Spring Training

By James Freemantle

Published on Mar 9, 2006


I couldn't believe that I had let t slip to Robert what I had done during spring break in Daytona. He went ballistic. He wanted to know everything. In Daytona I sucked Doug in the hotel after a card game. I sucked a guy named Blair at the Marriott. I sucked Doug and Gary in our hotel room. I sucked a surfer kid in the dunes. Then to finish my spring training I sucked Doug, Gary and three other guys in the hotel. Now that we are back at school I had gone with Doug to his house jerked off Robert and then twice sucked his cock.

Robert yelled at me, "James stand in front of me. Get the fuck over in front of me. I was nervous as I moved in front of him. His yelling had its effect on me. You will listen to me. You sucked my brother?" Then he looked at me and said, "James you are disgusting. You are six feet tall. You lift weights, you make good grades, and you could smash Doug and me to bits if you wanted. Instead you act like you want to be abused. Do you understand?" I argued, "I'm not doing anything wrong." He said, "I want you to go with me this weekend to the shore. We need to work on your identity." He looked at me and said, "Do you agree?" I nodded yes.

I listened as he called Doug. He said, "James and I are going to the shore this weekend and I want you there. You will do what I tell you unless you want me to spread what happened in Daytona. In other words, you will follow orders. Hell just make sure you follow my rules." Doug said, ""What's this about?" Robert said, "Just pure blackmail. Do we have a pact?" Doug agreed.

Well it's Wednesday and I am getting nervous. I was considering not having a part in the "weekend retreat." I had a long talk with Robert. He has spooked me and I am unsure if I want to stay for this weekend. The stakes are too high. Robert was telling me he could not wait until the weekends started. He said he plans to put it to Doug. I asked him what he has planned. He said, "You will see." He said, "My brother has always been in charge of me. Dad thinks he is always right. I am the one that does everything wrong. I am the one that has poor grades. I am the one that the neighbors complain about. Hell, I'm the one that dad caught jerking off." He looked at me and said, "You are a pussy. You want to do things and then you don't want to do things. You can name the weekend "Robert forces his brother to suck a dick weekend". Or you can call it "Doug's mouth and ass will be used weekend." Or you can call it the "Opening up the tight ass hole of my brother weekend". I looked at Robert, "I'm not a pussy. I know what I want and I know what I don't want. Just because I sucked a dick doesn't make me a pussy." Robert laughed, "I was listening when you told Doug you were upset that you did not suck my dick that first night. Well you will get your chance to suck a lot of dick. Your best friend Doug will feed you this weekend. I think you will like the training session. His dick is almost the same size as mine." I could not let it go, "Doug's cock is not as large as the cock you have." He said, "Yes I forgot that are you familiar with his dick?" I said, "I'm not sure I will come this weekend." I just glared at Robert. He continued, "The way I see it, after a weekend of constant abuse, I will have you all broken down. I don't think you can stop. Sure Doug can beat my ass. He has done that plenty of times. I can take whatever he dishes out. So coat your stomach, grease your lips and ass, and prepare to down boy sperm this weekend. You will not have a virgin hole again come next week. Do you have any more questions pussy boy? Of course I could go easy on you if you would like to make an arrangement."

I Felt like I had been kicked in the balls. Doug's cock was the first dick I sucked. Now, I was going to be fucked. What kind of arrangement. After my conversation with Robert I called Aaron. I relayed the conversation that I had with Robert. I asked him if Robert would really do something so extreme of was he just shitting me. Aaron said, "I know Doug and Robert better than any one else in the world knows them. Robert will do what he says." He laughed as he said, "Don't worry I have sucked off both brothers and you will not be abused by Doug. So to sum up your concerns, Robert will let his dick talk for him. Doug will let him play the game and do what is asked from him. Doug hopes that you will learn a lesson from the weekend. Doug loves you, me and Robert. He is not trying to make me straight and he is not trying to make you gay as that is already determined. He is not unsure of you sexuality. Don't worry about Doug or Robert as I can tell you from personal knowledge that they will survive but will you?" I was real queasy when I met Robert next to the science building. I asked, "What kind of arrangement did you have in mind?" I don't think I will ever be able to relax again as I am afraid. Yesterday was not one of my better days after I discovered, "What kind of arrangement Robert wanted." I can still feel my mounting humiliation as he spelled out his terms. I understood that Robert just wanted sex, and he could care less that it would be a degrading form of sex to me. Robert looked down at his crotch and began to massage the bulge, "I would bargain away my left testicle to drop a load." He was laughing as he said, "Come on lets get started." I followed him behind the building and I asked, "How do we do this?" He smiled, "Don't worry I tell you what to do?"

Robert said, "Keep a lookout and let me know if you see anyone coming this way." That really built my confidence, "not only did he want to corn hole me. Now we could be caught in the act. I watched as Robert lowered his pants and stroked his dick. He said, "We have to be careful and ready for a quick getaway so we will just keep our clothes on. Robert didn't wait for me to lower my pants instead with a tug he pulled the zipper, my pants and my jockeys below my knees. He said, "Did you bring the shields?" I handed him one. He said, "I will put the rubber on, so bend over." I did as he asked. I cannot tell you the pain I felt next. His cock was pushing and probing. I was yelling for Robert to stop and I realized that he had not even put the head past my opening. I started begging for him to stop. Robert said, "I have fucked two other first timers. It will be easier if you lubricate my cock first." I looked at the sheath covered head and I thought, "What can I lubricate it with? I didn't bring anything." He said, "Kneel down and help prepare it for entry. Hurry." I did as he asked. I knelt on the ground in front of his dick and I slobbered all over the rubber covered weapon until it was ready. Robert said, "For ease of entry you need to pretend that you are pushing out a big dump as I push in. You will feel a great deal of pain as the head enters you but as the shaft follows the pain will decrease. The first couple of times we screw the pain will be bearable then as you become accustomed to the size it will fade."

So that's my agreement. I'm bent over. My pants are lowered to my knees. Tears stream down my face as I have a telephone pole entering my butt for a third time. I have two used condoms beside me as the marks of my first visit and my second visit to anal sex. I thought that I could just take it up the ass by bending over and that I wouldn't really be doing anything but Robert made me an accomplice by having me help him get ready for entry each time. This was not what I had imagined and it was not the sex I wanted. This was one sided sex that provided gratification for him only. Hell I never even got a hard on.

Doug, Robert, Aaron and I left Friday heading to the shore. Doug's remarks still resonate, "Only four days of the weekend and we can relax until next Sunday. I jumped when I felt Robert shake me and say, "Wake up James we are here." We unloaded the bags into the house. I said, "Don't we need to get stuff ready for the weekend. You know, um food, stuff like that. I mean, don't we need to get our stuff ready?" Robert moved in front of my face. He stood on his toes and we were nose to nose. His scream was loud, "Shut the fuck up pussy mouth. You will do what I say. You will drink and eat when I tell you?" Then he laughed, "You will also eat what I tell you do you understand?" I was pissed as I said, "Whatever Robert?" That's how quick the weekend started. I could screw up a good wet dream. I thought things would be easier if I made the agreement with Robert. Now Robert made it clear he planned to make my life miserable. I never realized that I had not moved from my place since Robert had yelled at me. Robert came up to me again and said in an almost normal voice, "I think you are a sissy. Are you gay like Aaron? Can you admit to that? Every since I have known you, you have followed my brother around like a little princess. Do you want to suck his dick and swallow his load?" I came apart as my tears started to flow. Doug came and grabbed me. He said, "This is only a weekend. You have given him control in less than ten minutes." I watched in amazement as Robert grabbed his big brother and pushed. Doug fell backward and he glared. I expected a great fight to break out. Robert moved over with his jeans clad crotch in front of Doug's face. Doug never tried to stand up. Robert grabbed the hair of Robert and he leaned over and asked, "You ready to call this off big brother or are you going to continue?" Doug in defiance said, "Fuck you." Robert leaned over and he held his face close to his own brother he said quietly, "Any time, big brother." With Aaron and me watching in amazement he kissed Doug square on the lips. It was not a brotherly peck but a "Damn you make me hot kiss?" Robert left Doug lying in front of us as he called me, "Did you see what I just did to your girlfriend? Well that's what I want to see from you and her. Go sit by her. Doug is not a boy anymore. He is your girl. You are secluded at the shore. She is hot for you and wants to go all the way. Go on, I want to see you lovers making out."

I was now in the center of the room looking down on Doug. Doug was quite but had a defiant look on his face. Robert said, "Doug, you ever think about eating your boyfriend's cum? You think you could suck someone off?" This caused Aaron to laugh. I snapped in his defense, "Robert leave him alone, he isn't a queer." Robert grabbed me and started, "Hey James you want to swallow his load then?" I was starting to get nervous. I looked at Robert. He said, "I can see how your cock reacts when you see his dick. Faggots like to see cocks, the bigger the better. You can't look at one and not get a hard on." "Shit you're on the bone, man. You're ready for some cock. Is it my big rod or the chance to put the make on Doug?" said Robert. My big mistake was to look down at my crotch. I noticed that his eyes were glued to my erection. My thoughts were so intense that I did not hear him when he said, "James, I know you are ready but just scared. I think you and my brother are in the closet. If you don't want this just tell me." I did not reply. I was too busy thinking what I would look like making out with Doug. I was very nervous, when I sat down by Doug. He blushed and would not make eye contact with me. We had arrived at the uneasy place. Robert was constantly telling me to start. I lightly touched Doug's face. He jumped and drew back. I leaned in and I kissed the side of his cheek. This was a strange experience. It was different than when I make out with my girlfriend. Doug needed a shave and I could feel his stubble. I heard Robert telling Doug, "Open your mouth. I want to see James put his tongue in your mouth. I want to see you suck his tongue." Doug glared at Robert. Then he opened his mouth and looked at me. I felt Doug gag as I placed my lips over his. I moved my tongue inside his mouth. I could hear Robert telling Aaron, "I told you that they would do it. Neither had the balls to admit what they wanted. I hate to say it but they look hot." I was so caught up in the moment that I forgot it was my best buddy that was making out with me. I heard Robert say, "Loose some clothes guys. I looked down at Doug. He was now staring straight into my eyes. I reached for the bottom of his shirt and I lifted it up. I removed my own shirt. I reached for the zipper of Doug's pants. He lifted up so I could remove his jeans. I moved my face toward Doug. He grabbed the back of my head and our lips met. As he smashed his lips to mine I started rubbing his chest. I looked down toward Doug's basket and I could see that he was fully erect. I could see the uncut head poking past the band of his jockeys. He looked as large as Robert. "Go ahead James, You can feel his dick," Robert said. I did want to look at his hard teenage dick. I emerged from my cloud when Robert asked me to grab Doug's cock and stroke him. I did not realize that Robert and Aaron had removed all of their clothes and were now naked. I wanted to put his cock in my mouth and suck it and let him cum in my mouth. I was down in front of Doug's jockeys. Robert just smiled down at me and said, "I know you are a cocksucker. Go ahead; it belongs in your mouth." I looked at the tip of Doug's cock. I could almost taste his pre-cum in my mouth and lips. His dick has purple veins that run its length. The head seemed to pulse with each beat of his heart. My face blushed as Robert said, "You'll just practice sucking Doug's dick." Tears welled up in my eyes. I felt a weakness in my knees and arms. I wanted to suck Doug's cock and taste his cum. I didn't resist. Robert was in control. I licked down Doug's chest and abs as I tasted the salty and musky boy scent. "You like that don't you? You like the taste of my brother don't you?" I started to pull away but my mouth was drawn downward. Robert's quest was to watch Doug empty his large balls into my submissive throat. He said, "Well boy you are about to taste another cock. Soon you will taste Doug's cum." I opened my lips and I closed them around the crown. The smell, the feel and the taste of his dick in my mouth made my own dick rock hard. "You're his best friend and now you are his personal cocksucker. Feel his cock in your mouth. You like it don't you?" Robert was in total control and I knew he could get me to swallow it deeper. He said, "A dick is in your mouth and you love it. I'm making you suck a dick." I should never have gone to the shore. I had become a submissive cocksucker in just minutes. I did not want to give Robert total control so I tried to pull away, but Doug held me in place as he continued to fuck my face. I knew he was right that I looked like a queer and I was acting as one. Doug was moaning as he humped my face. Pre-cum coated my lips as he pushed the hard cock to the back of my throat. I started gagging at his abuse on my mouth. I knew he was close. Doug became more urgent and said, "I'm going to shoot, I'm going to cum in your mouth." He pulled back so only his cock head was in my mouth, and I tasted the first spurt of cum, then another. Cum was shooting into my mouth. I had a mouthful of cum. Some of it dribbled out of the corner of my mouth. All I could think of was "Swallow it?" He held me as he pushed his cock into my mouth so my nose was pressed to his pubes. Then I swallowed. I regretted what I'd just done. I had put on a show for Doug, Robert and Aaron. I didn't understand why this happened. I looked up at Robert as he rubbed his hard cock. Before I could speak he said, "You were great swinging on my brother's dick. Your lips were tightly clamped around it. You swallowed his cum like a vacuum cleaner." Doug told me to stay clear of Robert and I planned to until I first saw his large dick. In these few days I have jerked off Robert, sucked him off and I have let him use my ass. My humiliation was not as great by sucking dick or by getting screwed as it was by putting on a show with Doug. I realized that I enjoyed my session with Doug. My desires went deeper than just friendship. I have to re-evaluate my feelings. Could Robert be right about me? I heard Robert say, "OK now we know that James likes to suck dick. Now I want to see how my big brother is at returning the favor. But before you swallow your first load, big brother, why don't you make out some more. I'm sure you will be able to taste your own spunk in James mouth." I saw the look of disgust on Doug's face as he pulled my mouth to his. He closed his eyes before our lips met. Aaron was talking as we made out on the floor. Doug was naked and I sat in my jockeys. Doug said technically this will not be the first dick that Doug will suck. I wanted to pull away from Doug's kiss as he told the story. It seems Doug and Aaron had played around a little last year. And as Aaron told it one weekend Doug had sucked his cock for a few minutes. Robert said, "No shit, why didn't you tell me my brother is a cocksucker?" Aaron laughed and said, "Well I never told Doug what you did either?" Robert said, "OK, I'll just change the subject." Then I heard Robert ask, "I need to drop a load. James, come help me." I thought that Robert was kidding until I felt him pull my arm and drag me toward the couch. I was sprawled on the floor at his feet. I looked up and saw that Robert was fully erect. Robert grabbed my hair and he pulled me into a kneeling position. Robert said, "I don't give a fuck about anything other than knowing that James and Doug have me to thank for their experiences." Robert was moving my head toward his erection. I gagged as he forced the first couple of inches into my throat. Then he came. It happened so fast that I just swallowed his load. Robert said, "Sorry about the quick fire. Watching you make out with Doug had me boned. I'll be able to let you suck me properly in a few minutes. Why don't you help Aaron get off while I recover?"

Doug looked at me as I moved in front of Aaron. I lowered my mouth over the first couple of inches of the smaller cock. I worked him for ten minutes before he fired into my mouth. Robert said, "Don't swallow save it for you girlfriend." I looked over at Doug with a full load in my mouth. He gagged again as I made contact with his mouth again. I felt him give in as Aarons cum moved between our joined mouths and we both swallowed. Doug grabbed my head and again smashed my lips. I could see that Doug was fully hard again.

Next: Chapter 6

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