St Marks Saga

By Figley Whitesides

Published on Dec 27, 2002


Disclaimer: If you are not yet 18 years of age or if it is illegal to read materials of this kind where you live, then please stop now. This story contains fictional descriptions of sexual activity between teenage boys. The acts are consensual and are a result of their love or lust for one another.


Scotty and Troy were two teenagers who joined the St Mark's choir together in the fifth grade. Now they were both eighth graders and at the top of the pecking order of all the choir members. As the most senior boys they got to sit in the back pews at chapel and got their choice of seats on the choir bus. They were also in charge of the annual choirboy initiation (but more on that later.)

Both boys were just beginning to enter puberty and the changes in their bodies were subtle but significant. Neither had begun to sprout much body hair but they had both grown almost an inch over the summer. Their bodies were beginning to lean out as teenage muscles replaced baby fat. Their voices were just beginning to change, making it difficult to hit the high notes required of a boy soprano. Still, they were the leaders of the choir. With three years seniority, they knew most of the material and helped teach the younger boys who couldn't read music. At fourteen years old they enjoyed being top dogs -- even if their yard was a pretty small one.

Choir practice had just begun for the new semester and they were scheduled to sing at a service held during orientation weekend. Since school had not officially begun, the dress code was not in effect and most of the boys wore shorts into the school chapel. The service had an informal tone and featured a welcoming message from the ancient headmaster. After the usually flurry of prayers, the choir sang a popular school anthem so familiar that the students tapped their feet to the music. A final hymn sung to the tune of "Deutschland Uber Alles" brought the service to a resounding conclusion as the boys filed out of chapel to lunch.

Scotty and Troy left the chapel and headed to the chaplain's vacant office, bypassing the choir room where the other boys were changing from their choir robes to street clothes. They knew that Reverend Butler was away and they had planned their rendezvous earlier in the day.

The door opened and the two boys padded in on sneakered feet. Scotty already pulled off the white, blouselike surplice over his blond hair. Troy locked the door behind them as Scotty went immediately to the open closet and grabbed a hanger for his surplice. There was a long rectangular table in the center of the room, and Troy sat on it, pulled up his legs, and began to unlace his stained, white sneakers. The other boy sat on the table next to him, forcing him to move over so there was room for the two of them side-by-side. He too began unlacing his shoes, hiking up his black cassock to his knees.

Scotty let his shoes drop to the floor with heavy thuds, then yanked off his white sweat socks. He shoved the bunched socks under Troy's nose. He jerked his head back, his nose wrinkling, "Get them out of here! Pugh!"

Scotty let them tumble to the floor. He raised his right foot suddenly and nearly shoved his wriggling toes up the other boy's nostrils. Troy jerked back, nearly toppling backward off the table.

"Damn it, cut it out."

The barefoot boy laughed, letting his foot down. Then he sat on the edge of the table, left leg dangling, his bare left leg visible past the hem of the hanging cassock skirt, and he crossed his left leg over his right knee so he could pick at his toenails. "You stiff?" he asked.

Of course I'm stiff," said the other boy, picking open a knot in his sneaker laces.

"I was stiff all through the service. How about you?"


Troy finally got the knot untied and his shoe off. His socks came off next, and he dropped shoes and socks together onto the floor. He swung his legs off the table, letting them dangle. His toes wiggled with their new freedom. Scotty let go of his foot and turned to the boy with the surplice. He leaned to the left and nuzzled the other boy's smooth cheek.

"Cut that out," Troy said, turning his eyes to the other boy, but not moving away.

"Aw, Troy," said Scotty, continuing to rub his nose up and down on Troy's flushed cheek. "Why do you always pretend you don't like it?"

"'Cause I don't," said Troy, his hands tightening on the edge of the table. Again, though, he didn't lean away.

Scotty draped his arm around Troy's shoulders, pulling the two of them close together. He nuzzled his buddy's thick blond hair and started kissing his neck.

Troy shivered closing his eyes. "Scotty," he whined, "let's just beat our pricks, huh?"

Scotty continued to work on Troy's neck making the boy shiver again, his toes curling and crossing.

"Scotty don't." His right arm curled around Scotty's back as he spoke. His face was blushing almost purple. "Don't." The word came out long as Scotty shivered again, and his head turned, his nose burying itself in his friend's hair.

Troy moved his face up and suddenly they were kissing passionately. Their heads twisted, their tongues slipping in and out of each other's mouth, making their cheeks bulge. They moaned in unison, their breaths coming in gasps and pants. Their arms went around each other in a tight mutual embrace. Scott's bare toes stroked up and down Troy's legs under his cassock. Troy's left hand fell into Scotty's lap, groping for his cock. Troy pushed him away. They looked at each other, both of them flushed and panting.

"Let's get undressed," Scotty said. We shouldn't get off in our cassocks and I'm almost creaming already." He slid off the table, his bare heels thudding on the hardwood floor, and he pulled the white surplice off. He tossed his head, shaking his bangs into place, while he padded over to the closet to hang up the garment.

Troy meanwhile, was tearing apart snaps from his neck to his ankles. His black cassock fell open and his long, skinny cock jutted out and up. He turned toward Scotty, his hands on his hips. His skinny cock wiggled.

"Nice," said Scotty, ripping open his own cassock. His cock snaked out of the parted edges. It appeared to be an exact twin of his friend's -- long, skinny, and wiggling with excitement.

The boys slipped the cassocks off their shoulders, exposing slender, hairless, young bodies with muscles just budding. They stood in front of the open closet and draped the garments over hangers. Their round asses wiggled as they hung up their cassocks. Their hips rubbed against each other.

The two boys turned toward each other, their skinny cocks twitching in unison. The boys thrust their hips forward, causing the tips of their cock heads to kiss. Hands on their hips, they shimmied their loins, knocking and rubbing the sides of their cocks together. After a few minutes of this, they slid forward into each other's arms, their cocks sliding up between their bellies, their swollen young balls mashed together. They kissed with open mouths, as if each of them were trying to devour the other.

It was truly ironic. These were the same two angelic boys, who just a short time ago, had sung in the choir before the headmaster and about 300 other boys. They had appeared wearing nothing under their cassocks, with their dicks on hard, just waiting for the service to end so they could get it on together.

The boys broke their clinch and panted. Standing apart, they gripped each other's cocks with their right hands, their fingers squeezing rhythmically.

"Man, you're really hard," Scotty said.

"So are you," said Troy.

They gazed into each other's blue eyes as they manipulated each other's throbbing cock. Their faces slowly came together again, their expressions slightly sneering as they moaned and chomped into each other's mouth. Spit leaked down their chins and dripped off. They jerked against each other, arms crushing against each other's torso, legs entwining even as they stood. They started to topple, crashing against the sliding door of the clothes closet and nearly knocking it over. They pushed apart, staggering.

"Oh man, Troy, let's jerk. My balls are starting to hurt."

"Hop up onto the table with me and let's do it. My dick's so hard it's throbbing."

They shuffled the few feet to the large table and scooted up together. They sat facing each other and pulled themselves together so their crotches almost touched. Troy pulled his legs over Scotty's and hunched tight against his friend until their balls and pricks touched. He let out a small moan when he wrapped his hand around Scotty's inflamed prick and rippled the tight skin up and down.

"Oh, Troy, you always know how to turn me on," said Scott as he grabbed his friend's cock and began the slow act of masturbation on it. Just a few tentative strokes at first, wanting to prolong the moment and save the good feeling forever. He gently reached down and cupped Troy's hairless balls with his other hand. The small orbs were hanging low in their pink, loose ballsack. Scott rubbed them around and continued to slowly jack off his friend.

With both his cock and balls being manipulated, Troy reached over to his friend and hung his left arm over Scotty's shoulders, drawing him closer for another deep kiss. Both boys responded, closing their eyes as the passion mounted. Each gripped the other's cock, fingers curled around their prickshafts just below the heads as their fists slid up and down in unison.

They glanced at each other with mischievous grins then focused in on the two pricks they were beating off. As they pumped, they both arched their backs and humped gently to the rhythm of their sliding hands. Their brownish nipples were erect, the muscles on their chests standing out square, their stomach muscles defined and dancing beneath the lightly tanned skin.

"I feel so good," Troy said, his eyes glazed, his head nodding in slow motion. More precum had dribbled out of his cock and greased it. His hand made squishing noises as he worked it up and down his cock, the glossy purplish cockhead popping in and out of his fist.

Scotty turned his head toward Troy, pushing his nose down into his hairless armpit. He moaned and licked at Troy's moist armpit flesh. His eyes were closed, his hand pumping his friend's cock intensely. Like his friend's, his prickhead popped in and out of the throbbing fist, almost purple with the hot blood. His piss slit was dilated and oozed a gob of sticky sex lube.

Troy leaned his head to the side, rubbing his blond hair at Scotty's blond hair. "I'm getting ready to pop. How about you?"

"Yea, me, too. But before we cum, Troy would you do that thing we did the last time that just about drove me crazy. You remember? I want you to grease up your finger and stick it up my butt."

"You horny little bastard. You want to get off with my finger up your ass hole? You want me to fuck you with my finger till I tear your little hole apart? You want it bad, baby? Do you?"

"Yea, you know I do. But not too hard. You've got to be gentle with me just like the last time. I don't know why it made me feel so great, but it was the best ever. Do you want to stick it to me?"

"Hell, yes, you pussy. It turns me on as much as you to feel my finger poking around your hot, tight hole. I love to see you squirming around my finger and really lose control of yourself. But what can we use for grease in here?"

Scotty broke their embrace and lurched off the table to the bathroom that was part of the chaplain's office. Opening the door to the medicine cabinet over the sink, he pushed around the jars of after- shave and shaving cream looking for some lube. Bingo! A small tube of Vaseline lip treatment! He picked up the little tube and brought it back into the office, showing it to Troy. "Look what I found. I'll bet this'll do just fine."

"Then get your ass over here before I shoot off without you," said Troy who had begun masturbating himself when Scotty pulled away from him. His fuckstick was on ultra hard from his own handling and from the excitement of finger fucking his best friend.

Scotty climbed back on the table and resumed the tight position face to face with Troy, his legs atop his friend's. "How are we going to do this?" said Troy.

"I need to be able to get at your ass hole. Why don't you lie down on your back and stretch your legs up over my shou1ders?"

Scotty did as he was told, while Troy assumed a kneeling position facing his friend. Next, Scotty hooked his knees over Troy's shoulders, sticking his tight little buttocks in the air near Troy's face. Troy loved the sight of his friend's grapefruit sized buns and reached down to cup them both with his hands.

As Troy massaged them, Scotty responded by tensing and relaxing his ass muscles which caused some really strange sensations around his ass hole. Troy was caressing up his thighs now, squeezing the taut leg muscles, and working his way to the calves. The flesh was perfectly smooth with only a faint tickle of light blond hair.

"Will you be careful with me when you put it in?" Scotty pleaded, almost lost in the lewd sensation of being on his back with his butt in the air and his buddy about to stick a finger up his asshole.

"You bet I will baby. Just let me grease you up and I'll make you feel great," said Troy as he worked the top off the Vaseline tube and squeezed a big gob on his index finger. Despite the heat in the room, the grease felt cool and slimy to the touch. He reached down to his friend's ass and realized that he had never seen anyone's butt like this before. It was both fascinating and beautiful.

Scotty's rounded cheeks were hairless like the rest of his body. The two melons were tightly muscled with no trace of fat, probably from the workouts he performed daily. Between the cheeks were a few strands of prickly looking fluff that were just beginning to grow. He rubbed his other hand into the crease to feel the bristly hair and also realizes Scott's ass was slightly wet from sweat and ass juices. The slight musky aroma was another turn on. Troy spread the cheeks to reveal the slightly darker patch of skin that guarded the center of the crack. Just a little bit purplish, this skin looked a little bit puckered compared to the pure smoothness of the bottom cheeks.

The darker patch got coarser as it revealed its prize: the tiny fluted slit of Scotty's asshole. Nestled between the darker skin around it, the hole was rosy pink and quivering. Like it was winking at Troy. It looked so beautiful, he had an almost irresistible urge to bend down and kiss it. "What do you think, buddy? You ready for me to grease you up? You ready for me to stick my finger up your ass pussy?"

Scotty could hardly hear the words he was so anxious and upset. He was losing control even now before anything had happened. "Yea, please," he responded. "Grease me up and give it to me. Just be careful, will you, putting it in. I want it real bad, but don't hurt me, please."

The words inflamed Troy, who spread open the ass cheeks again and began working the grease into the virgin crack. He rubbed the tip around the hole, playing with the tender flesh beside it, pushing here and there to get all the sensations he could. Then he moved his finger up and down the crack, working back and forth over the asshole but not penetrating inside. He felt the bristly hairs and noticed that Scotty was opening and clamping his asspucker whenever he touched it directly.

Scotty was beginning to moan steadily now as the sensations began to build up in his ass. He looked into Troy's face and saw the lust in his eyes as he played with his friend's ass.

Playing with Scotty's boycunt was driving Troy to a frenzy that demanded release. He reached his greasy hand to his cock and gave it a few tugs, instantly feeling the sexual heat. Reaching again for the Vaseline, he greased up the index finger of his left hand and rubbed it back on Scotty's ass, still grasping his own prick with his right. Soon he began probing the hole itself, rubbing the tip of his greased finger in and out ever so slightly, never penetrating more than a quarter of an inch. The tight hole nibbled at the fingertip that poked at it, and resisted each attempt to get in. But the greased digit would not be denied. The finger prodded again and again until it began to slip in easily to the first knuckle.

Scotty's moans were growing in intensity as his ass was being violated by Troy's relentless finger. "Oh, baby, give it to me. Let me feel you inside me. Fuck me with your finger."

Scotty was getting the full length in now. Starting slowly, Troy worked it in and out its entire length, pulling it out to the tip than pounding down until his hand rested against Scotty's balls. Picking up the pace, he began to ram it in with a passion.

"Scotty, I've got an idea," Troy panted. "Let me pull out a minute and you scoot around and get on your hands and knees. I want to see you doggie style with your butt in my face."

Scotty assumed the position and Troy moved up against him, pushing his finger back in. He pulled Scotty's legs apart exposing the fluted ass pucker and pink bottom cheeks. Then he snuggled up to his partner until their legs and feet were touching.

Giving in to his earlier urges, Troy bent down and flicked kisses at his buddy's smooth butt cheeks. He stuck his tongue out and bathed the soft bottom cheeks, nibbling the firm buns with his teeth making little red marks. All the while, he continued his relentless finger fuck, adding a twisting motion to the up and down plunge. His right hand kept pounding his own prick, sending shivers of joy through his body.

Scotty reached back to grab his own meat that was plastered hard to his chest. His balls hung loose in their sack and bounced against his stomach as he bucked his butt in response to the finger fuck.

The new position on his hands and knees changed the sensations which were flooding through his body. The heat, the tension in his loins was maddening. Scotty couldn't tell where the main point of pleasure was. It seemed to be generalized all through his loins or possibly moving from one area to another. One moment he was feeling the thrill of pulsating heat in his asshole and the next moment in his balls. A moment later he could feel it at the tip of his spine, and the next moment at the core of his cock. He felt as if he were suspended at the edge of orgasm. His hand became a blur on his squirming cock, rubbing it to a maddening ecstasy.

The new position gave Troy even better access to Scotty's tormented ass and made him feel sexier than ever. "I love plugging your sweet hot butt, Scotty," Troy panted, "but I want you to do the work for a while. There's no one here but the two of us so fuck yourself on that finger. Let yourself go and remember that there's a piece of me inside you giving you all the pleasure you can ever get. So do it, baby, fuck yourself hard and let me see you cum."

With that, Troy put his middle finger next to his index and rammed them both into the little hairless slit. Scotty's crack had now dilated and he was able to take the two-fingered assault easily. Troy reached around with his other hand and cupped his friend's balls, which hung low in their pink ballsack and jiggled like two loose marbles. He grabbed the stretched out scrotum just above the loose hanging nuts and squeezed hard, twisted the balls as he did. Scotty moaned as his balls ached with a combination of pain and pleasure.

Scotty could feel the added pressure of the second finger in his hole and wiggled his ass cheeks at the feeling of intense fullness in his rectum. He moved his pink buttocks in a slow circle while he backed himself onto the invading digits. He bucked his hips with short, swift strokes, reveling in the pleasure that coursed through his entire body. When Troy twisted his balls, Scotty sensed his looming orgasm, knowing he couldn't hold off any longer. "Troy, stop a minute or I'll..."

"Don't you want to cum together?"

"It's okay baby, shoot your load. I'm there myself," Troy replied, and raised himself so he hunched over Scotty's back. Leaning forward he began biting Scotty on his shoulders right where they joined the tense neck muscles. He let go of Scotty's balls and began flogging his rock hard prick again, giving Scotty's ass a few more extra hard jolts with his fingers totally buried inside. "Shoot yours, baby! Here's my big load all over your back. Now let me see you cream!"

Troy's load was hot and thick, about an ounce of sweet boycum. It spilled over Scott's back in 8 or 10 spurts and dripped down his sides. Just as Troy's body was wracked with his own orgasm, he felt Scotty's asshole clamp tight against his fingers as the boy shot his load. Jism shot from his fucktool onto the wooden table and smeared sticky cum everywhere. Scotty's orgasm was harder and stronger than he had ever experienced. It seemed to come from somewhere deep in his bowels at a spot just beyond where Troy's fingers were probing.

Troy slowly pulled his fingers from the warm hole and reached around to give Scotty a hug. He felt the sticky wad Scotty had shot and rubbed a gob on his hand and licked it off. After he felt his buddy's two slimy digits slide out of his hole, Scotty reached around his back to sample the jism Troy shot there. They smiled at each other and embraced in a slobbery kiss, each one tasting the cum in their partner's mouth. The spit and cum mingled together as the boys' tongues washed around the sweet mixture.

"You love me?" Scotty said, twisting his head and rubbing his face on Troy's thick hair.

"Mmm," Troy said. "Love you." He nuzzled into Scotty's armpit and sucked at the patch of golden down. Their mouths met again, teeth gnawing lips, tongues wrapping around each other, spit dribbling from their chins.

"You still stiff?" asked Scotty.

"'Course," Troy said. "Can't you feel me?"

"Sure. I just like to hear you say it, that's all. Say you're stiff."

"I'm stiff," Scotty replied.

"Who are you stiff for?"

"Stiff for you," Scotty said, "like you're stiff for me."

A final embrace and the two boys jumped off the table to haul their clothes from the closet.

"We'd better hurry or we'll be late for lunch."

"Yea, and I want to talk with you about some things we can do together the next time, OK?"

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