St Monicas School for Girls

By Jenna Tarp

Published on Nov 2, 2001


The author permits any kind of archiving, posting, reposting, and reproduction in fixed form or otherwise, of this story. Copyright (C) 2001. This work is unsuitable for minors. This work contains graphic descriptions of sexual behavior between adult females and adult females with minor females. The explicit nature of the story may be offensive. The religious backdrop and sometimes-violent content may also be offensive. Descriptions, scenes, characters and situations are purely fictional and intended solely for the entertainment of its readers. Send comments to:

Chapter Ten

As Jenna's first week at her new school, St. Monica's, neared its end, she recanted some of the horrible events that made it so memorable. As she sat in her first period classroom waiting for the day to begin, she couldn't help but feel responsible somehow. She was convinced that such things just didn't 'happen' and she must have a played a role in their realization.

But, she sighed, she HAD learned a lot here. She had learned how to act in her first period class so as not to raise Trisha's anger, she had learned that doing whatever the girls in her second period gym class wanted was the best way to avoid further trouble AND she'd learned that Sister Ann was a strict disciplinarian and she would not hesitate to correct poor behavior from students OR teachers.

Jenna really respected Sister Ann for that. She not only looked up to the pretty nun physically (since she was so much shorter) but also admiringly. She longed to be like her someday.

Jenna gathered up some papers she needed to make copies of and headed to the main office. She walked in and gave polite 'good morning' nods to the staff that was already there and went into the copy room where the copier was.

Standing there making copies, still reflecting on her first week, Jenna gasped, "Oh," when she felt a small cool hand cup her ass crack and slide under her.

"Don't move," came a familiar sounding voice.

Jenna froze as the hand massaged her bare, panty-less ass. It took her a second, but she soon recognized the voice as Trisha's. Fear gripped the young teacher as she tried to fight the sensation the youth's hand was giving her. Jenna didn't dare move. She feared discovery and if she resisted, she'd undoubtedly call attention to themselves and there'd be questions - lots of questions.

Jenna's mind, filled with uncertainty, wondered how the youth had snuck in behind her so quietly and how she even new she was in there at all. Jenna leaned forward and placed her hands on the copier for balance as Trisha slowly stroked her ass.

Jenna could feel her skirt ride up in the back and get trapped on the young girls' wrist. She feared someone could see Trisha's hand under her skirt and her own bare ass showing. Jenna was afraid someone would walk in and see the depravity so she took a small step to her left to position herself directly in front of the teen and hide the teens' arm from view while she did her work. When Jenna did that, she had to spread her feet a little, which allowed Trisha to push her hand farther underneath Jenna.

Jenna moaned and bit her lower lip when she felt Trisha's hand cup her pussy. Jenna didn't want to get caught like this. She closed her eyes and held her breath and tried to clear her mind. How could she stop the teenager from doing this? This was much too risky to be doing here. It was one thing to let her do things like this to her in her own classroom, but HERE in the COPY ROOM, with staff all around? This was CRAZY! Jenna's heart pounded with anxiety.

Jenna felt flushed and confused. How could she stop this, or even should she? If she protested, what would Trisha do? Jenna didn't feel like she had a choice. If she didn't let the youth have her way she might freak out and cause a scene that could lead to her getting fired or worse. "How long could it last anyway?" she asked herself between gulps of air.

A small squeal came from Jenna when she felt Trisha's finger slide through her moist slit. Jenna was reluctantly feeling arousal and her pussy was getting wetter by the second. She hated it when she allowed that to happen to herself. That was the only explanation that made sense to her. She was ALLOWING it to happen. Willing or not, she was feeling arousal and her moistening pussy confirmed it.

Jenna closed her eyes, leaned forward on the copier and rose up on her toes. Why did she do that? This teenager was feeling her up in the copy room at school and she was giving her better access! What was wrong with her? Jenna's heart was pounding as her warmth increased. She was feeling light-headed and confused.

Why was Trisha doing this to her? Why wouldn't she just leave her alone? Why did she always have to touch her...down there? Jenna hated the idea of a young girl doing that to her, but even her hatred couldn't overcome the sensations she was feeling.

Jenna was almost panting. Her taught stomach heaving as the small hand toyed with her womanhood. Jenna inhaled deeply when she felt Trisha's hand twisting in between her legs and then her fingers spread. She knew Trisha wanted her to open her legs more, but she just couldn't, she shouldn't. This whole scene was completely wrong and sick. There is NO WAY she should even be feeling arousal like this, at least not NOW!

Jenna's pussy was leaking like a sieve. Wetness coated both sides of her inner thighs AND Trisha's hand. As much as she wanted to resist Trisha's urging to open her legs, it felt like the right thing to do. She knew she shouldn't but she felt she had too. "Trisha might tell right?" she weakly told herself.

Jenna dropped her head forward and held her breath. She spread her feet to shoulder width and arched her back.

Trisha knew she had her teacher right where she wanted her. She was going to make her cum right here in the copy room whether somebody came in or not. She would make her do sick things afterward too. She leaned against her young teachers back and whispered in her ear, "Hold still now."

Jenna held her breath, closed her eyes and pushed her ass backward. She gasped, "O-o-o-o-h-h-h-h-h," when she felt Trisha's finger push into her anus. Jenna's head snapped back as the thin finger pushed deeply into her tight ass. Her butt cheeks tightened automatically in response to the digital intrusion.

Just then a voice came from behind the two, "How long are you going to be? I need to make copies, too."

"Yeah, me too," came a second voice.

Jenna gasped noticeably and she straightened a little as her ass squeezed down hard on Trisha's finger, but the whirr of the copier masked her audible shock.

"Sorry, didn't mean to scare you dear. I just need to know how long you'll be," asked the voice again.

Jenna's heart raced and her anus held a death grip on Trisha's finger when she thought they'd been discovered. She broke out in an immediate sweat and didn't know what to do. Trisha grabbed Jenna's upper arm with her free hand and showed no desire to remove her finger from Jenna's ass. Jenna dare not try to turn around because Trisha had positive control of her arm, not to mention her finger in her ass.

Jenna could feel Trisha taking great pleasure in her dilemma. Trisha kept wriggling her finger around in her ass causing her to gasp each time. Jenna knew she had to answer the staff member, but without air, how could she? She prayed the staff member couldn't tell what was going on.

Trisha's finger was driving her crazy, she felt like she may explode any second, but she had to answer the question. Jenna sucked in a small amount of air and choked, "Just...a...few...more...minutes!"

"Okay, I'll wait then," came the reply.

Jenna was mortified. The probing finger was more than she could take, but there was no way in the world she could cum with a staff member standing right behind her.

Flashing lights from the copy machine as it repeated pass after pass, added to Jenna's light show in her mind. She was beginning to see stars as the liquid wall within her pressed up hard against her loin. The pressure in her lower abdomen was immense.

When the machine stopped briefly, Jenna slapped the 'PRINT' button hard. In her mind, she knew things should stop, but her body just wouldn't let them. Jenna sucked air when the rhythmic beat of the copier coincided with the repeated insertions of Trisha's finger.

Jenna tried to make the whole scene go away in her mind and then Trisha would waken her senses with another push into her ass. Jenna was fighting a losing battle and she leaned against the copier for support. She fought the gasps as Trisha repeatedly pumped her finger into the now lubricated asshole. Jenna wanted to scream, but had to bite her lip instead. Her mind was going crazy trying to decide how she could cum without having this person right behind her know. It wasn't a matter of wanting to cum anymore; it was a matter of NEED. She needed to cum and there wasn't a damn thing she or anybody else could do about it.

Jenna quietly but firmly arched her back and lifted her head back as Trisha finger fucked her ass. Jenna wondered if the staff member could tell by Trisha's arm movement what she was doing; but somehow didn't care anymore. She was cumming and she HAD to let it go!

Jenna bit down on both lips when she felt her pussy spasm and expel love juice. She wanted to rock her hips, but knew that would be too obvious so she had to settle for letting her anus contract on Trisha's finger as she let out a muffled, "M-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m."

Jenna dropped her head forward as the last of the contractions in her pussy and ass began to subside. She let out a soft sigh when she felt Trisha's finger retract from her sloppy wet ass hole. She opened her eyes and tried to gather her thoughts and composure.

She blinked a few times to shake off the effects of her orgasm without moving or drawing attention to herself.

Trisha could hear the two staff members talking to each other behind her. She knew they probably weren't paying too much attention to her and Jenna, so she took the opportunity to twist the helpless young teacher around so they stood face-to-face.

Spent and embarrassed, Jenna was easily spun around. She couldn't see the two people behind Trisha because she wasn't quite tall enough. Jenna tilted her head so that one eye peered over Trisha's shoulder and she saw two nun teachers waiting in line with concerned looks on their faces as they chatted amongst themselves and peeked out of the corner of their eyes at her and Trisha.

Jenna felt scared as the teen leaned against her and stared straight down into her eyes. She watched as the teen carefully held her hand so that it couldn't be seen from behind and looked at the finger that she had used to fuck her ass. She watched Trisha run the finger under her nose and inhale deeply.

"My finger smells like shit, now," Trisha whispered, "you'd better clean it off for me," she said as she pointed the index finger at Jenna's mouth, well hidden behind her shoulder. "Open up," she mouthed.

Jenna shuddered at the thought of having to do such a disgusting act with nun's standing right in front of her not ten feet away, only partially blocked from view. Even though she knew they probably couldn't see her do it, it didn't matter. She didn't want to suck on 'the' finger, hell, 'any' finger that had been in her ass. But she was too scared to resist and her heart pounded with fear and humiliation, as reluctantly opened her mouth a little.

Trisha pushed her finger into Jenna's warm, moist cavity past her soft, red lips and whispered, "Suck it."

As the shit coated finger passed her lips, Jenna gagged at the taste. She'd never tasted shit before and now she knew why. She wanted to throw up but she thought better of it. She closed her eyes and grimaced as Trisha twisted the finger inside her mouth and looped it around her tongue. With the sour taste pummeling her taste buds and forcing her to salivate, Jenna opened her eyes in wide-eyed shock when she realized she'd voluntarily sealed her lips around the base of Trisha's finger. Jenna's saliva mixed with fecal matter and became a bitter mixture that she swished with her tongue, as she bathed the twisting probe and rinsed it clean. Jenna unwittingly massaged the knuckle and nail with her tongue, scraping free any loose deposits.

Jenna sucked in and swallowed as Trisha withdrew her freshly bathed finger. She heard Trisha sigh deeply with a soft moan, "M-m-m-m-m-m," when Jenna's lips smacked. Jenna licked her lips to gather in the few remaining droplets and relaxed when Trisha released the pressure and whispered to her, "Good girl."

When Trisha released her, Jenna, humiliated and degraded, turned quickly, gathered her copies and scurried off to class, weeping as she went.

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Next: Chapter 11

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