St Marks Saga

By Figley Whitesides

Published on Dec 12, 2002


Disclaimer: If you are not yet 18 years of age or if it is illegal to read materials of this kind where you live, then please stop now. This story contains fictional descriptions of sexual activity between teenage boys. The acts are consensual and are a result of their love or lust for one another.


"Where've you been? I've been waiting here for half an hour," I barked with mock seriousness.

"Old fuck-head Mr Tulotchi. He made me clean out the garage in his faculty house and wouldn't let me leave till I had finished. That guy lives like a pig any way. A god damn Italian Guinea pig with all that shit he's collected over the years in that basement."

"Hey, watch your mouth! You're talking about our esteemed lacrosse coach and your history teacher. Anyway, it turns me off to hear you swear like a steel worker."

It didn't really. Probably couldn't have the way he was dressed. A T-shirt, pair of cutoff jeans, white sox, and a pair of dirty white sneakers. Plus whatever he was wearing underneath the shorts. The perfect butch chicken look. His clear smiling face was still sweaty and his blond hair tousled from the morning's exercise. His muscled thighs strained as he shifted his weight from leg to leg as he stood next to me and complained about Mr Tulotchi's inhumane treatment of Saturday detention students.

Ray. I found my throat growing dry as I stared at his sensually beautiful face and bright blue eyes. His dark blond hair covered half his forehead and hung down past his ears. It was driving me wild. I concentrated on the form fitting colored T-shirt that seemed to be hugging every muscle and sinew of his exciting chest and taught stomach. The shirt was too small for the kid, revealing his navel and the waistband of his jockeys protruding over his shorts. I ran my tongue over my lips, enjoying the sight of the waistband, trying to imagine how tight the undershorts must be on the boy.

I let my eyes drift downward, suppressing a groan of want as I viewed the skintight jeans hugging Ray's torso. Moving my eyes downward I fixed my eyes at the mound of his crotch, imagining the imprisoned outline of his cock and the roundness of his balls. It seemed that Ray was posing for me -- using his muscles for the great show of a young male body. I let my aching eyes move down to his firm and very muscular thighs, right where the cut off shorts ended. I enjoyed the smooth, sunbronzed legs, right down to his soiled white sneakers.

Four. I inwardly counted the number of items of clothing Ray wore. Four: the T-shirt, cut-offs, jockey shorts, and the exciting pair of soiled sneakers.

"Don't we have more important things to do than rag out Tulotchi?" I asked. "I mean I've been waiting to see you for three days and now we're finally together."

"Yea, I know. I feel the same way. I kept getting a boner during class thinking about you and what we're going to do together today."

"Remember that jock you gave me Thursday? You know it got heavy-duty use the last few nights. All I have to do is get it near my nose and I get hard, then a few whiffs of your sweet crotch odor and I 'm about ready to shoot."

"Sounds sexy," he replied. "I've been thinking about you the last two nights too when I beat off at night. I've got a picture of you in last year's yearbook wearing a wrestling uniform that really turns me on. The page has some cum stains on it already. I used to look at it last summer a lot, but now since the other day, I can't keep away from it when I think about you and get horny."

"Well, here's something else to use when you beat your meat," I said and reached into my pocket to pull out a pair of rumpled white jockey shorts. "Like you asked, whenever I jacked off the last three days I shot my load into these. Look, they're all sticky and nasty and there's still some dampness from the load I shot there this morning. Want to smell?"

"Do I? Hand 'em over."

"Not so fast. There's a price for them."

"What do you mean?"

I showed him by reaching the distance between us and giving him a gentle hug. Then with our faces about six inches apart I slowly bent over him and gave him a slow kiss on the lips. He responded instantly, and kissed me back, opening his mouth as he did. My tongue found its home in his hot mouth and his in mine. The first sensations almost made me fall down. He had such a musky smell about him, freshly washed this morning but now with three hours of sweat on him. His cheeks were soft and his tongue began to probe inside my mouth. God, it felt good to have his tongue up there giving me pleasure. All the while I worked slowly around his mouth withdrawing occasionally to plant kisses on his neck and cheeks.

My temperature was definitely rising, and was made even more fervid by the way Ray was responding. I could tell he didn't have much experience at French kissing and I was determined to break him in slowly -- to this, and many other sorts of pleasures.

I withdrew again and flicked quick kisses to his ear. Then I plunged my tongue inside his ear and drew a moan of pure ecstasy from him. He almost collapsed in my arms with the sensation of my wet slobbering tongue working around his ear.

"What in the hell are you doing. It's driving me crazy."

"Just the beginning of our fun today, Ray, just the beginning. Now move over to the corner where we can get more comfortable."

I half dragged, half coaxed him to the pile of old books that had become a love nest for so many boys here. There was an old blanket which served as a kind of mattress which I had earlier spread out on the floor. The room was still overflowing with books everywhere, but here was a spot where we could lie down together in comfort.

Our arms and legs tangled together as we lay down side by side and resumed the passionate kissing. Now my hand was free to roam around his chest under his T-shirt. Hairless and smooth as a baby's, his chest was beginning to flesh out with muscles. It was firm to the touch, especially around the little nubbins of his tits, which I began to gently caress with my fingers, giving them a little tweak now and then to make him feel both pain and passion.

Not trying to force anything, I roamed all over his chest and reached around to massage his deep back muscles. This action brought us physically closer together until our legs and lower bodies were intertwined. As I continued to kneed his shoulders I felt him pulling up my shirt and beginning to grope my chest. He was so inexperienced he seemed to fumble about what to do next.

"Have you ever done this before with a girl or a guy?" I asked.

"No, this is the first time and I don't want to screw anything up. You're making me feel so great that I can hardly think. My body is tingling all over, and look at my crotch."

I did. And saw that the fly of his shorts was bulging like a circus tent was forming down there. I just laughed and reached down to grab a handful of his manhood and gently squeeze that beautiful set of cock and balls.

"You won't screw anything up. Just relax and enjoy the ride," I said. "But I think it's time to get rid of these," as I reached down to the waistband of his shorts and tugged. "Lift your butt up so I can pull these puppies off. Give me a little help."

He pulled his shorts to his knees and kicked them off, revealing the tight white jockeys that hugged his waist. They looked like they were at least two sizes too small.

Beautiful -- I let the word bounce around in my brain as I moved my mouth down again to Ray's sensual lips and shuddered as they touched his open mouth. I went wild, working my tongue in to twine and slither with Ray's, soul kissing him fantastically. All the while my hands traveled downward, working my mouth fully on Ray, who managed a groan of ecstasy the moment I touched the smooth flesh where the T shirt ended. Then down again, I worked them down tightly until they rested on the smooth flow of his buttocks. Ray twisted and turned to the feel of the hands fevering his buttocks, and I pressed all the harder, raising him up to me. I tried to ram my tongue all the way inside his mouth, seemingly trying to get it down his throat. My hands were sweaty and tingling on his butt, as I spread my fingers wide, edging them inward, getting the full feel of both cheeks, right to the start of his exciting asshole.

I worked one hand up to Ray's front, sneaking it in at the jam-packed crotch. He responded wildly, still soul kissing as his basket got hand measured. I let out a low moaning sound from deep in my throat as I worked two fingers to trace the length and thickness of the hard prick imprisoned within the jockeys. Then I slowly worked my whole hand inside to feel the snugness of the jockey pouch, working the swollen cock upward. I kept my mouth on Ray's, working the flat of my hand up and down on his jockey pouch, wondering just how hard this beautiful prick could get.

"Do you want me to get undressed now?" Ray asked with a boyish exuberance. "I feel hot enough to explode." He backed off slightly beginning to pull on the waistband of his skin-tight jockeys.

"Wait!" I put a restraining hand on Ray's. "I want to undress you, please." And I worked the fingers of both hands to the snug T-shirt and started to pull upward on it. "You're beautiful," I moaned catching a perfect view of the flat stomach and the sunbronzed chest.

"You make me feel terrific," Ray groaned as he watched me toss the shirt aside and return my hands underneath his armpits. I urged him to keep his arms up, while I worked my mouth first on one brownish nipple and then the other. Back and forth, flicking my tongue in between. I had to refrain from sinking my teeth into the sunbronzed flesh around the nipples, going wild on the hairless chest, finally letting my tongue drift downward all over the smooth, young flesh to his navel, making fantastic love to it.

Ray tightened his body as I caressed his beautiful basket with my tongue, meanwhile working my hands to his sneakers. "I love you, Ray," I said and proudly brought my mouth down on the soiled white sneakers, so symbolic of a teenager in his sexual prime. I kissed first one and then the other, and then slowly removed each one and each sock as well.

"Beautiful boy," I saluted Ray bringing my open mouth fully on the first foot, lifting it slightly. "Do you know what this means?" I proudly kissed his foot.

"I don't know, but it feels great. Oh, wow! Does it ever."

"It means that I would gladly worship you, every last bit of you. And I worked my mouth from toe to toe, licking and lapping in between. "All of you," and I went to the next foot, repeating the mouth worship of each and every toe. "Every last bit of you", and I worked my mouth underneath the foot, kissing all of the bottom of it, and then back to the top, continually working my eyes to the basket bulging within the snug jockeys.

I started the flat of my hands upward, ahead of my anxious mouth, criss-crossing my lips from thigh to thigh, flicking my tongue at the smooth, firm, flesh of the boy. Upward, I glided my hands up to the start of the jockey pouch, working my mouth up to the inner reaches of his thighs, getting that fantastic taste and feel of young meat. I let out a groan of pleasure as both my hands measured the length and thickness of the swollen cock imprisoned within the tight jockeys.

"I love your cock," I said and brought my face flush with the jam-packed jockeys. And I worked my tongue to the white cotton pouch, wanting to taste the meat through the undershorts before getting to the real thing. It was all I could do to keep from grabbing the jockeys to my face to smell the sweet aroma of his crotch which I had cradled in the white cloth only seconds before.

Then with a hard tug, I pulled them down to his knees and released his perfectly shaped boycock which bobbed up and throbbed at that perfect upward angle. And those balls dangling down loose and free threatened to drive me nuts. His boy stick was already on full hard: a good six inches long but not fully filled out in thickness, so typically adolescent.

"God, you're beautiful down there. I love your crotch and your pretty little balls."

It's true. His balls did look undersized compared to his fuckstick. They hung loose in their pink sack, almost hairless but with a slight down of soft golden fur. His bush, however, was something else. He had a wiry patch of blond hair above his dick which began to stretch into a thin line up to his belly button. I rubbed him all over, stopping to give his balls a squeeze and combing his pubic hair with my fingers.

"Are you going to eat me," Ray managed to whisper, so lost in passion he could hardly talk.

"You bet I am, baby," I responded, and flicked out my tongue and ran it all the way up the underside of the thick and swollen cock. "All of it, every last bit of it," I gasped and held his cock in one hand and aimed it at my lips. Working fast kisses at the cockhead, my hand stroked the base and I prepared for the moment of truth. I opened my mouth wide, moving one hand up and underneath to toy with the crack of his ass, the other gently cradling his balls, then lunged down on his swollen boymeat. All the way until my lips rested at the base of his cock, nestled in his crotch hair. I quickly shifted both my hands to his buttocks, trying to slam him forward, even though his fat cockhead was already lodged deep in my throat. I gagged at the beautiful fullness.

"Eat me, Dale. Eat me hard!" he shrilled.

I rushed my mouth into action as he demanded, doing it fast and hard. I couldn't get enough of his boycock, jamming down deeper and deeper, feeling the cockhead hurting my throat. Now I tightened my hands on the firm buttocks, digging ever so slightly into the tight butthole.

"Now! Now!" Ray cried, "I'm cuming..." And I took it. Every last drop of that sweet boy cream. It gushed from his fuckstick first in two or three hard spurts then in a slower stream which filled my mouth until I managed to swallow his full load. I sucked his still hard dick clean and tasted the salty, sweet cream and licked the last drops from my hot lips.

"What did you think about that?" I whispered. My hand reached down to his crotch and gently cradled his hairless balls.

"Too much. Too damn much. I've never felt anything so good in all my life. You make me feel like I've died and gone to heaven," he said and reached over to give me a peck on the cheek.

I couldn't resist running my hands along his smooth pecs, cupping his lightly muscled titties in my hands. This teenage god was the most beautiful thing I had ever seen, and now we had performed the most beautiful act together. I felt completely at peace. But one thing still bothered me. I was still fully dressed and my cock was throbbing with an urgency that needed release. I unbuttoned my tight jeans and reached beneath my own jockeys for my rock hard dick giving it a quick jerk that sent a spasm of pleasure down my spine. Staring straight into Ray's blue eyes, I began to beat my meat in earnest.

"What are you doing?" Ray cried. "I want to see you naked and make love to you the way you did to me. Stop beating it and give me a chance, OK?"

"Sure, baby, I didn't mean to start without you, but having you next to me and having sex with you makes me so horny I can't control myself. Grab hold of my dick and give it a kiss."

I peeled off my Lacoste shirt and lifted my ass so Ray could slip my pants and underwear down. He pulled hard to get them off but was stymied by my sneakers which he had to remove first. He pulled them off one by one without untying them and threw them across the room into a corner. I wiggled my toes inside my socks and stiffened my legs as Ray finished removing my pants, which caused my dick to stick up straight then bounce off against my stomach.

When I was naked (except for my socks), Ray reached over and put my dick to his mouth. First he kissed the crown and grabbed the base with his free hand. Then he began working the tip down his throat, slowly at first but soon picking up speed. His free hand cupped my balls and he stroked them in rhythm to his sucking.

Meanwhile, I pulled him around so we were in the 69 position and I lifted his right leg to give me access to his beautiful crotch. I held his limp dick in my hand but applied my mouth to his balls and the slightly hairy cord that ran to his butt hole. The aroma of his butt was an aphrodisiac that drove my to bury my face between his cheeks while I relaxed and enjoyed his chewing on my own prick. That beautiful boysmell -- part ass juice, part sweat, part sex lube -- I couldn't get enough of it as it filled my nostrils and spread to my brain drugging me a surely as any chemical. I was so close to cuming that I gave a hoarse call to Ray, pushed his face away with my hand, then reached up and shot gob after gob of my own cum on Ray's face.

"Oh man, take my cum in your face. Let me shoot on you." I cried as my boyprick unloaded all the pent-up fluid that had been building up since we got to the morgue.

"Eat my load, Ray, baby, and tell me what you think."

"I love it, Dale. I love your hot cum on my face and chest. Give it all to me. Give me all your love juice!"

I shot as big a load as I can remember and then reached down to Ray's butt and gave him a long kiss on his cheeks when I finished. The sexual tension was broken and I was beginning to relax holding the boy that I loved tightly next to me. I rubbed his back and hair then worked my way to his face and kissed him softly on the lips.

"That was as good as it gets, Ray. That was the best I've ever had," I confessed and continued to stroke his neck and shoulders. Just looking at the blond, butch chicken stretched out next to me sent a shudder of pleasure down my back.

"Why didn't we do this sooner. I feel like I want to be with you all the time. When I go home I think about your ass and have to go straight to my room to beat off -- usually with that old picture of you in the yearbook."

"You don't have to worry about that picture anymore...You've got the real thing and we're going to be together as much as we want." I started rubbing his taught chest, softly twisting the little nubbins that were his tits. "Reach under that pile of shit and hand me the jar of Vaseline. You know, that jar has seen a lot of action up here and I'd love to hear the tales it could tell."

I thought of some of the wild scenes in the deserted book morgue: the teenage sex that went on day after day, the boys who got their first blow jobs and those who gave their first ones, and the fucking. Yes, the fucking of those tight sometimes virgin asses, so smooth on the fifth graders and those hard adolescent fuckpoles of the ninth and tenth graders waiting to bust a nut in one of the younger boys' tight assholes.

I opened the jar and stabbed my fingers in, withdrawing a huge blob of the sticky jelly which I applied partly to Ray's dick and partly to my own. I started to jack myself off as I slowly started frigging his love meat. He sighed in response and his dick began to harden. I gave him a quick love bite to his neck and began washing my tongue along his cheeks and forehead, still jacking his hardening dick.

"You know what I want to do now. I want to make love to you and feel your hard meat inside me." I knew he had never fucked anyone before and the wicked thrill of my being the first made me super horny. "Do you think you'd like to stick that big pole up there and shoot off a couple of gallons of gism in me?"

"I can hardly wait, but how are we going to do it? What position do you want to get in?" he responded.

His prick was about as hard as it was going to get so I slowed down my stroking so I would keep him tense but not so excited he'd shoot off too soon. I reached back and stuck a finger up my butt, lubing it with the cool jelly and fingering myself to stretch the tight muscles and get them to relax. "Lie down on your side and let me show you what to do."

"I promise I've never done this before. But I'm so excited about our fuck. Isn't it going to hurt you?"

"Yea, a little. But in just a second it will be the best feeling in the world with you and me together doing this great thing just between us."

I reached around and pulled him closer to my back and guided his randy dick to my greased hole. As I backed my ass up a little, the greasy head twitched against my waiting hole. I pushed out slowly and guided him to my assring, which opened reluctantly to the invading member. It burned for just a minute, but I was so frenzied I decided to push onward and get the tough part over with right away. It felt like I was being stuffed with a cucumber as my butt hole strained to accommodate Ray's fuckstick. Then in one flash of pain I reached backward until his whole length was inside me -- right down till his balls were pressing against my buttocks.

"That's it Ray. You're all the way up there. Just hold it still for a few minutes and let me get used to feeling you deep inside me. How does it feel for you, baby?"

"God, I can't believe the sensation. I've never felt anything so great in my life. My dick feels so tight, like it's being squeezed by a hundred little fingers. And I love the thought that I'm inside you and we're sharing this neat moment. Sort of virgin fever, I guess."

"Yea, I guess. Now start to fuck me real slowly and let me feel what your dick is like when it's making love to me."

He started tentatively to pull it out and shove it gently back in. The friction hurt real bad at first, but in three or four strokes, the pain disappeared and I was consumed with the intense feeling of total fullness. Like my insides were filled to the brim, stretched at the ass hole, but also full in the gut like his dick was pushing through to my stomach on the other side.

Ray grabbed my hips and began to fuck in earnest.

"Are you sure you're new at this," I asked. "You fuck like a real pro, Ray."

"I may be new at this, but I've been giving it a lot of thought. Your butt is so tight that it's squeezing my dick like a milking machine. Can you roll over on your stomach so I can shove it to you all the way? I'd really love to ream your ass deep before I shoot my load."

I flipped over on my belly and spread my legs as wide as they'd go. I could feel Ray getting into position on top of me, never missing a fuck stroke. I reached back and touched his slick prick sliding back and forth in my hole. I squeezed him a little and felt his wiry bush and jiggled his little balls in my hand spreading the grease on them as I did. I gave them a harder squeeze and he responded by plowing my ass savagely. I hunched my hips up to meet his thrusts and locked my arms around his thighs, restricting the length of his pelvic thrusts.

"Push it in as far as it goes and hold it tight inside me. I want to feel you all the way up there. You feel so great I want you to keep fucking me forever." I ground my ass in little circles as his cock stuffed me totally and I felt that Ray totally possessed me and I was in his complete control "Now ram it to me and let me feel you blast your load inside me. Go for it baby."

He started humping for the finish line and shoved me back on my belly with the strength of his fuck. His dick was hitting that sweet spot inside my guts and I thought I couldn't take any more of his punishment, but I didn't want him to stop either.

Ray's pace quickened even more and he panted, "Take it Dale, take my load now!" And he rammed it to me fast and hard, and my asshole stretched impossibly wide to accept his throbbing cock. I could actually feel his cum shooting from the engorged prick, flooding my hole with his hot, steamy load.

I tightened my ass muscles around his dick and could feel some of his cum dripping out. His dick was softening somewhat and sloshed around with the load of gism he had deposited into me. "Push it into me all the way, Ray, so I can come with you inside me. Let me feel you even though you're going soft," I cried and turned over so I could grab my dick and shoot my own load.

I locked our ankles together and our two bodies touched each other for almost their entire length, his firm, tan thighs pressing hard against mine. Suddenly, the flood came. I clamped my aching asshole closed and shot four or five gobs of fuckjuice onto the book strewn floor. The dam had broken in my mind as the release of cum flooded through my body and sent waves of ecstasy through my brain. My body went limp, like I had just finished a 10K race. I pulled myself closer to Ray, hugging him and kissing his pouty, pink lips.

"Man, I may never walk again after that, you tore my butt apart with that tool of yours" I said, and reached back to feel the slimy goo of cum and ass juices that was oozing from my butt. "You made this mess on me, now you're going to get it back," I said and transferred a handful of the stuff from my butt to his asshole. I rubbed the slimy goo between his buttcheeks and nibbled at his pucker with my index finger, breaking through the muscle ring and giving him a good feel. He didn't resist the invasion. "Next time it'll be more than just my finger going up there. Do you think you'll be ready for that," I said and continued to probe his ultra tight hole with a second finger.

"Anything you say, Dale, is OK by me just as long as we stay together like this. I love you, you know."

"Yea, this is pretty great," I responded and pulled the fingers out of his butt and licked the tangy slime off of them, offering a second lick to Ray, which he accepted. We both relaxed a minute and I gave him a few pecks on the cheek. We were both too tired and pleasured for further lovemaking now, but we knew we had taken the first steps to something more important than either of us understood.

I started grabbing for my own clothes and watched Ray with satisfaction as he tugged on his shorts and socks. "Let's stop at Windy Valley for a coke before I take you home. Sex always makes me thirsty, and anyway I want to grope you in the car."

"You sound as sex crazed as that kid Malcolm when he's messing around with those fifth graders. They get him so crazy he doesn't know if his dick is still sticking out of his fly. But I feel the same way about you. Now let's get out of here."

We left the book morgue knowing that we'd soon return to our nasty rendezvous spot.

Next: Chapter 5: Choirboys

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