St Monicas School for Girls

By Jenna Tarp

Published on Jun 4, 2002


The author permits any kind of archiving, posting, reposting, and reproduction in fixed form or otherwise, of this story. Copyright (C) 2002.

This work is unsuitable for minors. This work contains graphic descriptions of sexual behavior between adult females and adult females with minor females. The explicit nature of the story may be offensive. The religious backdrop and sometimes-violent content may also be offensive. Descriptions, scenes, characters and situations are purely fictional and intended solely for the entertainment of its readers.

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Chapter Seventeen

Early the next morning Jenna was released from her night in jail. Tears filled her eyes as she hugged Beth for what was probably the last time. Their hands parted as the jailor led her away from the cell and down the long cold corridor toward out-processing. Jenna sniveled as she made her way past the other cat-calling cellmates and her bare feet sent shivers up her spine as the cold concrete floor slowly slipped passed.

Jenna couldn't help but think of the prior nights events and how everything transpired. Confusion reined as she struggled with the whole idea of being a lesbian. Was she? Was she really gay? What did it mean? She knew there was no denying what had happened to her in the cell, how Beth and the HUGE strap-on dildo viscously raped her. But the confusing part was how she felt about it. I mean she actually started liking it, didn't she? How many times did she cum anyway? Wasn't that a sure indication of pure enjoyment? Would she have cum like that if she DIDN'T like it?

Perhaps the whole "pleasure" thing was some strange by-product of traumatic stress syndrome or something. Surely her ordeal must have been traumatic, right? I mean she was raped and all.

"Yes," she thought to herself as she dressed in her street clothes, "that must be it. PTSD - Post Traumatic Stress Disorder." Jenna's spirits began to perk up when she convinced herself that she really WASN'T a lesbian, but just a poor unfortunate victim of rape.

Waiting outside was Sister Ann. She gathered the rather distraught looking teacher in her arms and guided her to a car parked out front. Together they drove back to the school in utter silence, each one deep in their own thoughts.

As the wonderful old brick school came into view, Jenna sighed a kind of relief. Returning to the school was almost a comfort. The tree lined drive rolled past as Sister Ann parked in her spot out front. The smell of fresh pine wafted past her nose as she exited the car and started walking toward the front door.

Suddenly a shiver of real fear shot up her spine when she saw a familiar face peering at her from inside a classroom. It was Trisha! Jenna quickly looked away from the glaring eyes and checked her appearance to make sure wasn't exposing any part of her body. The mere thought that this young teenager might see any of her flesh made Jenna feel faint. For she knew that the evil little teen would find a way to humiliate her and cause her distress.

Quickly Jenna shuffled inside and out of sight. She said thanks to Sister Ann for picking her up and scurried off to her classroom. Before she even had a chance to catch her breath, the bell rang signaling the change of classes. Bustling students jammed the hallway outside and she jumped when her door flew open. Stunned, Jenna looked up to see who was coming into her room since she wasn't scheduled for class for another period. An audible gasp escaped her lips when she saw none other than Trisha, Bic and Barb.

"W-what are you three doing here? D-don't you have a c-class to attend?" she stammered nervously, blood quickly sinking to her feet causing her to feel light-headed.

"Yeah, we do bitch, but what are you going to do about it," sharply retorted Trisha who was rapidly closing the distance between them.

Jenna stepped back at the aggressive movement and crossed her arms. She tried to look like she was taking control, but was actually trying to cover herself.

The three girls saw right through the teacher's veiled efforts to look 'powerful' and surrounded the frightened instructor.

Jenna held her breath and could feel her heart begin to race. She knew these girls were up to no good and couldn't imagine what they wanted. Her eyes flicked from one returning glare to another as she mentally pleaded with them to leave her alone. Just as she was about to ask what they wanted she backed into her desk with her butt and felt the cold tabletop on her bare ass. Jenna felt her knees get weak when the reality that she was panty-less hit her. She felt helpless and naked as she leaned back on the desk as the three girls pressed in. Trisha was right in front of her and Jenna watched in fearful wonder as the young teen stared straight in her eyes while she pawed through her purse that she clutched near her chest. Jenna knew the youngster had found what she was searching for when she saw the teen's eyes widen a bit and an evil smirk pierce her lips.

Jenna broke her gaze with her young tormentor to look at what Trisha was pulling from her bag. To her amazement, it was a razor. Puzzled and confused, Jenna clutched at the desk creasing her buttocks.

"Know what this is for, teach?" queried a smirking Trisha.

"N-no," shakily replied an honestly confused Jenna.

"I want you to shave, NOW!" ordered Trisha.

"S-shave?" stammered a bumbling Jenna.

"Your pussy, teach! I want you to shave that pussy of yours right NOW!" ordered a now irritated Trisha at the teacher's ignorance.

Jenna almost passed out. Her light-headedness almost got the best of her. "Was this girl serious?" she asked herself in total disbelief. "Why would I do such a thing?" she asked herself again. She could see the excitement on the girl's faces as they waited in heated anticipation. She sensed from their reaction and body language that they fully expected her to shave her own pussy, right there in her own classroom and in front of them.

Jenna's back stiffened as she summoned the courage to say, "No. I will not shave myself. What are you crazy?"

"Fine. Have it your way then, teach," sighed a resigned Trisha, "I guess I'll just have to report that you raped me in the hallway," she continued with a shrug.

Jenna felt instantly flush as the girls looked down in unison and slowly turned as if to walk away. "N-NO! Wait," Jenna said as the trio had just turned their backs on her. Jenna's mind was flooded with crazy thoughts. Consequences for her various reactions to her predicament raced through her brain with reckless abandon. If she didn't do what they asked she'd be fired for sure. But if she DID do what they asked then she'd have to humiliate herself in front of them.

The three girls paused their departure and stopped in their tracks. None of them turned around but instead they held their collective breath hoping to hear those important words that finally came: "Okay, I'll do it."

The three smiling teens turned around and faced the young teacher as Trisha handed her the razor. "Strip first," ordered Trisha as Bic and Barb eagerly nodded their approval.

"B-but someone could look in and see me," Jenna whimpered as she pointed to the clear glass pain in the door.

Jenna gasped when Trisha, who said "Fine," snatched the razor from her hand. "We're outa here."

Quickly, Jenna grabbed at the razor held loosely in Trisha's hand and pleaded, "Okay, okay, I'll do it. Just please don't leave." She couldn't believe she was now pleading with the three blackmailers to stay while she shaved herself, but what choice did she have?

Jenna knew she had no choice but to comply so the quicker she got this over with, the better. Without unbuttoning her blouse she peeled it over her head. Her bra-less breasts wobbled as the material scraped by them. She felt her nipples harden as the cool room air caused her skin to tighten. Feeling the eyes of the three teens boring in on her exposed flesh caused an instant rush of wetness to fill her pussy. Jenna closed her eyes briefly as she tried to fight the sudden urge.

Without further thought she pulled her skirt down and shimmied it to her knees before letting it drop to the floor around her ankles. She couldn't believe she was standing naked in front these three young teenage girls! Jenna wanted to run and she wanted to cry, but...there was also something else she was feeling, something that seemed to be emanating from her own loin. It was like tingly little butterflies that danced in her stomach and tickled her inner self.

Jenna leaned back against the cold table and bent forward, pushing her hips and pelvic bone to the front. The three tiny teens stared at the young teachers pussy and watched her place the slightly trembling razor to the top of her pubic area. Bic and Barb leaned in on Trisha as the three stood arm-in-arm as if huddled against the cold. Their eyes were glued to Jenna's balding pussy as the teacher stroked gently, swipe after swipe.

The three teens had shifted to Jenna's right in a position that enabled them to watch the helpless teacher AND the door. Trisha was the first to notice two 7th graders pass down the hall, obviously with a hall pass to use the restroom, as they glanced in and saw the naked teacher. Trisha watched as the two girls grabbed each other and silently slide to each side of the door for a better view. A single eyeball was all that was visible as the girls watched the young teacher shave her pussy as Trisha and her two friends watched.

One of the seventh graders quietly slipped out of sight only to return moments later with two more classmates. Soon the four young teens were pushing for position outside the door.

Jenna was oblivious to the girls jockeying for position, as she was totally focused on not cutting herself. With each painful stroke of the razor, tiny chunks of pubic hair fell silently to the floor at her feet. Tears began to fill Jenna's eyes as she watched in horror as her beautiful lightly haired pussy became balder and balder. She used her left hand to push down on her lower abdomen and she spread her knees a little more, to the delight of the small crowd that now watched the humiliating spectacle.

As the last few clumps of hair were removed from the sides of her labia, Jenna began to relax and straighten. She looked up at Trisha with pleading eyes that begged to be released from her captive environment.

But to her shock, Trisha said, "Masturbate yourself."

Jenna could tell Trisha and the other girls were sexually charged and wanted more. The dryness of Trisha's voice and the dank smell of musty pussy that filled the room were becoming intoxicating. Jenna didn't know what to do. She'd never really masturbated herself before, certainly not in public. Her icy hands trembled and her eyes pleaded with the three teens as she blubbered, "I d-don't know how."

The three girls started giggling and clutching at each other as if to keep from falling over. Jenna's left arm tried to cover her breasts and she naturally started to close up. Hearing the laughter from three teenage girls who obviously knew more about masturbating than she did was embarrassing. She felt sick to her stomach and wanted to vomit.

Trisha stopped giggling long enough to say, "Grab your cunt and squeeze it, teach."

Reluctantly, Jenna did as she was told. With her right hand she cupped her own pussy and squeezed. Instantly, blood began to flow to the area. A strange feeling started. She squeezed her pussy a second time and then a third. With each squeeze, more and more blood rushed to the affected area and she could feel her labia begin to swell. Strange sensations were beginning to fill her mind also. What she was doing was sick and disgusting, but it was having a strange effect on her. Her whole body was beginning to tingle and she felt a growing wetness inside her pussy. Almost naturally her middle finger split her two labia and entered her soaking canal. A rush of pure pleasure shot through her as her finger brushed against her swelling clit.

Jenna's head flicked back and she gasp a deep gasp. Her eyes slowly closed as she slowly exhaled through pierced lips. Instinctively she began to rub her nipples with her left hand, while her middle finger slid back and forth in the sloppy slit. Jenna's breathing shallowed and quickened as the sensations continued to build. She was forgetting where she was and what she doing. She was becoming lost in the moment and she didn't care that she was the center of attention for two small groups of young teens.

Both groups of girls watched in shear amazement as their teacher stood before them naked, pressed against a desk fingering herself. No one was uttering a word. The heat of the moment was almost too much.

Trisha panted and choked air as she watched the power she had unfold. Just the thought of having this much control over another human was intoxicating. She had just ordered a teacher in her school to strip, shave her own pussy and now masturbate in front of her and her friends. And she was DOING IT!

"Tell us you're a whore, teach," Trisha commanded. "Say it!"

Jenna, slowly but surely progressing on the path toward orgasm barely heard the words, but she managed to mutter them anyway, "I'm a whore, I'm a whore." Her middle finger was stroking her clit as her index and ring fingers held her labia apart. She rocked her hand forward and back across her clit and then inserted two fingers. Her gash was a sopping wet mess.

"Suck your fingers, slut, and tell us you like it!" Trisha demanded.

Jenna's mind was a cloudy fog and she barely knew where she was. Instinctively at the sound of Trisha's voice, she obeyed. Jenna sucked on her first two fingers and for the first time, tasted her own juices on herself. The musty smell and tangy taste was exhilarating and she nearly came. She mumbled, "I'm a slut and I taste good. M-m-m-m-m-m-mph, m-m-m-m, I'm a slut," she repeated as she withdrew her cleaned fingers before automatically reinserting them into her waiting snatch without being told.

"Stick your finger in your ass, slut. Finger your asshole." Trisha directed.

As if on autopilot, Jenna used her middle left finger to reach behind herself and press it into her anus. The additional sensation was almost too much. She furiously pumped her right in her cunt while gently fingering her ass with her left.

Trisha sensed the teacher was reaching climax, but she wanted to humiliate her just a bit more before she did. "Suck your ass finger clean, you whore!"

Without breaking the rhythm with her right hand, Jenna removed her left finger and pushed it between her lips. Her tongue eagerly danced around the filthy digit, cleaning and removing all the soil. The tart bitter tanginess combined with the musty smell of her own ass and pussy juice sent the young teacher over the edge.

Her pussy exploded into a violent climax and soaked her hand with more slippery cunt juice. Jenna continued to rub and squeeze her pussy for what seemed like several minutes, while the spasms coursed through her entire being.

Finally, mercifully, her body began to relax and her mind came into focus. As the clouds of confusion and climax lifted, Jenna slowly opened her eyes. Her right hand still gently squeezing her pulsating pussy, Jenna eventually began to take in her surroundings. A full class of neatly dressed 8th grade girls sat quietly and orderly in tidy rows in front of her. Smiling faces and tiny hands uniformly clasp in front of each adoring child as they watched their teacher regain her composure.

Jenna's heart nearly stopped when she finally realized that the bell had rung to begin her class and her room had quietly filled with young teenage girls while she brought herself to orgasm.

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Next: Chapter 18

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