St Moritz Badrutts Palace

By Lamort DeLioncourt

Published on Sep 22, 2012


St. Moritz--Badrutt's Palace Hotel Chapter Five

I woke to the sound of the door opening and a service cart entering the room. Jacques rolled the cart to the bedroom and parked it. He then went to the windows and pulled back the drapery hiding the French doors. The sun was well up, and flooded the room with warm sunlight. Some of the rays reached the bed, providing immediate warmth. Jacques made his way over to the fireplace and added wood to last night's embers. Soon a crackling fire was spreading warmth through the room.

I reached over the bed and found that John had already slipped out of bed. He was an early riser, and often let me sleep in. Jacques saw me reaching and let me know that John had been up at dawn. Apparently, he decided that he wanted to go skiing this morning. Since I did not ski, he left me sleeping. Jacques told me he had provided John with café and croissants in the lobby while he waited for the service car to take him to Corvatsch.

Jacques came over, straightened the duvet, and propped me up on pillows. He then reach around to the service cart and picked up the brass bed tray. He carefully positioned it and served me my usual café au lait. The coffee had a wonderful smell, filling the room with its aromatic essence. I could tell from the aroma that the café was from espresso beans. Jacques had put the sugar in for me before he added the milk.

As I lay sipping my café, I looked out the French doors and was able to see the far edge of the lake, and the mountains rising in the distance. A light dusting of fresh snow blanketed everything. There were few sights more beautiful than this view to wake up to.

I spent a few minutes contemplating yesterday's pleasures, and wondered what today would bring. John was fond of skiing in the mornings, before the "hoi polloi" hit the slopes, and coming back to the hotel for lunch. While I contemplated the view and last night's passion, I thought there must be something I should be doing, but was unable to decide what.

While I was sipping my café and trying to plan the day, Jacques came to the bedside with my robe in his hands. He removed the bed tray, placing it back on the service cart. Next, he folded back the duvet and finally the sheets, exposing my nakedness to the cool room air. He helped me up from the bed and held my robe so I could slip into it.

Once in the robe, Jacques steered me to the bathroom, asking if I needed to relieve myself. I told him I did, and he positioned me at the toilet bowl. While I relieved myself, he started the shower running for me. Once he got me to the shower, he slipped my robe off and held the shower door open for me. I stepped in, and the warm water flooded over me, making my skin tingle. All the bathing necessities were on a small tray near the back of the shower, and Jacques asked if I would like him to wash my back for me. Since I never turn down an offer of such service, I told him of course. He took the sea sponge from the shelf, and coated it in body wash. He then had me back up to the shower door so he could wash my back. His touch was firm but gently on my skin. I felt the sponge moving down my back towards my buttocks. Once he had the sponge low enough, he began scrubbing both my cheeks for me. He said nothing about John's sperm, which had become dried and crusty on me, and required additional scrubbing to remove. Once the sperm was gone, he washed the back of my legs and both feet. Once finished, he politely asked me to turn around if I wanted him to wash the front side of me. I gave it only a momentary thought, deciding that since this was a holiday, I should make the most of it. I turned around and presented my front side to him.

While I was turning to face him, he was rinsing the sponge and soaping it up again. Once I was fully turned, he applied the sponge to my neck and began working his way down the front of me. He again used a firm but gentle touch, which I found highly erotic. He lingered briefly at my nipples, using a circular motion of the sponge to wash them. His attention to my nipples caused my maleness to begin to harden. I did everything I could think of to try to distract myself and prevent a full erection from occurring. I was successful for a time, but once the sponge reached my navel and abdomen, I lost control and immediately hardened to maximum length. Jacques continued his downward washing, and soon had my tool in his hand washing it. The feeling was delightful. Jacques paused his washing for a moment, and asked if he could ask a personal question. I told him he was free to ask anything he wanted. He smiled and looked down at my pénis, and asked me what it was like not having a foreskin to cover the head. I explained that there was not much difference, except for masturbation, which now required much more lubrication since there was no foreskin to use for stroking. He then asked why I choose circumcision, I told him that I had a very tight foreskin, which I could barely retract, on one occasion, John had pulled the foreskin all the way down, and I could not pull it back up. It was like having a tourniquet tightened around my pénis. I went to the hospital, where with a local anesthetic, they cut the skin releasing the tightness and allowing the circulation to return. They explained that I needed to be circumcised. I asked what would happen if I decided not to have it done, and they told me this situation would reoccur and I might find myself losing my pénis if the tight foreskin occluded the blood flow for too long. I decided at that instant that losing a foreskin was much better that losing a pénis.

While all this conversation was taking place, Jacques had tightened his grip on me and was now stroking me quite rapidly. He asked if I wanted to orgasm, and I panted out a yes. He continued his ministrations, and I found myself ejaculating all over his hand and the sponge. Once I finished, he gently washed me off and had me step out of the shower so he could wrap a towel around me. He assisted me back to the bedroom and helped me get dressed.

He poured me a second cup of café, told me I had a 10:00 appointment to get my hair washed and styled at the spa. With a smile, he turned and let himself out.

I sat sipping my café, thinking about what had just transpired, and decided that this was going to be one of the best holidays John and I had ever taken.

The ringing of the telephone jolted me from my reverie. The front desk was calling to remind me that my salon appointment was in 15 minutes. I quickly checked to make sure I was presentable and headed downstairs to have my hair styled.

The salon was uneventful, but my hair looked very good, and I was pleased with the service.

As I left the salon, Jacques appeared, he told me John wanted to have lunch in La Relais, one of the hotel's restaurants.

He steered me to the lobby, and sat me at a small table next to the huge circular fireplace. Once seated, he indicated to a barman that my table required service. The barman nodded and headed for the bar. Jacques turned back to me and asked if I wanted to remain at this table or move to our restaurant table when it was ready. I thought for a minute before responding that since I could see the hotel lobby doors from this vantage point, I would wait here so I could see John when he arrived.

Moments later, the barman arrived at the table with a bottle of Champagne. Jacques opened and poured it for me. He asked if I needed anything else, and I told I did not. He turned from the table, and started towards the bar.

I turned my attention to the hotel lobby doors, contemplating the possible after lunch activities that John might be interested in, while I waited for him to arrive.

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