Spring Training

By James Freemantle

Published on Mar 8, 2006


Doug, Robert and I went into town and grabbed a burger. Doug said we should catch a movie but Robert was ready to return home. He said, "Please Doug, we can catch a flick on TV." Robert was out voted and we went to the movie. After a large drink Robert said he was going to the men's room. He looked at me as he left. Doug said, "The pervert wants you to come out and play." I said, "No shit, he wants to screw around in the theatre." Doug said, "He has been courting you all night. I know he is hoping to get lucky tonight." I said, "I'm not ready yet."

I was nervous as we headed toward Doug and Robert's house. I kept thinking that I should follow Doug's suggestion and jerk off as soon as I entered the house. In the house Robert looked at me and pleaded, "Doug said it was up to you as to how much clothing I have to wear. Can I please just strip to my jockeys. I promise I will not force you to do anything you don't agree to."

I said, "Let me take a leak and then you can wear anything you want. I'll stay clear of you tonight. Is that OK?" Robert smiled, "Don't tell me I can wear anything I want or I'll be naked again." I said, "That should be OK. I've got to see you naked again some time."

I gave Doug the look as I entered the bathroom. I blushed as I saw his smile. He knew I was going to jerk off. I was so flustered I just closed the door as I stripped. I was naked as I grabbed my hardening cock and sat on the commode. I leaned back and spread my legs. I was prepared to jerk off fast and then I would be immune for a period to Robert and his magic sword.

I was really into my job when the door opened. Robert was standing in front of me naked. He looked down at my flying right hand and said, "Sorry I was just going to piss, I'll leave you alone." He closed the door but he was still inside. I froze as his cock started to pump blood. I was like a deer in headlights with his cock quickly rising in front of me. Robert started jerking off and my right hand stopped pumping as I openly ogled this spectacle. I asked, "How big is your cock?" Robert stroked his rod to full bone and said, "I measured it a while back and it was seven and three quarter inches long. It is fat and that makes it look even longer. I guess for a seventeen year old it will do."

Robert moved between my widespread legs. His legs made contact with my balls. He said just a little, please. My hands had a mind of their own. His cock was just inches from my face. I could look into the eye of his monster. He was so close. I noticed a big glob of pre-cum on the head. He moaned and humped my hands as I stroked his rod. It was only a short time before he told me he was ready to shoot. I caught the blasts in the center of my forehead. His cum dripped down across my chin to my stomach.

I wiped his cum on my cock and started to beat my own meat and quickly exploded. He looked down at me in my sitting position and ran his finger over the tip of his cock. He caught a long last string of cum on finger and looked down at me. I knew what he was planning before it happened. I saw the gooey finger move toward my lips. I parted my lips when he pushed the end of his finger in my mouth. Robert looked down and said, "Thanks, please don't tell Doug." I guess Robert had marked new territory this time too.

While in the den, I keep playing the event over and over in my mind. Why did I let him push a finger in my mouth and feed me his cum. I thought I can't let this go any further. My reputation is important to me. I had grabbed Robert's cock and just jerked him off. He moaned and humped my hands as I stroked his rod. I even aimed the eye at my face and let him fire. The aim was on target. I feel an awful humiliation knowing that I have given in so quickly. I realize that he knows that he has me.

I was not aware of what was going on in the den until Doug shook me. He said, "Dude, you are boned in your jockeys again. I think you need to jerk off again. Why did you let Robert get naked tonight? Are you on some kind of submissive trip?" I said, "What do you mean?" He said, "Listen, unless you plan to submit to him tonight, I think you need to reevaluate your condition. You let Robert get naked. He walked through the den with a slime covered cock. I know he just dropped a load. He said you told him it was OK do whatever he wanted. Then you enter the den in just your jockeys with strings of cum in you hair and a hard on that just keeps getting bigger. Then you go into a funk and don't have any idea what's going down. If you keep this up Robert will have is cock lodged behind your tonsils soon. Is that what you want?"

I pulled my cock out of my jockeys as I entered the bathroom and started to jerk off again. My mind was saying leave the door ajar so Robert can see me again. I jerked slowly but there was no sign of Robert. I pushed down and stepped out of my jockeys and peaked out of the bathroom. Still I did not see Robert.

Naked and with my hard on leading the way I snuck past the den to the kitchen. As I entered the kitchen I saw Robert sitting at the kitchen table. He looked up at me as I came toward him. He said, "Awesome Dude, you are stroking again. Come kneel down." I watched as Robert stood up and came close to me. He pressed his soft dick against the side of my face. He said, "how far are you willing to carry this?" I said, "I'll do anything you want but I will not blow you." He said, "What do you mean blow me? Will you suck my cock but not let me cum in your mouth? Or will you not let me put my cock in your mouth?"

I looked puzzled, "I don't understand. Why would I let you put your cock in my mouth if I wasn't going to blow you?" He laughed, "I get a high watching my cock slide between some ones lips. I have a friend that would not suck me off but he liked to jerk off with the head of my cock in his mouth?" I asked, "You mean Aaron?" He looked shocked, "What do you know about Aaron?" I said, "I heard that Aaron likes to give you blow jobs."

He said, "Doug told you. Yea, Aaron likes to blow me. He just likes to play with it. He's like you. I don't think he is queer but just fascinated by my penis. At first he would not blow me but he was willing to taste my cock. The first time he just put the head of my cock into his mouth. Then he jerked his own cock until he shot. Then he took it out of his mouth and jerked me off."

I looked out the corner of my eye and saw the semi that Robert was getting. He stopped talking and said, "I have a hard-on, jerk me off." I looked toward the den and I said, "Doug can see us out here. What if he walks down the hall? He said listen, "Unless you want him to know what we are doing, you had better get busy." When I looked up, his dick was standing tall. He looked at me and said, "Come on jerk me off." I guess after what I had done in the bathroom this was no worse. I reached for his erection. The blasts of cum came quickly. I again was covered in Robert's cum. My eyes felt like they were glued together.

He looked down at me and moved forward with his slimy cock. He rubbed the slimy weapon on my cheeks. I think he was trying to push his cock in my mouth as I turned my head. As I looked up at him he said, "Open up." I was not quick enough with my reaction and Robert pushed his softening cock into my mouth. I jumped up and started to cough. I yelled, "Don't try that again or I'll kick you ass. Do you understand?" He glared at me and said, "You'll do it, soon enough so be quite."

Robert said, "Listen to me. You are going to have my dick down your throat. You want to do it as I can tell by the way you look at me. You are going to take my cum in you mouth and swallow. That does not mean you are a fag or queer. You will just be a cum taker just like Aaron. Shit I'm getting a hard on again thinking about you sucking my dick.

I cleaned up the mess that Robert had made of me. I didn't even get dressed but just went back into the den and flopped into a chair. My cock was still hard as I had not jerked off. Doug looked at me and said, "Well are you a cocksucker yet?" I looked down at my hard on and blushed. I said, "Not yet. Robert said I would be one soon and that I would swallow his cum. What should I do? My mouth waters when he is around.

I think my resolve is fading."

Doug said, "Look at me. Purse you lips into an `O' imagine a shimmy cock entering you mouth. You will gag. You throat and jaw will be sore. People will call you queer and snicker behind your back. You will become addicted to cum. It will be worse than being a crack whore. You will kneel in the toilet at school and let jocks shoot into you mouth and you will swallow. Ask Aaron, Is this what you want?"

I was nervous, when Robert asked. "Do you want my dick? Go ahead James, You won't see too many dicks this big," he said. I did want to look at his hard teenage dick. I emerged from my cloud when he asked me to kneel in front of his cock and stroke him. He wanted me to reveal things I had never admitted to anyone. He wanted to put his cock in my mouth, have me suck it and let him cum in my mouth. He pushed me down in front of his naked boner as I was telling him I wasn't a fag and could never suck him.

He just smiled down at me and said, "I know you are a cocksucker. Go ahead; it belongs in your mouth." I knew I had no choice. The tip of his cock neared my lips. I could almost taste his precum in my mouth and lips. "No one will know, I won't tell. You're just a friend that likes to help your buddy out. I looked at his cock and thought, "It's so huge." His dick had purple veins that ran the length of its rigid pole. The head was pulsing with each beat of his heart.

My face blushed as he said, "you'll be a good cocksucker, you just need practice sucking dick." Tears welled up in my eyes. I felt a weakness in my knees and arms. I was expected to suck his cock and taste his cum just like I had done in Daytona. Robert said, "Go on, taste it" He put his hand on the back of my head and slid his cock into my mouth. I didn't resist. He was in control and I was his cocksucker.

I tasted the slimy, musky precum on his cock. "You like that don't you? You like the taste of my cock don't you cocksucker?" I tried to pull away but he had a strong grip with both hands on my head started to fuck my mouth. His quest was to empty his large balls into my submissive throat.

He said, "Well friend you've now had my cock soon you will taste cum." The smell, the feel and the taste of his dick in my mouth made my own dick rock hard. I couldn't believe I was actually sucking his cock. "You're my personal cocksucker. Feel my cock in your mouth. You like it don't you?" Robert was in total control and I knew he could force me to swallow it deeper. He said, "My dick is in your mouth and you love it. I'm making you suck my dick." He would use me as he wanted. I did not want to give Robert total control and take his load so I tried to pull away, but he held me in place on his cock as he continued to fuck my face.

"Soon you're going to take my load and I bet you will love it. You look like such a fag." I knew he was right that I was a queer and he was using me as one. He was moaning as he humped my face. Precum coated my lips as he pushed the hard cock to the back of my throat. I started gagging at his abuse on my mouth. I knew he was close. He just laughed at me and said, "I'm going to shoot, I'm going to cum in your mouth." He pulled back so only his cock head was in my mouth, and I tasted his first spurt of cum, then another. Cum was shooting into my mouth. I had a mouthful of cum. Some of it dribbled out of the corner of my mouth. He held me as he pushed his cock into my mouth so my nose was pressed to his pubes. Robert said, "That felt so good. You are a really good?" It was really embarrassing knowing that I had crossed the line. Then I swallowed.

I looked up and saw Doug as he stood by the door.. Before I could speak he said, "You are disgusting, down on your knees swinging on my brother's dick. Your lips were tightly clamped around it. You swallowed his cum like a fag." I knelt and watched Robert's cock rise back to full erection. I was not moving and I knelt before him ready suck his cock again. I opened my mouth as he moved his cock back toward my mouth. I guess I looked like I knew what I was doing. He said, "Ready cock sucker, I have what you want."

I should never have watched Robert's huge cock plop back against his stomach as he stood naked in his den. I He wanted me to actually put his cock in my mouth. Yet he was telling me I wanted it. I had seen Robert naked before, but this was different. His cock was rock hard and it was ready to squirt it's cum in my mouth. I didn't look at Robert's face as I knelt between his legs. I became acutely aware of the wetness at the tip of his cock. Yesterday he was waiting when I lowered my mouth, and I raised my eyes to see the smirk on his face.

As my last class started today, Doug walked by and said Robert wanted to see me after school. We both knew what he meant. I told him that I could not meet him again. I'm back at school and I don't plan on being labeled gay. He smiled and said, "Robert will talk to you after school.." I was ashamed that I had gone down on him yesterday and I knew I could "not" do it again. It was less than an hour when I saw Robert in his car. He started in on me again as he said, "Come on. Ride home with me." I think he knew that I was willing.

On the way to his house he kept trying to persuade me to go down on him. My attention moved toward his crotch and to his cock. I saw the tent in his jeans. My resolve was fading. I think he knew that my reluctance was fading and that I wouldn't have any trouble sucking him again. He never went home but drove to a secluded area of the campus.

He started asking me what it felt like when I sucked him. Robert asked me if I ready to swallow his load again. He said that it was just he and I and he would never tell anyone else. I actually wanted to do it yet I was not prepared to admit it. Robert knew that I liked to suck his cock. He also knew that I would never admit that I wanted to swallow his cum. But he knew that I would do just that.

I was sitting in his car as he opened his pants. My eyes were glued to his rigid pole. He reached over and pushed the back of my neck downward, "Take it in your mouth James." I gagged as the cock slid into my mouth. It seemed bigger than yesterday as Robert applied some more pressure forcing more of his pulsing rod into my open mouth. He pushed his hard dick half way into my mouth.

Tears ran down my face as I started sucking it slow and smooth. I heard Robert say, "Shit guy, this is awesome." I was leaning over Robert with his dick in my mouth and I could taste his cum. I kept moving faster onto his swollen cock. I could feel it pushing against the sides of my mouth. Was he was ready to shoot his load?

My nose was pressing into his black pubic hairs. I was pulling his dick all the way out of my suctioning mouth and shoving it in until my lips nuzzled at the base of his dick. He moaned, "I'm going to shoot, ahhhh." My warm suctioning mouth caused his spurting cum to flow from his teenage dick. I swallowed spurt after spurt of his warm cum. He yelled, "James swallow my cum?"

I pulled up and off his dick and licked the mess from my lips as I moved over to my side of the car. I looked at Robert as he hooked his hands in his jockeys and then pulled them up. He smiled at me and even though I was full of embarrassment, I knew that I would submit to anything he wanted. His dick was warm as it entered my mouth and I craved his warm teenage cum.

Next: Chapter 5

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