St Marks Saga

By Figley Whitesides

Published on Dec 7, 2002


Disclaimer: If you are not yet 18 years of age or if it is illegal to read materials of this kind where you live, then please stop now. This story contains fictional descriptions of sexual activity between teenage boys. The acts are consensual and are a result of their love or lust for one another.

[This is the third installment. Please check out the first of the St Mark's Sagas, "Randy Coleman," and the second, "Dudley S."]

The tussle in the book morgue with Dudley was fun and may even turn out to be something in the long run, but nothing could get me to change my feelings about Ray. That little guy caught my eye almost as soon as I saw him practicing lacrosse with the eighth grade team. He was a little smaller than average with blond hair and big feet. It looked like his shoes were several sizes too large when he ran. His blue eyes had a twinkle in them that perfectly framed his adolescent face. Sort of cherubic - not feminine, but not yet masculine. And he had a laugh that wouldn't quit.

He played goalie on the team, which means he got to get hit with balls traveling at about 80 miles per hour every game. It takes guts to fling your body in front of those shots. I don't know how he picked that position, except that he probably wouldn't have made the team any other way. It was his first year at goalie and he didn't have the natural instincts of a born player. So practices for him were long and hard, as he had to learn what some players discovered naturally.

I was the assistant coach with responsibility for the defense. The coach had given me the job the relieve him of some of the boring details like patrolling the shower room and picking up the loose jock straps. Yea, that was my kind of job. To be turned loose in the locker room with 40 young teenage athletic boys in the eighth and ninth grades. There was no other place where so many butch chickens could be seen with their pants off. Just the raunchy smell of the place would give me a hardon.

And you could really get an eyeful in the locker room. Some of the boys were almost fully developed with bulging muscles, hairy legs, and adult cocks. Others were just into puberty and their bodies were ill proportioned, padded with baby fat, with hairless groins. For me, the choicest ones were those in the middle. Grown up enough to have a firm body and the beginnings of real muscles, but not yet covered with full body hair. These guys were the "cute" ones, usually having problems adjusting to their bodies' growth spurts.

One Thursday we had a "voluntary" practice which meant only about ten of the boys showed up. I was firing shots at Ray and his goal toward the end of practice, when I looked around to see that the others had already headed off to the showers and locker room. I kept Ray busy for ten more minutes knowing we would be the last to leave by far. He was always such an accommodating kid when it came to practice. You could never overwork the guy.

"Stop three more in a row and we'll quit," I said.

"Sure, no sweat. Fire 'm in!" he responded.

Well, it took another ten minutes until we were both jogging back to the locker room together after the obligatory two laps around both athletic fields.

"Looks like everybody else has already beat feet and gotten out of here," I said walking him toward his locker.

"Yea, where's their school spirit in not staying late for practice?" Ray opened his locker and began to pull off his chest pad. Next he removed his sweatshirt and arm pads leaving his hairless chest bare. His pecs were just beginning to form and showed good definition down to his ultra slim waist. Couldn't be larger than 28 inches. He sat on the bench to remove his shoes, and even in the atmosphere of the locker room, I could smell the jock odor of his feet.

"Phew, don't you ever bother to take those socks home and get 'em washed. Aside from standing up by themselves, they could knock out anybody else in here."

"Don't worry, Dale, we're the only ones here and I thought you said you liked my stink."

What was he talking about? We had kidded before and even wrestled a little, but was he coming on to me now? "Well, that's not the only place you stink. I'm going to see how much of a skuzz ball you are and empty your locker out of all this filthy crap."

With that I reached over and pulled out the rest of his dirty uniform as he half-heartedly tried to stop me. I dumped his clothes on the floor just as he tried to grab me around the waist.

Fooling around like this put my dick on immediate hard. I reached out to break his hold, grabbing him and pulling him down.

"So what are you going to do now?" I asked.

"Whatever you want me to, I guess," he replied.

Now I really had to find out what was going on. I looked around to make sure we were alone, then said, "Alright, let's see if your jockstrap stinks like everything else of yours. I think I smell something awful coming from your crotch. I'll let you go and pull it off so I can check."

"If that's what you want, ok," he said and began to peel down his sweat pants in one motion leaving him dressed only in the tight protective jock. As he bent down to free himself from the sweatpants, he revealed the rest of his swimmer's body: tight, muscular thighs built up from months of conditioning tapering down to smooth calves whose muscles were covered by a thin layer of golden down. And, of course, those oversized teenaged feet -- high arched and narrow ending in perfectly shaped toes. He stood up and flexed at me, I thought, and rubbed his hand on the jock which he still wore.

"Are you ready for this now?" he asked, and began to peel it off.

"I'm ready for what ever you've got, but make it snappy," I replied, holding my breath as he began to remove the last garment.

But Ray was in no hurry. He grabbed the waistband and pulled it down just an inch or two then snapped one of the leg straps. Then pulled the jock down another inch or so till his pubic hairs were exposed and his dick still covered He was performing some kind of striptease for me.

Since he was a goalie, his jock had one of those stiff protective cups in it to protect him from injury, but as he lowered the jock I saw the cup also had kept me from noticing that he had a big hard on. He pulled the thing the entire way down and his proud 6-inch dick plopped out straight against his body.

What a sight! I gasped when I saw it.

He smiled back at me and teased, "Well what do you know? Leroy, here, has decided to go on hard. Glad there's only the two of us here, or the rest of the guys would give me a hard time. You're not going to give me a hard time, Dale, are you?" he said and struck a pose for my benefit: his arm against the locker, his waist tucked in, and his legs parallel to each other. Oh yes, and his hard dick plastered against his belly.

"Not unless you'd do the same to me, because look..." I said and pointed to my own sweat pants which by now had tented up in the front revealing my own stiff prick."

Nothing wrong with two guys in the shower getting a hardon, is there?" My mind was racing. What I had hoped for, but never thought would happen was playing out right in front of me. My buddy, my little teenage idol, standing stark naked in front of me with a big hardon and seemingly wanting to go further. And it was Ray who came on to me.

Ray reached down to pick up his jock and quickly stuck it under my nose, "Here, Dale, do you really think this thing smells bad? It smells pretty good to me."

I did not even try to resist him. With the webbing of the jock pressed against my face, I inhaled deeply the funky boy smells of sweat, ball juice, and stale piss. It was the strongest aphrodisiac I had ever experienced and the odor jolted my system as I grabbed his hand and the jock. I gave it two or three more long whiffs and spoke, "Well, I 'm not sure what's going on but I'm sure you and me are going to hop into the shower together now. Coming?"

I quickly pulled off my sweats and we raced the 30 feet to the shower room. It was still steamy from the boys before as I turned on two jets next to each other. After rubbing all over myself, I reached over to Ray and turned him around, "Do you want me to do your back?"

"Sure, and this, too, when you get a chance," he replied grinding the soap into his crotch, lathering his balls and pubic hair. "What about you? Want me to do your back, too. And everywhere else?"

We were both a flutter of arms and legs struggling with each other to coat our bodies with the slippery soap then rubbing against each other's bodies. We quickly found each other face to face and rubbed our slick chests together and brushed thighs and calves. I looked into Ray's smiling face and he seemed to egg me on. I reached down to his crotch and felt it for the first time. It was beautiful: hard stiff prick, and balls hanging ever so softly in their sack of perfectly smooth skin.

One hand on his dick the other on his balls, I worked up the lather and stroked him to pleasure. His soft moan let me know that this is what he wanted all along and that his pleasure was equal to mine.

Meanwhile his smaller hands were busy with my equipment. After slicking down my chest with lather, he encircled my dick with his right hand and began to pump. His left hand brushed lightly against my low hanging balls. Then he did it. Still holding each other's cocks, he reached upward against the pelting shower and kissed me. "Why did we wait so long to do this, Dale?" he whispered.

I could only respond by hugging him around the chest and planting a sloppy kiss on his cheek. I didn't know how experienced he was at kissing, and anyway, things were going too fast for me to fathom. But it would be stupid to hold back now, so I held his cheeks in my hands and pressed my lips to his, slowly pushing my tongue into his mouth. He responded by opening his lips and pressing his own tongue forward until our mouths were intertwined in a big, wet, beautiful kiss. I dropped my arms to his back and slid them down until they cupped his two butt cheeks. We continued to kiss as I massaged his firm muscled ass. He continued to hug me around the waist.

Ray's slick fuck tool was so hard it was almost funny. I'd pull it down so it stuck straight out then let it loose and it would plop back against his belly and vibrate back and forth. But I couldn't keep my hands off his smooth little ballsack and the two boy nuts they held. His skin was smoother than anything I had ever felt. I rolled each nut around in my hand, tugging on one and then another, pinching gently then letting loose.

The one thing I wanted was to reach between his asscheeks and probe his hot, damp crack. I slid my hands up and down on his cheeks and began to work them inward between them. I let my right hand glide down and felt the few little hairs that guarded the entrance to his ass hole. He was almost hairless down there making it feel as smooth as if he were slicked up with grease. Moving up and down, I touched his puckered little hole and ran my finger slowly around it. When I started to probe inside just a fraction of an inch I got a little cry from Ray in response.

"It's ok, Ray. Trust me it will feel great," I said as I continued to press slowly against his pucker, just edging the tip of my finger in. I've never felt anything so tight against my finger -- I thought it might cut off the circulation. When I'd probe with my finger, Ray would lift his ass up in the air keeping me from penetrating him further. Next time, after I 'd had a chance to loosen him up better, we'd really have some fun.

"Ray, let's shoot off together, ok?"

"Yea, Dale, I'm getting close and I'd really like to do it the same time as you. Let me know when you're there," he replied and started licking and biting the loose skin under my neck turning my brain into Jell-O. Both of us picked up the tempo on each other's cocks wanting to cum so badly together.

"Oh, God, I'm close. Ease up now or I'll shoot without you.

"No sweat, I 'm ready to spurt, just keep jacking me.

And so we did. Both shooting our loads together. I shot three or four times into Ray's pulsing hand at the same time he released his load of cream into mine. For a brief instant our bodies, our minds, our souls were one. We became aware of the incessant shower spray which threatened to drown us both while we lay limp in each other's arms. A few more quick kisses and we turned off the nozzles and headed back to the locker room to dry off.

We raced off to our own lockers slipping on the wet floor as we ran. I dressed as fast as I could and walked over to Ray's locker just as he was pulling on his white jockey shorts. The underpants were stretched tight by his boyish bubble butt and their white color contrasted with the dark tan of his protruding thighs. He sat down to pull on his khakis and wiggled his toes as he reached for his socks. I walked over to him and put my hand on his shoulder, getting an instant response from him.

"Rub my back, Dale, will 'ya?"

"No time now, Ray, but we've got all the time in the world later." He looked a little disappointed so I squeezed his neck affectionately and reached into his locker. Fumbling around, I found his jock and brought it to my nose. I inhaled the boy smell one more time and smiled at Ray.

"What are you, some kind of jockstrap freak?"

He's probably right, I thought, but I responded instead by shoving the dirty jock in his face and holding it there, pretending to choke him.

"Alright, Alright. I give," he laughed.

Pulling the jock away, I reached for his crotch and gave him a good feel. We both laughed and I gave him a quick kiss on the lips. "How are you getting home today?" I asked.

"My old man is coming to pick me up after work, sometime around 5:30, I guess."

"Then that means we can't get together to fool around any more tonight. Too bad, I'd really like to see you soon someplace where we can be alone and lie down together and really be close with each other. Maybe, this weekend, what do you think?"

"I've got detention this Saturday till 12:00. What about after that?"

"Perfect, I'11 show up myself at school and we can meet after you're finished. Have you ever heard about the book morgue?"

"Yea, kinda. And I'd think I'd like to try some stuff up there with you.

I gave him a bear hug squeeze followed by another kiss on the neck. "Ray, you're the greatest. Why didn't we get to know each other sooner?"

"Probably because most juniors wouldn't get caught hanging around 8th graders."

"Too bad for them. You and I are about to become very close buddies. Just one thing. You're going to have to get a new jock before practice. I'm confiscating this one to take home and remind me of you when we can't be together. I'l1 put this sucker over my face and think of your hot bod and beat off till I shoot a load and dream of sucking you off."

"Sounds great to me," he responded and gently touched my crotch. How about shooting off this week on one pair of your jockeys and give it to me as a present for my jackoff toy. Then we'll be even, OK? Now, let's get out of here before I get another hard on. I can't wait until Saturday."

I stuffed the dirty jock in my pocket and thought it would be fun tonight with Ray's crotch vicariously in my face while I tossed myself off into the undershorts I would soon be giving him. Maybe even twice tonight.

Next: Chapter 4: Ray S and the Book Morgue

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