St Monicas School for Girls

By Jenna Tarp

Published on Jun 18, 2002


The author permits any kind of archiving, posting, reposting, and reproduction in fixed form or otherwise, of this story. Copyright (C) 2002.

This work is unsuitable for minors. This work contains graphic descriptions of sexual behavior between adult females and adult females with minor females. The explicit nature of the story may be offensive. The religious backdrop and sometimes-violent content may also be offensive. Descriptions, scenes, characters and situations are purely fictional and intended solely for the entertainment of its readers.

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Chapter Nineteen

Even Trisha was having a hard time believing how much control she was having over her teacher. The teenager spent nearly every waking hour when she was not in school, masturbating to thoughts of how she could further degrade and humiliate the young Ms. Tarp. Her own mom was beginning to worry about her because she'd run upstairs to her room after school and never be seen from again, or so it seemed.

When her mom inquired about what she was doing in her room all that time, Trisha always told her "homework". "Yeah," she chuckled to herself as leaned against her headboard, "I'm doing homework alright." A devious smile crossed her lips as two fingers massaged her slippery cunt. She was determined to come up with a whole list of ways to humiliate her teacher and demonstrate her total control. As she lay there playing with her pussy she pondered the thought.

"Hmmm, what can I do next," she hummed as she inserted a finger. "I think she needs to look more like the slut she is," Trisha mused to herself as her pussy surged with fresh juice as a wonderful idea entered her brain. "YES!" she said aloud, "that's it!" She masturbated herself to a glorious orgasm before drifting off to a blissful sleep.

The next morning at school she went in search of Ms. Tarp. Quickly joined by her two friends, Trisha marched through the hallways in search of the tiny teacher. Armed with her very select items, her anticipation was getting the better of her. She could feel her pussy juice start to dribble from her cunt. She almost felt tunnel vision as her heart rate increased. This was going to be GREAT!

Like gangsters on a mission, they pushed open door after door in search of their victim. Bic yelled out, "There she is!" when she saw the petite teacher duck into a nearby restroom. The three scampered down the hall and burst into the restroom. At first it appeared empty as the three ruffians entered but they all knew better.

Barb taunted Jenna by singing, "Ms. Tarp, come out, come out wherever you are."

Jenna huddled in a stall, her feet pulled up in a fetal position on the toilet. She'd hoped the three girls hadn't seen her slip in there but she was wrong. She squeezed her legs tightly and whimpered quietly. Deep down she knew it was only a matter of time before they found her. She had nowhere to run and nowhere to hide. She was defenseless against their daily assaults. Her heart beat so loudly she thought it might give her away.


Jenna flinched when the stall door next to hers slammed open. She wanted to burst into tears. The fear was paralyzing. Tiny beads of sweat formed on her neck as squeezed her knees tighter to her chest and closed her eyes. She knew her stall was next.

"Hello down there," came a familiar sounding voice from above. Trisha was standing on the toilet in the next stall and was looking down on the frightened teacher. "You aren't hiding are you, teach?" Trisha snickered before getting serious, "I want you NOW! So come out, okay?"

Jenna was petrified. She didn't know what to say.

"Why don't you be a good little girl and open the door okay? I have a surprise for you my little slut," teased Trisha.

Jenna feared statements like that most of all. Any surprise this kid had for her had to be bad. "Please! Won't you please just leave me alone? Please, Ms. Trisha, please just leave me alone!" Jenna pleaded.

Trisha gushed at being called 'Ms. Trisha' by her teacher. "Open the door little girl or I'll crawl over the top and we'll have a repeat of yesterday" warned Trisha.

Those words sent a bolt of fear through Jenna and without looking up at her, she briskly stepped down off the toilet and reluctantly opened the door. Bic grabbed her arm and yanked her out.

Trisha forcefully grabbed the smaller teachers jaw and pushed her back against the wall. Jenna winced and squeezed her eyes shut expecting to be hit. She pressed her hands against the cold tile wall hoping she could just sink inside and disappear.

"You're a slut, aren't you, teach?" sneered Trisha. "Say it. Tell us you're a slut!"

Jenna leaned against the wall with all her might. She wasn't a slut and she hated the word. She hated being told to say the word, but this girl, this evil little girl kept making her say it. All Jenna wanted was for this torment to stop. "Please, Ms. Trisha, please don't make me do things like this, PLEASE. Why are you doing this to me? What have I ever done to you?" she pleaded.

Jenna's pleas fell on deaf ears. Trisha didn't care. "Just SAY IT! Tell us you're a SLUT!" she insisted as she squeezed a little tighter on Jenna's jaw.

"I-I'm a slut!" blubbered a distraught Jenna.

"Yes you are," cooed a satisfied Trisha, "but you don't LOOK like a slut. Does she girls?"

"No, not at all," agreed the two cohorts in unison.

Jenna wondered why the three girls were being so nice all of a sudden. They just paid her a wonderful compliment, the first of its kind. She opened her eyes and looked at the three young teens, her jaw still firmly in Trisha's grasp.

"Maybe we can help her with that, girls," offered a helpful sounding Trisha.

Bic piped up, "I'm sure we can."

"Yes, oh yes, I'm SURE we can," agreed Barb enthusiastically.

"Well then, we're agreed," surmised Trisha. "Let's get started then."

Trisha released the thin-framed teacher and started rummaging through her bag. Small items clanked on the counter top as the bags contents were emptied. Lipstick, eye shadow, mascara, eyeliner, lip-gloss, rouge, makeup and other assorted things were spread out. A couple of neatly folded items were placed up there too.

"Now hold still and don't move slut," ordered a more serious Trisha.

The three girls started applying makeup to the petite teachers face. Jenna didn't move as the girl's applied thick coats of heavy mascara and eyeliner. Receding shades of blue eye shadow crept to her eyebrows, which had been plucked into thin lines. Her lips were coated with a deep red lipstick to match the rouge that covered her cheeks.

Jenna watched the methodical transformation in the mirror. She looked more and more slutty with each new addition. No more did she look like a schoolteacher. Now she looked like a hooker.

When the girls were finished Trisha pointed to the neat little stack of folded clothes and said, "here, put these on, teach."

Jenna kept staring at her face in the mirror as she picked up the clothes. She closely examined the job they did and was actually impressed by the detail. In no way was she accepting that she looked okay, it's just that the job they did was pretty good.

Jenna shook out the two items and stared at them. Her heart sank as fear gripped her. There was no way she could where them. NO WAY! One item was a tiny shear white top with short sleeves that was so shear it wouldn't even conceal her breasts and the other...the other was a small stretchy tube that was no more than SIX INCHES WIDE! "Is that a SKIRT?" her mind shrieked!

"I-I can't w-wear these, Ms. Trisha! I'll be fired on the spot," Jenna pleaded.

Trisha grabbed the teacher's hair and shook her head, "I said put them on! I'm not going to repeat myself, slut!"

Jenna was scared. Her hands trembled as the three youngsters stepped back to watch the well-endowed teacher disrobe. Nervously, Jenna stripped. She tried to keep herself covered as best she could but it was no use. The see-through top fit just as she thought it would. It adhered to her like a second skin and her breasts were clearly visible. It did little to support her large perky breasts and ended just below her rib cage. The neckline was deep enough that some cleavage showed and the back a very deep U-cut.

Jenna quickly checked her appearance in the mirror and was shocked her aureoles were as distinct as they were. Her nipples sprung out a solid half-inch and she could even see some tiny bumps around her aureoles.

"Hurry up, slut. Put the skirt on," encouraged a heated Trisha.

The anticipation was almost too much for the teenager. Her plan was going better than expected. She had made up the teacher to look like the 'slut of sluts' and the idea of her teaching class looking like that was causing her to drip.

"Come on, come on," urged the impatient Trisha.

Jenna undid her skirt and dropped in to the floor. Leaning forward in a horrible attempt to cover herself from the prying eyes, she pulled on the tiny tube. It fit like a glove and was very stretchy. When she pulled it up to her waist her pussy showed. When she pulled it down to cover her pussy, her ass crack showed. Jenna was flabbergasted. She didn't know what to do.

"Okay, okay, now the shoes," insisted a breathless Trisha as her masterpiece was coming to conclusion.

Jenna was handed a pair of black stiletto heeled shoes. She stepped into the 6-inch heeled shoes and stared at herself in the mirror. The lime green skirt looked atrocious. Her flat stomach heaved with fear. She just couldn't go out in public looking like this, she just couldn't!

"Please, Ms. Trisha, please don't make me wear this. I look awful!" Jenna twisted and turned as she checked her appearance in the mirror. The shoes raised her height to the point where she could actually make direct eye contact with Trisha and not have to look up at her.

"I think you look wonderful!" Trisha lied. "Meet me back in class girls."

Bic and Barb smiled at each other as they skipped off arm in arm.

Trisha pushed the young teacher backward into the first stall closest to the door. "Sit down slut" she ordered. "Before you go to your first class looking like the slut you are, I want you to service me first."

"Please, no. Not again, Ms. Trisha, PLEASE!" begged Jenna as she sat on the toilet and looked up at the teen.

Trisha put her hands on the teachers' shoulders and pushed down. "Get on your knees, slut."

Jenna whispered as loudly as she thought she should, "Please Ms. Trisha, not in here. Someone may come in and see me kneeling in here. Please Ms. Trisha, don't make me do this! Not NOW!" She knew she should would have to though as she sank to her knees. The cold concrete floor sent shivers up her spine and her nipples sprang to instant hardness. She braced herself from falling forward in the tight confines by holding onto Trisha's knees. "Please Ms. Trisha, please don't make me do this again."

Jenna knew her pleas were being ignored. Even as she continued to beg the teen to stop, Jenna continued with her task. She slid her hands up the girls thighs to the waistband of her panties and paused, "Please Ms. Trisha," she begged, her eyes firmly affixed on the girls panties, "please don't make me do this again," she pleaded. Jenna's voice tapered off as an inexplicable rush of saliva filled her mouth.

As she pulled the girls panties down, Jenna continued her emotionless pleas, "Please Ms. Trisha, please!" Without being forced, Jenna kissed the teens sopping wet pussy full on. She heard Trisha groan as if the culmination of her efforts were being realized. Jenna pushed her nose into the bottom of her slit and ran it up to her clit.

Trisha sighed as the tip of Jenna's nose brushed across her swollen knob. Instinctively she pushed her hips forward and spread her knees as far as the panties would let them.

Jenna pushed outwardly on the girls thighs and drove her tongue deep into the tangy wetness. She licked and sucked on the teen's pussy and made love to it. Just as she was getting into it, the restroom door opened.

Both girls froze.

Jenna's heart raced. She squeezed tightly on Trisha's thighs as her fear took over. Her worst nightmare manifested itself when she heard Sister Ann's voice!

"Are you all right in there?"

Jenna wasn't sure if she should answer or if Trisha should answer. Her head throbbed and her brain wasn't working. She blinked her eyes to try and clear her mind before stuttering, "u-uh, y-yes, I'm fine."

"Is that you Ms. Tarp?" inquired Sister Ann. "What are you doing in there? Do you have someone in there with you?"

Jenna's heart skipped a beat. Her mind created and rejected a dozen excuses. "She must have seen Trisha's feet!" she reasoned to herself, "oh gawd, now what do I say?"

Jenna's fingers went cold and she almost lost her grip on Trisha's knees.

Trisha looked down at the panicked teacher. Trisha had a strange air of calm come over her. As she held her rolled up skirt tightly to her flat youthful stomach, she reached down with her right hand and cupped the back of Jenna's head and pulled her forward. She pushed her pelvis toward the resisting teacher and said, "uh, yes Sister Ann, it's me, Trisha." She pushed her pussy onto Jenna's nose and slowly rubbed her steamy flesh on the bony bridge and continued, "Ms. Tarp is helping me with my broken zipper."

"Oh. Okay, just so long as everything is okay in there." Sister Ann said as she took the stall next to theirs.

Trisha felt an incredible rush of girl juice when she heard the stall door next-door close. She pushed her knees apart as far as they would go until her panties snapped down around her ankles. She held Jenna's face to her pussy and continued to rub herself on her nose. The thought of the Head Mistress sitting right next to her while she face fucked her teacher was pushing her over the edge. She loved the idea of letting the Head Mistress know what was 'really going on in there'.

Jenna's nose felt so good on her pussy, she bit her lip to keep from moaning. She desperately wanted to let Sister Ann know what was happening in there without 'saying' anything. Devious methods raced through her mind but nothing seemed practical. She knew she only had a few seconds to do it and then it hit her.

Trisha lifted her right foot and tilted her toe. Her panties snapped off her ankle and bunched themselves around her left ankle. She pushed her foot under the divider until she KNEW that Sister Ann could see! She held Jenna's face to her pussy and kept rubbing. Her juices were flowing hard now and she wanted to cum! The feeling of Jenna's nose as it split the soppy fleshy folds of her young pussy was incredible.

Jenna wanted to resist but was helpless to do anything. All she could do was stay quiet and hope that Sister Ann believed her. Her heart was pounding so hard she thought it might burst. Trisha's incessant rubbing was no help either. She tried to keep the teen at bay but it was no use. She knew the teen wouldn't let her stop until she had an orgasm, she just prayed she wouldn't attract attention.

Through it all, the smell of a hot teenage pussy and the tangy taste of youthful cunt juice was strangely pleasurable to Jenna. She didn't mind any of that at all, it was being forced to do these dirty deeds in public that Jenna despised. The fear of getting caught with a teenage pussy in her mouth was worse than any nightmare. Prison really scared the young teacher.

But what choice did she have? Trisha had her over a barrel and there was nothing she could do except her young teenage tormentor's bidding. She had to do whatever this sick young girl wanted or she would surely live the rest of her life behind bars!

The sound of the toilet flushing signaled the end of Sister Ann's impromptu visit. She left without another word.

"Oh, gawd, that was close, huh slut," Trisha sighed as she pushed her pubic mound down harder on Jenna's nose. She whispered, "you're gonna make me cum now aren't you?"

Jenna nodded 'yes' knowing that she had no choice.

Trisha raised her skirt even higher and pushed her pelvis forward even more. She wanted to watch her teacher slave face fuck her pussy. She grabbed Jenna's head and positioned it so that her pussy was just over the teacher's nose. "Tilt your face up a little, slut," Trisha began, "Ah, just like that. Now hold that position and DON'T MOVE!" Trisha slowly lowered her pubis bone down onto Jenna's nose. She used the pretty proboscis as a wedge and let it split her swollen labia until her clit nestled perfectly into the dip between Jenna's bridge and her forehead. Trisha cooed her approval and slowly rocked her hips in response so that her clit bumped from Jenna's forehead down onto her nose. The thumping and grinding was sending violent shocks of erotic pleasure into Trisha's anus and back.

Jenna tried hard to hold her position. Trisha's pubic hair was feeling like sand paper on her forehead and she feared it was making her skin raw. Her nose was being driven into Trisha's sloppy pussy with each deep grind. She had to breathe through her mouth because her nose was covered in slimy girl juice. Jenna felt like she was just some sort of sexual toy for this teen's pleasure. She didn't even feel appreciated, she just felt like a human rubbing post.

Jenna held on as the thumping and grinding increased. Trisha bore down hard on her nose and face. She could feel Trisha's pubic bone thump from her forehead down hard onto her nose. It hurt, but the gooey warmth was intoxicating. Jenna knew Trisha was cumming and just tried to hold her position.

Seconds later, it happened. Jenna heard a deep guttural groan intermixed with short staccato pants as Trisha came. "U-u-u-g-g-g-g-h-h-h-h! Oh...oh...u-u-g-g-h-h!"

Trisha's orgasm subsided slowly and she used Jenna's chin like a rag to wipe any residual cum on. After a few extra humps for good measure she let go of Jenna's face. She leaned forward and whispered, "That was wonderful my little love slut. Now put my panties back on. That nose of yours is AWESOME! Mmmmmm, I love it. From now on, when I go like this," and she pointed to her own nose, "it means I want YOUR nose, okay slut?"

Jenna, her face sticky and coated with girl cum, nodded her understanding. She helped the young girl step into her panties. Jenna shimmied them up Trisha's slender thighs and placed them snugly against her vagina. She stood as Trisha turned and unlocked the door.

As both females exited the stall a voice echoed, "I hope you're all taken care of Trisha."

With 'deer in the headlights' stares, both girls froze when they saw Sister Ann standing inside the door, arms crossed and looking upset.

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