St Monicas School for Girls

By Jenna Tarp

Published on Jul 6, 2002


The author permits any kind of archiving, posting, reposting, and reproduction in fixed form or otherwise, of this story. Copyright (C) 2002.

This work is unsuitable for minors. This work contains graphic descriptions of sexual behavior between adult females and adult females with minor females. The explicit nature of the story may be offensive. The religious backdrop and sometimes-violent content may also be offensive. Descriptions, scenes, characters and situations are purely fictional and intended solely for the entertainment of its readers.

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Chapter Twenty-Two:

Jenna was devastated. The whole walk home while under the positive arm control of Trisha, Jenna was in a mental fog. She kept dwelling on the horrible experience in the store and then in the restroom. She couldn't stop thinking about how humiliating it was. She wondered if anyone recognized her or had seen her before. She worried her time as a middle school teacher was coming to an end. She wondered what those people thought about her. "Oh for gawd's sake," she moaned to herself, "what have I done?"

Her face still encrusted with teenage girl cum, Jenna was finding it increasingly more difficult to breathe. Her heart thumped wildly in her chest and she felt extreme anxiety as they rounded the block to her house. She desperately tried to push the horrifying memories out of her mind. The visions kept popping back in her head and she felt weaker and weaker. It was like an out-of-body experience. Jenna kept seeing herself pull her panties off in line with all those people watching her. And she shuddered when she saw herself standing there in front of them as Trisha stuffed them in her mouth. Tears filled her eyes as she watched herself in her mind as Trisha led her to the restroom and then fucked her face and came on her. Goose bumps rippled across her skin as she cringed and winced.

The cool evening air did nothing to calm her shattered nerves. Jenna visibly shook as the pair walked up the grass-lined sidewalk and up the few steps to the wooden porch. The thirty something year old house was in need of a paint job and the crusty gray peeling paint crunched under their feet as Jenna unlocked the heavy wooden door and pushed it open. Almost without thinking, Jenna stepped aside and let her young mistress enter first.

Trisha stepped into her teacher's home and felt an immediate sense of power come over her. She had planned this day for months and now her dream was coming true. Tonight would be the first day in a series of training sessions for her teacher slut. Trisha was determined to turn the older woman into her personal sex slave. Her months of surfing the net would culminate in her complete dominance of this beautiful young buxom teacher. She would use whatever means were necessary to insure that Jenna would submit to her every whim and perform whatever sexual act, no matter how perverted or sick it was, whenever she wanted. This was Trisha's mission in life. She knew it and she was committed to fulfilling it.

The clunky latching of the door behind her brought Trisha back to reality. She smiled a devilish smile and sighed deeply as she entered the front room of the house. The large picture window to her left that faced the street would be the perfect place to put her plan into action. She would put Ms. Tarp on display for the world to see and further cement her hold over the vulnerable young teacher.

"Come here, teach," said the suddenly assertive teen, "stand here." Trisha pointed to a spot on the floor that was dead center in front of the big picture window that began about a two feet off the floor and extended upward almost to the ceiling. "Open the drapes, my little slut."

Jenna felt a sudden tingle scamper up her spine as she opened the drapes. It was difficult to see outside because of the reflection on the glass, but Jenna knew that people could see in easily enough. She gasp when she felt Trisha move directly behind her and grab her firmly by the arms. Jenna was very afraid about what this teen may do so she held her breath and dare not speak.

Trisha squeezed tightly on Jenna's arms and pushed her shoulders together slightly as she leaned against her back and whispered in her ear, "Do you know what today is?"

Jenna was confused and her brain rifled through a list of holiday's and special occasions but came up empty. Nothing seemed special about today, so she silently shook her head 'no'.

"Today is the first day of your training," Trisha began softly, "tonight I will to teach you how to properly serve me."

Jenna's heart began to race and her skin became coated with sweat. She didn't totally understand what Trisha meant and was way too afraid to ask. She tried to hold her breath and wish the whole thing away but it wasn't working. When she felt her blouse ripped from her shoulders Jenna gasped, "OH!"

Trisha had grabbed the neckline of the blouse and ripped it downward over Jenna's shoulders. Jenna's breasts were almost fully exposed but Jenna had instinctively tried to cover them with her arms.

"PUT YOUR ARMS DOWN SLUT!" Trisha yelled in response. "Keep them at your sides!" Trisha was frustrated that the blouse was still on and she was getting angry. She knew she'd have to gain immediate control and put her teacher in her place or risk blowing the whole thing. She grabbed Jenna's hair and jerked back hard on her head. She sneered as she placed her mouth next to Jenna's ear and snarled, "Do you realize what will happen to you if you don't do EXACTLY what I say? Do you have any idea what the public scandal will be like? The humiliation? The damage to your career and reputation will be irreparable. And what about prison Ms. Tarp? Have you thought about what prison would be like for a lesbian 'baby raper' like you?"

Jenna's heart sank and she suddenly felt powerless. Her teenage tormentor was right and it cut her to the quick. The emptiness Jenna felt inside would soon be filled with humiliation and disgust, but in the end she'd have no choice.

"Strip" was the only word Trisha spoke and Jenna did. She peeled off her clothes and stood naked in front of the large picture window for anyone to see. Jenna's large breasts heaved with her humiliation. She desperately wanted to cover herself, but Trisha had told her to keep her hands at her sides, so she did. Goose bumps riddled her skin as Jenna thought about her nakedness.

Trisha stirred around behind the naked teacher and Jenna could tell she was searching for something. Without warning Jenna screamed and jumped when she felt a sharp sting on her ass cheeks. THWAP! was the sound that followed and Jenna realized she just been spanked with a yardstick!

"Tell me you're my SLUT, teach!" ordered Trisha.

Jenna could feel the welt forming on her ass and pictured the bright red mark.

THWAP! came a second blow.

"You need to answer me, slut! Tell me you're MY slut, teach!" Trisha repeated.

Jenna didn't hesitate this time and responded, "I-I'm your slut!"

THWAP! came a third swat.

"Say it like you mean it slut! Tell me you're MY slut!" Trisha insisted as her own pussy began to moisten.

"I'm your slut!" Jenna whimpered this time, her ass flaming from the swats.

"Not good enough, whore!"


Jenna's eye's filled with tears and she fought back the urge to cry out in pain. She clenched her fists tightly as if 'biting the bullet'. In as sincere a sounding voice as she could muster, Jenna said, "I'm YOUR slut, Ms. Trisha. I'll do whatever you wish, just please don't spank me anymore."

As she uttered those words, Jenna felt a piece of her spirit just float away. She was losing control of her will to resist and she was becoming more and more scared about what that meant.

"Spread your legs, slut!" Trisha commanded as she marveled at the beautiful ass on her young teacher.

Without hesitation and fearing further punishment Jenna did as she was told. She spread her feet.

"Put your hands on your head slut," Trisha ordered.

Once again, Jenna complied. She interlaced her fingers on her head and pushed her elbows rearward. She felt her large firm breasts lift and separate. Jenna worried that someone may see her standing naked in her front window in such a vulnerable position but she knew there was nothing she could do about it.

Beginning with light taps on the insides of Jenna's thighs Trisha began to slap at the tender skin of her teacher's inner legs. She tapped back and forth from one leg to the other; gradually working her way closer to the teacher's exposed and freshly shaved pussy.

"Tell me you like this, slut," Trisha insisted as she slapped at the reddening skin. "Tell me you like what I'm doing and you want more of it."

Jenna winced in pain as the yardstick flicked back and forth from one leg to the other increasingly faster the higher it got. It was all she could do to keep from crying out in pain but she knew it would only get worse if she didn't say she liked it. "I-I like it Ms. Trisha. Please keep doing it, I-I like it," she lied in her most convincing tone.

The slapping stopped when the gap became too small. Trisha then turned the yardstick upward and began gently tapping Jenna's swollen labia. Inexplicably, Jenna could feel tiny splatters of moisture being spattered on her upper thighs with each smack from the yardstick. Jenna wondered if she was bleeding. Truthfully she knew she wasn't from the reflection in the window but she remained confused about where the liquid was coming from. She KNEW it couldn't have come from within her loin. There was NO way!

The stinging taps on Jenna's pussy slowly rocked their way backward onto her ass crack. Trisha worked the yardstick like a magician. The short flicks weren't really painful but more distracting. Jenna couldn't help but hold her breath or take short gasping breaths of air. The sensations were just too strange.

Just as Jenna felt her mind wander and her eyes close, the tapping stopped. As a residual effect from being tapped, her pussy flooded with blood and her labium felt like they were humming. Jenna exhaled and opened her eyes. She saw Trisha's reflection as she moved around to Jenna's right where her peripheral vision picked her up.

"Tell me you like this, slut," Trisha said as she began tapping the yardstick across both Jenna's nipples simultaneously.

Jenna winced at the first tap. Subsequent taps caused the strangest reaction she'd never imagined. It was as if the yardstick were adhering itself to her nipples and each time it was retracted it'd pull her nipples out further. Jenna watched her reflection in the glass and could see her nipples grow longer and thicker than ever before. Her eyes widened in amazement as the bright red line that formed across her breasts seemed to highlight her now throbbing nipples.

Jenna's stomach tightened reflexively with each sharp tap on her breasts but she somehow managed to say, "Yes, Ms. Trisha, I do like this."

After repeating the affirmation to her young tormentor, Jenna realized that something strange was happening to her. Something so unusual that she couldn't quite identify it. Tiny feelings were flittering around in her stomach and causing her mind to reel.

She looked at herself in the reflection again and slowly changed her focus when something beyond the glass caught her eye. Cone-shapes of amber light provided an eerie backdrop just beyond the trees that lined her street. Though the tapping on her breasts continued and her pussy was twitching simultaneously, Jenna spied a shadowy figure peering out from behind one of the trees along the street.

Try as she might to maintain focus on the stinging pain and the strange sensations it was causing in her stomach, Jenna desperately needed to know if she was being watched. She moved her head slightly to avoid the glare and was shocked to see not one shadowy head, but FOUR!

"Please, Ms. Trisha," Jenna panted, "someone's watching."

Trisha paused and looked out the window. She recognized the outlines as the four teenage girls from the store. They must have followed them home. "Hmmm, yes, I see them," Trisha mused, "looks like they want a show. Well then, let's give them one shall we?"

Jenna's heart began to flutter as her shattered state of confusion impaired her decision-making. She held her position as Trisha dropped the yardstick and moved directly behind her again.

"Tell me you like this, slut," Trisha whispered in Jenna's ear as she reached around the petite teachers body and pinched a nipple in each hand.

Jenna bit her lower lip as the cold slender fingers grabbed her nipples and began pulling them from her chest. For a moment there, she thought Trisha may try to pull them off completely but she only stretched her tits to their maximum before starting over. The tight grip on her nipples and the rough milking action was sending mixed signals through Jenna. Floods of moisture into her pussy were overriding the pain on her breasts. Jenna found herself leaning back and stretching her elbows rearward even more in reaction to the incessant milking.

She knew she was giving in to the young teenagers bidding and Jenna felt very awkward about it. Deep down inside Jenna knew it was wrong. But her body was abandoning her mental displeasure and was becoming more and more aroused by the abuse and punishment. Jenna's mind swirled with questions about morality and right and wrong. Her stomach convulsed as she sighed loudly, "Yes, Ms. Trisha, I DO like it!"

Jenna was overwhelmed at the conflict inside her. She didn't even realize that Trisha had released a breast and was now spanking her bare ass with one hand while continuing to pull on her nipple with the other. Jenna's eyes rolled around in her head and she could hardly breathe.

She knew it was wrong to feel this aroused. The more she thought about it the more confused and aroused she became. Jenna couldn't understand why the pain inflicted by this teen was having this kind of affect on her. What did it say about her as a person? Shouldn't she be crying out in pain, rather than swooning with excitement?

Jenna panted as Trisha reared back and spanked her bright red ass again and again. She pulled Jenna's nipple so hard she thought she might tear it off. Yet through all her torture, the teacher kept muttering over and over that she liked it. The way Jenna arched her back confirmed that she truly enjoyed the abuse, so Trisha obliged her. Each subsequent swat on her ass was directed to land squarely on her exposed anus and pussy and ended with a quick squeeze on her sloppy slit.

Jenna's mind was consumed with the wild sensations that invaded her brain. She strained to stay in control of her faculties but the painful pleasure became too much. It didn't seem to matter that four teenage girls watched her being abused or that pain was causing her pleasure or that a young teenage girl was inflicting the pain or that she repeatedly affirmed her desire for more. Jenna had lost control and she owed it all to Trisha. It was this young teenage girl that had brought her to new heights of pleasure and pain and it was her that Jenna must worship.

Suddenly that realization set in. Jenna knew her place in this world and it was to serve this young girl. She dropped to her knees and genuflected the wonderful young girl. She kissed her feet before yanking down her skirt and panties and jamming her nose into her glistening slit.

Shocked but excited, Trisha couldn't believe her plan was working as well as it was. She rubbed her pussy on Jenna's nose and face as she looked down at the naked pitiful teacher. Trisha couldn't believe that Ms. Tarp had willingly dropped to her knees and offered her nose. Trisha continued to hump Jenna's face as she stated, "tell me you like this, slut."

"I DO Ms. Trisha! I do like it!" muttered an inflamed Jenna as the teen's pussy smothered her speech.

"You're a slut, aren't you? Tell me you're a slut!" Trisha panted as her ecstasy was building.

"I'm a slut, Ms. Trisha, I'm YOUR slut, Miss," Jenna offered as best she could.

Trisha was rapidly reaching an orgasm. She looked out the window to see if her audience was still watching and they were. Knowing that four girls were watching her face fuck her teacher was almost too much and she felt like exploding.

She slowed her humping to a nice gentle thrust as she reached down and stroked her teachers' hair from the sides of her face with both hands. Trisha loved the feeling of Jenna's nose in her pussy. It just seemed to fit perfectly against her clit and was just long enough to poke inside.

Trisha regained control of herself and then took two handfuls of hair and pulled up hard on Jenna's face. She began to thrust down hard on Jenna's face and really grind her pussy onto her teachers' nose. An evil desire to humiliate her teacher just a little bit more flashed before her so Trisha grunted as she humped, "You're such a slut! You dirty filthy cunt! How can you let a teenager fuck your face like this with people watching?! You're a disgusting whore AREN'T YOU!"

Jenna flinched at the sharpness of the words but reveled in the smell and sweltering moisture of Trisha's steamy pussy as it bumped across her nose and forehead. She gently held the teens' knees and tilted her face upward just the way Trisha liked it and held that position for her as she screamed, "YES! YES, I'm a WHORE Ms. Trisha! I'm YOUR WHORE!" Jenna could taste the dribbles of pleasure as they leaked from the young girls loin and into the corners of her mouth. Jenna knew that this was the kind of thing that Trisha loved and because Trisha had been so good to her tonight, she would do this in return.

Trisha took one last glance out the window and screamed in orgasm, "OOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHAAAAAAHHHHHHH!" as the four teenagers from the store looked on!

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Next: Chapter 23

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