St Moritz Badrutts Palace

By Lamort DeLioncourt

Published on Aug 24, 2012


St. Moritz- Badrutt's Palace Chapter One

The plane from Paris was running late as usual and I had been at the Marseille Airport far too long already. I was waiting impatiently for John to arrive so we could begin our annual holiday. Because his business kept him in the US for extended periods, we had not seen each other for almost six weeks. I needed the chance to touch, feel, and caress the man I loved.

I knew that the 24-hour total travel time would have him worn out, but he had gotten the best connections possible from Los Angeles. The idea of spending 16 hours sitting on an airplane made my blood run cold, but he did it without compliant a dozen times a year. Unfortunately, we still had the flight to Zürich to contend with, as we were going on holiday to St. Moritz. It was only a five-hour trip, but on top of everything else, it seemed almost cruel to do to him.

While drifting through my thoughts, I heard the speaker system announce the arrival of his flight from Paris. I waited impatiently for him to disembark. Once he was past the security area, I lunged at him, grabbing him and hugging him tightly. I whispered my love and joy at his arrival. He squeezed me in return before planting a wet kiss on my burning lips. He looked tired, but not completely destroyed by the trip. We still had a short delay before our flight to Zürich.

We made our way to the bar to await the departure of our flight to Zürich. Once we had our champagne, we sat at a small table in the corner and he told me of his business dealings and the grueling trip from Los Angeles. I told him we could cancel our plans for St. Moritz, and spend our vacation at home, here in Aix-en-Provence. He assured me that he wanted to go to St. Moritz, and was willing to suffer through another flight and a train trip to get there. While we talked, I felt him slide closer to me, and soon his arm was around me and his thigh was rubbing against mine. He kissed me deeply, and then whispered in my ear how much he had missed me. His actions and words sent shivers down my spine, and lit my internal fires. Had we not been in a public place, I would have torn his clothes off and let him ravish me on the spot. I reached my hand to his pants, and felt the familiar firmness between his legs. I squeezed and massaged him, and as I did, we heard the speaker system announce the departure of our flight to Zürich. We grudgingly ended our embrace and headed to the departure gate.

After our arrival at the boarding gate, we boarded immediately. The flight attendant showed us to our seats and offered to help with the hand held luggage. The flight attendant immediately served us Champagne, to help pass the time until departure. While sipping the wine, we chatted about getting to St. Moritz and beginning our holiday.

With the wine glasses removed, we prepared for take off. Without further ado, we taxied to the tarmac and began the long roll down the runway. In no time, we were airborne, and the flight attendant returned with fresh wine glasses and a bottle of private stock Champagne. He opened the bottle for us and poured. He also told us that the flight was nearly empty and that we had the first class cabin to ourselves.

We put the armrest dividers up and made our seats into a small loveseat. John slid over to me, and put his arm around my shoulder. He then tickled my ear with his pinky finger, driving me crazy with desire. This was his signal to me that he wanted/needed to have his pénis serviced.

We rang for the attendant, and requested pillows and blankets. He adjusted the air conditioning jets, and brought us our pillows and blankets.

I gave the attendant a conspiratorial wink, wordlessly letting him know that we were about to engage in some mile high fun. He responded by turning down the cabin lighting, and then assured us he would not disturb our privacy. He also told us to ring if there was anything we needed.

I wasted no time in getting our seats fully reclined, and the pillows placed for comfort. As John reclined and got comfortable, I let my hand drift down to his belt buckle and I released it. Then, gently grasping the zipper beneath it, I lowered it in a single pull.

Once the zipper was down, I opened the front of his pants as far as they would go, and started a slow, sensual massage of his pénis and scrotum through the silk of his boxers. As I felt his manhood stiffening, he lifted himself slightly to permit me to slide his pants and boxers down over his knees. Once fully exposed, I grasped his uncircumcised maleness and slowly retracted his foreskin. When fully retracted, I began a teasingly slow up and down stroking. After only a few minutes, he told me to stop teasing and get down to business, that he had not unloaded in two days, and needed to do so.

I quit the teasing and lowered my lips to his glans. I slowly took him into my mouth, sucking softly with my lips while running my tongue in circles around the head. I pulled his foreskin up over the head and let it slide over my tongue. Once in place, I squeezed the foreskin closed with my fingers and allowed my tongue to swirl between it and the head, while I nibbled on his foreskin. John always liked this maneuver, and he responded with a soft moan and gentle upward push, forcing more of his stiffness into my mouth. I increased the amount of suction I was applying, and increased the stroke rate. Soon I felt pre cum spreading outward from Johns' slit. His hands were soon on the back of my head and neck, and I knew he was ready to unleash his load. I increased the speed of the stroking, and licked his scrotum with each downward stroke. I felt the flesh covered orbs pulling up close to his body and I knew he was almost there. Johns' breathing increased as my sucking increased. Without warning, I felt his hands push me all the way down his cock, and I could feel him pulsing. With a quick scrape of my teeth up his shaft, I positioned myself to where I had only the head in my mouth. Using my tongue at lightening speed, I rubbed the sensitive underside, causing him to erupt. His semen poured into my mouth, allowing me only seconds between blasts. I took a fast taste, and then swallowed, making room for the next shot. He pulsed eight times, before slowing to just a dribble. I managed to take all of his semen without losing a drop. I held the last of his semen in my mouth for a moment, savoring the flavor.

I finished swallowing, and sat myself up in the seat, while pulling the blanket over Johns' exposed groin. Just as I covered him, the attendant arrived with warm, lemon scented, damp towels so we could clean up. He also had more wine for us to enjoy.

Once I cleaned John, I pulled his pants and boxers up, zipped his zipper, and buckled his belt. He leaned against me, and was soon asleep, snoring softly in my ear.

The remainder of the flight was uneventful, and we arrived in Zürich nearly on time. As we prepared to disembark, the attendant was there to help with our carry on luggage. As we left the plane, John slipped a $100 bill into the attendant's pocket, while thanking him for his attentiveness and discretion.

We made our way through customs to the baggage claim area. The Air France concierge provided luggage pickup, as well as an electric cart to take us to the train station under the main terminal of the airport. The ride was short riding on the cart, and we soon arrived at our train.

The train concierge met us on our arrival and arranged to transfer our luggage to the train. He then escorted us to our seats in the premier car. The car was beautifully appointed, and the seats luxurious. There was ample legroom, and a reasonable amount of privacy. He invited us to the club car for drinks, and informed us that the trip to Chur would be just over an hour, with a five-minute transfer to the St. Moritz train. The final leg of the journey was a three-hour trip.

After drinks in the club car, we returned to our seats and John reclined his seat back as far as it would go, and got comfortable. In minutes he was asleep, snoring softly. I smiled, leaned over and kissed him gently on the forehead. Then I turned to look out the window, and saw that a light snow had begun to fall.

Next: Chapter 2

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