St Monicas School for Girls

By Jenna Tarp

Published on Nov 12, 2001


The author permits any kind of archiving, posting, reposting, and reproduction in fixed form or otherwise, of this story. Copyright (C) 2001. This work is unsuitable for minors. This work contains graphic descriptions of sexual behavior between adult females and adult females with minor females. The explicit nature of the story may be offensive. The religious backdrop and sometimes-violent content may also be offensive. Descriptions, scenes, characters and situations are purely fictional and intended solely for the entertainment of its readers. Send comments to:

Chapter Fourteen

As Jenna recovered from the 'search' class, she dressed in the women's room at the police station. She stared at her reflection in the mirror and tucked in her blouse, straightened her skirt and fixed her hair. She sighed at how pleasurable it had been to help teach the girls about searches and felt a tingle race up her spine. Jenna shuddered at the recent memory and felt her nipples harden. The vision of the entire group of girl's touching her and examining her gave her goose bumps all over again. She shook her head to clear her mind and get back to the task at hand. She mused that she never envisioned teaching could feel this good.

Jenna left the restroom and met up with the tour guide as the officer led them to the jail downstairs. The group noisily made their way through the long stairwell that echoed their every step. As the group banged their way past the fire door to enter the jail complex, they entered a wide hallway that had a series of small rooms on the left and solid concrete wall on the right. They were greeted by a linear formation of about a half a dozen female jail guards that lined the right side. The guards all stared straight ahead with their hands placed behind their backs, precisely positioned in the small of their backs in a rigid stance. The sight was impressive, yet scary.

The girls quietly moved to the left of the formation, passing directly in front of them. None of the guard's, dressed in dark blue slacks and pale blue shirts adorned with a thick leather belt with a matching strap that ran over one shoulder, let their eyes shift from their focal point straight to the front. It was an eerie sight as the guards stood motionless like statues, as the group of children followed by their teacher passed in front.

As Jenna herded the last girl past the line of guards, she didn't notice the eyes of the guards break from their disciplined position to follow the young teacher and ogle her firm figure.

The whole downstairs was void of sunlight and just seemed darker because of it. As the group turned the corner they were ushered into a large empty room. The officer in charge told the girl's in a loud voice to speak over the natural chamber-like effect of a concrete building, "This is where inmates coming into the prison are briefed on jailhouse rules. From here they move into the next room where they give up all their personal possessions before getting issued new clothes. They will then take showers, be sanitized and then assigned to their cells."

The girls were all mesmerized by the shear size and magnitude of the jail and its procedures. They exchanged nervous glances as they imagined what it must be like to be kept here.

The officer sensed their curiosity and moved to dispel some of their anxiety. "So today, we have arranged for your teacher, Ms. Tarp, who has volunteered to be our 'inmate for the day', to show you all exactly how it all works."

The class erupted in noisy applause and all eyes settled upon Jenna standing stunned in the back of the room. She hadn't 'volunteered' for anything - had she? Maybe she did during the search and didn't remember. Jenna didn't fully have a grasp on the implications of being 'inmate for the day' so she reluctantly agreed. It was all in the name of education anyway. It was her job to teach the children, so she couldn't very well expect one of them to be 'inmate for the day'.

The applause began to die down as she walked to the front of the room to meet the officer. The tall blonde officers' green eyes looked deeply into Jenna's as she stepped in front of the taller woman and Jenna felt a surge of wetness in her vagina and her nipples hardened. She squeezed her legs together, embarrassed at the inexplicable surge of wetness and her desire not to drip. Jenna's stomach tightened momentarily as she gathered her senses. "Where did that come from?" she asked herself in shocked amazement. All the officer did was look at her and she felt this rush of arousal. "How did that happen and more importantly, WHY?" Jenna considered herself 'straight' as an arrow. Her momentary indiscretions of the past week or so were only strange anomalies. Jenna stressed while the officer continued to explain the procedures to the class.

As Jenna fumbled with the why's and the how's of what just took place, she was brought back to reality when the officer took her by the arm, saying, "Okay, let's begin shall we?" The officer led Jenna into the next room.

Another tall beautiful blonde guard greeted her and the class from behind a long counter. "Okay, give me all your personal possessions, miss inmate," she teased, - sort of.

Jenna and the class chuckled at the serious look on the blonde guard's face as she stared at Jenna through big blue eyes.

"Come on, let's go," the officer restated more sternly.

Jenna still wasn't sure she was serious but she thought she should play along anyway just in case, so she pretended to search her pockets and give the guard her 'possessions'.

The guard was not amused. She glared at the tiny thin-framed teacher and said, "Let's go. Off with them."

Jenna didn't understand what the guard meant and looked back at her with an inquisitive glance.

"Your clothes, give me your clothes, inmate!" the guard demanded.

Jenna was shocked. "She can't be serious, can she?" she asked herself. Jenna felt her blood pressure rise as she looked around the now silent room. It seemed like the whole room held their breath at once, waiting to see her reaction. Jenna's eyes pleaded with the tour guide. She pressed the officer visually to 'help her out'. The officer only stared back at the busty 22 year-old with a matter-of-fact look, as if saying, 'this is normal, just do it.'

Jenna made a quick scan of the room and realized everyone was waiting on her. She felt herself begin to tremble, as the thought of stripping in front of the class seemed totally wrong. She knew this whole day was dedicated to teaching the girls about the justice system, but she wondered if this was really necessary. "Can't they just 'explain' what they do? Do they really have to demonstrate everything?" she asked herself.

Jenna didn't understand the need to be so graphic, but felt pressure to get on with it. She knew this was just part of the education process so she reluctantly reached up and unbuttoned her blouse. Before she pulled it open and off her shoulders, she paused. She looked around the room at the girls and the two guards one more time, just to make sure she was really supposed to do this.

When she saw their excited faces she knew the girls were actually getting something from the days activities. She pulled her blouse off and handed it to the tall blonde officer behind the counter. Jenna's large puffy red nipples sprang to life and hardened like erasers. She blushed at their reaction and wished they wouldn't do that and vainly tried to cover herself.

"Now the skirt, hurry up, we don't have all day," said the officer, as she dropped Jenna's blouse into a basket on the counter.

Jenna felt a little faint as she unzipped her skirt and lowered it to the floor revealing her lightly haired blonde bush. She used her free hand to try and cover her vagina, her breasts hanging freely as she bent over to step from her skirt. As she handed the officer her skirt, Jenna felt the eyes of every student and guard roam her body and scan every inch of her nakedness.

"Shoes too," said the officer.

Jenna had almost forgotten about her three-inch pumps and kicked them off and handed them to the officer, too. Now she stood even shorter than she was before. Most girls in the class were taller than she was when she wore shoes and now without them? Jenna suddenly felt very vulnerable. She couldn't even look at the students in the eye anymore. Being so short negated her superior age difference and she felt like she HAD to do things now.

The guard took her shoes and tossed in the basket with her skirt and blouse and said, "Okay, go to the shower room."

The tour guide led Jenna into the next room, which was a large shower room with brown tiled floors and walls that housed several free standing shower pods with multiple shower heads on each. Two guards holding towels in each hand awaited them inside.

Jenna covered her bountiful breasts with her hands as the brunette guard turned on a shower and stepped back as the water sprayed out. The redheaded guard stepped toward Jenna and took her by the arm with her towel-covered hand and guided her under the faucet.

Jenna gasped as the cool water splashed her shoulders and wet her hair.

"Raise your arms," said the red head.

Jenna, without thinking, immediately did what the officer demanded. Within seconds the water heated up and she felt the terry cloth covered hands of the two guards begin to wash her. The soaked towels raced up one side of Jenna's soft, firm body and down the other sending shivers of delight shooting through her soul. Jenna gasped and turned automatically in response to the unexpected touches and inadvertently turned directly into more touches. She held her breath as each new stroke made her nipples harder and harder. Jenna was choking for air. Her mind was swarmed with sensations she found hard to explain as she held her arms overhead.

Jenna's raised breasts protruded outwardly with her arms stretched overhead. Her nipples, already hard, bristled with tiny goose bumps, when she felt the brunette washing her breasts with the coarse terry cloth towels. The friction across her taught nipples caused Jenna's pussy to swell with excitement. Jenna whimpered as the sensations sent floods of moisture into her vagina and she squeezed her knees together to try and hide it.

As the officer's hands circled the young teacher's firm mounds, pushing them, lifting them and pulling on them, Jenna was mentally whisked away to another place and time. She inhaled deeply and felt her stomach tense involuntarily as the brunette massaged her breasts. Jenna peeked down to watch the circling, squeezing and tugging that caused her vagina to spasm. She held her breath and closed her eyes as the officer grabbed handfuls of her firm milky breasts and squeezed them firmly, tugging gently on her nipples.

Jenna's arousal was building and she didn't really understand it. She was just letting the guards demonstrate the shower procedure in front of her class of girls, yet the sensations caused by the guard's terry cloth covered hands caressing her hypersensitive skin was unbelievable. Jenna repeatedly tried to twist and turn away from all the touches, but all she did was turn face into more.

Jenna's nipples were aching they throbbed so hard. Her legs were getting weaker by the second and she could barely hold up her hands. Her stomach convulsed as she gasp for air. When the redheaded officer slipped her hand down Jenna's stomach in a direct attack on her vagina, Jenna let out a loud embarrassing moan, "o-o-o-o-o-o-h-h-h-h-h-h," that was heard by everyone. Jenna tried to squeeze her legs together to prevent the officer's hand from massaging her pussy, but she only served to entrap the hand and crush it deeper into her sex.

As Jenna flexed her buttocks and twisted her hips in a vain attempt to remove the officer's hand from her swollen soft fleshy bush, Jenna closed her eyes and moaned a whimpering moan, "u-u-u-u-g-g-g-g-h-h-h-o-o-o-h-h-h-h" that ended through pierced 'kissing' lips.

Jenna knew deep down she was building toward another orgasm. She was getting good at recognizing the signs. She glanced around the room and could see the class of girls watching the two officers gliding their hands over her body. Try as she might to stifle the sensations she was feeling they were overwhelming her. Her eyes rolled around in her head as it dropped listlessly from side-to-side. Her flat stomach flexing in and out produced audible gasps and moans that everyone could hear.

Despite her best effort to wriggle free from the officer's touches, Jenna was losing control. As much as she wanted to avoid another embarrassing orgasm in front of her class, she wouldn't be able to avoid it much longer if the officer's didn't stop and stop very soon.

When both officers worked on Jenna's legs she felt like she was ready to explode. If she didn't know any better she thought she had to pee. A liquid wall was pushing against her loin as her clit throbbed and pulsated. If she felt another coarse terry cloth stroke her tender pussy she would lose control for sure.

Jenna managed to hold her breath long enough to peek down just as the red head paused at her inner thigh. When Jenna's eyes met the red head's dreamy green eyes, Jenna almost melted. The red head looked deep into Jenna's eyes and with a devilish grin forced the edge of her terry cloth covered hand deep into Jenna's swollen pink-ness and slowly dragged it upward.

Every fiber of the coarse material slowly, yet crisply plucked its way over Jenna's hypersensitive clit like a pick on a guitar string. As bolts of electricity shot up Jenna's soul, she sucked in more and more air through repeated short gasps until she could take it no more. Her abused clit signaled it had had enough and released its contents in a flood of orgasmic girl cum accentuated by a long loud groan, "A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-H-H-H-H-H-H-H!"

Jenna's hips pumped involuntarily as her anus tightened and released in spasmodic convulsions. Jenna's mouth hung open as every ounce of air left her body along with repeated spurts of liquid cum.

As she started to falter and collapse Jenna managed to grab the showerhead and hang on. Her body, rocked by the massage orgasm, twisted and twitched as the officers continued to 'wash' the spent teacher.

The redheaded officer paid special attention to Jenna's quivering pussy as she washed the last of her girl cum off Jenna's pussy and thighs.

Jenna, drowsy and incoherent, didn't even realize the redheaded officer wasn't using her towel anymore.

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