St Monicas School for Girls

By Jenna Tarp

Published on Oct 24, 2001


The author permits any kind of archiving, posting, reposting, and reproduction in fixed form or otherwise, of this story. Copyright (C) 2001. This work is unsuitable for minors. This work contains graphic descriptions of sexual behavior between adult females and adult females with minor females. The explicit nature of the story may be offensive. The religious backdrop and sometimes-violent content may also be offensive. Descriptions, scenes, characters and situations are purely fictional and intended solely for the entertainment of its readers. Send comments to:

Chapter Three

Jenna curled up in the office chair and wept as she thought about what had just happened. She was forced to lick the vagina of a minor girl in the hallway! "My gawd, what was this place?" she sniveled to herself. How did she ever let that happen? She was an adult and the girl was 13. "But it was scary," she told herself, "there were three of them...and they were angry...and big." Her mouth and face still ached from the 'incident', she still couldn't call for what it was...rape. Just the thought of it sent shivers up her spine. She didn't want that to ever happen again. Her hair was a mess and she looked disheveled. Even though the abusive teen had told her not to wash her face, she made up her mind to do so anyway. She felt so dirty and violated that she just wanted to wash the whole incident away. She decided to take a shower and clean herself.

She looked around the office for a towel and found a clean one in a cabinet next to the office door. She took the towel and held it close to her chest as she looked around the locker room to make sure no one else was there. She still felt really jumpy. She wondered why the teachers didn't have their own shower. She felt a little uncomfortable being forced to use the girl's shower room, but she needed to get clean. She pulled off her blouse, dropped her skirt and stepped out of her shoes before prancing across the room to the shower stalls.

It was a pretty long way from the office to the shower stalls and Jenna's feet were cold by the time she stepped into the small room with six showerheads, three on each side. She stood under the middle one and turned the water on. She squealed as the ice cold water cascaded down her chest and she jumped out its path. She held her hand under the water until it became hot, when she stepped under its flow.

The water warmed her body and she felt it's instant relaxing effect. She dipped her face under the streaming liquid and washed her face with both hands. She wet her hair and just stood there and enjoyed the encapsulation of it's warmth.

Jenna slowly ran her hands along her body, massaging her sore skin and washing away the effects of her earlier transgressions. She tried not to dwell on them, but the memory was still too ripe. She still felt afraid. She questioned herself again and again on how it all happened. She must have a played a role in it somehow. Things like that just don't 'happen' she reasoned. What was it that she did to bring it on? Why did those girls choose her to act out on?

Jenna stayed under the water for several minutes, just thinking. She still felt the fear. Her tormentors had scared her for life, she was sure of it. She shut off the water and looked for her towel. "Oh damn," she said to herself. She'd left it in the office. She covered her breasts with her arm and her vagina with her other hand and peered around the corner past the lockers and into the office. The coast was clear so she scooted along the tiled floor being careful not to slip.

Just then the locker room door opened and chatting, giggling girls streamed in. Jenna froze midway between the office and the showers. Suddenly the cackling group of students went silent with a collective gasp and just stared. Both Jenna and the girls seemed frozen in time for what seemed an eternity. Both stood wide-eyed and statue-like. No one knew what to do.

Jenna felt as though she'd just been caught in one of those weird dreams where she was naked at school, only this was real. She felt like passing out as she stood meagerly covering herself.

The girls didn't know what to do either. Most were shocked, either by their disbelief or their fortune.

Finally after what seemed like forever, Jenna broke for the glass-enclosed office. Her breasts bounced wildly as she tried in vain to cover them.

The girls nudged each other, giggled and pointed as they watched their new teacher bound across the floor for the office. All eyes were glued to blonde beauty as she bounced into the office and desperately tried to find the towel. They laughed aloud at her frantic search for a towel, even though they could all clearly see it on the cabinet.

Jenna had abandoned trying to cover herself as she searched for the towel. Her nakedness was there for everyone to see, but she didn't care. Finally she saw the towel and grabbed it to cover herself. She held the small bath towel in front of her, as it didn't even wrap around her and gasp her first gulp of air. Her heart was pounding furiously and she felt flushed. Her freshly cleaned body now had light coat of sweat covering it.

Jenna had to think quick. Her mind was racing, but no real thoughts were going through. What should she do? Should she ignore what happened and act like it didn't happen? Should she try and explain herself? Should she yell at them?

Jenna glanced up from looking at the floor to see the girls had crowded around the corner office windows and were looking at her like an animal in the zoo. She stood motionless in front of them and tried to think of what to do. All she could think of was getting dressed and quick. She was so humiliated and embarrassed it clouded her judgment. She'd never seen any of her teachers naked while she was in school, not even in gym class. Their smiling faces with excited looks on them surrounded her. Two glass walls lined with girls eagerly peering in watching her every move caused her great distress. How could she possibly get dressed when they were watching her like that? No matter which way she turned, someone would be able to see 'something'.

Jenna's heart sank as she felt the blood sink to her feet. She stood facing the class full of young teens, only frontally covered in a skimpy towel. All she could think of was that she had to get dressed and she grabbed her blouse. With one hand holding the towel to her chest, she tried to slip her arm into the sleeve. The water beads that still clung to her arm made the blouse stick halfway on her arm. She couldn't believe it, what else could go wrong? She raised her arm skyward and tried to shake the blouse down using gravity, but it just stayed there. She sensed the crowd getting antsy as faces exchanged excited looks of anticipation. She wanted to panic and run, but there was nowhere to run. She was trapped like a rat in a cage and her mind was clouded by her predicament. She was focused on getting dressed and that was it. It never crossed her mind that she could just tell the girls to go their lockers and get ready. Instead she chose to risk getting dressed in front of them. It was as if she was telling them that it was okay if they watched her. By not telling them to leave, she gave them permission.

With one arm still in the air and the other holding the towel tightly to her chest, she tried to grab the hanging blouse with her fingers and pull it down her clammy arm. With one final surge she stretched her fingers and tried to pinch the material between two fingers, when her towel fell to the ground. Jenna froze. She stared straight ahead at the crowd of girls wondering, hoping, praying that by some miracle, they hadn't seen.

Much to her chagrin, all the girls were staring back at her wide-eyed and open mouthed. Jenna's stomach turned flip-flops. She didn't know what to do for an instant so she just stood there and let the girls take in all her nakedness. Her large, firm breasts protruded sharply and her soft blonde pubic hair that lightly covered he mound were there for all to see. The shear humiliation paralyzed her.

Finally she ripped the material down her arm and frantically attempted to pull it around her moist back. Once again the material clung to her damp skin and prolonged her efforts to cover herself. Her large breasts rocked side-to-side as she shook the blouse loose and pushed her arm in the other sleeve.

Jenna was gasping for air in disbelief of her difficulties, of all times to struggle getting dressed, why now? She felt the eyes of the students roam her naked body. She could almost feel them like tiny hands touching her...probing her. She repeatedly glanced up at the faces glaring in at her as she fumbled with the buttons.

She grabbed her skirt off the floor, stepped into it and yanked it upward ripping the zipper apart. "Oh no," she gasp, "what now?" She hooked the clasp and tried to make the zipper work but to no avail.

Finally clothed her mind started to function again. She was in gym class and she was the teacher. She needed to get these girls working. "My gawd," she realized, "why didn't I do that in the first place?" She felt like an idiot. Not only had the girls coming into the locker room seen her coming out of the shower, but she LET them watch her get dressed. Why did she do that? That was a dumb decision. Her mind raced again listing the consequences of her actions. She almost felt paralyzed again.

Desperately, Jenna gathered her thoughts and gained her composure. She stepped out of the office to confront the girls.

"Nice show," one girl said.

"Lookin' good," another sang and others giggled and eyed the rumpled beauty. Her blouse, spotted with moisture from her shower and sweating, clung to her skin and changed from white to flesh color. Her breasts were becoming clearer and clearer as the cloth absorbed the dampness.

Jenna wasn't sure what to say and was unaware that her blouse had become a 'wet-T-shirt'. Nor did she know that her nipples were rock hard and that the cool air had caused the change. She stood in the middle of the small class and told the girls to get ready for gym class, as she continued to try and straighten her own clothes out. When she began to tuck her blouse into her skirt the additional pressure on the clasp was too much. It, too, broke and the skirt fell freely to the floor.

Jenna gasp and covered her mouth with her hands. She stood motionless for a moment as she assessed the situation. She saw all the girls eyes drop from her breasts to her crotch. She turned around slowly, verifying that all the girls were looking at her 'down there'. They were. She felt shear humiliation that she was naked from the waist down - again.

She snapped back to reality and covered herself with both hands, one in front, one in back and kicked her skirt back into the office. Why that made a difference she didn't know, but she did it anyway. She couldn't believe what she had done. She had LET these young girls see her naked and then watch her get dressed. She never scolded them or told them to go about their business, which meant she said it was 'okay' for them to see her naked. What had she done? Would she ever get the respect of the class? How should she handle it? Should she tell them to forget what they saw? Would they?

She bent over and picked up her skirt, momentarily forgetting that she was still in full view of the girls watching her outside the office windows and allowing some of them to see her bare ass and pussy at once. As she stood, the murmurings outside reminded her of where she was and she covered herself with her skirt. She pointed to the gym and yelled for the girls to go outside and wait for her there.

Reluctantly the girls went into the gym.

Jenna sat down and fixed the zipper and clasp on her skirt. She also thought about what to do. Since it was her first day at her new school and she'd already made a fool of herself with the head mistress AND been assaulted by three students, she decided she couldn't risk another failure or she'd be fired for sure. She walked out to confront the girls and found them all sitting quietly in the bleachers.

"Girls," Jenna began, "First off, my name is Ms. Tarp. We have a little problem and I need your input. How do you think we should handle what just happened in the locker room?"

The room was silent as the girls tossed knowing glances at each other. Finally after a few seconds one girl raised her hand tentatively.

"Yes," said Jenna almost afraid of what she might suggest.

"Well," she began, "the way most of see it is it's YOUR problem, not ours. We didn't do anything wrong, you did."

Jenna felt flushed at hearing the girl's words. She was right. It was HER problem and she WAS the one who did something wrong. At that moment Jenna thought she'd opened a Pandora's box. She needed to find a way out and fast.

Before Jenna could say anything, the girl continued, "You're the one who was naked in front of US. You're the one who used OUR showers instead of your OWN. You're the one who paraded around in the nude and kept dropping you're clothes on the floor and bending over and stuff."

The girl's words cut Jenna like a knife. Everything the girl said was true, at least in their perception. She felt herself getting light-headed again. Her ears were pounding as her pulse quickened. She wanted to say something to stop the girl, but she couldn't think of anything to say.

"My mom always tells me that 'she's the adult and I'm the child'," the girl kept on, "and in this case, you're the adult. So we all know that you're the one who'll get in trouble, not us. In fact, you could probably go to jail for what you did in there, couldn't you?" she asked slyly.

"Jail!" Jenna screamed in her mind. "My gawd, she's absolutely right!" Now visibly shaken, Jenna tried to back pedal. "uh...well, I-I don't think I could go jail for that," she stammered.

"Well we do, don't we girls?" the girl asserted to the nodding and muffled 'yes's'.

Jenna was now totally off guard. She needed a way out and fast.

"Are you willing to risk going to prison, Ms. Tarp?" the girl pointedly asked.

"Prison!" Jenna shrieked in her mind, "Now it's prison." Somehow 'prison' sounded worse than 'jail'.

"Well, are you?!" the girl pressed.

Jenna was sure the answer was 'no', but she still felt uneasy about giving up what little control she had over these young teenage girls as it was. If she admitted that she didn't want to risk prison, what would that lead to? She could see all the girls hanging intently on her answer and the room fell silent as they waited.

"If you're not willing to respond, I guess we just tell the head mistress and let her decide what to do," the girl finally said.

At this Jenna felt a shiver run up her spine. She couldn't' afford for the head mistress to find out what happened, so she pleaded, "Oh, no, PLEASE don't tell the head mistress. I can't afford that. Please don't tell. I'll do whatever, but please don't tell!" Jenna sheepishly responded looking down at the floor. Jenna, once again, felt naked even though she wasn't. She felt like she'd been stripped of everything, her dignity, her control, her very essence. She hated to beg these little girls, but what choice did she have? She could lose everything if they told and maybe even go to prison!

"Okay then. Let's come to an agreement. You do what we want and we won't tell. Agreed?" offered the girl.

Jenna figured the girls would want to fool around during class and not do any real 'gym class' stuff or maybe even want good grades out of it, neither of which compared to the other option, so she agreed.

The girls huddled together and whispered amongst themselves. Jenna tried to listen in, but they kept very quiet and several girls checked over their shoulders to make sure she couldn't hear. For several minutes the girls conspired together before breaking up.

The leader stepped forward again with her list of demands. "First off, we want to play games during gym class, no exercising or junk like that."

Jenna let out a sigh of relief as she agreed to the first simple demand.

"Second, we want to go outside and play whenever we want, so long as it's nice," was the next demand.

Jenna began to feel good about her decision to give up the control of the class to the girls and agreed again.

"We get to wear whatever we want and you have to wear to whatever we tell you," came the next demand.

Jenna was puzzled by the cryptic nature of the request, but agreed anyway. At least she said 'wear' something, she reasoned.

"And last, when we ask you to do something, you must do it without asking questions or we'll go straight to the head mistress and tell her what you did today. Understood?" reprimanded the girl in a serious tone.

Jenna shuddered at the thought, but figured the first several requests were so benign that this last request was just as harmless. Strangely enough, she felt a twinge of arousal surge through her at those words, too. She felt her nipples spring to life and her pussy moisten a little. It was weird. Why would she find that exciting, she wondered.

Jenna found herself lost in her own fantasies for a moment as she pictured herself being asked to do erotic things like dance for them. She inhaled a deep sigh as her mind wandered.

"Great," yelled a girl, "let's go play!" And they took off like wild animals running through the gymnasium yelling and screaming, throwing balls and chasing each other.

Jenna sat on the bleachers and watched as the girls played. Fifteen minutes before the class was scheduled to conclude, Jenna yelled for the girls to hit the showers. The girls obediently scampered into the locker room to shower and change. Jenna followed the last girl in. Once inside, she heard the door close behind her and latch. She turned around and a girl had locked the door.

"Okay," the head girl said, "shower for us."

"W-what?" Jenna said nervously.

"I said shower for us. And remember our agreement, no questions or we tell," reminded the girl. "Now take off your clothes and shower for us." Jenna felt a bead of sweat run down her back. Certainly these girls couldn't be serious. But judging by the serious look on her face and that of the others in the room as they gathered around, Jenna couldn't take that chance. Her reluctance spawned a chant to begin.

"Strip," a few began.

"Strip," a few more chimed in in a low murmur.

"Strip," said the class in unison.

"Strip...strip...strip," they chanted as Jenna began to unbutton her blouse.

Jenna sensed a pulsating energy develop as the girls continued their evil chant and as her fingers opened the last button and pulled the garment free from her skirt. For a short moment she clutched the open blouse tightly together at her chest, when something strange happened. Jenna could feel the energy and excitement building within the room and in each girl. She knew what they wanted and she somehow found herself strangely aroused by it.

As the chant grew louder, it seemed the room was growing warmer. Her body temperature was climbing and she felt her loin filling with blood. Her breathing increased, though in shorter breaths. She found herself almost 'wanting' to do this. She questioned why she was feeling like this. Why was she suddenly feeling the need to show her naked body to these young girls? Where was this strange urge coming from? Her palms were sweaty as her fists held the blouse tightly closed, but she felt her hands, almost uncontrollably separating slightly and re-grasping the blouse by the centerline in each hand. Her thoughts were becoming scattered as the chant grew in crescendo.

Jenna knew what the girls wanted. And now, she felt she wanted it too. Without really thinking she ripped her hands apart opening the blouse and throwing it to the floor. She pushed her skirt off her hips without unfastening it and she stood before her young tormentors with her arms and legs spread. Her ears pulsated with rhythmic pounding, which turned into a rush of cheers.

The girls cheered on their new teacher and Jenna headed to the shower.

"Wait a minute Ms. Tarp," the leader called, "we're not finished with you yet."

Jenna shuddered when she heard those words. "What else could they want?" she questioned to herself. Almost afraid to ask, she queeried, "What else do you want me to do?"

Leaning toward the young teacher and speaking with an air of confidence the leader said, "I want you to kiss every one of our pussies."

"W-what?" exclaimed a shocked Jenna. "I-I can't."

"You CAN'T? Or you WON'T?" sneered the young ringleader. "That's fine. We'll just go tell Sister Ann what you were doing earlier today and again right now."

Jenna suddenly realized the girl was right. Shocked by her request, she'd totally forgotten that she was naked in front of them. Worse yet, she WILLINGLY stripped for them! What had been an accident earlier was now a blatant crime. She was sure her latest offense was a criminal act. Her face turned beet red as she took in the reality of the situation. She knew the girl was right and she couldn't afford to have them tell, but to do what she asked was equally bad. But what choice did she have? "Please, please don't make me do that," she begged.

"Fine, it's your choice." The girl stated flatly, knowing she had the young teacher under her thumb.

Jenna was desperate. She dropped to her knees on the cold tile floor of the shower room, clasped her hands together and pleaded with the young leader, "P-please don't make me do that, PLEASE!" Jenna wanted to cry. She could see the disdain on the face of the young leader and she knew that she'd tell if she didn't do what she asked. Jenna felt ill. She held her face in her hands as she knelt on the floor and cried.

"Stop crying!" the girl ordered. "Are you going to do it or what?"

Sobbing, Jenna knew she had no choice. Unwillingly she blubbered, "yes."

The girl was intent on maximizing her new teacher's humiliation, so she pressed, "Yes, WHAT?"

Jenna was horrified. She was going to have to say it out loud. She was going to have to tell all these girls that she would kiss their pussies. She stared at the floor, fighting back more tears and said, "yes, I'll kiss your pussies."

"Tell us you WANT to kiss our pussies," the girl insisted, "look us in the eye and tell us you want to kiss our pussies."

Jenna was totally humiliated. She felt sick to her stomach. It was hard enough saying it the first time, but 'look at them and say it'? She felt tears roll down her cheeks as she sat on her haunches, naked, humiliated and embarrassed. Reluctantly she looked up, tried to focus through her tears as she looked at the circle of girls surrounding her and sniveled, "I-I want to kiss your pussies."

"Good. Now that wasn't so hard was it?" snickered the girl as she lifted her blue and green plaid skirt and pushed her panties to her knees. "You can start with me, Teacher. Kiss me, right here on my lips," she said as she rubbed her index finger on her clit and pushed her hips toward her teachers face.

Jenna wiped the tears from her eyes and looked up at the young girl arching her back. "Please, don't make me do this," Jenna asked again hoping the girl would change her mind.

The girl grabbed Jenna by the hair on the top of her head and pulled her face into her vagina, saying, "I said kiss me!"

Jenna grunted, "ugh," as her face pressed against the young girl's pussy. She could smell her sexual arousal when her lips smashed against the soft vaginal lips.

"Now kiss me!" the girl insisted.

Jenna hesitated but then kissed the girls pussy.

"No, I want you to French Kiss me," the girl added.

Jenna didn't know what to do. Sitting naked on her haunches with her face being held against the pussy of a minor child with a whole class full of girls looking on, she knew she didn't have a choice. Pressing her lips firmly against the girl's young vagina, Jenna pushed her tongue between the soft fleshy folds eliciting a soft moan from the girl.

"O-o-o-w-w-w that felt great. Do it again," the girl instructed.

Before the girls request, Jenna had had just enough time to taste the flavor on her tongue as she retracted it from the young girl's sex. Surprisingly enough, she wasn't repulsed by it the way she thought she would. Plus hearing the little girl's reaction caused her hair to bristle. Jenna licked her lips to moisten them.

At the directive of the young girl she placed her mouth over her small slit and sealed her wet lips over the girl's tiny pussy and pushed her tongue inside again.

The girl squealed with delight at the sensation of having her teachers tongue pushed inside her. She stepped back and pulled on her panties and giddily told the others how great it felt.

The other girls couldn't wait to have Jenna do it to them, too. They pushed and shoved each other as they fought for position in line. One by one, they stepped in front of their teacher, lifted their skirts and pulled down their panties. They'd spread their feet and thrust their hips forward so that she could have easier access.

Jenna was ashamed at what she was doing, but with each new taste it got easier. What did that mean? Was she a lesbian? Was she a child molester? She didn't have answers to those questions; all she knew was that she somehow had a change of heart. The taste of young pussy wasn't repulsive at all, she told herself, and in fact it had an arousing effect on her.

The twenty plus girls in line waited patiently for their turn. Heads hung off both sides of the line, trying to get a better look and watch for the reaction of their classmates. Each girl either squealed or moaned when they felt their teachers tongue press inside. The anticipation grew with each girl and the room heated up.

Jenna licked her lips between girls. She tasted their sweetness and inhaled their musky aroma. She noticed that as each new girl stepped up her pussy was already moist. She could glide her tongue easily through the pre-moistened flesh. Jenna found this highly arousing. She'd never really tasted a girl's pussy before today and now was able to taste a whole bunch of them, one after another. Jenna didn't realize that after she drove her tongue into a girl's pussy and the girl stepped away that they went to the back of the line.

After only a few girls, Jenna was finding herself getting into it. Watching the girls lift their skirts and pull down their panties in front of her was pretty exciting. She didn't know why she found that so exciting, but she did. She liked discovering which girls were developed and which weren't. Some had pubic hair and fully developed lips, while others had no hair whatsoever.

Halfway through the line Jenna was really into it. Her own sense of arousal was driving her mad. The taste of young pussy on her tongue and the thick aroma of excited young girls hung heavy in the air. Pretty soon, she was grabbing the girls by the hips and pulling them forward onto her face. She'd push her tongue deeply into them and dart it in and out several times soliciting deep moans. That really excited both Jenna and the girls. She found herself opening her mouth wide as the next girl approached and she would seal her lips around theirs and drive her tongue in as deeply as possible while pulling on their hips. She'd twist her head side-to-side in a passionate kiss as she flicked her tongue repeatedly. Secretly she wished she could bring one of them to orgasm to see what it tasted like, too.

Just then the bell rang, signaling the end of the period. A loud groan filled the room, as the girls knew the fun was over for the day. Jenna felt a sense of dissatisfaction as the girls pulled up their panties and left. She said goodbye to the group as they filed out of the locker room. They were all smiles as they giddily skipped their way to their next class.

Jenna needed a shower badly. Her face reeked of young pussy and she had to shake off the effects of what had just happened. As she stood under the water and washed her face, she scolded herself for allowing that to happen. The realization was beginning to settle in as the water washed away her cloudiness. She began to repeat over and over what she had done. She felt her heart sink as she recollected the latest chain of events. She had just kissed the pussies of some 20 teenage girls! My God! She had just kissed the pussies of some 20 teenage girls!

What was she thinking? What had gotten into to her to make it okay? And why did she eventually feel aroused by the whole thing? Jenna didn't know what to think. Finally Jenna cleared the water from her eyes and remembered she was alone. She turned off the water and peeked around the corner back toward her office. The locker room was vacant and she was alone. She looked for her towel, but none was around. She stepped out of the shower and crept across the floor back toward the office when suddenly, just as before, the door opened and her next class poured in.

Jenna felt like this was bad deja' vu. Same as before both froze and stared at each other with 'deer in the headlights' looks. Jenna recovered quickly this time and tiptoed into the office, covering herself as best she could. Once inside, she searched for the towel to cover herself. She looked around for her clothes, too and remembered she'd left them outside. She peered past the girls assembled at the windows but couldn't see them. She figured they must have been kicked somewhere.

This time she knew what to do and told the girls to get ready for gym class and hustled them off. While the girls were changing for class and curiously chatting amongst themselves, Jenna searched for her clothes and the towel. Where on earth did they go? She looked under benches, in corners, on top of lockers, but they were nowhere to be found. Jenna was beginning to feel nervous. She couldn't have lost them, they were right there on the floor. Maybe if she hadn't been so eager to strip for her last class, she'd have been a little more responsible with her clothes. Great, now what was she going to do? A few girls asked if she needed help finding something, but she didn't dare tell them what she was looking for, so she declined their help. She was feeling very frustrated and even more humiliated. How could she have been so stupid? What was she going to do? She had not clothes, no towel, no nothing to cover herself with. She was trapped in the office, naked.

She sent the girls into the gym to begin playing kickball while she continued her search. Being the first day of school there wasn't any lost and found yet. She had nothing to wear at all. She was beginning to panic.

She caught her reflection in the glass window and realized that her hand and arm didn't even cover her large breasts as they poured out over both sides of her arm. She felt a warm feeling rush through her as she felt trapped. Her mind was racing as she scrambled to formulate a plan. No matter how hard she tried, though, nothing made sense. How in the world would she ever be able to perform her job without clothes? How would she ever explain this to the head mistress? Would she be fired for her incompetence? What a horrible nightmare of a first day! What, oh what was she going to do?!

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