Spring Training

By James Freemantle

Published on Mar 7, 2006


My roommate Doug and I were excited about arriving in Daytona for Spring break. We both were ready to down a few cold ones and look for girls. I was happy to be with Doug as he could get any girl he wanted with his chiseled good looks & athletic build. Myself, I'm an average college student but I can usually get a girl if I play my cards right.

Since we were both eighteen we had to hit the local night life with our fake ID. We drank for a long time and both of us were feeling little pain. We struck out on finding any girls and left the bar as it closed and we stumbled back to our hotel room.

We had a cooler of beer in our room and we continued to drink. We started playing cards. He was almost drunk when he said, "Let's make this one interesting. Let's bet?" I looked at him and laughed, "Sure. What do you want to bet to be?"

He said, "Loser has to kiss the winners ass or kiss his balls every day on spring break." I was laughing. "Dude, that's gay!" He said, "Its not if you win." I laughed even harder. "Win or loose its gay to have some dude licking your balls. We are here to find pussy." He looked at me and said, "You are just a pussy. You know you will loose. If I lose, I'll do it. That way you won't have to feel so gay. So what's it going to be?"

Well I didn't want kiss his ass and I didn't want to kiss his balls. What could I do? I decided I'd call his bluff. I was sure that no matter who won he'd chicken out and I'd have nothing to worry about. "OK, I'm in," I said. He dealt the cards and I lost. I was nervous. The beer had caused me to make a stupid bet.

Doug grinned and said "Pucker up Alan." I got a sinking feeling in my stomach. He was serious. I could not back out now. It seemed like the only thing to do was get it over with and forget the bet had happened. I watched. Doug as he unbuckled his belt, took off his jeans, folded them & placed them on his bed. Then he slid off his boxers, took them off, and placed them on top of his jeans.

I just glanced at Doug as his long, thick uncut cock; with the foreskin hanging down was exposed. He sipped his beer as he stepped in front of me. He leaned over pushing his ass toward my face. "I'm going to enjoy having you, kiss my hairy ass," he said. I thought, "Ok, ok, let's just get this over with," as I moved my face toward his butt. He laughed and said, "Here let me spread it for you." He pulled his ass checks apart. I saw the puckered brown hole and belched. I said, "No way am I going to puke."

He laughed and said, "The deal is that you kiss my ass or my balls." He turned around and moved his balls over my face. I could smell him now. His cock & balls hung a few inches from my face. I could see his face grinning down at me. "You ready, just handle them gently!" he warned. I looked at his genitals and thought, "I guess I had better do it before I change my mind."

He put both hands on my head and he proceeded to lower his balls against my lips. With my head being held by him I could not move away. I ended up with his balls brushing against my nose. I tried to push my head as far away from him as I could get. Doug laughed. He said, "You are almost there just stick out your tongue and in a few minutes you're done."

I resigned myself to my fate and stuck my tongue out. He laughed and said, "We have a winner." as soon as my tongue touched him. I was embarrassed and feeling foolish. I can't believe I ended up this way -- drunk with my Doug naked and his balls in my face. Doug was watching me as his balls touched the tip of my tongue He moved down until his balls covered my mouth.

Doug was surprised as I opened my mouth and let one of his balls touch my lips. Doug smirked as my mouth covered his left nut in saliva. It seemed to go on like this for forever, but it probably was a short time. I opened my mouth a little wider to breathe better. His entire left nut was in my mouth. I gagged in surprise.

He was looking down at me as he said, "Do the right one also." The booze had its hold on me and I did as he said. I stretched my mouth as wide as I could as both of his balls were in my mouth. I watched as Doug's cock begins to grow and thicken as blood flooded into it, widening it, expanding it. I looked up at Doug. It was like he was in another world. I'd never seen his dick hard before. Doug looked embarrassed as his dick boned up. He pulled his balls from my mouth and turned away from me and started to jerk off.

I could taste Doug on my lips. I was glad it was over. I fell asleep on the couch as Doug jerked off next to me. I woke the next morning. I saw that Doug was still naked next to me. He was on the bone when he looked at me. He said, "You ready to lick my balls again?" I opened my mouth to tell him I was not ready, but he quickly put his balls on my lips and straight into my mouth. As soon as I started licking, Doug started to stroke his meat. I was so enthralled by watching his hand stroking his stiff erection I didn't even realize that I was licking my friend's balls. It was amazing to know I had that kind of power over him. I continued opening my mouth, sticking my tongue over the hairs of his balls. I looked up and Doug's eyes were closed as his hand stroked his dick.

I felt my cock start to harden. I was embarrassed from my arousal. I was licking in long slow gestures. I found tongue near the base of his penis. Doug stopped beating his meat and put his hand behind my head. He was guiding my licking up to his shaft again and again.


Doug grabbed my hair and held me close to his balls. My mouth was licking the space where the shaft started. He pulled my head upward and my tongue glided to the base of his penis. I felt his rock hard dick as I licked. I stopped and pulled back. I did not want my mouth on his cock. He felt my resistance as he said "Its OK no one will know. Just keep doing the base." My mind was telling me to stop but my mouth was still pressed against the base of his shaft.

Doug saw my resistance fade and he pushed his hips upward until my lips were on nothing but shaft of his penis. I thought "This isn't the base! But I was so caught up in the act that I did not think clearly. I'd already had his balls in my mouth and it wasn't like his penis was in my mouth. I didn't realize that I let my mouth move up the front of his penis. I tried not move up any further on the shaft than where I was. I saw the head of Doug's dick leaking like crazy.

Doug moved and I suddenly felt my tongue move up another couple of inches. I was almost licking the entire dick! I just let my tongue move up and then down. I didn't realize that he was moving me up and then down the front of his hard weapon. I never tried to back off as Doug's fingers played in my hair.

I was just in another zone as Doug guided me further until my tongue slid up the entire length. I felt the bump where the head and the shaft met. I let my tongue touch the head which was slick with pre-cum. I didn't want to lick the head and tried to pull away. "Please just once. No one has to know."

I thought, "I'd gone this far. What would a lick hurt?" Sensing my submission, he angled his dick so the head was aimed straight at my mouth. I stuck my tongue out and felt the eye. The taste wasn't bad, actually. It kind of tasted good. The head was big and I made it slick with my spit. Doug pushed his dick forward against my lips and I opened my mouth. He put the tip inside. Doug said, "Just let me feel the warmth of your mouth for a minute and I'll take it out."

I didn't have time to protest as it had already pushed past my lips. I closed my lips tight around it in case he tried to put anymore in. I wasn't going to swallow a guy's dick. I opened my mouth intending to tell Doug that we should quit when Doug moved forward and his dick was completely inside my mouth.

"Yea, "he said, "Keep licking the head like that and I'll pull it out." I was feeling strange with Doug's dick filling my mouth. It felt like it was expanding. It was becoming huge! How big could Doug's dick get? I opened my mouth again and Doug pushed forward moving the head further into my mouth along with most of the shaft. Then he pulled out until almost the entire head slid out of my mouth.

He pushed forward and again the head filled my mouth. He was pushing all the way back until it seemed like half his dick was in my mouth. The head was quickly sliding in and out of my mouth. He was fucking my mouth. Suddenly he pulled his cock from my suction as it started spurting all over my face.

I was in funk thinking about what I had just done with Doug. I walked on the beach. I thought I would take a long walk. It was a nice day and I was not ready to go back to the hotel and face Doug.

I walked south for about a half hour then I turned and headed back toward the beach I had just walked. As I finished my walk I saw the guy my age sitting on a bench near the sea wall. I still don't know why I walked toward this guy, but I did. "Hi, nice day", he said as I neared. "It sure is", I replied. It was then I noticed that the guy had his zipper down and had his hand inside his pants. My mind said, "Shit he's playing with himself out here in the open." I should have left and headed to the hotel.


He looked into my face and said, "You don't know where a guy can get a little action do you?" I just looked back and never answered. I was standing next to this guy and he wanted someone to go down on him and I acted like one of the three stooges.

I finally spoke, "No I don't know this area, and I'm here on spring break." He said, "Cool, I am also, I have tried to find a girl to screw for a few days. I sure could use some help. Think maybe you might want to help me out." All the time he spoke his hand was moving up and down in his pants as he was jerking his cock. I spoke real quietly as I said, "I'm straight and I don't mess around." He smiled and said, "Hell me too, why don't we just walk down the beach." This was the second time I should have headed to my room. I can still remember the weird feeling I was having as we walked down the beach. I think I was getting hard.

This guy wanted me to suck him off and I was walking with him. Was I going to take his cock in my mouth and blow him like I did Doug? Why was I going with him? We walked for about ten minutes while talking about nothing of importance. Finally the guy stopped and said, "how about here?"

I said, "What about here?" He replied "You want to blow me here?" I watched as he unsnapped his shorts and let them fall to his knees. He had a large hard dick ready to be released. I became real nervous and said, "I can't do that out here in the open, someone can see us, we'll get caught." But, I never just said "NO". I turned and started walking back. I knew I had better get out of there. He had me wanting to suck his cock and I was not gay.

I never looked back to see if I was followed by the guy. I stopped at the sea wall. I watched as he neared my spot. "I was afraid you had left", he said. "I don't want to put pressure on you but, my name is Blair, I'm going staying at the Marriott. Why don't you come by my room?" I spoke to him firmly, "I can't, and I have to go back to my hotel."

I walked toward my hotel with my hard on in my pants. "Why would this guy pick me out to talk to? I could not concentrate as I kept thinking about the guy at the beach. I thought about what he had said, "Why don't you stop by my hotel." My cock was hard again. My mind was trying to rationalize, "If you do anything with him, no one will know. Its spring break and you will just be fooling around."

I knew what would happen if I went to his hotel. I knew when I went to the desk and asked the guy what room Blair was in what would happen. I knew when I knocked on door to room 201 what would happen, but I was not prepared for the sight when the door opened.

Blair said, "Hi come on in, you want a beer?" I could only stare. Doug was completely nude. He was a little taller than me, very muscular; he had well defined abs and Pecs. His cock was soft but must have been four or five inches. He had a line of hair from his stomach to his bush just above his cock.

I sipped my beer when Blair said, "How do you want it? In the ass or mouth?" He was just matter of fact; I was here to service his cock. I heard my voice saying, "um I guess in the mouth I don't think I could take it in the ass?" I had said it. I was going to give him a blow job. He was in control.

I watched as he moved to the bed and sat down. He swung his feet up on the bed and propped his back on a couple of pillows. He opened his legs wide. He was waiting for me. I didn't even remove my clothes as I crawled between his legs. My fingers caressed his soft cock.

My face was just above his cock as it started to harden. I moved my mouth toward the purple head of his cock. I opened wider and closed my lips around the first inch of Blair's cock. I was sucking another cock. I had a guy's cock in my mouth again.

I started to slip more of the shaft into my mouth when I felt his hand on the back for my head. I panicked and pulled off after gagging. He wanted to push me down on his cock. I told him to just let me do it my way.

I did not have any idea, what to do at this point. I closed my mouth over the first three inches of his cock and started to jerk him off with both of my hands while I sucked on the head. I kept this up as he moaned and moved around on the bed. His cock had enlarged to at least seven or eight inches. It was so fat that it hurt the sides of my mouth as my suction continued.

He soon was bucking up off the bed as I jerked the shaft. I heard him say "Here it comes man" as the first blast hit the back of my throat. He kept shooting and I kept sucking. I was afraid to pull off and afraid to swallow. Soon he stopped shooting. I got up and went into the bathroom and spit his cum into the toilet even though I did not let him know I never swallowed. I left his room after I had sucked his cock. He asked me to stop by again tonight.

Next: Chapter 2

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