Splash in the Pool

Published on Aug 7, 2006




Jack Scribe

Warning:  The following story contains graphic descriptions of sex between consenting adult males. If you are underage or do not wish to read such materials, or if reading this sort of material is illegal in your jurisdiction, then read no further. This multipart story is entirely fictional, and any resemblances to actual persons are completely coincidental.

A special acknowledgement to David (aka ManHrd2Fnd) from the Lakeview area of Chicago for providing diligent proofing and editing of the story, and to Carey for being a patient teacher.

If you have any comments or suggestions for the author, feel free to write me at jack.scribe@gmail.com. I love feedback. Support Nifty!


From Part 16,

"Phil, would you let her in on who Mike is. She picked up that we are a couple. We didn't tell her that Mike is an officer."

"I will. Believe me, she won't say a word to anyone."

We both stood. "Thanks, Phil. You don't know how much both of us appreciate this."

"One word of warning, Dave. Those walls at the apartment are awfully thin. Your moaning in the middle of the night can be distracting."

"Fuck you, Phil," I answered with a laugh. "And just for the record, any moaning will not be me."

He took my hand with his and squeezed very firmly. "I really look forward to getting to know both of you better. Anyone you have picked to be a mate has got to be someone special."

"Thanks, buddy, I've got your back covered anytime." I squeezed his hand back, placed the empty beer can in the trash, and departed.

Outside the rec room, I went to one of the internal base telephones and dialed the BOQ. I was immediately connected to Mike's room. After two rings he answered.

I said, "Mission accomplished, Sir. No problems. I'll see you tomorrow."

"Thank you. Give me the details in the morning. Good night." We had agreed on an abbreviated conversation on the phone so not to arouse suspicions.

I headed to my room, empty, no doubt. 'Yes, Mission accomplished on many levels,' I reasoned.



After the clandestine evening phone call, I purposely got up to the Club early Sunday morning to get the details of the conversation the night before between Dave and this Phil.

Grabbing two cups of coffee in Styrofoam cups and finding Dave, we sat down at a poolside table. His red trunks continued to fade and the crotch conformed to the contents underneath. He looked hot.

"Sounds like the mission was successful?" I asked.

"Yeah, Phil is cool about it. I get the feeling that Beth and Phil are very liberal in their outlook on life. Plus, his older brother is gay."

"Can we trust him?"

"I'd stake my life on Phil. He has no axe to grind. That you and I am a couple - and you are an officer - isn't a concern. He's not the gung-ho Navy type. The game plan is to keep his nose clean until he gets out. We can trust him."

"I value your judgment, Dave. Yeah, I look forward to meeting Beth and Phil as a couple."

"This will be our first 'coming out' event. Are you nervous? I know I am."

"As long as we keep the Navy thing out of it, I'm fine. Isn't it funny? I'm more concerned about being 'outed' as a Naval Officer than being gay."

"Yeah. It's all right if I suck your cock. We just can't defend our country if we've done it."

"If I'm ever pushed to defend you, Dave, I'll do it just as fiercely as I would my country. And that's no shit."


The week that followed our new residency move-in was routine. The Club was fairly quiet. Welcome teas and luncheons usually occurred the first week of the month. And the "Hail and Farewell" cocktail parties were in the last week. Because of a large training contingent of aviation navigation Marine Corps and Naval officers, there was constant turnover.

Tuesday, I ordered telephone service for our apartment and transferred the power and light service to my name. Dave and I visited at the pool daily. Since I always had been active in "walking the property," the staff didn't blink an eye as I visited the pool area on a routine basis. And, I'd established the daily swimming exercise routine when I arrived.

We would occasionally grab a little ass in the locker room. Otherwise, the encounters were very reserved. God, how I loved this man. Every day I found reasons to respect this man of my present and future life.

Thursday, we had a final planning session on the weekend. I had just finished laps and was taking off my Speedo in the locker room.

"Hey bud," he said entering our private late afternoon meeting venue. Dave turned and locked the door. His red suit was hugging the tight buns.

Walking over, he gently placed a kiss on my lips. "Hey yourself." I pulled him into me and returned the kiss aggressively. Moving away naturally, I said, "I think we're all set for the weekend."

"I'm driving down Friday morning and get the apartment squared away some more."

"Well, you know my club schedule. I'll get there around 8 pm. Should we try and do some dinner?"

"Naw, let's concentrate on some quality time together. When I see you in Memphis, the last thing I'm thinking about is eating. Well, maybe eating your ass," he said with a leer while easing out of the lifeguard trunks.

"Your appetite amazes me. Somehow, I don't think that a tongue up my ass qualifies as part of the food pyramid." I commented to trump his retort.

"Touché." We were both standing nude talking as to old friends.

"Beth and Phil are planning on about six couples for the cookout on Saturday. Although he said not to bring any food, don't you think we should contribute?"

"Let's bring some extra wine. The college parties I've been to never have enough beverage for the troops."

"Ok, Dave. I'll buy some wine from the Club Package Store and bring it in Friday night."

"Let's get some stuff for our place. Maybe some white wine and beer? If you'll pick some up, we can split the costs of the whole thing."

"I can do that. We also are going to do a shopping trip to get the apartment squared away with other basic supplies."

"What beside lube and condoms?" Dave replied with a bashful smile.

I moved closer. "We need more supplies than those for our dicks," I said reaching down and carefully grabbing his warm flaccid cock.

"Hey lover, remember our vow. Hands off the meat in the store," he reminded but offered no resistance.

"This isn't a fucking Kroger's. And for your information, in my store the meat's always open for inspection." I grinned as I felt his hands cupping my balls. "Let's call this a mid-week tension breaker. We've been good boys. But if you don't mind, I could use a hot hard sailor's cock in my mouth."

"Yes Sir. No Sir, I don't mind as long as I can vacuum the juices out of an officer and gentleman?"

"Permission granted."


This past weekend with Brent and the two older guys from Little Rock was fun. First, the clients were real gentlemen who enjoyed younger intelligent guys in their company. We had entertained them last fall. It was neat to see these two men still in love and getting off watching us. Hey, after 25 years, if visual stimulation is needed and you can afford the fees, go for it.

Second, to perform physically in front of these guys with a hot male specimen and a trusting great friend was not a chore. Not at all. Brent and I had become very close. We respected each other for our 'talents' and value to the organization. Our services, mostly separate and at the highest premium rates, were booked weeks in advance. My concern was a feeling that an attachment to my 'associate' was becoming more than just professional.


Growing up in LA was a laidback fast track. My folks, second generation Italian Americans, were hard workers. Dad was a small wholesale produce grocer specializing in fruits and vegetables for the high-end restaurants. Wolfgang Puck swore by the quality of Di Marco Produce.

Attending Fairfax High, I garnered respectable grades. Enough to get into UCLA. High school was primarily a blur. Typical tight group of buddies, intramural sports-level skills, and typical girl friend relationships that led to getting occasionally laid.

I was the oldest of five children. My next oldest sibling was four years younger. So, I was really an only child during the early impressionable years. Later, my Mom and Dad looked to me to provide sibling guidance. By the time I was a senior at Fairfax High, my two brothers were 14 and 12. At 10 and 8 years of age, the younger sisters brought up the rear.

When I was 15 and Louie, the next oldest, was 11, we made a pact. After going through Dad's awkward attempt to enlighten me about sex, I volunteered to educate my younger brothers at the appropriate time. Dad unhesitatingly agreed.

One evening after dinner, I asked Louie to meet me in my bedroom. I was the only Di Marco kid with his own room. With material saved from the junior high sex education class, I told my younger brother that he was about to experience some drastic changes in his body and voice, as well as height and outlook on the opposite sex. We spent the rest of the evening discussing everything that an 11- year-old boy is ready to absorb.

It was great that he didn't feel embarrassed about our frank talk. We left the meeting with Louie eager to discuss anything when he was confused. The real pact was for Louie to mentor the youngest brother, Freddy, with whom he shared a bedroom. Louie constantly came to me with questions a young pre-teen and, later, a pubescent teen has. I was always candid and answered in language that was understood while describing the male and female body parts by the established anatomy names.  And, a couple of times when I'd ask Freddy about a point of concern brought to my attention earlier, the youngest was always informed. The support system worked.

My buddies and I did the usual dumb things that all teenage guys do. Harmless fun of all kinds bordering on reckless behavior.  It was fun to go to the Farmer's Market at 3rd and Fairfax to check out the scene and cop an occasional apple 'on the house.' I was also interested in the young writers and actors that hung out there for coffee and kibitzing. At the time, I didn't put two and two together.

At UCLA, signing up for Naval ROTC provided a great scholarship in return for four years of active duty. Because money was tight, I lived home all four years, commuting daily between Fairfax/West Hollywood and Westwood. I did, however, make some great friends at the Film School. Yeah, like a lot of other young starry-eyed innocents, I wanted to make films. I met some great contacts that might be valuable after the Navy.

I also met some young men that gently coaxed me out of my subconscious closet. My first time with another male was at the ripe old age of 19. After a heated discussion about the directorial merits of Hitchcock, the other guy - whose name I forget - invited me to continue the debate in his dorm room. Well, needless to say, after a few beers, this very hot guy started making overtures that I didn't turn down. That was the first night that I kissed another man passionately and got my cock sucked. At that point, I was only able to jack the other guy off. God was that hot!

During my final two years, I started going to the campus gym and followed a regimen that allowed me to pump up to a respectable size without being obviously over developed. I also was a frequent visitor to the gym because of the not-so-discrete opportunities to meet other young college guys interested in sexual exploration. Because of my ROTC background, I was very careful. But, I did continue to meet people who might be help in my film career later. I wasn't naive. I filed away these contacts. I also made sure my body was an asset.

In four years, I graduated with honors, a lot of potential future contacts, and a commission in the United States Navy. I also knew that my sexual orientation was definitely homosexual. However, I didn't have the courage to tell my family. 'Sweet Jesus,' I reflected, 'Why don't I have the balls to come out to my Mom and Dad? I guess I was chicken shit to receive the possible rejection and loss of parental love.'

Leaving LA, I thought about Arnold's signature line, "I'll be back!"



Mike Cole and I had lunch at the Club on Monday. Nice guy. Couldn't have asked for a better fellow to share the facilities at the BOQ. I'd like to know him better as a friend.

The Carnival Memphis Court would be a blast. I wandered how many members of the various clubs we would be visiting I would recognize as clients? The past two years, since I had been 'discovered' by the grad school guy at the bar, had been one of non-stop professional entertaining. There were times I was running on empty by Sunday evening. But, my bank account stored the rewards.

I was being pressured by 'Tan Man' to find an additional associate for a substantial commission. His business was booming, both in Memphis and larger cities in the South. He had been very impressed by the addition of Brent to our group. My friend had become very valuable. I was being pressured to find another star. I thought about two possible candidates. One was Jim Weiss.

Jim was purposely transferred to the main gym facilities so that he would be under my personal supervision. We would 'get together' very soon. The other guy was my new lifeguard for the "O" Club. Dave Swenson was hot. That Midwestern wholesomeness. I picked up some good vibes when we first met while I was pulling OOD duty. While he was doing his best to check me out from behind the shades, my gaydar was tuned in.

Tuesday was Jim's first day at the main gym. I let the Chief show him around and get him squared away. In the afternoon, I casually walked out to the supervisor area where Jim had a desk.

"Hey, Weiss. How's everything going?"

Jim stood, and said, "It's great, Mr. Di Marco. I'm really going to enjoy this. The Chief has been real helpful. I think that I can make a real contribution for you," he said with a broad grin.

"Listen, Jim. If you play handball, I'd like to invite you to play with me later today. My usual partner cancelled an hour ago."

"Sir, I'm not that good."

"Well, good enough to give it a try?"

"Ok, Sir, if you don't mind a slug as a player?"

"What say we meet at court #3 at 1800? The crowd will be thin and we can get in a good workout? I can give you a few pointers along the way." 'And a few jabs with my pointer,' I considered with a smile.

"Mr. Di Marco, I'll meet you then."

I waved and walked on to my office. I hadn't wanted to rush this. But Tan Man's urgency moved the process up. At 1730, I went to the general locker room to change for our handball match. I was not going to segregate myself in the officer's area. As I finished dressing, Jim entered the locker room.

'Hi Mr. Di Marco. I see you're ready."

"Jim, first of all, after hours, please drop the 'Sir' and 'Mister' stuff. On the handball court, when we're alone, it's Doug and Jim. Ok?"

"Sure...Doug. I'll remember that. Meet you on the court?"

"Yeah. Court #3. See you in five." I left the locker room thinking that I would love to have stayed as Jim changed.

On the court, he played aggressively for his level. I could have skunked Jim. Instead, my play was competent and instructive with the score just far enough ahead so as not to discourage the opponent. I would stop occasionally and offer suggestions. If we were going to work together, my mentoring would be that of a big brother. He would have to be a quick learner.

An hour later, sweating profusely, we left the court. "Jim, I really enjoyed the match."

"If you enjoy whipping the ass of a beginner, then you're a masochist. I was really awful," he said in an as-a-matter-of-fact conclusion. "Thanks for your tolerance and help. I learned a lot."

Arriving at the locker room, I said, "How about resting the muscles in the sauna bath. We really have a good one here." At 1900, the population in the gym was pretty sparse.

"Sounds good. I'll meet you there." We split to our separate locker areas.

I arrived first with a towel wrapped around my waist with some lotion and a condom package. I was on a mission. There were very few men in the locker area at this hour. Perfect. Opening the sauna door and getting used to the first blast of hot air, I entered and closed the door. I climbed to the upper seating level, sat down and opened my towel to free the crotch and hide the 'materials' under the terry flap. Sweat appeared almost immediately.

Moments later, the door opened. Jim, also with towel wrapped around his waist, entered. "You beat me here," he said with a smile while quickly glancing at my package. He also sat in the upper level at the opposite end and kept the towel wrapped around his mid-section.

"Jim, relax and enjoy. This is the best part of a workout." I casually 'adjusted' my cock. Jim noticed. His towel naturally fell to the sides of his perspiring tight body.

"This was a fun handball match. You really showed me a lot."

"It was. I can show you a lot more." 'Oh fuck, did I want to show him more.'

The temperature started to become oppressive. "Why don't we take a short cold shower to cool off and come back for a little more torture?" I suggested almost innocently.

"Sure, Doug. Let's go for it." With that we both left the towels in the sauna and took a detour into the showers. I couldn't help notice that Jim was a little aroused. His flawless tight muscled body and boyish features would make him a very popular guy in our work.

We took a short shower with cold water and returned to the sauna. I noticed that the locker room was almost deserted. It was 1930. The building was secured with last call at 2000.

As we sat on our towels, crotches exposed, I looked at him and smiled. "Jim, I hope that you don't have any uncomfortable feelings about being in here with me?"

"Doug, as you said, I left the rank deal at the door," he replied with a wide grin.

Slowly, we both started sweating. Fortunately, I knew that the sauna automatically shut off at 1940, and the temperature would not be challenging. Subtly, like a jock hot after a workout, I started stroking my cock. This did not go unnoticed.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Jim start to manipulate his manhood. In no time, we were both in full-blown hardness.

"Houston," I said in a low-toned huskiness, "it looks like we have a problem."

"Yeah," he said as he continued stroking himself.

Scooting over with my towel, I sat next to him. "Jim, I am a problem-solver. Do you have any objection to solving problems?" I said as I matched his stroke speed with my hand on my own cock looking into his dark eyes.

"No objection."  With that I reached over, grabbed his sweat-slicked tool and took over the stroking.

With a slight shutter and gasp, a sly seductive expression crept over his red glistening face.  "Are we going to get into trouble?"

"Not unless you are going to tell someone," I replied looking into his eyes sincerely.

"No. I want this." He reached for my hard cock and did the same for me.

Leaning over, I brought my lips to his mouth. He was eager in his response. While we were slowly stroking each other, we seriously sucked tongues. While we were kissing, each of our free hands was exploring each other's sweaty bodies.

"Jim, I want to be inside you. I want to fuck you."

"I'd love that. But we have to be safe. Do you have any rubbers?"

"I have. And some lube."

"An officer and a boy scout. Be prepared. I like that," he said with a chuckle and glint in his eye.

We were both hard. "Give me the rubber," he assertively demanded. I handed him the sealed Trojan package. He tore it open and expertly placed in on my sweat-laden tip and rolled it down the length of me. I watched him in amazement as he grabbed my lube and started to prepare himself for my entry. He smeared his butt hole with copious amounts of lube and started probing. "Doug, jump in when you're ready," Jim said aggressively. He brought my hand to his ass and offered himself. I didn't have to be pushed.

I poured more lube on my hand and entered his fuck chute with two fingers. Shortcuts were necessary because of time and the public location. My ears were trained to hear any movement outside. I replaced the two fingers with four. I knew that he needed the stretching for me to enter with minimum exertion. I also felt that he was no stranger to objects up his ass.

There was a slight grimace when I started aggressively loosening his butt hole. Soon, the tension was gone. Groaning in an approving way, Jim said, "Oh, fuck me, Sir. I'm more than ready."

I led him off the top bench area to the deck. I turned him so I could enter from behind. With his knees on the first level of the sauna bench and his arms resting on the top level, I used my thumbs to spread his cheeks and entered his anus with my well-lubed missile. After pausing so he could adjust to my girth, I slowly moved in with no hesitation from Jim's part. I eased through his cavity and stopped when our two bodies met. We were both covered with a thin sheen of sweat.

"Jim, how are you doing?"

"I'm full. Full with your wonderful dick."

"Any pain?"

"No. I'm ready to see stars. Fuck my brains out, Sir!"

"Your wish, sailor," I mumbled as I started the motions that just come naturally. As I was fucking him, Jim had his hard dick in his hand jacking in the rhythm I set. Slamming into him each time, I was concerned that I was not hurting him.

"Are you doing Okay?" I grunted.

"Uh...Oh, fuck Doug, this is terrific. Keep on going. But I'm about there."

"Me too. Fuuuck," I lowly uttered, as I was about to cum. No reason to alert anyone in the locker room of our activities.

"I'm there," he yelled as his ass clamped down on my fast-moving dick. That sent me over the edge. I shot a large load into my protection.

We both slowly came to a pause. With my dick still in him, I said, "Buddy, that was some workout."

Rising slightly to allow me to withdraw, he turned and remarked with passion, "Doug, I have never been to that level before. You rock." He reached up and pulled my head to his for a long kiss.

After reciprocating to his lips and tongue, I added, "You rock too. But, let's get out of here before we are found by my security watch."

"Speaking of rocks, that tool of yours is still at attention. You need a little decompression time, Doug."

I stood up. "You're right. Jim, you go to the shower now. I'll wait for a few minutes for this baby to go down and then join you...but not nearby. Now is not the time to stimulate curious minds."

"Ok. I can do that. Then what?"

"Meet me out front. I'll drop you off at your barracks. If you want, why not change into civvies and meet me in a half-hour in front of your barracks. We can get some food off base? I've worked up a pretty good appetite."

"Me too. That sounds great." Fortunately, we both showered and cleaned up with no suspicions raised. He dressed fast and was out while I was still drying. As I was finishing dressing, Brent came in after his workout. His locker was in the same row as mine.

"Hey Sir, slumming tonight? Is the officer's locker room out of commission?" Brent said with a chuckle as he walked over and shook my hand.

"When I get to check out guys like you," I said in a low tone so not be overheard, "this is hardly slumming."

"Get lucky?" Brent retorted as he removed his sweat-soaked sleeveless USN muscle-tee and pulled off his Reeboks.

In almost a whisper, I said, "Actually this is business." I winked and smiled. "The 'Man' asked me to move fast to find another associate. And yes, I think I did get lucky."

"Who's the guy? Do I know him?" With one motion he pulled down his equally sweat-soaked gray shorts and jock.  I never failed to admire my friend's masculine appearance. The shiny sweat-covered surface of his body accentuated the well-toned muscle structure. He opened the locker and pulled out a towel and wrapped it around his waist.

"He's in your barracks, actually. Weiss. Jim Weiss."

"Oh yeah, he bunks in the room next to me. We've said 'hi' a couple of times. Cute guy."

"Cute and knows how to work his compact body."

"Really? I've never checked him out. As you know, I'm not 'home' very often," Brent said as he smiled and playfully pinched my nipple covered by the uniform shirt. "So, he's gay?"

"Gay as a goose. And knows how to use his assets."

"What happened?"

"Let's say the first part of the interview process was completed in the sauna."

"Babe, you gotta be careful. There's too much to risk."

"I know. But Tan Man needs another associate quick. As you are aware, there's more business that we can handle. So, Jim is waiting for me to have dinner."

"I remember that dinner interview."

"I'll see how it goes. I was also thinking about scouting out your new roommate, Dave. What do ya think?"

"Babe, I'd back off that one. We had a good talk the other night. I decided it was safe to tell him I'm gay. Turns out, my gut feeling about him was right on. He admitted he also was gay. However, he's into a committed relationship. Take a pass."

"Oh, okay. I'll take your word on that. Shame. He would have been a great addition." Looking around to assure privacy, I gave Brent a light kiss on the lips and patted him on his beautiful terry-clad ass. "I know we're both working Friday night with early dates. How about hitting a few bars later and staying in town?"

With a thumbs-up sign, Brent smiled and said, "That would be fun. I'll meet you back at the apartment around 2200 and we can go from there in one car."

I nodded and said, "Gotta go. I'll call you tomorrow with the results of the interview."

"Bye, Doug. Good luck." We waved and I left the deserted locker room.

Joining Jim out front, I apologized, "Sorry I was delayed. Had some last minute business." We grinned, walked over to my car in the reserved spot, and got in.

Dropping him off, I felt that this was a good recruitment prospect. The guy fit all the criteria for becoming an associate. He seemed sharp in the conversation department. With a little training and coaching, he would be a real asset.

I got back to the BOQ and did a quick change. I heard Mike's TV in a muffled background while brushing my teeth. Normally, I would have said hello. Tonight, this mission was primary and potentially profitable.

Twenty-five minutes later, I was curbside picking up this incredibly cute young man dressed in a white polo, black tight chinos, and black Nikes. As he entered my car, I said, "Are you ready for some chow?"

"I'm ready for whatever you offer." He was glowing.

Squeezing his knee, I thought, 'Oh, fuck. Is he in a crush mode?' "Jim, let's get a burger and talk. I've got a business proposition for you."

"Business proposition?" he asked with a curious look.

"Yeah. A deal you can't refuse," I answered with a grin. "Let's go to the Spotlight Café and discuss it."

Two hours later, after a cheeseburger and those great curly fries, I had Jim in tentative agreement to become a new associate. Like Brent, he was a little nervous when I brought out so many facts about his life that few would know. I made trust a big issue. At the end, he knew that I would allow nothing to happen to him beyond our role of providing adult entertainment to a benign wealthy group of clients. And, I cleared the air about any relationship between the two of us. He understood this was completely discreet business.

"Jim, this can be a very profitable time in your life. You've got great assets. Use them wisely."

Next: Chapter 10

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