Spring Break Cruise

By Mike Wilson

Published on Feb 16, 2005


Chapter Fourteen: Travis Arrives

Over the next few days I slowly started getting better. I was worried that Travis might not want to come visit me after the fight, but he called every night and kept saying he didn't even care if we ever left that house. It meant everything to me.

I could hardly believe when it was time to go the airport for his flight, that he was actually going to see me. That we were, for the first time in two months, actually going to be together.

At first I had hoped that I would be able to pick him up by myself but that idea went absolutely nowhere. Now not only was Dad driving to the airport, but the entire family was making the trip. In a way I suppose that was pretty cool, that Mom and Dad and Ruthie were almost as excited as I was to see my boyfriend. But mostly I thought it sucked since it meant it would take us that much longer to finally be alone together.

We parked the van and all trooped into the terminal. Ruthie was the first one to spot Travis near the luggage pick up area. He came walking toward us with a huge grin on his face. She ran up to him and practically knocked him over while trying to give him a hug.

I know this sounds weird, but I couldn't believe just how incredible Travis looked. Despite the fact that we had spent a week together and despite all the pictures and memories I had of him, it was totally amazing to be reminded just how sexy he really was. He was wearing jeans and a ribbed, white t-shirt as well as a really cute leather necklace. His backpack was slung over one shoulder and he had a guitar case in the other hand. But more than that, he had his gorgeous smile, beaming with happiness and energy. I just stared at him as he walked toward us and couldn't believe that someone so wonderful had actually fallen for me.

My Mom gave Travis a hug and my Dad shook his hand. Travis looked at me and smiled. He came toward me slowly, gently and gave me a hug, careful not to press too hard.

"Hey babe," he whispered in my ear.

"Hey," I said as we released one another. "You look . . . .ah. . . . great."

"So do you."

"Yeah, right," I blushed.

It felt awkward talking like this right in front of my sister and my parents, even though we were whispering and I'm sure they couldn't hear what we said. If Travis was feeling that way, he sure didn't show it. He headed over to the baggage carousel and we all made small talk as we waited for his stuff.

All the way home Travis kept pressing his leg against mine and brushing up against my arm. It was really sweet.

"Lemme show you your room," I said as we headed upstairs to the guest bedroom. Travis quietly shut the door behind us when we entered the room. I turned around and looked at him as he stood, his back against the door, smiling at me.


"Nothing," Travis said quietly. "I was just trying to figure out how it was possible that you are even better looking than I remembered."

"Don't make me laugh!" I grimaced in pain.

He started walking toward me. "You look awesome. Even more perfect than I remember." He put his hands on my waist. "Tell me if this hurts." He kissed my lips softly and then my cheek. He pulled me close and I wrapped my arms loosely around his back, once again feeling how warm, how strong, how right it was to hold one another. He was so gentle with me. Every touch, every kiss was soft. He moved slowly, sensing exactly what felt right for me. After a few moments, he nuzzled his lips against my neck.

"God I've missed you so much, Andy. I didn't sleep at all last night, I wanted to see you so bad," he whispered.

"I know. I felt the same way." I pulled him closer. It hurt a little bit, my rib still far from fully recovered, but I didn't care. "I hope you don't mind staying in the guest room. I wanted you to be in my room but, um, I didn't have the guts to ask."

Travis laughed as he gently pulled himself off my body. "I don't care where I stay as long as we're nearby. Besides, who's to say I might not get lost in the middle of the night and wind up in the wrong bedroom?"

"That's what I mean!" I was laughing and wincing at the same time. "You can't make me laugh like that. You're gonna kill me."

"Sorry," he said with an evil grin. "I can't help myself. So if this is where I stay, where's your room?"

I gave Travis the rest of the house tour which didn't take long. We hung out for a little while downstairs with Mom, Dad and Ruthie. After a short time I said I was feelin' kinda tired and was ready to turn in. Of course Travis came with me.

We went into my room. "You want me to stay or go or um--"

"Stay." I said smiling at him as I took his hand and led him over to my bed. Travis grinned from ear to ear.

"Just a sec," he ran out of my room and down the hall to his. He came back with a disc in his hand. "Where's your CD player?" He put the disc in my boom box and turned the volume down low. Then he crawled into bed with me.

"I'm sorry I can't really roll over much," I said laying on my back, my head and back propped up under a hundred pillows.

"Shhh. Don't worry. I think we're pretty good at figuring these things out, right? Just tell me if I do something that hurts, okay?" He slid around on his side and curled up next to me. Slowly, carefully he rested his arm on my chest. His face nuzzled into my neck and cheeks as he kissed me.

"This feel all right?" he whispered.

"Uh-huh," I said softly, completely lost in the moment.

"I've been so miserable the last few months, Andy. Being away from you has been the hardest thing I've ever had to do."

I looked down at him. It had never occurred to me that maybe Travis had been just as unhappy as I had been since the cruise. He always sounded so excited, so happy on the phone when we spoke. "Really? I thought . . . I thought it was just me."

"No, it's not just you. Every time I hear from you it's the best thing in my day. Everything else just sucks. We're not supposed to be apart Andy. That's all there is to it. We're supposed to be together."

I slid my left arm under him and rested my face against his hair. I could smell him. I could hear his breathing. I could feel his warmth. Every part of me relaxed.

The music was softly playing in the background and I could just make out a woman's voice.

"I know this song," I said. "What is this?"

Travis looked up at me and smiled. "I sang it, or tried to sing it anyway, on the last night of the cruise. It's Norah Jones. I made this whole mix thinking about you." Carefully he slid around and brought his face to mine and we kissed. I mean, really kissed, like we used to. Long passionate kisses that reminded me nothing but Travis really mattered in my life. Not Rob, not Mike, not getting beaten up. This, TRAVIS, mattered.

After a long time he pulled his face off and rested it against my neck again. We listened to the music and to each other. He curled up next to me like he had been, his hand resting on my chest, carefully positioned, warm and strong.

"Andy?" he whispered in my ear.


"Can I . . . can I see what happened?"

I tensed up at the thought of Travis seeing my bruised, ugly chest and stomach. No one besides the doctor had seen all of my injuries. Not even my parents. I didn't really want to Travis to see me like this, but somehow I knew it would be okay. I nodded at him.

Slowly he undid the buttons on my shirt. He pulled it open gently and sat up staring at the dark spots, the painful bruises. He lowered his hand carefully as if he were a magician or a healer, his finger tips gently sliding across my skin. My skin twitched as he explored my body. It didn't hurt at all. In fact, it was almost as though he were healing me. The warmth of his hand, his presence, filling me with strength.

I looked up and saw tears streaming down his face. He looked at me trying to smile.

"I'm so sorry, Andy," he sniffled as he spoke. "I'm so sorry."

I raised my hands to his cheeks and pulled his mouth to mine. Both of us kissing and crying gently in each others arms. He lay back down next to me for a long time. I can't begin to describe how wonderful it felt to have Travis next to me again. My eyes were closed and all I could feel was Travis protecting me. His presence alone making things better. It was like the whole world just disappeared and only Travis and I were left. I was floating, lost in the simplicity of being together.

"We should probably go to sleep soon," Travis said softly after a long while.

"Yeah. I suppose."

"Can I give you one more thing before we turn in?"

I smiled. "Sure."

Travis scrambled off the bed. He darted out of the room and within seconds was back with his guitar. I smiled from ear to ear. I sat up on the bed, my back against the headboard. Travis turned off the light. He got on the bed and sat directly across from me. I could see his eyes sparkle.

"I know it's late so I'll be quiet." He started playing his guitar softly as he kept talking. "But . . . I heard this song Andy. And all I could think of was you." I kept staring at him in the dark. His face was serious as he lowered his head and quietly started singing. Just for me.

find me here

speak to me

I want to feel you

I need to hear you

you are the light

that is leading me

to the place where

I find peace again

you are the strength

that keeps me walking

you are the hope

that keeps me trusting

you are the life to my soul

you are my purpose

you are everything

and how can I

stand here with you

and not be moved by you

would you tell me

how could it be

any better than this

you calm the storms

you give me rest

you hold me in your hands

you won't let me fall

you still my heart

and you take my breath away

would you take me in

would you take me deeper now

and how can I

stand here with you

and not be moved by you

would you tell me

how could it be

any better than this

'cause you're all I want

you are all I need

you are everything


My eyes were closed when he finished. I couldn't move I was so happy. I felt Travis' lips on mine as he gently kissed me goodnight.

"I love you Andy," he said as he quickly got off the bed and headed to this room.

I sat there on my bed forever thinking about how perfect the night had been. Finally, after all of this waiting and all of my worries we were together. And it was even more amazing than I had dreamed of. I crawled under the sheets and dozed off hearing Travis' voice in my head.

I felt great the next morning when I got up. It was the best I had felt in a long time. I wandered downstairs and discovered that I was the only member of the family who wasn't awake yet. Dad was busy with his waffles while Mom, Ruthie and Travis were all smiling and talking at the table. It was like he was a member of the family, which, I realized, he was actually. Like Mom had told me, Travis was important to me and so he had become important to our whole family.

Sara called right after breakfast and wanted to know if Travis and I would be interested in going to the mall. She had been dying to meet Travis and had been reminding me all week that she wanted the three of us to do something together. Of course Travis was happy to do just about anything. So we agreed to meet her at the mall at noon. I guess I shouldn't have been surprised or anything, but the two of them totally hit it off. In fact, after a while they were practically completing each other's sentences and laughing hysterically. If I didn't know better, I would have been totally jealous.

"So what are you guys doing tonight?" Sara asked after the two of them had been giggling about a boy in the Gap.

"We're busy," Travis was fast to respond.

"We are?" I said a bit bewildered. We hadn't talked about any plans at all for tonight.

"Yup," he said smiling at me. "We're going on a date."

"Well I certainly wouldn't want to interrupt that!" Sara said smiling.

"We are?" I said again.

"Yup. We've never been able to do that before, so we're doing it tonight. Dinner and a show. You'll love it. Besides, you don't really have a choice in the matter." He stuck his tongue out at me and giggled. I rolled my eyes as I smiled, happy beyond belief.

"Travis are you sure you don't have a twin brother? I mean, one who's straight?" Sara was practically batting her eyelashes as she grabbed his arm. We all laughed.

"Sorry! No brothers. I do know a really cute guy who goes to your school, though." He looked right at me and I blushed.

Sara decided that we needed to buy clothes for our 'date' which seemed a little over-the-top to me since I had no idea what we were going to do. But still, we had fun trying on stuff and going to different stores. Both of us wound up buying new shirts and, despite Sara's instance that it would be "really really really cute" I am happy to say we each bought our own thing and did not get matching outfits. At around 4 or so I was actually feeling kind of wiped out so we decided to call it a day and Sara dropped us off at home.

Mom and Dad had left a note saying they were at Ruthie's gymnastics class and would be back in time for dinner. I read it to Travis and he grinned slyly at me.

"So we're all alone, is that what you're telling me?"

"Yeah," I said laughing. "At least for an hour or so."

He walked toward me and kissed me hard.

"Well that didn't take long," I said when we finally released one another.


"You've got me all . . . um . . . bunched up," I said sheepishly, as I pushed the bulge in my crotch against his thigh.

Travis laughed. He took his hand and started rubbing my dick through my jeans. "Well maybe I should help you get unbunched. Come on" He grabbed my hand and led me upstairs. He kissed me as we got to my bed. "Did the doctor put any restrictions about whether or not Mr. Happy Pants could come out and play?"

I grimaced in pain as my body tried to laugh. "I don't think so. All the doctor said was don't do anything that hurts."

"Hmmm. Interesting." Travis smiled up at me as slowly, oh so slowly, he slid his hands down across my chest and stomach, careful not to apply any pressure until he was at my waistband. He opened the button on my jeans and slid down the zipper. He took his hand and started rubbing my cock through my boxers. He looked up at me and smiled.

"Just go slow," I said smiling down at him.

"Of course" he said as he slid down the bed and straddled my legs. He pulled my cock through the opening and started stroking it with long even strokes. I closed my eyes and tried to relax.

"Boy have I missed this," Travis said giggling as he opened wide and engulfed my cock in his mouth. Instinctively I took I deep breath, the wonderful power of his mouth on my cock overwhelming everything else. I groaned in pain and Travis, his mouth completely full looked up at me with concern. I could see his eyebrows raised, staring up at me, checking to make sure I was all right while his mouth stayed completely full. He looked pretty funny staring up at me.

"It's okay," I said relaxing. "Slow, right?"

Travis released my cock from his mouth and smiled. He took my hand in his. "Just squeeze if I need to slow down," and he went back to work. Soon he was moving in perfect rhythm, even and gentle. Occasionally I'd feel my chest tighten but I didn't care. What Travis was doing felt too good to interrupt him. Our hands were completely intertwined as he kept going.

It wasn't even his mouth on my cock that I was feeling (although, that was rather hard to ignore). It was the two of us together that really made me happy. Between his slow pace and my stupid injury, we were never able to really get into it like we had on the cruise. But it still felt pretty awesome. As I got closer and closer I could tell that my body was being pulled in two different directions. My chest was sore and tense, each breath becoming a little more noticeable, a little more painful. But at the same time, the great feeling of Travis' tongue working it's way up and down my hard cock was overpowering every other sense. It was such an intense feeling as I came, groaning with both pure happiness and pain. I flooded Travis' mouth with my cum until it was oozing out the sides of his lips. He looked up at me with concern but I smiled down to let him know I was okay.

He bathed my softening cock with his tongue, neatly licking up all of my load. He smiled as he crawled up next to me. We kissed again and I tasted my cum in his mouth. Slowly I reached down and started rubbing his hard cock in his jeans. Travis leaned back and I moved around until I was now straddling his legs.

I slid his jeans down and rubbed his awesome cock through his plaid boxers. He pulled his shirt off. I looked him up and down and just seeing him, lying there with his shirt off in his boxers instantly made me hard again. He was so sexy, so absolutely perfect. I stared into his eyes and Travis smiled at me. It was like no time had passed, like nothing had happened in the last few months.

I slid my fingers off his cock and slowly rubbed them up the middle of his chest. His dark treasure trail evaporated above his belly button and now there was a little patch of brown hairs between his pecs.

"You stopped shaving," I said.

"Yeah. It doesn't gross you out does it?"

"What?! It's awesome! Very manly." I rubbed the soft hairs and slowly moved my hands back down to the top of his waistband. I slid his boxers down and started stroking his dick. I tried going down on him, but bending over hurt and I couldn't seem to find a way to make it work.

"Andy, it's okay. You don't have to do that. Just . . . It's just as wonderful when you touch me." Travis took my hand and pulled it to his cock. I smiled at him and started stroking, my hand on his cock, his hand on mine. I slid next to him and started licking and kissing his soft chest.

Travis rolled his head back and together our hands worked on his beautiful, perfect dick. It wasn't long before I could feel him tensing up, his breathing increasing, his chest expanding. I stopped licking him and looked down to watch as the head of his dick seemed to open up, as if gasping for air and then he shot spurt after spurt of cum onto his fuzzy tummy. His last few spasms flowed down his cock, coating my fingers.

I maneuvered around next to him and slowly took my slimy hand off his cock. I played with the cum on his belly. Travis took my hand and led it up to his face. One by one he licked my fingers clean. I couldn't believe how hot it was, how intimate it was for my fingers to be in his mouth. I could barely keep from shooting another load right then.

We snuggled on the bed for a long time. It wasn't perfect I have to say. I was frustrated that my stupid rib wouldn't let me get where I wanted to be, wouldn't let us hold one another like I wanted to. But Travis never said a word, never complained with all my adjusting and moving. He smiled. He moved. He made sure I was always comfortable.

"We need to get ready for our date," he said when we heard the garage door open announcing the arrival of Mom and Dad and Ruthie.

I laughed. "Are you serious? I thought you were just making that up so we didn't have to do something with Sara tonight"

"Nope. I was serious. And we need to get ready." He got off my bed and picked up his t-shirt. He wiped his wet belly with his shirt and then threw it over his shoulder as he pulled his pants on. Just watching him made me hard again. He kept talking as he dressed. "So get your cute ass in those new clothes. And don't worry, I already told your Mom we wouldn't be here for dinner." He closed the door behind him.

I lay in my bed for a moment in utter happiness. Eventually I got up, trying to figure out what in the world Travis had arranged. I put on the new shirt we had just bought and a pair of khaki cargo pants.

Not much later there was a knock on my door. I rolled my eyes and opened it. Travis was standing there in his new shirt, beaming at me. I smiled and tried not to laugh. It all seemed to formal and set up. And absolutely wonderful.

He told me we were going to eat at Casper's and I stared at him. "How do you know about Casper's?" He raised his eyebrows playfully.

"Oh ya know, I have my sources. You okay with that?"

"Of course." For the first time it occurred to me that we actually were going on a date. A real, honest to goodness night out with my boyfriend. Something I had never done before in my life. I'm sure between my fading black eye and huge smile I'm sure I looked like a total idiot. But I didn't care. I was going on a date!

"Mom, Travis and I are going out." I said as we came down the stairs.

She smiled at us both. "Well don't you two look sharp! Have a good time and remember your phone, okay?"

"Yeah," I said smiling as I went over and kissed my mom on her cheek.

"Thanks Mrs. Mitchell" said Travis. And then he also gave my mom a kiss. I know, I know, can it get any sappier than when your boyfriend and your Mom totally get along?

I drove to Casper's which was a local restaurant that I always liked. It wasn't anything fancy, but it was nicer than Grundy's and the mall. It was quiet. There was a candle on our table. Our waiter seemed to know exactly what was going on and it didn't bother me in the least. In fact, it felt cool that we could be out, be on our date, and not worry about whether or not people 'saw' us or 'knew.'

For the first time since Travis had arrived we really talked. About school and classes. About our parents and friends and coming out. We even talked a bit about Rob and our fight. The conversation flowed comfortably, just like it always did with Travis except that it was even better because I could see him, I could watch his smile grow as he got excited and see the worry come over his face when he heard things that bothered him.

We also flirted which was the best! It was like were playing a game as our feet would slowly get closer and finally touch one another; as our fingers would occasionally rest, for just a moment too long against the other's hand; as we stared in silence absorbing each other whole.

Our date.

We left the restaurant and Travis told me to head home, which, I have to admit, I was a little disappointed about. I didn't want our date to be over. But I didn't want him to know that. Everything he had done so far had been perfect and it would be mean of me to spoil it by saying that it wasn't enough.

Ruthie and my parents were in the living room when we came home. We stood and talked for a few minutes about gymnastics and the mall and not about what Travis and I had done in my room a few hours ago. He told me it was time for us to go and once again I was completely confused. "You didn't think we were through, did you?" He asked as he led me downstairs to the family room.

He put a DVD in and turned off the lights. He lit the candles he had somehow managed to set up as I got comfy on the couch.

"What movie is it?" I asked as he came toward me.

"Not a movie. It's a show. I hope you like it." He kicked off his shoes and we nestled in together on the couch.

It took me a while to figure out what we were watching. But once it got started I knew. It was Travis' show. The school musical he had starred in during the spring. I had never seen it before or really even heard of it until Travis kept talking about it during the last few months. It was "West Side Story."

The curtain opened and a bunch of guys were singing and dancing, and they were actually pretty good. I wasn't sure any of our school musicals were this good. After the first song Travis came on stage dressed in tight jeans a white t-shirt.

"Oh my God you look so hot!"

He laughed. And then he sang. Or rather, Travis on TV sang. And it was perfect. He was so exciting to watch, so much fun to listen to. His eyes and his smile made him stand out from everyone else on the stage and when you weren't watching, that voice, that beautiful amazing voice of his seemed to soar above everything else going on.

Soon Travis's character, Tony, met the girl, Maria. She was gorgeous, even I could tell that. And Travis' (rather, Tony's) face grew even brighter when he saw her and when they danced together.

"I'm insanely jealous," I said smiling.

"Good." Travis laughed.

Tony had another solo, singing about Maria. It was just Travis alone on the stage in a spot light. It was so awesome. Every phrase, every word, every move he made was pure magic. I didn't know what to say when he was finished.

"Wow. That was incredible, Travis."

"Thanks," he said, wrapping his arms tighter around me. "I have to tell you a funny story about that song actually. We were in rehearsal and I screwed up the words. I sang it at rehearsal the way I had been practicing it at home which was wrong."

"What did you sing?"

"Well, at home, when I'd practice on my own. I'd use your name. I sang, 'My Andy' instead of 'Maria.' I liked it better that way."

I didn't know what to say. I gave him a quick kiss and went back to watching the show. All the love songs made me ache. All the scenes with Travis took my breath away.

Then it got really hard to watch. There was a fight scene that made me tense and scared. I really didn't want to see people beating each other up. The guys on stage moved quickly, the expressions on their face growing more and more fierce. Tony showed up, nervous, upset. He tried to stop the fight, just as Travis would. But he couldn't. It was already too far along. I don't know how it happened or a why but in a moment Tony was the one who was fighting. Someone gave him a knife. He glared at the other boy and they ran across the stage lunging at each other, the music more and more furious until the other guy ran right at him, ran right at the knife.

The camera zoomed in on Tony's face. His eyes were wide as he looked down at the slumped body in front of him. All his color had disappeared, all his energy was gone. His lips trembled and he seemed to stand there for hours. I pulled Travis close to me on the couch wanting to reassure myself that it wasn't really him on stage, wanting Travis to know I was here. On stage, another guy came up behind Tony and pulled him away. He staggered, staring still at what he had done and the screen went black.

I was sniffling as Travis pulled me close. "It's okay," he whispered. "Just a show."

"Yeah, but you looked . . . I never want to see you like that."

"I was just acting. That's all. Just a show babe," he nuzzled his face into my neck as the second act started.

The second act was hard to watch, it was so sad. Tony had killed Maria's brother and yet still, somehow they loved each other. Travis' performance was amazing (maybe I'm a little biased). I couldn't believe how he was able to communicate all the emotions he had to show, how he could stand on stage and just become someone else.

"Every time we sang this, I was thinking of you," he whispered as the chorus sang. Travis quietly sang along in my ear.

There's a place for us,

Somewhere a place for us.

Peace and quiet and open air

Wait for us


There's a time for us,

Some day a time for us,

Time together with time spare,

Time to learn, time to care,

Some day!


We'll find a new way of living,

We'll find a way of forgiving


There's a place for us,

A time and place for us.

Hold my hand and we're halfway there.

Hold my hand and I'll take you there


Some day,


I was crying at the end. Tony dies and his friends carry him off. And so there was Travis, lying on the stage as the guys came around him and picked him up, taking him away.

"You okay?" Travis asked softly.

"Yeah. I've just never felt that way about a play before. You were so amazing Travis."

"Well, I dunno . . ."

"I'm serious," I said sitting up. "You were incredible. I mean, I knew you had a great voice and all, but the way you moved on stage and the looks. It was so . . . so real. I'm so glad you showed me this. I loved the show and I really loved watching you. Thank you for a perfect date."

Travis smiled at me as I came in to kiss him.

"Come on," I said taking his hand and standing up. "Let's go to bed."

Travis laughed. "Well I think I like the sound of that."

We headed upstairs. Ruthie and my parents had already gone to sleep and so we were quiet as we went into my room.

"I want you to stay here tonight," I whispered.

"But won't your parents--"

"I don't care. Besides, you can just sneak into your room in the morning or something. I just don't want tonight to end. Please?"

Travis smiled. "Neither do I." He kissed me quickly and then headed to the bathroom. I followed him when he was finished. I came back to my room and Travis was waiting for me. He smiled as he walked toward me. He unbuttoned my shirt as I started lifting his. He stood, shirtless, his beautiful chest right in front of me. We kicked off our shoes and then Travis started tugging my jeans off. I opened the button on his jeans and started pulling them down. Again, we paused for a moment, facing one another in just our underwear. Travis grinned at me as he pulled my boxers off. I did the same to him and turned off the light.

We crawled into bed naked and together. Again Travis curled up next to me. Gently wrapping his arms around my chest, careful to make sure that I was comfortable. I closed my eyes and slowly rubbed the soft hairs on his forearm.

"Thanks for a perfect first date," he said softly.

I giggled with my eyes still closed. "Well, I usually don't do this after just one date."

Travis laughed. "Me neither. But then again, I've never been in love before."

He kissed me and we started dozing off in each other's arms.


Thanks for your ongoing encouragement and emails. I really love hearing from readers so I hope you'll let me know what you think of the story. There are several more chapters in the works so if you're enjoying it, there's plenty more to come!

This is a work of fiction. I hope you enjoy it! Please do feel free to write to me at: billynkyle@yahoo.com or you can try me on MSN Messenger or Yahoo Messenger at: billynkyle@yahoo.com. Comments and critiques are welcome.

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Next: Chapter 15

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