Spring break... HOT!!

By Lee E. Chapman

Published on Apr 11, 1997



Spring Break Surprise By Lee E. Chapman

As soon as we crossed the Florida state line Matt took off his shirt. I looked over at his strong, muscular, teenage chest. My cock hardened. He told me that he wasn't going to wear a shirt again all Spring Break. I joined my friend and took my shirt off to. The sun shining down on my chest felt great as we drove in Matt's red Mustang convertible toward our destination: Daytona Beach-Spring Break '93. Now that we were finally on our way I felt a new freedom.

I had the hots for Matt ever since that first day I moved into the dorm. I finally found the room and double checked the number before I opened the door. Yeah, this was it, room 214, at Edward Hall. I opened the door and walked into the my new home for the next four years. That's when I first saw him. He was standing there without a shirt, wearing just a pair of white Calvin Klein boxers.

"Hey guy, my names Matt. You must be my roommate." he said, introducing himself. I remember thinkin' how much he looked like Marky Mark in those boxers. I was happy to learn that was the outfit he usually wore in our dorm room. "Yeah, my names Lee. How's it goin' dude?" I said, shaking his hand. "Let me help you with those boxes man." he said. I handed him a heavy box. He took it effortlessly. His arm and chest muscles flexed and bulged as he carried the box. I could tell already I was going to enjoy college life.

I glanced around the room. Matt had already unpacked some of his stuff. He had set up an IBM computer and an expensive Sony stereo. The new Depeche Mode CD was playing. There was a poster of Marky Mark hanging in the corner on the wall above his bed.

"You look just like him dude." I said, pointing to the poster. He looked at me and said, "No way man! You really think so? Well, I guess, maybe a little." he said modestly. There was a set of weights in one of the other corners. Looking at Matt's well-developed body, I'd say they had been put to good use!

Matt had brown hair, cut short, shaved close on the sides and back in a stylish cut. His eyes are dark brown and his face was handsome, with smooth skin that glowed with health and vitality. His face looked young, I wondered if he even shaved yet, but I found out that he was eighteen, the same age as me.

Matt's body sure was built! His chest was well-defined from his constant work-outs. His pecs stood out from his hard chest like two mountains capped with tiny, light brown nipples. His arms were huge, with large, hard, rounded biceps. His tight stomach was like a washboard, with rippling muscles tapering down to his lean, thin waist.

He had no hair on his chest at all, just a little under his arms, and of course down by his dick. I thought mine was big, but Matt's was even bigger, and always half-hard. At least whenever I got a chance to see it. Which, as it turned out, was often! It hung down between his legs 10 or 11 inches, from a thick bush of curly brown pubic hair.

The shaft was so wide I wondered how big it must be when it was fuckin' hard! The head of his dick was a perfect heart shape, and a little darker than the long smooth shaft. His balls were huge like two extra large eggs. They hung down low in their skin sac, with just a few brown hairs. His fine ass was hard as rock, and looked good enough to eat, with smooth hairless skin. Matt's legs were just as muscular and developed as his upper body and covered with fine, tiny brown hairs.

I found out that first night Matt sleeps in the nude. My parents had been conservative and I grew up sleeping in pajamas. I just thought everyone did. Matt laughed at me when I came out of the bathroom in my PJs. "What the fuck are you wearin' man?" he said. "I am just getting ready for bed." I said.

I was embarrassed and a little pissed off he was makin' fun of me! "What do you sleep in?" I said. He slipped off his boxers and playfully tossed them at me. They hit me in the face. I could smell his cock and I felt my dick jump. "I don't wear anything dude." he said. After that night I started sleepin' in the nude too.

Matt always did exercises early in the morning. I would lie in bed, pretending to still be asleep, while I watched him work-out. I would have a raging hard-on but you couldn't see it under the sheet. His muscles would stretch and bulge as he worked them lifting weights or doing sit-ups. All of this, of course, still totally nude! Sometimes his dick would even get hard as he pumped the heavy weights up and down, working his young muscles.

When Matt went into the bathroom to shower and get ready for class, I would jack-off thinking about licking the sweat off his hot body. I'd taste my own pre-cum, and imagine that it was Matt's. It tasted sweet and manly. I'd picture his naked teenage body and all the things that I wanted to do with him. I had never done anything with a guy before, but I knew that I wanted my first experience to be with Matt.

One Wednesday night, a couple of months after school started, I was coming home from studying at the library. Matt had started going to a night class on Wednesdays, and I didn't have anything to do without him. It was the one day of the week that we didn't spend the evening together.

I was taking a short cut between the old gym and the computer labs. I had to take a killer leak and I didn't think I could wait till I got back to the dorm.

I noticed a Men's room on the side of the old gymnasium. I wasn't even sure if it was still open now that the new gym was being used, but I decided to find out. I really had to pee bad! I tried the door and it opened.

As I walked in, a cute young guy was leaving one of the stalls. He was trying to stuff his hard dick in his jockey shorts and zip up his jeans. He looked surprised to see me and acted sort of embarrassed. Our eyes met for just a second, then he looked down at the ground and quickly left.

There were two stalls and one urinal. The urinal had an OUT OF ORDER sign on it, so I went into the stall the kid had just left. I was pissing and lookin' around the stall, reading all of the graffiti on the walls, when I noticed a big hole in the divider between the stalls. I looked down and could see a pair of NIKE sneakers under the divider.

Next to the hole someone had written, "Stick your cock in the hole for a blow job." Now I understand why that young kid had acted embarrassed, he had just had his cock sucked!

I was finished pissin' by this time but I just stood there, my cock hardening. I started thinking about Matt's beautiful teenage body and big cock. Without really thinking, I began stroking the smooth shaft of my stiff 10 inch dick. A drop of pre-cum was hanging on the end of my cock. I wiped it off with my finger and brought it to my lips. The taste made me even hotter!

The guy in the other stall ran his tongue around the edge of the hole. I guess he wanted another dick to suck! I was getting turned on being here in this Men's room. It smelled kind of like the guy's locker room after my gym class, when all the teenage dudes are hot and sweaty from a hard work-out. Kind of a sexy musk smell.

I was still strokin' my cock and using my other hand to play with my nuts. I was so horny that I just couldn't stand it anymore! I was tired of jacking off and just dreaming about Matt. I couldn't wait for Matt any longer, I needed some real sex! This guy wanted my dick and I wanted him to suck it.

I moved toward the hole and pushed my cock through. I felt his warm mouth immediately engulf my swollen cock head. I had never felt anything so good in my fuckin' life! The guy started to move his mouth back and fourth on my cock. I was moaning with pleasure.

I was fuckin' the dude's mouth now, thrusting my cock in and out of his throat. I started to cum. I never shoot so hard in my life! I thought I was gonna choke the poor guy. I never came like that when I jacked-off alone. I shoot all of my load into the dude's mouth, he swallowed every drop.

I pulled my dick back and was about to leave when the guy pushed a note through the hole. It said, "Wow man, that was some load you shot! Will you meet me here again next Wednesday night at 9:30?" I took a pen out of my EASTPAK backpack and wrote, "Thanks dude. Sure, it was great. I'll see you next week for sure!"

I wanted to tell Matt about what had happened, but I couldn't. We would spend hours talking about everything, except, SEX. I just assumed that Matt was straight. I wasn't sure he could except me telling him I liked guys!

He never did date any girls, and once I thought I had seen him checking out one of the guys in the locker room who I thought was hot. I wondered about that, but never said anything. I didn't want to risk losing his friendship. Besides, it was probably just my imagination. Still, I never gave up the dream of havin' my first experience with Matt. Now that I had let this dude suck me off, I guess it was just a dream that never would happen!

Every Wednesday night from then on I would show up at the Men's room for my weekly blow job. I wondered who the guy was but I never tried to find out. I didn't really care who he was. It never took me long to shoot my load. I would picture in my mind that it was me on my knees suckin' Matt's hard cock!

I know it's stupid. But I felt kind of guilty, almost like I was cheating on Matt. Matt had his Wednesday night class, so he never knew what I did or where I was on Wednesday nights. He probably wouldn't care anyway, I thought!

Matt and I had planned Spring Break in Daytona Beach for months. Matt always talked about how great it looked on MTV when they covered it each year. I was thinking about all those hot, horny, teenage guys! Now finally, after all of those weeks we were almost there! Here I was in Matt's Mustang, cruising on down to Daytona for a week of partying.

We had Pearl Jam's new tape blasting from the stereo. Matt was beating on the steering wheel along with the drums, and I was playing air guitar. The wind was blowin' through my hair, I looked over at Matt. He never look hotter than now, with his hot, muscular, chest covered with tiny beads of sweat shining in the sun. I looked down between his legs. I am sure that he had a hard-on! I wondered who was he thinking about? He looked over, and shoot me one of his famous smiles.

I still can't believe the Speedos that Matt had gotten for the trip. He suggested that we go to the mall to get new trunks for the trip. We each picked out a half dozen pairs, mine where kind of conservative: baggy, dark colors. Matt, on the other hand, picked out bright neon colors, and even a pair of skimpy black Speedos! Matt suggested that we go into the same dressing room so that we could help each other pick out trunks that looked the best.

I said, "Cool, good idea." I followed him into one of the large dressing room and closed the door. Matt quickly stripped off all of his cloths. I was watching him try on each pair of trunks, and admire himself in the mirror. As he looked in the mirror, he would run his hand up and down the smooth skin on his chest and stomach, feeling the powerful muscles, but always stopping just before his hand reached his dick. After he tried each on, he would face me and ask how it looked. He wanted to know how the trunks, as he put it, "Shows off my cock?"

I had a huge hard-on watching Matt try on trunks. He almost looked sexier in trunks than totally naked! He took off the pair he had on and said to me, "Come on dude, we came in here to try on swim trunks. So try on some of yours." I didn't want to tell him that I had a total boner, and it was because of him!

He just stood there, his big cock and balls hangin' low between his legs. I turned around with my back to him, got out of my jeans and shirt, and into the first pair of Quick Silver trunks. I turned around and asked Matt what he thought? He told me that they looked great and really showed off my dick.

Then he said, "Looks like you have a hard-on dude. Who you thinkin' about? I know. You must be thinkin' about Spring Break!" I couldn't believe he said that! I had to think fast. "Yeah, man, you know it. I can't wait!" I said, relieved that Matt didn't make a big deal out of it. I think I noticed his dick get a little harder while he stood there watchin' me. Was it just my imagination?

Then he tried on the pair of Speedos. Matt could barely fit all of his cock and balls in the tiny trunks. Brown public hair was sticking out of the waist band. The pouch bulged out from between his legs, leaving nothing to the imagination. Of course, that's the pair he ended up buying!

When we got to Daytona the first thing that Matt wanted to do was check out the beach. In Daytona you can drive your car on the beach! I was proud to be seen with Matt. Everyone was checking out his hot car, and us! I had never seen so many studs in one place before!

There were fine teenage guys everywhere you looked, and wearin' almost nothing at all! Their youthful bodies exposed proudly, for all the world to see. Some were playing volleyball or surfing. Others were just laying in the sun, spread out invitingly on beach towels, their stiff cocks pointing up toward the sky. This was fuckin' great! A whole week in the sun with 150,000 hot, horny teenage dudes!

We found the hotel and checked into the room. I went out onto the balcony. We had a great view of the ocean and the pool. There were lots of guys at the pool, but one really hot kid caught my eye. He was wearing a pair of baggy bright red trunks and leanin' against a wall alone. He had short blond hair, and a really sexy dark tan.

Matt called to me, "Lee, how do I look man?" I turned and saw that he had changed into those skimpy black Speedos. I saw through the thin material that he had a ragging hard-on! "I don't think anybody will have any question about why you're here dude!" I said. Matt smiled and said, "Get changed man! I want to go down to the pool and check it out!"

We found two chairs by the pool. Matt told me that he wanted to check out the water. I told him to go ahead. I wanted to get a little sun. I noticed the boy that I had seen from the balcony. He was even hotter looking now that I was close to him. He was sitting in a chair directly across from me.

He looked to be about my age, maybe a little younger. His chest was a perfect V-shape and well-defined. I am not sure how long I was staring at him, but I looked up and saw that he had caught me checking him out. He moved his legs apart!

I looked around, but no one seemed to be paying attention besides me. He moved his hand down and slowly pulled back the baggy material of his Ocean Pacific trunks. He didn't have any underwear on!

From the angle that I was sitting I could see his nuts! He reached down and rubbed his large, heavy balls. He looked right at me through his RayBan Wayfarer sunglasses. He moved his legs even farther apart, so I could now see his whole dick! My mouth was watering. I had such a hard-on, I thought that I was going to shoot my load right there in my fuckin' trunks!

He raised his right arm up and ran his fingers through his spiked blond hair. He keep his arm behind his head, exposing his blond underarm hair. I couldn't take my eyes off of this kid. He was hot, and putting on this show just for me!

I hadn't even noticed that I was rubbin' my dick through my trunks. When I realized what I was doing, I quickly stopped and looked around. Good, no one had noticed! Just then the boy got up and walked toward me. He sat down in the chair next to me. I could smell the scent of coconut oil mixed with his teenage sweat.

"Hey dude, I saw you up on the balcony. Did you just get in?" he said. "Yeah, my friend Matt and I just drove in from Columbia, Missouri. My names Lee." I said. "My name's Mark. My brother and I got here yesterday. We're down from Atlanta. It's my first spring break, I partied all night long man!" he said, looking right down at my dick!

"I got some beer up in the room, you wanna go up and have a couple?" he said. "Yeah sure." I said forgetting all about Matt. "Cool- lets go." I followed him up to his room. I was thinking about how he showed me his hot dick out by the pool. I didn't know what I was getting into, I only knew that this kid gave me a major hard-on!

I entered the room and Mark walked over to a cooler. He reached in, and pulled out a couple of beers. "Here you go dude." he said. "Thanks man." I said twisting off the cap. As we sat on the edge of the bed, he was rubbin' his dick through his trunks. He reached over and started to rub my dick to. It was hard as a rock. I didn't know what to do. I guess I really wanted something to happen. Why else would I have come up to his room, I don't even like beer!

"You really turn me on dude. You liked what you saw down at the pool didn't you?" he said, looking down at his crotch and smiling. The head of his cock was stickin' out of his waist band. His hand was now in my trunks and around my hard dick. "Yeah" I said. He got to his knees, I was still sitting on the edge of the bed. "I want to suck your dick man." the kid said.

I didn't have a chance to say anything. He slowly lowered my trunks. He moved closer and licked the pre-cum off the swollen head of my cock. "You're so fine dude." he said. I thought that I was going to shoot right then! He took the whole head into his mouth. He was swallowing more and more of my dick down his hungry throat. His nose was buried in my pubic hair. I leaned back on the bed and started to moan. He moved up and down my cock, this guy really knew how to give head!

I heard a key in the door. Someone was coming in the room! I looked over and couldn't believe my eyes. The guy coming in looked just like Mark, but how could that be? Mark was on his knees with my dick in his mouth! What the fuck was going on here? The guy looked at the bed, smiled, and quickly closed the door.

Mark took his mouth off of my dick and said, "Don't look so freaked out Lee. That's my twin brother Aaron."

"Aaron, say hello to Lee. He just got in town and he has a fuckin' great tastin' cock man!" he said to his twin brother. Mark went back to suckin' my dick. His brother looked identical with the same short blond hair, handsome face, and hot teenage body.

Aaron took off his trunks and walked over to the bed where I was lying. He stood behind me. I looked up at his cock. It was huge, about 10 inches long and rock hard. His balls hung down low, almost touching my nose. I breathed in deep smelling the scent of his sweaty, teenage nuts. Between his brothers excellent blow job and his hot cock in my face, I was goin' crazy!

I had to have that cock in my mouth! He put the head of his dick right above my lips. I could see a clear drop of pre-cum on the tip. I opened my virgin mouth and slowly stuck out my tongue. I licked the clear fluid off his cock. It was sweet like mine. I just knew it would! I took the head of his cock in my mouth and started to suck.

Mark stopped sucking my dick and moved around to where his brother was. He moved his cock toward my mouth. He wanted me to suck both dicks at the same time! I opened my mouth as wide as I could, and took both of their hot dicks in my mouth. I couldn't get enough of their teenage cocks. These brothers were beautiful, and I was going wild movin' my head from side to side, swallowing as much of their meat in my lustful mouth as I could!

We had a rhythm going. First Mark would pump his dick in, and then his brother Aaron. They were fuckin' my face like two pistons! I wanted them to fuck my mouth forever! Just then Mark said, "Oh shit Man! I'm gonna cum!" His brother Aaron shouted, "Me too man! Get ready for it Lee!"

They both started to shoot in my mouth. I had never tasted another guy's load before. I sucked and tried to swallow all of their hot cum. I didn't want to waste a drop of their teenage juice! I swallowed mouthful after mouthful, but each time they would fill up my mouth again. I didn't know that two guys could shoot so much cum!

They pulled their dicks out of my mouth, and moved around the bed to my cock. I was just lying there, enjoying the taste of their two loads still in my mouth. They both were now on their knees. Mark took my dick in his hot mouth, and his twin brother took my balls in his. I watched them enjoying my cock. Having both of these beautiful, twin, teenage boys sucking my dick at the same time was more than I could stand.

I started to shoot! Aaron moved his hot mouth up to my swollen head, and shared the massive load with his brother. There was more than enough for two. They licked the shaft and head of my throbbing cock as I shoot load after load of hot cum, all over their identical faces, and into their eager young mouths!

I left the twins room and headed back for the pool. I felt kind of guilty leaving Matt there alone, and having sex with those boys. What had I done? I had wanted Matt to be the first guy I sucked, but, I wasn't even sure if he was into guys. He never did talk about girls and we did spend all of our time together, except Wednesday nights when he had class and I had my date at the Men's room. I felt so confused!

When I got back to the pool Matt was sitting on a chair. He wouldn't look at me; finally he said, "Where the fuck did you go man?" He sounded pissed. "I just went back up to the room. I forgot the suntan lotion." I lied. "Hey, Lee, I say you leave with that kid." I didn't want to lie to Matt but what could I say? Why was he getting so angry?

We went back to the room. I grabbed Matt by the shoulder and asked him what was wrong. "I know what you were doing with that kid Lee." he said. "I saw you sitting there rubbing your dick and staring at him." He almost sounded jealous. "You had sex with him, didn't you!" he yelled.

"No dude! You know that I am not gay. What are you talking about?" I said. "Bull shit you're not gay. I knew the first day you moved in that you were dude. And so am I!" he said. I couldn't believe what he had just said.

"Remember when I told you that I had a class on Wednesday nights?" Matt said. "Sure, you said you were taking a psychology class right?" I said. Matt looked down at the floor. "Well I made that up."

He went on to explain, "I had given up on you man! I ran around all of the time naked, and you never even made a move for me. I tried everything I could think of to get you interested. Remember that time we tried on swim trunks in the fitting room together? I wanted you so bad dude! After that I just gave up and figured that I wasn't your type. I was so frustrated and horny that I couldn't stand it!" Matt was almost crying.

I walked over and put my arm around him. He went on, "I started hangin' around this Men's room by the old gym and suckin' guy's dicks on Wednesday night when I told you I had that class. They didn't mean anything to me, I never even saw their faces man! There was even this kid that I did every week, but I was always thinkin' of you dude!"

I couldn't believe it. All of that time it had been Matt sucking my cock! "Matt, It was me!" He looked at me confused. "What do you mean?" he said. "I was the guy you had the date with every Wednesday night at 9:30 dude!" I said.

I flashed back to that first Wednesday night. Of course, those NIKE sneakers! I knew they looked familiar. They were Matt's favorite tennis shoes! If only I had realized it, we could have saved a lot of time. So it turns out that my first experience had been with Matt after all! Even though neither of us had knew it at the time: in that old Men's room. Me thinkin' of Matt and him thinkin' of me!

I took Matt into my arms and kissed him on the lips. He opened his mouth and our tongues met. I moved down kissing Matt's strong, muscular chest. I licked his nipples, gently chewing each one. I slowly worked my way down his rock hard stomach until I was on my knees. I kissed the head of his lengthening penis through his trunks, his massive erection straining to get through the thin material. I lowered the tight black Speedos, Matt's cock sprang up strong, young, and proud.

I looked up and into his deep brown eyes and opened my mouth. I placed it around his dick, still looking into his eyes. He let out a deep moan. This is what I had dreamed about since that first day I moved into the dorm room. I took his manhood all the way down my throat.

Matt began to cum, I felt his cock pulsating. I pulled back until just the massive head was in my mouth. I thought the twins had shoot a big load, but both of them together, didn't equal the load Matt shoot into my hungry mouth! I swallowed as quickly as I could; not wanting to miss a single drop.

I savored the taste that I had only dreamed of. Matt had given me his most precious gift. I had lived for this very moment. He looked down into my eyes and said, "Lee, I love you dude."

"I love you to Matt. I always have man."


Copyright (c) 1993

Email me with comments... lec@gate.net

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