Spring Training

By James Freemantle

Published on Mar 9, 2006


Robert said, "I'm hungry, lets go down to town." We all dressed and jumped into the car and headed to town. My guilt had returned. I kept thinking that I should have had more guts. I was more than willing to do anything asked of me. I thought, "I'll have to show more will power when we return to the house."

After finishing our burgers I was ready to head back to the house. Robert surprised me again when he said, "Before we go back I have a few questions to ask each of you. I want you to remember that I am still in charge so you have to tell the truth." He looked at me first and asked, "Did you like what you did tonight?"

I looked away from the three faces waiting for my answer and I said, "I have mixed feelings right now. I have had ups and downs this week. I guess to answer your question I would say most of it. I have the same feelings I've had since I started jerking off. You know I was taught that beating my meat was a mortal sin and against God. Well I could not go more than three days without committing a mortal sin. When I was doing it I did not care that I was sinning. Then after I dropped my load I felt awful. I should have been able to with stand the temptations. But I never could."

"When I saw your hard dick last week I wanted to suck it and I didn't care at the time. Tonight when you told me to make out with Doug it kind of grossed me out. I was ready to suck a dick but I was not ready to kiss my best friend. I guess that sounds a little warped. I did not have any trouble sucking you all off tonight. I even liked the feel, taste and power it gave me making you guys cum. But after we were dressed it was the old MORTAL SIN THING AGAIN. I question that what I am doing. Not to put you down Aaron but I don't want to be gay nor am I ready to come out but I guess I do like sucking dick."

Robert smiled at me and said, "Cool answer." He looked at Doug, "I want to know whose dick you sucked the first time and did you like the weekend tonight?" Doug blushed and he looked over at Robert, "It's a long story so I'll say I was afraid of you being in charge tonight. I was unsure what I would do when you asked me to suck your dick. When you kissed me hard tonight on the lips I thought I would be grossed out but my cock immediately hardened. Then when I started making out with James I was on the bone the whole time. When he passed the cum to me I almost shot without being touched. I just didn't think I could do things with another boy."

"I have swallowed more loads of cum than Aaron but all of them were from the same person. I learned when I was about twelve that I could get my own cock in my mouth. I guess it pays to have a longer cock when you are young. After trying it a few times I liked the feel better than jerking. I spit out the load the first few time but then I realized I didn't mind the taste. So I have swallowed my own cum since. I told Aaron that I could do this a couple of years ago and he kept after me until I demonstrated my talents.' I don't care if one or all of us discover we are gay this week. I have always loved you three guys." Robert looked at his brother and he smiled, "Do you have the hots for James?" Doug looked at me and said, "Maybe." I blushed at this comment.

Robert looked at Aaron, "Who was the first person you sucked and when did you first know you were gay?" Aaron blushed, "I guess you could say that the first dick I had in my mouth was my brother's dick. We were playing a weekend and I lost and I had to kiss his dick. I kissed the head and then I took it in my mouth. He pushed me away and he told me not do that ever again because it was queer. My brother never mentioned it again to me but he must have told his friend Alan because he started being nice to me. A week or two later he came by and my brother wasn't home. He started talking to me about school and stuff and he asked me if I had really put my brother's cock in my mouth. I told him I had but my brother told me it was queer. He laughed and said my brother was stupid. He said he would have loved for me to suck his dick."

"I thought about it for a few days and I called Alan and I asked him if he would actually let me suck his dick. He said I could any time I wanted as long as my brother never found out. I made a date to meet up with him behind the school the next day. We met at the field next to the school and Alan went behind a few bushes. I followed him and saw that he had his cock outside his zipper. This was the first teen erection I had been near. I was afraid of being caught as I let him enter my mouth. I knew I was a cocksucker when it first entered my mouth. Alan and I repeated these meetings for a few weeks but he would never finish in my mouth. He would pull out each time and spurt his load on the ground. We were almost caught one day by a group of guys and Alan would not come near me again."

"It was two months later before I was able to suck another dick and to taste my first load. You were the first person to feed me your cum, Robert. I had to ask you three of four times to let me suck you before we started fooling around. Tonight was the first time anyone ever went down on me and let me shoot inside them." Robert looked at Aaron and then at me as he said, "No shit."

After burgers in town we headed back to the house. For the first time I was feeling safe around Robert then he told Doug to pull over at the rest area. With my face reddening he said I was to follow him into the rest room. He said I was to take a urinal next to him. He wanted me to watch him stroke his dick. This would not have been strange had the rest area not been crowded.

There were other guys were at the urinals as I approached the urinal next to Robert. He had his cock out in the open and was stroking it. He had no fear. I watched as he continued. Then in a voice loud enough for everyone to hear he said, "What are you looking at?" I blushed as he continued, "You want some of my dick well go into the last stall."

I went into the last stall and I sat down. I was shaking as Robert entered the stall. I said, "This is crazy. You just let everyone know." He laughed as he stoked his hard-on in front of me. He said, "That was the point. When you leave here you will have swallowed a load. But I am going to smear a little cum on your cheeks so everyone will know what you just did. Maybe if you are lucky someone else might want your service."

I glared at Robert and I said, "I'll do what you want but I'm not going to take a chance on sucking off a stranger. Hell I could get who knows what." Robert laughed, "Just get busy."

So I am sitting on a commode with Robert's dick in my mouth and Robert is loudly saying, "Yea, that's it. Suck it. I'm going to cum soon. Suck harder." He made sure everyone in the place knew what I was doing. And after I swallowed his blasts he pulled out and wiped his dick on my face. He looked down at me and he said, "You had better not wipe it off."

He opened the door and he stepped back before he stuffed his softening rod back in his pants. He made sure he was seen as he zipped up. I didn't want to leave the stall but I knew I had to get out of there fast. As I was leaving I heard someone say "fag" as I closed the door.

I was pissed as I got in the front seat next to Doug. He looked at me and asked, "What's wrong." I was loud as I said, "Ask you asshole brother. He had me blow him in the stall and he made sure everyone knew what I was going to do. Then he gave a blow by blow narration of the blow job. When he was finished he smeared his cum all over my face. He even backed out of the stall with his hard-on in sight of everyone in the rest room before he stuffed it in his pants. Then in a loud voice he asked, "Did you like my load James?" He left me sitting in the stall trying to figure out how to get out unseen. Robert is a first class asshole."

Robert grabbed me by my hair and jerked my head back. He said, "Watch your fucking mouth James. If I drag you back inside and have you kneel in front of the urinals and have you blow me, you will do it. You will never call me asshole again. Maybe I should teach you what an asshole is. You want to find out about what an asshole looks like, feels like and taste likes. When we get back to the house you will. Do you understand me?"

I guess I fucked up again. I have made out with Doug. I have sucked the dicks of Doug, Robert and Aaron and I swallowed all their cum. I have even performed in front of strangers. Now Robert tells me that I am going to suck Doug and Aaron's assholes when we get to the house. He said, "You are a champion cock sucker and you will soon be a champion ass sucker." I am not going to lick someone's asshole. If I have to kick the shit out of Robert I cannot let it happen.

When I entered the house I looked at Robert and I said, "The weekend stops now. I'm not going to rim anyone's asshole." The pain was sharp as Robert's knee caught my balls. I was on the floor screaming as his foot made a second hit on my jewels. He screamed, "I've had enough of your shit. The weekends not over until I say it's over. Now sit up or I'll make you wish you were born with out balls, do you understand?"

Doug said, "Stop Robert or I'll end the weekend."

Robert looked down at me and he said, "I'm sorry. Tell your faggot boyfriend that the weekend can't end." Doug said, "OK, James you have to do what he says." With my balls hurting and pride gone I just nodded. I never got off the floor. Robert said, "I want all of you naked now." As we stripped I started to feel sick. I don't know if it was from my testicle abuse or from what I was soon to do.

I listened as Robert told Doug to lean over the arm of the chair with his ass up. Robert looked at me and then he gave me a push. He said, "Go on. You know what to do." I gagged as I moved behind Doug. I could smell him before I was close. Robert and Aaron laughed at me. Aaron said, "James, you are boned." I heard their laughter as Robert told Doug to pull his cheeks apart so I could get a good smell. I am kneeling behind Doug with my cock hard and I am staring at my best friend's asshole.

Robert yelled, "Stop!" It caused me to jerk upright and stare into his eyes. Robert grabbed me by my head and pushed my open mouth down on his hardening cock. I chocked as it hit the back of my throat. I could not imagine what caused the change in our weekend. There was urgency in the movements of Robert as he used me to get off. I was unaware that he was moving further and further into my mouth until I felt the pop.

Robert froze. I was having a hard time catching my breath. It was then that Robert pushed down and I realized that he had pushed the head of his cock into my throat. As my mouth moved down I heard Doug say, "Holy shit he is swallowing the whole thing." As my nose entered Roberts's pubes I felt the contractions in my throat. I guess that I was trying to dislodge the giant instrument with my throat muscles. Then I reached bottom.

I had the huge dick deep into my throat when I heard Robert yell, "Yes, oh yes, here I cum." As a new cock sucker this was beyond my imagination as he started firing his load directly into my throat. I felt like a jet fighter attached to a tanker plane for a refueling. Aaron said, "Shit I have been sucking cocks for a few years and I have never had a cock in my throat. I gag too much to let it past the back of my throat. Doug grabbed my hair and he pulled me off Robert's spent cock. I watched as he pushed me down all the way to the base of his own cock.

The use of my throat by the brothers had me light headed. I did not have a gagging sensation. I was more fearful that my breathing would be blocked. Doug acted like his younger brother as he forcefully tried to get off. I should have been concerned but I was proud that I could swallow these two large cocks. After Doug's spunk was deposited with Robert's cum, Aaron had to try my new talents. I took all three loads in record time.

Still sprawled on the floor I looked up at Robert and I noticed that he had tears running down his face. I watched as Doug hugged his brother and say, "OK, let's tell James the truth." Robert said, "I can't do it." Aaron said, "I'll tell him." Both brothers nodded their approval.

Aaron was looking directly into my eyes as he started, "You know that I'm gay so this will be easier for me to tell you. I don't know if you have noticed but you have been the only person that has been asked to suck. Robert confessed that he was sure of his own sexuality but if he went off the straight path he would like it to be with you. It was last weekend that we concocted this weekend. It was a weekend to help you realize your own true nature. As an "outed" gay I can say without question that you sure like to suck cock. I have to wrap my hand around cocks to keep them from entering too far back in my mouth. I have a technique where I jerk off guys with just the head in my mouth. But you were able to deep throat Robert."

Robert stopped Aaron, "I'm sorry James but I could not stand to watch you lick Doug's ass. We were supposed to carry out the weekend as planned. We were not going to let you know about out strategy. But I have never been so boned as when I watch you suck a dick. I even wanted to hold you and make out with you like Doug did. I did not want anyone to be with you but me. Hell I will do anything to keep you for my self."

Doug added, "Robert wanted to end the weekend before we went to town. He wanted Aaron and I to leave just the two of you alone. He would have used you as his personal slave all week. I would not say he is gay but he has not let Aaron near his cock for the past week."

Robert stopped his brother, "When you let me screw you I was hooked on you. Man I never would have dreamed that a guy could turn me on like you do. If you can try to forgive us I would like to make things up to you. I have a fire in my gut when I look at you. I think I could get off showing you off. Hell we might even go to the swimming hole or back to the rest area and have you suck me off. I'm sure we would be seen by some of the lurkers that hang out there."

I was so into listening to my friends that I forgot that I was kneeling on the floor at Robert's feet. I looked up at him standing in front of me and I reached up and I started stroking his cock. I said, "Well if I am to travel down this path I guess it is good that we turn each other on." Robert jumped as I closed my lips around his soft cock. Doug looked at me and said, "I guess you are OK with this then?"

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