Spoils of War

By Xavier Lancaster (Xavier L)

Published on Sep 27, 2004


This story contains a fictional sexual encounter between an adult male and a teenaged boy. This is a new type of story for me, so hopefully it'll be as good as I hope it will be. If you have a hard time separating fantasy from reality, or this subject matter turns you off, you probably shouldn't read this story.

Feel free to email feedback to xavier.lancaster@ukonline.co.uk.

Spoils of War by Xavier

The war had gone on for a long time. So long that even at night, when all outside was calm, I could still hear battle cries, the clanging of metal against metal, the sound of sharp steel bypassing armor and entering a man. We slept with our swords in our hands because we never knew what the enemy would do. So many rebels, so many villagers tricked into fighting against us. I don't know how many widows and orphans we've left behind, but you can't focus on that or it too will dominate your dreams.

One day we had put down another village resistance. I entered house after house, dispatching those who would oppose me. My fellow soldiers had already been in one particular house, but something caught my attention. Some movement, a feeling, I don't know what. I cautiously entered the house, sword at the ready, eyes, ears, nose, every sense enlisted, searching the domicile for some sign of what I had felt. I followed my gut feeling and slowly advanced toward a bedroom. I looked around, stopped, extending my hearing to the best of my ability. I heard nothing but felt. . . something. I quickly took hold of the bed and threw it up against the wall just as I began bringing my sword down. Under the bed were the bodies of a man and a woman, obviously dead. I halted my strike as I noticed the young lad with them. He appeared to be about 14 summers with blonde, curly hair and eyes as blue as the sky. Something inside me responded, and for perhaps the first time I felt pity.

"Come here boy" I ordered as I finished pushing the bed away, freeing my unarmed arm, my sword still ready. "Anyone else here? Don't lie to me either. I'll know and I WILL kill you if you lie to me."

"N-n-n-n-o sir. It was just my parents and me."

Still not totally believing, my senses scanned the room. "Follow me boy." I reached out and grabbed part of his tunic and tugged him behind me. I dragged him along as I finished searching the house. All was as he said. I could find no trapdoors either. "What's your name boy?"

"Brian sir" he stammered, the smell of fear heavy in the air and clear in his eyes.

I let go of his tunic and sheathed my sword. "Have you any other family boy?"

"No sir."

Something in his demeanor, the innocence in his eyes, and the hand that had been dealt to him by the Fates struck me in a new way. It was not uncommon for soldiers to take themselves slaves as part of their trophies from their encounters, but I had never done so. I did not want to be slowed down by some wet-nosed lad. At the same time, however, his eyes, those eyes that burned through you with their mix of hope and fear. . . I shook my head clear. "You have 2 choices boy. You will come with me or you will stay here and probably die. I won't force you to come with me, but if you choose so you will obey me completely. Make your choice now. There will be no looking back."

He looked to the other room where his parents lie, presumably where he had drug them after they were attacked, hoping to protect them, but the wounds being too grave. He looked back up at me, his eyes drinking in everything. The way his eyes spoke so many things was almost unsettling. "I will go with you, sir."

"Fine, but you will call me `Master.'"

"Yes sir, er, Master."

"You may take a few things if you want, but we leave in moments" I advised as I took a closer look around. I watched him out of the corner of my eye. Would he try to escape, make a run for it? Would he be even dumber and try to get a weapon? I've seen it all. Even smaller boys will sometimes come at you with a knife. Grief and fear were a dangerous combination.

He stood there, looking around, rooted to the spot.

"Quick boy. We don't have much time" I said, noting the positions of my men and company. The sacking was almost done, and we would be departing soon en masse. I turned around to face him. He remained in the same spot. It wasn't fear. It was more . . . acceptance. "Is there nothing of importance to you here?"

Pointing to the bedroom: "They were all I had." Words that struck this seasoned warrior's heart somehow. I felt tenderness for this young man. His whole manner was so different than others who shared his youth.

"Then we depart," I stated, trying to mask the chink in my emotional armor he had found. He dutifully followed behind me. One of my comrades approached. "What is this, Raven? You seem to have a mongrel following you." Without looking at him, my left hand struck out and found his jaw firmly, sending his body into the mud.

"You will not speak that way of this boy. I have claimed him. He is part of my house now."

Gingerly probing his jaw, Lucius simply stared at me, a look of complete shock clearly etched in his face. My prize moved closer to me as we walked. A wise choice as many such spoils of war are often shared rather than protected. We arrived at my tent, an odd look sent in the direction of my new companion by my guard. "I have claimed him. Bring hot water and find some clothes for him. We both stink."

My man obeyed and departed. Handing Brian my shield and some minor weapons, "This is where you will sleep. You will accompany me when I ask, otherwise you will stay here and take care of things as I require."

"Yes Master."

Hot water and clothing were brought in and placed in the large basin used for bathing. I watched Brian carefully as he handled my weapons. I wanted to see what thoughts crossed his face. I saw no evidence of plotting, no thoughts of ill will. Since our encounter with Lucius, he seemed to understand he would be protected. As long as he deserved it. A correct hunch on his part.

"Come help me undress." Brian did as ordered, taking my clothes to a different corner of the room where he saw other dirty items. I bathed and he brought me a drying cloth. I began drying off. "Undress and wash up."

He looked a bit nervous but began to remove his clothing. I watched him, curious, without being too obvious. He had a nice body for someone of his years with a very impressive sword of his own. He lifted himself into the tub and then just sat there as I finished drying off. I looked at him and could see tears in his face. Something pricked inside of me. I went over to him, wiped the tears away with my fingers. "It'll be OK Brian. You'll see. The pain will leave." He simply nodded his head and sniffed. I picked up the soap and began to wash his body. He sat there and just let me wash him. His skin was like satin. Somehow the feel of his skin beneath my calloused fingers brought a rush of warmth to my groin.

"Stand up." As he did, I washed his legs, soaping up his groin as well. "OK, sit back down and rinse off." This he did on his own. I held open a large drying cloth, and he came over. I wrapped him in it and picked him up out of the bath, setting him down on the tent floor. I began to dry him off, which he allowed without resistance. As I dried off his member, I looked at his face and saw nothing to indicate this was unwelcome. I finished drying him off. I pointed to the clothes and told him to dress himself. What were these feelings within me? Why should this one boy spark such tenderness and . . . longing within me?

Food and drink were brought in. Brian's look told me he had not eaten in a while. I pointed to a place beside my cushion at the table, indicating for him to sit. I put a plate in front of him and placed a hand over his. "Brian, you are to eat as much as you want to, but I want you to eat slowly so you don't get sick. The look in your eyes tells me you've been without proper food for some time. Start out with a little. You will not run out of food while you are with me. That is my word."

Brian nodded, briefly looking up at me, his eyes lighting a fire within me again and then he took some food. "Remember, Brian, slowly. Start out small." He stopped heaping more food on his plate and started in with what he had, careful to obey me. As I watched him eating, my mind replayed the earlier view of his naked young body. It seemed to possess my mind, that lone image, and sparked something deeper inside me, some kindling of desire.

After eating I showed him how to care for the armor and weapons. He was eager to learn and to please. When we were done, I gave him some cushions to use as bedding and bade him good night. He watched me strip off my robe and then stripped off his clothing as well, getting beneath his blankets. I extinguished the lamp and lay there in silence, somehow still able to smell the scent of his soapy skin, the sensation of his skin underneath my fingers. I stopped in my reflections as I heard him crying. "Brian?"

"Yes Master?"

"Are you OK?"

Sniffling and trying to vanquish his tears, "Yes Master." A voice that spoke of gratitude and pain as well.

Yeah, and I'm the King of England. "Come here."

By his silhouetted movements, I could tell he was very tentative. "It's OK. I'm not cross with you." I raised up an edge of my blanket and bade him to join me. He quickly slid in beside me. I wrapped an arm around him and pulled him close to me. With his head on my chest the tears flowed more freely. "Shhhhh" I cooed gently stroking his head. He continued to cry some more, and I let him. "Let it out, let it be free" I encouraged. I felt one of his legs come over my thigh while he hugged me with his body, beginning to calm down. I placed my hand on his leg and gently stroked it, lost in the feel of his young, smooth skin with only a hint of hair. I had forgotten about his nakedness as my hand went up the outside of his thigh onto his hip. I began to grow immediately. The weight of his body against mine, his head and hand lying on my chest, the warmth of our shared heat, made me fully erect. What do I do? I quizzed myself. I don't want to push him away, but it's going to be difficult to hide my erection if he moves his leg.

As if in response to my mental image, his leg moved upward, brushing up against my erection. I was now stroking his bare back, feeling the young, still developing muscles, his bony shoulders. His hand slowly moved downward to the small tent I had created in our bed, gently examining my rod. I took a deep breath in. I felt him look up at me. I smiled at him and continued rubbing his back. His hand continued its investigation, gently exploring, moving up and down the shaft, braver now that my smile conveyed permission. Gods it felt so good. I didn't know if I should stop him or just enjoy it, so I chose the latter. I could feel his erect member rubbing against my leg now, so I reached over and took the tip in my hand. It was bigger than I had expected. He was nicely endowed with a nice patch of hairs already.

We explored each other for a while when I felt his head moving toward mine. I turned my eyes in his direction and received a gentle kiss on my cheek, and then another. I reached up and pulled his mouth to mine and then probed his mouth with my tongue, our breath commingling and increasing, his leg rubbing against my erection. I stopped our kissing and gently guided his head down toward my stiff rod. When his mouth neared, he kissed the head. "Put it in your mouth Brian, put it in your mouth" I implored.

He looked up at me, a bit unsure, and then slowly inserted the head of my rod into his mouth. A fire spread from where his tongue touched and quickly spread throughout my whole body. I continued to coach his head with my hand, guiding him up and down, his lips engulfing more and more of me until he had a good portion in his mouth. He worked on it hungrily, gathering momentum with my reactions, eager to please me, responding to my lust. I began to pump in and out of his mouth. I reached over and tugged at his legs. Instinctively he shifted position so that his feet were up by my head. I lifted his lower body up and over my head and took him into my mouth. His sucking intensified as I began to service him as he was servicing me. I played with his balls, I massaged his round cheeks. I enjoyed the taste of him, the feel of his hardness along my tongue, moving back and forth in my mouth.

As I massaged his ass more, my desire to feel my member inside it grew more and more. I pulled out of his mouth. His head tried to follow, not willing to release me just yet. I positioned him on his side and then lay down behind him, his look of confusion being quite evident. I raised his leg up spreading those cheeks apart, and placed the head of my rod at his forbidden entrance. "Brian, I'm going to go slow. Take deep breaths if it starts to hurt. When it's comfortable, move back onto me more. OK?"

"Yes Master" came his faithful reply.

"You don't have to call me that anymore."

"Yes Master."

It was so innocently said I almost laughed, but I had other things to pay attention to. I spit into my hand and rubbed it up and down my shaft and then pierced his hole with my rod, just the tip to begin with. I felt him stiffen and admonished him to relax. When his body was softer again, I proceeded. He would wince a bit, move away a bit, hold steady and then sink down onto it again. I was patient even though the tightness of his hole was almost painful to me, but at the same time almost demanded I violate it even more. I began to rock back and forth with him moving closer and closer to me, impaling himself more and more on my flesh. We moaned in unison as he took in the final remnant. I began to move back and forth more steadily, slightly increasing my pace, drawing more out and then slowly thrusting it back in until he was loose enough to allow more movement.

While still in him completely, I rolled him over onto his stomach and pulled him onto all fours. With my hands on his hips, I enjoyed more and more of him. His breathing driving my lust, the tightness of his hole pulling me forward. I began pumping harder and harder, the sweat of our bodies making slight noises as we met and pulled apart. Finally I pulled out and lay on my back, pulling him over onto me. He straddled me. I held onto my rod as he impaled himself onto me once more, sinking down until our bodies were pressed into each other. He moved up and down as if he was riding a horse, and I bucked madly beneath him, meeting his downward stroke with a thrust upward, shoving as much of my rod in him as I could get, never being satisfied. I lifted my legs up so that he was slightly bent toward me, but I could still push with my hips. I reached up and pulled him toward me so we could kiss while we continued our joining. We tongue kissed while our bodies slammed together, my bucking picking up a feverish pace as my loins tightened, ready to send forth my juice inside of him. My hands shot down to his hips, holding him in place while I continued to buck him up and down and then pulling him down firmly into place while my juice exploded from me.

I kissed his cheeks, his neck, his lips, his ears while I continued to be drained of my fluid. We explored each other's mouth more even after I was soft again. I gently pushed him off of me and put him on his back. I looked deeply into his eyes and then wordlessly, took his rod into my mouth. He mimicked my earlier movements, including taking hold of my head and thrusting it down upon him. I greedily enjoyed every inch of him, stopping only to kiss his body or pull the perfect orbs between his legs into my mouth. I looked into his eyes once more and saw a type of. . . I don't know, but a deeper feeling than I had felt for many a wench or knave.

I put my mouth on his rod once again and slobbered over it messily. I lifted my head up, smiled at him and then moved upward on his body until he was in line with my hole. As I sat down a bit, he knew what was coming, and thrust his hips up to greet my ass. I guided his rod to my hole and allowed him to take it from there, which he did eagerly, causing me to wince as he started to bury his sword within me. I was more on fire now than earlier and sat down on it as quickly as I could take it all in. He was moaning and his head was thrashing about as I moved up and down on his rod. Fearing my weight would hurt him if I got into this much more, I pulled off and lay down on my stomach. He wasted no time in rolling over and mounting me, entering me once again and stroking inside me just as I had done him. When his machinations became more feverish, his moans loader, and his body shaking even more, I then felt wet warmth enter me as his body collapsed on mine., his hot breath exhaling onto my back, sending shivers through me.

We held each other until we were both hard again, went to the basin, washed ourselves and then joined each other back on the bed, where we each took the other into our mouths and worshipped each other until our mouths were filled with the other's juice. Then we kissed a while longer and fell asleep in each other's arms.

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Next: Chapter 2

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