Squeeze On Over

By moc.loa@1kwahymmoT

Published on Nov 17, 2006




By Tommyhawk1@AOL.COM



"Land O'Goshen, but we've got ourselves a house full of relations, don't we?" Mrs. Ida Terwiller said as she looked over the people swarming through her house. "It's going to be one wonderful Thanksgiving holiday for us, isn't it?"

"Yes, ma'am." I said, dimpled. "And I was thinking I'd put you out by coming to stay with you a few days all by my lonesome."

Mrs. Terwiller laughed. "That's why I invited you when your Ma and Pa had to go care for your ailing grandmother." she said. "Get some help with these dishes."

Not that she didn't have plenty of help already. I had lost count of how many people were here, but it must have been close to a hundred. There were Terwiller uncles, aunts, nephews, nieces, cousins, half-cousins, step-cousins, in-laws, outlaws, friends of in-laws, man, oh, man, you never saw so many people. They'd set up tents in the yard and the field to one side, they were lining up to use the one indoor bathroom in the house (if you needed to go, you had better figure that out about a half hour before you actually wanted to go, if you see what I mean) and they had a softball game going and kids were chasing each other around the house and women were busy in the kitchen, cooking and cleaning and laughing and talking and sharing recipes and such. I had been drafted to peel potatoes, which was fine, I was imposing on their hospitality and it was obvious that every hand was needed. I peeled enough to suit her and then slipped out and joined in the softball game. Nobody asked me who I was, it was just give my name and take the bat! I'm not sure anyone was keeping score, and the players switched sides like crazy. That's a hell of a fun way to play baseball, you know, once you get over the outrageousness of it all.

The dinner itself was noisy as hell. They had two turkeys, and I got one slice and was lucky to get it. But there were also three hams and a big bowl of fried chicken and enough potato salad and dressing and green beans and corn and yams and on and on and on, that nobody was in any danger of starving. Not to mention Mrs. Terwiller's sister had cooked up a huge batch of her famous biscuits, this woman could sell these things, I tell you, I haven't had a biscuit that good before or since.

I tried to watch the football game, but it was pretty well drowned out by all the talk around me, I gave it up and sneaked off for a nap and when I got up, the party was still going strong, and it went on until nearly midnight. When I saw the family putting down sleeping bags and rigging sleeping on the sofa, I was glad I had an actual bed in Mrs. Terwiller's guest room already spoken for.

There was a card game and domino game or two going, but I gave up and went to bed about eleven o'clock. Hell of a great family, even if I didn't know most of their names or how they were related. Most of them probably figured me for one of their relations they didn't know.

I got to my room and opened the door and turned on the light. Hell, someone was in my bed! "Oh, hello!" I said, when the guy looked up and turned over.

"Hi, you must be Edward." the guy said. He was about twenty-two, black-haired, lean and well-built, a lot of the Terwillers did construction and oil-rig work and such, they were a pretty beefy group of guys.

"Yeah." I said. "What are you doing here?"

"I'm Aunt Ida's nephew by her youngest brother." he said. "My name is Tim. My Aunt said I could share a bed with you for the night if you didn't mind. She said this bed ought to sleep two or three easy enough. You don't mind, do you?"

"Uh...no." I said. The bed was a king-sized bed, I couldn't say I'd be crowded with someone in the bed with me.

Tim kicked the covers back and I saw the guy was completely naked. "Then skin on down and slide in here." he said. "Any friend of the Terwiller family is my friend, I always say."

Damn, he had a thick cock on him. Even slack, it was hanging over his hairy body and the head touching the bed and him not entirely onto his side, what was that, about ten inches?

Tim saw me looking and he reached down and gave himself a stroke or two, his cock didn't get hard, he just sort of unwrinkled it. Now the head was lying flat down on the bed. "Plenty of room for you right here." Tim said.

Now hell, I'm nineteen years old and I knew an opportunity when it came knocking, especially with a clapper like that one on it! "I reckon I can crowd on in there up next you all right." I said.

"I think you'll fit right into this family." Tim said and now his cock did start getting hard.

By the time I was naked, it was standing upright and damn, but it was a fine-looking piece of meat! I licked my lips and got onto the bed and Tim lay onto his back and I got hold of that thick slab of cock and my saliva drooled as I nursed on it. Damned hot piece of meat, all right!

"Swing that tube of yours around this way." Tim ordered and I was glad to do it, I got my knees on either side and he sucked me down.

I was loving his lips on my cock and was disappointed when he stopped, then I gasped, because his tongue went into my ass-crack and he was tonguing my butthole and that was the first time anyone had ever done that for me, and I loved it! Damned better than my college buddy's finger, even lubed up before he fucked me. I said as much to Tim and he grinned,

"So this ain't no virgin hole I'm licking."

"Not hardly." I said. "I been pronged by college studs ever night since I got there fall of last year."

"Then mind if I hitch a ride on you, seeing how been all broken in and all?" Tim asked.

"Born ready." I agreed. "I got to work some of that big dinner off anyhow."

Tim snickered and we ended up side by side on the bed and he stuck that big dick up inside me and while it wasn't the biggest thing I'd had stuck up inside me, it was the biggest thing attached to a human being, and I was looking forward to the ride!

Tim was getting into the rhythm of fucking my ass and I was loving the hard dong pumping and out of my ass when I heard someone say, "Hey, can I...hey!" That first hey was one of a greeting, the second was sheer surprise.

"Hi." I said as best I could while being fucked.

"I came to see if there was any room left in here for me." the guy said. This one was blond-haired, slim-hipped, wide-shouldered, and handsome enough for a movie poster.

"Which one are you?" Tim didn't even stop fucking me, despite the audience! Not that the new guy was complaining.

"Oh, I'm Brian, I was married to Susan but we broke up a few years later." the guy was about thirty, at a guess. "We got two kids together, is why I'm here at this family get-together."

"So you're my ex-cousin by marriage." Tim said. "This is Edward, he's a friend of the family."

"I can see that." Brian said, fondling his crotch. "I was going to ask if I could squeeze in there with you two."

"Only if you're willing to get naked." Tim said.

"Yeah." I agreed.

Brian cocked his head to one side. "You two drive a hard bargain, but all right."

Tim kept fucking me while Brian got undressed, and when Brian came over, I licked my lips, Brian got the idea and crept on his hands and knees until he was perched over the two of us. I could suck his cock like a calf sucks its mother, and that's what I did, milking this blond stud while Tim kept plugging my butt. I had been waiting to come with Tim, but now I had bigger fish to fry. Brian's hand grabbed hold of my cock and he pumped me while I sucked him and I was loving this holiday celebration!

"Ah, hah, uh, uh, huh, ah, GAH, HAH-GAH, UH-HAH-HUNNNHHHHH!" Tim exploded in my ass and I clutched Brian's dong and moaned around it. God, I love the feel of hot come jetting into my butt!

So I laid still and loved it, and when Tim finished, I smeared my mouthful of spit over Brian's pud and pulled off, said, "I think he's done. You want a go?"

"You bet." Brian said. "I bet it's all slicked up with his hot goo, and already relaxed and open. Shit, yeah, scoot over so I can squeeze in and get it."

"Yeah, squeeze on over." Tim agreed. He scooted over to lie against the edge of the bed against the wall, and I shifted and Brian slipped into the gap opened up and climbed on top of me, face to face. Like he said, I was already slippery and slimy with hot spunk, and Brian's pud slipped in like it belong there.

Brian's movements were gentler and smoother than Tim's, a bit less frantic, a bit more loving, but damned good! I settled in for a ride that may take a while, looking up into that movie-star handsome face smiling down at me as he rode my ass.

"Oh, hey, guys!" came another voice from the door.

"Hey, it's Mike." Tim said. "Howdy, Mike! Mike, this is Brian, Susan's ex-husband and this is Edward, a friend of the family here for the holiday. Mike is Jeffrey's son, which makes him my second cousin and Brian's first cousin by marriage. Or former marriage."

"I know Brian." Mike said. "My sister was a bridesmaid at their wedding."

"Just one big, happy family." I agreed.

"I came to see if there was any room left over up here." Mike said. "Mind if I squeeze in there with you?"

"Rules are you have to be naked." I put in.

"And you have to fuck Edward, because it's his bed." Brian added. "That's rule number two."

It was? I looked at Mike, he was about my age, and his light brown hair was tousled and an impish grin sliced across one cheek.

"Better lube me up then." Mike said. "You got anything?"

"I'll suck you." Brian said. "If you'll get over here and hurry up. I want to come while I'm sucking on you and I'm damned near ready. This is one hot man-hole I got here, and it's sloppy with Tim's jizz already."

Mike got out of his clothes with a verve that made me think of a fireman getting ready to fight a blaze in a hurry, and he climbed over and knelt over my head, and Brian sucked him down. That left Mike's balls for me to suck on and I got them both into my mouth like a pair of fat cherries and Mike moaned as he had two guys servicing his pud.

Brian really got off on this, this formerly straight guy (I didn't convert him, not judging from the skill he was showing on Mike, I hadn't!) Had a cock in his mouth and his cock up another guy's butt, and his thrusts grew a bit less loving and a bit more urgent and then he moaned softly and I felt him flood my bowels in a long, liquid, steady flow.

Done, Brian slumped over and laid his head on my chest.

"Hot, God, man, too hot!" Mike groaned. "Get out of the way, my turn to get sloppy seconds."

"Thirds." I agreed.

"Shit, I want to feel that hot spunk in your butt while I fuck it! Get him off you."

"Squeeze on over, Edward." Brian said. "I got to sleep after that."

So I scooted over to give Brian room to lie down and now Mike was scampering atop me like a spider and then his hands grabbed my legs, yanked them up high and he slipped his prick into my ass with a liquid-sounding squelch of hot jism that squirted out around his dong as he got it into me.

"Ah, yeah, hot squib." Mike moaned. "God, I love these family get-togethers. Always some hot hunk to plug here."

"Once you get the family figured out." I agreed. "Or does this family do incest?"

"Nah, but with a group this big, there's always someone outside the borders the law draws around such things." Mike said as he humped at me with all the rapid grace of a horny rabbit. I was being jarred by this fast fuck and the bed was squealing in protest. Brian was watching us, on his side, and Tim's arm over him. That left better than half the bed for us.

Mike's eyes were wide like a maniac's and that grin matched it as he fucked my ass. My butt was squeaking like crazy from all the man-juice inside it and Mike was using that to rapid-fuck me, I was getting fucked, God yes, three studs in a row, God, yeah, fuck me, let the whole family fuck me! All the uncles and nephews and cousins and brothers, line them up, everyone fuck me, I'm a friend of the fucking Terwiller's, everyone gets to fuck me!

I was muttering something like that when another voice said, "Hot damn, what's going on here?"

"Hi, Uncle Joe." Mike said. "We'll be done in a moment."

"I was looking for a place to sleep." the man declaimed. I can't think of a better word. "Uncle Joe" was a huge block of a guy, wide and broad and tall and imposing, I was looking up into something very like a muscular god in the flesh. "Going to sleep on the kitchen floor, but they got a card game still going in there." He had a sleeping bag with him.

"You can squeeze in here, soon as I'm done." Mike panted. "I'm nearly through. Oh, uh, gah, uh, ah, gah!"

"Hurry up and fuck him." Uncle Joe said. "I need to crawl in there, and you got all the room."

"Sure, Uncle Joe." Mike grunted. "Uh, gah, uh, hah, uh, gah!"

And with a careless sort of gesture, Uncle Joe reached down and got hold of my cock and began to pull on it. Not hard, or dominating, just working it for me while his nephew pummeled my ass. I looked up into that huge block of man, his face impassive and his big paw on my hand, and that was when I creamed!

"Ah, ah, AH, SHIT!" I groaned and I squirted my jizz up and onto Mike's spasming body and Mike gave out a long, low keen of lust and he rammed his cock in hard and he held it in, deep as he could, and that horny young bastard came just like that, while he howled and I sprayed him with my jizz!

"Oh, God, oh, God, oh, God!" Mike gasped. "Uncle Joe, God, you made him shoot all over me."

"You deserve that, humping at him like a damned bunny rabbit." Uncle Joe grunted. "Now, squeeze on over so I can get in. I have a mind to ride this one myself."

Mike squeezed over, and now it was a case of barely enough room for Tim, Brian, Mike and me on the bed, but Joe wasn't looking for a place to lie down on.

He stripped out of his tanktop and I goggled at the huge pecs. Was this guy a professional wrestler? A weightlifter? All those things, shit, take the most muscled guy you know, expand that image by half again to get a monster, and you have something like the stud that was planning to hump my thrice-fucked ass.

"Get over onto your stomach, boy." Uncle Joe ordered, and I meekly complied. Those huge legs landed like kegs of steel nails on either side of my butt and then I felt the huge King-Kong-sized cock hammering at my ass. I had a huge load of come in there by now, he didn't need any more lubing to let him slip that monster dong inside me.

Still, I gurgled as it slid on in, God, that was a fat one! To distract myself, I asked, "So, you're Mike's uncle. Are you Susan's brother?"

"Nah, I'm Mike's uncle on his father's side." Joe grunted. "Step-uncle actually, as Greg is my stepbrother. But I grew up with Mike so he doesn't worry about that."

"Oh." I said. I tried to figure out the relationships in the bed. If Tim was Brian's ex-cousin, and Mike was Brian's first cousin by marriage and Tim's second cousin, and Joe was the stepuncle of Mike on Mike's other side, then what did that make Tim and Joe?

Once Joe's cock was deeply imbedded in me and that massive man-machine began to slowly build up pumping steam, I forgot about it. I felt something like I was being fucked by a bull (one of those mean, black one they put in the arenas in bullfighting rings) and something like I was being plugged by a machine like those huge oil pumps you see plunging up and down slowly in the fields.

I had come but this huge dong attached to this massive man was bringing me back up again. My dick was ground into the bed, and I was being rocked back and forth and my cock, my recently spunk-shooting cock, was being rolled around and it found itself hard again and my ass tightened up around that huge prod.

Joe felt it and he slid onto the bed, now I was hanging half off the bed and Joe's hand grabbed my cock again and he pumped me in time to his lusty thrusts into my bowels, and I moaned, sobbed, my cock, so ravaged and so drained, climbed creakily and painfully up to the crest and plunged into the abyss of climax once again, and I felt Joe's hard dong get even harder, and his animal-like sounds of passion roared in my ear and I sobbed and clawed my way to my orgasm and as I did, Joe's mighty body stiffened and he clutched me tighter than hell and his nostrils snorted in my ear as his body shot its spunk into my butt, his nose flared and his breaths were like a bulls, going hunkh-hunkh-hunkh-hunkh!

Done, Joe relaxed and his body slipped a bit further...and I was squeezed on over, all right, all the way right off the bed, and I landed on the floor with a bit of a splat!

I got to my feet, groggily, and I looked at what had been my bed, now four huge studs lay in it, all of them either asleep or shamming sleep, and not a speck of room left.

Well, I had Joe's sleeping bag on the floor, I laid it out groggily and slipped into it. I was worn out and more than ready for sleep, the floor was hard but my body just didn't care....

"Good morning." I heard Mrs. Terwiller say softly. "You had a lot of company last night, didn't you, Edward?"

"Huh?" I sat up and looked. The bed now held not four but six men, two of them sleeping with their heads out the foot of the bed, and my bedroll had somehow gained a couple of kids in their pajamas. Maybe they got up to use the bathroom in the night and got turned around, I don't know, they were just there, using the top bits of the bedroll I didn't need, enough for their small forms. Three other bedrolls held other sleeping forms, two of those had more than one occupant.

I took all this in, and said, "I guess so."

"But why didn't you make one of them sleep on the floor, instead of you?" Mrs. Terwiller asked, still softly.

I grinned. "Well, it was like this. I squeezed on over and on over, until I was plumb squeezed on out."

"Figures." Mrs. Terwiller said. "I told them all that this was your bed. And they'll all be here through the weekend, three more days. Now, the next time they squeeze you out of the bed like that, just crawl in the middle and slide in that way. Squeeze them out."

She left and I considered it. Three more days of this. Hell, with this family, I don't know if I could take that much more squeezing!


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E-mail the Author at Tommyhawk1@AOL.COM



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