure of arousal in him. I leaned forward and nuzzled his cock, getting a feel for its size and texture. After a moment I opened my mouth and gave it a gentle lick.

The sensation of the lick echoed in his mind.

He liked that.

Like it more.

I began to lick his cock up and down. My mouth wasn't big enough to take the whole thing orally, but I could play around it nonetheless. I reached into his mind and slowly began to magnify the sensations. I started to push his arousal forward.

"What the hell's this?" He grunted in a low voice.

I continued to lick. I continued to telepathically enhance the experience further. The sensation for Ben was part raw sex and part tickling. This would be quite unlike any experience any man has ever had before. Lickity Lick. Up and down.

After less than a minute I felt his orgasm starting to build.

Ready Ben? Like it or not, hear you cum!

His breathing grew hard. And then, all at once, every muscle in his body seized up tight. His whole body became hard as a rock, his cock, doubly so. I licked fast and hard. I kept pushing at his libido.

The blood-curling scream that escaped his lips told the story of a man being skinned alive. A brief glance told me that his face told the same story. Long and terrible, the scream of a man who was suffering the ultimate agony. His mind told a different story. The waves of almost painful pleasure shooting through him nearly kicked off an orgasm of my own.

His cock began, not to pump, but rather to pound like a hammer. BAM BAM BAM! I continued to suck at the sweet spot as the first little squirt shot over two feet in the air.

The second gob nearly hit the ceiling.

And the third.

And the fourth.

And the fifth.

Ben's head was convulsing forward with each spasm. It was clearly the only part of his body that could still move. It gave the impression of a man trying to bash his brains in against his pillow. Every other limb might well have been carved in marble.

And the eighth.

And the ninth.

That stuff is getting everywhere!

I backed off his pounding meat and let go of his mind, and was rewarded when Ben made a desperate gasp for air.

Oh, Dear! Did I hurt him?

The expression on Ben's face was that of a man who had taken a bullet though the brain. I touched his mind again, just to see if he was alright.

He was. His muscles were beginning to relax and he felt an overall soreness that would be consistent with being badly beaten. Not surprising. Every muscle in his body had seized up hard.

This was not as unusual as one might expect. A mans orgasm can be quite intense. I well remember.

I climbed up to lie next to him, my head resting on his arm.

"How was that lover? Did I do it nice?"

"Holy Shit!" he gasped. I smiled at that.

After a few minutes of recovery, I suggested that he go to the bathroom and wash his face. I thought it would do him some good.

I watched Ben struggle out of the bed and stagger toward the door. It was quite amusing. His muscles clearly were not yet responding to his attempts at control.

I reclined on the bed, hands behind my head, and watched him go.

Ben staggered out the door and into the wall across the hallway. He leaned against that wall, trying to keep himself upright. Jerid, Todd, Alex and Robert were standing outside watching every move. They regarded Ben with a little concern.

"We heard you scream. You ok?" Jerid asked quietly.

"Thought my dick exploded," Ben muttered.

The entire crew snickered at that.

"She's really that good?"

"Don't know. We haven't made it past foreplay yet."

Ben slowly moved down the hall, with stunned silence in his wake.

Unknown to them, I was having quite the giggle in the next room, having heard every word.

The door to the room opened, and Jerid leaned in.

"What did you do to him?"

I was reclining in all my naked glory. I wore the smile of the Cheshire cat that ate the canary.

"I seem to be warming up to the whole sex thing. As to what I did to Ben? Well I guess you will have to wait till tomorrow to find out... Oh, and do tell Ben to hurry back, we were just getting started, after all."

My enthusiasm was quite false. I needed to play up to these idiots, and then sneak out in the night.

But, then again, I was quite curious as to what it would be like to make love to a man. That barnstorm fucking Jerid gave me yesterday didn't really qualify.

Ben came back a few minutes later. I heard him mutter to the people outside.

"Tell my mama that I died happy," and in he came.

I told Ben to lie down again and let me make love to him.

I'll finish with Ben and be out of here before morning.

I settled down on top of him, slowly impaling myself. This was much better. I can take things at my own pace, and let myself enjoy it. The noise of a crew of slobs masturbating in the next room was a distraction I successfully ignored.

It was quite a ride. I came three times before Ben blew his load. Being on top had another advantage. The blowback covered him instead of me. After a few minutes of clean up, and R&R, he was ready to go again.

Chapter Twenty three: Morning.

"Good morning, lover."

I opened my eyes. Morning.

I fell asleep... That was really stupid.

Ben and I were lying next to each other. We had our arms wrapped around each other, in loving embrace.

My face was pressed against his chest. I pulled back slightly and looked up into his eyes.

He is marveling at my eyes, amazed at their size shape and coloring. He is also concentrating on something. What...?

He pulled me closer to him, tightening the embrace, when I felt something abruptly push up between my legs.

I actually startled in surprise, my eyes opened wide. Ben had the head of his cock just poked in past the gates, and was slowly starting to press it in. His embrace tightened even more, with one hand down near my butt pushing my hips in closer.


For the briefest of moments, I gave a struggle, and found it completely useless. He's too dammed big. He continued to push, stretching me wide...

I am not ready for this! I'm as dry as a bone! This is starting to hurt!

He slowly pushed right down to the bottom, and then held it motionless, waiting.

I reached out to feel his thoughts. They were filled with the anticipation of sex, and with the effort to hold me still. He believed that this would be a nice, romantic way to wake me up. Why would he think that?

A vision of Diana floated through my head.

He's been fucking Diana. Often. And he started to believe that all women were that easy and that responsive.

Well, he was half right. I was getting wet fast, and there is no way he can't be feeling my nipples pressing up against him.

Damm. Does this body respond to everything? Does what I want count at all?

I then realized the truth. When it comes to sex, this body has an autopilot. When the fucking starts, it responds. I'm just along for the ride.

Then ride it out.

After a few moments more, he started to make slow thrusts. I was quickly warming up to them.

He held me tight until he was certain of my responsiveness. Once there, he slowly rolled over on top of me, pushing me onto my back. My knees came up on each side of him. His arms broke from the embrace, and rose up to my arms, and pushed them up over my head, spread-eagled. And holding me pined, he started to pump into me faster.

I think this is called `rape position one'.

His hesitated. His thoughts explained why.

She's so small it's like fucking a little child... No. No, way. No child was ever built like that.

His thrusts then continued unimpeded. His technique had become considerably more forceful since last night. Not that it mattered to me. My boobs giggled with every stroke and my orgasm was on the build.

I tensed up, moaning slightly as the wave of pleasure washed through me. The sight of it seemed to trigger Bens' as he abruptly quickened the pace, and then sized up hard. I felt the, now familiar, pulsing and flood of warmth as his body began to relax.

I could feel the thoughts inside him. Ben knew that he had toed the line that defines rape, but he was not going to admit it, not even to himself. Just pretend that it was entirely consensual. She came too, after all. I let it go. Screaming rape wouldn't help anything.

A minute or so later, Ben had pulled himself off me and let me up. I crawled off the bed, dribbling cum.

I stood up, scooped up my hard-won clothes and shuffled for the door.

"I think I'm going to take a shower." I mumbled, not looking back.

The blast of hot water washed the soreness from my limbs. The shampoo's fragrance came as something of a relief, though I am not sure why. I lathered up.

Grab my clothes and run. Won't work. If I split now, Jerid wouldn't have any trouble running me down. What I need is a head start. When everybody is sleeping, would be perfect.

Like last night? Botched that one. Ben had been so nice; I just curled up and fell asleep in his arms. STUPID! Now even he is beginning to think of me as a pleasure slave.

Ben had been nice last night. He had shared.

This morning he had taken.

Today, the whole crew planned on taking a great deal more.

I began rinsing off.

Get a grip, if you go to pieces now, its over. You'll end up in Jerid's display cabinet, with your legs spread wide.

I don't like these people. I don't like it here. I want out.

Another fishing trip? Not likely. My sweet little body has become the complete center of attention, ESPECIALLY after last night. Fishing could not be further from their minds. Today, they are going to want my pussy served up in short order, with no fussing.

Tonight then? Would work, if I keep my head on straight and don't get absorbed with anybody. Not that its likely to happen again.

That still leaves me here for the day with five men screaming for an orgy.

If I can't fend them off, then I can at least make it one at a time, and on my terms. That's not going to be easy. They are crude, eager, and even Ben has lost any sense that I am a real person. They are going to press hard. Handling them is going to be even harder.

I climbed out of the shower. After a quick dry off, I attacked my hair with a brush.

I've been neglecting this. Had no idea that long hair was so high maintenance.

The silver strands began to smooth out. The shine began to return.

Brush away, I'm in no hurry for this day to begin.

The living room was a mess. Didn't they know I had spent most of yesterday cleaning this pigsty up?

Good God! They even sprayed gobs on the walls! What were they doing in here last night?

Fantasizing about you. Remember?

Hard swallow.

It's going to be a long day.

----------------------------------------------------------- As I entered the kitchen, I had an idea that would buy me some influence, if not dignity.

As the eyes drew to me, I put on an air of authority. My little arms crossed before me and my face drew into a snarl. The expression probably looked quite cute on me.

"Do you guys see that living room? It's a mess! I spent all day cleaning up, making this place presentable and you guys had to wreak it in a single night. What were you doing in there?"

Jerid spoke up. "Passing the time, waiting for you to finish with prince charming, here."

Ben grin turned into a smirk.

"Don't you think you should pick it up? Or would you like me to spend yet another day being maid service?"

Robert glowered at me. "And when we clean it up?"

"Then we begin some long overdue entertainment! You don't think I came here for fish, do you?"

Possibly not the best idea in the world. A truly great idea would have landed me on the road five minutes later. This idea did nothing more than to get them to think of me as person to deal with. This established a precedent. Having made them clean the living room, I would also be able to set the terms of the `entertainment'.

That was the bad part. There was no way to get around the entertainment. By suggesting it myself, I dispelled the notion that I was trying to weasel out of it. They would stay marginally manageable only if they had the assurance that getting laid was a certainty.

Stalling tactics simply wouldn't work anymore. Put up or shut up.

Besides there was only one way I could think of to make sure that they were nice and tired tonight. They are going to want sex at least two times today each. That's getting laid ten times today.

I wish I could think of another way to do it.

I think I should have run last night when I had the chance.

Breakfast proceeded noisily, the conversation turned toward me. The guys kept asking Ben about last night. He played shy at first, so reluctant to kiss and tell. In truth, he couldn't wait. He began spouting details, as to how I danced on top of him.

Doesn't he see me sitting here listening to all of this? I happen to know that guys like to boast, but for goodness sakes, GET SOME CLASS PEOPLE!

The big problem came when he told how I `prepped' him.

"You guys wouldn't believe it! She kept licking me like I was a lollipop! Her tongue's like magic!"

The second Ben had said those words, I could hear Jerids' thoughts ring like a bell.

...Magic...Magic...Magic...This whole thing is magic. What kind of magic?

I numbly kept eating my raisin bran.

Ears...Elf...Magic...what in hell did she become?

His doubts began to grow in his head. They rolled back and forth, as he searched his memory for anything that would justify his new suspicion.

Oral sex is not magic, but she might be. What am I going to do with her? At the end of the week, she just wants to go her own way. Can I let that happen? Magic... Magic... Magic...

What does that mean?

I realized that my activity last night had been reckless. Simple sex is one thing. Anything beyond the norm would draw a lot of unwanted attention.

No more hocus pocus between the sheets.

I realized, however that the damage had been done.

Chapter Twenty four: Taking turns.

I began by making the announcement that I was not going to consent to group sex. If they wanted me, it would be one at a time or not at all.

"Oh, and by the way. Ben, you have already had your morning romp, so you will have to wait till this evening."


"The next thing, is that you all need to realize that I am small and quite breakable. Having learned some things in the last couple of days, I have determined that it is better if I am on top. Ben seemed to enjoy it last night."

Groaning acquiescence followed.

"Something to remember: I cannot take any of you in the entirety. Each of you is built like a Clydesdale. Clydesdales don't typically try to mount little kitty cats, but today we are going to try to pull it off. If any of you ram your full length into me, I will probably split open and I'll bleed to death, so let me ride you, horsey boys."

Blank stares. Seems that they were expecting that one.

"Next. NO BLOWJOBS. I am just not built to give them."

More groaning.

My made an abrupt change in my demeanor. I changed my posture to that of a seductress, and made a polite query.

"OK, loverboys. Who is first?"

"I am," growled Robert.

No surprise there. Of all of them, he was the one that was angriest with all the delays. He was also the one that I was most worried about being alone with. I had gotten the impression, a long time ago, that he tended to be a quite rough. With him being angry to boot, It was unlikely that this would be any fun at all.

I took Robs arm and we walked down the hall. Behind me I heard Alex mutter, "He's right, she's getting bitchy."

Things could have been worse.

Things could have been a lot better, too.

I asked Robert to like back on the bed.

"No. Let me get a real look at you first. I want to play a little, before we start."

I couldn't really argue. I removed my bathrobe and sat down on the bed net to him.

Rob wasted no time. He began what he believed to be a long overdue examination. A little heavy handed, but nothing he did was overtly unexpected. He began with my breasts, admiring there shape and form. His hands fondled my sides and brushed up between my legs.

"You are a hot little mink, aren't ya?"

After a momentary wince, I smiled. I could see what was inside him. He believed women existed to serve, to be used.

....and used, and used, and used.

In his eyes I was nothing but a sex toy, not even a person. To think I once called this guy friend!

I could feel in him the conflict between his agreement to be underneath, and his powerful desire to be the aggressor, and hence, on top. He wanted to be forceful. He wanted to pound into me. I doubt I could survive that.

"Lie back, and I'll make your whole millennium."

That settled the issue. He remembered Bens scream, and wondered what I had done to cause it. He leaned back, and waited to see what I would do.

I leaned over him to examine his already stiff member. This was MUCH longer than Ben. Quite a bit thicker, as well.

My intense dislike of the man instilled in me a resolve NOT to touch this mans dick with my mouth. I suspected that he wasn't exactly sanitary.

"This will be better if you don't try to hurry. Just let me do my work lover."

I began by fingering the shaft, moving my hands up and down with my fingernails touching just enough to get his attention.

He wants a complete blowout, and is in no mood for disappointment. Looks like I will be using my hocus pocus after all.

I will keep it minimal. I will be the best he's ever had, but not so good as to raise suspicions of the metaphysical.

As I prepped him, I began to touch his mind. Just a little nudge to his libido....

At first I didn't notice any results. His face would be best described as stony anticipation'. I climbed up to mount' him. Although aroused, I didn't seem to be in my typical raging heat. That was good, as I needed to maintain as much control as possible.

I started slowly with the tip just pushing its way in. Rob then reached up and grabbed me by the hips and pushed me down. Down until I hit bottom.

ohmygod ohmygod ohmygod.

He stretched me so wide. It took me a moment to get a grip on myself.

I was perched on top of a flagpole and It only went in halfway. I felt the disappointment and frustration in him. Prying his hands off my waist I then moved them up to my boobs.

"Your supposed to keeping these warm, ya know."

He seemed to like that idea. I slowly began moving up and down on him. My telepathic caress of his libido stayed very mild. I didn't want to push it too hard. He was hard enough already. His hands roughly massaged my tits.

The simple act of sex pushed me into several orgasms. Although strong enough, they were comparatively short, quite unlike those I had been having before. I was actually pleased by this.

When his time came, he did not scream.


And the gush came forth.

I pulled myself off him and fell up along side him, much as I had Ben. I noted that Rob was far less dehabilitated than Ben had been. I hadn't pushed him too far, but he was quite spent. He wouldn't get another try until this evening. I had three more guys to get through.

God, I hate this. Is this what a professional whore has to put up with? Faceless guys lined up to the horizon. Each one wanting to humiliate you a little more? At least a proper whore doesn't have to put up with these orgasms.

Having had his gratification, getting Robert out the door wasn't all that hard. I simply reminded that the others had waited long enough.

A quick clean up and I'll tackle another. I should be finished with the rest in a hour or so.

Please God, don't let me get used to being treated this way.

It went pretty much as expected, with little variation.

Todd was big with stamina, but otherwise uninteresting.

Alex wanted nearly twenty minutes of foreplay before wanting to continue.

Jerid barely said a thing. His head was swimming with suspicion. He leaned back, let me do my dance, and left with without hardly a word.

When the door closed behind Jerid, my thoughts were worried.

They liked that, but it is not what they expected when they brought me here.

The image of a rampaging orgy monster came to mind. Diane would be nonstop fucking in the living room from the moment they arrived till the moment they left. They wanted raw sex, unencumbered by considerations over what she wanted. Even with my concessions, they aren't getting a fraction of what they came for.

They are not a happy bunch, and that is bad for me.

Is this evening going to be like this? I had better think of a good plan to get me out of here tonight. No screwing it up this time.

Clean up time.

Chapter Twenty Five: Conspiracy.

I decided to spend the day in the backyard. Jerid almost protested until he saw that I was barefoot and wearing nothing more than a T shirt and Panties.

"Don't worry, I'll stay out of sight, right next to the door. I have been feeling a little cooped up this morning, and I need some fresh air."

The big window in the back of the house would allow them to keep me in sight at all times, so protests died quickly. He knew he could run me down if he had to.

So I stretched out a fold out lounge chair and breathed some clean air.

The afternoon passed quickly and quietly, with the guys talking about nothing at all. Jerid stayed in the living room, always keeping one eye on me.

Until the evening.

He quietly excused himself and made to the kitchen. My sharp eyes heard a clack, and I realized that he had picked up the phone. Even with my ears, I couldn't make out what he would say at that distance. Instead, I opened my mind and felt his words echoing in his thoughts.

...hello Steve?... Jerid... yes... yes, I'm still at the house... no I'm not... no and that's the problem so shut up and listen. He changed into a girl alright, but not into what we wanted...she is an elf...elf...elf, like in `Lord of the Rings', except real small, big eyes, pointy ears, all of I'm not shitting you, and that's not the worst of it.

Her behavior is erratic. One moment, she is like a sex kitten, the next like a schoolteacher...

Didn't make sense, until I figured out that she is a hell of a lot smarter than she's letting on. She is playing us. Which means that this little bitch is dangerous. shit, I got a problem...what are we going to do about it?... she looks like something out of a fairy-tale... as in a real life fairy... no, he wasn't gay, I'm serious... she is not coming home with me... and we just can't let her go wandering off, people will shit...and worse, it will track back to us.

...That got your attention? GOOD! gets even better...what are elves?...besides sexy...

...Magic! Elves are magical... No, I haven't seen any hocus pocus, but there is something about her that's real creepy... I don't know...she is hiding something ... she is hiding a lot of somethings...I don't know what...goddam it, I don't know...

...Steve, we have a hell of a mess here...we can't let her go, and we can't take her home...these guys aren't up to it... except Robert, and he would just tie her up so we could still fuck her till the end of the week...I think Ben might even be in love with her...

...No... Alex is a dweeb, and Todd is a moron...

...Where are you? How soon could you be here?...

Dammit, Steve, I can't do this alone...the guys would stop me. I need you here NOW, cause I think she's going to try to run...

Tonight?...what time?... that's not tonight, that's tomorrow morning. 2 AM? That's it?

...yes, I know...and don't forget to bring a gun. Shit, bring all of them, she might give us a fight...

...We need firepower...



...Ok, Just hurry...

...Ok, see you here...


I felt him feel relief. The decision had finally been made; all he needs to do now is carry it through.

This is not going to be easy.

Chapter Twenty Six: Orgy.

"I want to be on top this time. I promise to be gentle. I won't hurt you."

I reluctantly laid on my back on the bed and without ceremony raised my knees. Jerid moved into position and poked the tip in, testing the waters. My body, anticipating the coming fuck was quickly responding. Slowly he started to work his way in. His hands moved to my boobs and began to massage them.

I was having trouble feeling his thoughts. He was definitely up to something but it was indistinct in his mind. My suspicions and my mind with it, slowly became overwhelmed by the pleasure of sex.

Just as I was really getting into the swing of it. Jerid abruptly grabbed my by my waist and pulled me up vertical and then stood up himself. I was simply perched on the top of his cock with my feet dangling many long inches above the floor. Slowly, he began to walk with me to the door. The between the confusion and the sexual pleasure I was paralyzed. He walked, with me up on my perch, down the hall with me and into the living room.

Jerid then laid me on my back on the footrest. Standing around me like towering columns, stood the rest of the naked gang looking down at me with cocks at the ready.

They wanted an orgy, and had decided to force the issue. Can't stop it now.

That wasn't the end of it. Jerid resumed thrusting and once again I was again overwhelmed. It was then I felt cold hands began to massage me. My breasts, my arms, my legs, the men began massaging me slick and smooth.

What? Oil? Then the smell hit me. Olive oil? Are they serious?

Impromptu sexual lubricant it would seem. I was covered with hands, all rubbing oil into me, and themselves. Probably not a bad idea, it made things easier for me considering the repeated stretching I had experienced over the last day or so.

Of course, easier was not what they had in mind. I was pushing through my first of many orgasms when I had somebody's cock crammed rudely in my mouth. My mouth was forced open wide, and immediately began to choke. The tip crammed against the back of my mouth and went no further. That was it. Whoever it was quickly became frustrated at the lack of penetration. They gave up on the effort, withdrew and left me gasping for breath.

Somebody (else?) tried something new (for me). I had stiffened and convulsed slightly through the orgasm and when it had finished, the fondling changed. Two hands rudely grabbed my breasts and pressed them together around the well oiled cock that had been placed between them. I still had many hands holding me, so there was nothing I could do. I couldn't even see past that massive meat to see who it was.

When Jerid came he was quickly replaced by another nameless cock. It was about at this time that the cock between my tits gushed, in spurts, into my face. I squeezed my eyes closed and turned my face away before the onslaught. When the meat had expended itself, it was quickly replaced by another.

The orgy lasted for hours. I laid on my back, helpless all that time, losing count of my orgasms after the fourth, (fifth?) one. Given the time involved, I had probably had at least thirty if not fifty. It was a wild ride. The only relief I had, is that no one had even tried my anus.

I realized that the fucking had stopped when I noticed that I was no longer on the footrest. I was instead being cradled in Jerids arms like a child with him sitting on the couch.

I just had the living shit fucked out of me, and I needed to recover. I spent a few moments taking deep breaths. So many orgasms had exhausted me. I must stop my head from spinning. Focus. Focus.

Jerid was looking at me. I made a quick effort to see what he was thinking and failed. I took a deep breath to relax, and tried again.

Jerid was watching me carefully to see how I would respond to being gang raped. He remembered that Dana always loved it and was hoping I would respond the same way. If not, he would lock me in my room until Steve arrived for my disposal.

So he was examining my cum covered body looking for a sign.

Give him what he wants to see. Surpass his expectations.

I smiled.

"Oh, wow! That was fucking fantastic!" I inwardly winced at the language I had just used.

"I hoped you would enjoy it."

"Why did you stop?"

"We needed to take a break."

"We will see about that."

I then reach down between my legs to find what he had between his. I gently pulled it up between my legs and gently began to toy with it. With his cock poking up between my legs it gave the illusion that I had a male endowment again. "Is the poor little guy tired?"

It quickly began to revive and stiffen up. I began to stroke it with my little hands.

I was secretly grinding my teeth that I would need to continue to play whore. Unfortunately I needed to dispel any doubts he had as to my enthusiasm. It was working. Jerid watched in amazement with his only thought being God, she's insatiable.

His shaft had a deep reddish shade due to the recent workout he had given it. I planted a smile on my face and continued to stroke. It took several minutes, but he eventually tensed up and his face took on a strained look. His cock suddenly became rock hard and then exploded in a gush. Jerids face....

I almost laughed. It looked like someone had hit him in the back of the head with a brick. I felt for his thoughts again. It was the straw that broke the camels back. What sexual strength had been left after the orgy had been throughly drained. All around us there was laughter. The rest of the guys had been watching and were now applauding. I smiled, and then excused myself to the bathroom to clean up.

Once I was in the hallway with my back toward them, my smile vanished. I was ANGRY! I wanted to kick and pound my fists on the walls. I wanted to scream with rage. I wanted to kill them.

The living room was a disaster, with gallons of cum everywhere. I'd bet that half the cum left the room when I did. I was absolutely covered in it. It even soaked my hair. Not my hair!

I did not loose my temper further. I, instead, began to review the situation.

I should have ran the SECOND night after I had finished with Steve. I should have ran like hell the FIRST night, right after I changed. No, I had to be subtle and clever and swindle my way out of their grasp. I have been playing whore for two FREAKIN days. I have had it.

Mostly, I wanted to curse using the filthiest language possible, but, at that moment, I couldn't find the words in my mind. After all, nice girls don't use such language. It was FRUSTRATING.

Nothing to do but see it through. I am leaving tonight.

I washed up, and prepared for the finale. One more to go.

"Oh Steve? Could I go to bed with you tonight? I want somebody to snuggle with."

Chapter Twenty Seven: Sneaking.

Jerid came to the door for the second time. I hadn't moved a muscle since the first time he had checked. I was still lying naked on top of Ben, his now soft and spent cock still in place inside me, cum still weeping from the cracks around it. My head rested on his chest. I looked to be asleep with the impression of contentment on my face, like a slut that had been blissfully fucked into dreamland.

I had worked hard on that pose. It was perfect. The onlooker never would never have guessed that I was in pain. I had bit my tongue to ensure that I did not get too comfortable, and fall asleep.

Jerid looked on, the suspicion inside him began to melt fast.

Sleep well little fairy princess. You deserve it. If all goes well, you need never wake up. I'll make it quick and painless.

Then we will try again.

Jerid let the door close, and he moved back to his own room.

I felt him return to bed. I then, cautiously encouraged him to feel sleepy. I sent to him: Nothing to worry about, everything has been taken care of. He felt as if those thoughts were his own. Nothing in the world to worry about.

He slipped into a state of deep relaxation. Not asleep, but close.

Good enough for me, now MOVE!

I stood in bathroom, giving myself a sponge bath in the dark. I had meant to go directly packing, but the now familiar dribble of cum changed my mind.

God, what wouldn't I give for six inches and the usual teaspoon's worth. These guys made such a mess, every dammed time. How could it be worse?

Easy. My boobs could be squirting milk every time I have an orgasm. You remember fantasizing about that a few years back don't you?

Ok, things could have been worse. What other crazy things could I have dreamed up? Too many things to consider now.

Don't even think about it.

To my new eyes, the dark bathroom was gray shadows, but visible. My new night vision was dynamite. I wonder what the night sky full of stars would look like? I wonder what the moon would look like? I wondered what anything away from this house would look like.

After the quick mop up, I returned to the bedroom and grabbed shirt and shorts on the floor, dressing quickly. I also snagged Bens key ring from the dresser. As I neared the door, I looked back at Ben, sleeping peacefully.

Do I feel anything for the man?


I quietly slipped out of the door and down the hall. The dark was less intense here, with light floating in from the living room.

I stepped into what had been called my bedroom, now dark and silent. Most of my new outfits were still piled on the bed. I pulled out my duffle bag. No time to be neat. I dumped them all in, tags and all. I then put on my new jacket for the second time.

Good fit, but my new shoes feel strange. Just need to break them in, I guess.

Out the door and across the hall. I sneaked up to the door Jerid and Alex shared.

I felt them inside. Alex was deep in sleep and Jerid only sleeping lightly. I didn't open the door. I felt for the magic of the amulet. After only a moment I felt it in the night stand drawer next to Jerid's bed. Using the gentlest of telekinesis, I pulled the drawer open a single inch. The amulet slowly floated out the crack and immediately fell toward the floor, stopping only inches from the hardwood.

I then pulled it toward me, the amulet speeding only those three inches above the floor. As it came to the door I stopped it and let it settle flat against the floorboards. Lastly, with deliberate slowness I dragged it the last few inches under the door itself. It slid silently into my waiting hand.

Gotcha, you little troublemaker, your mine now!

I could make a dynamite cat burglar. I must remember this.

The front door was big and heavy, so it might make noise. I knew the back door wouldn't. I crossed the living room, the light of the night sky poured in the window. As I neared the door, it occurred to me that Jerid might set up some kind of an alarm. I looked for traps, noisemakers, or anything Jerid might have left as a surprise. I even `felt' around mentally, outside the door before trying to open it.

Nothing. It seems that I was getting paranoid.

Good. Healthy paranoia can keep me alive.

Out the door and into the night I went. I stopped several feet outside the door taking in the night air. To my eyes the night was lit up like the day, the moon shining down like the sun. The stars shone with a clarity that I never would have believed. It was like someone has strung millions of little Christmas lights over the sky and they all twinkled brightly.

Whoa! Stars have colors? I had no idea. Where did they all come from? They weren't here before.

Look at that big one! It red. Could that be Mars? Nothing else it could be.

To think I could have gone my entire life never having seen this.

The breath of the night held me for a few seconds more before I kicked myself. I was overdue for an appointment with the open road.

First, disable the other vehicles, then joyride with Steves' compact. There will be tools in Roberts' truck.

Chapter Twenty Eight: Showdown.

"Going somewhere?"

I spun around to see Jerid standing about 20 feet away. My sabotage of the vehicles was obvious. Bits of spark plug wires littered the ground around me. He knew what I was up to.

I dropped the wire-cutters to the ground.

"Just decided to check out, that's all."

"Erin, you are now a small girl in a big world, you are going to need protection. That's what us guys are for. Sneaking off in the middle of the night isn't going to help you survive. You need us."

"Why would I need a bunch of guys who think with their dicks? Do you think I liked that little gang-rape?"

"Erin, you loved it! Moaning on and on. We could all see that!"

"After the amulet, do you think I wouldn't? Just because I liked it doesn't mean I liked you! Do you have any idea what a bunch of sick, disgusting slobs you guys are? And that 12 inches you wanted? How many girls do you think are going to be happy to see that thing? They'll laugh, but they are not going to want to bed you."

"There will be plenty who will love it."

I felt his thoughts. You were supposed to be the one who would love it.

"Wanna bet? You have a tool like a mule! The only girls who will want that thing, are going to be sick in the head! You're going to have a hard time finding one like that. You think I'm a freak, but you're just as big a freak as I am. You just haven't been smart enough to figure it out yet."

Long pause.

"Come on back inside, Erin. And lets discuss this rationally."

"Yeah, we wouldn't want me to be late for my own funeral now, would we?"

I saw it hit him. She knows.

He hesitated for a moment then said, "What would make you think something like that?"

I reached up and flicked one of my pointed ears. "I have exceptional hearing. Ran crying to your brother because you didn't think you could kill me alone?"

"You... heard that?"

"Yes, I did."

"Uhhh... Erin, you just can't go wandering off looking like that. We got to end this now."

I reached down and pulled a long heavy box-ended wrench out of the toolbox, a suitable club for someone of my size. The lettering of 1 ½ etched on the side. I then raised my eyes and looked right at him.

"Yep, right now."

I went into a fighting crouch, my feet slightly apart. Jerid clumsily did the same.

I could see the thoughts tumble through his head.

...she's small...a tackle...then I finish her...this should be easy...she's crouching...doesn't know how to fight...does she?...I saw muscles when I fucked her...stronger than she looks...what else? ...moving like a cat...could be a problem...

I couldn't give this bozo time to put together a strategy. I can move like lightning. He doesn't know that. I also have other surprises...

Use the force, Luke!

In a fast underhanded throw, I hurled the box-ended wrench toward him. The instant it had cleared my fingers, I grabbed it with my telekinesis and pushed hard directly towards his forehead. Real hard. It was all so fast, he didn't have time to blink.


Jerid's head snapped back slightly, and then without any dramatics, collapsed face forward into the dirt.

The wrench landed a few feet away with a dull ringing sound.

Silence. Nothing moved.

I waited a full ten seconds, and then I moved, silently, to get another wrench from the toolbox.

I waited another ten seconds, then reached for his thoughts. Anything there?

His mind was black, and silent. I cautiously stepped up to him and nudged him with my toe.

He was still alive. His heart still beat, and he was breathing shallow. Using my telekinesis, I rolled him over. A nasty red mark had appeared on his forehead. I could feel that under his skin, Jerid now had a tiny crack in his skull. It was hairline and not life threatening, but I bet it will hurt like hell.

Now what do I do with him? Killing him was extremely tempting. Lord only knows, he deserves it.

Unfortunately, a murder would involve the police, and I don't want them finding any evidence of my existence. I'm sure that there are several strands of silver hair lying around the police could find. Silver hair? Can't be too difficult to find somebody with hair like that. Police involvement makes things difficult for me, especially if they figure out the hair isn't quite human.

A better idea would be to let Jerid live without 12 highly treasured inches and the oversize family jewels. Very tempting. Oh, so tempting. Lucky for him I am better than that.

Jerid, you get lucky. I'm leaving you here. If you get even luckier, your brother will run you over when he pulls in.

I was running out of time.

I'm out of here.

I quickly climbed in Bens little compact, slid the seat all the way forward. Good enough. I started the little bugger, and without overtly revving the engine, slowly creped down the road. After a hundred yards or so, I punched it up to 70.


Chapter Twenty Nine: Desk.

I was quite jittery on my way back to the city. After so long cooped up, I was drunk on fresh air. I kept my mind `open' in an attempt to spot Steve going the other way. I thought I kept up a good watch, but I must have missed him. Guess my attention kept drifting. After I was back up on the freeway, I kept my speed strictly at the speed limit. The last thing I needed was to be pulled over by the highway patrol.

I had a definite goal in mind. The desk. If that infernal desk contained this little amulet, what else did it hold?

Getting into Steves house was easier than expected. I knew he had a security system, but I simply reached in with my teek' and popped all the circuit breakers. Ooops. No power. I then teeked' the lock, and in I went. Easy.

I felt around the desk with my new senses. The only magic I felt was coming from a small drawer. All I found was some odd, granny style `spectacles' , a little rock with little engraved runes, and a ring with a funny green stone set in one side. All glowed with magic.

After pilfering these goodies, I noticed there was still a glow around the desk. I pulled the desk away from the wall, and ended up tearing up the back of the desk with a claw hammer to get at the luminescence. I found it wedged in a tiny compartment with no doors. Somebody hid it real good.

It turned up to be a little book, made of copper of all things. Little metal pages with little runes stamped into each `page'. The whole thing was only a little bigger than my hand. Easy bet that Steve and Jerid did not even know this little item existed at all.


No time to investigate what these little goodies are, I have no time to waste.

I'm out of here.

Chapter Thirty: Home again.

Despite my better judgment, I make a quick swing past my apartment. Better not leave any of my new prints behind for the police. I put on my gloves.

As I ran in the door, I was, once again, surprised with how big everything looked.

It's like a giant lived here, and I get to walk around its abandoned lair.

Get a grip, this is where you once lived, stop gawking.

I asked myself if there was anything here I actually wanted to keep.

The only thing that came to mind was my photo album. Aside from my brother in Idaho, these photos are all I have left of my family. It's nice that my photo album is all scanned onto CD-ROM. There was about five of them, but they were already packaged nicely. I just grabbed the fold up CD case.

Now for the other reason I came here. I ran to the bedroom and grabbed a small cardboard box containing my collection of `recreational literature'. I also grabbed my laptop off my desk. Without bothering to pack it up, I just dropped it in the box with the magazines.

The magazines held another secret. Underneath them, in an envelope was two thousand dollars. This had been my stash for the Y2K crisis. The crisis never happened, so I just left the cash there for a rainy day.

Looks like rain to me.

I had once treasured the contents of those magazines, now I didn't give a hoot. I was prettier than any of those girls, and my current tastes put me on the other side of the street. However, I thought it appropriate to clean up after myself. I didn't want anybody going through that box, or the contents of my hard disk. No point in anybody knowing about the unusual side of old Eric. Best that his reputation remains untarnished. He was a nice guy who just disappeared one day. How sad.

Sadder still, nobody would miss him.

I split out the door without bothering to lock it. I left the stolen compact where it was and took my car. Jerid and Steve would have been about two hours behind me. The time was up, they were likely pulling into town about now. They would likely think to look for me here.

I started my car up and fled the scene. My car was a little larger, and I ended up kneeling in front of the steering wheel, and used using my telekinesis to push the throttle.

A few miles away, I sopped long enough to fire up the computer long enough to wipe the hard disk. I then tossed it in a dumpster. My box of beauties, minus the cash, followed it in.

I'll get another computer someday, after I've settled down.

...and no more pornography.

Chapter Thirty One: Lost in the city.

It was a Thursday morning, nice and early, so the Wal-Mart was virtually empty.

I never took off my jacket or my hood. This made shopping a little difficult. I found it relieving to take off my glasses whenever nobody was in close proximity to me, which was nearly all the time.

I spent some time leisurely looking for outfits for myself that dipped toward the practical. I actually recoiled at the prospect of trousers. It seems that I have acquired a fetish for dresses. This apparently, was another dream-girl trait.

Get some trousers anyway. Where I am going, the weather is going to be cold. Dress that way. Buy hiking clothes and cold weather gear. Don't forget to buy a big backpack.

Shopping in the little girls section, was not helping. They simply did not have any dresses that looked like what I wanted. I found something that was close enough. A dress, but it didn't look quite adult. I added it to my shopping cart.

I broke from my fixation. I did not need the robes of a queen. Practical cold weather clothing is what I needed, plus, I need to pass myself off as a child.

If I ever find a good costume shop, I'll make them rich.

On the way out the door, I stopped at the eyeglasses store that was sitting next to the exit. I knew what I wanted.

I asked the lady behind the counter it they had any large glasses to help people who have sensitive eyes. She did. The only difficulty was trying them on without showing off my huge baby blues. With eyewear that fit, I marched out the door...

...and immediately made a hard right turn.

Oh no!

There was a highway patrol parked right next to my car. The officer was standing next to it, looking my vehicle over.

Oh, no! My cash and photo album is in my pocket, the amulet and other mystic bric-a-brac is in my other pocket, but everything else is lost.

Not that there was anything particular in that car, aside from the clothing Ben bought me. But my easy transportation just vanished.

Donkey-Dick-Jerid must have reported it stolen. He would not have given them a description of me. He wants me grounded without transportation, not in police custody.

I pretended I was walking home, hauling my new purchases.

My bankcard might be useless. Jerid might have reported it stolen as well. All I have left is the two thousand dollars minus the three hundred I just spent.

Jerid will be coming to the area to search for me.

And now I am on foot.

Actually, that problem was easier to solve than I had expected. I simply walked next door to the Toys `R' Us and purchased a simple skateboard. I had considered roller blades, except I didn't want to take the time to find a correct fit, and I had used a skateboard before, when I was a kid.

I was out the door in five minutes.

As it turned out, telekinesis works rather well when you are on wheels. It only took a little effort and I was keeping up with, and then outrunning traffic. I broke from the main street, and headed up a small road that ran parallel through a residential area.

Steve and Jerid might try to search the area, but he would be looking for me fleeing on foot. I was making much better time then they would ever expect.

Time to leave town. My money is getting low fast. How will I travel?

Chapter Thirty two: Cross country.

It took me a while to figure that one out.

I spent the night in a park on the river. I bathed in the cold water and, figuratively and literally, rinsed the memory of my defilement out of my hair.

The only company I had was a camp of homeless people about a half mile down river. I kept my distance and practiced my stealth. They never knew that I was there.

I didn't actually sleep. Jerid and crew might think to look for me there and I wanted to keep watch for them. I curled up in a ball under a large bush, my backpack under one arm. It took me a while to warm up.

It was then that I realized the solution to my travel plans.


The bus. It's the way to travel if you are on a shoestring budget. It also works if you are trying not to be noticed. Security at the bus station is quite minimal. Nobody tries to blow them up.

It would probably be smart for me to head for Seattle. I can cross the border in to Canada there. That coastal area between Seattle and Anchorage would be very easy to get lost in. I needed to be lost.

The station was filled with the kind of people who couldn't afford to travel by airline. Nice people, its just that the place didn't smell like money. Some people even needed a bath. I wasn't quite sure, but I think I liked the feel of these people around me. Ordinary people. Salt of the earth. ...and not one of them trying to kill me.

The guy at the ticket counter was loads of fun.

"Are you traveling with your parents? I'm sorry I cannot sell you a ticket without adult accompaniment."

It took me a moment to figure out how to handle this. He stared at my dark sunglasses waiting for his answer.

I snapped open the front of my fluffy jacket, and exposed bountiful cleavage covered only in a tight cotton pullover. I held my jacket open for him to get a nice good look.

"I don't know. Do you think I really need adult accompaniment?" I closed my jacket.

Poor guy looked like I'd broke a 2 x 4 over his head.

Made his day.

"UHHHHH... I'm sorry! I'm sorry! No problem. My I see a photo ID please?"


"A necessary security measure. The threat of terrorism, ya see."

"Ok." I said quietly.

I handed him my old Eric ID, and did some quick concentrating.

Fog his mind! Distract his thoughts!

He looked at my ID and his eyes glazed over. Blank city.

Moments passed, His eyes were glazed, like somebody daydreaming.

"May I have my ID back now sir?"

"What? Oh, yes. Sorry for the delay. Here is your ticket."

"Thank you sir."

He never actually saw what was on my drivers license. It was a nice trick, but I should not try it again, unless I really need to.

Aside from that, it wasn't all that different from an airport.

Chapter Thirty three: Teasing dickhead.

  • ring *


"Jerid! Salutations! How have you been, kind sir!"

"Erin? ERIN? Is that you?"

"Yes, its me. I just called to find out how you have been coping. Any luck scoring with the girls? Or has Diane been the only one who can put up with you? Or should I say Dana?"

"You little Bitch!"

"Oh, please, good sir! You do need to work on your manners! I've actually called to ask you what you were up to. Care to give me an update?"

"Still looking for you, you little thief. I can understand you running off like that, but did you have to steal our private stuff?"

"Yes I did, and if you think about it, you'll know why. I realized that the only way you could get another date was to manufacture one custom ordered. I can't just sit back and let your family ruin yet another life, now could I?"

"That stuff belongs to us! It's ours! Family property! Where are you?"

"At a pay phone in a small town that I am passing through. Don't bother trying to chase after me, cause I've got a nice fast car. It's stolen, of course." "I will find you, count on it!"

"Wasting your time. You are talking to the perfect ghost. I leave no records behind me and no trail to follow. And the best part is that I know that you cannot go to the police any more than you already have. Let's see... If I were ever taken into police custody, I would have such a fascinating story to tell."

"You wouldn't dare."

"Exactly what would I have to loose? Want to sic the police on me?"

"I will find you! Bitch!"

"It seems that you have nothing useful to say, but don't worry. I'll drop by now and then to see how you've been. You won't see me, but I'll see plenty of you, just to make sure that you aren't getting into any more trouble."


"Ta, ta, sweetie! See ya later!"

"Bitch bitch bit-"

  • CLICK!

Jerid trembled with fury.

How dare that bitch fuck with me like that!

How can I find her? If she is traveling incognito, like that, then the detective I've hired will be useless. Doubly so, if she's traveling into the deep north. IF she is traveling north. She knows that I would likely be looking for her in that direction. She might head south.

Then again, that bitch might be heading overseas. No way to track her there.

But she is coming back to check up on me someday. When she pokes her head back into town, I can nab her. I just need to keep my eyes peeled and be smarter than she is. I'll wire my house for surveillance and wait for her to show.

And then, when I find her, I'll get back our stuff, and chain her to the basement wall where I'll fuck her skinny ass every night. And if she gives me any shit, I can always finish the job I started in the driveway. Must be careful, she's a sneaky little bitch!

I just need to wait and watch. I need to prepare.

And what in hell did she rip out of the back of the desk? What was back there?

I hung up the payphone and walked back toward the rest stop, my jacket's hood pulled up over my head. I had already accustomed myself to the white wash of light that was the day. Without sunglasses my vision suffered. Only at night would my eyes rest easy.

Hmmm, I'm already getting tired of keeping this hood up all the time. These sunglasses don't really fit my nose either. Oh, well.

I had no intention to ever going back to spy on Jerid. I knew that a call like that would poison the rest of his life with paranoia. How could I resist? He messed with me; I'll mess with him.

Perhaps another call in a few years? No, more than one would be reckless. He might try to trace the call.

I intended to keep open the possibility of looking in on Diane, or Dana, or whatever. It's possible that the brothers might take out their rage on the poor girl. The easiest way to know, without exposing myself, is to keep track of her career at the strip club where she works. If she ends up on the street, homeless, I want to be able to help. I probably won't need to check on her often though. Steve and Jerid want to keep her nice and happy.

And if they don't... Well, I'll wager that in time I can learn to be quite lethal.

I looked back across the parking lot towards the pay phone. The glare off the silver bus was tamed by my dark glasses.

Mission successful.

The bus was finishing up at the rest stop. Everybody back on board.

Chapter Thirty four: Dream guy.

In the bus.

The highway was long, with curves few and far between. The bus rolled on, the diesel engine making a nice steady rumble.

I had my window pulled down, a bit, letting my long hair blow around a little in the wind. It felt good. I began to think of the details of my future.

Find a new, home and find a man to love. What kind of man? A man of decency. A man with a normal sized tool. A man who didn't cum like a volcano. A man who didn't treat me like a piece of meat he believed he was entitled to.

I wanted a companion of spirit. I wanted a man I could talk with, laugh with, and share with. I wanted someone like... dream girl?

I laughed at the thought. It seems than Erin' is not so different from Eric' after all. It seemed that I still wanted essentially the same things. Oh, I had jumped the fence all right. I wanted a man with a dick, instead of a woman with tits. But it seemed that I still wanted the same sense of decency, and nobility of spirit. My dream girl and my new dream guy were the same in all but sex and appearance.

Too bad I wont be able to find a real elfin guy! Oh well, I'll just have to make do.

It was strange to dream of such things for so long. Then to find that I had become what I had desired most and still found myself alone dreaming about the same things I had wanted before.

Only now, I am a lot better looking!

I am also free. I must not get any illusions of an easy life. This is going to be hard and rough. People are going to panic at the sight of me. Its going to take a long time to find a place to live permanently. Until then, I'll need to get used to living on the road. I am effectively homeless. But no way am I helpless. People hike across the country with nothing more than hiking boots and a small tent. I can do that. I can do much better. For cash...

Lets see. Drugs flow through every city. With my unique skills, it should be easy enough to track down the dealers and rob them blind. Stealing from criminals. My conscience can deal with that. I will need to be careful though.

Some martial arts combat training should also be on my to do list. It will be interesting finding a worthy teacher that can keep a secret.

Something to think about, anyway.

I took a deep breath of the fresh air blowing through my window. The sun was starting to go down, and the people on the bus were beginning to doze off.

Do I want to sleep? This is going to be an all night trip.

No, or at least not yet. I can see a whole lot better at night anyway. I guess that I have become a creature of moon and stars. Or some poetic sing-song stuff like that. I'll learn to be a poet later. I have plenty of time, Perhaps centuries.

I am Eric Winters. I am Eric who had become Erin. I am now Erin Summers. That's a good name.

I have begun my new life having escaped an invisible prison.

And a prison it had been, even if I had not seen it. I was working at a dead end job, with no wife, no children, and no real social life. Jerid, asshole that he was, had given me this chance to do things again.

The mad wizard had tried to make me a slave to his desires. I had thwarted his plans and escaped into the countryside. Time to let my life of adventure begin.

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