St Monicas School for Girls

By Jenna Tarp

Published on Jul 22, 2002


The author permits any kind of archiving, posting, reposting, and reproduction in fixed form or otherwise, of this story. Copyright (C) 2002.

This work is unsuitable for minors. This work contains graphic descriptions of sexual behavior between adult females and adult females with minor females. The explicit nature of the story may be offensive. The religious backdrop and sometimes-violent content may also be offensive. Descriptions, scenes, characters and situations are purely fictional and intended solely for the entertainment of its readers.

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Chapter Twenty-Three:

Trisha awoke early, her excitement had kept her awake most of the night. She had big plans for their Saturday shopping adventure. She would make Jenna demonstrate to EVERYONE they encountered and in no uncertain terms that SHE, Trisha, was her owner. She would mark and tag Jenna like a piece of luggage so that everyone would know who owned her and whom Jenna worshipped.

Trisha crawled out of Jenna's comfortable bed and stretched and yawned. She had left Jenna sleeping in the front room last night, naked and covered in her cum. Trisha chuckled to herself as she stood in the entry to the living room and stared at the nude sleeping body of her teacher. Jenna was curled up in a ball and was snoring.

Trisha walked over to her little slut and kicked her leg to wake her. Jenna sat up quickly and rubbed her eyes. Trisha grinned widely, with hands on her hips and said, "Are you ready for your second day of training my little slut?"

Jenna was barely awake and nodded 'yes' without really understanding the question.

"Good then," Trisha began as she pulled up on her long nightgown and slowly rubbed her belly as she exposed her lightly haired pussy to Jenna, "when I go like this," and she pointed to the floor with her index finger, "then you get on your knees and sit on your legs, okay slut?"

Jenna obeyed the simple command as she blinked her way to awareness.

"When I do that," and she repeated the pointing command, "it means that I need to pee, okay slut?"

Jenna shrugged her shoulders in a 'big deal' sort of way, still not fully grasping the implication of Trisha's gesture. She sat on her haunches with her hands in her lap as Trisha faced her.

"Okay, then, open up," Trisha said as she looked down at the suddenly confused Jenna.

Jenna didn't know what to make of the last command. "What did she mean 'open up'?" she asked herself. Jenna blinked several times as she tried to clear her mind.

"Come on sweetie, hurry up, I need to pee," Trisha almost sang as she danced a little. "Your mouth, open your mouth, I need to pee, slut! This is the start of your second day of training and this is your first lesson! You will kneel and open your mouth when I point to the ground, slut! From now on you are going to be my personal toilet, understand?!" and she slapped the now startled Jenna across the face. "Have I got your attention NOW, slut? Now open your goddamn mouth and get READY!"

Jenna, her face stinging from the slap, sat back, tilted her head up and opened her mouth. She watched Trisha step forward and mount her face like a human toilet seat. She felt Trisha's hands grab the sides and back of her head and pull up hard as she snuggled her pussy directly over her open orifice.

A hot stream of urine shot into the back of Jenna's throat, causing her to gag repeatedly through her nose, sending puffs of air onto Trisha's soft pubic mound.

Trisha groaned, "aaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh," with a contented sense of relief as the contents of her bladder were released into her teachers' mouth.

With a few short grinds, Trisha squeezed out the last few remaining drops of piss into Jenna's mouth before saying, "Okay, now clean me."

Jenna's eyes were glazed over after choking down the large amount of hot girl piss but she took pride in the fact that she hadn't spilled a drop and had been able to stay up with the constant refilling. The salty, tangy residue made her want to gag, but she held it in and licked her young teenage tormentors pussy clean.

"Mmmmmm, that's good. You did well my little slut. Now get dressed. We're going shopping. And don't forget your credit cards, I've got a long list of things to buy today," Trisha reminded as she turned and left to get dressed.

An hour later, both were dressed and ready to go. Trisha wore a simple black leather mini-skirt, a short sleeved white cotton crop top covered by a small black leather vest. She pulled her hair back in a ponytail and wore a lot of eye makeup to make herself appear older than she was. The stiletto-healed shoes made her tower over the shorter schoolteacher and accentuated her dominance.

Jenna wore a short navy mini and a pale blue button front silk blouse. Trisha made her wear a lacy bra and unbutton the top two buttons on her blouse so that her bra was clearly visible and Jenna's cleavage showed.

Trisha tossed Jenna some keys and said, "You drive slut."

Together they got in Jenna's small Beetle and drove away.

Jenna wasn't sure where they were going and was almost afraid to ask. She figured Trisha would tell her and Trisha didn't disappoint.

"Go to the pet store. The one near 7th Avenue," Trisha directed.

A few minutes later they were parked in front of the large pet store and walked inside. Jenna had no idea why Trisha wanted to go to a pet store. She figured the young girl must have had a pet at home that needed something, so she dutifully walked a step or two behind the teenager.

Jenna followed Trisha to a section that had several dog collars and leashes hanging neatly side-by-side. "Pick one," Trisha said.

Jenna looked over the wide selection of leather straps and asked, "How big is your dog's neck?"

Trisha paused and stared at the buxom teacher and wondered how anybody could get a college education and still be so dumb. "It's not for my dog, slut, it's for YOU! Are you really that STUPID?"

Jenna's heart skipped a beat and she felt herself go faint.

"Here, try this one on slut," Trisha said as she handed Jenna an inch wide black leather strap.

Jenna was in a daze and could barely move. She glanced around to see if anyone was watching as she buckled the strap on her neck. Her heart thumped in her chest and her fingers barely worked.

"Hmmm," Trisha pondered, "that looks good. But I think we need a second opinion."

Jenna knew that Trisha just wanted to humiliate her so she started to plead, "No, Ms. Trisha, please don't! We don't need a second opinion, really we don't."

Trisha was already looking for a salesperson and began waving to a young girl with a pet store vest on.

The dark haired young woman approached and politely asked, "May I help you?"

"Yes," Trisha began as she felt a surge of wetness from the power she held, "I'd like to ask your opinion on something. How do you think this collar looks on my girlfriend?"

Trisha watched the sales girls face redden as she turned to look at Jenna.

"Uh, I think it looks...fine," she said as her face wrinkled and turned to a scowl. The associate then turned and lifted her nose as she walked away in disgust.

Jenna watched her walk to a co-worker and begin talking to her. They chatted and pointed in her direction and then snickered together. Jenna wanted to crawl into a hole right about then.

"Here," Trisha said as she handed Jenna a short leather leash, "take this over to them and ask her if this is suitable for you. Tell them I want to know if it's good quality and won't break if I pull up hard on it. Tell them I ride your face and I need to pull up hard sometimes. Tell them I said you'll show them how you let me ride your face."

Jenna felt faint. Her eyes blinked uncontrollably as she tried to comprehend what Trisha was asking of her. Her heart raced and she felt her skin go cold. This couldn't be happening. Surely Trisha wasn't asking her to go over to a couple of complete strangers IN A STORE and tell them all that stuff AND MEAN IT, was she?

"Y-you're kidding me, right Ms. Trisha?" Jenna hoped upon hope.

Trisha's eyes glared at the young teacher and she clenched her jaw. "You do what I said, right goddamn now or there'll be HELL to pay. Do you understand slut?" Trisha snarled. "And if they don't understand what you mean then I'd better see you drop to your knees in a New York second, do you hear me?"

Jenna was breathless. Her skin crawled with fear and humiliation as she took the leash and slowly walked toward the two sales girls who stared at her as she approached.

"Yes?" the dark haired girl snottily said as Jenna shuffled up to them like a dog with its tail between its legs, "can I help you?" she asked as she folded her arms across her chest and looked down her nose at Jenna.

Both sales girls looked down at the smaller Jenna and scowled their disapproval that she was allowing herself to be humiliated like that in public. Jenna sensed their hatred for her and she could read the repulsion on their faces. She felt empty inside, knowing that what they felt was justified. Jenna couldn't look them in the eye and her mouth was dry and cottony as she tried to speak.

"Uh, my, my girlfriend wants to know if this leash is suitable for me," Jenna sputtered.

"What do you mean 'suitable'?" asked the dark haired sales girl in a cynical tone.

"Well, she wants to know if it's of good quality and can be pulled up hard without breaking?" Jenna tried to explain in as vague a manner as possible hoping the girls wouldn't ask more questions.

"Well, yes, it can be pulled up on, but..." the sales girl paused and looked at her co-worker who was equally confused. She asked, "What's this all about anyway? Why does she need to pull up on the leash anyway? What are you two sicko's doing anyway?"

Jenna cringed. The words cut her to the quick and she wanted to run away crying, but she knew she couldn't. Her palms sweat as she recalled what Trisha had told her to do if the girls didn't understand. Jenna glanced over her shoulder and saw Trisha watching her every move. She winced when Trisha tapped the side of her nose and flipped her head in the direction of the two sales girls. Jenna started to tremble as she said, "Uh, well, I," Jenna's head swirled and she stammered, "I, uh, have been asked to tell you that, uh, well my girlfriend, uh, well she...she rides my face sometimes."

"WHAT!?" exclaimed the sales girl in a loud disgusted voice as she wrinkled her nose. "Oh, you're sick!"

The brunette sales girl seemed a little more intrigued and asked, "What do you mean she 'rides your face'? How does she do that?"

Jenna's worst nightmare continued unabated. She couldn't believe these girls just didn't get it. She was going to have to show them after all. As humiliated as she was, Jenna was even more miffed that these two girls just didn't get it.

A little perturbed, Jenna said, "Fine. I'll show you," and she dropped to her knees and motioned the brunette to come to her. Jenna reached out and wrapped her hands behind her jean-covered thighs and pulled the girl toward her. "Now, push your hips toward me."

As the girl pushed her hips toward the kneeling blonde, Jenna pushed her nose against the brunette's crotch. The coarse seam of the jeans was highly abrasive on her tender bridge but she nuzzled her nose tightly against the damp material anyway. Jenna was surprised to feel such heat and moisture through such thick material.

"See?" Jenna said as she spoke into the girls' thighs, "this is how she rides my face, okay?"

"I don't get it?" said the brunette as she stood over the kneeling blonde in the middle of the empty store, "this is all she does?"

Jenna looked up at the girl in disbelief. Was she really that stupid? "No, of course that's not ALL she does," Jenna began, frustrated that she had to spell everything out to this dumb sales girl, "she humps my face. You know, she has orgasms, duh."

"I still don't get it", said the brunette as she placed her hands on her hips in a domineering posture.

Jenna now felt suddenly stupid. She glanced around from her kneeling position to see if anyone was looking and she unbuttoned and unzipped the girls' jeans. She looked around again as she quickly pulled the tight jeans and panties down to the girls knees. The thick smell of aroused female encircled Jenna's head as the damp panties pulled free of their sticky confinement. Jenna marveled at how the girls' pussy glistened with apparent arousal as she pushed her pants to her ankles.

"Is this how she does it?" asked the brunette as she mounted Jenna's nose and jammed her pussy onto her face.

"Yeah, is this how she does it?" repeated an angered sounding voice from the dark haired girl behind her.

Jenna felt one hand push her head into the brunette's sopping cunt while two more hands grabbed her hair and tilted her face skyward. The brunette started to face fuck her right there in the store! Jenna could feel the girls' weight as she humped her hard.

"Is this how she does it, bitch?" snarled the brunette as she ground away on Jenna's face.

Jenna felt sharp jerks on her neck as the dark haired girl began to yank up on her leash with one hand and sneer as she forced Jenna's face even deeper into the brunette's cunt with the other, "Yeah, is this how she does it, you whore?"

Both girls started yelling insults at Jenna as the brunette continued to violently fuck Jenna's face.

"You're a goddamn slut, bitch!"

"You're a sick-o lesbian cunt, you whore!"

"Is this how your girlfriend fucks your face you piece of shit?!"

"Cum on her face Darla, just like her girlfriend does! Fuck her face good. She likes it. She likes having her face fucked, don't you whore?"

Jenna held tightly onto the girls' thighs as she mercilessly rubbed her pussy on Jenna's tender face. It was all Jenna could do to hold on. She was at their mercy and had no choice. She hoped Trisha would come and rescue her from these two deviants of society, but that didn't seem likely. All she could do was kneel there and take it. Her face was coated with sticky girl juice and her nose throbbed from the abuse. Jenna just hoped the girl would cum soon.

"Oh, gawd," the brunette moaned, "I...I...I think I'm...cumming" she panted as she upped the tempo.

"Let me help," said the dark haired girl, as she pulled up hard on the leash, forcing Jenna's nose deeper into her friends oozing sex.

"Oh yes," exclaimed the brunette as she ground down hard on the bony protrusion.

Jenna's nose bumped on and off the girls' throbbing clit until she groaned in climax, "Aaaaahhhhhhooooohhhhhh!!"

Jenna relaxed as the brunette slowed and loosened her grip on her hair.

"Oh gawd," the brunette sighed as her pussy walls still twitched. "That was wonderful."

Jenna tried to open her eyes, which were stuck shut with sticky girl cum. She stretched her face and could feel the dried stickiness crack away. Jenna tried to clear her mind and come to grips with just what happened when she heard the dark haired girl say:

"Hey, Trish, the leash works just fine. Gawd, are you lucky! Where'd you say you found the slut again?"

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Next: Chapter 24

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