Spring Break Cruise

By Mike Wilson

Published on Mar 13, 2005


Chapter Fifteen: Making Plans

"Andy? Andy?" My Mom knocked on my door. Travis looked over at me with panic in his eyes.

"Yeah Mom?" Travis pulled the sheet over his head and I tried not to laugh.

"Honey we're getting ready for church. I haven't heard Travis get up yet. Do you boys want to join us or not?"

"Ummm, I'm kinda beat," I said as I slapped Travis' hand off my bare tummy. "Is it okay if we don't go?"

"Sure honey. We'll see you when we get back." I heard her walk downstairs as I pulled the sheet off of Travis' face. He gave me a big, toothy smile as I shook my head back and forth.

"That was close," I whispered.

"Yup. But now we've got the place to ourselves don't we?" He looked at me as I rolled my eyes. I touched his arm and slowly moved my fingers up and down against skin. He was so soft. Neither one of us said a word as way lay. I could have stayed like that for hours.

Finally we heard the car pull out of the driveway. As soon as the garage door came down Travis slid out from the covers and carefully straddled my waist. He put his hands on my arms and gently patted them as he smiled into my eyes.

"I love you Andy Mitchell," he said beaming.

"I know." We stared into each other. Travis leaned down and kissed me. I wrapped my arms around him as we slowly pulled our bodies closer and closer together.

"Andy?" he said after a long time.


"Have you thought about us maybe . . . um . . . having like ah . . . sex?"

I laughed. "I thought that's what we were doing right now," I said as I kept kissing him.

"No, I mean . . . ya know like um-"

"Ohh," I stopped kissing him, finally understanding what he was talking about. "Umm, I dunno. That always sounded kinda . . . gross to me."

"Yeah, I guess," he said as he gently rolled over onto my side, his hand reaching down for my cock. "But, well, if you ever want to, I mean, I think I wanna try it. With you."

"Do you know how?"

Now it was Travis' turn to laugh. "Ahh, well I didn't actually bring a manual or anything but I think I know what's involved." He slid his hand off my cock and slowly slid down between my legs. He took his finger and started massaging my asshole. It felt weird. I wasn't sure I liked it. I reached down and gently pulled his hand back up to my dick.

"Ahh, I don't think I'm really ready for that Trav," I said. "Is that okay?"

He smiled at me again. "Of course it is. I just . . . well if you ever want to do it sometime, I want to. And I don't care who does what."

"Come here," I said pulling his face to mine. I kissed him hard and we stared at each other again. "Ya know there is something we haven't done that I would kinda like to try."

Travis raised his eyebrows in anticipation. "Oh yeah? And what's that?"

"I think we should take a shower together."

"Definitely!" he practically screamed as he jumped up off the bed. He stood, naked, his cock hard at attention as I started laughing.

"Looks like you're all ready to go mister!"

"Ha ha! Like you're in any different condition," Travis laughed as he pulled me out of my bed. My own cock was now pointing straight out. We walked down the hall and Travis slapped my bare butt playfully as we entered the bathroom. I turned on the water and Travis immediately pressed his naked body against mine. We pulled each other close as we waited for the hot water.

"Look" Travis whispered in my ear. He was staring down at the ground.

"What?" I was confused. Finally I looked down at our feet. I still didn't know what he was talking about. Travis pointed and I finally saw that we were both still wearing our anklets from the cruise. Travis gently took his foot and slid it up and down my calf as we smiled at one another.

Finally we crawled into the big tub together and I carefully knelt down in front of Travis and immediately put his cock in my mouth. I had been waiting a long time for this. The hot water sprayed down and rolled off of Travis' perfect onto my face and nose. I rubbed my hands up and down his soft, wet skin as he started thrusting his cock deeper and deeper into my mouth. It felt so good to once again feel him in my mouth. His dick was so perfect, just like the rest of him. I looked up and saw his dark treasure trail plastered down against his pale white skin, the little hairs looking even more sexy.

I devoured his dick for the longest time until finally Travis put his hands in my underarms and started tugging me up. I pulled myself off his cock and buried my nose in his wet pubes. I stuck my tongue out and slowly made my way up his stomach as I stood. I kissed his pecs, I nibbled on his tits. Travis wrapped his arms around me and carefully turned us around so I was now standing under the water. He immediately grabbed my cock with his hand as he slowly lowered his mouth to my crotch.

He took the tip of his tongue and fluttered along the head of my dick, teasing me with little touches. He kissed the head and then slowly did the same thing up and down the entire shaft, his tongue darting in an out. Finally he took just the tip of my dick head in his mouth as his tongue continued working. Ever so slowly he pressed deeper. I closed my eyes and relaxed as the hot water streamed down my back and across my shoulders.

Travis took his hands and rubbed up and down the back of my thighs. As he continued his incredible (and by now, pretty experienced!) blow job, his fingers moved across my butt, slowly, gently pulling my ass cheeks apart. I felt so relaxed, so at ease with Travis that I didn't really even notice when his finger actually entered my ass. It felt different now. Good actually. I groaned as Travis took more and more of my cock in his mouth and his finger delved deeper inside me. He looked up at me and I smiled as he kept working.

Travis released my cock from his mouth and stood up. We pulled each other closely and kissed as our hands began jacking each other's cocks.

"Let's do it together Andy. Let's shoot together" he panted in my ear.

"I'm close" I said as I felt his hand working faster and faster up and down my wet dick.

"Me too," he said. "I'm cumming, Andy!" I could feel his cock tense up and then the hot, thick cum splattered against my thigh. As soon as I felt his spooge on my skin my own cock erupted. I shot on his tummy and pubes. Travis took his finger and lifted a dollop of my watered down semen from his stomach. I reached for his hand and lifted it to my lips, opening wide. I swallowed his finger in my mouth, tasting Travis' skin and my own cum. Just as he had the night before, I carefully sucked each of his fingers and he groaned with pleasure as I licked them clean one by one.

Slowly Travis pulled his body from mine and smiled as we started, well, you know, doing what you're supposed to do in the shower. We spent forever in the shower, rubbing the soap across each other's body's and shampooing each other's hair. It was fun and romantic and a complete turn-on all at once.

When I stepped out of the shower I grabbed a big towel and held it open for Travis as he came out, naked, wet and once again hard. He smiled at me as I wrapped the soft cotton around him and wrapped myself around the towel, enveloping him. Travis turned around and kissed me, as we slowly maneuvered the towel so it wrapped around us both, our warm, wet chests pressed against one another.

"That was fun," Travis smiled as planted little sloppy kisses on my face.

"Uh-huh. And that thing you did with your finger?"

He looked at me nervously. "Yeah?"

"Not bad that. I think We'll have to do that again soon."

Travis smiled at me. "Cool"

We dried off and got dressed, laughing with each other as we tried to poke our still hard cocks into our pants. We went down to the kitchen and Travis decided to make us breakfast which was like super cute of him. I watched from the kitchen table as he made bacon and eggs for us. It felt so good, so normal to see him like this in my house. It was just like he said, we were meant to be together.

He smiled as he placed my breakfast in front of me and sat down. "Hey? You still here? Looks like you're daydreaming or something."

"Sorry. Just thinking," I said staring at him. The sun streamed through the window on his gorgeous face. I saw the little blond hairs on his arm, the faint outline of his pecs in his t-shirt. It was beautiful. Travis was beautiful.

"What about?" he started shoveling food into his mouth.

"Do you ever think about us . . . like in the future?"

He looked at me with a confused expression. "You mean like, Denver?" We both laughed.

"Well, kinda yeah. I mean, I was watching you make breakfast and it was so cool. It's like we were already together or something. It got me wondering if . . . ya know when we're older and stuff if . . . I don't know. It just got me thinking." I was scared to actually tell Travis what I was thinking. Scared that I'd frighten him or somehow freak him out if I told him that I was dreaming of us staying together. For a really long time.

Travis stopped chewing and looked at me. "Yeah I think about it," he said softly. He reached across the table and took my hand.


He was silent for a long time. He looked across at me with a smile on his face, but his forehead was all crinkled up in worry. I didn't know what he was thinking.

Finally he spoke up. "I don't know, Andy. I don't know what's going to happen." He squeezed my hand hard. "I just know that every time I think about what I want to have happen, every time I dream about what I want my life to be like, you're there."

"Wow," I smiled at him. It was, as usual, exactly what I wanted to hear. Maybe my own dreams weren't so crazy. "I hope you're right," I said.

We started eating again in silence, our feet gently rubbing against each other.

Mom, Dad and Ruthie came home from church just as we were finishing our breakfast. We hung around with them for a while as they got their lunch ready and then I suggested we go for a walk. I took Travis by my elementary school and he demanded to hear everything about when I was a kid. We sat on the swing set for a long time talking about growing up. It was kind of fun actually as we quizzed each other and laughed at our stupid stories. Eventually I was able to move the conversation back to the present.

"Do you have plans for the summer yet?" I asked.

"You mean like a summer job or something?"

"Yeah? Are you working or goofin off or what?"

"I dunno. Haven't thought about it much actually," Travis said as he kept swinging "I guess I'll get a job or something. My Dad definitely wants me to earn some money which wouldn't be a bad thing I suppose."

"Do you remember the night I called and told you about Rob?" I was kind of nervous about bringing this up.

"What's that got to do with summer jobs?"

"Well, the reason I called that night was different from what we ended up talking about."

"I'll bet," he rolled his eyes.

"Seriously, I never got to tell you what I wanted to talk about that night. You see, Sara and I had been talking and, well I won't bore you with the details. But she came up with a really cool idea. That we should spend the summer together."

"Awesome! Only . . . how are we going to do that? Are you guys moving to California soon? Pleeeeeeeease!" he batted his eyes at me as he whined.

I laughed at his goofiness. "No. But that's what was so cool about the talk I had with Sara. She had like all sorts of ideas about how we could make it work."

Travis slowed down next to me. "Like what?"

"Well, these are just ideas okay? We might be able to come up with better stuff on our own-"

"I get it, just ideas. Now tell me already!"

"All right. Well, first she said we could become camp counselors at a camp together."

"Do we get to share a tent?" Travis laughed as he kept swinging. "What else?"

"Well, she thought we could go be exchange students in Europe or something."

"Hmmm . . . I don't think my parents would go for that. What else?"

"I know. But, well I've had a lot of time to think about this in the last few weeks and I came up with another idea. You know how I've told you I want you to visit our lake cabin?"

"In Wisconsin?"

"Yup. Well, I was thinking that maybe your visit could . . . ah . . . last for about three months or so." Travis smiled as I went on. I got more and more excited as I spoke. "We could live there Travis. It's really nice. My parents only come up for the weekends in the summer and we'd be totally on our own." Travis slowed down his swinging and looked over at me.

"You serious? You think your parents would go for it?"

"I dunno. I mean, that's what I did last year. Spent almost the entire summer up there and they didn't seem to mind."

"Yeah but this time you'd have a um, a guest. And what about money and stuff? I mean, I really do kinda need a job and all."

"I thought about that!" I said excitedly. "We could mow lawns and yard work and stuff during the day. My Dad totally wanted me to do more of that last year anyway. I'm sure we could make up some fliers or something and get plenty to do. And if that doesn't work out . . . well there's like restaurants and stuff in town."

"Yuck! I'll mow lawns but I'm not flipping burgers," Travis whined.

I got off my swing and walked over to him. I reached up for the two chains that held his swing and pulled him close to me.

"Don't you see Travis? It'd be like we were really together. I mean, we'd be like living together. Every day. Every night. And when we aren't working-whatever that winds up being-we get to boat and swim and hike and fish and, well, if you're good, make out." I kissed him on the forehead.

He stood up in front of me. "When you put it that way-" he leaned in and kissed my lips. "I suppose I could be convinced. If your parents agree I'll find a way to persuade mine. Deal?"

"Deal!" I grabbed his hand and we started walking home.

For the rest of the afternoon we bummed around playing video games and hanging out with my family which was actually kind of fun. Mom made a big dinner since it was Travis' last night . (Which I was trying desperately not to think about.) The phone rang just as we sat down.

"Andy, hey it's me," I heard Rob say as I answered the phone.

"Hey! What's up?"

"Umm, well I know it's short notice and all but Neil is going down to Vera's again tonight to hear Tyson's band play. I was kinda wondering if you and Travis wanted to come along."

"Ahh cool. We're actually just having dinner now, can I call you back in a bit?"

"Sure!" he said. "Let me know what you decide. You know I really want to meet Travis."

I went back to the table and didn't say much. I wasn't sure what I wanted to do. Going out with Rob and Neil might actually be fun. But I was afraid Travis might not want to meet Rob or that it might be, I dunno, weird or something between them. Even though I had patched things up with both of them, I was still pretty nervous about what they thought of each other.

"So what was that phone call about?" Travis asked as we left the table.

"Well, um. It was Rob."

"What did he want?"

"He wanted to meet you. He said that a group was going to this coffee shop to hear Tyson's band."

"Who's Tyson?"

"Neil's boyfriend."

"Who's Neil?"

I rolled my eyes. "Dude. You need to start taking notes or something okay? Neil's the guy in charge of the GSA group. He's pretty different but cool. This coffee shop is really awesome too. It's like totally alternative and all ages and stuff. Are you, um, interested?"

"Sure," Travis looked completely at ease with idea. "Besides, I still need to tell this Rob guy a thing or two."

"Travis!" I looked at him seriously.

"I'm kidding! I'm kidding! I'll be a good boy I promise. At least until we get home." He reached out and tickled my stomach and I started laughing and wincing in pain at the same time. We went to our rooms to change and I tried not to worry about what I was getting myself into.

Travis came into my room when he was ready. He wore his jeans low so his boxers peeked out just above his waistband. He had a white tank and a cool necklace on over which he wore an open, black, button up shirt. I stared at him as he came back into my room.

"Holy shit Trav!"


"You look . . . wow." I smiled as I walked over to him and he grinned at me. I ran my hands up his stomach and kissed him. "You look awesome." I whispered.

"Thanks. So do you." I rolled my eyes, looking down at my own simple striped shirt. He pulled me tight again. "I mean it, Andy. You're beautiful." I blushed as we kissed one last time. I never knew it was possible to be so happy.

When we got to Vera's Neil and Rob were already waiting for us.

"You must be Travis!" Neil practically jumped out of his seat as we approached the table, eager to shake Travis' hand. "We've heard so much about you." We made introductions and talked for a while about what Travis and I had done all weekend. Rob looked great and was, of course, totally polite and engaging. Meanwhile as soon as I mentioned the DVD of Travis' school musical, Neil immediately started interrogating Travis about "West Side Story."

Tyson's band started playing and it was pretty much like the last time I had seen them. Kind of depressing and dark music. But this time, Travis was here. This time, I was with my boyfriend. And as we had all weekend, we played footsie and held hands and smiled at one another throughout the performance. And it made all the difference in the world.

After a few songs I got up to get drinks for Travis me (he said he wanted a Chai Tea which I had never heard of). I ordered two and came back to the table. I noticed Travis leaning over, listening to Rob. It made my heart stop for a moment, worried that something was up. But they both were smiling and well behaved as I sat down so I tried not to worry.

At the break, Tyson came over to the table. We all congratulated him on the how good the band was getting (although frankly, I couldn't tell if they were any better than the last time I heard them.)

"Neil tells me you're a singer," Tyson said to Travis as he stood behind Neil, rubbing his shoulders.

"I try," Travis smiled weakly.

I suppose this might be mean to say, but I had learned a lot about Travis since we met on the cruise. And one of the things I had learned for certain was that, even when he tried, Travis wasn't very good at being humble. I rolled my eyes at his lame response.

"You wanna join us on something?" asked Tyson.

"Umm, I dunno . . ." Travis looked over at me.

"Of course! You should do it!" I said looking at Neil for help.

"Yeah, come on Travis, we all wanna hear you," Neil chimed in.

"Definitely!" said Rob.

"Well, I'm not sure if the guys know any of the songs I know."

"Let's find out!" Tyson said as he grabbed Travis arm and led him to the corner of the coffee shop with the guitar player and drummer were still standing. The four of them talked for a long time. It seemed to take forever as we all watched expectantly. Eventually the guitar player gave Travis his guitar and he was talking only to the drummer. Tyson and the guitar player came over to our table.

"He said he'd do something with Jason. Guess we'll just wait and see," Tyson said as he pulled up a chair right next to Neil.

Jason, the drummer, played some different rhythms as Travis spoke to him. After a couple of false starts Travis finally nodded approvingly at Jason, apparently telling him to keep going. Then Travis started playing the guitar.

It was, of course, totally different than what Tyson's band played. For one thing, it had a melody. For a second, it was kinda fast and upbeat. And finally . . . well, it was Travis. Which (and I am sure you would agree with me) meant it was better than anything else imaginable.

Travis came up to the microphone and started singing as he stared at me and smiled.

When you're in love, there's no time and no space

There's a permanent smile on your face

Your friends all complain that you're going insane

But the truth is they're just afraid

Hey somewhere, you threw your fear in the sea of no cares

Hey somewhere, you threw your fear in the sea of no cares

When you decide that what counts is inside

Your friends all say it's a lie

But there's no brighter light than the look in his eyes

When you're walking him home through the night

Hey somewhere, you threw your fear in the sea of no cares

Hey somewhere, you threw your fear in the sea of no cares

Let your self go with the tide

There's an angel by your side


I smiled as I watched him, feeling almost exactly like I did when he sang that fist night on the cruise. It was as though we were the only two people in the room. The place erupted when he finished and it made me feel . . . well, proud I guess. Proud of my boyfriend, my Travis who had such an incredible talent. He came back to the table and Neil and Rob just gushed with compliments. I was soaking it all in as I reached for Travis' hand under the table.

After Tyson's band finished we said our goodbyes and started heading to the car. As soon as the door closed I turned to Travis and leaned over, kissing him aggressively. When we finished he looked at me with a happy, surprised expression on his face.

"Wow! What'd I do to deserve that?"

"The usual. You sang and reminded me why I was the luckiest guy in the world."

"Really? I don't know about that," now it was Travis who was slowly come across the car at me. "Cause I'm pretty sure it's me who's the luckiest guy in the world." We kissed for a long time before I could finally start the car.

"So um, what did you and Rob talk about?" I tried to act casual I spoke.

"Nothing much."

"Travis," I said annoyed. "Tell me!"

"He . . . he apologized," Travis said softly. "He said that he felt really bad about what happened and he wanted us to be friends."

I shook my head. "It's just like him. He's such really nice guy."

"Yeah. He's super cool. Like all your friends." Travis looked over at me. "Now we just have to find a boyfriend for him so he doesn't keep hitting on mine."

The house was dark when we got home. Mom had left a note on the kitchen table with the details of the schedule tomorrow. She was going to take Travis to the airport and of course I had to go to school. I rolled my eyes in disappointment at being reminded that this was our last night together.

Travis came up behind me and gently wrapped his arms around me. I leaned back and we stood like that for the longest time.

"You ready for bed?" Travis whispered into my ear.

"I guess," I sighed.

"Come on," he took my hand and led me upstairs. Without hesitation we both went into my room. Travis immediately went to my clock and set an early alarm for tomorrow. "So we don't have a repeat of this morning," he said and we both laughed.

We undressed slowly, silently, staring at each other as our clothes piled up on the floor. Travis crawled into my bed and I climbed in next to him. He curled up against to me, his arm lazily laid carefully across my stomach, my hand gently rubbing his soft naked back.

My eyes closed slowly as I felt Travis gently slide his toes up and down my leg.

"I had a great visit,"

"Yeah? What was your favorite part?" We were whispering.

"Well, let's see. Our date was fun. And the shower this morning was awesome. And finally seeing Mr. Happy Pants again was a definite highlight."

I giggled.

"But . . . Actually, I think this is my favorite part. Holding you. I don't think there's anything better."

I opened my eyes and smiled at Travis. I kissed his forehead softly. "I was thinking the same exact thing. I love you Travis Larson."

"I know."

We held each other and nestled together as we drifted off to sleep.

The alarm went off the next morning at 5 a.m. as Travis had planned. We held each other silently for a while before Travis finally pulled himself out of my bed and snuck back into his room.

As soon as he left my bed felt empty. I pulled his pillow to my face and breathed deeply, but it wasn't the same. I knew I was going to have to get used to being alone again.

After breakfast Dad gave Travis a bear hug and left for work, saying he hoped Travis would come again for a visit. Ruthie gave him a big hug as she headed for school. I had to get going myself, but I told Mom I'd help load Travis' things into the car. We brought down his bags and his guitar and stood in the garage. I was trying so hard not to cry.

Travis softly slid the back of his hand down my cheek after we got his stuff loaded. "It won't be long," he said. "Summer will be here soon. And then . . ." he ran the tip of his tongue across the top of his lip. I smiled as I leaned in and kissed him.

"I know. I just . . . I hate it."

"So do I," he said pulling me close. "Now get your cute ass to school before we both start blubbering out here okay?"

"I guess. You'll call tonight right?"

"Of course. And you'll let me know when you've secured our summer home right?"

I laughed as we pulled apart. "I love you."

"I love you too."

We kissed again and then both headed into the house. I got my books and kissed my Mom goodbye. I looked at Travis and finally left for school. I thought about our weekend. How much we had done in just a few days. How perfect it felt to be together again. And, as rotten as I felt knowing Travis wasn't going to be home when I got done with school, I began to smile at the realization that we had three months together coming up. This summer we would really be together. No sneaking around, no time crunch, no parents. I couldn't wait.


I'm really sorry this took so long. And I'm afraid I'm going to take a little break for a while. I know it takes a long time for the chapters to get posted and I do apologize for that. If you email me, I'll gladly send you a note about when the next set of chapters start appearing.

I assure you there is more to come! Although how much, I can't say. I've promised myself this story deserves a true 'ending' and I've been trying to figure out exactly what that will someday be.

Once again thank you to all who have sent e-mailed me. I love hearing from readers so I hope you'll let me know what you think of the story.

This is a work of fiction. I hope you enjoy it! Please do feel free to write to me at: billynkyle@yahoo.com or you can try me on MSN Messenger or Yahoo Messenger at: billynkyle@yahoo.com. Comments and critiques are welcome.

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