St Josephs All Boys High School

Published on Oct 27, 2001


St. Joseph's All-boys High School By LDXBoy


This story involves sex between consenting minors; if you are not 18 or older, or if this kind of story is illegal in the place where you live do not continue beyond this point.

If this kind of story offends you please do not continue either.

Most of the story is fiction but has been inspired by real persons I have meet and real situations I have experienced.

You can read, copy and distribute the material with the condition to do it for free and do not change the material.

Authors Note

Finally, here it is Chapter 3, I hope you like it as you have told me about previous chapters. I want to especially thank John, my editor and friend for his time, patience and support; and to David of course, the Nifty archivist that has been helping me posting the story, you're great.

If you like the story please let me know about it, write to and I'll try to answer you ASAP.

Chapter 3 -- Growing pains

"See you later dude, enjoy yourself," I said grabbing a little backpack with a bottle of water and stuff.

"What? Yeah...whatever..."

I walked to the gym, stretching my legs. There I joined Carlos, the coaching assistant, who greeted me in a friendly way and immediately started warm up exercises with me.

Ten minutes later we left the gym and entered the woods through the track path. This path was a circuit around the woods and had three different routes, the shortest one was 2 miles, the second was 4 miles and the last one was 6 miles.

We chose the six-mile route.

We didn't speak and ran together, smiling at each other from time to time.

At the 3-mile marker we took a deviation path up the hill.

More than running we were walking fast through the woods now, with me following his steps closely.

He has a beautiful ass, round and tight as a rock.

It's a shame he is married.

After one hour we stopped to rest, drank some water and a talked a little about nothing in particular. Twenty minutes later we left the place heading back to the gym where we arrived at 10:00 AM sharp.

He sent me to the showers but I didn't have clean clothes with me so I ran back to my room. Dan wasn't there, only a clean pair of sheets for my bed.

Twenty minutes later Carlos and me were at the cafeteria to have something to eat. I finished my breakfast, said bye to Carlos and off to the library to do some work.

I missed lunchtime and by mid afternoon I was starving so I was the first one to have dinner that evening.

When I went back to my room there was no sign of Dan. I took out my brand new laptop from the backpack and connected it. Then I unpacked and connected the printer and the LAN cable.

I configured the equipment and soon I was navigating through the Internet.

The school has a direct access and you could find network ports on each classroom, lab or room at the school, even in the main square you can see poles with AC and LAN connectors on them. Almost every student at the school has a laptop or at least a desktop in their rooms.

I checked some sites like Nifty archives, GWG and others. Obviously they had new chapters, I mean, after two weeks off-line you could find a lot of new material to read.

I had 124 emails in my mailbox.

Most of them were from my mates from the old school, wondering what had happened to me. Three of them were from Tomas.

He said he missed me and that school sucks if we are not together.

Finally, he had dumped the slut, Susie, because he wanted to figure something out alone. He didn't tell me what.

Jill sent me 12 e-mails during those two weeks because she wanted to know about me.

I replied to Tomas, Jill and two or three close friends giving them details about my exile. When I was finishing the last one Dan entered the room.

"Oh... hi, I didn't know you were here."

"Hi..." I said without looking at him. Just typing into the laptop.

"Nice tool man."

"Thanks." I said smiling broadly.

"What? Oh... I mean... the laptop."

"Yeah, I know." I said almost laughing.


And he sat down at his desk to work on something.

"Mmhh... David?"


"I'm having a hard time with Geometry, and knowing you are senior in the advanced students program... could you give me a hand? ... I mean... could you help me please?"

"He he... yeah, sure... what's up?" I was smiling and he was blushing when I turned to look at him.

I turned my chair and moved closer to his desk. He was wearing black jeans and a white polo shirt that made him look awesome. He had to explain to me twice, the problem because I was totally distracted by his gorgeous body, his beautiful green eyes and his fragrance.

"Are you sure you're in the advanced students program?" he said smiling at me.

Wow, that smile should be registered as a weapon.

"Yeah... I was... mmmhhh... thinking about something else... sorry... ok, let's begin the game... "

I explained the concepts, equations and all the stuff he wanted to know. I took all the time I needed to make sure he understood everything.

We made up some example problems r and he just grinned at me all the time, I wanted to kiss him right there but I didn't.

After that I turned back to my laptop and navigated through the servers in the LAN accessed my own files and copied them to my computer.

While I was doing this he finished his work and stood up from his chair.

He walked to his side of the closet, just a few steps from my left, taking his shoes off and unbuckled his belt. I froze with my gaze half turned to him... I saw it in slow motion, as he pulled his jeans down and his boxers went down too leaving his butt free to the air... immediately he stood and pulled them up but I had seen his cheeks, white, round, and soft with no hair at all.

He just kicked off his jeans and pulled out his shirt.

Omigod... He was quite a sight. Broad shoulders and back, tiny waist, a perfect and beautiful V-shape with long, strong and beautiful legs. I noticed he almost didn't have any hair on his body, except for a little patch on his underarms.

And suddenly he turned around and caught me staring... he gave me that look.

"Oh... sorry, I didn't mean to... I'm sorry...." and turned away from him.

"It's ok, we're roommates."

He put on a T-shirt and went out to brush his teeth.

I finished what I was doing and undressed before he came back and went out to brush my teeth.

We met in the hallway and he smiled at me in that sexy way he has making my legs weak and putting butterflies in my belly... I turned my face to look at him and noticed he was doing the same and turned back when he saw me.

I went to the room and lay down on my bed.



"I want to apologize to you for being so rude last week. I shouldn't do that."

"Ok. Apology accepted."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, pretty sure."

"I was a total jerk you know..." and saying that he turned on his bed to look at me.

I couldn't avoid it, he didn't have a t-shirt on and with a quick glance at his chest... my dick throbbed in my boxers.

I interrupted him "It's forgotten now... honest."

"Ok, thanks." He was going to say something else but didn't.


"Nothing... nothing, just good night."

"Good night."

Two minutes later the lights went off.

During the next weeks Dan and I became closer, I still go to the library in the afternoon but after dinner I go back to my room to read and do homework. That way we can use the computer, play some games or just talk. He is a nice guy, very shy and he runs to the shower in the morning before I am out of bed and he is back before I go to the shower. As time goes on my life settles down little by little and we are becoming friends and I love that.

I am in contact with Jill almost daily.

She says that my Mom is very sad because I haven't called her back yet.

She even tried to set up a meeting through the net but couldn't, something to do with the firewall at the school, which is best for now.

Tomas sent an e-mail telling me he was very depressed and that he missed me so much. He didn't say why he was depressed but I figure it must be a girl, it's always been that way.

I had two more meetings with Mr. Randall and he was pushing me to express my feelings. I cried both times, and the meetings ended very soon but I'm starting to believe he has a real concern for me.

Tony and his gang harass me any chance they get.

When Tony is alone he doesn't say anything, he just looks at me with those sad puppy eyes like he wanted to say something but never does.

When he is with his friends he acts like a jerk.

We are now in October; four and a half weeks have passed and the first tests show that I'm still 4.0 but I am only one out of15. Too many I think.

Mr. Peters asked me if I wanted to be a tutor for other students and I said yes.

Now, after dinner when I'm in my room, kids come to ask me for help about any class, mostly math, physics and chemistry, just basics but I can help them.

I am beginning to feel relaxed and settled in my new world.

I gave it some thought but finally, on Thursday, I called my sister before bedtime. Mom answered the phone...of course.

"Hello?" Mom said.

"Hi, it's"

"Hi sweetie! How are you?"

"Fine. Is Jill there? I want to talk to her."

"Yes, she is. Can we talk first?"


"David, please. I want to know how you are. "

"I told you I'm fine... I'm pretty sure Mr. Peters said that to you already so I don't have anything to talk to you about right now... if you are not going to put Jill on the phone, I'll hang-up..."

"Wait please... why are you so angry?"

"Why? I can't believe you're asking me that Mom, you kicked me out of the house!"

"Honey no."

"You both told me `GET OUT OF THE HOUSE' don't you remember that? Because I do and that means to me you don't want me there because of the new job of my Dad, He is too important to deal with me."

"Son... please, don't be so rude."

"Or what? You're going to send me to Pennsylvania?"

"No, I'm trying to talk to you, don't you understand?"

"Yes I do, pretty well actually."

"Honey we love you and we miss you but also we want you to understand you're not a child any more. You have to..."

"Mom stop... I don't care."

"I don't want to talk to you don't you understand?"

"For the last three years Dad grounded me for two and a half."

"Yes, but you were so..."

"That's not my point... I was there for you to talk to and you didn't, why are you so anxious to talk to me right now?"

"Because we love you son...that's why."

"Ok but now I don't want to talk to you... don't you understand... I don't want to talk to you... ok?"

"We are worried about you, we're your parents."

"There is an army outside the school so nobody can enter or leave the school property without notice."

"You talk to Mr. Peters every day and he knows how I am and what my grades are...I don't have anything else to say."

"But son..."

"Mom... I don't want... I'm hanging up..." God she's pissing me off.

"No, please... Jill is here; she wants to talk to you... I love you son."


"Hello donkey face! How are you?" It was Jill, at last.

"Finally... I'm fine... how are you?"

"I'm as usual but you know what? I miss you a lot."

"Yeah, me too and I'm sorry if I didn't call you before but I couldn't ok?"

"Ok... We are talking now."

"Guess what?"


"I'm still a 4.0 guy... I'm not the only one, another 14 boys got it!"

"They're not as good as you are."

"I know that."

"I miss you... sometimes I go to your room, it's like you left it that last day...I have been listening your CD collection, I hope you don't mind."

"Not at all but now that you mention it...please send my top-ten, you know which ones...please, I'm dying here with no music at all...please?"

"Sure thing, I'll do that tomorrow morning."


"Do you have new friends?"

"Sort of..."

"Who's he?"

"Shut up?"

"Don't worry I'm alone now"


"Come on bro... don't lie to me."

"I can't talk now. I'll tell you later by mail but be sure Mom and Dad don't read it ok?"

"Sure thing. How's the school?"

"It's ok... I have to study real hard because I don't want to end up in Pennsylvania but it's all right."

"Do you have friends?"


"Come on you are Mr. Cool. How is that?"

"I'm not in the mood you know. Guess who's here?"

"I don't know moron."

"Tony... Tony Martucelli."

"Really? I can't believe it. How are you two dealing with each other?"

"We aren't, he's a jerk."


"Yes he is and his mates are worst you know, real assholes."

"Kick their asses, you can do that."

"No I can't... They expel me if I do that."

"No shit."

"Yes but don't worry it is not that bad."

"But you need more friends."

"I have you... that's the only friend I need... for now."

"Shit, I got to run, keep writing and send me the CD's."

"I love you, and I miss you pumpkin head."

"Ditto... take care..."


When I was hanging up I heard my Mom saying something to me but I didn't want to talk to her so I just hung up. She called back quickly but I didn't answer the phone, it was a public one in the hallway.

I went to my room and found Dan sleeping at his desk.

"Dan! "

"Huh? What?"

"Go to bed're tired."

"I was waiting for you...I need help with math."

"Tomorrow...come on, undress yourself and go to bed."


"Nothing...go to bed now."

He stood and walked to his bed and undressed to his boxers.

I was undressing myself but couldn't avoid looking at him; he's so beautiful.

He laid down on his bed and as soon as his head touched the pillow he was asleep.

I did the same... in my bed, sadly.

In the morning, when I came back from the showers, Dan was still in our room, sitting on his bed.

"Hey dude...what's up? You're late."

"Yes... I mean...if it's ok...just I..."

I walked to him and grabbed his shoulders "Calm down ok...take a deep breath and relax.

Good, now talk."

I was in boxers. I walked to the closet and took out my uniform, walking back to my bed.

"I...Are you going to have breakfast?"

"Yes, I am. Why?"

"Well... I... may I go with you?"

"Sure. "

"Thanks!" He had a goofy grin on his face.

Breakfast? That was the big deal? I dressed and combed my hair as best as I could, put on my headband and left with Dan to grab a bite.

We didn't talk too much on the way to the cafeteria, some dickheads called me sissy and both of us faggots.

I just dropped the comments and ignored them. I cannot jeopardize my status here at the school looking for trouble so I walked away.

We sat together in one corner facing each other. He was staring at me, specifically at my hair.

"What? Something wrong?"

"No, sorry. Just, it's weird that you wear your hair so long here. You know they have this rule for all of us."

"I know, it's a special case because of my Dad, I'll cut it soon."

" It's so curly." He said that as if he was admiring it.

"Yeah it's a pain to comb and I hate the head band."

"Actually it bothers me a lot but was a way to pester my Dad," and I grinned at the statement.


"Yes, just to make him mad at me."

He was staring at me.




"You don't have more friends here?" He said.

"I have you."

"We're room mates."

"But we are friends now aren't we?"

"Well yes but haven't you noticed yet?"


"That nobody wants to talk to us."


"Come on, that's because of Tony."

"Really? You're kidding right."

"No, I'm not."

"How do you know that?"

"Some mates from class."

They told me Tony said to them that if someone makes friends with us he'll kick their ass."

"Tony? Well he's an asshole so don't worry."

"Doesn't it upset you?"

"I don't care who the fuck wants or doesn't want to be my friend, I have you and that's enough for me."

"Just because we are room mates."

"In the beginning yes but now that I know you a little more it's because I like you."

"Really?" He was smiling like a little child with a new toy.

"Of course." And I want to kiss you and hold you in my arms and touch you all day long.

"Gee thanks."

"You are cool... and cute too." SHIT! I actually said that.


"You are cool." I said.

"Yes... sure..."

Shit, think of something, anything quickly... think!

"Uh, I have to go now... see you later, ok?"

"Sure... ok... lunch maybe?"

"Ok, 12:30."

"Ok, see you later dude"

Fuck, I said that loud. Shit!

I was walking out of the cafeteria to my homeroom lost in my thoughts when someone bumped into me, we didn't fall but almost.

"Asshole, watch your steps."

"Sorry dude... Tony? Are you ok?"

"Fuck off."

"Hey, I said I'm sorry."

"Yes... ok... move now. " and he left me standing there.

Well, maybe he still hates me after all.

I ran after him.

"Wait Tony... please" I caught him almost in the middle of the main square.

He stopped and turned around with a look of anger and annoyance in his eyes.

"WHAT? Are you going to punch me again?"

"No man... look, I understand that you hate me but..."

"Do you understand? Really? Oh, you don't know shit man.

I hate you and I hope you die so leave me alone. Fuck off."

"I'm sorry... about everything."


"I said I'm sorry."

I want to apologize to you about what happened three years ago."

"FUCK YOU!! You don't know shit I told you, FUCK YOU!!"

And he left me in the middle of the square with a bunch of kids staring at me.

I ignored them and walked to homeroom where we did nothing but a little chat. After that I went to my first class and later to the track field.

While I was jogging I was thinking about Tony.

He's cute, no handsome. So big and muscular but with a baby face. He has deep brown eyes, almost black. He has black hair, very short as his Dad. He's hairy but not a bear, just enough to make him look masculine and hot. Big arms and strong legs, round ass and broad chest, a jock.

After practice I took a quick shower and went to second period class.

When that finished I went to the cafeteria for lunch... I found Dan waiting for me at a table, alone.

"Hey you" I said to him.

"Hi.... how are you?" His eyes glowing with happiness when he saw me.

"Great, thanks. How is your day?"

"Fine, actually great right now, thanks"

Huh? Was that a little flirt to me?

"So, what's next in your afternoon classes?" I asked.

"Nothing, just one lab practice and English practice. No more classes for today"

"Great, me neither. I have English too but I already read the material for this week."

We talked a little more while we ate our food if you can call this food.

Just before leaving the cafeteria he looked at me.

"What are you doing tomorrow?"

"Hiking in the morning with Carlos. And after lunch I have to read and do my homework"

"So, are you free for dinner?"

"Yeah why?"

"Just wondering if you want to have dinner with me, tomorrow."

"Sure, why not?" Have dinner, with me? Was it a date? Cool.

"Great! Yes!" he almost screamed.


"Sorry, it's just that... well... look, you are the only guy I talk to, so I feel happy, I'm sorry."

"Why? Being happy is not a crime." And you look gorgeous when you smile, keep smiling at me and I'll totally fall in love with you.

"I like you." WOW! I believe in God. Thanks!

"I like you too."


"Yes, of course" He smiled broadly at me.

I saw Tony at the other side of the cafeteria staring at me with angry eyes.

He was talking with his mates and all of them turned with an evil smile on their faces.

I felt a shiver running up my back.

We both left the cafeteria and I headed to Mr. Randall's office.

I slipped through the door and saw him having lunch.

"Oops...I'm sorry I'll be back later."

"Hi David, come in it's ok. Have a seat. Would you like some fries?"

"No thanks" I said and sat on the chair in front of his desk.

"What's up with you? "

"Nothing in particular. Do you think that I have to change my hairstyle?"

"Maybe, it's ok I think but not appropriate here.

I'm not against any type of hairstyle at all, but I believe each one has a place and a time, why?"

"Just wondering. That's where my problems started."

"Really, why is that so?"

"Well, it was the black Sunday as I call it.

That day the hair stylist came to my house to give my Dad, my Bro and myself a haircut.

I didn't cut my hair because I wanted to try a new style. I have tight curls right? And all my life it has been a pain to comb it.

That morning while I was combing my hair I left it natural, just dried, shook my head and let it free. It was amazing.

My hair was like never before, just fell into place.

That is why I wanted to let it grow a little to make a change but when my Dad found out about it, he grounded me saying I disobeyed his orders and I deserved to be grounded.

He went farther, dropping my plans for spring break, a vacation I was foreseeing with anxiety because it was with all my classmates. It was going to be real neat but he told me I couldn't go on that trip and I got angry immediately.

We argued a little but he told me to shut up, I couldn't believe it. Just for a stupid haircut, I wasn't a soldier you know? It wasn't that long anyway and everybody was talking about how good it looked, even my Mom."

Mr. Randall interrupted me. "I think both of you were right. I mean, maybe you should talk to him before making a decision like that, explain to him how you feel and what you want, what do you think?"

"I don't have to ask his permission for something so silly. For Christ sake, it was a haircut." "Ok, maybe you're right. What happened then?"

"I was going madder by the minute and as everyone had told me I looked really nice, made me almost scream to everybody.

Then, this guy, Tony Martucelli, do you know him?"

"Yes, he's a regular student here since junior high."

"Yeah, him. He bumped into me spilling a glass of water on my jacket.

I didn't know it was water so I lost it right then, I didn't hear what he was saying to me but he had this stupid smile that made me lose my temper, punching him in the face with all that I had.

God, I have the memories right here, in slow motion, he dropped the glass and fell down backward moving his hands to grab something and he pulled a table down onto him.

All the food and drinks were over him and he was lying on the floor.

He turned his face to me and I can tell he wasn't mad or angry, he was hurt and his face was like he couldn't believe I punched him.

I couldn't say anything to him at that moment so I walked away toward the toilets to clean my jacket.

Two steps before I reached the toilet door my Dad grabbed my arm and took me out of the house and into the car He ordered the chauffeur to drive me home and the guard to keep me in my room until he arrived."

"How did you feel? Did you apologize to Tony after that?"

"When I smelled my jacket I found it was water, just water.

I couldn't believe it and felt terribly.

When I arrived home I had cooled down and called Tony to apologize.

But I couldn't. "

"You hurt him. How were your relations with Tony before that incident?"

"We were very close."

"It is weird because we had just known each other a couple of months and something made us close friends. He was so funny, always playing jokes on me. None of them harmful, just funny."

"Do you think maybe he was playing a joke on you with the water?"

"No, it was an accident."

"I think."

"I'm sure."

"He couldn't... No. He couldn't."

"No way... it was an accident..."


It was an accident, right?

"OH MY GOD! He could be playing a joke on me...?"

"You're fucking right..."

"That's what he was saying to me when I punched him..."

"I didn't hear his voice but I read his lips, it makes sense now...


"I embarrassed him in front of his family and lots of people including the press...

Jesus! That's why he hates me now..."

"Oh God, I feel sick..."

Mr. Randall stood quickly grabbing his garbage deposit putting it in front of me just in time to catch my lunch. I couldn't avoid it. I felt dizzy and kept throwing up my guts.

"OH God, I can't believe it. All this time and never thought about it before."

"It wasn't your fault David, those were the circumstances you know?"

"No way... I punched him in front of hundreds of people in there. Oh God."

I couldn't talk anymore because the tears and sobs didn't allow me. I was shaking so badly. Mr. Randall hugged me tightly trying to calm me down.

A Few minutes later I was still sobbing a little. He gave me a glass with some water to wash my mouth.

"What happened next?"

"My Dad beat me.

He took his belt in his hand and beat me.

I was crying and begging him to stop but he hit me and hit me and hit me.

Mom was crying too but she was kept out of my room, yelling at him to stop.

When he left my room, my butt was almost bleeding and he wouldn't allow my Mom to see me.

He grounded me for three months, alone in my room. And for one week I couldn't see anybody at all. The maid and Mom came to my room just to feed me and that was all the human contact I had in those days."

"How do you feel about it?"

"I was a kid you know? I made a mistake but that was not a reason to beat the shit out of me like that.

He never said anything more about it, but he never beat me again.

Now he grounds me for everything and I have been grounded for most part of the last three years."

I couldn't continue because I was crying again.

Mr. Randall hugged me again stroking my hair and my back.

When I calmed down it was 3:00 PM. I felt so bad and so tired that he gave me a pass to go to my room.

He didn't say anything else to me.

I went to my room and laid down on my bed crying again until I fell asleep.

I had this strange dream in which Dad was yelling at me while Mom and Tony were crying in the corner of the room.

Tony had a swollen eye and was asking me why I had punched him while my Mom was holding me in her arms staring at me with tears in her eyes.

Suddenly I saw the black belt of my Dad flying towards me, cutting the air at top speed, landing on my left shoulder and back; I cried and begged him to stop, please I said "you're hurting me." He didn't stop and continued beating me harder each time.

I woke up sitting on my bed. I was breathing heavily and my tears flowed down watering my face.

Dan sat down on my bed by my side and grabbed me tightly by my shoulders.

"It's ok David, it's had a nightmare."

I leaned my head on his shoulder and he hugged me. Oh God, he smelled so great like apples.

"Ssshhh... Ssshhh" said Dan. I embraced him and cried on his shoulder.

He was rocking me back and forth, stroking my hair.

A Few minutes later I had calmed down enough to notice he was wearing only his boxers. I felt his bare skin on my face and hands, it wasvery smooth and his muscles and bones were so obvious to my touch.

"Are you ok now?"


"Did you have a nightmare?"


"I was calling you but you were screaming to somebody and couldn't hear me that's why I came to your bed and suddenly you sat up screaming and scaring me to death."

"He he... Sorry."

"It's ok, are you ok now?"

"Yes. Oh, I'm sorry." And I pulled away from him.

"It's ok."

"Thanks... What time is it?"

"10:30 PM"

"Shit, I missed dinner. Everything is closed by now and I didn't even take a shower"

"You can go to the bathroom, they always leave some lights on, it's a little dark but you can use the showers."

"Really? "

"Yes. And I brought you something to eat in case you were hungry it's over by your desk."

I looked over at my desk and saw a paper plate with a sandwich, some cookies and a glass with something.

"You're so kind, thanks dude."

"Go to the showers."

"Yes, thanks." And I hugged him quickly before I stood up to undress and go out for a shower.

Dan was right, they left a couple of lights on in the bathroom. To the right were the toilets, and to the left the showers with the mirrors and sinks in the middle.

I was washing my head and saw a shadow moving to my left but when I dried my eyes nobody was there.

After the shower I put on my boxers and a t-shirt, combed my hair as always and headed to my room.

When I was crossing the entrance to the bathroom I felt a cloth cover my head and couldn't see anything. Someone hit me in the stomach taking all the air from my lungs.

I fall to my knees and then someone kicked me on my back forcing me down on my stomach and he knelt on my back. He took the cloth slightly off of my head and showed me a pair of scissors and then grabbed my hair and started to cut it off.

Before he got up from my back he said, "Next time you'll bleed" he stood up and left me there on the floor.

I heard more than one set of steps running and later a couple of doors opening and closing quickly after.

Slowly I sat up on the floor and saw my hair lying on the floor and then got up on my feet and re-entered the bathroom to look in the mirror.

Assholes, the longest part of it was missing in the back, shit. What the hell, I was going to cut it anyway, Fuck them.

When I got back to my room Dan looked at me and said, "What did you do man? Why did you cut your hair?"

"I didn't...some guys did it; they kicked me."

"What? Who? How many?"

"I don't know, two or three maybe. Forget it, tomorrow I was going to cut it anyway"

"Are you ok? We can call security."

"No, I'm ok."

"Did you see who did it?"

"No but I think they were mates of Tony, maybe he did it."

"Are you sure?"

"No I'm not."

"Tony? He's a jerk you know?"

"Really? He wasn't such a jerk before"

"Do you know him?"

"Yes, we were friends few years ago."

"Really? I met him when I came to St. Joseph three years ago, he wasn't an intern."

"What happened?"

"At first he was friendly and we got along together but a couple of months later he became an asshole just as he became an intern."


"Yes, that day he started to make my life hell, I have not dropped the school because of the scholarship."

"But why?"

"I don't know, he just started to beat me every time he could. Last year the thing cooled off enough for me to keep studying without my nose broken or my eye swollen."

"You never told anyone?"


"When I knew him he was cool and friendly always joking around but then we had this incident where I embarrassed him in front of many people, maybe that's why he became a jerk."

"I don't think so, it's not your fault."

"I don't know."

"He didn't have an excuse to behave like that."

"I know but anyway."

I ate my sandwich and we talked a little more in the dark.

The dim light from the window was enough for me to see his body leaning back against the wall but I couldn't see his face clearly, at least not his eyes.

He's so beautiful, very slim with a flat belly and he has a well defined chest.

His arms and legs are long making him look slimmer with broad shoulders.

His long neck looks so sexy and his collarbones so kissable. He has cute round toes with long slim feet.

It was like 2:00 AM when we went to sleep.

The next morning, not so early, I put on sweat pants and a T-shirt. Dan was still sleeping when I left for the nursery.

In the main square I found Tony, walking towards the dorms. He saw me and gave me a puzzled look when he saw my hair.

"What happened?"

"Nothing, I want a new look."

"Bad job faggot."

"Tony, I'm sorry, I didn't know it was a joke." I said surprising him.

"What? What are you talking about?"

"Three years ago...I didn't know it was a joke... I shouldn't have punched you."

His eyes filled with tears.

"I was so pissed because of my dad and lost my temper, I shouldn't have hit you."

He had tears on his cheeks.

"You don't know how much I regret that and how much I would like to bring back that time to act differently."

"No you don't."

"No, I swear. You were my best friend and I treated you like shit, I feel shame on me." I was crying too.

"Stop. You don't know shit."

"I'm telling you the truth, please."

"No... stop. Fuck off."

"Please Tony, listen to me."

"I don't want to listen to you."

"For our friendship."

"FUCK YOU! You don't know shit, you were the most important person in my life and you did that to me."

"I know..."

"You don't understand it, you embarrassed me in front of everyone, my picture was in the papers the next day."

"I'm sorry."

"I hate you, you don't know shit."

"Please, try to understand."


I didn't expect it but he punched in my face making me fall down on my back.

He knelt on my chest and punched my face again, I couldn't fight back.

Two more punches to my face and I pushed him off me to the ground giving me time to stand up on my feet.

"Please, forgive me." I said again.


After that he ran away to the dorms. A bunch of kids were there but no one said a thing.

I went to the nursery to see Mrs. Robertson.

"Oh my god! What happened to you? Who did this to you?"

My left eye and mouth were swollen, blood ran from my nose and there were some bruises on my right cheek.

"Nobody, I fell down the stairs."

"Who do you think are you talking to?"

"Mrs. Robertson, please. If someone finds out about this, Mr. Peters will throw me out of the school, please."

"Ok, but just for this time ok? No more fights."

"I swear."

"Now, let's see what can I do for you."

Ms. Robertson, she's a nice woman you know. Like fifty years old with gray hair and glasses that make her look like a Grandma in a nurse suit. Nobody knows anything about her but she is a nice woman, always helping everybody and taking care of their illness.

She cleaned up my face and cut my hair. Just to my ears and neck, as I like it.

Later I went back to my room.

"I was looking for you dude, where did you go." Dan said without looking at me, he was writing something.

"I went to see Mrs. Robertson."

"Are you ok?" and he looked at me, "Jesus, what happened?" he said standing up to see me more closely.

"She cut my hair."

"Dork. I mean with your face don't tell me she did that too."

"No, I had a talk with Tony."

"Does it hurt?" and he stroked my cheek slowly in a very tender way, almost lovely.

"Not too much."

"Oh God." He had puppy eyes and a look of concern.

"He doesn't want to forgive me." The tears came back to my eyes and he pulled me into him hugging me.

"Don't worry, everything will be all right."

I put my face on his shoulder. I could smell him, clean and like apples.

It was delicious.

"David." Someone called my name I think it was Dan.

When I stopped crying I pulled back a little but he didn't let me go.

We looked into each other eyes. His were amazingly beautiful and sparkling hazel colored.

I saw his face, slowly looking at his mouth with red full lips, his round little nose and his eyes.

The connection was there like electricity running through our bodies making us tremble in each other's arms.

I rested my hands on his hips and pulled him to me slightly and he didn't refuse, our faces were closing until my lips rested on his, barely touching.

"David!" Who's calling my name?

He closed his eyes and I followed then he pulled me tightly and kissed me back in such a tender way that I didn't care about my swollen lip at all because I was in heaven now. His left hand went down to my lower back and his right up to the back of my head, I just circled his waist and pulled him to me tightly feeling his hardness against mine.

The time stopped at that very moment and the room was spinning around us.

He was breathing new life into me.

That's it for now... I hope you liked it and send me your comments. Soon I'll be posting Chapter 4.


Next: Chapter 4

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