St Marks Saga

By Figley Whitesides

Published on Dec 5, 2002


Disclaimer: If you are not yet 18 years of age or if it is illegal to read materials of this kind where you live, then please stop now. This story contains descriptions of sexual activity between teenage boys. The acts are consensual and are a result of their love or lust for one another.

"God dammit! What the hell am I doing up here? It's the middle of seventh period; I'm up in the damned book morgue and I'm waiting for the biggest doofus fucker in the school. Still, my crotch told me I was in the right place.

The book morgue, aptly named by the school's oldest degenerate, Farnham Barriner, was a windowless upstairs room about 30 feet by 30 feet located near the old cloak room and bookstore. It had shelves along the walls where leftover and unwanted books from the school library were casually tossed about, but the most significant feature was the foot-high pile of books scattered everywhere on the floor. Survivors of various book fights, the volumes on the floor were tattered beyond further use and formed various piles and mounds. You could pick your way through the rubble or prop up some books to make a cozy nest and settle down. Two bare light bulbs hung from the ceiling and illuminated the room casting dim shadows along the walls. The air was stuffy and slightly moldy, like an unused warehouse or even a locker room.

And the morgue was used much more like a locker room than a warehouse. Because here was the appointed place were all the sex perversities were acted out at prestigious St Mark's School for Boys. Here was the meeting place for those who needed to get their rocks off and those only too happy to service them.

I had heard about the place earlier in the year from Scott Malcolm, the oversized 8th grader who was fond of taking liberties with some 5th or 6th graders during the school day. Scott supposedly started the custom of disappearing during free period or study hall and hiding out in the morgue with a younger buddy or two. There he would indoctrinate the smaller boys into all the joys of mutual masturbation and cock sucking. Rumors were fairly widespread among Scott's classmates about his free period activities and soon he was joined by some of his more adventuresome (and horny) friends.

A group of four or five boys had become regulars, sneaking away with each other during the school day to satisfy their itching crotches. Usually they took turns jacking each other off or giving each other blow jobs, but soon some of the guys turned into specialists -- Rob could be depended on to suck any dick that poked through a pair of khaki's and Bill and Troy seemed more interested in getting their cock sucked than in returning the favor. Still, the group was all friendly with each other despite which roles, active or passive, the members tended to assume.

I was turning into a cocksucker and rim job specialist. Nothing turned me on more than grabbing hold of my buddy's dick and getting him off one way or the other. I loved giving head and then after working him to a frenzy, turn him around, pull his jockeys completely down and lick out his asscrack. Meanwhile, I'd beat my own meat like a bandit and try to time things so we would both cum at the same time on the pile of musty books on the floor.

Somehow Dudley S. found out about the goings on at the morgue and began to appear at a few of the sessions. Dudley was a junior, bigger and older than his classmates. He was a husky boy and starting guard on the football team for two years running. Blond, with a smooth, clean face, Dudley wasn't handsome in the conventional sense, but was a ruggedly good looking guy. He had a brain which put him in the bottom quarter of his class and he never took academic life too seriously. He was one of the few boys who blatantly got into trouble during school to make his classmates laugh. He was usually rewarded with demerits and Saturday detention for his wisecracks and loudmouth remarks. Still, he was a stud. He would parade naked around the locker room after practice squeezing his dick and making lewd comments about someone sucking him off. Most everyone assumed it was just locker room humor and he was only showing off his eight inches (which actually got hard a few times.) Once I saw him pull his dick out in the boys bath room and ask Ricky, a young 6th grader to give him head in the stalls. Nothing happened, I think.

Anyway, Dudley started showing up at the morgue, where he would pull out his prong and get sucked off by whomever was there. I saw him there twice getting off in my friends' mouths and felt a longing in my crotch that told me I wanted into this game -- and soon.

So later that day I approached him. "Hey, Dud. What're you up to, man? I see you've been hanging around upstairs."

"Yea, saw you there yourself, Dale, and down on your knees too. Didn't know you like to take it that way."

"Sure, why not? As long as there's a hot willing stud and a big load of jism waiting at the end."

"Well, I don't know...but I sure like to get my dick off in someone's mouth. And I usually get so horny I feel I could cum three or four times a day. The morgue is cool. I like the guys who hang out up there and I like what we do together. Don't you?"

"Yes, asshole. Why else do you think I hang out there myself. It sure ain't for the atmosphere of that place."

"Yea, it's more like an old dusty cellar with the smell of old farts and stale cum thrown in. But it's cozy and no one seems to bother us there."

I glanced at the stud next to me dressed in a blue oxford shirt, khakis, and tan loafers with white wool sox, and blurted out, "So when are you and me going to make it together up there? I think I can give your friend down there a good workout."

"Just the two of us? OK, sounds cool to me. When do you want to do it?"

"Like 7th period today. Are you free?"

"For you, baby, I'll cut trig again. My dick's getting hard just thinking about it."

"See ya, stud."

Well that was done. Normally Dudley and I traveled in different circles and had little to do with each other, but, today, I wanted nothing more than to spend a half hour or so with him. Damn, I've got no control when it comes to getting turned on by another teenager. Usually by two different kinds: either a young, blond, chicken type; or the rugged athlete type. No doubt which category I fell into. Now I've got to make it through three more classes without my prick breaking through my pants of shooting a wad down my leg. Tough work but I'll try.

But up here waiting for the big baboon I started having second thoughts as usual. The guy was stupid and coarse and a jock. But something about his "don't give a damn" attitude turned me on. So different than the way I come across at school as the clever intellectual bound for a first rate college.

A rustling at the door startled me and I turned to see Dudley walk in. "Jeez," he said, "good thing you made it. I'm so hot I could cum in about 30 seconds."

"Well, thanks a lot," I replied sarcastically. "Sounds like a lot of effort for only 30 seconds of fun."

"Now cut it out. I said I'd cum in thirty seconds. But that's only the first time. Then there'll be plenty of time for us to relax and get it off as much as you want. I ain't got nothing to do the rest of the day except lacrosse practice." He reached his left hand slowly down and began rubbing his crotch.

When he started scratching his balls I knew it was hopeless to resist him and I walked over and put my hand against his growing tool. "Man, I've never done this with you before. You've got a sexy looking bod, you know."

I kneeled down in front of him and kissed his crotch through his khaki pants. It was a strange, sexy feeling kneeling in front of this hunk, looking up his body, rubbing his buns with both hands, and nibbling his crotch with my teeth.

Standard procedure up here was to unzip your pants and poke your boner through your fly for a blowjob. But I needed more. So I reached up and started to undo Dud's belt and unbutton his fly.

"Hey, man, what are you doing? You don't have to do that to suck my dick.

"No, you're right, but I want to relax. Let me pull them down a little."

Before he had a chance to protest again, I put my mouth on his white jockey shorts. What a combination of sweat, butt, cum, and musk. Now I could actually get his prick around my lips and I nibbled his underpants.

"Hey, man, you want me to give you a first class job, don't ya? Let me pull 'em off and I'll give you some pleasure."

I popped his jockies past his hips and his eight inch rod bobbed against my face. He was already three-quarters hard with a small drip of clear precum leaking from his dick head. His rod was really beautiful - much darker than the rest of him and so thick that I couldn't get my hand around it. He was cut but still had loose skin so I could jack him off a little before I took him in my mouth. One of my hands pulled him slowly back and forth, while the other cupped his low hanging balls. His nut sack was hairy but with skin that felt like a baby's cheek. I pushed his balls up about an inch and gently rubbed each one.

I had to take a break from Dudley's crotch and give myself some relief. Keeping one hand on his dick I used the other to unbutton my pants and unzip. My fuckstick was bone hard and jumped as I grabbed and fisted it. It was already lubed with precum helping my hand easily slip along the fat ridge at the head. God, my hardon connected directly with my brain and began ripping the top of my head off. Just a few pulls sent me over the edge and made me desperate to suck Dudley's crotch and eat his dick.

First a few kisses around his inner thighs wetting his pubes before mouthing his enormous balls. I opened all the way and took one of them in my mouth, careful not to hurt him. I washed it with my tongue feeling its almost weightless mass completely filling my mouth. My nose was pressed against his other ball forcing me to inhale his musky, pissy smell. The feel and smell of his flesh mesmerized me as I sighed with pure joy. When I tried to breath I closed my mouth a little causing Dudley to gasp and grab my head. At the same time I kept stroking his dick which was now totally hard.

He gasped a little at the sensations and began a slow whispered moan, "Man that feels fantastic what you're doing. Suck my balls. Lick me all over."

One more lick at his other ball and then I went for his dick. First, putting just the head in my mouth and sucking back and forth quickly. Really giving it to him with hard suctioning and fast strokes. I knew he loved it because his rod stiffened all the way now and felt hard as a piece of steel. Longer and thicker and harder, it grew in my mouth, filling me as I took it deeper down my throat. I loved the feel of the now hard stick and tried to suck it faster and deeper.

"Man, take it all the way. Let me feel your lips against my bush. This is great!"

I couldn't get the whole thing down my throat without gagging and I had to pull out and get my breath. That gave me time to work back on the head fluttering kisses on the tip. I also began to work my hands on his hard asscheeks, massaging them and squeezing them roughly. He had an athlete's butt: rounded and firm, without a bit of fat. And he tightened and released his ass muscles as I blew his cock, giving me a good feel. But I wanted more. I needed to feel the sweet dampness of the crack between his cheeks, that hairy pocket with his sweet pucker in the middle.

I reached my fingers into his crack, past the clump of wet hair, and finally found his little hole. I just rubbed ever so gently around the little pucker, not even attempting to get inside, just keeping the slightest pressure on his asslips. And all the while sucking his manpole with long, steady strokes.

Dud's breathing was becoming faster and his butt was contracting rapidly in time to my sucking and squeezing. "Take it, you bastard. Take my load in your mouth. I'm cuming. I'm cuming."

And he sure did. First one, then another, and another load of hot steaming cream. Gobs of the stuff pumped into my mouth. More than I could swallow as some spilled down my lips to my chin. But I swallowed most of the hot, salty juice and it tasted like the sweetest drink I ever had.

"See, I told you I'd cum in about 30 seconds and I was right," he said, still out of breath.

"Yea, you bastard, now you're going to have to shut up and bend over while I get off," I joked. I began to turn him around and he hopped over, his pants and shorts still around his knees. Bend over so I can kiss your lousy butt, ok?"

"Sure but what are you going to do?"

"Just turn around and you'll see," I said and squeezed his buns, which were now level with my face. I slobbered his rear end with kisses and tongued his cheeks, working my mouth toward his crack. The funky smell of his ass filled me with sexual fury. I spread his cheeks with my hands and dove my face into his ass cleft. What heaven! The dampness, the bristly hairs, and finally the soft pucker of his ass hole. I was losing control and driven into sexual madness.

"Hey man, you're actually eating my ass! All right. Go for it. Suck my booty. It feels so weird, I think I love it. Tickle me down there. It feels so wet and slippery."

Dud's response made me go further. I pulled on my own dick faster and faster as my tongue found his fluted pucker. I licked around the edges and bit gently at the little hairs. I kissed the hole and then darted my tongue past the entrance. Just a little, I pushed my whole face forward which drove my tongue further into him. Then I stiffened my tongue as much as I could and drove it into his ass hole as far as I could. Back and forth, I jammed it into him four or five times.

I listened to his panting and kept my tongue working, deeply inhaling his sweet butt juices. With my face buried in his ass, I could feel my cum bursting through my body and shooting out my dick. Oh, what a release to pump a huge wad onto the floor!

Dud turned around while I shot my final thrust onto the books and I glanced up to notice he was hard again or pretty close to it. "Wow, Dale, that was the greatest. Never had my butt licked out before. Where did you learn to do that?"

"I don't know, but it's kind of sexy isn't it? There's a bunch of other shit I'll bet I could show you, too.

"I can't stand it, I've got to get off again. Where do you keep the grease around here?"

"Over in the corner. I'll get you some." I got up and went to the side of the room and pulled out a jumbo king size jar of Vaseline covered with some old books. That jar had seen many a good time, I thought.

"Here, Dud, you want me to rub some on your dick?"

"Yea, grease me up so I can shoot off again."

I gooped up his fuckstick till it was slippery and shiny with grease. Naturally, it was hard as a steel pipe. Dud grabbed his own dick and I knelt beside him gently stroking his balls and running my hand along his ass crack. Now it was Dudley's turn to be out of control and I reached beneath his shirt and tweaked his tits a few times. His moans were getting stronger and his strokes faster on his prick. When I thought he was close I told him to cum in my mouth.

I bent my head lower till it was even with his dick and squeezed his balls a little tighter. He cried, "I'm cuming! I'm cuming!" he cried and began to shoot his load onto my face.

The first shot hit me right on my forehead and the next few rounds covered my face and mouth with globs of hot steamy cream. His second load was not as big as number one but it felt like a pint of hot cream hitting my face. And it had that same wonderful taste of salty boycum. I licked what I could and rubbed the rest of it on my fingers which I cleaned in my mouth.

"Not bad for a second shot," I quipped. "Bet you can't go again."

"Yea, I could but I'm going to save it up for our next time together tomorrow. That is, if you want to get together."

"Sure, you're one cool dude and this was a hell of a lot of fun." I reached out and shook his prick while he tried to pull his pants on.

"Like I said, I'll bet I can show you a few more new things to try."

"I'll bet you can. I've got to get to practice now. It's always easier to play lacrosse after you've gotten your rocks off.

Not a bad session. Maybe, I'll get to know this goofball a lot better. Anyway, I feel a hell of a lot better now myself.

Next: Chapter 3: Ray Sipe

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