Spring Break with Dave

By moc.evil@hctaprairb

Published on Mar 23, 2009



The following story is a true story that happened my senior year of high school. I was of age and nothing illegal happened, but I have changed names for anonymity purposes. Any similarity to another story is by coincidence and is not in any way related.

I'm 28 now, but the trip happened 10 years ago. At the time of my story, my dad and his friend Dave were in their early forties. My dad really isn't in the story, so I'll save my time of giving you the description. Dave was your normal dad next door that was trying to fight of the signs of aging by playing golf with my dad and working out a few times a week. He was 5'10 or so; 170 pounds I'd guess; dark hair and eyes and was always fun to hang out with because he was always laughing.

My dad and Dave had taken me and Dave's son Aaron camping for the last few years. We've always had a good time hanging around the fire, fishing, and just doing the normal camping activities. This particular year though had a couple of snags. My dad had broken his leg the weekend before when he fell off of our roof and Aaron had gotten mono from his girlfriend. I assumed that we would just end up rescheduling, but my dad insisted that we go so that we could get out of town for spring break. Aaron was cool with it too because he didn't look forward to going as much as I did.

Dave and I left early on a Wednesday morning, driving from Little Rock to Heber Springs. We always stayed at Dam Site Park because it always seemed to be less crowded than some of the other parks. To give you an idea, the park is a state park and has lots of campsites and has shower facilities, so it was outdoors, but not exactly shitting in the woods. The first day, we arrived and set up camp. We had a good time enjoying the peace and quiet and grilling steaks. After we finished eating and our fire had died down, we decided to go to bed. We got into the tent and stripped down to our underwear before getting into our sleeping bags. At this point, I didn't really have any sexual thoughts about Dave. I had never really considered doing anything with a man as I liked women and was definitely not a virgin at the time. The only thing that I really thought was that I couldn't believe he wore white, old man style briefs.

The next morning we got up early and went fishing on the river for trout. We caught a few, but decided just to throw them back as neither one of us really wanted to clean them. My dad normally cleaned the fish when we went camping and it wasn't that we didn't know how to, we'd just rather fish for the fun of it. The fish were biting, so we kept fishing till about noon, then stopped off for fast food before heading back to camp. I told Dave that I wanted to get a shower and then come back and get a nap; he thought this was a good idea, so we got our shower gear and clean clothes and he drove us up to the showers.

The showers are private, so it wasn't what you're probably thinking. We were also the only ones in the bathroom at the time, so we enjoyed a good long shower. As we were getting dressed, Dave said, "damn, I forgot my underwear." He had his shorts, so I just told him to put those on and then just put his underwear on in the tent. Dave told me that might not be good enough, but he'd have to. I was about to ask him why they wouldn't be good enough, but someone else came into the bathroom so I thought better of it. As we were walking to his truck, I looked but didn't notice anything that "wouldn't be good enough" so I didn't think anything of it. When we were driving back though, I figured out what he was talking about and why he wore briefs. Dave had the lowest hanging set of nuts I'd ever seen. I mentioned that I saw what the problem was and he blushed some, but I was enamored with how huge and low they were. I'm no slouch in the cock department, 7 inches cut with a healthy set of balls, but his balls looked like two jumbo eggs. In any event, when we got back to camp, we both went back to the tent and got ready to take a nap. I stripped back down to my boxers and Dave put on some undies. He had turned the other way so his ass was facing me, but I could still see him tucking his balls in his white pouch. We didn't talk and Dave soon was asleep. I couldn't sleep though; I kept thinking about seeing Dave's balls and was wondering why I was sporting a chubby.

After listening to Dave snore for an hour, I got up and started getting things together for dinner and took a walk around the park. Dave ended up getting up and got the fire started while I was out walking. We talked about fishing the next morning; hiking a trail the next afternoon, the normal conversation one would have while cooking and eating dinner. After we cleaned everything up, we were sitting around the fire, playing poker and talking about women. I had never really talked to Dave about women and sex, but was enjoying it. He told me that he wouldn't let my father know about whatever we said, so I was pretty open. Dave ended up telling me about his wife and how she didn't want to have sex often and how she never went down on him. I bragged about how I had gotten my dick sucked the day before we left by my girlfriend, which earned me the deal in the next game. By this time, Dave had put away about four or five beers and had loosened up some. I had gotten a little bold myself and started talking to him about his balls. I mentioned how I'd never seen balls so huge. He laughed and rubbed his crotch and asked if I wanted to see them. I nonchalantly said it would be cool to see them, to which he reached up the leg of his shorts and pulled his balls out through the leg. He rolled them around in his hand for a minute, and then I reached over and took hold of them. I remember thinking how heavy they were, and then realized I was holding another man's balls and let them go. We still kept talking, telling dirty jokes and drinking beer before finally heading to bed.

As we stripped down, we both secretly noticed one another's hard ons, but never said anything. I zipped up in the bag and planned on waiting for Dave to drift off before I jacked off. After about half an hour, Dave got out of his bag and inched close to me. I had been lying on my side facing him, but he got close to check and see if I was asleep. I feigned sleep and he went back to his bed, pulling off his underwear. Watching the silhouette of Dave fondling his balls and jacking his dick had my cock aching. I kept watching Dave, rubbing his chest and body until I finally couldn't stand it anymore. I told him, "you know, we may have more fun doing this together instead of me pretending to be asleep." Dave froze and watched every move I made. I unzipped my sleeping bag and scooted it right next to his. I took off my underwear and lay next to him with our legs touching. He asked me if I had done this before, and I told him that there was a first time for everything as I took his hand off his cock and guided it to mine. He told me that this wasn't his first time, but he hadn't done anything like this since he and his roommate got drunk in college. He was nervously telling me the story of his time with his roommate, but I was too busy running hands on his hairy chest and jacking his cock to pay much attention. I remember vividly the feel of his cock in my hand. It felt to be about the same size as mine (I later saw that it was) but felt different as well. He already had precum oozing down his shaft, so my hand easily slid up and down the length of his cock. I also played with his balls, which weren't as low hanging as earlier, but still lower than mine ever have been. Dave had finally quit talking and was moaning and writhing in pleasure. He had stopped jacking me and was pinching his nipples as I jacked his cock faster. I was playing with his choda and doing everything to him that I loved to do to my own cock. After only a few minutes, Dave arched his back and shot his load all over my stomach. He slumped back and was out of breath. He told me how he hadn't came so hard in a long time and how him and his wife hadn't had sex in months. I felt sorry for Dave, he was a nice guy and definitely still in his prime. As I was wiping his cum off on some dirty clothes, he got up on his knees like I had been and said that it was his turn to return the favor. He laid me down so that I was on my back and my legs were on either side of him. Dave was evil and rather than jacking my cock, started rubbing up my hairy legs and massaging them. I couldn't take it and started to play with my cock. Dave took my hands off and told me to let him handle it. I obeyed and he eventually started playing with my cock. He fondled my balls and rubbed my precum over my glans, making me squirm. He finally started to jacking my cock and I was in heaven. I closed my eyes and was enjoying the feeling of his strong hand wrapped around my shaft. I could feel my precum sliding down my shaft and eventually dripping off my sack. As I was getting close, I started to buck my hips and moan, when all of the sudden, I felt my shaft and head be enveloped in Dave's warm mouth. I wish I could say I was conflicted, but at the time I was only concerned with my orgasm. I bucked my hips and Dave worked not to gag. He was sucking me better than I'd ever been sucked before. He kept rolling his tongue on my glans while sucking me and took me down to where his nose was buried in my pubes. I panted that I was going to cum, expecting him to finish me off by jacking me, but he sucked harder and reached under me, grabbing my ass and pushing my shaft in deeper. I grabbed onto the back of his head and shot the biggest load I'd shot in weeks.

As my cock slipped from his lips, I was spent and enjoyed my post orgasm afterglow. Dave didn't say anything, but he slipped back into his sleeping bag. When I could talk, I told him that he gave me the best blowjob I had ever gotten. He told me that he still liked women, but he'd wanted to play around with a bud for years now. He did get a little nervous and made me promise not to tell anyone, which I assured him I wouldn't. We ended up falling asleep shortly thereafter.

The next morning, I woke up before Dave. I looked at my watch and saw that it was 5:23, we were late going fishing, but I didn't care. Dave was still sound asleep snoring , but I noticed that he was still naked. One thing about Dave is, he can sleep through a train wreck, so I knew that I'd be safe to explore some. I opened the flap of his sleeping bag, exposing his full torso. I had never really paid much attention to Dave's body, but I took a detailed inventory of everything at this point. He wasn't freakishly hairy, but he had a chest full of soft dark hair. He had a little bit of some love handles, but in much better shape than most guys his age. I also noticed for the first time that he had a nice thick bush, but shaved his balls. I suppose he was hoping his wife might be more willing to play with them or something, but they were as big as I remembered from the night before. His cock head was nice mushroom and he was pretty big when soft, bigger than mine soft anyway. I decided to wake Dave up the way I had fantasized of being woken up for years at that point; with someone sucking my cock. I gently spread his legs apart and took hold of the base of his cock. All the while, he was fast asleep and never really moved. I timidly took his cock head in my mouth and after a moment of thought and getting past my mental issue with this action, I started to suck his soft cock deeper into my mouth. I was also playing with his balls as I still couldn't get enough of them. He was asleep for a good five minutes while I was sucking his cock. I kept looking up at his face and his breathing had become faster and he was moaning in his sleep, but he was still out. Finally, he opened his eyes and jumped up saying "what the fuck, " then quickly realized what was going on. All I told him was that he was overdue and got on my knees and started sucking him again. He meekly protested that last night should have been a onetime mistake, but I kept sucking him like he did me the night before and his protests turned to moans and dirty talk. "Oh fuck yeah Brad, keep doing that. I haven't had my dick sucked in forever." I kept thinking how I'd never heard him talk that way before, but was so turned on that I was jacking my cock while I sucked him. I started to taste his precum in my mouth, and thought it tasted a lot like mine, when all of the sudden, he grabbed the back of my head and pushed me further down his shaft. I gagged for a moment and had tears going down my face from gagging, but quickly got into a rhythm. He pulled out of my mouth and jacked his cock like a mad man, and within a few seconds, his cock spurted a huge volley of cum, landing square on my lips. He kept shooting his load all over my body. I decided to lick my lips and taste his cum, he saw me do this and asked me "you like Uncle Dave's cum? Here suck the rest out." I was so turned on that I started sucking Dave like a demon. I could feel the long strands of his last bit of load coming out of his slit and onto my tongue. I keep sucking and massaging the underside of his shaft until he was too sensitive and had to pull his cock out. I was close to cumming myself and told him since he had gotten me dirty, I was returning the favor and I shot my load all on his chest.

Well, I hope you guys have liked part one of the story. It may not be the most exciting story, but I still get hard thinking about that weekend and the fact that it isn't fiction makes it hotter I think. If you have any comments; want to tell me about you getting off to the story; or want to show me what you look like, I'd love to talk sometime. Feel free to email me at briarpatch@live.com.

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